Végtelen erőfeszítés, végtelen kitartás, végtelen szerénység. (Rain vezérelve)

Tudtam, hogy ránézésre nem tűnök valami nagy számnak, a megjelenésem sem túl vonzó, de a bensőm elég rendkívüli. Minden színpadra lépés előtt azt mondom magamnak, hogy én vagyok a legjobb, és minden előadás után ugyanúgy azt, hogy nem én vagyok. Ezért minden fellépés előtt 120 százalékosan kell felkészülnöm, hogy az előadáson 100 százalékos teljesítményt tudjak nyújtani. Ennek érdekében minden álló nap folyamatosan képzem magam. Már nagyon hosszú ideje alváshiányban szenvedek, mert ha éppen nem dolgozom, akkor vagy edzek, vagy a koreográfiákat és a dalokat próbálom. Éppen úgy, mint a filmfelvételek idején, ha valamit nem csináltam jól, képtelen vagyok aludni. Akár színészként, akár énekesként, a legjobbat kell tudnom kihozni magamból. De nem kell aggódni, hogy most nincs elegendő időm az alvásra, jut arra majd bőven a halálom után. (Rain)

Ez a fiatalság, ez az egészség... és a túlcsorduló önbizalom... az erőfeszítés, amit az oly hihetetlen előadásai sikeres megvalósításáért tett... és a tehetség, amit felmutat, ezek töltenek el spontán tisztelettel engem. Azt gondolom, hogy a történelem a fontos személyiségek között fogja jegyezni. Úgy, mint aki színészként és zenészként egyaránt sikeres lett. ...
Ami igazán meglepő Ji-hoonban, az az, hogy egyfajta düh, bosszúvágy és szomorúság, az összes efféle sötét, komor negatív motiváció az ő esetében rendkívül optimista és derűs módon ölt testet.
(Park Chan-wook rendező)

RAIN KRÓNIKA: 2010.02.18.

[Feb-18-2010] Rain, the star blinking in Myung-dong of Seoul, "Long time no see"

World star Rain is giving off his charm to the fullest, attending the opening celebration of domestic handbag brand MCM which has come to be part of the luxury hall inside of Lotte Department Store located in Myung-dong of Seoul, on the morning of Feb.18th, 2010.

Brief translation by rain bird.
[Feb-18-2010] Rain'll be invited to National Unity Forum on the 26th for a debate which subject is the general public art and the Korean Wave.

Rain part :

The present of Kaist (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) expressed, "Some competitive research universities are needed to study about the high-tech field for Green Growth." and "We must also have such research universities to improve the ability of fundamental technology for the next generation Green Growth."

Meanwhile, National Unity Forum will organize a debate which subject is the general public art and the Korean Wave (Hanryu) upcoming 26th by inviting singer and actor Rain.

Brief translation by rain bird.
[TD포토] 비의 수줍은 미소 '가슴이 가슴이~'
MCM 행사
2010. 02.18(목) 11:48
[티브이데일리=송선미 기자] 비, 정혜영 등이 18일 오전10시 서울 소공동 롯데백화점 MCM 오픈점 기념행사에 참석했다.

행사에 참석한 비가 웃고 있다.

[송선미 기자 news@tvdaily.co.kr]
[Feb-18-2010] Rain releases the welcome rain of Hanryu in New York Fashion Week
Rain part :

Rain lent his support to promote Korea's fashion in New York Fashion Week, one of the world's three fashion shows.

Rain appeared on the stage as an invited singer for the opening party of Concept Korea held in NY Public Library last 12th, and his performance with his hit songs, ‘It's Raining’ and ‘Bad Guy’, heightened the attendees' excitement.

Hanryu (the Korean Wave) star Rain has been getting high name recognition in USA due to Hollywood movie Ninja Assassin starring him.

During the opening party, there was continuing to cheer from the female attendees whose faces glowed with excitement when Rain showed his typically powerful dance performances.

Brief translation by rain bird.


テープカット式に出席したジョンヒェヨウン- Rain(ピ)




■ Rain(ピ)、韓国が作った名品MCMオープン記念イベント出席!


2009年9月、米国最高のデパート「Saks Fifth Avenue」にも入店した韓国の一流ブ

[Feb-18-2010] Rain may be invited to be treated to lunch in a remote country village by his close friend 'Kim Tae-Woo'

Each of the guests for 'Youth is a Treasure', KBS 2TV's entertainment program, is inviting his or her acquaintances to treat them to lunch by using the vegetables grown by each of them while the program is being recorded.

 Singer 'Kim Tae-Woo', one of the guests, begins to call Rain who is closely acquainted with him (Kim) and actor 'Yon Jeong-Hoon' who led military life with him (Kim), and invite the two to lunch in a remote country village in Kangwon-do region where the guests including Kim are making the program.

 It is a question whether the two will come there or not, but it can be checked with the program that will be aired on the 19th.
Brief translation by rain bird.

월드스타 비, MCM 롯데백화점 본점 명품 존 리뉴얼 오픈 축하하기 위해 참석 

More Rain Bi picture @ concept korea  


Rain Bi @ COSMOPOLITAN magazine march 2010 

From//memo rain blog


<updated>18-02-2010 Rain Bi in opening celebration of Avenel MCM branch of Lotte Department Store  




테이프 커팅식에 참석한 정혜영-비  


18.02.2010 Rain Bi @ Innolife News_opening MCM branch of Lotte Department Store


Ninja Assassin flier (JP version)  


待ちに 待った Ninja Assassinが 3月に 日本で公開されます。
기다리고 기다린 Ninja Assassin가 3월에 일본에서 공개됩니다.
日本人ファン まだ見てないんですよ!!
일본인 팬 아직 보고 있지 않습니다! !
I'm very disappointed the movie will be shown at only 2 theaters in Japan.

東京と大阪以外に住んでいる方は、チラシを入手することが難しいかと思い スキャンしました。
It'll be difficult for those who don't live in Tokyo and Osaka,
so I share the jpeg data to you.
I hope the movie company would increase numbers of movie theater.
일본어로 무엇을 써 있는지, 흥미를 가지는 외국인의 분을 위해서, 텍스트화했습니다.
나는 한국어를 할 수 없기 때문에, 번역소프트를 사용합니다.
일본어분을 번역소프트용으로 평활화한 점,
한국어 그림의 기법 여기 없고, 이해하기 어려운 점, 허락해 주세요.
はじめての ワイルドRain
머슬 Rain
아름다운 Rain
첫 와일드 Rain
「マトリックス」流儀で 世界に 華開く、全米 大ヒット、究極の 肉弾 アクション
「매트릭스」유파의 의식으로 세계에 화 여는, 전미대히트, 궁극의 육탄 액션
米タイム誌 「世界で 最も 影響力がある 100人」(2006) に選ばれた
アジアを 代表する アーティスト Rain
미 타임잡지「세계에서 가장 영향력이 있는 100명」(2006)로 선택된
아시아를 대표하는 아티스트 Rain
1日6時間の マーシャル アーツの トレーニングを 半年間続け
体脂肪 0パーセントと言われる 臨界点 ギリギリ
コンピューター グラフィックをも 凌駕(超えた) 究極の 肉体パフォーマンスが
躍動する 鮮烈なる 待望の ハリウッド 初出演作品。
1일 6시간의 마샤르아트의 트레이닝을
반년간 계속해 체지방 0퍼센트의 인간의 한계 빠듯이.
컴퓨터 그래픽을 웃도는 궁극의 육체 퍼포먼스가 약동 한다.
선명하고 강렬한 대망의 할리우드 첫출연 작품.
ウォシャウスキー兄弟と、ジョエル・シルバー 「マトリックス」シリーズのプロデューサーが製作に参加、
Rainは、ほとんどスタントマンを使わずに 挑戦した アクションシーンの
怒涛の迫力と、美しさは 説明の言葉を 必要としない。
워샤우스키 형제와 죠엘·실버「매트릭스」시리즈의 프로듀서가 제작에 참가,
Rain는, 거의 스턴트 맨을 사용하지 않고 도전한
액션 씬의 노도의 박력과 아름다움은 설명의 말을 필요로 하지 않는다.
Rainや、ショー・コスギ そのほか外国人俳優による メイン・キャスト
R指定、18歳以下禁止という ハンディキャップに負けず
全米で 公開 開始週 第4位の 大ヒットという 記録に 証明された
本物の エンターティンメントの華を 日本の春に プレゼントします。
Rain나, 쇼·코스기 그 외 외국인 배우가 메인 캐스트 출연
R지정, 18세 이하 금지라고 하는 핸디캡에 지지 않고
전미에서 공개 개시주 제 4위의 대히트라고 하는 기록에 증명되었다
진짜 엔타틴먼트의 화를 일본의 봄에 선물 합니다.
その存在が 伝説である 暗殺集団に 育てられた 屈指の 実力者ライゾウ(Rain)
仲間を 簡単に処刑する 一族の 方法に 衝撃を受けたライゾウは
그 존재가 전설인 암살 집단에 자란 굴지의 실력자 라이조(Rain)
동료를 간단하게 처형하는 일족의 방법으로 충격을 받은 라이조는
닌자 집단으로부터 멀어지고 복수를 맹세한다.
一方、ユーロポールの 科学捜査官 ミカは 「暗殺者の 地下 ネットワーク」を捜査していた。
相次ぐ殺人事件の真相に迫るが、彼女自身が 忍者一族に 狙われる。
한편, 유로 폴의 과학 수사관 미카는「암살자의 지하 네트워크」을 수사하고 있었다.
잇따르는 살인 사건의 진상에 강요하지만, 그녀 자신이 닌자 일족에게 표적이 된다.
ライゾウに助けられるミカ、二人を暗殺しようと、姿無き 暗殺者たちの 執拗な 追跡が始まる。
ライゾウと 一族の 最後の戦いが 始まる。
라이조에 도울 수 있는 미카, 두 명을 암살하려고,
모습 없는 것 암살자들의 집요한 추적이 시작된다.
라이조와 일족의 마지막 싸움이 시작된다.


Esquire (March 2011) cover

Credit: euimin10 @ twitterhttp://twitpic.com/40hgpy

Eng translation by rainbird
Rain, his real name 'Jung Ji Hoon', has made the cover of the March issue of Esquire magazine.

The cover of this magazine was finished editing at 3am.

Its separate-volume is 'big black book' which is a sort of style guide book for successful men.

3월호 에스콰이어 표지. 모델은 비, 정지훈. 새벽 3시에 표지마감했다. 별책부록은 big black book 성공한 남자들을 위한 스타일 가이드 북.

RAIN KRÓNIKA: 2010.02.17.


[Important updated] Green Globe Film Award

I just called Green Globe Film Award, they said the voting will be ended on March 5th.

The winner list will be announced on the event night, March 23rd.

If you didn't vote for Rain, please take action immediately.

Rain is nominated in 4 categories in 2010 Green Globe Film Award.
-10 Outstanding Asians in Hollywood
-Best International Entertainer (Asia)
-Asian Cultural Ambassador of the Year
-Asian Cultural Ambassador of the decade

About Green Globe Film Awardhttp://www.movie-voters.com


[Feb-17-2010] Rain and 'Goo Hye-Seon' chosen as a couple fit as a pudding in a CF

Rain and actress 'Goo Hye-Seon' who have worked as a model couple of bakery brand 'Tous Les Jours' since last August, have been chosen as a couple fit as a pudding in a CF by netizens, ranking top.

A survey of total 6,836 netizens by DC Inside, one of community portal websites, from the 9th to the 16th, 35.4% (2,422 votes) said that they think Rain and 'Goo Hye-Seon' are a couple fit as a pudding in a CF, and they have brought the couple to the top.

1.Rain-'Goo Hye-Seon' (Tous Les Jours)
2.'Lee Min-Ho' - 'Park Sin-Hye' (Etute)
3.'Won Bin' - 'Sin Min-A' (Maxim T.O.P.)
4.'Jang Keun-Seok - 'Kim So-Eun' (Maxim Cafe)
5.'Lee Seung-Ki' - 'Kim Seon-A' (Max)
6.'Lee Min-Ho' - 'Sandara Park; (Kass)
7.'Kang Ji-Howan' - Lee Na-Young' (Maxim0
8.Nikoon - 'Yun Eun-Hye' (Kass)
9.Top - 'Sin Se-Kyung' (Cyon)
10.Kim Myung-Min' -'Ha Choon-Howa' (00700)
11.'Choi Daniel' - 'Lee Min-Jeong' (SK Telecom)
12.'Lee Seung-Ki' - 'Yun Eun-Hye' (Zippel)
13.'Im Joo-Howan' - 'Seo Woo' (KT Ever)
14.'So Ji-Seop' - 'Han Ji-Hye' (Bang Bang)
15.'Yu Seung-Ho' - 'Park Bo-Young' (Mr.Pizza)
16.'Hyun Bin' - 'Sin Min-A' (MiJangSen)
17.'Cha Tae-Hyun' - 'Jeica Gomez' (Jozia Coffee)
18.'Yun Sng-Hyun' - 'Goo Hye-Seon' (Danahan)
19.'An Seong-Ki - 'Jeon In-Howa' (Cyon)
20'.Lee Min-Ho' - Uee (Anycall0
20.Jang Dong-Geon' - 'Sin Min-A' (Korea Tire)

Brief trnaslation by rain bird.


[Feb-17-2010] An episode told of Rain during 'Concept Korea' in New York Public Library Aster Hall last 12th.

Last Feb.12th, around 640 of the fashion officials were gathered in New York Public Library Aster Hall in order to celebrate 'Concept Korea' which is an event which helps extending the domestic fashion industry's business abroad.

'Concept Korea' where the Korean government showed their will to become a powerful nation in cultures, spending around $1.14 million of the substantial budge, has succeeded in attracting the attention of the public about Korean fashion, however, some more time seems to be needed to reach their intrinsic destination of appearing on the fashion industry and promoting fashion collection features.

Around four fifth of the attendance got out of the hall in only 20 minutes when Rain's performance was finished after a speech for the opening celebration.


Meanwhile, to this event, New York Times reported, "'Concept Korea' showed that the creativity of Asians is important for the diversity of America."

Brief translation by rain bird.

네티즌이 뽑은 '가장 잘 어울리는 CF 커플' 비-구혜선

 비 구혜선, 가장 잘 어울리는 CF 속 커플

비·구혜선, 네티즌 선정 ‘가장 잘 어울리는 CF 커플’ 

네티즌이 뽑은 '가장 잘 어울리는 CF 커플' 비-구혜선


My Encounter with Rain on 31Jan10 @ Incheon Airport  


My Taiwanese girlfriends (one of them is a Cloud) and another Singaporean Cloud flew from Taipei to Incheon on 31 Jan at 0905hrs and arrived Incheon at about 1135hrs. We were picked up by a Korean girlfriend at 12pm plus.  She drove us out of Incheon to Seoul...
At about 1700hrs plus we heard from a Taiwanese Cloud who saw Rain at Taoyuan airport that he will be arriving at 2030hrs at Incheon Airport. Our Korean friend who is not even a Rain's fan was so nice and truly an angel. She knows we love Rain so much, asked us if we wanted to go to welcome him home.  We were so excited when she said she would drive us back to Incheon Airport. We were supposed to have our dinner but skipped our dinner as we sure do not want to miss this opportunity to welcome Rain home.

There was a heavy traffic on our way to Incheon and the road was so foggy as it was getting very cold...By the time we arrived Incheon it was almost 2000hrs.  We were getting excited and only managed to grab a donut each from Dunkin Donuts and made our way to the exit where Rain will come out from... There were already estimated 10-15 Korean Clouds there too.

As we waited, my heart began to beat faster as I was really looking toward to welcome Rain and to thank him for a great concert in Kaoshiung. Then at estimated 2050hrs we saw his feet from the exit... after about 2 minutes later Rain and one of his managers came out.   He did not stopped and walked straight towards the airport's exit .  At this moment I was walking towards the direction he was walking... And there was a moment I was right behind him...and another moment I was walking next to him... ;) Rain was really tall and hugh next to me.... As I was walking along with him, one of his fans (the boy whom always sent and meet Rain at the airport) presented Rain with a gift. It was at this moment I felt Rain's warmth and gentleness when he hugged the boy and thanked him for his gift...I was truly touched by Rain.

After that Rain continued to walk and he received another gift from another fan... (I regreted I did not brought mine). The traffic light ahead turned red and Rain together with all his Clouds stopped and waited for the traffic light to turn green. I cannot believed this - we, the Clouds were so disciplined. Finally when the traffic light turned green,  Rain crossed the road and went into his company's car which was parked there. Some of us went to the side infront of the car and could see Rain from there but he did not look up. All I could see was he took off his headphones, adjusted his cap and I saw some lights... think he either on this cellphone or pc (I was not too sure).

We were there for a while cos his assistance and 2 of his staff were uploading his luggages onto the car. Then when they were about to finish, his manager opened the car's door and went in to talk to Rain, then he came out.  We thought they were moving off after this.   But to our surprise!!!! our beloved Rain suddenly popped out of the car... this moment I do not know how I did it? Cos by then I was already standing right infront of him.  Rain spoke in Korean but I could not really understand (if any Korean Clouds who read this fan-account and were there, please tell me what Rain said that evening...) Rain then shook hands with some of us after his very very short speech... and I was one of the lucky ones and I thank you Rain for this awesome moment... ;)  Then after the handshakes, Rain went in the car and the driver drove away...

After that we had our dinner at past midnight and I checked in my hotel at 0300hrs, we were dead tired.  We then went to JT camp in the evening of the 1st Feb10 to give our gift for Rain....thru one of his staff... ;)


Rain Bi & Goo Hye Sun Tous Les Jours new picture

Cap By memo rain


Rain's Limited Edition[six to five tooK picture of Alps Landscape] DVD2

From//memo Rain Blog


Rain Bi nature republic new Event  

source//nature Republic
cap by ratoka

Please click here and Vote for Rainhttp://movie-voters.questionpro.com

Thank you.

RAIN KRÓNIKA: 2010.02.16.

More Rain Bi picture @ concept korea

Rain Bi Lotte Duty Free new picture


cap by memo rain


[16-Feb-10][CNNGO]Year of the Tiger: Forecasting famous fortunes from their faces

Will Brangelina last through 2010? How long does Stanley Ho have to live? Is Rain good boyfriend material? The answers are written on their faces

Rain Part
The movie star/singer/dancer extraordinaire: Rain

Rain's ears kind of stick out, this is an indication of a difficult childhood. The person tends to be tough yet insecure, which makes them highly competitive. These types of personalities love and hate romantic relationships, resulting in dramatic fluctuations in their love life. Having a dimple in the cheek indicates the person easily endears himself to others and has a free spirit with a tendency toward solitude. If he suffers through several unhappy relationships then he might decide to be a bachelor for life.


"오바마, 외교적 기술 좋으나 걱정·의심 많아"


한국인 월드스타 비(정지훈)에게는 애정 문제에 신중할 것을 조언했다. 에드윈 마는 "비의 툭 튀어나온 귀는 어릴 때 고생한 사람들의 특징으로 경쟁을 이겨내는 터프함의 상징"이라며 "하지만 감정 기복이 심하고 쉽게 고립되는 경향이 있어 몇 번 연애에 실패하면 평생 독신남이 될 수도 있다"고 했다.

[Feb-16-2010] Rain's fortune for this year read by a fortune teller of Hong Kong.

Rain part :

'Edwin Ma', head of the Fortune-Teller Association of Hong Kong, suggests that Rain should be very discreet about his love affairs by saying, "Rain's bulging ears are symbols of people who went through the hoop while he was young and represent the toughness that survives through competition, but he is emotionally unstable and tends to become easily isolated, so he can be single through life if he is disappointed in love a few times."

Brief translation by rain bird.


[Feb-16-2010] Rain who attended the opening party of 2010 Concept Korea

Rain part :

The opening ceremony in New York Public Library Aster Hall on the first day (Feb.12th) of 2010 Concept Korea, was held on a grand scale where there were a lot of celebrities such as prominent members of the US political establishment, the fashion officials, actor Keanu Reeves, model Eva Mendes, soccer player Nakata Hidetosi, Duri Jeong and so on in addition to more than 650 major figures in the art community starting with Chuck Close.

During this opening party, HanRyu Star (the Korean Wave Star) Rain who has been well known even in USA due to movie Ninja Assassin starring him, sang his hit songs 'Bad Guy' and 'It's Raining' with his powerful performance, which made the attendance go absolutely wild.

credit to Yonhap news http://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=sec&sid1=103&oid=001&aid=0003124018
Brief translation by rain bird

[16-Feb-10][CNNGO]Year of the Tiger: Forecasting famous fortunes from their faces  


Will Brangelina last through 2010? How long does Stanley Ho have to live? Is Rain good boyfriend material? The answers are written on their faces
Rain Part
The movie star/singer/dancer extraordinaire: Rain

Rain's ears kind of stick out, this is an indication of a difficult childhood. The person tends to be tough yet insecure, which makes them highly competitive. These types of personalities love and hate romantic relationships, resulting in dramatic fluctuations in their love life. Having a dimple in the cheek indicates the person easily endears himself to others and has a free spirit with a tendency toward solitude. If he suffers through several unhappy relationships then he might decide to be a bachelor for life.

베트남인이 좋아하는 한류스타는 비

가수 ‘비’…베트남서 인기 짱!

[Feb-16-2010] Rain voted the most popular Korean star in Vietnam.

Rain part :

According to KBS on the 16th, Rain was voted the most popular Hanryu Star (the Korean Wave Star), in a recent survey, from last December to this January, through KBS homepage, of total 386 Vietnam people listening to KBS International Station in Vietnamese.

Rain ranked top receiving 46 votes, and it was followed by girl group 'Girl Generation'(26 votes), idol group 'Super Junior(25), idol group 'Big Bang'(22), actress 'Kim Tae-Hee'(19) and idol group '2PM'(16)

credit to Star news from Money Today
Brief translation by rain bird.


[The modified version] Rain voted as the most popular Korean star in Vietnam.

[Feb-16-2010] Rain voted as the most popular Korean star in Vietnam.


Rain part :

According to KBS on the 16th, Rain was voted as the most popular Hanryu Star (the Korean Wave Star), in a recent survey, from last December to this January, through KBS homepage, of total 386 Vietnam people listening to KBS International Station in Vietnamese.

Rain ranked top receiving 46 votes, and it was followed by girl group 'Girl Generation'(26 votes), idol group 'Super Junior(25), idol group 'Big Bang'(22), actress 'Kim Tae-Hee'(19) and idol group '2PM'(16)

credit to Star news from Money Today
Brief translation by rain bird.

RAIN KRÓNIKA: 2010.02.15.

More Rain Bi picture @ concept korea

Rain Bi Lotte Duty Free new picture


cap by memo rain


[16-Feb-10][CNNGO]Year of the Tiger: Forecasting famous fortunes from their faces

Will Brangelina last through 2010? How long does Stanley Ho have to live? Is Rain good boyfriend material? The answers are written on their faces

Rain Part
The movie star/singer/dancer extraordinaire: Rain

Rain's ears kind of stick out, this is an indication of a difficult childhood. The person tends to be tough yet insecure, which makes them highly competitive. These types of personalities love and hate romantic relationships, resulting in dramatic fluctuations in their love life. Having a dimple in the cheek indicates the person easily endears himself to others and has a free spirit with a tendency toward solitude. If he suffers through several unhappy relationships then he might decide to be a bachelor for life.


"오바마, 외교적 기술 좋으나 걱정·의심 많아"


한국인 월드스타 비(정지훈)에게는 애정 문제에 신중할 것을 조언했다. 에드윈 마는 "비의 툭 튀어나온 귀는 어릴 때 고생한 사람들의 특징으로 경쟁을 이겨내는 터프함의 상징"이라며 "하지만 감정 기복이 심하고 쉽게 고립되는 경향이 있어 몇 번 연애에 실패하면 평생 독신남이 될 수도 있다"고 했다.

[Feb-16-2010] Rain's fortune for this year read by a fortune teller of Hong Kong.

Rain part :

'Edwin Ma', head of the Fortune-Teller Association of Hong Kong, suggests that Rain should be very discreet about his love affairs by saying, "Rain's bulging ears are symbols of people who went through the hoop while he was young and represent the toughness that survives through competition, but he is emotionally unstable and tends to become easily isolated, so he can be single through life if he is disappointed in love a few times."

Brief translation by rain bird.


[Feb-16-2010] Rain who attended the opening party of 2010 Concept Korea

Rain part :

The opening ceremony in New York Public Library Aster Hall on the first day (Feb.12th) of 2010 Concept Korea, was held on a grand scale where there were a lot of celebrities such as prominent members of the US political establishment, the fashion officials, actor Keanu Reeves, model Eva Mendes, soccer player Nakata Hidetosi, Duri Jeong and so on in addition to more than 650 major figures in the art community starting with Chuck Close.

During this opening party, HanRyu Star (the Korean Wave Star) Rain who has been well known even in USA due to movie Ninja Assassin starring him, sang his hit songs 'Bad Guy' and 'It's Raining' with his powerful performance, which made the attendance go absolutely wild.

credit to Yonhap news http://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=sec&sid1=103&oid=001&aid=0003124018
Brief translation by rain bird

[16-Feb-10][CNNGO]Year of the Tiger: Forecasting famous fortunes from their faces  


Will Brangelina last through 2010? How long does Stanley Ho have to live? Is Rain good boyfriend material? The answers are written on their faces
Rain Part
The movie star/singer/dancer extraordinaire: Rain

Rain's ears kind of stick out, this is an indication of a difficult childhood. The person tends to be tough yet insecure, which makes them highly competitive. These types of personalities love and hate romantic relationships, resulting in dramatic fluctuations in their love life. Having a dimple in the cheek indicates the person easily endears himself to others and has a free spirit with a tendency toward solitude. If he suffers through several unhappy relationships then he might decide to be a bachelor for life.

베트남인이 좋아하는 한류스타는 비

가수 ‘비’…베트남서 인기 짱!

[Feb-16-2010] Rain voted the most popular Korean star in Vietnam.

Rain part :

According to KBS on the 16th, Rain was voted the most popular Hanryu Star (the Korean Wave Star), in a recent survey, from last December to this January, through KBS homepage, of total 386 Vietnam people listening to KBS International Station in Vietnamese.

Rain ranked top receiving 46 votes, and it was followed by girl group 'Girl Generation'(26 votes), idol group 'Super Junior(25), idol group 'Big Bang'(22), actress 'Kim Tae-Hee'(19) and idol group '2PM'(16)

credit to Star news from Money Today
Brief translation by rain bird.


[The modified version] Rain voted as the most popular Korean star in Vietnam.

[Feb-16-2010] Rain voted as the most popular Korean star in Vietnam.


Rain part :

According to KBS on the 16th, Rain was voted as the most popular Hanryu Star (the Korean Wave Star), in a recent survey, from last December to this January, through KBS homepage, of total 386 Vietnam people listening to KBS International Station in Vietnamese.

Rain ranked top receiving 46 votes, and it was followed by girl group 'Girl Generation'(26 votes), idol group 'Super Junior(25), idol group 'Big Bang'(22), actress 'Kim Tae-Hee'(19) and idol group '2PM'(16)

credit to Star news from Money Today
Brief translation by rain bird.

[Feb-16-2010] Rain in an article about 'Dubai and Hanryu (the Korean Wave)'

-An article contributed to a newspaper-

This story is based on what actually happened in a bank of Dubai three weeks ago.

My friend left for a business trip to Dubai and had a very special experience in a local bank there.

When he showed his passport on business in the bank, a clerk concealing her face with a black chador greeted him in Korean, "Annyunghaseyo? (Hello)"
She was apparently a female Arab.
Oh, my!
He traveled a lot for his work, but he had never heard of such a thing till then.
Arabs in general don't know that Korea is divided country, even so, it was hard to believe a female Arab clerk said such a thing.
His inescapable conclusion was that 'Arab must have been influenced by Korean Contents'

She kept on talking, "I'm learning how to speak Korean taking part in study group with my friends, because my eyes are glued to the TV as I watch Korean dramas, such as 'Dae Jang Keum', 'Full House' and so on. In particular, I adore singer Rain."

Arabs completely differ from Korean in their way of thinking or culture, nevertheless, there were understanding between the two.
When Rain who is a Arab woman's favorite star will drive a car, she will also try to buy it.

Brief trnaslation by rain bird.


110210 Rain @ New Chitose Airport Arrival in Sapporo

Credit: Japankorea.org


110211 Rain @ The 62nd K-POP Festival 2011 in Sapporo

Credit: JapanKorea.org


110214 Rain's new pics on twitter

Credit: 29rain @ twitter

http://twitpic.com/3zsir2 참 이사람들 믿고 계속 가야하는건지http://twitpic.com/3zsj5u 제가 모시는.. 요즘은 허리가 많이 아프시데여 저희팀 이름은 "종합 병원" 입니다



RAIN KRÓNIKA: 2010.02.14.


[Feb-13-2010] Korean fashion culture makes a brilliant debut in New York, where Rain has a special performance.

Korean fashion culture made a brilliant debut in New York on Feb.12, 2010.

There was Rain's performance to celebrate the opening party of Concept Korea.

Brief translation by rain bird.

http://news.nate.com/view/20100213n06080 네이트


[14-Feb-10] Rain performing on stage for Concept Korea


With his splendid performance Rain, who has a lot of hardcore fans even in USA, is capturing the audiences.

7 young designers (6 teams) who are representatives of Korea made dazzling debuts on the stage of fashion in New York, the fashion capital of the world.

Concept Korea, the Korea Fashion Culture Showroom project arranged by the Korea Ministry of Culture&Sports and the Korea Contents Center, was held in NY Public Library on the night of the 12th. (the local time)

During the opening party to celebrate the event on the day, Rain who is well known in USA due to movie Ninja Assassin starring him, gave a 12 minute performance and was received with enthusiasm by the fashion industry officials.

Brief translation by rain bird.


[Feb-14-2010] Rain nominated for two '2010 Green Globe Awards'.


Rain has been nominated for two 2010 Green Globe Awards, Best Foreign Entertainer and This Year's Asia Culture Diplomat, which will be held in Westin Bonaventure Hotel upcoming March 23rd.

This has started based on our perception of environmental issues and uses a green carpet instead of a red carpet, and they vote on what sort of Hollywood stars are going to perform, who are going to be the more than 100 winners.

For more information, visit the web site below.

Brief translarion by rain bird.


한국 패션 '원더풀'…뉴욕 한복판서 화려한 데뷔















Rain LOR in KaoHsiung picture


110212 Rain @ a ski resort at Hokkaido, Japan

Pic Credit: teine1024 @ twitter                         http://twitpic.com/3ywn00

"外国の超有名人が来てたようです。 "


words credit: benamoo // DC
Eng translation by rain-bird

몇 년전에 구름들로부터 선물 한 웨어 아닙니까?

홋카이도에서 즐길 수 있던 것 같고 좋았습니다.

댄서들의 웨어를 알 수 있으므로, 아마 황색과 흑이라고 생각합니다

2008년도에 선물받으셨던 보드복 찾아보니 저 샛노란 바지님이신듯

The picture shows that Rain is spending his winter vacation with his dancers at a ski resort in Japan's Hokkaido, wearing yellowish brown ski pants with flecks of black.

The ski pants were a gift from his Cloud fans in 2008.


Pic Edited by scorpiola



Happee Hearts Day to BI & His Cloud!


110214 Rain @ New Chitose Airport Departure in Sapporo

Credit: 권영철 Young-Chol,Kwon @ plixi
권영철 Young-Chol,Kwon

삿포로 치토세 공항에 가수 비 왔다!! 누가가르쳐 주지 않으면 알수 없을 듯 ㅎㅎ

2 hours ago via Echofon


Happy Valentine's Day


♡해피 발렌타인데이♡

♡해피 발렌타인데이♡

나에게 행복을 가득 준 지훈씨에게 마음을 담아서 보냅니다.

자신을 믿고! 앞을향해 행동하면 꼭 길은 열린다.
일본의 혼다의 첫회장 혼다소우이치로씨의 말을 함께 보냅니다.
무서운건 실패하는게 아니라, 실패를 두려워하여 아무것도 안하는것이다!

입대하기전 영화, 앨범 등등 많은 것을 하지않으면 안될것들이 모두 잘 풀리

길 바랍니다.
군대에서 훈련, 일과를 마지막까지 무사하게 끝마치길 바랍니다.
군대에서 보낸 시간. 경험. 인간관계는 지훈씨에게 있어서 반듯이 갑진 재산

이 될것입니다
☆nao씨가 비를 마음 담아 그려 주었습니다☆