Végtelen erőfeszítés, végtelen kitartás, végtelen szerénység. (Rain vezérelve)

Tudtam, hogy ránézésre nem tűnök valami nagy számnak, a megjelenésem sem túl vonzó, de a bensőm elég rendkívüli. Minden színpadra lépés előtt azt mondom magamnak, hogy én vagyok a legjobb, és minden előadás után ugyanúgy azt, hogy nem én vagyok. Ezért minden fellépés előtt 120 százalékosan kell felkészülnöm, hogy az előadáson 100 százalékos teljesítményt tudjak nyújtani. Ennek érdekében minden álló nap folyamatosan képzem magam. Már nagyon hosszú ideje alváshiányban szenvedek, mert ha éppen nem dolgozom, akkor vagy edzek, vagy a koreográfiákat és a dalokat próbálom. Éppen úgy, mint a filmfelvételek idején, ha valamit nem csináltam jól, képtelen vagyok aludni. Akár színészként, akár énekesként, a legjobbat kell tudnom kihozni magamból. De nem kell aggódni, hogy most nincs elegendő időm az alvásra, jut arra majd bőven a halálom után. (Rain)

Ez a fiatalság, ez az egészség... és a túlcsorduló önbizalom... az erőfeszítés, amit az oly hihetetlen előadásai sikeres megvalósításáért tett... és a tehetség, amit felmutat, ezek töltenek el spontán tisztelettel engem. Azt gondolom, hogy a történelem a fontos személyiségek között fogja jegyezni. Úgy, mint aki színészként és zenészként egyaránt sikeres lett. ...
Ami igazán meglepő Ji-hoonban, az az, hogy egyfajta düh, bosszúvágy és szomorúság, az összes efféle sötét, komor negatív motiváció az ő esetében rendkívül optimista és derűs módon ölt testet.
(Park Chan-wook rendező)

RAIN KRÓNIKA: 2008.10.10.


曉蔓 (Xiaoman)
 雨的世界:Rain-081010 Specail                   
(MBC Special - Rain Is Coming)



비-김선아 격정 탱고, "연습장에서의 비 존경"



비, 김선아와 탱고춤…일산 쇼케이스 천여명 성황
'5집 컴백' 비, '터프'보다는 '유연한 섹시함'(종합) [네이버]
'5집 컴백' 비, '터프'보다는 '유연한 섹시함'(종합) [다음]
'쇼케이스'로 베일벗은 비, '파워'+'감미'로 컴백! [네이버]
비, 컴백 무대서 5집 타이틀곡 '레이니즘(Rainism)' 최초 공개 [네이버]
비, 컴백 무대서 5집 타이틀곡 '레이니즘(Rainism)' 최초 공개 [다음]
비 '레이니즘'으로 날다...컴백쇼, 열광적 무대 1000여팬 '환호' [다음]

비 '레이니즘'으로 날다...컴백쇼, 열광적 무대 1000여팬 '환호' [네이버]

비, 현란한 5집 쇼케이스로 관객 홀리다 [네이버]
비, 컴백 특집쇼 ‘나,비,춤’서 김선아와 탱고춤 호흡 [네이버]
  비, 컴백 특집쇼 ‘나,비,춤’서 김선아와 탱고춤 호흡 [다음]


가수 비 '파워 앙코르' 팬 서비스 톡톡! [다음]

가수 비, 강인한 '진짜 남자로 돌아오다!' [다음]

비, 춤+노래+무대매너+비주얼 조합된 무대로 컴백 [네이버]
비, "예전의 내가 아니다. 이제 곧 30대" [다음]

비, "예전의 내가 아니다. 이제 곧 30대" [네이버]

 비 세계 각국 팬들 환호 속 화려한 컴백 신고식 [다음]  
'컴백' 비, 부드럽고 강하게‥1000명 열광시킨 원맨쇼(종합) [다음] 
김선아, 돌아온 비와 함께 ‘탱고의 향연’ 
비, 2년만에 컴백 '남성미' 물씬 [다음]
비, 2년만에 컴백 '남성미' 물씬 [싸이월드]

부드러운 ‘비’… 강해진 ‘비’… 섹시한 ‘비’… [네이버]
[뉴스엔] 비 5집 앨범 ‘레이니즘’ 본격적인 컴백 무대를 쏘다 [다음]


Comeback ’ Rain, stronger than ever…5 th album ‘Rainism ’ unveiled

Singer Rain’ s 5th album ‘ Rainism’ was revealed through MBC Special ‘I.Rain.Dance ’ pre-recording
and showcase.

Rain’s comeback special ‘I.Rain.Dance’ which was pre-recorded in Kyeonggi-do Ilsan MBC Dream Center and at the same time, the showcase of his 5 th album “Rainism ”, proved Rain to be more manlier and powerful.

Rain actively participated in his 5th album ’s producing as well as writing lyrics and composing. In particular, this 5 th album caught the spotlight because it was his first album since he left producer JYP.

The revealed ‘Rainism’ was clearly different from what JYP had produced until now. Unlike strong hip-hop beats JYP produced for Rain, the fact that this album emphasized delicacy with minimal paraphrasing, falsetto and breathing, and sensual melody, made ‘Rainism’ more manly with electronic source and powerful vocal.

The music video of ‘Love story’ that caught attention through the starring Ha Ji-won, showed more of passionate and strong R&B vocalism, which was unlike Rain ’s low tempo restraints, proved clear changes after parting with JYP.

On this day ’s Rain comeback special pre-recording, nearly 1,000 fans including 300 domestic fans, and 250 Japanese fans, attended and encouraged Rain who came back as a singer.

Meanwhile, Rain who had a comeback special this day sang a total of 6 songs, which included his 5 th album ‘Rainism ’s’, ‘ Rainism’, ‘Love story’, ‘It’s raining’, ‘Only you’, ‘Bad guy’ and ‘Fresh woman’ along with a tango duet with actress Kim Sun-Ah. In particular, ‘Bad guy’ caught attention as it was sung with actress Kim Sun-Ah in a tango version.

Rain in this album, participated in writing the lyrics, composing as well as producing. Also, by training under a world-renown choreographer AJ, he is ready to show his very best.

Rain ’s comeback special ‘I.Rain.Dance ’ will be broadcasted 10:50 P.M of the 17th , while Rain’s 5th album ‘Rainims’ is to be released on the 15th.

credi to MyDaily
Translation by rain bird


비, 쇼케이스 컴백 사진 공개…'깔끔 해적선장' 콘셉트  [다음]
비, 쇼케이스 컴백 사진 공개…'깔끔 해적선장' 콘셉트[네이버]

일본 쟈니즈 관계자 “비, 성공하는 동안 무게감 키웠다” [다음]

일본 쟈니즈 관계자 “비, 성공하는 동안 무게감 키웠다” [네이버]

비 '홀로서기' 평가만 남았다...'레이니즘'에 담긴 변화와 의미 [다음]

비 '홀로서기' 평가만 남았다...'레이니즘'에 담긴 변화와 의미 [네이버]

비·이보영, 韓대표로 中서 레드카펫 밟는다 [네이버]


2008.10.10[Innolife]Rain重返國內舞台 千餘粉絲到場助陣
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因我來福娛樂訊 歌手Rain在舞台上的風采依然如故,具有超凡魅力。Rain於9日晚8時在京畿道高陽市一山MBC夢想中心事先錄製了MBC節目『Rain Come back show:我,Rain,舞』。他演唱了四首收錄於新專輯的歌曲和以前的熱門歌曲,令到場的1000多名粉絲歡呼不已。



此後,Rain在演唱以前專輯中的歌曲『It's raining』時,身穿黑色無袖T恤,展示巧克力腹肌,吸引了女性粉絲們的芳心。在演唱第五張專輯歌曲『Only U』時,Rain身穿褐色襯衫和牛仔褲,並穿上皮鞋盡情演唱,將現場氣氛推向高潮。





2년만에 돌아온 '비', 현란한 무대로 시선 압도 [다음]

2년만에 돌아온 '비', 현란한 무대로 시선 압도 [네이버]


[Oct-10-2008]fan from all Asia countries
Rain's splendid comeback reporting ceremoy in the cheers of fans from all Asia countries

Rain was done his comeback reporting ceremoy before his fans from all the area of Asia.
Rain's comeback show, "I, Rain, Dance" was by the advance recording, it was time to see that he has been changed into the world star and his own after leaving JYP.He fully showed his two-year remarkable grown appearance through his more comfortable look and best performance.
This day, Rain's comeback special "I, Rain, Dance" went like workclock smoothly, he has been approven himself the world star that there were the total 1,000 including his 300 domestic fans and 250 Japan fans.
"I, Rain, Dance" begun in the acclamations by fans was started with his 5th album title song "Rainism".The best part in it was the fluorescent stick dance which was appeared at the end of it.This stage, may mean just the highlight of "Rainism", is the part that the dance ability of Rain and his dancers was emphasized, and their perfect harmony arrested many eyes.
The second stage was "Love Story" which has an emotional feeling in contradiction to Rainism."Love Story" is the song in the news, since Rain and Ha Ji-Won have the joint.Rain who started to use with the hand mike which was changed from the standing mike in the middle of singing, had a surprising event that he was ascending up to the 3th floor height on singing of the end part.
The third song was "It's Raining" which made Rain be recognized as a big star.He didn't forget to open his abdominal muscle, and got a big hand from audience.In chorus part, Cupping his hand behind his ear toward the audience, he emphasized to be keyed to the situation.
"Only You" which is comparative smooth song was selected as the fourth song."Only You" is the song, which is that somebody declares love for his sweetheart.He kneed and made pals meet each other as if his prayer, that arrested many eyes.
The stage gotten the most eyes from the audience was "Bad Guy" with Kim Seon-A. Rain who appeared with Kim Seon-A showed the perfect matching and high-class Tango ability.
The last stage of Rain's comeback in this day was "Fresh Woman" which upset the expectation as yet.Rain in his trainingclothes and permed wag of the Apollo style created an atmosphere through his shaking butt and seeming to bother with dancers.
Meanwhile, Rain has zoomed in on the hollywood stage after 2006's 4th album acting. He came back with "Rainism" which is his 5th Asia special album in two years, including the comeback on October.Rain's 5th Rainism is the first produced album by his own after leaving JYP, he participated in not only lyrics making but also even composition.He is known that he has covered all the bases through receiving the advise of a world-famed dancer director AJ.
Rain's comeback show "I, Rain, Dance" is to be broadcasted on the 17th at 10:50pm.
credit to NewsenTranslation by rain bird

5집 컴백 비 ‘무릎팍 도사’ 출연 확정 15일 녹화 참여 [다음]

가수 비 ‘무릎팍 도사’ 출연 확정, 고민은? [다음]

가수 비 ‘무릎팍 도사’ 출연 확정, 고민은? [네이버]

비, 본격적인 컴백 신호탄 쏘아올리다 [다음]

비, 본격적인 컴백 신호탄 쏘아올리다 [네이버]


08.10.10 Rain and Lee Bo-Yuong will step the red carpet together in China.

World star Rain and Lee Bo-Young, she is the actress who has her own typical pure image, will step the red carpet as Mont Blanc's lovers who represent Korea in Chaina.
Rain and Lee Bo-Young was invited as the Korea representative at the launching event of "Mont Blanc's star Nicholas Lyusec Watch", which will be held in the natinal gymnasium of Beijing, Chaina.
This event is to be with not only the world-famed actor Yang Jo wi, actree Jang Chui, Leebingbing, but also the world press corp, the notable from all countries of the world including Asia, there will be about 3,000 people.
These two players are expected that they will have interviews with the world press corps on November 7th, when it will be started to progress in earnest, and step the red carpet together about 9 pm.
Lee Bo-Young is being popularity boomed due to acting as a title role on TV drama  like "The queen of the game", "Seo Dong Yo",  and they were broadcated in Chaina.

credit to Starnews
Bierf Translation by rain bird @ rain-eu


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