Végtelen erőfeszítés, végtelen kitartás, végtelen szerénység. (Rain vezérelve)

Tudtam, hogy ránézésre nem tűnök valami nagy számnak, a megjelenésem sem túl vonzó, de a bensőm elég rendkívüli. Minden színpadra lépés előtt azt mondom magamnak, hogy én vagyok a legjobb, és minden előadás után ugyanúgy azt, hogy nem én vagyok. Ezért minden fellépés előtt 120 százalékosan kell felkészülnöm, hogy az előadáson 100 százalékos teljesítményt tudjak nyújtani. Ennek érdekében minden álló nap folyamatosan képzem magam. Már nagyon hosszú ideje alváshiányban szenvedek, mert ha éppen nem dolgozom, akkor vagy edzek, vagy a koreográfiákat és a dalokat próbálom. Éppen úgy, mint a filmfelvételek idején, ha valamit nem csináltam jól, képtelen vagyok aludni. Akár színészként, akár énekesként, a legjobbat kell tudnom kihozni magamból. De nem kell aggódni, hogy most nincs elegendő időm az alvásra, jut arra majd bőven a halálom után. (Rain)

Ez a fiatalság, ez az egészség... és a túlcsorduló önbizalom... az erőfeszítés, amit az oly hihetetlen előadásai sikeres megvalósításáért tett... és a tehetség, amit felmutat, ezek töltenek el spontán tisztelettel engem. Azt gondolom, hogy a történelem a fontos személyiségek között fogja jegyezni. Úgy, mint aki színészként és zenészként egyaránt sikeres lett. ...
Ami igazán meglepő Ji-hoonban, az az, hogy egyfajta düh, bosszúvágy és szomorúság, az összes efféle sötét, komor negatív motiváció az ő esetében rendkívül optimista és derűs módon ölt testet.
(Park Chan-wook rendező)

RAIN KRÓNIKA: 2010.02.06.


02.05.10 [Newsen] MBLAQ reveals, “Even Rain hyung gave up on

Rookie boyband MBLAQ reveals, “Even Rain gave up on us.”
MBLAQ appeared for the recent filming of KBS 2TV Star GoldenBell when they talked about it.
During the filming session, MC Jeon HyunMoo said, “I heard that Rain will monitor MBLAQ when you go on variety shows, what are his responses?” And G.O said, “He said he will monitor our image for the 1st 2 months when we debuted, but from the 3rd month, hyung is now helpless and said ‘You guys do whatever you want!’.” The members revealed that after that, they just did what they like on variety shows, rousing laughters from the other guest appearances.
2AM SeulOng said, “JinYoung hyung also said that to us at first, like don’t do that, or try to act moderately, but he went to the States.”
The show will air on 6th February.
Sr:K bites


[05-Feb-10][Fan Acct] Rain’s Departure For Korea At Taiwan Airport on 31-01-2010  

Rain was at the airport waiting for his plane.
My friend was working there then and at just the right time saw Ji-hoon and his friends eating.
Another friend of mine even got his autograph! I’m so envious!
I heard that several of them ate steamed buns, dumplings and other snacks. Ate probably around 1000 of them.
I believe this kid’s appetite was drawn to the restaurant by the advertisement.
Time was around 3pm or so, waited probably more than an hour.
There weren’t many passengers at the airport during that time.
My friend said throughout the entire restaurant, they were the only ones occupying that one table, so the restaurant staff were anxious!
He seemed tired, his face and eyes were slightly swollen, but my friend said that didn’t make him any less handsome than he was.
My friend also said that he was very tall!

Credit: 비withRain
Rough Eng Translation:
dsl99a@sixtofive1982.com // Rain-USA // SexyBi


[Feb-06-2010] Rain'll work with top class actors from many countries, in his next Hollywood movie.


(Only Rain part in the article that says, 'Something good might happen to the stars targeting the overseas markets.)

Singer and actor Rain who starred for the first time in Hollywood movie Ninja Assassin last year, is expected to appear in another Hollywood movie where top class actors from many countries will appear.

Rain said, "In the movie, a number of warriors will carry out dangerous missions. I'll probably act with several actors from many countries, but I can't release any specifics regarding the movie because the offer has been accepted, subject to contract."

Thus Rain'll be able to take his career in Hollywood a step further beyond the limit of the very real problem Asian actors have no alternative but to face even though they are the stars of Hollywood movies.

Brief translation by rain bird@Rain-eu


[Feb-06-2010] Rain'll work with top class actors from many countries, in his next Hollywood movie.

(Only Rain part in the article that says, 'Something good might happen to the stars targeting the overseas markets.)

Singer and actor Rain who starred for the first time in Hollywood movie Ninja Assassin last year, is expected to appear in another Hollywood movie where top class actors from many countries will appear.

Rain said, "In the movie, a number of warriors will carry out dangerous missions. I'll probably act with several actors from many countries, but I can't release any specifics regarding the movie because the offer has been accepted, subject to contract."

Thus Rain'll be able to take his career in Hollywood a step further beyond the limit of the very real problem Asian actors have no alternative but to face even though they are the stars of Hollywood movies.

Brief translation by rain bird.


Rain and MBLAQ on the cover of TRENDY Magazine  

The February Issue 8th Edition of Taiwanese TRENDY Magazine features two covers, one with Rain / Bi, and the other with his recently formed group MBLAQ.
In these photos Rain and MBLAQ are both looking Trendy. This magazine release in Taiwan is pretty timely as Rain held a concert in front of more than 40,000 fans at the Kaohsiung Main Stadium in Taiwan last weekend.


Brief translation by rain bird.



More Rain & MBLAQ @ Trendy magazine



More Rain Bi Nikon CF new picture 
From memo Rain Blog

 Rain Bi rehearsal pics from LOR in Saitama

Rain Bi @ PLAY magazine issue 2
credit//비with Rain 

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