Végtelen erőfeszítés, végtelen kitartás, végtelen szerénység. (Rain vezérelve)

Tudtam, hogy ránézésre nem tűnök valami nagy számnak, a megjelenésem sem túl vonzó, de a bensőm elég rendkívüli. Minden színpadra lépés előtt azt mondom magamnak, hogy én vagyok a legjobb, és minden előadás után ugyanúgy azt, hogy nem én vagyok. Ezért minden fellépés előtt 120 százalékosan kell felkészülnöm, hogy az előadáson 100 százalékos teljesítményt tudjak nyújtani. Ennek érdekében minden álló nap folyamatosan képzem magam. Már nagyon hosszú ideje alváshiányban szenvedek, mert ha éppen nem dolgozom, akkor vagy edzek, vagy a koreográfiákat és a dalokat próbálom. Éppen úgy, mint a filmfelvételek idején, ha valamit nem csináltam jól, képtelen vagyok aludni. Akár színészként, akár énekesként, a legjobbat kell tudnom kihozni magamból. De nem kell aggódni, hogy most nincs elegendő időm az alvásra, jut arra majd bőven a halálom után. (Rain)

Ez a fiatalság, ez az egészség... és a túlcsorduló önbizalom... az erőfeszítés, amit az oly hihetetlen előadásai sikeres megvalósításáért tett... és a tehetség, amit felmutat, ezek töltenek el spontán tisztelettel engem. Azt gondolom, hogy a történelem a fontos személyiségek között fogja jegyezni. Úgy, mint aki színészként és zenészként egyaránt sikeres lett. ...
Ami igazán meglepő Ji-hoonban, az az, hogy egyfajta düh, bosszúvágy és szomorúság, az összes efféle sötét, komor negatív motiváció az ő esetében rendkívül optimista és derűs módon ölt testet.
(Park Chan-wook rendező)

RAIN KRÓNIKA: 2010.04.21.


비 '널 붙잡을 노래' 뮤뱅 K차트 1위…지상파 첫 정상 '우뚝'


10-04-21 More Rain Bi with Akiyama

From//memo rain blog


Rain Bi @ Strong Heart TV show


Rain Bi Six To Five New


Rain LOR Final in Japan

credit//goo blogs-team jihoon625-sizuku219


[Apr-21-2010] Rain takes in a maximum of 6.5 billion KRW (around $ 5,843,222) in revenues just in recent four months. 

It turned out that Rain brought his agent 'J.Tune Entertainment, where he is the largest stockholder, a maximum of 6.5 billion KRW (around $ 5,843,222) just in recent four months, just by the earnings from the advertising contracts and the overseas contracts.

South Korea’s Financial Supervisory Commission's electronic announcement system report says from last December so far this year (April 20th), "Only at the beginning of this year, Rain now has contracts with SK Telesis (0.6 billion KRW for 6 months - around $ 539,375), China's 'Zhimingde International (1.5 billion KRW for a year - around $1,348,435), Nikon Imaging Korea (1.1 billion KRW for a year - around $ 988,853), and Nature Republic (1.5 billion KRW for two years - around $ 1,348,436).."

Judging from this, he has pocketed over a maximum of 4.2 billion KRW (around $3,775,621)

In addition to this, from last December through the middle of this April, his concerts made a total of 2.24 billion KRW (around $2,013,665) overseas. Each of the following downpayments was paid to him through his overseas concert performances.

0.5 billion KRW (around $449,479 - 2010 Rain Japan Concert on April 17th and 18th), 0.35 billion KRW (around $ 314,636 - Taiwan on January 30th), 0.5 billion KRW (around $ $449,479 - Osaka on January 23rd and 24th), 0.53 billion KRW (around $ 476,447- Las Vegas last December 14th and 25th), 0.36 billion KRW (around $ 323,625- Jakarta last December 3rd)

Rain now has a 6.26% holding (4,407,230 options) in J.Tune Entertainment and is its largest shareholder.

Meanwhile, Rain's title track 'Love Song' for his special album released on April 7th, has been sensationally popular.

Brief translation by rain bird.




<updated>more Rain Bi @ MCM event

Rain Bi Strong Heart preview  
video hiányzik


Watch video here

He dances, sings, produces, acts, models, has the body of a god, and did I mention, he has the body of a god? In other words, Rain / Bi is pretty much made of perfection and is regarded as a top A-lister in the celebrity world. But even for a guy like him, there are unavoidable things that occur which help us realize, in the end, Rain is only human.

At the end of the episode of SBS Strong Heart that aired on the 20th, a preview was shown of the man himself making an appearance on next week’s episode.

The clip had shown Rain doing some sexy dance waves, when all of a sudden his pants ripped and he disappeared off stage! I mean, we have seen Rain rip off his shirt plenty of times on stage, but ripping his pants is something new.

Based on the preview, Kang Ho Dong seems to be fully amused by the accident while Rain shyly hides his face in adequate embarrassment. But it’s okay Rain, everybody has these moments sometimes, even Spongebob Squarepants!

Strong Heart’s ratings have been dropping lately and the crew has even been considering changing things around on the show, but this is an episode whose rating I will definitely be contributing!
On another note, Super Junior’s Shindong will tease and reveal a little bit about Rain’s past love life.
Stay tuned for all this and more of the episode that will air next week on the 27th!


포토엔]가수 비 ‘널 붙잡을 노래’ 컬렉션에 딱 어울려요

'MCM 2010년 SS 컬렉션' 을 빛낸 가수 '비'!

Rain Bi @ YTN news_MCM event-Love song+Rainism
video hiányzik

비, '강심장'서 섹시 웨이브 댄스 중 바지 찢어져!

10-04-21 Rain Bi @TV Daily news_MCM event-Love song+Rainisim(Edit Rain Part)
video hiányzik

10-04-21 Rain@ Innolife News_MCM event-Love Song+Rainism
video hiányzik


[Apr-21-2010] Rain's going to start his new concert tour throughout Japan.

Rain's concert tour 'Rain Zepp Love Tour 2010' will be done throughout Japan, starting with Zepp Tokyo Hall in that country on June 22nd.

Rain said when he finished his Asia Tour on the 17th, "I've worked out the new plan and am trying to push ahead with it. I've become much more confident than ever. And I try to remember when I first began and to prepare for such a concert where I can get closer to my fans."

Rain's proposal to get closer to his fans in small performing arts hall have been accepted, and this concert has been put into action. During the concert, he'll meet with his fans, a total 9 times, through 6 cities such as Fukuoka (June 25), Osaka (June 28, 29), Nagoya (July 1,2), Sendai (July 4), and Sapporo (Jauly 5), starting with Tokyo (June 22, 23).

All performances will go in a stand-up concert, and each of all the venues has a 3000-seat capacity. Rain said, "The concert halls are a lot smaller than before, but the smaller it gets, the more work I have. I'll work hard to my fans' own satisfactions.

Rain's Asia Tour which had lasted 8 months came to an end on the 17th, and he is now active with 'Love Song' which is the title track from his new album.

Brief translation by rain bird.


[Apr-21-2010] Rain puts on a great performance at MCM event

Watch video here


MCM 2010 Spring/Summer Collection (MCM 2010 S/S Collection ) was held in Seoul's Lotte Hotel Crystal Volume on the afternoon of April 21st.
In particular during this event, world star Rain's wonderful performance took place, attracting a lot of attention.

video : ratoka @ You Tube
Brief translation by rain bird.

21/04/2010 Rain @ SSTV News_MCM Event ((Love song*Rainism))
video hiányzik


요요기에서의 콘서트는 최고였습니다.

요요기에서의 콘서트는 최고였습니다.
정말로 일본에서 콘서트를 열어주셔서 감사합니다.

콘서트는  17일 18일 이틀동안 갈 예정이였습니다만,
18일은 갑작스런 일로,  못가게 되어  같이 가려고했던
비와 같은 나라의(한국) 유학생과 그,유학생의 오빠가 함께  즐겨주었습니다.

제게 있어서 비는 누구보다도 매우 소중한 사람입니다.
비와 만나게 되어서 무척 행복합니다.

그리고, 제게 있어서 일도, 가족도, 친구도, 역시 매우 소중합니다.
그것들이 저를 행복하게 해주기 때문입니다.  
정말로 감사합니다.

저도 비와, 저를 행복하게 해주는 모든 것들을
행복하게 해줄수 있도록 비와 함께 노력하며 살아가고 싶습니다.!

다음 6월에 도쿄에서 만나게 되는 콘서트를
무척 기대하고있습니다.

nao씨가 마음을 담아서 비를 그려주었습니다.


RAIN KRÓNIKA: 2010.04.20.


17/18-04-10 LOR Asia Tour Japan Final Fan Account

Having been to all the previous LOR concerts, I have never felt so light and happy at this grand finale.  Prince Rain himself has transformed into an angel, sprinkling charm, mischief, love, beauty, and hope all over his fans in these two wonderful, magical nights.

At the beginning of the first night after “My Way”, our prince announced that “this is the last concert”, and from then onwards he gave himself whole heartedly, unconditionally to all of us .  He is very lean but strong, sexy but elegant.  When he danced, whether it was wild jumps like “Touch Ya”, or powerful movements like “I’m Coming”, or gentle swings like “Because of You”, he has such a lightness, ease, confidence about him that is so pleasing and joyful to watch.  It was a new revelation and sensation to me. He jumped down high and made a somersault to perform “I’m Coming”.  My heart did not miss a beat this time, Ninja Rain can do this with a flip.  When he did the break down for “I Do”, he performed the abs and hips dances and after this, like in some previous concerts, he touched his back as if he suffered from some pain.  Only this time my heart did not break, instead I smiled.

For some songs, our prince sang the lines slightly differently from his previous concerts.  I remember so well when he sang  “Once Again, standing tall”, he really elevated me and made me feel tall and strong – this is a wonderful sensation.  I am totally drenched in his emotions as Singer Rain sang his lyrics.

The performance of Nan and the dance afterwards were of course highlights of the show.  In the first night, our prince did not tear off the tee during the song, but teased us like he did before.  For the second night however, he tore it off completely, performed the song, and then he wrung the water out of the tee, walked towards the two sides of the front stage to hear which side made the most noises.  The whole floor roared with screams and shouts.  He probably felt our side was noisier so he walked towards us and threw the TEE to a lucky fan!! I don’t know if the fan fainted with happiness, I would if I got the tee.  And he pulled his trousers so low it revealed his grey underwear! I am sure Bad Boy Rain did this deliberately.  The dance afterwards was absolutely fantastic.  I really feel bad for our prince that he has to diet and lose 10kg, but when I watched the dance I admired him more and more – perfect body, perfect dance.

There were many bonus treats for this final tour.  I think it is the first night - Our prince walked up to the high stage, sat down, and we expected him to sing “Love Is”. But he asked us to wait, and then he took out a towel and ruffled his hair wildly like a naughty kid after shower.  He then turned to the screen to check his looks, and began to hand comb his hair. Just as we all laughed heartily he quickly picked up the mic and sang. He had us totally in control!

At the second night, again when our prince sang “Love Is”, the camera focused on his face.  And we are blessed to see his many cute and lovely expressions on the big rectangle screen.  This is a sweet moment, because through the big screen it’s like our prince is making these cute faces to each of us individually, and for one magical minute each of us can feel we are his girl.  Prince Angel Rain, you are so clever!

I believe it is the second night, but I cannot remember after which performance. I am recording my answer only as the floor roared with different answers.  Commander Rain: “Say Ho”.  “Ho”.  Commander Rain, “Say ho ho”. “Ho ho”.  Commander Rain: “Now say my name” “Rain”.  Commander Rain shook his head.  Commander Rain: “Say ho”. “Ho”.  Commander Rain: “Say ho ho”.  “Ho ho”.  Commander Rain: “Now say my name!”. ”Bi”.  Again Commander Rain shook his head.  Commander Rain: “Say ho”. “Ho”.  Commander Rain: “Say ho ho”.  “Ho ho”.  Commander Rain: “Now say my name”. “Jungjihoon Rain Bi”.  This time he accepted the answer!  I know many fans have other answers like “Honey”, “Baby”.  Hmm may be next time I should try this “World Star Jungjihoon Rain Bi Honey Baby Obba”…

There are many other moments where our prince tried his best to get close to us.  He sat at the edge of the stage to sing to the fans.  He drank water from a bottle and then threw it to a lucky fan.  He tied knots to the towels and threw a couple out. And he made everybody wild with excitement when he got down the stage while singing “My Girl” and took a round of touching hands.  When he was in front of me I could see his fair skin, his lovely smile, and the lights shone on his face – the face of an angel.  I wanted to give him the red rose in my hand…

The encore part is another climax.  We roared with excitement to see our prince came out in the red jacket, but with Hip Song costume underneath.  And he performed “Sad Tango” in JAPANESE, followed by “Hip Song”!  Watching “Hip Song” live is simply terrific, and our prince incorporated some “Love Song” elements by pulling up his tee and doing the wave dance!  He’s sexy, he’s wild, and yet he’s so beautiful and pure at the same time. Only Superman Rain and Dancing King Rain can have such power!

It is quite funny that after “Hip Song” on the first night, we did not believe the concert came to an end.  Nobody left the concert hall, and we kept calling our prince.  After a long time the lady announcer has to tell us that the show has indeed ended.  May be our prince heard our prayer, so in the second night after “Sad Tango” and “Hip Song”, we had the dance and jump part!  Kung Fu Master Rain is teaching us “tai chi” this time –  he surely has our good health in mind!  He moved his hands left and right, a real Kung Fu Master. How could he be so talented?
I did not feel sad at all when the concerts were over.  I see a new side of our prince at this last tour.  Every end is the start of a new beginning, and our prince has told us very clearly at this last concert that a new Rain has evolved.  The end only paves way for a new beginning.  So I hope all fans can go Back to the Basic, back to our original pure heart – our unconditional love for and support to our prince.


10-04-20 Rain Bi Making Love song  

From//memo rain blog

10-04-20 Rain Bi Making Love Song MV+interview  
video hiányzik


10-04-20 Rain Bi @ Airport
credit//DC Gallary


[Apr-20-2010] Rain's 'Love Song' is number one on the K-charts of KBS 'Music Bank' cancelled last 16

Singer Rain's 'Love Song' is first number one on the K-charts of KBS 2TV 'Music Bank' for public TV, which was cancelled on the 16th because the Navy warship had sunk.

Last 19th, KBS 2TV 'Music Bank' which has been cancelled 3 weeks in a row to reflect the national psyche due to the incident, released its K-charts in the third week of April.

Rain has been enjoying tremendous popularity immediately after his return to the musical world, and his 'Love Song' was number one on the Mnet 'M!countdown' charts for the last two weeks.

Brief translation by rain bird.

[YT]Rain Bi@SBS TV_Making love Song MV+interview
kétrészes video hiányzik 

근육맨’끼리는 통한다?’…추성훈, 이번엔 비와 첫 만남

비, 한예슬 외모 감탄 "머리 너무 작아", 뮤비 촬영 현장 공개
가수 비 “한예슬 머리가 이렇게 작아” 감탄사 연발

가수 비, 심야 옥상 뮤비 촬영현장 공개 “의상 한벌이 차 한대 가격 맞먹어” 깜짝 고백

Rain Bi Rainy Day Episode 11 
ratoka7    [Rain TV] 17.04.2010 Rain Bi (R) Day Season2 Ep 11 part 1

második rész hiányzik


10-04-20 [Eng subs]Rain in SBS TV 「Making Love Song MV & Interview 」 aired on April 20, 2010.

Watch video here


Thank many of you for coming here.
This is Rain who has returned with his special album.

I want to do a real and refreshing music, trying to remember when I first began.

Korean culture seems to have had a great deal of influence on the world cultures, so I think I should pay attention to my domestic fans (including my overseas fans)

The concept of this album is based on a ballad.
In terms of something wild, he (2PM's Taekyeon) is second to none in rending his clothes.

The reason why I've released my special album is because I just want to enjoy doing my favorite thing. I try to show my unique stage and performance belonging to a different sphere from the current idol groups'.

Q: Top singer 'Lee Hyo-Ri' has also returned to the musical stage.
Rain : During the pre-recording of a music program, I could see not one person whom I knew. So, being with 'Lee' I’ve known for a very long time, seems to make me happy.

As I became independent of JYP, I had to work really hard to decide what was going to happen with my own music style. Since what you want is my dance movement and performance, the creation of something different wasn't easy with counting them in.

During the promotion for the Ninja Assassin, I realized the truth that there are many things to do in the world that is wide. My name hadn't been known to Europe, America and so on, but after the promotion, major daily newspapers such as the Times, etc. came to have interviews with me, I've been called by the title, action star, and I've received overseas CF offers.

By the end of the Ninja Assassin shooting on the severe diet and exercise, when I dipped my finger into a grain of salt and had some, I had goose bumps all over as if I were a Vampire, and felt as if I were a human weapon.

The thing I missed the most was food.
I'm very angry if anyone will seize my food. Do I look like I may have some kind of disease?

It's around 1:00 am.
The scene that cost a tremendous amount of money, was shot with a helicopter early in the morning.
You'll figure it out when you see the scene.
Don't ask me.
Here is under the Cheongdam Bridge.
I don't want to lay my bones.

I don't think it's difficult, but it's too cold.
There is something unusual about this concept which will be called 'Bling Bling'.
The price of each of our stage clothes comes close to that of a car.
We're trying to do what is best.

My upper body is keeping falling below.

It's really hard to make ends meet with my body investment.

I'm determined to drink coffee and Dukbboki. I'll do work hard.

My dance team and I took exercise to look like real hunks for almost 2 months, managing to stick to our diet.

Our labors came to good, so we are heartened.

Han Ye-Seul : It seems to be essential that it shows the two being in love with each other.

Han Ye-Seul is so good at acting.

Thank to her help, I'm pulling this work off.
We are working in perfect. She is the greatest.

She has a very small face.

Han Ye-Seul : The director had a great job.

Han Ye-Seul : I'm shy of watching my scenes.

This MV is based on my real life.
When I once watched a scene in a movie after breaking up with my love one, a capital idea flashed into my mind, so I put my idea into action. Thus, this song has been created.

In the MV, my most attractive feature is my long and dark eyelashes which mean my soul.
I think I've never decorated my body with so many silver accessories.

Director : Rain's sound track is synchronizing with his action as if he doesn't lip-synch.

Director: Isn't it hard to perform as the sleeping heroine?
(Then she cupped her face in her hands)

Q: How have you overcome your hard times?
Rain : I had felt like giving up on my hard works, but I've looked at myself in the mirror once a day, hypnotizing myself by saying, 'I can do it'
I feel I'm turning over a strong-willed person who meets every obstacle undauntedly.

My late mother used to say to me, 'You'll eventually your part on the international stage.'
I'll try to do so.

My mother didn't have any money to take proper cure and finally died.
Our family had to fight for the poor, since there was no one to help us.

I made an appointment with my late mother 3 years ago, making a mental note, 'I'll surely dedicate this great award to her'

I'd like to do something great even in the years ahead.
Seven out of ten have been accomplished over my career.
I'll do my best to make my chances of success higher, so I ask for your continued support.

video credit to memo rain blog
Brief translation by rain bird.

Or Watch Video here @ Youtube
part 1

part 2

10-04-20 Rain Bi - Love Song MIX-Music Core+M!COUNTDOWN+Inkigayo
Cr. DC
video hiányzik


Rain Bi @ Cosmopolitan Magazine


[Apr-20-2010]The DVD sales of NA starring Rain have exceeded over $10 million in the U.S. alone.

In the United States alone, the DVD sales of Rain's first hollywood leading role movie 'Ninja Assassin', have exceeded over $10 million as of April 2010.

According to 'The Numbers', a website for information about movies, Ninja Assassin DVD has sold over half a million copies a month after its release last March 16th, and has recorded $10 million in sales.

It's the total sales in the U.S. alone, which is attracting more attention. Also, Ninja Assassin has climbed to number 17 even on the Numbers' DVD sales charts and attracted a lot of attention.

Meanwhile, Rain is showing off his potential as a world star, making his title track 'Love Song' at the top on each of all the music charts.

Brief translation by rain bird.


[Apr-20-2010] Rain'll perform at MCM event on the 21st.

European new luxury brand 'MCM's 'MCM 2010 S/S Collection' will be shown in Lotte Hotel's Crystal Volume, Seoul, at noon on April 21st, 2010. During the event, actress and fashionista 'Cha Ye-Ryun' is to stand model to promote the company's products.

Singer Rain'll put on a great performance to celebrate this special event.

Brief translation by rain bird.

19.04.2010 Rain @ tvN Dance Hero
video hiányzik


Is it the same cardigan ?




RAIN KRÓNIKA: 2010.04.19.


Nincs információ.



- The Korea Times - Rain Impresses Japanese Fans in Tokyo



Rain Impresses Japanese Fans in Tokyo
Posted : 2010-04-19 17:12
Updated : 2010-04-19 17:12

Rain put on two encore concerts in Tokyo, last Saturday and Sunday.
/ Courtesy of J.Tune Entertainment

By Han Sang-hee
Staff Reporter

Korean pop singer Rain wowed Japanese fans last weekend with two encore shows titled ``Legend of Rainism.''

After releasing a special album and completing promotional activity in Korea, the 27-year-old superstar flew to Tokyo and performed at the National Yoyogi Stadium. It was evident at both shows that he is still one of the most popular Korean singers on the island nation.

On Saturday, more than 10,000 fans cheered him on during the two-hour concert, with attendees ranging from six-year-olds to high school and university students to middle-aged housewives and even old ladies who attended hand-in-hand with their grandchildren.

On Sunday, the excited and grateful Rain jumped off the stage, something that was completely unpredictable, and ran to the crowds of fans to shake their hands. Security personnel instantly made their way through the screaming audience to protect anyone from getting hurt and to keep the singer from being mobbed.

Rain sang ``Sad Tango,'' a song that was released as a single in Japan, as an encore, and the cheering grew even louder. When he broke into ``Hip Song'' from his most recent album, the audience sang along to the Korean lyrics.

After the lights went out, fans stayed put, screaming, "Jung Ji-hoon," Rain's Korean name. Even after 30 minutes, the fans refused to leave, continuously shouting the singer's name and waving their glow sticks in the air.

The special concerts were organized as encore performances after Rain put on a show last August in Saitama, Japan. They were scheduled after numerous requests from Japanese fans.

Rain's special album ``Back to the Basic'' surprised adoring fans with yet more hip songs, trendy styles and distinctive dance moves. His latest song, ``Love Song,'' is a soft ballad and has topped music charts both off and online.

Making his debut in 2002, Rain has become one of the most influential singers and actors in Korea. Famous for his sweet smile and chiseled figure, he has become one of the male stars many aspiring singers and actors here look up to.

After filming his first Hollywood action flick, ``Ninja Assassin,'' last year, he has appeared in numerous interviews both here and abroad, including the most recently did an interview with CNN ``Talk Asia.''

He is currently in Korea, planning to appear on local television shows and also a drama later this year.



10-04-19 Rain Bi LOR Japan Final

credit//team jihoon625+goo blogs


10-04-19 Rain Bi Love Tour

Cap by ratoka


<updated>More Rain Bi legend of Rainism Japan Final

credit//team jihoon-naver news-goo blogs-rainlove 2


Rain Bi Lotte Mall New Event


[19-Apr-10]allkpop]Rain and Psy to appear on Intimate Note together


Who knew that Rain and Psy were even friends? Apparently the two share quite a bit of history with one another.

On the show Intimate Note, the two revealed how and when they became such good friends. The pair’s relationship has never been public at all so this piece of information came as a surprise for most fans.

Before Rain debuted, he worked as a backup dancer. During those days, JYP introduced the two to each other. Psy debuted in 2001 and Rain debuted in 2002. Just like that, they shared quite a few things in common.

The episode will air in the middle of May.


19-04-2010<updated> Rain Bi Dream Concert 2010


[Apr-19-2010] Rain's stirring performance in Japan was great success while his more than 10.000 fans went mad with excitement. 

Rain had his 'Legend of Rainism' concert as part of an encore in 'National Yoyogi Stadium' in Japan's Tokyo during both days of the 17th and the 18th of April, 2010.

'National Yoyogi Stadium' where there is Harazuku Station which is one of the largest shopping areas in that country near here, is one of the best venues to hold a concert in that country in availability and location for the concert.

His more than 10,000 fans who packed the venue on each of two days, chanted his name, not being seated throughout its over two hours running time.

Various people regardless of age and sex, from a 6 year old child who clutched his mother's hand and came to the concert, to a grandmother helped by his grandson, including hopeful young men and women, were at the concert. 

In particular, during the performance on the 18th, Rain jumped off from the stage and walked toward the audience while he was singing his hit song 'My Woman', thus, the barriers nearly gave away under the press of the crowd, then his body guards had to come there quickly and to bear the weight of the crowd with their bodies.

As an encore, when Rain sang 'Sad Tango' which is one of the single songs released in Japan in the old days, the concert hall heated up with the shouts of the audiences.

As Rain sang 'Hip Song' which is one of the songs included in his special album released last 7th, immediately following, they all cheered and sang along the lyric of the song with a purple passion, despite the words of the song in Korean.

Also, although the audience heard an announcement saying the concert is over, they were as steady as rock and seemed to unable to leave for more than 30 minutes, as if something were missing.

Back by his Japanese fans' demands, Rain had decided to hold his Legend of Rainism concert in Tokyo as part of an encore after the concert in Saitama last August.

Meanwhile, Rain'll be back home in Korea on a morning flight on the 19th, and will shoot SBS TV's 'Intimate Acquaintance'.

My Daily (photos)
Brief translation byu rain bird.


[Apr-19-2010] The tickets for '2010 Dream Concert' where Rain'll appear on the stage, will be sold from April 22 to May 20.

The tickets for G.Market's '2010 Dream Concert' will exclusively be sold from 7pm on April 22 to May 20.

During this concert to be held in Seoul's World Cup Stadium at 7pm on May 22, 2010, Korea's top stars such as Rain, 2PM, Super Junior, Girls' Generation, SS501, Kara and so on, will appear on the stage.

All seats for the concert are 5,000 KRW (around $4.5), and all proceeds from the benefit concert go to charity organizations.

Anybody who is a member of G.Market can apply for the two tickets by two G Stamps, And, in addition, total 50 winners who will be selected in drawing from whom will state their feelings about looking forward to the concert, will receive 2 tickets per person.

Brief translation by rain bird.


10-04-19<updated> Rain Bi nikon_Cine 21 new

From//memo rain blog

월드스타’ 비, 일본 열도 또 한 번 흔들다

비, 日 도쿄 앙코르 공연 2만관객 운집


10-04-19 Rain Bi love Tour in Japan

From//memo rain blog


[19-Apr-10][allkpop]Rain wins Music Bank K-Chart with Love Song


Music Bank was canceled once again last week, making it three straight weeks that viewers were unable to catch their favourite singers perform on air.

Scores were still tabulated though for their weekly K-Chart and SNSD had carted away the trophies for the past two weeks.

But their run came to an end as the Kpop king, Rain was announced on the 19th to be the winner of the K-Chart for the April 16th episode. His total score of 16,871 pts saw him win convincingly against SNSD (8,995 pts) and Brown Eyed Soul (5,909 pts). 2AM and After School rounded up the top 5.

This was Rain’s third win after securing two #1 at M! Countdown.
It has been a awful period for singers to be doing promotions in April and signs are not looking good this week as well, with music shows likely to be canceled once again because of a state funeral service for the sailors who lost their lives.
Nevertheless, we congratulate Rain on his win!


< NEW updated> Rain Bi LOR Final

CREDIT//Rain angel_goo blogs-memo rain-sizuku219



By 6to5rain