Végtelen erőfeszítés, végtelen kitartás, végtelen szerénység. (Rain vezérelve)

Tudtam, hogy ránézésre nem tűnök valami nagy számnak, a megjelenésem sem túl vonzó, de a bensőm elég rendkívüli. Minden színpadra lépés előtt azt mondom magamnak, hogy én vagyok a legjobb, és minden előadás után ugyanúgy azt, hogy nem én vagyok. Ezért minden fellépés előtt 120 százalékosan kell felkészülnöm, hogy az előadáson 100 százalékos teljesítményt tudjak nyújtani. Ennek érdekében minden álló nap folyamatosan képzem magam. Már nagyon hosszú ideje alváshiányban szenvedek, mert ha éppen nem dolgozom, akkor vagy edzek, vagy a koreográfiákat és a dalokat próbálom. Éppen úgy, mint a filmfelvételek idején, ha valamit nem csináltam jól, képtelen vagyok aludni. Akár színészként, akár énekesként, a legjobbat kell tudnom kihozni magamból. De nem kell aggódni, hogy most nincs elegendő időm az alvásra, jut arra majd bőven a halálom után. (Rain)

Ez a fiatalság, ez az egészség... és a túlcsorduló önbizalom... az erőfeszítés, amit az oly hihetetlen előadásai sikeres megvalósításáért tett... és a tehetség, amit felmutat, ezek töltenek el spontán tisztelettel engem. Azt gondolom, hogy a történelem a fontos személyiségek között fogja jegyezni. Úgy, mint aki színészként és zenészként egyaránt sikeres lett. ...
Ami igazán meglepő Ji-hoonban, az az, hogy egyfajta düh, bosszúvágy és szomorúság, az összes efféle sötét, komor negatív motiváció az ő esetében rendkívül optimista és derűs módon ölt testet.
(Park Chan-wook rendező)

RAIN KRÓNIKA: 2010.02.03.

비, 니콘 카메라와 또 한번 ‘입맞춤’


[03-Feb-10]UEE receives a phone call from Rain and dances sexily on Strong Heart

Last week we showed you the preview of Rain / Bi’s conversation with After School member UEE on Strong Heart. Well, the highly anticipated episode of Strong Heart aired today and it was great.
Last month, UEE revealed on KBS Champagne that her ideal man was Rain. Knowing this, MBLAQ’s Lee Joon hooked it up and called Rain for her. UEE didn’t want to get the phone at first but she relented and took the phone to speak with Rain. They formally greeted each other and Rain stated that he wanted to see UEE, and that she was pretty and sings very well. UEE asks Rain if he knows any of their songs and he says he knows Diva. He congratulates her on their success and wishes them a lot of success in the future. UEE then asks Rain to sing for her because “she’s a big fan” to which Rain replies, “The next time I meet you, I’ll sing for you in person.”

As you can see during the whole conversation, UEE is very nervous and almost tears up at one point. It’s pretty funny seeing a famous celebrity act like a fan girl like this.

Here’s a bonus clip of UEE dances sexily to Abracadabra, Mister, and La Chata:



After School UEE’s teary phone call with Rain!  

On SBS Strong Heart aired on 2nd February, MBLAQ Lee Joon made a surprise phone call to Rain on the show.
Everyone on the show was thrilled to have Rain’s cameo appearance. And MC Kang Ho Dong decided to put After School UEE on the line. UEE has always announced that Rain is her ideal type, and talking to her ideal type and idol on the phone, she was seen teary and in disbelief.

Translations Rain call Part

  • MC Kang: Do you watch Strong Heart?
  • Rain: Yes I watch it often.
  • MC Kang: Do you remember any fun episode?
  • Rain: Yes, the most fun one was Inki.. Teuk.. Teukigayo?

  • MC Kang: In terms of dance and performance, Rain is definitely better. But in terms of looks, Lee Joon says he is better.
  • Rain: HAHAHA. (To Lee Joon) It is wrong to lie on broadcast shows.

  • MC Kang: UEE said her ideal type is Rain.
  • Rain: Oh really?
  • MC Kang passes the phone to UEE.
  • UEE: Hello.
  • Rain: Oh hello.
  • UEE: Hello, I’m After School UEE.
  • Rain: Hi nice to meet you. I see you well.
  • UEE: Thank you (shocked).
  • Rain: You are pretty and sings well.
  • UEE: Do you know our song?
  • Rain: I know the song ‘Diva’.
  • UEE: (Teary) That song was my debut.
  • Rain: Congratulations for doing well. I will listen to your songs well in the future too.
  • UEE: Can you sing a small part to our song?
  • Rain: (Shy)
  • UEE: I’m your fan.
  • Rain: Thank you.
  • UEE: Our song, just a small part.
  • Rain: Now.. Next time when we meet, I’ll sing it personally.
  • UEE: (Touched and surprise)


유이, 이상형 비와 통화연결에 ‘울먹’ 


[03-Feb-10][Yonhap news] Rain's first hollywood leading movie Ninja Assassin will be released in Japan on the 6th of next month.

Singer and actor Rain's first Hollywood movie Ninja Assassin will be released throughout Japan on the 6th of next month.

Ninja Assassin produced by the Wachowski brothers and directed by James McTeigue starred Rain as the character of Raizo brought up to a secret human weapon, in which he gave himself fully to play the action scenes in a very convincing way.

Brief translation by rain bird.


<Eng.trans> Rain on the phone on SBS TV's program 'Kang Sim Jang' aired on Feb.2, 2010.  

Lee Joon (5 male group MBLAQ's member) who acted the boyhood role of Rain in Ninja Assassin.

'Lee Joon' : Rain and I used to ride each of our cycles in the same style together in the early morning while we were staying in Berlin for the Ninja Assassin shooting. By the way, I thought I would join the promotion of Ninja Assassin with Rain in USA, but I was very disappointed, because Rain went there alone.

-Just then, Kang Ho-Dong (MC) receives a phone from Rain.

Kang : What do you think of what 'Lee Joon' said?

Rain : Can you (Lee Joon) do well even just in Korea alone?

Kang : 'Lee Joon' said he is more handsome than you are. How do you feel about that?

Rain : You (Lee Joon) shouldn't tell such a lie on TV.

Kang : Uee, girl group After School's member, said Rain is a man after her own heart.
(Kang hands Uee the phone)

Uee : Hello, Rain. How do you do? I'm your fan. (almost being cried)

Rain : Hello, Uee, nice to meet you. I'm enjoying watching this program where you've appeared in, and You look very beautiful and are a good singer.

Uee : Thanks for the compliment, Rain, Now, Do you happen to know my song?

Rain : I know your song 'Diva'

Uee : It was my debut song! Could you please sing the song just a little bit for me?

Rain : May I meet you in person later and sing it for you?

Kang : Rain, it's been a long time since we last met.

Rain : It seems like forever since we last talked. I like to watch your program on TV, but I think the title of this program needs to be changed from 'Kang Sim Jang' to 'Lee Sim Jang')

-SBS's program 'Kang Sim Jang' is being progressed by 2MCs by the last name of Kang (the big man whose full name is Kang Ho-Dong), and Lee (the small man whose full name is Lee Seung-Ki) is who has the same last name as Lee Joon (MBLAQ)

credit to benamoo
Brief translation by rain bird.


[03-Feb-10][nate] Dividing Rain's pictures into the good and the bad is prevailing among the domestic netizens.

Categorizing each of the good and the bad using the pictures or the appearances of stars on TV is currently
prevailing among the domestic netizens.

This time, they explained In particular their opinions using Rain's pictures with examples. As the various pictures of Rain have spread to another cafes and blogs, they are giving the netizens including Rain's fans a lot of pleasure.

Meanwhile, Rain was loudly cheered by more than 30,000 audiences during his Legend of Rainism in Kaoushuing Stadium of Taiwan on the 30th of last month.

Brief translation by rain bird.

 비 주연 '닌자 어쌔신' 日서 3월 개봉

녹색성장 홍보대사에 비ㆍ이다해


[Feb-03-2010] Rain and 'Lee Da-Hye' as the honorary ambassadors of Green Growth.  

Rain, singer and actor, and actress 'Lee Da-Hye' being seated next to each other as the honorary ambassadors of Green Growth, attending Green Growth Committee's 7th conference held in the reception hall inside of Chong Wa De (the Presidential Residence of the Republic of Korea) on the 3rd.

Please refer to the link http://www.rain-eu.com/english/board/news.php

credit to Yonhap news http://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=sec&sid1=100&oid=001&aid=0003104790
Brief trnaslation by rain bird.
credit to 'Chong Wa De' homepage


[기사모음] 녹색성장 홍보대사에 비ㆍ이다해 

녹색성장 홍보대사에 비ㆍ이다해 연합뉴스
비-이다해, 녹색성장 홍보대사 위촉 맥스무비

밑에 주소는 청아대 홈피입니다 가보실님들은 가서 보세요

녹색성장 보고대회


죄송해요 수정했어요
[뉴스] <닌자 어쌔신> 3월 6일, 닌자의 고향 일본 상륙

ninja assassin poster in Japan


Rain Bi @ Kaohsiung Airport on 28-01-2010

100202 [Full] Joonie MBLAQ Called Rain @ SBS Strong Heart
video hiányzik

HQ [Full Ver]Eng subs- Rain BI Phone call @ strong heart

Translations Rain call Part

  • MC Kang: Do you watch Strong Heart?
  • Rain: Yes I watch it often.
  • MC Kang: Do you remember any fun episode?
  • Rain: Yes, the most fun one was Inki.. Teuk.. Teukigayo?

  • MC Kang: In terms of dance and performance, Rain is definitely better. But in terms of looks, Lee Joon says he is better.
  • Rain: HAHAHA. (To Lee Joon) It is wrong to lie on broadcast shows.

  • MC Kang: UEE said her ideal type is Rain.
  • Rain: Oh really?
  • MC Kang passes the phone to UEE.
  • UEE: Hello.
  • Rain: Oh hello.
  • UEE: Hello, I’m After School UEE.
  • Rain: Hi nice to meet you. I see you well.
  • UEE: Thank you (shocked).
  • Rain: You are pretty and sings well.
  • UEE: Do you know our song?
  • Rain: I know the song ‘Diva’.
  • UEE: (Teary) That song was my debut.
  • Rain: Congratulations for doing well. I will listen to your songs well in the future too.
  • UEE: Can you sing a small part to our song?
  • Rain: (Shy)
  • UEE: I’m your fan.
  • Rain: Thank you.
  • UEE: Our song, just a small part.
  • Rain: Now.. Next time when we meet, I’ll sing it personally.
  • UEE: (Touched and surprise)


Stars wearing six to five

LEGEND OF RAINISM at Kaohsiung -hotel+OTHERS picture
fotók hiányoznak


More Rain Bi LOR OSAKA picture


10-02-03 Rain Bi new LOR picture
Credit//Rain Angel+sizuku219

10-02-03 MORE RAIN Bi visiting the Liuhe Night in taiwan picture

credit//goo blog

Rain bi picture with korea President [ambassadors of Green Growth]
fotók hiányoznak


more Rain Bi picture in taiwan Airport


New Rain Bi Nikon picture

CHEESE~" Photographer Rain with Fans기록적인 한파가 몰아닥친 지난 1월 15일, 월드스타 비가 니콘 카메라 D5000을 들고 거리로 나섰다.

비, 정지훈에게 있어 리얼리티란 바로 정지훈이 사랑하고, 정지훈을 사랑하는 팬들.

2010년 '니콘 리얼리티' 캠페인을 위해 비가 선택한 피사체는 다름 아닌 소중한 팬들이다.

이날 비는 코엑스몰, 가로수길, 도심 곳곳에서 마주친 팬들의 사진을 찍기 위해 쉴 새 없이 셔터를 눌러댔다. 꽁꽁 언 손을 녹여가며, 마음을 담아 사진을 찍는 그를 향해 팬들은 세상에서 가장 행복한 미소로 화답한다.

팬은 비를 찍고, 비는 팬을 찍는 드물고도 아름다운 진풍경이 연출됐다.

cap by ratoka

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