Végtelen erőfeszítés, végtelen kitartás, végtelen szerénység. (Rain vezérelve)

Tudtam, hogy ránézésre nem tűnök valami nagy számnak, a megjelenésem sem túl vonzó, de a bensőm elég rendkívüli. Minden színpadra lépés előtt azt mondom magamnak, hogy én vagyok a legjobb, és minden előadás után ugyanúgy azt, hogy nem én vagyok. Ezért minden fellépés előtt 120 százalékosan kell felkészülnöm, hogy az előadáson 100 százalékos teljesítményt tudjak nyújtani. Ennek érdekében minden álló nap folyamatosan képzem magam. Már nagyon hosszú ideje alváshiányban szenvedek, mert ha éppen nem dolgozom, akkor vagy edzek, vagy a koreográfiákat és a dalokat próbálom. Éppen úgy, mint a filmfelvételek idején, ha valamit nem csináltam jól, képtelen vagyok aludni. Akár színészként, akár énekesként, a legjobbat kell tudnom kihozni magamból. De nem kell aggódni, hogy most nincs elegendő időm az alvásra, jut arra majd bőven a halálom után. (Rain)

Ez a fiatalság, ez az egészség... és a túlcsorduló önbizalom... az erőfeszítés, amit az oly hihetetlen előadásai sikeres megvalósításáért tett... és a tehetség, amit felmutat, ezek töltenek el spontán tisztelettel engem. Azt gondolom, hogy a történelem a fontos személyiségek között fogja jegyezni. Úgy, mint aki színészként és zenészként egyaránt sikeres lett. ...
Ami igazán meglepő Ji-hoonban, az az, hogy egyfajta düh, bosszúvágy és szomorúság, az összes efféle sötét, komor negatív motiváció az ő esetében rendkívül optimista és derűs módon ölt testet.
(Park Chan-wook rendező)

RAIN KRÓNIKA: 2010.08.21.


[20-Aug-10][dkpopnews]Its RAINy day in Manila on September 11!

Rain Live in Manila!!! on September 11 2010, with special guests. A very lucky fans K-Pop Lovers in the Philippines, they will see Justin of Full House performing LIVE.

Rain was known because of his snob role in Full House as Justin.

To direct in ticket outlet online

credit: gellie @ dkpopnews.net



10-08-14 Rain @ Shanghai Airport filming Fugitive 

10-08-19 Channel [V] JK_Mention Rain (Bi)@Ent news
10-08-20 MTV Taiwan _Mention Rain & MBLAQ @ Ent . News

credit: cloud taiwan-cathy
2 video hiányzik

10-08-18 Rain @ Macau 
credit: Cloud Taiwan


Rain & Kai Di Yang (Chinese actress) on set of Fugitive in China 

Credit: As tagged // Raincloudhk


Rain (Bi) Lottedfs 


10-08-05~9 Rain (Bi) Filming Fugitive in Beijing

From// 爱雨妈咪 @ Baidu Rainbar


Drama Runaway staff's note about Rain

 "늘바뿐와중에도..스텝들과도잘어울리고..스텝한명한명챙겨주는게..자꾸..지훈이형이..월드스타라는거..잊어버리네요..ㅋㅋ "       

지훈이 형이 자꾸 이러시네 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ       

박찬욱 감독님도 영화 찍을 때 저런 말씀 하셨었는뎈ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ       

그때 카메라감독님두 비느가 하두 살갑게 잘 다가와서 마치 자기들같은 스탭이라고 느껴졌다고 그랬엉       

같이 작업해본 사람들이 이구동성임
 " 'Ji-Hoon' hyung (Rain) fits in well with any staff and takes care of every staff despite his busy schedule, so I keep forgetting that 'Ji-Hoon' hyung is a world star...ㅋㅋ"

How can 'Ji-Hoon' hyung keep doing this? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Shooting a film, director 'Park Chan-Wook' also said that to us.ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

At that time, it was said the camera operator deluded 'Ji-Hoon' hyung into thinking that he (Ji-Hoon) is one of the staffs, just like them since 'Ji-Hoon' hyung was so affectionate towards him.

Every staff 'Ji-Hoon' hyung has ever worked with praises him with one accord.

Re-posted by Rain Gallery
Brief translation by rain bird.


Rain (Bi) @ KEJ Vol.80 Japan magazine  

credit rain angel


10-08-21[Youtube] Rainy Day Episoade 29 (Love Tour 2010)

part 1/2


- Love Tour 2010 in Japan -

I'll try adjusting the lift before the opening clip.

'Sungtark' hyung (dance team leader), are you all ready?

Is there another headset for 'Sungtark' hyung?
Please give it to me.
I'll bring it to 'Sungtark' hyung.

Because I have to communicate with him behind the scene.

I'll check the appropriate time.

Director :
Let's start from the beginning of the opening clip.

Please adjust my microphone.

Please time your jump when the lights come up the stage.
Please time your own shadow, or you'll miss the timing.

Do you count down as you jump? (yea)
Please go down the stage.
They were both late at first.
Kyesang hyung's second jump was the lesser of two attempts.
Yongduck hyung's third jump was wrong.

When we make a landing, it's too dark to see anything, so it can be dangerous.

Even so, if the stage is lighted, it won't be nice at all.

I think we need to take the risk

Maybe we'll practice the jump a lot and get a feel for it.

I'll join you.

Director :
I'll press down a key to the third beat.

One more weight is needed for balancing while jumping.


part 2/2



Please turn on the lights slowly since they are supposed to come out while we listen to the music.

Brief translation by rain bird.


100818 Rain @ Macau

Credit: blueberry @ cloud-taiwan // raincloudhk


Rain & Kai Di Yang (Chinese actress) on set of <S1. Plan B> in China

Rain & Kai Di Yang (Chinese actress) on set of in China

Credit: As tagged // Raincloudhk
合作愉快(2010-08-21 00:27:46)


CN to EN by scorpiola

Good co-operation (2010-08-21 00:27:46)

Post some pics from work randomly, but I am still quite admire foreign friends' efficiency, fast, accurate, stable, and orderly. They are efficient but amazing, worth us to learn from. I hope we also can absorb fast and can grow fast. A lot of RAIN fans came on the shooting day, but according to the Korean staff, their management agency is studying from Hollywood's star management method, which doesn't allow their stars to be taking photos/videos by fans when they're working, I bet a lot of fans felt lost on their way home. RAIN was very kind in person, kept smiling. He had to say his lines in Chinese, they were not bad. Anyway, in overall this exotic business trip was quite happy.


100805~09 Rain @ Beijing filming for 'Runaway Plan B'

Credit: 爱雨妈咪 @ Baidu Rainbar // Raincloudhk


Beijing Qianmen

Beijing 798

Beijing 798


100818 Rain @ Macau

Credit: blueberry @ cloud-taiwan // biblueberry06 @ youtube

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2 ... ure=player_embedded


[3 Fancam] 100819 Rain @ Macau

Credit: shelley @ raincloudhk // shelleyshea @ youtube

Part 1

RAIN KRÓNIKA: 2010.08.20.


Rain (Bi) @ restaurant on 5+6 August


Rain (Bi) on Fugitive set


Rain (Bi) Lottedfs new event

source  //lottedfs
cap by ratoka


Rain (Bi) @ Japan magazine

credit//mimi2 blog


Rain & Lee Na-young Filming fugitive @ Shanghai Airport

From//DC Gallary


[Fan Acct add'l 8/18 & 8/19] Rain in Macau ~ Day 4-5



10-08-20 Daniel Henney filming Fugitive (no rain)

source//naver news+ Daniel Henney facebook


Fixed [Making CF][Eng trans] Rain (Bi) @ News _ Making Lotte Charlotte N CF
[Making CF][Eng trans] 100820 Rain (Bi) @ News _ Making Lotte Charlotte N CF 2


- Brief summary -

Charlotte news :

-World star Rain and world class cellist 'Song Young-Hoon' on the set of Lotte Department Store CF-

The two men who have worked as models for Lotte Department Store since last April, got together again in China's Shanghai last August 11th in order to film its new commercial gearing up the 2010 fall season.

What both are active in the international area goes well with Lotte Department Store's global image.

'Song Young-Hoon' : (1:18~1:35)

As a cellist and musician, it is a pleasure and honor for me to be a model for Lotte Department Store.
I'll be engaged in filming the commercial as one of the family. Please expect my more developed music a lot.

Rain : (1:36~1:56)

Hello, Chartlotte N family.
Are you always doing well?
I'm now filming the department store commercial.

This is Shanghai where I've been filming a drama called Runaway.
Hope you will love the drama a lot.

Please be always healthy, and I send my best wishes to you.
The temperate is fluctuating a lot when the weather changes after summer is over, so be careful not to be catch a cold.

Translation by rain bird.

[3Fancam ] Rain @ Maucu on 19/8/2010:

shelleyshea      100819 Rain bi 비 @ Macau - Part 1
shelleyshea      100819 Rain bi 비 @ Macau - Part 2


Rain mentioned through drama 'Runaway' staffs' posts on their Twitter pages.

인터넷이 안되는곳에있었어서..에피소드를지금에야올리내요..ㅠㅠ 오늘은..지훈이형의유창한영어실력에놀랬습니다..헤니형과영어로대화하던모습..쫌살다온사람이들어도..굳이더군요..ㅋㅋ 마카오날씨가변덕이심해..다들냉방병에고생이랍니다..

“도망자”In macau

about 8 hours ago via TweetCaster

혼자보기아까운..헤니형과 지훈형의 비주얼을 하루종일. 감상했더니..시력이좋아진거 같네요..^^ 혼자만봐서..죄송해요..

about 14 hours ago via TweetCaster

[도망자 스태프 트위터 글중에서 펌..]

Since there is a place where the internet is inoperative, I'm just beginning to post an episode. ㅠㅠ ( it means crying)

I was so surprised at the fluency with which 'Ji-Hoon' hyung (Rain) spoke English.

'Ji-Hoon' hyung and 'Daniel Henney' hyung were seen talking in English.

Even when those who have ever lived abroad heard what 'Ji-Hoon' hyung said, I was told he is proficient in English.

ㅋㅋ (giggling)

The weather is very changeable in Macau, so everyone is afflicted with air-conditioningitis.

“Runaway” in macau

about 8 hours ago via TweetCaster

After enjoying both 'Ji-Hoon' hyung and 'Daniel Henney' hyung's visual styles that were so awesome that they were a waste to be seeing them alone all day long, I feel my vision has improved.^^ (smile)

Sorry I only saw them.

about 14 hours ago via TweetCaster

credit to benamoo
http://cafe.daum.net/benamoo/1vdc/122890 / Rain Gallery

Brief translation by rain bird.


100804 Rain @ restaurant in Beijing

Credit: As tagged // raincloudhk

Info added By scorpiola
Photo Date: 8-4-2010
Photo Time: 8:13pm


100805 Rain @ restaurant in Beijing

Credit: As tagged // raincloudhk

Info added By scorpiola
Photo Date: 8-5-2010
Photo Time: 8:54pm


100805 Rain @ Beijing Qianmen Filming Fugitive

Credit: As tagged // raincloudhk

Info added by scorpiola
Photo Date: 8-5-2010
Photo Time: 9:27am


100806 Rain @ Beijing Qianmen filming Fugitive

Credit: As tagged // raincloudhk

Info added by scorpiola
Photo Date: 8-6-2010
Photo Time: 9:39am


100820 Lotte_ CheongNyangNi Grand Open Special Events

100820 Lotte Department Store_CheongNyangNi Grand Open Special Events

Credit: lotteshopping.com // Cap by scorpiola


[Eng Trans]100819 Lotte_Rain Charlotte N Making Film edit

100819 Lotte Shopping_News_Charlotte N cf Making Film edit

Credit: lotteshopping.com // Vid edited by scorpiola // scorpiolabibi @ youtube 


- Brief summary -

Charlotte news :

-World star Rain and world class cellist 'Song Young-Hoon' on the set of Lotte Department Store CF-

The two men who have worked as models for Lotte Department Store since last April, got together again in China's Shanghai last August 11th in order to film its new commercial gearing up the 2010 fall season.

What both are active in the international area goes well with Lotte Department Store's global image.

'Song Young-Hoon' : (1:18~1:35)

As a cellist and musician, it is a pleasure and honor for me to be a model for Lotte Department Store.
I'll be engaged in filming the commercial as one of the family. Please expect my more developed music a lot.

Rain : (1:36~1:56)

Hello, Chartlotte N family.
Are you always doing well?
I'm now filming the department store commercial.

This is Shanghai where I've been filming a drama called Runaway.
Hope you will love the drama a lot.

Please be always healthy, and I send my best wishes to you.
The temperate is fluctuating a lot when the weather changes after summer is over, so be careful not to be catch a cold.

Translation by rain bird.


[Eng Trans]100816 Lotte_Charlotte N_ 25s CF

[Eng Trans] 100816 Lotte Shopping_ Charlotte N_25s CF

Credit: lotteshopping.com // scorpiolabibi @ youtube


Brief translation by rainbird

Rain is smiling. Why? Why? Why?

'Song Young-Hoon' has started playing music. Why? Why? Why?

The two are excited. Why? Why? Why?

Charlotte N.

The reason for both Rain & 'Song Young-Hoon's being excited will become clear on August 19th.

RAIN KRÓNIKA: 2010.08.19.


10-08-15 Rain @ PuDong Airport

[ Fancam ]100815 Rain @ Shanghai Pudong Airport
credit // summerlinn @ baidu rainbar
video hiányzik


[19-Aug-10][allkpop]Se7en talks about his ‘rivalry’ with Rain  


During the first segment titled Knee-Drop Guru on the August 18th episode of MBC Golden Fishery, singer Se7en made an appearance as the main guest.
During the show, Se7en revealed his competitiveness with world star Rain. He began, “When I was in America, I enjoyed watching Knee-Drop Guru. My favorite episode was the one where Rain made an appearance.”

He then continued, “I was close to making my American debut at the time of the airing of that particular broadcast featuring Rain. Back then, I thought to myself, ‘Just you wait. I will hit success in America as well.’ … When I returned to Korea, I expected a lot of fans and reporters to await me at the airport. But when I returned, the only person waiting for me was my manager.”
Unfortunately, his American debut wasn’t quite the success he had hoped for, but he’s doing fine back home now. I wish him the best of luck next time he steps into America!


10-08-18 Se7en Talk about Rain in MBC Golden Fishery
video hiányzik

[Fancam] 10-08-10 Rain (Bi) @ Beijing Airport  

credit 可爱的鼻子rain@youku
up ratoka@youtube

At 3:43 p.m. on the August 10, 2010, left Beijing for Shanghai



[19-Aug-10][newsen]Se7en and his relationship with Rain  


Se7en guest-starred on the August 18th episode of MBC’s ‘Knee-Drop Guru,’ during which he spoke of his relationship with rival artist Rain over the years.The two both attended the same art high school, but had no competitive feelings towards each other. “We did not have a competitive relationship. It was just that I was popular amongst the first-year students, while Rain was popular with third-year students,” Se7en explained. “We would both hang out with people who enjoyed dancing like us. We would just turn on music and learn from each other.”
Se7en also revealed that he was friends with yet another entertainer, Boom, whom he also met in high school. “When Rain and I [danced,] there was one person who laughed at us while walking by,”he confessed. “That person was Boom. He was what you would call the biggest star at our school. At the time, he had debuted as Nuclear, planning on becoming a nuclear bomb in the music world. He wouldn’t even [talk to] us!”
Se7en is currently working on promotions for his newly released track, ‘Better Together.

Source: Bae
Translation: ch0sshi@kpoplive.com
Written by: shadesofgrey@kpoplive.com


08.18.10 [FanAcct] Rain in Macau ~ Day 2-4  

Source: Rainbar Badiu
English briefly reworded and translated by Cuckoo

Very limited information about Rain in Macau are mainly due to some fan accounts holders are China Cloud, they hold single day entry visitor visa to Macau. They need to catch the last night ferry or train back to China in the same day.

In fact, in the past few days, Rain mostly appeared at his hotel lobby, he either went in and out for lunch and dinner according to fan accounts. Today, fan saw Rain had a meeting, about 2-3 hours, with Daniel and other film crew in hotel. Also, some fans saw him 2 days ago, he was hanging out in shopping mall and ice-cream shop [good for him…haha] at Venetian Macao-Resort Hotel with his assistant and bodyguards.

Not sure if there was filming inside the casino in the early morning or late night in these days. Nobody has further information about it. Perhaps it is due to the timing and location issues. Casino basically is a high security restricted area though.


[19-Aug-10][Sisa Journal] Rain chosen as the most influential star by Sisa Journal two years in a row.


This year, like last, Rain has been chosen as the most influential star in Korea by Sisa Journal .

Rain is number one (19.2%)

Yu Jae-Seok second (16.3)

Kang Ho-Dong third (16.0)

Bae Yong-Joon fourth (10.0)

Kin Je-Dong fifth (8.0)

Girl Generation sixth (7.1)

Lee Hyo-Ri seventh (6.8)

Jang Dong-Gun eighth (6.5)

Park Jin-Young ninth (4.6)

Ahn Sung-Ki tenth (4.3)

The people surveyed :

100 each from the 10 foremost experts on administration, education, the press, law, enterprise, government, financing, entertainment, social organization, and religion.

How many : 1000 in total (men : 845, women : 155)

How : by a telephone survey through the questionnaire.

When : July 22~30, 2010.

By Whom : Media Research.

credit to Sisa Journal

Brief translation buy ran bird.


10-08-19 Rain Lotte New event 

cap by ratoka


fixed [CF] [Eng trans] 10-08-19 Rain Charlotte N new CF 

Credit ratoka@youtube

CF 1 ((fixed))

ratoka8      [Rain (Bi) CF] [Eng trans] 100819 Rain Charlotte N new CF 3

Rain is smiling. Why? Why? Why?
'Song Young-Hoon' has started playing music. Why? Why? Why?
The two are excited. Why? Why? Why?
Charlotte N.
The reason for both Rain & 'Song Young-Hoon's being excited will become clear on August 19th.

CF 2

Rain and 'Song Youg-Hoon' on the set of Charlotte N CF in China's Shanghai on August 11th, 2010.

ratoka8     [Rain (Bi) CF] [Eng trans] 100819 Rain Charlotte N new CF 2

Credit ratoka@youtube
Brief translation by rain bird.


100808 Rain @ Beijing 798 filming Fugitive  

Credit: As tagged // 逃亡者吧 // raincloudhk


100806 Rain @ Beijing Qianmen Filming Fugitive  

Credit: As tagged // 逃亡者吧 


Powerful Team Heads Drama ‘The Fugitive: Plan B’

The director Kwak Jung Hwan and the writer Chun Sung Il, who had set the country on fire in the first half of this year with the drama “The Slave Hunters,” have formed a production team again in the second half. The KBS 2TV drama “The Fugitive: Plan B,” which will begin airing from the end of September, is the drama that they will work on together.

A romantic comedy and action drama, “The Fugitive: Plan B” will tell a story of an astronomical amount of money which had disappeared during the Korean War and resurfaced some sixty years later in 2010, and it will film dynamic and realistic chase scenes in overseas locations in Asian countries such as Seoul, Busan, Tokyo, Osaka, Yokohama, Shanghai, Beijing, Macao, and Hong Kong.

The drama has attracted great interest not only for its production team, but also because of its cast members including Rain (Jung Ji Hoon) and Lee Na Young, and become the most anticipated drama for the second half of 2010. The following are the main cast members of the drama.
# Powerful cast members: Rain, Lee Na Young, Lee Jung Jin, Daniel Henney, Yoon Jin Seo, and Yoon Sohn Ha

- World star Rain will show off his charm when he is involved in a mysterious murder.
- Lee Na Young will make a comeback after a six-year break and show off an extreme makeover.

- Lee Jung Jin will shake off his image of a warm-hearted person and have a showdown of charisma with Rain

Rain (Jung Ji Hoon), who created a sensation by having been cast as the protagonist of the drama, will play the character Ji Woo, who has fluid physical movements and a positive personality. In the drama, he will be challenged by becoming involved in an unfinished case to solve, and he will star alongside actress Lee Na Young.
Actress Lee Na Young will make a comeback with this drama after a six-year break, and will play mysterious character Jin Yi, who will show off a beauty characterized by purity and sexiness at the same time. In the drama, she will approach Ji Woo intentionally to get information about the case and end up taking on the case together with Ji Woo. She will also present a unique romance.
Lee Jung Jin will play the section chief of a foreign affairs investigation in the police station named Do Soo who will chase Ji Woo and Jin Yi while they are engaged in the mystery incident. He will play a character who continuously desires and takes actions to succeed in the social structure. In particular, he is drawing anticipation from viewers as his character will confront Ji Woo in a showdown.

- Daniel Henney will play a shipping magnate named Kai who loves Jin Yi (Lee Na Young) and will have an inevitable confrontation with Rain.
- Yoon Jin Seo will show off her unpredictable charm by playing a troublemaking and whimsical detective surnamed Yoon.

- Yoon Sohn Ha will make a comeback to the small screen after three years away, playing a cold-blooded femme fatale character .

Daniel Henney, who was chosen as a top "hot guy" in a survey conducted in Hollywood and has been attracting female fans worldwide by showing off his gentle yet muscular charm, will play a shipping magnate named Kai who loves Jin Yi (Lee Na Young) and is fated to confront Rain.

Yoon Jin Seo has shown totally different images by appearing in different works. She transformed into a married woman who was pretending to be naïve and having an affair with another man in the movie “A Good Day to Have an Affair,” and an innocent high school student in the movie “Someone Behind You,” and she also played the double role of Wol Hee, whom Iljimae loved for his lifetime, and Dal Hee in the drama “The Return of Iljimae.” In this drama, she will play a detective surnamed Yoon who belongs to a foreign affairs investigation at a police headquarters, and she will chase Rain and Lee Na Young.

Hallyu star Yoon Sohn Ha, who has gained huge popularity in Japan, will cast off her innocent and pure image and transform into a femme fatale character, and will confront Rain and Lee Na Young.

# Three best supporting actors in the drama “The Slave Hunters” - Sung Dong Il, Kong Hyung Jin, and Cho Hee Bong

The best supporting actors who played the characters “Chun Ji Ho,””Yupbongi,” and “Kketbongi” in the drama “The Slave Hunters” and made viewers laugh and cry, will appear in this drama again as cast members. Sung Dong Il will play a Korean-Japanese character who is the most clever private investigator in Japan named “Nakamura Hwang.” Kong Hyung Jin will portray Ji Woo (Rain)’s supporter named “Master Jang,” and Cho Hee Bong will play a cold blooded private detective based in Vietnam and Thailand whose name is “James.” Their appearance in the drama is expected to create a synergistic effect in the drama for their acting ability, making people laugh, and being indispensable characters in the drama by delivering ad libs.

- Acting showdown between Japanese actor Naoto and Sung Dong Il (left) & Original Japanese female idol Takako (right)

# Japanese best actor Naoto Takenaka and Japanese idol group member Uehara Takako will join the drama as cast members.

# Hong Kong’s national actor Eric Tsang will appear in the drama without being paid.

In “Fugitive,” not only star Korean actors, but also star actors from Japan and Hong Kong will appear as cast members.

Japanese actor, director and comedian Naoto Takenaka, who has many fans in Korea with his impressive acting in the movies such as “Shall We Dance” and ”Water Boys,” and in the drama “Nodame Cantabile,” will join as a cast member, and he will play the character “Hiroki,” who governs the Japanese politics and economy during the day and dominates the Yakuza world at night.

In addition, an original Japanese idol group member who has broken a record regarding the youngest age in the Japanese pop music industry, and who has gained huge popularity as a famous beautiful actress in Japan, Uehara Takako, has been cast as a cast member, and she will present a tragic love with Ji Woo in the drama.

Hong Kong’s national actor and film director Eric Tsang will make a guest appearance as a friend of Ji Woo and a business partner of Kai named General Wi. In particular, he has become a hot topic as he delivered his intention to work for free, saying, “I want to appear in the drama even without payment,” after he expressed interest in the fact that the drama will be filmed in different cities in Asian countries.

Those wishing to get a chance to see the best and most famous actors from home and abroad all together at the same time, and the opportunity to see different cities in Asian countries while watching exciting chase scenes, will be satisfied with the unique romantic comedy and action drama “The Fugitive: Plan B,” which is being made by a proven writer, director, and production staff team. The extravagant opening episode will be aired at the end of September on KBS 2TV.

Writer: KBSi Jin Young-ju
Resource: Special Purpose Company For Fugitive
Copyright (c) KBS & KBSi - Any illicit reproduction and distribution is prohibited.


[19-Aug-10][DongA]His sexy back which surpasses Rain's.  


This article is not directly relevant to Rain, but its title is very interesting. (His sexy back which surpasses Rain's.)

For the information, here are some of the details.

"When Spain's Valladolid team lost to Korea's Choongmoo team 4-1 in the 2010 International Young Boy Soccer Festival at Kyungjoo Soccer Stadium, Kyungbook, Korea, on the 19th, a young boy player who has a funny hairstyle is moving to the waiting room, taking his top off."

Sports DongA http://news.nate.com/view/20100819n16673


[44 pics] 100815 Rain @ Shanghai Pudong Airport_Departure

Repost plesase credit to photo by summerlinn


Nature Republic_ new events

Credit: naturerepublic.co.kr // Cap by scorpiola


100806 Rain @ Beijing Qianmen Filming Fugitive

Credit: As tagged // 逃亡者吧 // raincloudhk

info added by scorpiola
Photo Date: 8-6-2010
Photo Time: 8:50am


100808 Rain @ Beijing 798 filming Fugitive

Credit: As tagged // 逃亡者吧 // raincloudhkIfo added by scorpiola
Photo Date: 8-8-2010
Photo Time: 3:09pm~3:12pm


[Fancam] 100810 Rain @ Beijing Airport_Departure

Credit: 可爱的鼻子_ @ baidu rainbar // 可爱的鼻子rain @ youku // scorpiolabibi @ youtubehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-mO8yuHWLkE


[Fancam] 100815 Rain @ Shanghai Pudong Airport_Departure

Credit: Fancam by summerlinn @ baidu rainbar // summerlinn @ youku // scorpiolabibi @ youtubehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8YSxMrIXvvw


RAIN KRÓNIKA: 2010.08.18.


[17-Aug-10][Osen]Rain's surprise appearance on KBS 'Men's Qualifying' attracts attention.

World satr Rain made a surprise appearance on KBS 2TV variety show 'Happy Sunday's one section 'Men's Qualifying' where its regular panel members advanced to the finals of a band competition last July.

On the day of the finals (July 11th), it was impossible for the members even to rehearse due to their own TV or musical schedules, even in an urgent situation with just hours before the competition.

In particular, actor 'Lee Jung-Jin' was to have a tense situation where he had to return to Korea, 3 hours before the competition when he was staying in Japan because of the 'Runaway' shooting.

At this point, Rain filming the drama with 'Lee Jung-Jin', materialized at the side of 'Lee Jung-Jin' who was preparing for returning to the country.

After saying hello to the viewers, "Hello, I'm 'Jung Ji-Hoon' filming drama 'Runaway' with 'Jung-Jin' hyung.", Rain sent his greetings to them, "As a viewer of the program, 'Men's Qualifying', I'm cheering the panel members."

Then, when 'Lee Jung-Jin' asked Rain to explain his tense situation by saying, " 'Ji-Hoon', I'm working under difficult conditions, right?, Rain chatted him up, saying "Absolutely not."

Also, Rain gave one reminder to 'Lee Jung-Jin' who was trying to leave for the airport with haste, "Hyung! You should not cause a trouble for others!"

Meanwhile, 'Lee Jung-Jin' alone flew in from Japan and managed to enter the country an hour before the competition, after that he safely arrived at the place where the competition took place.

credit to Osen
http://news.naver.com/main/read. ... &aid=0002130080

Brief translation by rain bird.

10-06-28 Rain Love Tour Osaka
raintic     다꼬야끼 쿠다사이!


Rain on the set of Fugitive in Japan


10-08-12 Rain (Bi) @ Channel[V] Ent . news
Credit: Cathy @  비withRain 
video hiányzik


Rain (Bi) Filming Fugitive

From // DC Gallary


[18-Aug-10][Info] SK-W900 CF where Rain appears was filmed in YOKOHAMA.

This CF was filmed on a road called Motomarch (元町) in Yokohama (橫浜), Japan.
I live by this place.
Since Yokohama has many harbors, a lot of foreigners have lived there.
「喜久家」seen on the screen is a traditional bakery which has pretty good lemon pie.
This street is very great.
You have to visit this place when you come to Japan.

credit to Yuki (유키) @ Rain Gallery http://gall.dcinside.com/list.php?id=rain&no=266571&page=1&bbs=
Brief translation by rain bird.


Rain on the set of 'Fugitive' in Japan

Credit: kwakhyunjoo.com


Back To The Basic (Asia Special Edition)

Credit: yesasia // EN by yesasia & scorpiola 

Release Date: 2010-08-27

. 收錄comeback 之作“Hip Song”以及排行情歌“挽留妳的歌” 英文版
. DVD收錄”挽留妳的歌”音樂錄影帶及幕後花絮;全球獨家DVD加收“Hip Song”, “Love Song” Live 演出經典現場


.Asia Special Edition comes with a DVD with " Love Song" music video, music video making film, and two live performances ("Hip Song" & "Love Song" @ M! Countdown).
.Its package is different from Korean and Japanese version ; It also comes with two exclusive postcards.

過去一年半,他的名字登上好萊塢大螢幕,並且成為當紅男孩團體的幕後推手,Rain、在亞洲樂迷千呼萬喚期盼下,以君臨天下之姿、帶著全新音樂作品”Back To The Basic”重返流行樂壇!從清純無邪的鄰家男孩瞬間成為全世界矚目的巨星,靜默的神態中散發出性感野性的陽剛魅力,他是眾所熟知韓劇「浪慢滿屋」的李英宰,也是好萊塢電影「忍者刺客」的RAZIO。但對於Rain而言,音樂是他的最愛的舞台,並藉由這張回歸自我的專輯中完整展現:期待值MAX的首支單曲「挽留妳的歌」音樂錄影帶邀請了女星韓藝瑟演出,悲傷的顫抖歌聲,如泣如訴地觸動所有人的淚水,展現了抒情的Rain;而「Hip Song」以一貫自信加上無人匹敵的Hip Dance!給你動感的Rain。亞洲限定盤特別珍藏「挽留妳的歌」英文版「Love Song」,DVD收錄「挽留妳的歌」音樂錄影帶外,全球獨家加收Rain在M! Countdown節目中精彩演出「Hip Song」及「Love Song」的歷史時刻!

After starring in the Hollywood actioner Ninja Assassin, completing a world tour, and taking a hand at producing his own boy band, Rain is back in Korea, and back at what he does best. Rain's anticipated special mini-album Back to the Basic comes with five new cuts, including one English song. The album's title is a reflection that Rain, though now an international superstar, has never forgotten where he started, and approaches his music with the same ambition and attitude as he did eight years ago as a newcomer. Rain himself penned the album's main track, the ballad "Love Song".

01. 挽留妳的歌  Love Song
02. Hip Song
03. One
04. Same
05. Love Song (English Ver.)

01. 挽留妳的歌 (音樂錄影帶)  Love Song (Music Video)
02. Hip Song (M! Countdown)
03. 挽留妳的歌 (M! Countdown)  Love Song (M! Countdown)


[Eng Trans] 100628 Rain Love Tour Osaka_다꼬야끼 쿠다사이!

Credit: 팬더공주 // raintic  @ youtube


Brief translation by rain bird
Dakoyakki Kudahsai -

  - Brief summary-

Rain :

Does anyone here bring Dakoyakki I could have?

It's so delicious.

(When he thought there was no one bringing it, he had a cynical smile on his face)

I've become one of the highest-paid stars, so I'll pay for it myself if you don't really want to buy it to me.

(In spite of saying such things, he is keeping saying about 'Dakoyakki' )

I'd like some Dakoyakki !! (Dakoyakki Kudahsai)

(All of them at the concert laughed at his words.)

For your information :

**' Dakoyakki', one of the most representative Japanese snacks, which is out of the oven after allowing dough and octopus to mix well.

** I'd like some Dakoyakki - Dakoyakki Kudahsai ----These two sentences have the same meaning.

RAIN KRÓNIKA: 2010.08.17.


Rain @ Korean restaurant in Beijing

source ent.qq.com


Rain (BI) on Fugitive set

credit goo blogs

Little boy imitates rain (Bi) love song dance
video hiányzik


10-07-28 Rain leaving from a restaurant in Shanghai 


Rain (Bi) @ Magazine 


10-08-14 More Rain @ Shanghai Pudong Airport filming Fugitive 


100816 Back To The Basic JP Ver. specials

Credit: http://www.love-song.jp // http://www.risecom.jp/rain/ // Cap by scorpiola


Lotte DFS new events  

Credit: http://kr.lottedfs.com/ // Cap by scorpiola



Hanako (ハナコ) 2010年 8/26号

Credit: As tagged // mimi2's blog


[Fancam] 100815 Rain @ Macau Airport _Arrival

Credit: niko~bi @RAINCLOUDHK // nikobi515 @ youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BhxHUqColP0

RAIN KRÓNIKA: 2010.08.16.


(UPDATE) 10-08-15 Rain @ Macau Airport 

10-08-10 [Fancam] Rain shooting CF in hotel 
CREDIT //charlotte


10-08-14 [Fancam] Rain went out for dinner

credit //charlotte
watch video here



100815 Rain @ Macau Airport_Arrival 

Credit: niko~bi @RAINCLOUDHK


100815 Rain leaving hotel in Shanghai 


100815 Rain @ Shanghai Airport_ Departure 




100814 Rain @ hotel in Shanghai leaving for dinner


[more] 100815 Rain @ Macau Airport_ Arrival

Credit: vicky996 @ Raincloudhk 


fan made Love tour Bear 



Rain Smooth hair


I like gesture to which he shakes his hair.

RAIN KRÓNIKA: 2010.08.15.


[Eng trans] Rain Bi _Rainy Day episode 28 (Love Tour)

credit //ratoka@youtube

part 1/2



I came yesterday..


Thanks, but I'm not tired yet.


I've been controling my condition for my concert and I had a nice dream last night.


The reason I've opted to hold my concert at such performance halls which are a lot smaller than I used to be, is to come to my fans myself in order to communicate with them as if I'm close friends with them or I have a date with them.


First of all, I tend to think of a concept for my music album, everywhere I go.
When I went to Europe to film a hollywood movie, I was able to see a lot of men wearing false eyelashes and coloring their eyebrows.
Their epicene beauty I had never tried before got my attention, that's why I picked up the idea from it and applied it into the concept for my new album.


I'm thinking I'll familiarly communicate with my fans as if they are just next to me.
By the way, I'll proceed Saitama Super Arena concert the way I did, just as my concert became a large scale extravaganza.

part 2/2



I think I can eat sea mustard soup on my birthday in Fukuoka , but I don't care whether to eat it or not.
I don't mind eating Japanese miso soup on the day.


I'm not class enough to play soccer.


I hope both Japan and Korea will make it to the round of 16 and have some great opportunities in the World Cup games.
No matter what, I've been watching each of the games involved in Korea and Japan on TV, even without watching other teams' games.


Please turn the lights slowly.
I'll let you know when I move.
Please start it !


Since I'll be the execute producer, please do as I tell you.


Well. Too noisy! (calling into his ear microphone)
This performance will go for the next 9 days, it is expected more details will be needed during rehearsing.
Nobody can't even count how much time we spend rehearsing for the concert.
Anyway, we belong to one team, so I ask for your help.


I'll oversee the progress of the rehearsal, so I ask the director to be responsible for all of our rehearsal on the other side of the stage.
Before the opening video clip, let's time the lift to reach in time.
Please put it back where it was.


Please try to operate the video from the half of it.
Just a moment, please stand by.


I'll tell you what : Staff 'Hyung Young' will be on the right side of the front stage, while the audience will be provided with simultaneous translation of what I'll say through the interpreter on the left side of it.
Each time I tell the audience, immediately on the scene, the interpreter has to interpret for them.


This concert won't go according to the planned schedule, so there might be full of ad libs.

credit to credit //ratoka@youtube
Brief translation by rain bird.


[Aug-15-10] Breaking News at Shanghai Expo

Breaking News

China mourns the victims of the devastating mudslide in the northwestern Gansu Province, all entertainment activities will be suspended.

Expo Garden to suspend entertainment Sunday for national mourning
All entertainment activities at the Shanghai World Expo will be suspended Sunday to show respect for the victims of a massive mudslide in northwest China's Gansu Province. The Chinese national flags at the Expo Garden would fly at half-mast

Full story at People's daily link:

10-08-14 Lee Byung Hun Mention Rain @ KBS(Ent) show  
video hiányzik

[Fancam] Rain filming Fugitive @ Shanghai Airport 



More Rain @ ELLE China magazine  

credit: jinijung-soompi // Rain-Germany


[Eng trans] Rain (Bi) Message @ KBS Men's Qualifying  

10- 08-15 Rain (Bi) Message @ KBS Men's Qualifyingcredit//ratoka@youtube



The omitted part---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- 'Lee Jung-Jin' filming Runaway in Japan's Osaka -

Lee's manager : You have only 5 hours to take part in the contest,.
You're probably remembering the cord of the sound?

Lee : I know nothing of it. I don't remember anything. 



Lee : (to Rain) Do you have any words for me?
Please talk about what I'm ernest in my endeavors.


Rain : I'm 'Jung Ji-Hoon' filming 'Runaway' with 'Jung-Jin' hyung.
As a viewer of the program, "Men's Qualifying", I'm cheering the panel members.
Hope they'll successfully perform.


Lee : 'Jin-Hoon', I'm working under difficult conditions, right?


Rain : Absolutely not. (No)


Lee : If you're going to do things that way, I'll refuse to permit (the contest)


(Neither threats nor placation had any effect on Rain)
Rain : (Doing what he believes he must do) I just tried really hard.


Rain : (Shouting after Lee) Hyung! You should not cause a trouble for others (he did a beautiful number on Lee)

 ** 'Lee Jung-Jin' is currently appearing in several different TV programs including the Runaway shooting.

credit to rain-cloud // ratoka @ you tube
Brief translation by rain bird.

here HQ Ver ,but there is some problem with sound , I don't know how to fix it.


[Fan Account] 10-15 Aug Drought and Rain in Shanghai  

I greeted our prince to Shanghai on 10 August.  (see link here:  http://www.raincloudhk.com/bbs/v ... &extra=page%3D1  )

I said goodbye to our prince at 3.25 pm today, 15 August.

Shanghai was very hot, day time temperature was above 42 C.  It was like a drought.

But lucky fans were still able to enjoy some rain.  Here is a consolidated fan account of these few days.

10 Aug.
Many of us greeted our prince but we all lost his whereabouts afterwards.  Only a few fans who got information were able to spot him shooting CF late at night until 3 am.

11 Aug.  
It seemed our prince managed to avoid all of us.  He was only spotted by someone at Xintiandi, who wasn't even a fan.

12 Aug.  
It was my luck today.  I saw our prince having early dinner at Xintiandi with the crew.  He sat next to Daniel Henney and he seemed to have a very enjoyable meal.  When they came out of the restaurant our prince walked side by side with DH from one end of the square to the other end where their car was waiting.  He and DH were in similar styles.  Our prince wore the same striped shirt which he had on when he arrived Shanghai for the MCM event, knee length jeans and flip flop. No cap, no sunglasses.  DH had a tee instead, but also shorts and flip flop, and he had a cap.  Our prince seemed even a bit taller than DH (who is 188cm).  Probably this was because DH had a cap on.

We followed our prince at a good distance.  I guessed he felt safe with this leisurely walk so he even diverted his route to look at a shop on the side of the square, but he quickly returned to join the team again.

When they reached their respective cars, our prince did not get in.  He stood there for a while, then talked to a few members, and before we knew what happened, he turned and walked back inside the square, so we were face to face with him.  We quickly made way for Prince Rain, and smiled as we saw him walk inside Sxxxbxxxs!

We could see our prince through the glass windows.  He stood in front of a shelf waiting for his order.  While waiting, he walked towards the shelf and looked at the goods displayed.  I had a feeling that he looked out the window as well and might have noticed fans waiting for him outside.  (There were not many).

He then walked over to the entrance door, which was unblocked to allow us to have a good, full view of him.  He had in his hand an iced black coffee. I had no idea why he stood there, because everyone going in and out, and everyone outside Sxxxbxxxs would be able to see him.  I guessed this was what he wanted.  His prince symptom was at work!

He even opened the door for people who left Sxxxbxxxs.  The most handsome bell boy indeed.  He opened the door for two ladies and they thanked him.  Later he opened one side of the door for a westerner and his girl friend, but the man pushed the other side of the door and left. Our prince mumbled something.  I bet he was saying "hey you shouldn't do that to ME."  It was a most entertaining scene.

Finally our prince came out, and everybody followed.  He walked back to the cars again.  This time, he got inside his car and we all drove off to the bund.

The shooting was on the roof top of the Bund Historical Museum.  I did not stay for this.  Some fans had posted their fan accounts already.

I read later shooting finished at about 9.30 pm and our prince and the crew had there second meal again in Xintiandi at another restaurant.

13 Aug.
Today was hide and seek and waiting for Godot game.

I heard that our prince filmed at Yu Garden early in the morning, so I decided to go and have a look before I went to work.   I was still on the highway at about 8.30 am when I received another piece of information that shooting had already finished at Yu Garden, and that the whole crew was moving to Hongqiao airport.

I gave up and went back to my office.  Information was flowing around that shooting was at Hongqiao airport, then at the riverside along Pudong, but it turned out that our prince never left the hotel.

I arrived at the hotel at about 5.30 pm. There were about a dozen or so fans waiting in the hotel lobby.   We saw Mr. Kim and some other staff sitting on the sofa.  We waited quietly and the clock ticked ever so slowly.

6 pm, 6.30 pm.  Mr. Kim left.  Later the other staff left.  There were only fans in the hotel lobby.  But still there was no sight of our prince.

At about 7.30 pm I decided to leave.   It's good that our prince did not have any shooting under the scorching sun today.  It would have been too hot and too harsh for him.  May be he preferred to just stay in his room and had a rest.  May be he would go out for dinner later.  Knowing that he was there, not having a hard day was enough for me.  As I left the hotel, I wish I had brought some delicious food for him.  I was too rushed to leave the office and had not thought about this at all.

But there was McDonalds nearby if our prince prefers that to the room service meal!

14 Aug.
I got information that our prince was shooting at Pudong airport early in the morning, but it would be too late for me to go there and watch.  According to fans, he improvised some very cute expressions.  Sorry I could not disclose these – let’s all wait eagerly for the drama!

When I arrived the hotel at about 11 am, I learned that our prince went back to the hotel right after the shooting at about 9 am.  There was shooting going on elsewhere in Shanghai but our prince did not leave his room.   When it was past 1 pm and I still did not see him come out for lunch, I decided to go and get him some fruits, drinks and snacks.  (I heard that yesterday he had had many room services.)  Unfortunately the supermarket nearby had very, very limited choice.  Sorry, prince.

I really felt uncomfortable waiting in the hotel lobby.  There were over 30 fans and the hotel staff began to look at us disapprovingly.  I wanted to leave the bag of food with the concierge and go, but they couldn't find Mr. Kim's name so they suggested I wait and hand it to him in person... 

There was still no sight of our prince or even Mr. Kim at 4 pm.  By then we got news that shooting at the Expo will take place from midnight till 6 or 7 am the next morning.  Probably our prince decided to stay in the hotel so that his staff could have a rest too. Got your message, dear prince.  So I left my bag of food with a fan and left.

The following was from my friend.  She saw our prince’s assistant in the lobby at about 7 pm so she handed him the bag.  His eyes opened and when he knew there were also two large plates of water melons in the restaurant fridge he asked my friend if the food could be shared by the staff as well. 

Our prince finally appeared and left the hotel at about 10 pm for dinner at the same restaurant he went last night. He didn’t go with other actors this time, it was just him and some staff and Mr. Kim, of course.  When he returned to the hotel past midnight, he stayed in the hotel lobby and discussed with the crew for about 10 minutes.  He lied back on the sofa, with one arm stretched out, and with his other hand playing with his hair in curls.  Every now and then he would shoot a glance at the fans who were watching him further away.  I wondered if they were trying to think of some contingency plan as shooting at the Expo had to be cancelled.

15 Aug.When I knew our prince would leave in the afternoon I decided to see him off.  We waited patiently in the hotel lobby.  Prince Rain came out at about 2.30 pm.  He wore white tee, black trousers and black sandals.  He had a cap but no sunglasses.  He looked cool as he got into his car.

When we all arrived at the airport, our prince stayed in the car without coming out.   There were about 40 of us waiting.  After about 20 minutes his assistant came with a number of passports and boarding passes.  Mr. Kim also appeared.

Our prince got off the car and we followed him as he walked towards the departure gate. Someone gave him a small gift.  He took it and passed to his assistant.  Someone called him but he had his earphone on and a fan could hear loud music.  I walked quietly, catching up with his pace.  At one point I was almost side by side with him.  He was tanned compared to the Love Tour concerts.  He also slimmed down a bit but he was in great shape.  He sneezed as he walked but this was probably due to the temperature difference indoor and outdoor.  I wanted to say “bless you” but I couldn’t make any noise.  I just did not want my voice “breaking” this spell of walking alongside with our prince.

Finally he was at the departure gate and stood there waiting for his passport to be checked.  In a minute he would disappear before my eyes.  I decided I had to say goodbye to him, so I called out “Goodbye Rain, have a nice trip”!  Many other fans also bid him goodbye.

He turned slightly, bowed and waved to us before he disappeared inside.

As soon as our prince left, Shanghai started to have a thunderstorm.

My friend told me she greeted our prince in Macau.  She laughed so happily as she told me how she stood next to our prince while he waited for his car.  He was absolutely gorgeous..   Sounded so familiar… 


10-08-15 Rain @ shanghai pudong airport  


10-08-15 Rain leaving hotel 


10-08-14 Rain meeting with crew in the hotel  


10-08-14 Rain went out for dinner


100815 Rain's autograph to Cloud members in China

Credit: CloudChina.com

Rain's autograph to Cloud members in China
Dear all Cloud members,

Rain has finished filming 'Fugitive' in Beijing and already started filming in Shanghai. While he was in Beijing, a lot of Cloud members were giving him supports in a lot of different ways. Thanks to all your supports and cooperations. Rain received a lot of love and supports from you when he was in Beijing. He was surrounded by Cloud members' smiles and gifts everyday. He left this message with his autograph to thank Cloud members in China before he leaves Beijing!

CN to EN by scorpiola


남자의자격 깜짝출연!  

남자의자격에 깜짝출연 했더라구요 ㅎㅎ
못보신 분들 있으실거 같아서 올려요^^
저도 방금 네이트하다가 기사보고 바로 본거라는..ㅎㅎ
이렇게라도 보니 좋네요 ㅎ
여전한 오빠의 입담 ㅎㅎ


[Fancam] 100814 Rain filming 'Runaway Plan B' @ Shanghai Pudong Airport

Credit: graceppp @ youku // scorpiolabibi@ youtubehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q8RepPHpfms


2010.08.14 MnJ_Rainy Day[Season2]_28(Jp Sub)

credit: 3asia.com// re_up by sherrysss
