Végtelen erőfeszítés, végtelen kitartás, végtelen szerénység. (Rain vezérelve)

Tudtam, hogy ránézésre nem tűnök valami nagy számnak, a megjelenésem sem túl vonzó, de a bensőm elég rendkívüli. Minden színpadra lépés előtt azt mondom magamnak, hogy én vagyok a legjobb, és minden előadás után ugyanúgy azt, hogy nem én vagyok. Ezért minden fellépés előtt 120 százalékosan kell felkészülnöm, hogy az előadáson 100 százalékos teljesítményt tudjak nyújtani. Ennek érdekében minden álló nap folyamatosan képzem magam. Már nagyon hosszú ideje alváshiányban szenvedek, mert ha éppen nem dolgozom, akkor vagy edzek, vagy a koreográfiákat és a dalokat próbálom. Éppen úgy, mint a filmfelvételek idején, ha valamit nem csináltam jól, képtelen vagyok aludni. Akár színészként, akár énekesként, a legjobbat kell tudnom kihozni magamból. De nem kell aggódni, hogy most nincs elegendő időm az alvásra, jut arra majd bőven a halálom után. (Rain)

Ez a fiatalság, ez az egészség... és a túlcsorduló önbizalom... az erőfeszítés, amit az oly hihetetlen előadásai sikeres megvalósításáért tett... és a tehetség, amit felmutat, ezek töltenek el spontán tisztelettel engem. Azt gondolom, hogy a történelem a fontos személyiségek között fogja jegyezni. Úgy, mint aki színészként és zenészként egyaránt sikeres lett. ...
Ami igazán meglepő Ji-hoonban, az az, hogy egyfajta düh, bosszúvágy és szomorúság, az összes efféle sötét, komor negatív motiváció az ő esetében rendkívül optimista és derűs módon ölt testet.
(Park Chan-wook rendező)

RAIN KRÓNIKA: 2010.01.11.



비 '날려라 홈런왕' 명예구단주 합류


雨は幼少年野球団の育成プログラムである"ナルリョラ本塁打王"の名誉会長に就任した。 MBC ESPNが製作資金を供給する"ナルリョラ本塁打王"は、野球の有望な人たちの育成のために企画されたリアリティープログラムである。普段野球に興味が多くの雨は、プログラムの趣旨を聞き、力をボテギに決定した。


"ナルリョラ本塁打王"は、近いうちに小学校3年生から6年生に在学中の15人の選手を選抜して、本格的な撮影に突入する。 Rain(ピ)のほかにロッテジャイアンツ出身のチェドンウォン選手が監督に選ばれた。前斗山ベアーズ出身チャミョンジュ選手や芸能人野球団'A'の主張を務めているチョンジュナがコーチを務める。

"ナルリョラ本塁打王"は3月ごろ、ケーブルチャンネルMBCエブリウォンとMBC ESPNで放送される。



[11-Jan-10]Rain'll become the honorary owner of 'Hit The Ball, Home-Run King'

Singer Rain'll become the honorary owner of reality program 'Hit The Ball, Home-Run King' to be produced by MBC ESPN TV.

'Hit The Ball, Home-Run King' has been structured as a junior boy version of KBS 2TV's program 'The Baseball Team That Has No Rival In The World'.

'Choi Dong-Won' who was the formal manger of Lotte Giant which is one of professional baseball teams, baseball player 'Cha Myung-Jin', and gagman 'Jeong Joon-Ha' will coach the team of 'Hit The Ball, Home-Run King'.

Lee Dae-Hee who represents the program's production company 'Star Fox Media' said on the 11th, "Rain's accepted this offer, feeling the same way about what we said that we would cultivate talented junior baseball players. This will be a good opportunity for disadvantaged children due to Rain's support."

Rain has promised that he'll be dedicated to supporting the team though he won't always be present in it because of his heavy schedule.

'Hit The Ball, Home-Run King' will be aired from mid-March.

Brief translation by rain bird.


Hawai'i News of Christmas with RAIN in Vegas! 

By Wayne Harada
Advertiser Columnist
Hawaiian Cloud thanks Mr. Harada, THE Entertainment Guru in Hawai'i, for the following item in today's
(Sunday: 01/10/10) Island Life segment of the Honolulu Advertiser:
"Hawai'i boosters of Rain, the K-pop superstar from South Korea, swarmed Caesars Palace during
the holidays to catch the singer-actor in action at the Colosseum. "Hawai'i fans were everywhere," said
Geri Mehrtens. "We absolutely went ballistic when he responded with a shaka sign to our shaka signs in
his closing song. "...
Enjoy the entire column:



[Jan-11-2010]Rain's signed a contract to the value of one billion KRW with China's company.

Rain's agency J.Tune Entertainment which trades on the COSDAQ (one of stock markets) announced on the morning of the 11th through the electronic notice system that Rain has signed about a 9.4 hundred thousand dollar contract (about 1.05 billion KRW) to work as an overseas model with healthy food brand 'Daehanbotae-Seoljamtae' under China's 'Zhimingde International'.

Rain comes to get about 940,000 dollars for working as a model exclusively for that company, and its ad sales and area which will be supplied are subject to the mainland of China.

Brief translation by rain bird.


비 '날려라 홈런왕' 명예구단주 합류한국일보
월드스타 비, 어린이야구단 명예구단주 됐다 스타뉴스
비, ‘날려라 홈런왕’ 명예 구단주 맡아 마이데일리
비, 야구 꿈나무 희망됐다! ‘날려라 홈런왕’ 명예구단주 발탁 뉴스엔
가수 비 ‘날려라 홈런왕’ 명예 구단주 매일경제
월드스타 비, '야구 꿈나무' 키우기에 일조 한국걍제
비, 유소년 야구 희망되다…'날려라 홈런왕' 명예 구단주 발탁 스포츠서울

KBS Yeoyu Manman Special '09
képek hiányoznak


11-01-2010 Rain Bi @ newspaper


01.10.10 VOTE for Rain @ 2009 Japan and South Korea’s most Reds final !



“Global Entertainment thermal power 2009 the Reds” Introduction:

International Online Entertainment Channel’s “Global Entertainment Network Thermal power 2009 the Reds selected activities” and the revival of the semi-finals after a heated race, December 7 opened the final final curtain. January 4th, 2010 (15:16) to January 18, 2010 (15:16) is a Japan-South Korea’s most Reds final time, after a fierce competition, the finals of the 11 stars are: Liming Hao, Han Geng, Song Hye Kyo , SJ-M, Kim Hyun-heavy, RAIN, Lee Jun Ki, Kim Hee Chul, Hyun Bin, Lee Byung-hun, Park Hae-il town.

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credit: babysos99@thecloud
cap: jax

100108 MnJ Mnet Wide Ent News_SKT CM Making & more

video hiányzik


Rain Bi in magazine


happy valentine day
Rainは今N.Y.なのね 遠く離れていても心はひとつ… いつも心から応援しています
より一層人気者になって帰ってくるんでしょうね 今以上にRainファンが増えることは嬉しいことです
身体を大切にお過ごし下さい Luv

[old] Rain Bi Hong Kong IWC event picture
credit //Rainhk

Rain Bi -Mnet I love Kpop picture
From memo rain blog

Rain LOR picture
CREDIT//Rain Angel+sizuku219

Rain Bi Lotte Duty Free new picture
Cap by Ratoka

Rain arrived in JFK New York

Rain arrived safely in JFK New York

Finally, he arrived safely in New York.
The weather was really bad. The road condition was terrible.
His plane landed around 9:45pm and parked at gate around 10:15
He came out with his English teacher around 11:00pm
They didn't have much luggages. He wore his headphone and sunglassess.

I and one fan gave his gifts. He took them and said "Thank You" to us.
He looked ok and wore smiles when he said "Thank You"
I talked to his English Teacher "Thanks God, you guys arrived safely finally. The weather was really bad"
English Teacher replied me 'yes, I can see".  His warm and nice behavior really surprised me this time.

Anyway, Rain looked well, not tired though, probably he had good rest on the plane.

credit to Cuckoo


[Fan Acc] 100210 Meet Rain @ JFK Airport in NY  

I've just arrived home from welcoming Rain at JFK airport in New York. I'm so tired but I'll try to finish this before go to bed. Today's weather in New York was extremely bad, having heavy snow storm with very strong wind for the whole day. Rain's flight was scheduled to arrive at 9:45pm after a delay. It landed at JFK's runway at 9:50pm, arrived at 10:15pm, and Rain and his English teacher came out at around 11:00pm. They both had very light luggage. Each of them carried a backpack and a carry-on size luggage. Rain's silver-colored luggage really caught my attention. I don't know why I was so curious and attracted by it. My eyes kept following it and I even paid more attention to it than Rain's face. May be it was because its silver color was so eye catching under Rain's beige and black color outfit? don't know~ Alright, back to the point, Rain and his English teacher were picked up by a Korean lady. Cuckoo and I walked with them to their car that parked across the street. There was a man already sitting at the driver seat, so they had a total of 4 people. When Rain was opening the door of the back passanger seat, I called 'Rain' and he turned around to me. I handled a gift to him and greeted him 'Happy New Year!', he took it over and said "Thank You" to me. Cuckoo was blocked by his English teacher at that time, so her gift was taken by him and he was so nice of giving it to Rain as soon as he got into the car. Right, we felt his Englsh teacher was nicer tonight than usual. He even responded to cuckoo's talk while we were walking to their car. May be he was a bit touched by our appearances of welcoming them at the airport under this kind of bad weather? Who knows~ Rain was the first one got into the car. He sat there, took off his sunglasses and headphone when his English teacher and the lady were putting their luggage into the trunk. Cuckoo and I stood on a side by their car quietly until we sent them off and our mission was ended here.

The whole thing went through so quickly and I needed to run in order to catch on his steps, so I couldn't take some good fancams, especially when we were outside walking to their car, the strong wind shook me and I shook my camera, so here are few better ones I took. Hope they'll ease your hunger of Rain a bit.

That's it, it's time for me to go to bed.

Fan account by Scorpiola (2010.02.10)


☆사랑하는, 나의 소중한 지훈씨☆

사랑하는, 나의 소중한 지훈씨!!!
항상 건강하세요

밥은 확실히 먹고 건강하게 지내주세요.

몸 건강히 챙겨주세요 마음부터 응원하고 있습니다、그리고
쭈~욱 사랑하고 있습니다 . 언제까지나 사랑하고 있습니다 .

☆nao씨가 비를 마음 담아 그려 주었습니다☆
기대하고 있었던 8주년 이벤트 사인CD 잘받았습니다.
바쁘신데 저를 위해서 시간을 들이게해서
정말로 죄송합니다. 감사 드립니다

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