Rain来日記念! 期間限定で楽曲配信プレミアムキャンペーン
世界中を熱狂の渦に巻き込んだRain(ピ)<LEGEND OF RAINISM>ワールドコンサートツアー、そのリクエスト公演がいよいよ今週末1月23日、24日に大阪で開催される。
アジアトップのダンスパフォーマンスを誇るRainだが、その楽曲のレベルの高さも随一。完成度の高いダンス、R&BミュージックのRainの最新曲をこの機会にぜひ! コンサートに行く人も、そうでない人も、Rainの曲を聞けば、心もカラダも躍り出すと必至のナンバーだ。
[Jan-21-2010]Rain went to the side of the Han River to see the sunrise on New Year's Day, 2010. with his old friend 'Kim Kwang-Min'.
(from an article about 'Kim Kwang-Min'.)
Actor and Rain's old friend 'Kim Kwang-Min' had never been in the same class with Rain in their school days, but he made a friend of Rain while they were dancing together in the second grade of the high school.
These two often shared a bowl of jajangmyun (black-bean-sauce noodles) with each other during their hard years. So far they have had a deep connection, and they went to the side of the Han River to see the sunrise on New Year's Day, 2010.
credit to Sports Joseon
Briedf translation by rain bird
Ninja Assassin screeanplay
fájl hiányzik
Rain Bi @ MTV [ voted your favorite song]
Voted Website
110119 Rain in Paris
추워도 파리의 하루는 즐겁다~! 고생시켜미안해요...^^!
We spent a pleasant day in Paris, however cold it was outside~!
I'm sorry to give you a hard time ..^^!
(you : Rain)
그래도 귀요미가 즐겁게해줘서 그나마 참고있어요 내일도 빡센스케쥴 잡고 에펠탑 루블 백화점 몽마르뜨까지 하루에섭렵하겠다고 두눈부릅뜨고 있네요ㅋㅋㅋ 제일힘든건 뭐먹이나고민하기ㅋㅋㅋ
But we could endure the hard times because our cutie entertained us.
He is determined to get to the Eiffel tower, Louvre department store, and Montmartre and back in a day, saying that he'll have a hectic schedule tomorrow as well.ㅋㅋㅋ
One of the most difficult things to do is to agonize to find out what he loves to eat in every meal.ㅋㅋㅋ
(He, our cutie : Rain)
[Eng Trans]110115 Rain @ 카페베네(Caffe Bene)
Credit: 김현정 (hnhn0201) @ cyworld // Edited by scorpiola
Credit: 김현정 (hnhn0201) @ cyworld
집앞 콩다방에 사람 많아,새로 생긴 베네에 간 지난 토욜...
차마시며 노트북하며 놀구 있는데~
어디서 마이 듣던 목소리가;;;
헐 비 닮았네!!
근데.. 주문 받던 알바생 표정 난리난걸 보니 비군!!^^ㅋ
나원래 엄청 시크한 녀자라 연옌 보고 싸인따위 받지 않는데 ;;
갑자기 비를 매우 좋아하는 우리 경진이 생각나서 나중에 줄 생각으로,
용기내서 비 테이블로 슬금슬금..;;
나 : 안녕하세요^^
비 : 아 안녕하세요^^
나 : 저.. 싸인좀 부탁드려도 될까요?
비 : 그럼요^^
나 : (싸인하는 모습 므훗히 바라봄)
비 : (쓱쓱쓱 싸인해서 건네주며)
(비~ 서비스교육 받았나? 한 0.5초쯤 아이컨택&스마일~) 감사합니다
새해복 많이 받으세요^^
나 : 감사합니다(부끄러운 미소 한방^^)
이런 횡재가 ㅋㅋ
연옌은 연예인이구나~
후광 비치진 않았지만 피부 좋고 옷맵시 좋고 웃는 표정이라 그런가 이미지 좋더군^^
사진도 같이 찍고 싶었지만, 비앞에 앉은 못생긴 매니져군이 웃으며 죄송하단다~
쳇 죄송할 짓을 왜 한담?!!!
그래서 예전에 받아뒀던 silent camera어플로~ ㅋㅋ
몹쓴 화질이지만 그래도 순간 유용했네 ㅋㅋ
Brief translation by rain bird
There were a lot of people at a Coffee Bean located near my house last Saturday, so I went to a new Caffe Bene and was playing with my lap-top computer, drinking tea.~
Just then, I heard behind me a familiar voice;;;
Oh dear! He looked exactly like Rain !!
I could tell by the look on the face of a waitress who was delirious with joy while taking orders that he must be Rain !!^^ㅋ
Even though I'm not the kind of person who can get entertainers' autographs because basically I'm so chic, I felt I wanted to get his autograph to give it to my junior 'Kyung Jin' who likes him very much later, so I took up courage and stealthily walked toward him.
I : Hi ^^
Rain : Ah, hi ^^
I : Could I please have your autograph?
Rain : Of course ^^
I : (I happily saw him autographing)
Rain : (Handing his autograph to me, he kept eye contact with me for about 0.5 seconds with a smile, which was probably a sort of his service to a fan ~)
Thank you.
Happy New Year^^
I : Thank you (smiling blushfully^^)
I was so luckyㅋㅋ
There was something special about Rain, like a true entertainer.
I was very favourably impressed with his great-looking skin, great style of dressing, and his smile looks, even though there wasn't a halo appearing above his head^^
I wanted to take a picture with him, but his manager who has a plain face asked me not to do that with an apologetic smile.
If the manager really felt sorry about that, he shouldn’t have said such things to me!!!
However, I managed to take Rain's pictures with my silent camera.ㅋㅋ
Although blurred images, it was of great value to me at that time.ㅋㅋ
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