Végtelen erőfeszítés, végtelen kitartás, végtelen szerénység. (Rain vezérelve)

Tudtam, hogy ránézésre nem tűnök valami nagy számnak, a megjelenésem sem túl vonzó, de a bensőm elég rendkívüli. Minden színpadra lépés előtt azt mondom magamnak, hogy én vagyok a legjobb, és minden előadás után ugyanúgy azt, hogy nem én vagyok. Ezért minden fellépés előtt 120 százalékosan kell felkészülnöm, hogy az előadáson 100 százalékos teljesítményt tudjak nyújtani. Ennek érdekében minden álló nap folyamatosan képzem magam. Már nagyon hosszú ideje alváshiányban szenvedek, mert ha éppen nem dolgozom, akkor vagy edzek, vagy a koreográfiákat és a dalokat próbálom. Éppen úgy, mint a filmfelvételek idején, ha valamit nem csináltam jól, képtelen vagyok aludni. Akár színészként, akár énekesként, a legjobbat kell tudnom kihozni magamból. De nem kell aggódni, hogy most nincs elegendő időm az alvásra, jut arra majd bőven a halálom után. (Rain)

Ez a fiatalság, ez az egészség... és a túlcsorduló önbizalom... az erőfeszítés, amit az oly hihetetlen előadásai sikeres megvalósításáért tett... és a tehetség, amit felmutat, ezek töltenek el spontán tisztelettel engem. Azt gondolom, hogy a történelem a fontos személyiségek között fogja jegyezni. Úgy, mint aki színészként és zenészként egyaránt sikeres lett. ...
Ami igazán meglepő Ji-hoonban, az az, hogy egyfajta düh, bosszúvágy és szomorúság, az összes efféle sötét, komor negatív motiváció az ő esetében rendkívül optimista és derűs módon ölt testet.
(Park Chan-wook rendező)

RAIN KRÓNIKA: 2010.07.18.


- 제 581회 -
7월 18일 오후 3시 50분
여름특집 제 1탄 [생방송 SBS 인기가요]!

# 가요계의 절대 강자! Take 7!

슈퍼주니어 [너 같은 사람 또 없어], 태양 [I need a girl], 손담비 [Queen], MC몽 [죽을 만큼 아파서], 아이유&임슬옹 [잔소리],?miss A [Bad girl good girl]. MBLAQ [Y]
- 사정상 MC몽, 아이유&임슬옹, MBLAQ 은 출연하지 않습니다 -

# MC Special #
* 조권 & 설리 & 용화*
인기가요를 책임질 새로운 MC들이 찾아왔다!
부드러운 미소! 젠틀한 남자! CNBLUE 용화!
깝권에서 깝MC로! 무한 매력덩어리! 2AM 조권!
여전히 러블리한 눈웃음을 책임질! f(x) 설리!

오늘 MC 신고식을 위해 숨겨왔다! 3MC의 색다른 매력!
최초공개! DJ KOO에게 전수 받은 용화의 디제잉 실력!
조권의 남성미 넘치는 퍼포먼스와 설리의 섹시 댄스까지!

# New Release #
* f(x) *
강렬하고 도도한 카리스마를 보여준다! f(x)!
그녀들의 짜릿한 퍼포먼스를 만날 수 있는 지금 이 순간, [Mr. Boogie]! 채널 고정!
- f(x) [Mr. Boogie]

# Hot debut #
* G.Na *
실력파 신예 G.Na!
뛰어난 가창력은 물론, 부드러운 퍼포먼스까지!
BEAST의 용준형의 멋진 래핑도 만나 볼 수 있는 G.Na의 두근 두근 데뷔무대!
- G.NA (feat. 용준형) [꺼져줄게 잘 살아]

# Hot Stage #
* 슈퍼주니어 *
슈퍼주니어의 감미로운 하모니에 더 빠져들고 싶다면?!
사랑에 빠진 행복한 남자들의 표정을 더 보고 싶다면?!
달콤한 발라드 버전의 슈퍼주니어 무대 놓치지 마세요!!
- 슈퍼주니어 [너 같은 사람 또 없어]

# TAKE 7 #
* 눈부신 남자! 태양의 이상형을 알려드립니다! 그의 연인의 되고 싶은 분들! 지금부터 귀 쫑긋!
- 태양 [I need a girl]
* 가요계 Queen 손담비가 여러분의 소원을 이뤄드린대요! “모두 다 이뤄져라~아틸리싸이!”
- 손담비 [Queen]
* 고난이도 댄스 퍼포먼스도 Good! 노래 실력도 Good인 miss A는?! Good girl~
- miss A [Bad girl good girl]

# Summer special #
* 깜찍한 오렌지 캬라멜과 함께라면! 더위 같은 거?! “난 몰라~난 몰라~♬”
- 오렌지 캬라멜 [마법 소녀]
* 올 여름! 장윤정씨처럼 시원하게! 당당하게! 고백해보세요! “올래~올래~멋지게 후끈하게 다가올래?!”
- 장윤정 [올래]
* 지루한 일요일! 더위를 싹 잊고 싶다면?! 여름특집 인기가요로~ [고고씽]!
- 블랙펄 [고고씽]
* 선풍기보다! 에어콘보다! 따따블로 시원~~한 무대! 신비로운 매력의 그녀들! 오로라!
- 오로라 [따따블]

# Hot Music #
* ‘시건방춤’을 넘어서는 무한 중독! ‘찍어춤’! 함께 따라 해볼까요? 삐리빠빠~삐리빠빠~♬
- 나르샤 [삐리빠빠]
* 끝을 알 수 없는 무한 매력! 무한 가능성! 댄디돌 인피니트의 세련된 퍼포먼스!
- 인피니트 [다시 돌아와]
* 파워풀한 에너지가 넘치는 제국의 아이들! 한번 들으면 잊혀지지 않는 강렬한 록사운드!
- 제국의 아이들 [이별 드립]
* 기쁠 때 신날 때 치는 것이 박수라구요?! No No~ 틴탑이 알려주는 박수의 또 다른 의미!
- 틴탑 [박수]
* “보아도 보아도 또 보고 싶은 한 사람!” 중독성 강한 멜로디와 친근한 목소리! 숙희!
- 숙희(feat. 쥬얼리 하주연) [one love]
* 간미연의 남자가 바뀌었다?!그녀와 짜릿! 섹시퍼포먼스를 펼칠 남자는...?! 누구?!
- 간미연 [미쳐가]

# Fresh Music #
* 5년만의 컴백! 대한민국 힙합의 1세대 ‘주석’! 더욱 세련되고 파워풀해진 그의 래핑!
- 주석 [Pop&Drop]
* 듣기만 해도 눈물이 쏟아질 것 같은 슬픈 하모니...디셈버의 가슴 아픈 이별 이야기....
- 디셈버 [혼자 왔어요]

# 그린스포츠송 - After school #

# 581회 출연자 #
슈퍼주니어, 태양, 손담비, 나르샤, f(x), 간미연(feat. 슈퍼주니어 동해), miss A, 오렌지 캬라멜, 장윤정, 인피니트, G.na(feat. Beast 용준형), 제국의 아이들, 틴탑, 블랙펄, 오로라, 숙희, 주석, 디셈버


Rain unloads stake in his own company

Korean singer and movie actor Rain has liquidated all of his management company’s stock, of which he was the largest shareholder. Since the announcement of Rain’s selling of shares in J-Tune Entertainment, his management company, its stock value plunged nearly 60 percent from the end of June.

According to sources in the financial industry and the Financial Supervisory Service, the largest shareholder for J-Tune Entertainment is now Won Young-sik after Rain sold all of his 3,507,230 shares, or 4.27 percent of the total, on July 9.

Rain’s sell-off throws into question whether he will sign again with J-Tune Entertainment - of which he is the only signed artist - which is why J-Tune’s stock price has fallen to 270 won ($0.22) from 645 won at the end of last month.

“The stock has lurched in value after the announcement of Rain’s liquidation made the rounds,” said Choi Joon-geun, an analyst at Shinhan Investment Corp. “As Rain’s influence was great in the company’s initial listing, the news understandably had an impact on the stock’s value.”

Rain became J-Tune Entertainment’s largest shareholder in 2007 after he participated in a paid-in capital increase that created the company as well as an over-the-counter acquisition, mounting to an investment of 48.1 trillion won ($39.97 billion).

However, he has steadily sold his shares since June of last year, with what was originally a 14.83 percent stake gradually shrinking.

As Rain is the sole breadwinner for J-Tune Entertainment, his actions will make or break the company. “The future of the company will hinge on whether Rain’s stock liquidation signals a break from the company, or he is simply selling his share,” said Choi. “Since Rain’s contribution to their revenue is so great, his subsequent actions will matter greatly for the company,” Choi said.

However, J-Tune Entertainment maintained that Rain’s sale is simply a financial decision. “There has been no change in our business operations before and since the change [in our largest shareholder],” said Bae Yong-ho, a representative of J-Tune. “Both the company and Rain are trying our best.” Rain’s current contract with J-Tune is due to terminate in October 2011.

Source: JoongAng Daily/dkpopnews


Rain liquidates J.Tune Entertainment stock, angers stockholders

Rain has recently become a source of a hot issue in Korea due to his latest financial decision. The popular artist / actor sold off every single one of his shares in J.Tune Entertainment.
Rain was previously the majority shareholder of J.Tune Entertainment, an entertainment company that he is signed to.
Other shareholders of the company, mainly average working folks who invested small sums (small sums in the big picture but large investments from their perspective), are in anger as Rain’s departure made the share price drop to a new low of about 28 cents. This price is very low compared to $27, the price that the shares were going for when Rain first became the majority shareholder and when many invested into the company.
Another controversy is the fact that J.Tune Entertainment paid Rain approximately $23 million to sign a contract with them – and Rain was the company’s majority shareholder, which some argue that he could have had control over how much would have been paid to himself by the company. Small-time shareholders argue that Rain abused his position as majority shareholder to pay a gigantic sum of the company’s capital, which ultimately is the shareholders’ money, to himself.
J.Tune Entertainment made $12.6 million in revenue during the period that Rain was with them. Some of the shareholders are apparently trying to put together a lawsuit against Rain; if it’s determined that Rain committed foul play, he could be charged for embezzlement along other various offenses.
However, those that are familiar with the entertainment industry say that there is no problem with the contract. J.Tune Entertainment might have only made $12.6 million after having invested $23 million in Rain, but since his contract with them will last until late 2011 (October 2011), there is still a lot of time for Rain to generate revenue for the company.
Also, Korean Financial Supervisory Services, the government agency that oversees the financial market, says that they have no problem with this matter. Their explanation is that although Rain was the majority shareholder, he wouldn’t have had control over how much he was paid by J.Tune as it was a matter that the Board of Directors decided on, not Rain.
An industry analyst stated that the future of J. Tune Entertainment could be stormy depending on how people view Rain’s liquidation of the stock. If they view it as a break up / split from the company or rather a financial maneuver. Hopefully, things will all work out. Rain recently completed his Love Tour concert series in Japan



17-07-2010 [FanAcct] Saitama Love Concert

My family vacation accidentally coincidences with Saitama Love concert. As I do not know whether I can go to the concert, I have not bought my ticket via Japanese Cloud. So I arrived at Saitama Arena at around 1 pm today to try my luck. Since I do not know Japanese, I only figured out where to buy the ticket for tonite’s show after half an hour of walking around the arena.

After waiting for another hour, I finally got my ticket. It is not a bad location, I got a 10th row seat at the stand area, which is much better than those Japanese fans who have bought their tickets via the ticketing sales office. They were sitting 5 – 10 rows above me at the stand area.
The arena was FULL HOUSE. The stand area is about 70% full.

When the concert started, me and the fans next to me moved up 1 row but 15 seats nearer to the stage, so we are now at a location equivalent to B area at the arena.
The concert started at around 5:30 pm and ended at around 7:30pm.
First came MBLAQ, performing Oh yeah and Y. Then Rain performed Hip Song wearing a white suit (you can watch it from my fancam). The songs arrangement for tonight was quite good as Rain has a rest every 2-3 songs. Sometimes, he talked, and sometimes he went backstage to change clothes.

His health conditions seemed fine as he did not cough, sneeze or sniff his nose. His mood is fine, gave the audience some cute smiles from time to time.
He only wore shades during hip song and we could see his face clearly for the whole performance.
As the arena is a bit hot, everyone was sweating and Rain was wet, dripping throughout the concert. He used the towels several times to wipe his sweat, but he never threw any of them downstage.
He has chosen a ‘big sis’ (mature fans) as his girl for tonight.
The encore song was With You and he rode on a cart to circle round the arena.
It is a good show and I wish that tomorrow night will also be as successful as tonight.
I am not good at writing fans account and hope that you do not find it bored.

Here comes the photos and I will post the youtube link of my fancams when ready. I got caught for recording, so I just only have a few fan cams.

credit by wloi@RainHK

17-7-2010 Rain @ KBS TV _ Best 7
video hiányzik


10-07-18 More Saitama Love Concert

Credit//goo blogs+rainstorm

17-7-2010 Rainy Day episode 24 _MTV Movie Award 
Credit// ratoka@youtube

Part 1/2

Part 2/2


[Eng trans]Rain's talk during his concert in Japan's Saitama Super Arena on Jul.17, 2010.  

watch video here



Anyway I think it'll work well.


It's been 10 days since my Zepp Tour was over.


I can't believe how quickly the time has gone by.


You look like you have a pretty tough today as I find your low voice like mine.


It is a very hard day today for me.


I can't move.


I think this is my 18th concert.

Has anybody been to my Zepp concert?


I think almost all the audiences have been there.


Wait! I could do that (when he listened to a fan)

Please just a moment (in Japanese)


Anyway, let me stop talking right here, and I'll try to sing my next song.


I'll drink water before singing.


Because I have to live upon.


You know what happens when I wear sunglasses?


Will you yell at the top of your bent?


You did not eat anything?


I'm actually hungry to death.


They are forcing me into doing hard works all day long.


If you lie down on your yelling, I'll make you return the tickets and leave the concert.



That's the shots.


You are just obedient to me.


Well, I'll tell you what...

(After checking his watch)


Anyway, I'll sing my next song.

Credit: Fancam by wloi // wloi @ youtube

Brief translation by rain bird.


10-07-18 Rain @ Saitama Love Concert  


[18-Jul-10][Yonhap News] Rain's 'LOVE TOUR 2010' in Saitama Super Arena of Japan.  

Rain who has successfully completed his 'RAIN LOVES ZEPP TOUR' a total of 9 times, touring 6 Zepp venues of Japan, is making a grand finale of his concert held in Saitama Super Arena for both days of Jul.17th and 18th.

credit to Yonhap News

Brief translation by rain bird

비, 실베스터 스텔런 영화에 캐스팅 될 뻔 '역시 월드스타'

실베스타스텔론, "비 내 영화 출연제의 했었다" 깜짝 고백

실베스타 스탤론 "''익스펜더블' 비에게 러브콜"


10-07-18 Rain Bi nikon new event  

Credit//DC Gallary

[Fancam] Rain (Bi) @ Love Tour  

raintic     오사카첫째날 '태피'


100717 Mnet JP_ Rainy Day2_24_ MTV Movie Awards

Credit: rainsnow cb // Edited & uploaded by scorpiolabibi1 @ youtube




[Fancam] 100629 Rain Love Tour Osaka_알면서

Credit: 팬더공주 // raintic@youtube


[7 Fancams] 100717 Rain Love Tour Saitama

Credit: Fancams by wloi // wloi @ youtube

Saitama Love Tour 17.07.2010 Lee Joon talking

Saitama Love Tour 17.07.2010 Hip Song

Saitama Love Concert 17.07.2010 Encore - With You

Saitama Love Concert 17.07.2010 Encore - Rain Dancing

Saitama Love Concert 17.07.2010 - Sep12

Saitama Love Concert 17.07.2010 Rain's talking

Saitama Love Concert 17.07.2010 - Handshake


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