Végtelen erőfeszítés, végtelen kitartás, végtelen szerénység. (Rain vezérelve)

Tudtam, hogy ránézésre nem tűnök valami nagy számnak, a megjelenésem sem túl vonzó, de a bensőm elég rendkívüli. Minden színpadra lépés előtt azt mondom magamnak, hogy én vagyok a legjobb, és minden előadás után ugyanúgy azt, hogy nem én vagyok. Ezért minden fellépés előtt 120 százalékosan kell felkészülnöm, hogy az előadáson 100 százalékos teljesítményt tudjak nyújtani. Ennek érdekében minden álló nap folyamatosan képzem magam. Már nagyon hosszú ideje alváshiányban szenvedek, mert ha éppen nem dolgozom, akkor vagy edzek, vagy a koreográfiákat és a dalokat próbálom. Éppen úgy, mint a filmfelvételek idején, ha valamit nem csináltam jól, képtelen vagyok aludni. Akár színészként, akár énekesként, a legjobbat kell tudnom kihozni magamból. De nem kell aggódni, hogy most nincs elegendő időm az alvásra, jut arra majd bőven a halálom után. (Rain)

Ez a fiatalság, ez az egészség... és a túlcsorduló önbizalom... az erőfeszítés, amit az oly hihetetlen előadásai sikeres megvalósításáért tett... és a tehetség, amit felmutat, ezek töltenek el spontán tisztelettel engem. Azt gondolom, hogy a történelem a fontos személyiségek között fogja jegyezni. Úgy, mint aki színészként és zenészként egyaránt sikeres lett. ...
Ami igazán meglepő Ji-hoonban, az az, hogy egyfajta düh, bosszúvágy és szomorúság, az összes efféle sötét, komor negatív motiváció az ő esetében rendkívül optimista és derűs módon ölt testet.
(Park Chan-wook rendező)

RAIN KRÓNIKA: 2010.03.16.

월드스타 비, 엠블랙과 극장용 3D 애니메이션 '풀하우스' 참여

비 복귀, 카운트 다운!


[Mar-15-2010] World star Rain's return to drama after 5 years is on track.


Singer and actor Rain'll come back to the domestic drama around October.

According to an entertainment agent on the 15th, the return to drama later this year is now under consideration by Rain, and he'll focus his attention on preparing for his drama after his concert in Japan this June.

An official from his agent is being very careful, "It's true he's scheduled to come back to drama later this year, but under the circumstances, it is not clear, for sure, what drama he has in mind."

It has been known that Rain was originally going to appear in a drama at the earlier time, but his return to drama has been fixed for October after finalizing his decision.

What Rain has in store for his next drama in 5 years after KBS 2TV's drama 'Love to Kill' (This Damn Love) in 2005, is drawing domestic and foreign fans' attention.

Brief translation by rain bird.


Rain reveals April comeback details of himself and MBLAQ!

Singer Rain has certainly done well for himself since his debut. He started his own company at J.Tune Entertainment, landed a major Hollywood blockbuster role in Ninja Assassin and created popular boy band MBLAQ.
Now, the singer takes a more personal approach and reveals upcoming plans for himself and MBLAQ.
Via his website, Rain uploaded the photo above and wrote a personal and official announcement for his fans saying,
Due to less work in dramas and movies, it seems like I have free time to promote an album. This upcoming special album is dedicated to fans for waiting so patiently and as long as it’s taken to come; it’ll be just as good.
I’m so happy that I’ll be able to engage in 2 months of promoting by performing in the media and when the special album is released on April 1st and my live promotions end, I plan to go on tour. And because this tour will be related to the album, I feel like I’ll be able to put on a new kind of performance during my tour.
I feel like my recent drama and movie roles showed me as a very serious person so I plan to act in more relaxed dramas and movies to show my true light side.
MBLAQ’s 2nd single will be released soon and promotions will go from April through May, so let’s enjoy these two months together!



[Mar-16-2010] Rain and MBLAQ will help create 3D animated 'Full House' for a version of the theater.


KBS 2TV's drama 'Full House' starring Rain and actress 'Song Hey-Kyo', which became the talk of the town when it was released in 2004, will be animated in 3D for a version of the theater and will please audiences.

Rain who starred in the drama and 5 male group 'MBLAQ' directly produced by him. is to attend this project, and MBLAQ has decided to participate in it through its original sound track.

Meanwhile, this 3D animated 'Full House' for a version of the theater will be simultaneously opened in Korea and Japan in November, 2010, and the presentation for this project will be progressed in the Korea Culture and Content Agency.

Brief translation by rain bird.


[Mar-16-2010]The date for Rain's comeback to the domestic stage has been confirmed.


The date for Rain's comeback to the domestic stage has been confirmed.

Singer and actor Rain greeted his fans ahead off his musical activities.
He expressed through his official homepage on the 15th, "My special album will be released on April 1st. I'm happy to show my fans the album."

"Since my drama and movie projects have fallen behind schedule than expected, it is possible for me to be active as a singer. This album is for my fans, and I'll engage in musical activities for two months starting on April 1st."

He also said about a plan for his next drama or movie in which character is soft and comfortable to get closer to his fans. Then he finished writing, asking his fans to be concerned about MBLAQ's second single album.

Brief translation by rain bird.


[Mar-16-2010] Rain to engage in musical activities in May, accompanied by MBLAQ directly produced by him.


Singer and actor Rain with idol group 'MBLAQ' directly produced by him is expected to be absorbed in his music career.

Rain posted his writing entitled "It's been a long time since we last met. This is Rain" on his official homepage on the 15th. According to the writing, he asked his fans, "MBLAQ's 2nd single album will be released soon. Hope you to love them a lot, too."

Since the release date of his special album revealed on this day is April 1st, MBLAQ's musical activities will coincide with his.

An official from J.Tune Entertainment, where Rain and MBLAQ belonging to, expressed, "MBLAQ's new album will be released at the end of April, so they'll be absorbed in their musical activities with Rain around a month."

Meanwhile, the writing conveyed his gratitude for his fans, ""Since my drama and movie projects have fallen behind schedule than expected, it is possible for me to be active as a singer. My special album for my fans is due for release, and I'll engage in musical activities in Korea for two months."

Brief translation by rain bird.



★★★정지훈RAIN ★★★

It's been a long time since we last met.

This is RAIN.
Spring, which is one of my favorite season is near at hand.
Thanks to the concern all of you have shown, I'm doing well.
It's just that I've not come to write a letter to you in a long time
 because there has been a glitch in the plan.
Since my drama and movie projects will run a little late,
I've come to get a time to be active as a singer.

This time, my special album will be for my fans, and I'll try to
 introduce some of my long-held songs through this album.

I feel so happy that I'll be able to show you my splendid stage and
performance for about two months starting on April 1st, because I've
put in quite a lot of arrangements beforehand whenever I have time.

My special album will be released on April 1st, and the songs in this album will be added to the contents of my newer concert tour
which will be held this year.

Also, I used to appear a little serious in dramas or movies, but this time
I'll try to work on such a drama or movie which will show
 my personal touch more only for you and will be made easy for you.
Since this album will be for you, please look forward to it and
enjoy listening to it.

I say for your information, MBLAQ's 2nd single album will
be released soon, so I hope you to love MBLAQ a lot, too, and
 I'd like to have a wonderful time with you for two months of
April and May which are just around the corner.
Thank you very very much.
Please be healthy.
Brief translation by Courtesy of “rain bird”…TQ…

안녕하십니까...오랜만에 인사 드립니다. 입니다.드디어 제가 제일 좋아하는 봄의 날씨가 찾아오는군요.여러분들은 건강한지요?저는 Fan여러분 덕분에 지내고 있습니다.이렇게 편지를 오랜만에 쓰는 이유는 다름이 아니옵고,계획에 차질이 생겨서 입니다.드라마와 영화가 조금 늦춰지는 바람에 앨범 활동을 있는 기간이 생겼습니다.그리하여 이번 앨범은 우리 Fan들을 위한 special 앨범이며, 동안 제가 고이 간직 해왔던 곡을 여러분들께 선보이려 합니다.그리고 너무 감사하게도 시간이 때마다 간간히 준비해둔 것이 많아 당장 4 1일부터 두달 화려한 무대와 퍼포먼스를 보여드릴 있어 너무 행복합니다.
1 스페셜 앨범이 공개 것이고 이번 년도에 하는 투어는 스페셜 앨범의

들을 추가해서 더욱 새로운 공연이 같습니다.그리고 아울러 동안은 약간 심각했던 내용의 작품을 많이 했던 같습니다.그리하여 요번 드라마나 영화는 여러분들께 훨씬 편안하게 인간적인 모습을 더욱더 보여드릴 있는, 여러분들을 위한 Fan 만을 위한 작품을 하려 합니다.많이 기대해 주시고 이번 앨범은 정말 여러분들을 위한 것이니 많이 즐겨 주시고 들어주시기 바랍니다.참고로 있으면 MBLAQ 싱글 2집이 나옵니다. 우리 아이들도 많이 사랑해주시고
다가오는 4 5 두달.여러분과 저와 재미있게 즐겼으면 좋겠습니다.감사하고 감사합니다. 건강하십시오.


Yahoo! Ninja Assassin DVDs Have Arrived!

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