12월22일 "놀러와" 밤11시쯤?!비님등장한데요~♬
22일 담주 월요일에
유재석과 김원희가 나오는 프로에서
비님이 나온데요~
확실한건 모르겠구요
한국어토크방에 어떤분이 그랬어요~
비님 불쌍해요 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
우와 10, 11 , 12월달은 비님 너무 바쁘신것 같아요.
심심타파 ,일밤, 인기가요, 뮤직뱅크, 쇼음악중심, 불후의명곡, 런칭쇼?레인베어 , 음반준비 , 서든어택게임 , 해피투개더 ,
패밀리가 떳다 , 무릎팍도사, 김정은의 초콜릿 , 야심만만 , 해피투게더 , 놀러와 ,닌자 어쌔신, 아시아앨범진출 ,
필리핀 화보 촬영, 잡지 화보 촬영 , 라디오 정오의희망곡 , sbs 가요대전 , KBS 가요제전 , MBC가요대제전,
골든디스크, MKMF , CF 광고 생각대로T , 니콘 카메라 광고 ,서든어택 캐릭터 , 저축상 타러가고 ,
10월초에 레이니즘 5집으로 활동한지 2~3달 밖에 안됬는데.. 이것보다 훨씬 많이 활동하셨을것 같은데..
정말 비님.. +_+ 너무 멋져요.. 힘내세요!!
2008.12.18 This is Rain's world star figure
Even his figure is a world star!Rain, world star, briskly took off his clothes.He entirely bared his waist up, getting his 'Six To Five' fashion pictorial taken.His muscle on the breast and vivid six-pack look more splendid than any other.
Credit to SportsHankook
Translation by rainbird @ rain-eu
[정보]싸이월드에 패떳에 비 산토끼 춤(Fresh Woman)
Dec-18-2008]A big ‘Rain’ is coming...Drenching Korea, drenching the world..
Could there be any other domestic stars that fit the title ‘world star’. There are lots of so called ‘Hanryu stars’ but rare that can be called world stars. Rain(26), as a singer triumphed the Asian stage, and as an actor is planning to make his way towards the American billboards and Hollywood.
Rain has 3 names. First, the name Bi(비) which he used to promote himself as a singer. Next is the given name, as well as the name that had shown his potential as an actor, Jung Ji Hoon.
Last is‘Rain’ which he used to go global.
Singer Rain made his debut in 2002 with the title , but what rooted him as a singer was his 2nd album . The success of his following 3rd ’s Raining> and 4th ’s World> along with his latest album has made him a superstar.
Actor Jung Ji Hoon in 2003, has shown his potential with the KBS drama ’s Go to School>. The following has made him known as an actor officially.
Thanks to the exports to the Asian countries, he could name himself a Hanryu star.
Actor Jung Ji Hoon and singer Rain has made a synergy effect, creating a‘Rain syndrome’ in Asia.
Rain could become a world star by using the name Rain. Rain was the first Korean singer to hold a concert in New York Madison Square Garden, and in 2006, was nominated in the Top 100 Most Influential by magazine. He participated as a Korean representative in the Beijing Olympics closing ceremony.
As an actor, he played a role in , a movie by the Wachowski brothers, director of , and thanks to that, he will make his debut as the leading role in director James McTeigue’s Hollywood movie, .
Rain is the first to play the main role as a Korean in a Hollywood movie. Sincerity and effort are never left alone in describing Rain.
Even now as a superstar, he still puts all his efforts. When still shots of was released, everyone was surprised to find out his zero fat muscular body.
Last October, be made a domestic comeback with his 5th album and once again, proved his star-ness. His first title , upon release, topped each on/offline charts and whatever he did made the news.
The entertainment programs he appeared recorded individual all time highs, and> in particular, has attracted large sympathy.
Rain is in an important time to truly become a world star. If his movie succeeds, he could even take a step further. His future is full of expectations than his past.
Credit to sisapress
Brief translation by rain bird@Rain-Eu
Rain will attend the 3 big awards end this year
2008.12.18 Rain will attend the 3 big awards and this year.
2008.12.29 SBS Award - Kintex.
2008.12.30 KBS Award - KBS Hall - Yeoui.
2008.12.31 MBC Award - MBC Dream Center at Inlsan Center.
Credit: rain-asia
추성훈 비 '무릎팍도사', 민언련 '올해의 좋은방송'
[Dec-18-2008]"Ascetic, on his knees" Rain had appeared on, was selected as the best broadcasting this year
"Ascetic, on his knees" program of SBS's "Golden Fishery", Rain, Kang Soo-Jin, Choo Seong-Choon, Whang Seok-Young, and etc had appeared on, was selected as "2008 the best broadcasting this year" in the entertainment by 'the Citizens Coalition of Democratic Speech'.
According to '2008, the Best and Worst Broadcasting' announced by 'Broadcasting Monitor Committee' of 'the Citizens Coalition of Democratic Speech',
"While these cast appeared on "Ascetic, on his knees", all and sundry they had candid talks about the process of overcoming many difficulties in their life, the process of trying to achieve their purpose, and their philosophy of life ㅡ one reason why it was selected."
Credit to mtstarnews
Brief translation by rain bird@Rain-Eu
[Upaper] Rain 半裸賣褲 + 秀限量熊
Credit: rain-asia
韓國小天王Rain有份參與設計、投資並做代言人的時裝品牌「SIX TO FIVE」,最近終於披露了部分宣傳照。當中Rain除大騷令人羨慕的六塊腹肌外,還揚帆出海(右圖)展示陽光男孩本色,據其經理人公司透露,這輯相是他本月11至14日才在菲律賓宿霧拍的,可謂極速曝光;他也計劃於23日舉行品牌發表會兼小型音樂會。另外,Rain全新唱片《Rainism》的亞洲版,前天已開始在台灣、香港、新加坡、馬來西亞、印尼、菲律賓等地發售。
081218 [新報]Rain 做肌男冧爆歌迷
Rain參與設計、投資並代言的時裝品牌《Six To Five》的代言報刊亮相。據悉,此次公開的報刊的照片是在菲律賓宿霧拍攝,相中Rain露出健碩的腹肌,實吸引了大家的目光。Rain計劃將於12月23日晚上7時,在一山國際展覽中心(Kintex)4廳舉行《Six To Five新品發布會兼小型音樂會》。屆時,他將同10多位男女模特兒在台上展示迷人身段,還將獻上7首熱門歌曲。
081218 [聯合報]推銷自家服飾 Rain 脫了
【聯合報╱記者傅繼瑩/綜合報導】 2008.12.18 02:40 am
自立門戶當老闆的Rain,為了自家設立的服飾品牌「Six to Five」,不惜大秀一身精壯美肌,親自上陣擔任該品牌2009年春夏新裝目錄模特兒。
本月11日,Rain飛往菲律賓海邊進行「Six to Five」新裝宣傳照拍攝工作,該新創服飾品牌,是由Rain所屬經紀公司J.tune底下的子公司所設立。為了讓旗下品牌亮眼出擊,Rain毫不吝於展示自己,不論棚內或海邊拍攝的照片,多組都赤裸上身、單穿著該品牌牛仔褲,曬得古銅色又無一絲贅肉的完美身材,加上放電眼神,讓自家服裝看來時尚又性感。
「Six to Five」的開賣紀念派對,將於23日下午7時在韓國國際展示場舉行,活動包含服裝秀及小型演唱會,憑著老闆Rain在業界的好人緣,預計到場嘉賓陣容將十分豪華。
Credit: rain-asia
비 “톱 여자 연예인들과 공연‥진짜 연애는 5번” 뉴스엔
가수 비 “5번 연애해 모두 차였다” 깜짝고백
비, 소녀시대 태연 극찬 “팔색조 같은 후배”
[網易娛樂]08韓國音樂新趨勢 男人越壞女人越愛
2008年韓國歌壇的歌詞整體用一個詞形容就是“自我陶醉”。歌手們似乎一起約好了,都沉浸在“王子病 公主病”的歌詞中。男女歌手們如出一轍的火爆歌曲,引發了一場“壞男人”“壞女人”風暴。
2008年韓國歌壇的歌詞整體用一個詞形容就是“自我陶醉”。歌手們似乎一起約好了,都沉浸在“王子病 公主病”的歌詞中。男女歌手們如出一轍的火爆歌曲,引發了一場“壞男人”“壞女人”風暴。由受歡迎程度來看,男人越壞似乎越受女人的喜愛。
要說今年韓國歌壇第一“壞男人”當然要數重新回歸韓國舞臺的Rain,新專輯主打曲《RAINISM》中顯示出了“壞男人”的氣質。Rain在歌中直接以“I`m gonna be a bad boy”為歌詞宣告自己要成為“壞男人”。歌曲中還包括“你已經被迷住,你已經無法逃脫”等對女性進行催眠式誘惑的歌詞。
Credit: rain-asia
Rain with the writer of "Immortal Songs"& additional pictures
(2 photos)
"Immortal Songs" program pictures/It's expected to be broadcased on December21th.
Rain with the writer of "Immortal Songs" the writer of "Immortal Songs" program whose writing.
I met Rain at "Immortal Songs" program for a long time.Rain is the only one who posed for a photograph with me.As I see Rain, he makes me think of my good and happy memory in my work-life as a writer.I hope him to win a reputation more with his movie's making a great hit.Rain! Fighting! (way to go)Hah! I have got my self into a hell of fix, and yet, how could I afford to help others? ha ha ha....
Source : benamooTranslation by rain bird @ rain-eu
Rain confessed, "My real love was 5 times", at KBS "Immortal Songs" program
Partial summary out of KBS's "Immortal Songs"program
MC said to Rain, "If you are a woman's boy friend, she seems to be very happy."and Rain confessed, "I ever made friends with 5 girlfriends, and I got the brush from all of them.
They said to broke up before me, maybe I am poor at love."
This program is expected to be broadcasted on December 21th.
Credit to : cyworld
Brief translation by rain bird@Rain-Eu
`월드스타` 비, 마법같은 끌림!
2008.12.18 [SportKorea]Rain, world star, his attraction like a magic
Korean &Chinese singers appeared on CCTV 同一首歌 stage, China's representative and popular music program, and performed brilliantly on the afternoon of the 18th in the Kintex hall, Ilsan, Kyungkido.
Rain, world star, is singing with his splendid dance.
Lotte Group extending their business into China, Russia, and Vietnam will hold an open concert (同一首歌) in Korea, which is the representative music program of China, for cultural interchange &good partnership between Korea and China.
CCTV 同一首歌 has continued to tour overseas, Singapore, Japan, USA, Canada, and England including China.It started to be broadcasted to effect that they try to make "one China" through the music. And This broadcasting in Korea is expected to be broadcasted on the lunar New Year's Day across China.
Credit to Sports Korea
Brief translation by rain bird
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