Végtelen erőfeszítés, végtelen kitartás, végtelen szerénység. (Rain vezérelve)

Tudtam, hogy ránézésre nem tűnök valami nagy számnak, a megjelenésem sem túl vonzó, de a bensőm elég rendkívüli. Minden színpadra lépés előtt azt mondom magamnak, hogy én vagyok a legjobb, és minden előadás után ugyanúgy azt, hogy nem én vagyok. Ezért minden fellépés előtt 120 százalékosan kell felkészülnöm, hogy az előadáson 100 százalékos teljesítményt tudjak nyújtani. Ennek érdekében minden álló nap folyamatosan képzem magam. Már nagyon hosszú ideje alváshiányban szenvedek, mert ha éppen nem dolgozom, akkor vagy edzek, vagy a koreográfiákat és a dalokat próbálom. Éppen úgy, mint a filmfelvételek idején, ha valamit nem csináltam jól, képtelen vagyok aludni. Akár színészként, akár énekesként, a legjobbat kell tudnom kihozni magamból. De nem kell aggódni, hogy most nincs elegendő időm az alvásra, jut arra majd bőven a halálom után. (Rain)

Ez a fiatalság, ez az egészség... és a túlcsorduló önbizalom... az erőfeszítés, amit az oly hihetetlen előadásai sikeres megvalósításáért tett... és a tehetség, amit felmutat, ezek töltenek el spontán tisztelettel engem. Azt gondolom, hogy a történelem a fontos személyiségek között fogja jegyezni. Úgy, mint aki színészként és zenészként egyaránt sikeres lett. ...
Ami igazán meglepő Ji-hoonban, az az, hogy egyfajta düh, bosszúvágy és szomorúság, az összes efféle sötét, komor negatív motiváció az ő esetében rendkívül optimista és derűs módon ölt testet.
(Park Chan-wook rendező)

RAIN KRÓNIKA: 2009.03.23.



새벽 3시30분 현재 

새벽 2시현재 결과 입니다


Rain & Stephen Colbert 와 또 만나서 대결이네요


 새벽 3시30분현재       누가 따라오는지 잘 체크해보세요

RAIN KRÓNIKA: 2009.03.22.



아주 웃기는 동네... 

삭제했나 싶어 늦게나마 확인차 행차했더니만.......
영광스럽게도 내 위명이 아주 신나게 회자되며
치소와 비소로 처참하게 발겨지고 있는 것에 경악을 금치 못하겠다.
나름대로 심사숙고한다고 이모티콘마저 의도적으로 소거하며,
정서적 유희 차원에서 용기와 인생의 반전된 미학, 희락을 주고 싶어 했던 고도의 해학이
이토록 고리타분하고 미숙한 정서와 인지적 오류의 편협한 시각에 예단되어
사람의 본심과 본의을 제 뜻대로 제 알 바로 곡해, 정죄하면서
그렇게 십자가에 매달아 흘린 혈로
비속한 자기가치감, 응집감을 찾고 있는 이 추루하고 증혐한 인간들이라니....
하여튼 나 밥값, 기괴한 상생 제대로 실험하고 간다.
승냥이 한 마리가 다른 동족의 완강한 반대에도 무릅 쓰고
그나마 마지막 친선과 우호 차원에서 방문했던 여행이
결국 기우와 우려대로 동시 다발적인 기습 피격에 처참하게 피 흘리고.....
고대했던 희망은 허탄한 망상이었음을 자조하며,
그냥 그렇게 교섭결렬을 끝으로 평화와 안식을 찾아야 되는 후회막급이라니.
평소에 '겉으로는 아름답게 보이나 그 안에는 죽은 사람의 뼈와 모든 더러운 것이 가득하도다
겉으로는 사람에게 옳게 보이되 안으로는 외식과 불법이 가득하도다' 라고
익히 배우고 경계했던 회칠한 무덤들이 바로 여기서 이렇게 우스꽝스럽게 조우될 줄이야.....
세상 참 오묘하고도 신묘한지고. 역시 진주는 나무에 매달려 있지 않지?
어쨌든간에 지금으로선 것도 넘치는 유복, 비상한 섭리라고
이 엑스같은 패거리한테 오신,오해석의 제물로
심신이 멸절 당할 정도로 집요한 원한과 격렬한 증오심을 품고 회항한다만,
언젠가 귀하들이 내가 사는 세계,
그 성문 앞으로 배가 고파 실실 기어올 날을 미리 대비해서
나 앞으로 견고한 성과 멋진 정원, 아름다운 옷을 짓기 위해
마지막 여정의 지도를 심각하게 그려야 될 것 같다.
그게 내 마지막 역사적 사명의 훼손당한 명예와 신념의 휘장, 장막이 될 터..?

아 그런데 말이지.....
어차피 하루 아침에 위 아래도 없는 안하무인, 인간 대말종으로써 한 마디 거들자면....
인간 프리즘도 아니고 나이 먹고 노망 들어 넋빠진 궤변으로 세상 굴절시킬 것 같으면
이 참에 그 길로 약 드시고 돌아가시는 게......물론 저 세상으로...?
이렇게 말한다면 난 어떻게 되는 것이냐?
도끼로 머리통을 찍혀야 될까?
아님 벼락 맞아 감전 상태로 불에 소훼되어야 하는 것이냐?
나도 누구 말마따나 저주와 악담, 발악으로 영생의 길로 접어들고 싶어서 말이지.
어쩌면 그 수단이야말로 비례성의 원칙에 따르는
또 다른 천국의 문으로 가는 비책이겠지?
또 다른 문을 알고 있다고 한 자 혹 그 비법을 두고 주제 넘게 자랑하는 것인가..?
아님 말고!

제발 인간도, 팬도 의지하지 말고,
어떠한 결정과 역할에서도 자유로웠으면 하는 바램이 있다.
실상 믿고 의지하는 자란 떠벌이 갈대 지팡이이거나,
수치와 부끄러움만을 끼치는 생색내기 약탈자나 사기꾼일 뿐.
자신의 정체성과 자유로운 영혼에 아무런 도움이 되질 않는다는 만고불변의 진리를......
이런 권면이나 충심도 쇠창살 같은 돌무더기가 되는 것이냐?

마지막 정리 차원에서 내 손길로라도 무던히 삭제할려고 시도했건만....
비밀번호 반사되고.....18!!
하여튼 너희들 때문에 이제 비도.....아니 확실하게 버렸다!!
아마도 사이비 박쥐였던 듯! 역시 우리 비느님 팬들이란....분변, 판독능력 가히 최강!!!
앞으로 건투를 빈다.,?!
credit: fanrain


현재 타임투표 결과  

RAIN KRÓNIKA: 2009.03.21.


비 희비교차, 800만달러 배상판결 악재속 타임즈100인 투표 3위 영예 뉴스엔

비, 20일 '美타임 100' 온라인투표서 3위 '질주' 스타


  • '112억원 배상평결' 비 월드투어, 무슨 일이 있었나 아시아경제

  • http://rain-cloud.co.kr/board/view.asp?mstSeq=7&mstpSeq=&bcmSeq=4&seq=15623&page=495&searchType=title&searchStr=

    타임투표 현재 결과 계속하락  


    [Mar-21-2009] Rain to take action against 8 million dollar reparation judgment

    will take action step by step.
    Top star Rain announced that he will
    take action step by step
    regarding lawsuit on 2007 World Tour cancellation. On 20 th of March, Rain and his previous agency JYP Entertainment (a.k.a JYP) was charged 8,086,000 dollars from Hawaii Federal Court regarding the cancellation of Hawaii concert.

    The 8million dollars worth of reparation includes 2.4million from Rain and JYP each which adds up to 4.8million, 1million of compensation, and 2.28 million regarding contract violation.

    If the federal judge accepts this decision puts it into effect, the plaintiff will take hold of the right to seize the revenues Rain produces in U.S and JYP
    s domestic asset. But the federal judge can turn the tides
    if he or she thinks the decision was unfair. For this, Rain
    s agency said that they will take firm yet steady actions
    'Jo Dong-Won', CEO of Rain
    s agency J.Tune Entertainment, said regarding Hawaii Federal Courts decision that it doesnt make sense that the Federal Court would charge 8million dollars for a case that has been cleared of suspicion in Korea. We will take legal actions.

    The reason for Rain
    s agency taking such firm actions instead of coming to an agreement is to stop the case from spreading and getting into Rain
    s plans of international schedules this year.
    Rain is looking forward to his first
    Hollywood movie
    Ninja Assassin, album release in U.S, as well as major concerts in Asia. It is possible that his first step towards the international stage as a singer and an actor can be interfered by the legal dispute. In addition, other than the Hawaii concert cancellation awaits a 30 million dollar lawsuit from Andrew Kim, the domestic promoter for the cancelled concert that was supposed to take place on June 30th, 2007 in LA.

    Regarding the LA promoter
    s lawsuit, J.Tune once announced that they are willing to take firm legal actions against legal disputes that have no proof and damages the artists honor.
    Meanwhile, on 20th when Rain was charged 8 million dollars from the court, he was named once again as a candidate of the most influential 100 people in the world through on-line vote by American news weekly 'The Time Magazine', that was conspicuous.

    credit to Sports Donga
    Brief translation by rain bird@Rain-Eu

    • huhuhuhu  2009.03.21
      Support Rain! We believe in Rain. We believe final justice and truth
      will be on Rain's side! Fighting!
    • cloudybibi  2009.03.22
      We believe in Rain.Clouds will give you whatever support to knock down the greedy devils one by one~
    • rain4jg  2009.03.22
      Fighting!!! Rain, we believe in you and will support you all the way....
    • Bonnie@hk  2009.03.22
      We believe you, Rain! It is a ridiculous verdict.
      Do whatever you think right!! Support you!! Fighting!!
    • Duggu  2009.03.22
      Yes that is ridiculous -.-U...........they just want to get free money ¬¬ mmmm Rain don't worry everything will be ok! fighting!
    • Aqua  2009.03.22
      I'm happy that Rain and J- Tune took that decision. Hope everything will turn into good.
    • Heart888  2009.03.22
      Rain needs to be separated from JYPE. the court suit may have legitimate
      documents to combine Rain and JYPE. I just bought 3 different produced albums
      of "Im Coming Premier.|" and the one produced in Taiwan, October 13, 2006 ;
      showed who was producer of the concert..name STARM and JYPE on it but not Ji Hoon Jung's name. Then in January 2007..the year his contract was to expire in April...JYPE managed to convince JIHOON JUNG to be co producer of "Im Coming Premier which I purchased from YesAsia..with HB entertainment as producer.
      I believe all of this was part of the plan to sabotage Rain's career..and brought the events of all USA concert cancellation. Even Ticket Master bought into the Lie of Rain Entertainment...that Rain could not perform in the USA because of a lie..that his name is a tradename infringement...this was a lie and allegation that never was addressed..because there is no basis for this suit.
    • Heart888  2009.03.22
      All the Venues especially Ticket Master should have known the allegations that Rain could not perform and took his name off the ticket sales were neglligent into buying into the lie. Even the news media was neglligent in to printing that Rain had to stop using his name in the concert...was not responsible for printing the truth..there is no law that prevents Rain from using his name. It cannot be registered as a tradename..for anyone.
    • Heart888  2009.03.22
      I wish I was there in the Court room...I question why both JYPE and Rain had the same lawyers.
      I met them and they were
      both hired by JYPE and JTUNE so he told me.
      how can this be so and fair?????
      Who notified the venues...and especially Ticketmaster to stop selling tickets ????
      The rumor of cancellation started June 6, 2007...it was obvious who is responsible. when you do an analysis of times and dates of events as it unfolded.
      I do not know behind the scenes..Rain must recall those dates and events .
      I believe he was too young and too naive to see the manipulation and
      ill practices that unfolded....but I could see only from what I saw produced with DVDs and news announcements unfolding. It was very disturbing as I watched the changes happening.
      yet nothing I could do to warn Rain the "writings were on the wall."
      From this distance, in Hawaii...this is what I could observe as it unfolded.
    • Heart888  2009.03.22
      When Rain was named Co producer along with JYPE in the "Im coming premier" DVD which was released in December 27, 2006 . I felt
      this was the one thread of evidence that the jury would have to
      include Rain as being responsible by way of documented contract
      he had as producer of the show...It was the one thing that they
      would not be able to over look. even if it was a manipulative act
      on JYPE's part..Rain would still be accountable by law.
      At least they did not award 40 million dollars...
      and I am sure the Jury also believed in Rain...
      but the "written contract" to include Rain with JYP
      the evidence that they may have to address.
      I am only guessing as I was not in court.
      but only based on what I have before me. since I bought
      one DVD from Japan ,
      and the original Premier album from January 2007
      Last week I finally ordered the DVD from Taiwan dated 2006,
      All showed me who the owners of the
      "im Coming" productions were.
    • Heart888  2009.03.22
      Entertainment Management must change!!!
      "practices to protect young stars and creative artists needs
      to be enforced." "laws to protect the Artists and Actors, entertainment
      icons from news media printing lies and invasion of their privacy need
      to be established by new laws."
      There need to be boundaries of what is private and what is public.
      We need to go to our lawmakers and propose more protection for
      Entertainment ICONS. Write to your legisilators for Change we must.
      I will also write to Obama for he too is being exploited..
    • Heart888  2009.03.22
      When Rain said he made $5 ???? million dollars of income from the
      I'm coming concerts...where was his lawyers??? From the jury's point of view
      8 million is only a small percentage...but then, the lawyers should have pointed
      out that Money made was from Asian concerts from the year 2006 ...and long before USConcerts were to begin. then the actual expenses that Rain put out for cancelling his concerts amounted to great financial loss also..
      I wonder if the jury was able to put everything in perspective.
    • Heart888  2009.03.22
      All circumstances to the events must be brought forth and clarified.
    • cloudybibi  2009.03.22
      Oh my God~It's a big trap to ruin Rain~
      As Heart888 said all circumstances to the events must be brought forth and clarified~
      Rain must hire a famous lawyer to fight back in detail
    • RainingAllDay  2009.03.22
      I agree in most of the points with Heart888. Please write again directly to J.Tune (both Jo Dong Wan & Rain).
      Dear cloud master, please manage to diliver msg to concerned people. They should be aware that Korean attitude and American attitude are different.
      I never doubt about Rain, but I doubt about the capability of his lawyer team.
    • Heart888  2009.03.23
      cloudybibi...just know.
      that the intention of bad publicity and bad news to
      take away Rain's popularity will not win inspite of the obvious lies that are said...but we
      who know and believe in Rain..someday even the press and media will respect and know him like we Clouds do...and believe in him no matter
      what happens we will be here to support him and
      show the world the respect we have for such
      a young man..to grow and Mature to A MAN he is today with such success.
    • Heart888  2009.03.23
      Rain must live with his peers and it is best he remain quiet and allow natural events to unfold in his favor..I was told that when we see something wrong
      in our system...we must go to our legislature and request a change in law
      to protect ourselves and create new laws.

      I strongly feel JiHOON JUNG needs a lawyer to allow him to
      speak his truth ..and not just sit by without giving
      Rain a chance to give his side of the whole fiasco.
      but I also think Rain did not read english at that time..
      and he had no idea what was obvious to us here.

      The lawyers knew everything..yet they did not say anything to show the manipulative circumstances that evolved. So when Rain left after
      only 90 minutes , even if I did not go to court...my heart became
      so heavy...and I just knew what was going on ..they did not bring the truth
      to light.

      It is so unfair. There needs to be major changes!!!!
    • RoseHoong  2009.03.23
      In total agreement...dear Heart888...
      Good idea for you to add these on to our posting @ English Talk...#406...
      Guess there are many Clouds that may be still unaware of what's going on...
      I have yet to receive any affirmation from Cloud Master...sigh...
      This is indeed so frustrating!!!
      I still BELIEVE our Prayers will be heard;
      I still BELIEVE that TRUTH will Prevail...
      However, RAIN has to be realistic & practical!
      Proper actions has to be taken into consideration coz
      Ji Hoon is working with the judiciary of another country, which,
      is most likely different from that of Korea or Asia!

      Keeping the FAITH that he will see the LIGHT
      of what's really going on behind the scenes...
      Time he think for himself & not be taken advantage of again!

      Take Care my dear Clouds...let’s keep Aja Aja Fighting!
    • PitterPatterUSA  2009.03.23
      Hoping that the Cloudmaster forwarded our comments to Rain, including Isivalie's comment in Pollstar which I posted in English talk. Isivalie pointed out very valid points which can be useful to Rain.