Végtelen erőfeszítés, végtelen kitartás, végtelen szerénység. (Rain vezérelve)

Tudtam, hogy ránézésre nem tűnök valami nagy számnak, a megjelenésem sem túl vonzó, de a bensőm elég rendkívüli. Minden színpadra lépés előtt azt mondom magamnak, hogy én vagyok a legjobb, és minden előadás után ugyanúgy azt, hogy nem én vagyok. Ezért minden fellépés előtt 120 százalékosan kell felkészülnöm, hogy az előadáson 100 százalékos teljesítményt tudjak nyújtani. Ennek érdekében minden álló nap folyamatosan képzem magam. Már nagyon hosszú ideje alváshiányban szenvedek, mert ha éppen nem dolgozom, akkor vagy edzek, vagy a koreográfiákat és a dalokat próbálom. Éppen úgy, mint a filmfelvételek idején, ha valamit nem csináltam jól, képtelen vagyok aludni. Akár színészként, akár énekesként, a legjobbat kell tudnom kihozni magamból. De nem kell aggódni, hogy most nincs elegendő időm az alvásra, jut arra majd bőven a halálom után. (Rain)

Ez a fiatalság, ez az egészség... és a túlcsorduló önbizalom... az erőfeszítés, amit az oly hihetetlen előadásai sikeres megvalósításáért tett... és a tehetség, amit felmutat, ezek töltenek el spontán tisztelettel engem. Azt gondolom, hogy a történelem a fontos személyiségek között fogja jegyezni. Úgy, mint aki színészként és zenészként egyaránt sikeres lett. ...
Ami igazán meglepő Ji-hoonban, az az, hogy egyfajta düh, bosszúvágy és szomorúság, az összes efféle sötét, komor negatív motiváció az ő esetében rendkívül optimista és derűs módon ölt testet.
(Park Chan-wook rendező)

RAIN KRÓNIKA: 2009.01.11.



[filmschoolrejects]Ninja Assassin-The 25 most Anticipated Movies of 2009

*닌자어새신 무술연습영상의 유투브 공개 이후로 외국 영화 사이트에 많은 글들이 쏟아져 나왔는데
 그 중에서 몇 개 추려 봤어요..(filmschoolrejects/themovieblog/screenrant)

The 25 most Anticipated Movies of 2009
Posted by FSR Staff (editors@filmschoolrejects.com) on January 7, 2009Ninja Assassin (TBA 2009)
The movie is called Ninja Assassin, do I even have to say why we’re excited about this film? Hell, the film’s star is so badass his name is just Rain. Like Madonna, but if she were a ninja. And a dude. And Korean. But seriously, this film follows a super bad ass assassin out for revenge against those who trained him, but then made the mistake of killing his best friend. The stunt work and fights are coming to you courtesy of 87 Eleven, the same guys who did 300, The Bourne Films, and The Matrix. Expect this movie to have the most slice-and-dice sword action of the year as well as be a strong contender for a Best Fight nod at the end of the year, even against a lot of stiff competition. Sharpen your blades and hone your shuriken, because this is going to be bloody awesome.

Ninja Assassin Behind scenes Fight Choreography.
Wednesday, January 7th, 2009 at 6:57 am.By Rodney
Korean Popstar Rain caught the eye of the Brothers Wachowski while producing Speed Racer and is staring in their next action flick bringing us more of Korea’s hottest star. Check out this video of some of the fight scenes being practiced for their upcoming Ninja Assassin. ScreenRant calls it: Ninja Assassin is the story of one of the world’s best assassins, Raizo (played by Korean pop star, Rain) who was trained to kill by a secret organization that later executes his best friend. Naturally, Raizo must avenge his friend’s death and the blood bath ensues. You can’t really go wrong with a movie called Ninja Assassin, and this Rain guy looks like he is more than capable in the physical aspect of the movie. The action looks incredible, and this just might be what Rain needs to establish himself in the North American market. Then we can finally see what all the fuss is about.

Fight like a 'Ninja Assassin'
January 6, 2009 | by Rob Keyes
I caught this while reading some news with my morning coffee, and thought it was way cool! It's a quick training video showing some work by stunt team 87eleven (they worked on 300, Watchmen, Matrix, and the Bourne Films). They were training for the upcoming release produced by the Wachowski Brothers and directed by James McTeigue called Ninja Assassin - very cool. This is a must watch if you have any interest at all in action films, martial arts, sword combat or parkour. Film got a hold of a behind-the-scenes video of the fight choreography training for the upcoming Ninja Assassin movie. The video features the infamous 87 Eleven stunt performing/coordination and martial arts training group who also worked on hit action movies 300, the Bourne films and this year’s Watchmen (hopefully this year). They do amazing work and are becoming more and more involved in some of the biggest action films around. Ninja Assassin is the story of one of the world’s best assassins, Raizo (played by Korean pop star, Rain) who was trained to kill by a secret organization that later executes his best friend. Naturally, Raizo must avenge his friend’s death and the blood bath ensues. Take a look at some of the action sequences you can expect to see in the film:And that’s just the fight training! This movie is going to be bad ass and I’m definitely going to see it just based on this. The action sequences look incredible and they’re obviously putting tons of work into it to make it flow and look real – "real" as in based on earth’s gravity and people actually performing these moves naturally and not like in Romeo Must Die or Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon where a person can jump and kick multiple people while changing and reversing his direction in midair. You know what I Mean! Does this make you want to see the film? Ninja Assassin does not have a confirm!ed release date as of yet but is expected to hit theaters in the second half of 2009. It is directed by James McTeigue (Speed Racer, V for Vendetta).

2009년 가장 기대되는 영화 25편 중의 하나

닌자 어새신이라는 영화다, 왜 기대가 되는 지 굳이 말을 해야 하나?
얼마나 화끈한가 하면, 영화 주연 이름이 그냥 비다. 마치 마돈나처럼..
만약 그녀가 닌자였다면. 그리고 남자였다면. 그리고 한국인이었다면

그런데 정말로, 이 영화는 그를 훈련시켰으나 실수로 가장 친한 친구를 죽게 한 사람들에게
복수를 꿈꾸는 어새신에 대한 내용이다.

스턴트와 싸움 신은 87 Eleven의 작품이다, 300, Bourne 시리즈 그리고 매트릭스로도 유명한.
이 영화에서 많은 칼싸움을 예상하여라, 아마도 올해 Best Fight 상을 받을 가장 유력한 작품이다.
칼을 갈고 수리검을 갈아라, 피 튀게 멋질 것이다. (filmschoolrejects)

닌자 어새신 무대 뒤 싸움 안무

워쇼스키 형제가 스피드레이서를 찍을 당시 한국 팝스타 비가 눈에 띄었고,
덕분에 우리에게 한국의 가장 섹시한 스타를 더 볼 수 있게 되었다.
닌자 어새신에서 볼 수 있을 싸움 장면을 연습하는 동영상을 확인해 보아라.

ScreenRant에 의하면:
닌자 어새신은 자신의 친구를 죽이게 되는 비밀 조직에 의해 길러진
세계 최고의 어새신 Raizo(한국 팝스타 비 역)에 대한 이야기다.
자연스레 Raizo는 친구의 죽음에 대해 복수를 맹세하고, 혈전이 예상된다.

닌자 어새신이라는 영화를 보고 실망할 수가 없고,
이 비라는 친구는 이 영화적 측면에서 보았을 때 충분히 유능해 보인다.
액션은 엄청날 것으로 기대되고, 아마 비가 북미 시장에서 통하기 위해서는
이런 이미지를 쌓아야 할 것이다. 그런 후에 논란을 지켜 보도록 하자.(themovieblog)

닌자 어새신처럼 싸워라

모닝 커피를 마시며 뉴스를 읽다가 본건데 상당히 괜찮은 것 같다!
스턴트 팀 87eleven의 짧은 훈련 비디오다.
(그들은 300, Watchmen, Matrix 그리고 Bourne 시리즈에도 참여했다).

그들은 곧 개봉될 워쇼스키 형제와 James McTeigue의 영화 닌자 어새신에 대비해 훈련을 했다.
만약 액션 영화, 무술, 칼싸움 등에 흥미가 있다면 반드시 봐야 할 영화다.
영상에는 무대 뒤에서 닌자 어새신 영화를 위해 싸움 안무를 짜는 영상이 담겨 있다.

또한 영상에는 액션 영화 300, Bourne 시리즈 그리고 올해 개봉 될 Watchmen을 맡은
스턴트 및 무술 훈련 그룹으로 유명한 87 Eleven의 모습이 담겨 있다.
그들은 그저 놀라울 따름이고, 점점 더 화려한 액션 영화들도 맡고 있다.

닌자 어새신은 자신의 친구를 죽이게 되는 비밀 조직에 의해 길러진
세계 최고의 어새신 Raizo (한국 팝스타 비 역)에 대한 이야기다.
Raizo는 친구의 죽음에 대해 복수를 맹세하고, 혈전을 예상할 수 있다.

이 영화에서 볼 수 있는 액션들을 한번 보라:
이것은 싸움 훈련에 불과하다! 이 영화는 화끈할 것이고
단지 이것만 보고도 나는 영화를 볼 것이다.
액션 장면은 정말 놀랍고 최대한 실제처럼 만들려고 많은 노력을 쏟아 붓고 있을 것이다
– “실제라 하면 지구의 중력이 유효한, , Romeo Must Die나 와호장룡처럼
공중에서 사람들에게 발차기를 날리면서 방향을 틀어 바꾸는 그러한 것이 아니다.

무슨 말인지 이해하겠는가! 이제 영화를 보고 싶어지는가?
아직은 닌자 어새신의 공식 개봉 날짜가 잡혀 있지 않지만
2009년 하반기에 개봉 될 것으로 예상된다.
James McTeigue 감독 작품이다 (스피드 레이서, V for Vendetta)(screenrant)
출처 : 비나무 //°♤//。  |  글쓴이 : 레이니아 원글보기


09.01.10 Fan Acct - Exhibition of Rain pictures taken by Back Sung-Hyun alias Baecka at COEX.
Today I went to COEX, and Rain's pictures at the entrance jumped to my eye.
Sure enough, I found him at the first sign of Malling magazine made by COEX.
It was the fourth issue of the magazine (December26~January14)
His appearance was found even at an information booth inside the building.


這是第四期的雜誌(12月26號 - 1月14號)。甚至在COEX的客戶服務台也可以看見Rain的照片。

 And Baecka, Rain's old friend, was holding a picture exhibition in commemoration of his publication in Lake Street next to Bandi&Ludis book store, there were a few entertainers pictures.

But above all things, there were 2 pictures entitled "Jung Ji-Hoon" (Rain), Ji-Hoon to play a keyboard and Ji-Hoon to take off his coat.(I couldn't take a photograph of Rain because the people's cosplay was in process there.)

This exhibit will allegedly open till January31.

Rain的老朋友﹐Baecka﹐在Bandi & Ludis 的書店旁舉行了為紀念他在 Lake Street 出版的作品的圖片展﹐還包括了其他幾個藝人的照片。

有兩張名為"Jung Ji-Hoon" (Rain)的照片﹕一張是Rain在彈鋼琴﹐另一張是Rain脫了衣服。(因太多人的關係我拍不到照片。)




source : benamoo
Brief translation by rain bird


01.10.09 SM-JYP-YG take on the world in the new year 2009

SM-JYP-YG take on the world in the new year 2009
Posted on January 7, 2009 by sookyeong


JYP Entertainment
Park Jin Young has several times gave empty talk to debut Im Jung Hee, GSoul and Min in America, revealed in a recent press interview that he will devote his time and attention to entering the American market in this year.
He has also revealed that he will helping ‘world star’ Rain with the release of his American debut album at the end of the year.
The staff and the production team to Rain’s American debut album has not been revealed yet. But news have it that there will be a duet song with top female pop star.
This is exciting news especially that Rain has already participated in several Hollywood production movies like ‘Speed Racer’ and ‘Ninja Assassin’. Fans have their eyes set on how his American debut album will be received.

source: K Bites ll soompi
credit: sixtofive1982.wordpress.com


[Jan-11-2009][Fan Account]Rain leaving for Japan, at airport today.

Rain early entered into the departing gate today as if he tried to drop in at the duty-free shop.
He conspicuously looked taller and was real cool today of all days.Please take care of yourself while you are in Japan.

*It's the story that I heard about Rain's leaving for Japan today due to his fan meeting schedule.

source : benamoo
Brief translation by rain bird@Rain-Eu


Rain at mini fan meeting on December 27, 2008*The video was making so much noise that I couldn't hear well, so the only heard part was written down.

The part Rain spoke

I'm happy that you've believed my effort and I've won recognition from all of you,
while I'm put to inconvenience of my short activity.
Please give my CD to your boy friend as an anniversary gift.
Singapore concert is not yet definitely settled, but it'll be scheduled before long.
Love Story's music video will be released soon, I've kept it for a later time.
Thank you for your taking care of me during my activity.
I'm not sure of my film releasing, Ninja Assassin, due to the complicated computer graphic working of it.
I'd like to form a music band when I become over 40 years old.
When I get angry, I scream.
My lips are what I like best in my body.
I've ever had an affinity for some fans.
When I see a woman, her body shape is first noticed.
I'll keep my finger crossed for you all even in 2009.Thank you, and I love all of you.

Brief translation by rain bird@Rain-Eu

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