Végtelen erőfeszítés, végtelen kitartás, végtelen szerénység. (Rain vezérelve)

Tudtam, hogy ránézésre nem tűnök valami nagy számnak, a megjelenésem sem túl vonzó, de a bensőm elég rendkívüli. Minden színpadra lépés előtt azt mondom magamnak, hogy én vagyok a legjobb, és minden előadás után ugyanúgy azt, hogy nem én vagyok. Ezért minden fellépés előtt 120 százalékosan kell felkészülnöm, hogy az előadáson 100 százalékos teljesítményt tudjak nyújtani. Ennek érdekében minden álló nap folyamatosan képzem magam. Már nagyon hosszú ideje alváshiányban szenvedek, mert ha éppen nem dolgozom, akkor vagy edzek, vagy a koreográfiákat és a dalokat próbálom. Éppen úgy, mint a filmfelvételek idején, ha valamit nem csináltam jól, képtelen vagyok aludni. Akár színészként, akár énekesként, a legjobbat kell tudnom kihozni magamból. De nem kell aggódni, hogy most nincs elegendő időm az alvásra, jut arra majd bőven a halálom után. (Rain)

Ez a fiatalság, ez az egészség... és a túlcsorduló önbizalom... az erőfeszítés, amit az oly hihetetlen előadásai sikeres megvalósításáért tett... és a tehetség, amit felmutat, ezek töltenek el spontán tisztelettel engem. Azt gondolom, hogy a történelem a fontos személyiségek között fogja jegyezni. Úgy, mint aki színészként és zenészként egyaránt sikeres lett. ...
Ami igazán meglepő Ji-hoonban, az az, hogy egyfajta düh, bosszúvágy és szomorúság, az összes efféle sötét, komor negatív motiváció az ő esetében rendkívül optimista és derűs módon ölt testet.
(Park Chan-wook rendező)

RAIN KRÓNIKA: 2010.03.24.


[ New]<updated>Rain Back to the basic Album

From//memo rain blog


100324 Rain Bi _ Soho TV -Back to THE BASIC

비 "차원 다른 춤·퍼포먼스 보여주겠다" 네이트         한국일보
 비 "차원 다른 춤·퍼포먼스 보여주겠다" 네이버
비 "차원 다른 춤·퍼포먼스 보여주겠다" 다음

비, 환상적 복근과 치골근 공개! 여성 팬들 무흣~ 네이트        투데이 코리아

비, 컴백 코드는 ‘섹시’ 네이트   경제투데이
비, 컴백 코드는 ‘섹시’ 야후
 * 비는 이달까지 뮤직비디오와 음원을 순차적으로 공개한 뒤 4월 2일 KBS2뮤직뱅크’를 통해 컴백 무대를 갖는다.


[Mar-24-2010] Rain, " I'll show my dances and performances which belong to a different sphere from what has been shown until now." 

The countdown to Rain's comeback to work as a singer has begun without his jacket.

He is about to return to the musical industry 18 months after his 5th album Rainism in October, 2008, and his comeback code is based on a man's sex appeal.

Therefore, he's expected to put an end to what we call Animal-dols or Sexy-dols advocated by idol groups while he was away. Through the teaser clip for his comeback, such expectations have closely been revealed.

In his picture and teaser clip for his special album released for two consecutive days, Rain used his characteristic strength and refined masculine, and characterized his sexy line as his picturesque six pack and pubic muscles.

His extreme makeover also goes against our expectations. The hair falling over his shoulders and the long eyelashes represent a new departure for him as a trend-setter.

Rain's agent J.Tune Entertainment expressed, "Rain has been prepared well enough to joke with a serious look 'I'd love to show my new songs and performances like crazy'.

His image has entirely been matched to the music concept. Something that will surprise you has not yet been released", which is increasing his fans' expectations more.

This album includes total 5 songs, and more than half of both the words and the music of these songs have been directly written by Rain.

The title track's name has been confirmed as 'The Song To Capture You', but further details of its genre have not yet been announced. The agent side only just mentioned about this, "The strong beat sound used as a background music is one of all the tracks."

Rain recently said in an event hall, being full of confidence, "I've treated myself for this comeback, losing about 10 kilograms gained after the Ninja Assassin shooting. My dances and performances which belong to a different sphere from what has been shown until now are being prepared, so you'll be obliged to fall in love."

The teaser has been getting an explosive response from netizens, as his official homepage site went down when it was overwhelmed by a rush of hits shortly after it was released.

The site passed the one hundred thousand mark for simultaneous log-ins as of 5pm on the 23rd. (12 hours after the release), and he set a new record in this field.

Rain's special album 'Back To The Basic' will be unveiled on & off line upcoming April 1st, and he'll return to the stage through KBS 2TV's music program 'Music Bank' on April 2nd after his music video and sound will successively be released within this month.

credit to
Brief translation by rain bird.


Korea Movie is the winner

2010 Green Planet Movie Award (formerly called Green Globe Film Award)

Winner of Best Foreign Culture Film of the Decade is:
Mother - Korea movie

reported by Cuckoo from New York




Live - Rain wins 2010 Green Planet Movie Award USA

Rain wins 2010 Green Planet Movie Awards in USA for:

- the Best International Entertainer (Asia)
- 10 Outstanding Asians in Hollywood 
- Asian Cultural Ambassador of the Year 

Congratulations !
reported by Cuckoo from New York


[NEW] RainBi & Han Ye Seul_ Back to the basic

비, 이번엔 한예슬과 뮤비서 환상 연기

비, 한예슬과 뮤직드라마 촬영..스페셜앨범 위해  네이트메인     스타뉴스
비, 한예슬과 뮤직드라마 촬영..스페셜앨범 위해 네이버
비, 한예슬과 뮤직드라마 촬영..스페셜앨범 위해 다음

비, 이번엔 한예슬과 뮤비서 환상 연기  네이트      OSEN

비, 이번엔 한예슬과 뮤비서 환상 연기 네이버
비, 이번엔 한예슬과 뮤비서 환상 연기 다음

비-한예슬, 뮤비서 '환상의 커플' 호흡  네이버메인           조이뉴스24
비-한예슬, 뮤비서 '환상의 커플' 호흡  다음

비, 한예슬과 뮤직비디오 ‘환상의 커플’ 호흡 “백허그 애틋하네!” 네이트      뉴스엔

비, 한예슬과 뮤직비디오 ‘환상의 커플’ 호흡 “백허그 애틋하네!” 다음

비-한예슬, 뮤직비디오서 '다정한 연인'으로 변신 네이트       아시아경제

비-한예슬, 뮤직비디오서 '다정한 연인'으로 변신 네이버
비-한예슬, 뮤직비디오서 '다정한 연인'으로 변신다음

비, 뮤비서 한예슬과 다정한 모습 ‘눈길’ 네이트       서울신문

비, 뮤비서 한예슬과 다정한 모습 ‘눈길’ 네이버
비, 뮤비서 한예슬과 다정한 모습 ‘눈길’ 다음

비, 새 음반 뮤비서 한예슬과 연기네이트        연합뉴스

비, 새 음반 뮤비서 한예슬과 연기 네이버
비, 새 음반 뮤비서 한예슬과 연기 다음

'컴백' 비, 한예슬과 찰떡 뮤비 호흡 다음                   마이데일리

“초심 그대로” ‘비’가 온다 네이트               세계일보
“초심 그대로” ‘비’가 온다 네이버    


Han Ye Seul to appear in Rain’s comeback MV


Many were shocked with Rain’s latest comeback teaser picture but it looks like there will be another image of himself that he will be revealing through his special album.

It was announced on the 24th that actress Han Ye Seul will be the female lead for Rain’s comeback title song music video.

If you think back to October 2008, besides his title dance track Bad Boy, Rain had filmed a MV for his ballad song, Love Story and had co-starred Ha Ji Won.

And for this MV, the concept will be something like what he did with Ha Ji Won, in the form of a music drama. Editor Lee Kyung Hee, who had worked with Rain on Sang Doo, Let’s Go To School and A Love to Kill recommended Han Ye Seul to him.

The MV was filmed on March 21st and 24th in Kangnam and Incheon and it was reported to be something of a massive scale, with the usage of a helicopter while lots of policemen were on duty to maintain order at the filming sites.

There was a break in filming as Han Ye Seul had to assume MC duties in Hong Kong for the 4th Asian Film Awards.

Doesn’t it sound tantalizing? Rain’s new album will drop on April 1st.



[Mar-24-2010] Rain films a music video for his special album with actress 'Han Ye-Seul'.


Rain's agent J.Tune Entertainment announced on the 24th, "Actor and singer Rain acted in a music video for his special album with actress 'Han Ye-Seul' who is currently starring in TV drama 'Is there a possibility that it will snow on Christmas Day?'

Rain cast her for the female lead in the music video for the title track of his special album 'Back To The Basic' which will be released next April 1st, producing it in the form of a drama.

The agent side expressed, "TV dramatist 'Lee Kyung-Hee' who is writing her current drama 'Is there a possibility that it will snow on Christmas Day?' and who had created drama 'Sangdoo, Let's Go To School' and 'This Damn Love' starring Rain, helped cast the actress."

This film was shot in Seoul's 'Kangnam-goo', Incheon's 'Songdo' and elsewhere. In particular, a helicopter was used when it was made in 'Kangnam-goo', while police were brought in to marshal the crowd.

With actress 'Ha Ji-Won', Rain had appeared in a music video in the form of a drama for 'Love Story' which is one of the songs included in his 5th music album in 2008.

Brief translation by rain bird.


[Mar-24-2010] Rain's special album presales are brisk.


Singer and actor Rain's special album presale has been receiving an enthusiastic response even before its release.

An official from his agent J.Tune Entertainment said on the 24th, "The volume of the preorders that began from the 22nd has exceeded 30,000. Since the day of its release is more than a week away, the officials and Rain himself are screaming for joy."

This new album of Rain means that he returns to work as a singer, a year and a half after his 5th album 'Rainism' in October, 2008.

His official website homepage at the time where the teaser for the album was released at 12 am on the 23rd, passed the fifty thousand mark for simultaneous log-ins. Also, 12 hours after the release, it received an average of more than one hundred thousand hits and that means it is receiving a lot of attention from his fans.

Rain's special album will be released on & off line at the same time on the 1st of next month.

Brief translation by rain bird.


Rain is back to basic (Hong Kong newspaper clip)


Back To The Basic - 2nd PIC 

Source: news nate.com

... "basically"  diBIne .



RAIN Wins BIg Green Globe Movie Awards!


2010. 03.24 @tvdaily 


雨,ハン・イェスル目をつけた理由は? '結構似合うよ'


ピの所属会社チェイテュンエンターテイメント(以下チェイテュン)は"来月1日発売される非義スペシャル レコード'BACK TO THE BASIC'のために雨が降って,ハン・イェスルがミュージックビデオで呼吸を合わせた"と明らかにした。

去る5集収録曲中,本人の話を入れて,率直に解きほぐした自作曲‘ラブ ストーリー’でハ・ジウォンと呼吸を合わせた雨は今回二番目でドラマ形式のミュージックビデオを公開,ハン・イェスルとの撮影を通じて,スター女優との作業を継続した。

今回の撮影は21日と24日両日間ソウル 江南(カンナム)と仁川(インチョン),松島(ソンド)などの地で成り立ったし,江南(カンナム)地域真ん中にヘリコプターが動員されて警察が投入されて,倒産のとおり中央線を防ぐなど大規模スケールに進行された。



비, 한예슬 점찍은 이유는? '제법 어울리네'
티브이데일리=김지현 기자] 가수겸 연기자 비가 한예슬과 함께 환상 호흡을 자랑했다.

비의 소속사 제이튠 엔터테인먼트(이하 제이튠)는 "다음달 1일 발매되는 비의 스페셜 음반 'BACK TO THE BASIC'를 위해 비와 한예슬이 뮤직비디오에서 호흡을 맞췄다"고 밝혔다.

지난 5집 수록곡 중, 본인의 이야기를 담아 솔직하게 풀어냈던 자작곡 ‘러브 스토리’에서 하지원과 호흡을 맞췄던 비는 이번에 두 번째로 드라마 형식의 뮤직비디오를 공개, 한예슬과의 촬영을 통해 스타 여배우와의 작업을 이어갔다.

이번 촬영은 21일과 24일 양일간 서울 강남과 인천 송도 등지에서 이루어졌으며 강남 지역 한중간에 헬기가 동원되고 경찰이 투입되어 도산대로 중앙선을 막는 등 대규모 스케일로 진행되었다.

한예슬은 전날 홍콩에서 열린 '제4회 아시안필름어워즈’에 참석하는바쁜 스케줄에도 불구하고 늦은 비행기를 타고 귀국해 뮤직비디오 촬영에 합류하면서 비와의 작업에 애정을 보인 것으로 전해졌다.

[티브이데일리=김지현 기자 win@tvdaily.co.kr]

기사제보 news@tvdaily.co.kr  


2010.03.24 Taiwan Taipei Metro Newspaper  


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