Végtelen erőfeszítés, végtelen kitartás, végtelen szerénység. (Rain vezérelve)

Tudtam, hogy ránézésre nem tűnök valami nagy számnak, a megjelenésem sem túl vonzó, de a bensőm elég rendkívüli. Minden színpadra lépés előtt azt mondom magamnak, hogy én vagyok a legjobb, és minden előadás után ugyanúgy azt, hogy nem én vagyok. Ezért minden fellépés előtt 120 százalékosan kell felkészülnöm, hogy az előadáson 100 százalékos teljesítményt tudjak nyújtani. Ennek érdekében minden álló nap folyamatosan képzem magam. Már nagyon hosszú ideje alváshiányban szenvedek, mert ha éppen nem dolgozom, akkor vagy edzek, vagy a koreográfiákat és a dalokat próbálom. Éppen úgy, mint a filmfelvételek idején, ha valamit nem csináltam jól, képtelen vagyok aludni. Akár színészként, akár énekesként, a legjobbat kell tudnom kihozni magamból. De nem kell aggódni, hogy most nincs elegendő időm az alvásra, jut arra majd bőven a halálom után. (Rain)

Ez a fiatalság, ez az egészség... és a túlcsorduló önbizalom... az erőfeszítés, amit az oly hihetetlen előadásai sikeres megvalósításáért tett... és a tehetség, amit felmutat, ezek töltenek el spontán tisztelettel engem. Azt gondolom, hogy a történelem a fontos személyiségek között fogja jegyezni. Úgy, mint aki színészként és zenészként egyaránt sikeres lett. ...
Ami igazán meglepő Ji-hoonban, az az, hogy egyfajta düh, bosszúvágy és szomorúság, az összes efféle sötét, komor negatív motiváció az ő esetében rendkívül optimista és derűs módon ölt testet.
(Park Chan-wook rendező)

RAIN KRÓNIKA: 2010.07.13.


eplus comment

皆さん、こんにちは ピです!お会い出来て嬉しいです







[Eng Trans][Fancam]100629 Rain Love Tour Osaka_Talk  

credit:As tagged //  팬더공주 @ dc // raintic@YT // RAINCLOUDHKhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iGJDcZC5xHY

Brief translation by rain bird.0:01~0:22

Rain : How old are you?

One fan : 17 years old.

Rain : 17?

Rain : I love you (forming a heart with both hands overhead)


Rain : Promise, promise me that you'll visit Oppa (me, Rain) when you're a little older. I love you.


Rain : You should not visit me when you're 17 years old, but you can do when you're 20 years old.

(Using gestures and forming a heart)

** In Korea, 'Oppa' is a word used when a sister usually calls a brother who is older than her.

( Rain is treating her as his own younger sister with an easy familiarity by calling himself by the title, Oppa)


[Eng Trans] 100712 JP TV_Han Love_Rain interview  

Credit: rehana0625 @ youtube


Brief translation by rain bird. 0:14~0:21
Q; The Japanese version of your album 'Back To The Basic' has been launched in Japan. Congratulation!

Rain : Thank you.

Q : The image of its jacket looks pretty interesting. And I've heard that you've produced by yourself.

Rain : Yes, I've done it all by myself.

Q; What is the concept of your album?

Rain : Its concept, by definition, is 'back to the basic', and it is to be a little more simple. In some sense, it can be characterized by an epicene beauty.

Q : Doing everything by yourself may be considered to be a very hard work.

Rain : That can be difficult and easy, but I think it would be better to a singer to do like that.

Q; What is the hardest part for you when you produce your music by yourself?

Rain : I've been in charge of everything including music and lyrics and the selection of the songs, even though it can be very difficult to do it by myself.

Q: Rookie male group MBLAQ produced by you is very popular in Japan.

What do you think of them?

Rain : I'm in a position where I have to teach them, when I produce them.

It's fun to work with them, and they are also doing a great job in a very intense mode. So, I've always been appreciate of that.

Q: What do you want to advise that audiences do before they come to see your concert?

Rain : They should probably just be pretty happy with what they're enjoying my music.

Rain : Hello, how are you?

Thank you for supporting my Zepp Tour.

I hope many of you'll pay attention even to my last concert in Saitama Super Arena.

Please be healthy and happy.


<Eng trans>Rain(Bi) Han Love Interview

up ratoka@youtube

watch ideo here



Q; The Japanese version of your album 'Back To The Basic' has been launched in Japan. Congratulation!
Rain : Thank you.


Q : The image of its jacket looks pretty interesting. And I've heard that you've produced by yourself.
Rain : Yes, I've done it all by myself.


Q; What is the concept of your album?
Rain : Its concept, by definition, is 'back to the basic', and it is to be a little more simple. In some sense, it can be characterized by an epicene beauty.


Q : Doing everything by yourself may be considered to be a very hard work.
Rain : That can be difficult and easy, but I think it would be better to a singer to do like that.


Q; What is the hardest part for you when you produce your music by yourself?
Rain : I've been in charge of everything including music and lyrics and the selection of the songs, even though it can be very difficult to do it by myself.


Q: Rookie male group MBLAQ produced by you is very popular in Japan.
What do you think of them?

Rain : I'm in a position where I have to teach them, when I produce them.
It's fun to work with them, and they are also doing a great job in a very intense mode. So, I've always been appreciate of that.


Q: What do you want to advise that audiences do before they come to see your concert?
Rain : They should probably just be pretty happy with what they're enjoying my music.


Rain : Hello, how are you?
Thank you for supporting my Zepp Tour.
I hope many of you'll pay attention even to my last concert in Saitama Super Arena.
Please be healthy and happy.
I love you.

Brief translation by rain bird.


[MaxMovie] Which Kcelebs Have The Hottest Bods?

In a survey done by movie tickets site MaxMovie.com, voting was done to see who fans think have the Hottest Bods amongst male and female Korean celebrities. The survey was held online from July 5 – 11 with 2,847 people responding. The overwhelming winners were actor So Ji Sub and the Queen of Kpop Lee Hyori. Here’s a look at the results.

Male Kcelebs with the Hottest Bodies:

1. So Ji sub with an overwhelming 54.1%.2. World Star and Ninja Assassin, Rain.3. This ahjusshi still got it, actor Cha Seung Won
4. The Slave Hunter himself, Jang Hyuk.
5. The goofy beast of 2PM, Taec.
6. 2AM’s kkap leader, Jo Kwon
7. The young Ninja Assassin, MBLAQ’s Lee Joon.
8. Choi Siwon, who all Elfs owe their gratitude to for inspiring the rest of Super Junior to work out more.

Female Kcelebs with the Hottest Bodies:
1. Lee Hyori with 49.7% of the vote.


I think their Hot Body list from the survey is varied and fairly accurate. I know there a lot of everyone’s favorites missing like say 2AM’s Changmin, but everyone can’t make it to the top. Did your favorite celeb with a rockin’ body make the list?

credit: AsianEconomies, www.maxmovie.com, seoulbeats
from: soompi


[12-Jul-10][Newsen]Han Jung Soo to Make Cameo Appearance in ‘Runaway’  


Korean actor Han Jung Soo (‘Prosecutor Princess’, 2010) has confirmed to make a cameo appearance in the action-spy Korean drama ‘Runaway’. The request comes from the drama’s director and writer, PD Kwak Jung Hwan and Chun Sung Il, who both ever co-worked with Jung in a hit Korean drama ‘Chuno’ aka ‘Slave Hunters’ which aired in early year.

Jung will appear as a corruption detective in the drama which tells about the reemergence of a hefty amount of money after 60 years disappeared during Korean War.

The drama’s producer also revealed that despite ‘Runaway’ has an action-spy genre, the drama will be made in romantic comedy genre. This is interesting, considering PD Kwak and writer Chun has made ‘Chuno’ in heavy and serious content, I expected that ‘Runaway’ will have a same atmosphere. (Well, it looks better somehow…)

Runaway’ is aimed to release in September, following bake-themed Korean drama ‘King of Baker, Kim Tak Goo’.

Source: Newsen and Sport Chosun

[Fancam] Rain @ Kobe filming for Runaway (Fugitive) on 7/7/2010:

shelleyshea     100707 Rain bi 비 @ Kobe 神户 filming for Runaway (Fugitive)


Rain to Enter Army Service This Year?

No! Fans might be wailing by now but don’t panic, Rain’s military enlistment is not confirmed yet.

Recently there have been rumors floating around about Rain’s army service call and his stocks sale.

It is confirmed that Rain has sold 4.72% of his J. Tune Entertainment stocks. Therefore, there are rumors saying that he sold the stocks as a way to get rid of them before entering the army service. It is also rumored that Rain’s action is because of J. Tune Entertainment’s plan for M&A (Mergers and Acquisitions).

However, a spokesperson from J. Tune Entertainment denied the rumors by saying, “Rain has been selling stocks he has invested in since last year. Rain has been a celebrity under J. Tune Entertainment from the start. It has nothing to do with his shares; he has been and still is a celebrity under an official contract”.

The spokesperson explained more, “There is no planned M&A. Rain’s enlistment is not final either.From what I know, Rain did not earn much from his sales.” It is projected that he was only able to make about 2,00,000 USD by selling his stock.

Lately one by one of our beloved celebrities have been actively called for military service. For now, Rain’s enlistment might be just a rumor but who knows, maybe it will be reality sometime soon. Just prepare your hearts from now before the real news come out everyone!

Source: Kim Yoo Kyung @newsen.com
Translation: ch0sshi @kpoplive.com


Rain with Dancers backstage @ Love Tour+love song picture 

cap by ratoka


[Jul-13-2010] Rain and 'Lee Na-Young' are shooting 'Runaway' in Japan's Osaka.


Singer and actor Rain & actress 'Lee Na-Young' have been shooting KBS TV drama 'Runaway' in Japan's Osaka night and day.

The production crew and the casting members of the drama shot chase scenes until July 13th, and will move to Tokyo on the 14th and continue to shoot.

According to Lee's agent, "They have a pretty tight schedule there, so they've been shooting even at night."
It is said Rain and 'Lee Na-Young' are often losing sleep because of the tight schedule.

Rain has been seen signing autographs for his fans whenever time allows from work, and such kindness in him has gotten a lot of attention from his Japanese fans. One of his fans from Japan has posted images, which show him singing autographs for them, on the internet.

'Runaway' is a tale that takes place, while a large sum of money which disappeared in 1950 on the Korean War reappears in 2010, 60 years have passed since then.

The production company expressed, "It'll take 2 months to shoot abroad such as Thailand, Hong Kong, Philippines, etc. including Japan and China. The crew and the casting members will be back home, as early as late August, or by early September at the latest."

Brief translation by rain bird


롤플레이에서 마술의 소도구입니다 

롤플레이에서 마술
T대학의 한글 강좌의 롤플레이에서 우수상을 받게 되리라고는
꿈에서도 생각지 못했습니다.
그렇기 때문에  이름이 불려졌을땐 놀랐고
무척 기뻤습니다.
사진은 마술의 소도구입니다

 nao씨가 그려 주었습니다그러고 보니,
꽃을 선물받은 어머니가 「어머나」라는 여성이 쓰는 감탄의 말이
적혀져있어서, 준환,준우군에게 물어보니
 「그건, 할머니들이 쓰는 말이기 때문에 16살의 여자아이는 별로 쓰지 않아요」라고
듣게되어 연령대별로 쓰는 말이 다르다는걸 알게되어 공부가 되었습니다.
(笑) ^^*



Rain & Dancers @ backstage before concert (Love Tour Zepp)

Credit: ameblo.jp/rain-official/
Cap by scorpiola



色々な企画で皆さんを盛り上げますので土曜・日曜はRAIN DAYで


スタッフ 中川

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