Végtelen erőfeszítés, végtelen kitartás, végtelen szerénység. (Rain vezérelve)

Tudtam, hogy ránézésre nem tűnök valami nagy számnak, a megjelenésem sem túl vonzó, de a bensőm elég rendkívüli. Minden színpadra lépés előtt azt mondom magamnak, hogy én vagyok a legjobb, és minden előadás után ugyanúgy azt, hogy nem én vagyok. Ezért minden fellépés előtt 120 százalékosan kell felkészülnöm, hogy az előadáson 100 százalékos teljesítményt tudjak nyújtani. Ennek érdekében minden álló nap folyamatosan képzem magam. Már nagyon hosszú ideje alváshiányban szenvedek, mert ha éppen nem dolgozom, akkor vagy edzek, vagy a koreográfiákat és a dalokat próbálom. Éppen úgy, mint a filmfelvételek idején, ha valamit nem csináltam jól, képtelen vagyok aludni. Akár színészként, akár énekesként, a legjobbat kell tudnom kihozni magamból. De nem kell aggódni, hogy most nincs elegendő időm az alvásra, jut arra majd bőven a halálom után. (Rain)

Ez a fiatalság, ez az egészség... és a túlcsorduló önbizalom... az erőfeszítés, amit az oly hihetetlen előadásai sikeres megvalósításáért tett... és a tehetség, amit felmutat, ezek töltenek el spontán tisztelettel engem. Azt gondolom, hogy a történelem a fontos személyiségek között fogja jegyezni. Úgy, mint aki színészként és zenészként egyaránt sikeres lett. ...
Ami igazán meglepő Ji-hoonban, az az, hogy egyfajta düh, bosszúvágy és szomorúság, az összes efféle sötét, komor negatív motiváció az ő esetében rendkívül optimista és derűs módon ölt testet.
(Park Chan-wook rendező)

RAIN KRÓNIKA: 2009.12.29.

091229 Arirang_Rain back to Korea after NA promotion.
091229 MNET JP_Legend of Rainism 2009_일본 투어+팬미팅
091229 MTV JK Music_LOR Brochure Introduction


09-12-28[Fan acct]RAIN-LAS VEGAS CONCERT

From jessicakth@allkpop.com
It was a great success. I sit at Front Orchestra section 5. Rain’s dad and sister was sitting in front of me few rows. (I asked his dad for pix but he said No politely ^^) Anyway, we thought all the VIP seats in section 4 and 5 would be empty since they are VIP guests of Caesar and they are … American upper class. THey would gamble during the Christmas eve. But It turned out all front seats are full. Its like more than 97% full. I was so surprised. I met a lot of Rain’s fans from all over the world and all over the states in America came for his concert. Many of them love Rain from Ninja Assassin ^^ Ninja is such a big success of Rain. Everyone screaming, supporting him so much. Rain is so so so wonderful. A lot of ppl i met came to see bc of curious, after the concert, they all said He’s such a great singer, great dancer, more than what they expected!! Everyone wants to get ticket for the second night after seeing the first night. During the performance on the 24th, when it was almost ended, Rain said: This is the last song. Then after that song, the curtain is closing down, everyone is running to the first seats row closest to the stage screaming. THen the curtain opened, Rain surprisingly sang 3 or 4 more songs. THe security couldn’t make ppl go back to the seats. They ended up holding hand like a shield stopping Rain’s fans step on the stage. Everyone ended up standing in their seats or standing in first row areas (just fews step apart from rain), screaming, cheering!! He seems enjoying it. He was like: “Everyone scream!! Why so serious? Scream!! Everyone hands up!!” He was so cute as welll as professional. He handled the audiences so well. The whole Colosseum was standing up cheering him until the end.
P.S: on the 23rd, i waited outside Colosseum with Hawaii’s fans, i got kicked out 15 mins after Rain came out from practice!! Only Haiwaii fans got to see him. But he seemed in hurry


Singers who is most likely to succeed in the States- Poll

So Nyeo Shi Dae voted #1 by netizens for “Singer who is most likely to succeed in the States”
According to the poll results posted by Bugs music site on 25th December, So Nyeo Shi Dae was voted by 1768 netizens out of 6146 who participated in the poll “Singers who is most likely to succeed in the States”, which is 28.77% of the votes.
Qn: “Singers who is most likely to succeed in the States”
1. So Nyeo Shi ae 28.77%
2. 2PM (26.85%)
3. Big Bang (10.54%)
4. Rain
5. 2NE1



k – bites


12.28.09 Rain Was Mentioned On Today’s MTV Newsroom

Spotted: Sylvester Stallone Meets A Hero In Los Angeles

Every day a multitude of stars wanders through the halls of MTV News to talk about their latest projects and goof around with our intrepid correspondents. But sometimes we catch stars elsewhere, and that's why we put together Spotted!, a daily compendium of stars in the wild.
The great thing about Christmas is that everybody has their own set of traditions. For some, the holiday is specifically reserved for family and friends. For basketball superstar Kobe Bryant, Christmas is about taking on the NBA's top competition on a high-profile stage. His Los Angeles Lakers are a staple of the Christmas Day television lineup, and this year was no different, as the Lakers welcomed LeBron James and the Cleveland Cavaliers into the Staples Center for a highlight-filled showdown. Though Bryant nearly put up a triple-double (35 points, nine rebounds and eight assists), the Lakers fell to the Cavs 102-87. It wouldn't be a Lakers game without celebrities, and though Jack Nicholson missed this one, there was no shortage of stars in attendance, including George Lopez, Snoop Dogg, Zack de la Rocha, Sylvester Stallone and Hayden Panettiere.

They weren't the only stars out over the holiday weekend, as Korean pop singer and "Ninja Assassin" star Rain performed at a sold-out show in Las Vegas, while Matthew Broderick and Sarah Jessica Parker spent some time with their twins in New York



It was Rain-ing in Las Vegas

Who wishes for a white Christmas, when you can have a wet one? Rain recently performed in Las Vegas on Christmas Eve to yet again, another epic concert. I am so sad I couldn’t go since I was stuck here in LA doing some SAT prepping, despite the fact I am still a sophomore.
This guy truly knows the meaning of hard work. He is always out in the public doing something. I am so sad though because I heard he will be going to the army after his tour ends, which means no more Rain until 2013-14?
To end this on an interesting note, Rain and his staff called my dad’s restaurant to reserve some seats, but it looks like he was too busy to eat


Rain all sparkly and shiny in Christmas  

singer , actor and impeccable dancer Rain , can really thrown on some style.  the south korean artist dons on sparkly black vest and flamboyant monochromatic blazer with patches of gold. his bow had sequin embillshiment too. the 27 years old had on dress look shoes with a snake skin texture. We've never featured a male for look of the dat before , but we can't resist since Rain looks like a shiny chirtsmas tree all decked out in sparkly ornament. Here's to him for keeping in tune with the festivities performing on X'max eve in Las Vegas

source and credit by : HOT magazine : www.hotexpress.com / stylebeaunews.aspx?pk=07D2D09412E9D70AB5F381275762F6E49FA40006463811F3F59A4317B745C5573


12.28.09 [Fan Account] “Legend of Rainism” In Las Vegas

hi evebody how everybody doing is every body have a good time in CHRISMEAST EVE $ DAY??
I wish you all injoy with family and firends memenber !!!
ok let bare with me to my ecounter on thursday and firday Christmeast week. i got to LAS VEGAS on thursday morning i stay in fitzerZarld Hotel  wth a firend we stay in the same hotel and we hang out together she very nice and firendly person i very happy to know her w become good firend ever so happy very great person. so on thursday we spen alot time to touring aound las vegas and tooksame pict their too i saw CIRUS CIRS, FESCOS BROTHER, VENOTIAN, TRESURE ISLAND,  THE MIRAGE , PARIS it so beauitfl and wondrful travler and visiter their anway we were also look or CEARSR PALACE and we seee it it a hudge hotel ever very big and alot shoping and quite of reastrun their too we walk a hole tour in the ceasar palce i saw rain poster board on the walk in i took a pict with of it well unfortunally i did see rain conert on thursday night mind was on friday 25th anway milisa show 2 day see went t see rain on thursday. i saw they advisted this legend of rainism outside and inside the hotel i were look rain is on i meet RUSA and some INTERNATIONAL fans come to see his concrt i meet rain FAN CLUB soot i forgot to ask her we were like ahah she give us his poster she very nice and sweet person also we thank her for it. then later i saw ling and oddere rain RUSA we talk and w also took some pict also i meet these firend they from tiwwer her name is carla, cici,cindy,and brithey firend i happy i meet quit f fans their t also i have meet these korean fan of rain she korean come our table n talk to about rain she ask are coming to see his concert say yes awawwa !!!!
anyway on firday it  actually  my concert show is on 25th whiches on christmas day ha ah !! the concert at the COLUSEUM CEASAR PALACE ofcurse we all know the door open at 7pmi went  and their were the scurerity seater their theycheck our pruchase and on the ticket say no camera inside the warning us no camera the ladies set me mind was up on bacandy 502 A i was their early and i went bac out side and got rain key chain sceem clener it awsome i like it it say legend of rainism on it they sold 6to5 goodie stuff of rain like his NINJA ASSASSIN sweather, cap, legend of rainism photo album, key chain accesriores, poster, clradom cloths pin, ect…. anyway after that i went back theshow started at 8:30 i seat Then their all INTERNATIONAL intruduce to us their th PRESIDENT of CEASAR PALACE, CHINESE & KOREAN they welcome everybody to rain concert and talk alittle that he very talen good acting singer dancer and perforamer and very good i his young og his age very amazing righ !! then they started to have then each translating their own lanugue wowow!!! i knowes their so many Chinese & korean come to his concert some of them funnies they can evensay it right ahaha !! oafterall they thank everybody for coming and start the concert
and they started they trun off all the light the music started rainMY WAY begin and everybody shout out and scream when he appear on stage sining my way it the opening show of his concert like all his  concert are. after he say WHAT SUP LAS VEGAS  only say it and rain put his hand on his ear and say loarder he did couple time coz, AND HE EVEN SAY WHY SO SERIOUS !! no  were luaght at him i should out so lorad nd say to him to i scream alot on the hole perforaming and h say it again why so serious !! and rain say it HAPPY CHRISTMEAST what sup las vegas and e say what u doing to the fan on the front VIP.  thoes gril say YEAH!!rain say tTHANK YOU them. the gril say I LOVE U to him and he say i love u too!! aah is hesweet and ardorable love this gril for a life.
then he went on stage and say it been long time right he anounce all his conceert HONG KONG MOCUCA , JAPAN, US, the he sing WITH -U and after he sining he took a towel anm he wipe of hiis skin and throw to hs fan. he continus his hit song when rain sing his avoid from the sun he come down the starir everybody were touching him and his body just how he alway normal did. rain he very sexual appreal and very spotligh the hole aduance rain perforamce was  very quinte and a scream to watch!!. even guy shout out for him amazing is is rain are very down to earth anyway he perforaming NAN under water fall he look very very sexieeee hs abd are back i also knowes rain gaint some weight light high cut his muscluar are rounded again am thinking rain are working out for his upcoming flim in USA. so happy to see he bring his body back. eheheh !! i scream at rain rain…….. and also yup melting i were like OMG !!!  rain shock me and the audaince he did not rip his t0 shrit all the way like how he was doing to all the concert he in but it good too he teasing us back and forth he pull down his shouder top up and down i was scream and fire over him such a sily and sexual i could help it my mouth just keep on screming out lorad godddd rain !! then after he sing love story he put his love story back screeme MV vedio for us to see it while he chaning his outfit into RAINISM for love stoy when he song that song it very emoton me coz this song is sad and feeling i just look at him sining then after that he song RAINISM song he did so good in thesre song i song alonwith even though it loard like a speaker but i very enjoy his perforaming it was so awsome ever then after the he sing firend and so on but it kind of sily though coz, when they close the cotton sheld they though it ending but no it wasn;t ending yet rain still have to performing his FRESH WOMEN , BA GUY, and so on . rain very so handsome he look more thick and his hair are grewing and it just become his rainism that what i called him. towrad the end their 3 gril give rain flower i bet all u see thar red flower right yet that the one am talking..the concert was full house and suceed at the end every with cheer ands clap it was a best experince first time concerting with rain it was amazing ever i love the outcome goes and the peoples are very please and happy with this it the best CHRISTMEAS DAY !! week for me i have rain hehe eheh eheh   ^__^  and yes i have a very good experince time with him and enjoy my live concert ever !!
the concert is end everybody getting out from the COLUSEUM they ceasar palce peoples hand out us lengend rainsim sicker on the first page say the heart of SOUEL taking care of your health!!
inside saying this sticker maybe use on a mobile phone monitor,or other electric equiment to procted again magentic wave generated by eletic device.
so i stick on my cell phone as is ahah i got alot goodie of ain stuff love it love it how sweert of him even on his goddies suff rain even told us to took are of our helth what a carefulness person i even love this guy even more and that how i admire him so much..,
the concert end everybody out from the COLUSEUM and we stood righ in front their for aout 45min wating and talking but gues who come outside the door their a guy he ligh skin like chinese look and he look quite young and good looking but not as rain himself ofcurse anyway one of my my firend i meet their carla me an milisa though it was rain dancer he walk outside and ask and talk to these korean guy stading righ by us and took him in first he walking outside thn he trun back inside we just follow himn t so funny we stock some guy who though it rain dancer. anway he went back inside the COLUSEUM then these korean gril just walk out from she get to meet rain i ques she is a VIP pass and then we saw her we went to her and ask her did she meet rain she told us yes how was it she he say hi and thank we not what very going on their but i remeber she say rain is tall and his hair slick back with long sleave shrit and a polo over it . we ask her is that rain back dacer she told no!! he is rain MANAGER shock and suprise 3 of us were like what awawawawawwa!!!!! he manager of rain woah………. !! he look quite young and good looking too man twe were strndred debay dont know what to do should we ask him should we what what to do?? then malisa told we have gift for rain and ask him to give this gift to him well i stop im when he walking towrad somewhere i stop rain manager sorry i did get his named coz we just to excited to know it rain manager i went and touch his hand and asdk him in english can u give this to rain he did undertand me coz, rain manager did not speak ENGLISH so these korean family he took with him it a gril who translating to him and told him in korean i want to givethis gift to rain it was me and ,malis give him thisd gift i got him a cross 10k gold necklace and malis got him a weather. on my gift it a yellow small bag i put in  treasure box light how he MV rainism when they open it and yeah!! that one ! on the gift bag i wrote MERRYCHRISTMEAS  i the middle it say LOVE i wrote his name RAIN ahaha melting again i was so happy ifinally give this gift to hin by his own manger i did make when i was at the primere of NINJA ASSASSIN !!  and am so happy that i make this time
anway  get to took some pict with these korean guy he half KOREAN & ENGLISH
he so very handsome he look just like a real star k-drama actor or singer he very handsome look i ask him to took a picture with me he ask us why carla told him your guy look good together so he say ok his english are good an fall in heaven at the moment when i see him and ask for a pict it was nice of him too say yes eehe !! THE END !!
rain leave on saturday moring around 9-10am carla see him they jus behind rain they try to took his pict but train dancer told hem plese no tooking pict of rain i leave at 12 afternoon so i would be able to catch his glence coz, i don”thave computure acess and plus i tried too next time ok!!
Credit: kongsao@sixtofive1982.com (Thanks so much for sharing with us 

[Dec-29-2009] Las Vegas got soaked in Rain.
Christmas in Las Vegas got soaked in Rain.

Rain's solo concert 'Legend of Rainism' was held in Coliseum inside of Caesars Palace Hotel, Las Vegas last 24th and 25th.

5000 seats were filled with his fans from such areas as Hawaii, the eastern of the state, and so on throughout USA, during each of his two concerts held in the same place in 3 years.

During this two day concert, Rain brought his fans the passions of the stage that is worth making up the memory of his canceled concert in USA 2 years ago, even if he's been too busy promoting his movie Ninja Assassin and his concert since last November.

Rain said, "Since I'm coming down with a cold, I'm not at my best conditions, but I've prepared the totally arranged encyclopedia style of concert to bring the loved hit songs from my 1st album to my 5th considering my appearance on the stage in 3 years."

Rain passionately carried out his live musical performances to the 6 member band and presented the audience his fantastic stage with powerful dances for 2hours, showing off himself as a world star expressing himself in English during all of the proceedings of the concert.

Rain said, "I think I can be recognized in the global market place by making the final product with the world's best skills utilizing something Korean and something worldwide with great exactness."

Continuing, "I've decided my next projects, having my two sights set on recovering singer Rain and engraving actor 'Jeong Ji-Hoon' in 2010. I'll charm my Asian fans, there have scarcely been that many chances to meet them, with a Korean-Chinese-Japanese drama in July next year. Also, as a singer, I'll reach global music fans, releasing a collaboration album with the singers who represent USA and Europe."

Rain'll go on his encore concert in Japan in January next year after a brief break after finalizing his work of the year 2009, and he's going to appear in a new blockbuster hollywood movie in February next year, the contract of which might be nearing a close.

credit to America's Daily Hankook http://kr.news.yahoo.com/service/news/shellview.htm?articleid=20091226225815793j5&linkid=4&newssetid=1352
Brief translation by rain bird.


09-12-29 Rain Bi January wallpaper

source//Jp lottedfs


Rain Bi @ Caesars palace 

Credit//Rain USA

Here's a picture of The Royal Court,Gary Selesner,President of Caesars Palace and the Rain



12.24.09 [Fan Pics] More “Legend of Rainism” in Las Vegas Pics

Source & Credit: Han Phan


2009 Popular Culture LEADER POWER 30 people



Rain LOR Las Vegas picture



Mexican Clouds in Seoul Sports News



09-12-29 Rain Bi picture


6to5 Teddy Bear

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