Végtelen erőfeszítés, végtelen kitartás, végtelen szerénység. (Rain vezérelve)

Tudtam, hogy ránézésre nem tűnök valami nagy számnak, a megjelenésem sem túl vonzó, de a bensőm elég rendkívüli. Minden színpadra lépés előtt azt mondom magamnak, hogy én vagyok a legjobb, és minden előadás után ugyanúgy azt, hogy nem én vagyok. Ezért minden fellépés előtt 120 százalékosan kell felkészülnöm, hogy az előadáson 100 százalékos teljesítményt tudjak nyújtani. Ennek érdekében minden álló nap folyamatosan képzem magam. Már nagyon hosszú ideje alváshiányban szenvedek, mert ha éppen nem dolgozom, akkor vagy edzek, vagy a koreográfiákat és a dalokat próbálom. Éppen úgy, mint a filmfelvételek idején, ha valamit nem csináltam jól, képtelen vagyok aludni. Akár színészként, akár énekesként, a legjobbat kell tudnom kihozni magamból. De nem kell aggódni, hogy most nincs elegendő időm az alvásra, jut arra majd bőven a halálom után. (Rain)

Ez a fiatalság, ez az egészség... és a túlcsorduló önbizalom... az erőfeszítés, amit az oly hihetetlen előadásai sikeres megvalósításáért tett... és a tehetség, amit felmutat, ezek töltenek el spontán tisztelettel engem. Azt gondolom, hogy a történelem a fontos személyiségek között fogja jegyezni. Úgy, mint aki színészként és zenészként egyaránt sikeres lett. ...
Ami igazán meglepő Ji-hoonban, az az, hogy egyfajta düh, bosszúvágy és szomorúság, az összes efféle sötét, komor negatív motiváció az ő esetében rendkívül optimista és derűs módon ölt testet.
(Park Chan-wook rendező)

RAIN KRÓNIKA: 2009.02.01.



[Feb-01-2009]Rain gained the top ranking as a knockout-body star.

A recent poll of 15,222 people older than age 12  throughout the country, by "KBS Broadcasting Culture
Research Institute" at the request of "KBS Entertainment News", has found that Rain took the top ranking as a knockout-body star, and the 3rd ranking as a handsome star.

credit to Mydaily
Brief translation by rain bird@Rain-Eu


2009.01.30 Fan Acct - Saw Rain at the practice room.
This is a Korean fan account

I was so happy in these two days because I saw Rain at the office.

Today I went to the practice room to see Rain, there were about 10-20 fans there. I saw Rain's car outside so I asked around and heard Rain already went inside.

I waited until 6pm, Rain came out!!!  Many fans were excited, I was so nervous. Rain pushed the door and came out, fans all went over to him. They brought snacks, strawberries, biscuits, candies and coffee for him.

Rain's mood was very good today, he wore brown scarf, dressed main color brown, had an autumn feel. His hair color was brownish. He had a killing smile, autographed for the fans and when he signs, he asked "what's your name?"

When Rain saw the fans who gave him the strawberries, he said the fan is tiny and cute ~

Then Rain went inside to practice again and after he's done he came out and drove the car away by himself. He looked very tall and handsome.

Source: 비속의정지훈 @ Benamoo
Chinese translation by 小曹曹 and HCRAIN @ CloudChina
Chi to Eng by Cin @ rain legend



胆怯的跑过去, Fans自觉的把带来的点心,草莓,威化饼,口香糖,咖啡都给了他

来源: 비속의정지훈 @ Benamoo



2009.01.31 KBS Ent - Most beautiful and best body male star.

Rain ranked 3rd place for "The most beautiful male star" and ranked 1st place for "The best body male star"
09.01.31 KBS演藝家中繼 - <公眾調查 - 大韓民國最高美男是?>第1至10位

1位: 장동건 張東健 30.2% 4,559/15085名
2位: 조인성 趙寅成 9.9% 1,486/15085名
3位: 비 雨 8.7% 1,306/15085名
4位: 배용준 裴勇俊 7.0% 1,056/15085名
5位: 송승헌 宋承憲 5.9% 889/15085名
6位: 원빈 元斌 5.8% 879/15085名
7位: 정우성 鄭雨盛 5.4% 814/15085名
8位: 현빈 玄彬 3.2% 506/15085名
9位: 소지섭 蘇志燮 3.2% 482/15085名
10位: 이병헌 李炳憲 2.7% 353/15085名

09.01.31 KBS演藝家中繼 - <公眾調查 - 大韓民國最高體型的明星是?> 第1至10位

1位: 비 雨 22.1% 3,335/15067名
2位: 권상우 權相佑 20.0% 3,016/15067名
3位: 차승원 車勝元 8.0% 1,208/15067名
4位: 송승헌 宋承憲 7.3% 1,105/15067名
5位: 소지섭 蘇志燮 6.1% 924/15067名
6位: 조인성 趙寅成 5.0% 750/15067名
7位: 장동건 張東健 4.6% 689/15067名
8位: 배용준 裴勇俊 4.4% 664/15067名
9位: 이정재 李政宰 4.0% 600/15067名
10位: 정우성 鄭雨盛 3.8% 567/15067名

Credit: Benamoo
翻譯: rainhk


The best handsome male stars' ranking

Rain is the star who is being portrayed as terribly lovable through his own cute and manly attraction.

The 1st ranking : Jang Dong-Geon
The 2nd ranking : Jo In-Seong
The 3rd ranking: Rain : 1,306 of the 15,085 surveyed people as 8.7%

The best knockout-body male stars' ranking
The 1st ranking : Rain : 3,335 of 15,067 surveyed people as 22.1%The 2nd ranking : Kwon Sng-Woo
The 3rd ranking : Cha Seung-Won
Rain :"I would prefer to take off my jacket on time than dance 100 times." in an interview.

credit to Mydaily/benamoo
Brief translation by rain bird


09.02.01 Fan Acct - Saw Rain again on 01/31
卡卡,昨天又有饭见到R宝了~~~~~~~晚上7点R宝到达,看上去心情不好~~~~~~脸有些肿~~~~~到11点,传来R宝唱歌的声音~~~ 中间有伴舞下来买豆奶~~~~晚12点多R宝才出来~~~给饭签名握手~~~因为有饭握手握的非常非常紧,R宝嗖一下把手抽出~~~~卡卡~~~~~和伴舞们聊了一会骑上摩托走了~~~~~~~~~~出处: DC

Yesterday there were fans saw Rain, he came at 7pm, didn't seem to have very good mood, his face was a bit swollen. 11pm, heard he was singing, some dancers came down to buy soymilk.

Rain came out around 12am midnight, autographed for fans and shook hands, because some fans held Rain's hand very tight while shaking so Rain had to let go of his hands very quick.

He chatted with dancers a little awhile. Then he rode his motorcycle and left the place.

credits to DC / 爱雨625 @ baidu rain bar
Chi to Eng translation by Cin @ rain legend
09.02.01 Fan Acct - I really watched Rain's documentary on Discovery channel yesterday.
Here is New Zealand.
Some years ago, I immigrated to this country from Korea.

I really watched Rain's documentary on Discovery channel yesterday.(January 31)
Besides, it was on air on Saturday at 7:30 pm, most-watched time zone.
Rain's talk part was subtitled in English.
The content was about his suffering from poverty in his childhood, his story that it required blood, sweat, and tears to succeed, and etc.

Yes, I know everything, but it was so touching again.
Wow! even Rainism music video was being broadcasted, and the rest of songs included in his 5th album equally seemed to be broadcasted.

I would hardly keep from tears because it was very impressive.
This program is to be broadcasted tomorrow.
I'll surely watch it again!

source : benamoo
Brief translation by rain bird
[Feb-01-2009]Rain's perfect attraction was praised highly by female announcer Kim Kyung-Lahn

Female announcer 'Kim Kyung-Lahn' appeared on "Gold Miss and Mr. Announcer" part in KBS 2TV's
"Special 'Sin Dong-Yeop' & 'Sin Bong-Seon' Shampagne" program, which was broadcasted on January
In the corner selecting 'Mr. Right' related to the entertainers' appearance, she chose Rain with
hesitation and praised his perfect body highly.
She frankly spoke, "Some time ago, I ever appeared on "The immortally musical classics" in KBS 2 TV's 'Happy Sunday' corner, with Rain. That time, I kept gazing at his inverted triangle back view. I could not
help admitting his attraction."
But she didn't select Rain as a Mr. Right of outward appearance, because, rather, his perfect looks
unlike a human being were allegedly a burden to her.

credit to NewsEn
Brief translation by rain bird@Rain-Eu


[Feb-01-2009]Mnet Japan Rainy Day 10 September10, 2008.Rain : This is my house in Thailand.(Jokingly)
Isn't it roomy? I'm so cool, after all ! (reaching out his

Everyting is ready
3minutes before it starts.

Rain : This is the primary shooting, and seems to go off all right.
There will be a conclusive dance scene tomorrow.
See you tomorrow!

September 11, 2008.

Rain : Today is the second day. CG work will go on. Water will be transformed into a man.

Rain is sharing some donuts with others.
Rain : This is the first scene of the music video.
The contents are that It rains from sky, rainwater turns
into myself.

Director : Everything's over!
Rain : You did a good job! The shooting seemed to pass off
without incident.
I think it'll be made well. Hope you to love Rain much!

source : benamoo
Brief translation by rain bird@Rain-EU


09.02.01[Edaily]Rain is due to be appointed to the Goodwill Ambassador of Korean popular music globalization.

The total 5 teams including Rain are due to be appointed to the Goodwill Ambassadors of Korea popular music globalization.
The rest of the teams are Dongbangsinki, Big Bang, Girls' Generation, Wonder Girls.
An officer interested the Culture Ministry expressed as, "We'll make Lee's Administration's hand about the music industry and encourage Korea music globalization."
The Culture Ministry is due to announce the music industry's New Year & medium plans, in SM entertainment's song practice hall, next February 4.
credit to EdailyBrief translation by rain bird



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