Végtelen erőfeszítés, végtelen kitartás, végtelen szerénység. (Rain vezérelve)

Tudtam, hogy ránézésre nem tűnök valami nagy számnak, a megjelenésem sem túl vonzó, de a bensőm elég rendkívüli. Minden színpadra lépés előtt azt mondom magamnak, hogy én vagyok a legjobb, és minden előadás után ugyanúgy azt, hogy nem én vagyok. Ezért minden fellépés előtt 120 százalékosan kell felkészülnöm, hogy az előadáson 100 százalékos teljesítményt tudjak nyújtani. Ennek érdekében minden álló nap folyamatosan képzem magam. Már nagyon hosszú ideje alváshiányban szenvedek, mert ha éppen nem dolgozom, akkor vagy edzek, vagy a koreográfiákat és a dalokat próbálom. Éppen úgy, mint a filmfelvételek idején, ha valamit nem csináltam jól, képtelen vagyok aludni. Akár színészként, akár énekesként, a legjobbat kell tudnom kihozni magamból. De nem kell aggódni, hogy most nincs elegendő időm az alvásra, jut arra majd bőven a halálom után. (Rain)

Ez a fiatalság, ez az egészség... és a túlcsorduló önbizalom... az erőfeszítés, amit az oly hihetetlen előadásai sikeres megvalósításáért tett... és a tehetség, amit felmutat, ezek töltenek el spontán tisztelettel engem. Azt gondolom, hogy a történelem a fontos személyiségek között fogja jegyezni. Úgy, mint aki színészként és zenészként egyaránt sikeres lett. ...
Ami igazán meglepő Ji-hoonban, az az, hogy egyfajta düh, bosszúvágy és szomorúság, az összes efféle sötét, komor negatív motiváció az ő esetében rendkívül optimista és derűs módon ölt testet.
(Park Chan-wook rendező)

RAIN KRÓNIKA: 2009.03.16.



03.15.09Fans Flock to Airport to Catch Glimpse of Pop Star ‘Rain’

Fans Flock to Airport to Catch Glimpse of Pop Star ‘Rain’
Writtenby KGMB9 News - news@kgmb9.com
March15, 2009 10:04 AM

Fans of the Korean pop star “Rain” flocked to Honolulu International Airport Sunday morning, 
to catch a glimpse of the celebrity.
“Rain” arrived on Korean Air around 9 this morning.
The South Korean star’s real name is Jung Ji-Hoon. He’s being sued, along with the company that represented him, 
for pulling out of a concert at Aloha Stadium in 2007.
Attorney Eric Seitz represents Hawaii-based Click Entertainment, which claims it lost more than $1 million dollars in licensing fees 
and other costs like renting the stadium and building a stage.
But defense attorney Jon Crocker said the concert was called off for other reasons.
He said the special stage with pyrotechnics and a waterfall was not ready.
Not only that, but a Nevada music group also called “Rain” was suing to stop the Korean singer from using 
that name in the U.S.
“Rain” is scheduled to appear in federal court Monday.
KGMB9 was at the airport and will have the story on the KGMB9 News at 5 and 10.

[2009.03.15]팝스타 비를 엿보기 위해 팬들이 공항에 모여들다..

한국의 팝스타 비의 팬들이 유명인사의 세계를 엿보기 위해
일요일 아침 호놀루루 공항에 모여 들었다..

비는 오늘 아침 9시 경 대한 항공편으로 도착했다..
이 한국인 스타는 본명이 정 지훈이며,
2007년 하와이 알로하 스타디움에서의 콘서트를 갑자기 포기함에 따라
그의 전 소속사와 함께 소송을 제기당한 상태이다..

하와이 소재 클릭엔터를 대리하는 Eric Seitz 변호사는
콘서트 판권비 외에 스타디움 렌트비, 무대 설치비와 같은 다른 비용등으로
100만불 이상 손실이 있었다고 주장했다..

그러나, 피고의 변호사 Jon Crocker는 다른 이유들 때문에 
콘서트가 취소되었다고 주장한다..
즉, 불꽃과 낙수장치가 포함된 특수무대가 준비되지 않았을 뿐만 아니라
네바다 음악 그룹 역시 비가 미국에서 그 이름을 사용하지 말아 달라며 고소했다는 것이다..
비는 월요일 연방 법정에 출두할 예정이다..


03.15.09Korean Pop Star Arrives For Trial

Korean Pop Star Arrives For Trial
RainBeing Sued By Former Promoter
UPDATED: 4:00 pm HST March 15, 2009

HONOLULU — Korean mega pop star Rain arrived in Honolulu Sunday to testify in his federal civil trial this week. 
Rain is being sued by local promoter Click Entertainment, who lost money when Rain canceled a show in June 2007. 
Fans arrived early outside of customs to get a glimpse of the singer, and they mobbed the star when he arrived 
at the Honolulu Airport. Despite the promoter’s qualms with Rain’s cancellation, 
fans seem to have forgiven the star for not giving the show.
“Well, it was sad because I bought tickets for the concert, but this is better because I’m closer to him,” 
said Chelsea Toriyama. “I’m not several hundred feet away.” The crush of fans waited anxiously, 
and some arriving passengers were startled by the big turnout before Rain arrived.
“It’s kind of sad,” said Audra Tumulak. “I would rather have him here on better terms, 
but we want to show support, show he’s loved here.”
The pop star shook hands and greeted his fans 
while sheriff’s deputies struggled to keep the surging crowd under control. 
A few got to hug the popular singer, and many managed to snap photos. 
“I was standing in the back, was able to get this shot,” said Karen Shinagawa. 
“He’s so cute.” Fans were happy to see him, 
although they are disappointed that he won’t be performing in Hawaii. 
Rain is scheduled to appear in court on Monday.


[2009.03.15] 한국 팝스타 법정 출두를 위해 도착하다.
                 전 프로모터로부터 소송을 당하고 있는 비

한국의 메가톤급 팝스타 비가 이번 주 연방 민사재판에서
증언하기 위해 일요일 호놀루루에 도착했다..
비는 그가 2007년 6월의 공연을 취소하는 바람에 손해를 봤다고 주장하는
하와이 지역 프로모터 클릭엔터로부터 소송을 당한 상태이다..

팬들은 비를 보고자 통관수속 바깥쪽에서 일찌감치 도착했고,
그가 호놀루루 공항에 도착하자 떼를 지어 환호했다..
비의 공연 취소로 인한 프로모터의 꺼림칙한 가책에도 불구하고,
팬들은 공연 불발에 대해, 이 스타를 이미 용서한 듯 하다..

“글쎄요..콘서트 티켓을 구매했기 때문에 슬펐죠..하지만 비와  더 가까이 있어서 지금이 더 좋아요.”
Chelsa Toriyana는 그렇게 표현했다..“저는 지금 수만리 떨어져 있는 것이 아니죠.”
팬들이 북적거리며 애타게 기다리고 있는 가운데,
비가 도착하기 전에 먼저 도착한 몇몇 승객들은 대규모로 모여 있는 사람들을 보고선 깜짝 놀랐다..

“그것은 하나의 슬픔이에요.” Andra Tumular는 말했다..
“그가 더 좋은 조건에서 여기 와 주는 게 났겠지만, 우린 그를 응원한다는 것을 보여 주고, 
그가 여기서 사랑받고 있다는 것을 알려 주고 싶어요.”

이 팝스타는 보안관 부관이 밀어 달치는 군중들을 제어하느라 애를 먹는 동안,
팬들과 악수하고 인사를 나누었다..
몇몇 팬들은 이 팝가수와 포옹을 했으며, 많은 이들이 사진을 간신히 찍었다..
“저는 뒤에 서 있었는데요..이 장면을 찍을 수 있었어요..”
Karen Shinagawa 는 말했다..“그는 너무 귀여워요”

비록 그가 하와이에서 공연하지 않으리라는 것에 낙담하더라도
팬들은 그를 보고 행복해 했다..
비는 월요일, 법원에 출두할 예정이다..


03.15.09 Korean Pop Star “Rain” Arrives in Hawaii for Trial

Korean Pop Star “Rain” Arrives in Hawaii for Trial
Writtenby Ashley Nagaoka - anagaoka@kgmb9.com
March15, 2009 03:54 PM
After an 8-hour flight from Seoul, the Korean singer and actor known as “Rain” arrived at the Honolulu International Airport 
to a screaming crowd of fans.
“I’mso happy to be here. Thank you,” he said.
Hewas bombarded with lei, gift baskets, and fans who just wanted to touch him.
“Imet him and shook hands just now. I’m feeling really great, this is like the happiest moment of my life,” 
said Saki Ikeda, Rain fan.
The26-year old performer, who’s real name is Jung Ji-Hoon, 
is expected to testify in his trial in federal court on Monday. Back in 2007, Hawaii-based Click Entertainment, filed a lawsuit against the pop star and his management 
after they backed out of a concert at Aloha Stadium just three days before it was supposed to go on.
Rain’sattorney claims the show was cancelled because the special stage equipment wasn’t ready, 
and the singer was in a trademark battle with a music group in Nevada, also called “Rain”. 
He apologized to his fans in 2007 in an exclusive interview with KGMB9.
“Ireally, really miss you guys. I’ll see you next time,” said “Rain”.
“Iwas extremely disappointed but I understand how things like that can happen,” said Dolly Buenconsejo-Kunz, Rain Fan.
ClickEntertainment says it lost more than a million dollars because of the cancellation. 
And its attorney claims the star’s management companies have a shady past 
when it comes to doing business.
“Thereare lots of issues here of credibility and candor and capacity to perform. 
And all of those add up, in my mind, to the very strong likelihood, although we tried not to draw that conclusion, 
that this may have been a scam or a fraud from its inception,” said Eric Seitz, attorney for Click Entertainment.
AndHawaii may not be the only stop on his legal trouble tour. A Los Angeles promoter just filed a $30-million lawsuit against rain and company after they canceled their show at the Staples Center. Regardless, 
Hawaii fans say they hope he decides to come back to the islands and put on a show.
“I just don’t want him leaving Hawaii with a bitter taste in his mouth,” said Ali Yee, Rain fan.


[2009.03.15.]한국의 팝스타, 재판받기 위해 하와이에 도착..

비라고 알려진 한국인 스타이자 배우가 환호성 지르는 팬들 무리를 향해
호놀루루 국제 공항에 도착했다..
“여기와서 정말 기쁩니다. 감사해요”라고 그는 말했다..
그는 레이(목에 거는 꽃장식), 선물바구니, 그와 접촉하고 싶어하는 팬들의 공세를 받았다..
“그를 만나 방금 악수했어요..정말 기분 좋고, 내 생애 가장 행복한 순간인 것 같아요”
라고 비의 팬인 Saki Ikeda가 이야기했다..

본명이 정지훈인 26세의 이 퍼포머는 월요일 연방법원 자신의 재판에서 증언할 예정이다.
2007년으로 거슬러 올라 가, 하와이 소재 클릭엔터는 
비와 그의 전 소속사가 공연 3일을 앞두고 손을 뗀 후, 이들을 상대로 소송을 제기했다..

비의 변호사는 공연 취소의 이유가 특수무대 장치 미비와 더불어,
비가 레인이라고 불리우는 네바다주 소재의 한 음악 그룹과 상표권 분쟁 중이었기 때문인 거라 주장했다...
그는 KGMB9과의 단독 인터뷰에서 2007년에 일어난 일에 대해 팬들에게 사과했다..
“저는 너무나 팬들이 보고 싶어요.. 다음엔 여러분들을 만나겠습니다..”라고 비는 밝혔다..
“정말 실망스러웠지만, 별난 일도 다 있구나 라고 이해하죠..”라고 비팬인 Dolly Buenconsejo-Kunz는 이야기 했다...

클릭엔터는 콘서트 취소로 1백만불 이상을 잃었다고 주장한다..
더불어 그의 변호사는 이 스타의 매니지먼트 회사들이 사업을 하면서 그늘진 과거를 지니고 있다고 주장한다..
“일을 수행해 내는 신용도, 정직성, 능력 면에서 많은 문제점들이 있다..
내 관측으로 모든 가능성을 최대한 열어 보아 계산하고, 
그런 결론을 끌어내지 않도록 노력했었더라도, 이번 사건은 초기 단계부터
신용사기나 사기사건이었는 지도 모른다“라고 클릭엔터의 변호사 Eric Seitz는 주장했다..
LA의 한 프로모터는 비와 그 전 소속사가 스테이플 센터에서의 공연을
중단한 후 3000만불 손해배상 소송을 마침 제기했다..

그럼에도 불구하고, 하와이 팬들은 비가 하와이에 돌아 와 공연하는 것을 결정해 주길 바라고 있다..
비의 팬 Ali Yee는 “저는 비가 입 안에 쓴 맛을 갖고 하와이를 떠나는 걸 정말 원치 않아요” 라는 뜻을 전했다..

출처 : KGMB9 // reposted by sixtofive1982 /
*비나무 펌*


K-Pop superstar Rain will take the stand


t's hardly the triumphant return to the U.S. that South Korean pop superstar Rain had hoped for -- an appearance that will do little to further hisstated intention of becoming an "Asian fusion" answer to Ricky Martin.
Confirming anxious speculation that has lit up K-Pop chatrooms fromhere to Seoul, Sunwoo Lee, an attorney representing Rain -- the wildlypopular singer-actor dubbed "the Justin Timberlake of Asia" -- saidthat the performer would appear in court in Hawaii next week to facecharges stemming from his abruptly cancelled concert there in 2007.

"He will appear on Monday," Rain's attorney said.
In court Wednesday, a lawyer for Hawaiian concert promoter, Seung SuLee of Honolulu-based Click Entertainment Inc., accused Rain and hisformer management firm JYP Entertainment of "shameful and dishonestbusiness practices." Lee's civil lawsuit alleges that Rain and JYPbreached a contract and defrauded his company, damaging his businessand reputation. The concert promoter says he lost more than $1 millionbecause of the cancellation.
What can Rain's legion of fans expect to hear when the singer takes the stand?

"Rain has not much to say," Sunwoo Lee said. "He was preparing for aconcert and did his best. He was in good condition to perform and theseother guys weren't ready. They lost money and now they're trying to getthe scoop on Rain. I'm confident they don't have any case."
Compounding the singer's legal difficulties, however, the promoterof Rain's abruptly canceled June 2007 performance at Los Angeles'Staples Center filed a complaint in L.A. County Superior Court suingRain and his management handlers for $30 million. Among the allegationsagainst Rain, JYP and his former Seoul-based production company StarM:breach of contract and fraud.

"Rain has done all right for himself but he's screwed over a lot ofpeople along the way," said the Los Angeles concert's promoter Andy Kim.
Look out for a story about that legal dispute in The Times next week.

Chris Lee

Photo credit: Ricardo DeAratanha / Los Angeles Times

Courtesy: Los Angeles Times


Korean actor and pop star reaches isles for lawsuitOn the first sunny day after weeks of cloudy weather, Rain came to Honolulu. The irony was not lost on local fans of the Korean pop superstar; it's just that they hate it when Rain's name is taken lightly.

"Urrgh. Just don't say 'Rain falls' in a headline," complained Alishaa Asakura, 70. "That's the worst."

You didn't misread that age reference. The demographic of the 75 or so fans gathered at Honolulu Airport yesterday to greet the K-pop idol tended to skew older and female.

Rain's fan clubs are named after clouds. Although Honolulu Cloud President Geri Mehrtens, a bowling coach at Moanalua High School, "kind of liked" Rain -- real name Jeong Ji-hoon -- in the Korean telenovella "Sang Doo! Let's Go to School," she wasn't bitten by the Rain bug until she saw him perform in Las Vegas.

"His talent is just unbelievable, incredible, unreal," breathed the middle-age Mehrtens. "And his thing is overcoming challenges. See all the gray hair out here? Mothers love him. Sure, he has charisma, but mainly his life story is one of overcoming challenge, from being dirt poor and starving, to a mother who didn't want him to become a professional. He has a really good heart."

As for overcoming challenges, Rain is in Honolulu as a defendant in civil litigation, and scattered among the cheerful true believers at the airport were lawyers in dark suits, including Rain's mainland counsel and manager, Joy Kim.

Rain scuttled a 2007 concert tour just days before a scheduled stop in Honolulu, leaving promoters to pick up the pieces. Hawaii-based Click Entertainment Inc. alleges that Rain and his producers defrauded it of more than $500,000 in licensing fees and is seeking additional damages to cover costs of staging the event.

Asakura -- who collects DVDs of Rain, even though they can't be played on American equipment -- said the lawsuit is a bump in the road and that Rain's huge natural talent and gigantic empathy will win him new fans.

"From the first time I saw 'Sang Doo,' I knew he'd be big, the biggest ever, and with a big heart" -- spreading her arms wide to illustrate -- "like Obama is big. He speaks truth. He needs to show parents that there is integrity in the entertainment business. When I saw Rain perform in Las Vegas, I cried because he is so symbolic of what we need in these times."

Fan Gerrie Nakamura said that such devotion is part of a "hallyu wave" of South Korean culture sweeping the land.

"Korean drama fans want to support the movement," said Nakamura. "The music and drama coming out of Korea are the yin and yang, each one dependent on the other. You have to admire Rain's ambition, his aspiration for greatness."

A shriek erupts and grows louder, frantic. A pale young man in a Beatle cut sweeps through the International Arrivals exit and waves his hands at the welcomers, who immediately close in like a vise. Other passengers, pulling luggage, frantically try to duck out of the way. The swirling mob descends toward the street, and then Rain leaps in a limousine driven by former TV reporter and private investigator Matt Levi. Total time elapsed: about 30 seconds.

But the memory will last a lifetime. Asakura, her hands still clasped in wonder, steadied herself against a pillar. "I gave a special gift for him through his manager," she said, "a chi bracelet to give him strength.

"We're from the rock 'n' roll generation, the baby boomers who loved Elvis," she said. "We've been waiting for it to happen to all humanity, breaking the chains of sexuality, freedom and love. When I graduated from high school in 1957, I knew that these kids born today would be star-seeds who don't have our hang-ups, who would be free to pursue creativity. Rain -- he should be given golden keys to the city."

The trial resumes today in U.S. District Court.

By Burl Burlingame


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