Végtelen erőfeszítés, végtelen kitartás, végtelen szerénység. (Rain vezérelve)

Tudtam, hogy ránézésre nem tűnök valami nagy számnak, a megjelenésem sem túl vonzó, de a bensőm elég rendkívüli. Minden színpadra lépés előtt azt mondom magamnak, hogy én vagyok a legjobb, és minden előadás után ugyanúgy azt, hogy nem én vagyok. Ezért minden fellépés előtt 120 százalékosan kell felkészülnöm, hogy az előadáson 100 százalékos teljesítményt tudjak nyújtani. Ennek érdekében minden álló nap folyamatosan képzem magam. Már nagyon hosszú ideje alváshiányban szenvedek, mert ha éppen nem dolgozom, akkor vagy edzek, vagy a koreográfiákat és a dalokat próbálom. Éppen úgy, mint a filmfelvételek idején, ha valamit nem csináltam jól, képtelen vagyok aludni. Akár színészként, akár énekesként, a legjobbat kell tudnom kihozni magamból. De nem kell aggódni, hogy most nincs elegendő időm az alvásra, jut arra majd bőven a halálom után. (Rain)

Ez a fiatalság, ez az egészség... és a túlcsorduló önbizalom... az erőfeszítés, amit az oly hihetetlen előadásai sikeres megvalósításáért tett... és a tehetség, amit felmutat, ezek töltenek el spontán tisztelettel engem. Azt gondolom, hogy a történelem a fontos személyiségek között fogja jegyezni. Úgy, mint aki színészként és zenészként egyaránt sikeres lett. ...
Ami igazán meglepő Ji-hoonban, az az, hogy egyfajta düh, bosszúvágy és szomorúság, az összes efféle sötét, komor negatív motiváció az ő esetében rendkívül optimista és derűs módon ölt testet.
(Park Chan-wook rendező)

RAIN KRÓNIKA: 2010.01.04.



[03-Jan-10] The Dream team Hally star


 This is the "Dream Team" who will be more shinning in the Year of Tiger ^^
Hallyu stars in the football team version

- Goal keeper: Jang Dong Gun
- Left-Middle-Right Defensive : Yoon Sang Hyun, Won Bin, Song Seung Hun, Lee Min Ho
- Defensive midfielder : Kwon Sang Woo, So Ji Sub
- Midfielder: Jeong Ji-Hun (Rain's a play maker in this formation, play maker is very important position in football)
- Side Forwarder: Ryu Shi Won and Lee Byung Hun
- Striker: Bae Yong Jun
-The coach is Director Park Chan Wook



[Jan-04-2010] Rain in an article 'Culture is Power'

Hanryu (the Korean Wave) is now spreading across Asia throughout the world even in geographical areas through culture.

There was a large signboard promoting singer and actor Rain's Hollywood blockbuster Ninja Assassin on Times Square in the center of New York last October.

Global companies such as Samsung, LG, etc. representing Korea have been advertised on Times Square through the signboard, but it's very rare for a Korean actor to show up there through a Hollywood movie.

Rain who expanded into Hollywood through movie 'Speed Racer' in 2008, has become the first Korean actor who has reached the main character of a Hollywood blockbuster through Ninja Assassin.

Brief translation by rain bird.


[大도약 2010] 한국의 문화병기 '비'를 만나다


[경인일보] [창간 50주년 도약! 2010] 문화가 힘이다

비의 문구만 퍼 왔습니다

드라마 히트이어 가수 비· 할리우드 진출▲한류, 아시아를 넘어 세계로

이제 한류는 문화 전반으로 확대되며 지역적으로도 아시아를 넘어 세계로 뻗어가고 있다.

지난 10월 미국 뉴욕 한복판인 타임스퀘어에는 가수 겸 배우 비(27)가 주연한 할리우드 영화 '닌자 어쌔신'을 홍보하는 대형 전광판이 걸렸다. 그동안 삼성, LG 등 한국을 대표하는 글로벌 기업들이 전광판을 통해 타임스퀘어에서 광고한 적은 있지만, 한국 배우가 할리우드 영화로 그곳에 모습을 드러낸 것은 이례적인 일.

2008년 '스피드 레이서'로 할리우드에 진출한 비는 '닌자 어쌔신'으로 한국인 배우 최초로 할리우드 블록버스터의 주인공으로 올라섰다

김태욱-비, 네티즌이 뽑은 최고의 `연예인 출신 CEO` 

희망 뉴스입니다
김연아는 金, 비는 오스카 [2010년 10대 희망뉴스①]


[기사모음] 비·이병헌, 할리우드 머슴? 

[sbs 접속 무비월드]  코너에서
 MC 김태훈과 장항준 감독은 하도 기가 막힌 발언을 해
지금 방송국 게시판에 우리님들께서 계속 항의 글을 올리고 계십니다

sbs 게시판 링크

비·이병헌, 할리우드 머슴? 한국일보
비·이병헌 '할리우드 머슴살이' 발... 2 스타뉴스

★지금 사과문을 냈네요★

안녕하세요, 제작진입니다.

지난 1월 2일 방송된 130회 [접속! 무비월드]의 [영화는 수다다] 코너와 관련하여
다음과 같이 사과의 말씀을 드립니다.

[할리우드가 이들을 주목한다!]는 제목 아래,
2009년 할리우드에서 큰 활약을 선보이며 대한민국의 위상을 높인 배우 정지훈 씨와 이병헌 씨에 대해 이야기 나누는 시간이었습니다.

두 배우의 자랑스러운 활약에 관해서는 저희 프로그램에서 여러 번 다뤄진 적이 있으나 이번에는 새로운 시각에서 조명해보고자 [영화는 수다다] 코너에서 진출의 장-단점들을 이야기 하게 되었고 코너의 특성 상, 할리우드에 진출한 여러 배우들의 활동을 포괄적으로 이야기하다 보니, 다소 오해의 소지가 있는 표현이 사용되었습니다.

제작진도 물론 할리우드에 어렵게 진출하여 멋진 활약을 보여준 모든 배우들을 자랑스럽게 생각하며, 이는 지난 여러 번의 방송에서도 충분히 표현되었답니다.

다시 한 번, 많은 시청자 분들에게 혼란과 불쾌감을 드렸던 점, 진심으로 사과드립니다.
절대 특정인에 대한 비하나 폄하의 의도는 없었다는 말씀과 함께, 앞으로 더욱 신중을 기하여 방송 제작에 힘쓸 것을 약속드립니다.
더 좋은 방송으로 시청자 분들에게 다가갈 수 있도록 앞으로도 [접속! 무비월드]에 계속 뜨거운 관심과 날카로운 비판을 부탁드리겠습니다.


Rain, Jang Dong Gun & Shin Min Ah’s “Being Myself” track & CF unveiled

Last year (doesn't that sound strange?), SK Telecom revealed that celebrities Rain, Jang Dong Gun and Shin Min Ah would be teaming up to greet the New Year with an adorable song with their very own track Being Myself.
With its quirky lyrics that essentially tease each celebrity's quirks, Being Myself is a pretty cute pick-me-up song, check out the newly released videos here


비-이병헌 美 머슴살이? '무비월드' 공식사과 


[24 25 Dec] Las Vegas Concert - very belated Fan Account

I have struggled to write this fan account because I feel lost in words to describe the Las Vegas concert.  It’s great, it’s fantastic.  Rain’s performance is most entertaining and first class.  Our prince is clearly in good mood and top form (I read elsewhere afterwards that he actually started to feel sick before the concert, but to those of us who were so close to the stage and to everyone who attended the concert, all we saw was the most energetic King of the Stage).  Fans and non fans all enjoyed the shows tremendously.

So what is missing in these descriptions? -  I feel that I cannot describe adequately how emotional, how touched I was seeing him so closely, seeing every muscle of his dancing, seeing his 200% effort as a professional artist, and above all, seeing and feeling his true and sincere affection for his fans, and our love for him.

As the main producer and choreographer, Rain has considered the run down of the songs in meticulous detail.  In the first night during one performance, his microphone was not working properly  - but he just moved towards the stage and picked up a wireless microphone from the floor – which has been put there as a back up. And in the second night he was careful not to get too close to the water during Nan so that the mic got protected.  During various performances, I could also see our prince giving eye or hand or nod signals and prompts to his dancers, cheering for his band even though he himself is not on the stage.  This is Rain the professional, the perfectionist, who will not settle for second best.

I believe our prince even deliberately had a different hair style for both nights.  He did not gel his hair the first night. It’s similar to his Rainism comeback style but much shorter.  The soft somehow bob style made him looked young, refreshing and boyish; whereas in the second night (same style as his N.A promotion tour) he looked more seductive and wild.  I think this is Rain – manly with the innocence of a child.  Watching “Because of You”, my favourite part, I could truly understand what Rain means when he said at one interview about his performance as “half gentle half sexy”. 

Of course after Nan and after a number of songs our prince has only one hair style – wet with sweat.  Kim Sun Ah is right in capturing him sweating – he looks even more charismatic.  When I saw our prince clenching his teeth, his fist and delivering his powerful dance in Touch Ya, I’m Coming and many other songs, I see that he was totally oblivious of himself.  He has become his performance.  And I realize one more meaning of the Legend of Rainism.

What cannot be planned or choreographed beforehand is Rain’s true nature and his affection for his fans, and it is interactive, which is why to me, every concert is unique.  Our prince seems very relaxed, very at home from the very beginning of the first concert.  I feel like Rain hosting a big house warming party to celebrate: it’s Christmas; Ninja Assassin has hit home successfully; he hits another home run with a concert in Vegas after a 3 year gap.  There are many guests, but most importantly his family is there, his close colleagues and friends are there, his world fans are there. So our prince wants us to party, to enjoy the show, and that’s why he often “challenged” us: “Where are you so serious?  It’s Christmas” “Clap your hand everybody, Put your hands up”.  He knows we all die to be close to him, so he ran around the stage shaking hands with fans, sat down on the stairs so that we could take a close look at him, and he even walked down the aisle towards us as he sang I Do.  He took good care of the fans who sit way up too – looking at them, acknowledging them, waving to them – he is trying to embrace us all.

And of course he enjoys flirting with us, knowing exactly where our “dead spots” are  - his cute smiles; his half exposed, almost dissolved chocolate packs; his “I Love You too” reply when we say I love you; his half gentle, half sexy dances, his unique vocal talents….  I feel just exhausted as he must have been after the concert, because Rain is giving so much to us during the 2 hours, and we have so much to absorb and to respond.  But at the same time I feel so choked with emotion, and I miss him already as soon as the concert was over.

Fan cams are great as sweet memories.  To truly appreciate the legend of Rain, please try at least to go to one of his live concerts!



2010-01-03 Rain Bi Lotte duty free new picture



2010-01-01 fancam Tous Les Jours picture

source//naver blog


Signature Book present for Rain

I found this, a nice gift from fans !! I wish my signature was there , anyway  congratulations :)

fotók hiányoznak

Fan account:

Hi dear friends, well let me explain you about this present
This present was supposed to be for Ninja Assassin LA Premier, but for some  reasons we couldn't give him at there waaaaaaaaaaaaa  was a shame, bu bu bu
  but then, our friend could sent it helped by a HK cloud! he eheh was a nice surprise to know that xD he ehhe they make us the favor to give it to Rain in his last "Legend of Rainism" in Honk Kong!   ha aha that mean EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE!

 this was a present from peruvian fans,  he he you know x3 I have a new and cool team, so we wanted to do something for our loved Rain, also we sent the banner to the premier, remember that one o.O??? I'm sure you do, ok, besides that, some of our friends signed our book, so it's a nice gift  made with love for fans just to give him our best wishes!!!!
credit: Duggu @raindestinyperu


04-01-2010 Rain Bi January wallpaper


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