[Jan-20-2009]Rain is showering [V] with his talent as this month's Chosen One.* It is well known that [V] is the most infuential channel in Asia.
Showering his greatness upon the world is Korean pop sensation, Rain. A cross-cultural icon, Time magazine named him one of 2007’s “Most Influential People in the World” while People
magazine included him in its “Most Beautiful People” issue. Rain is one
of the few artists to generate just as much buzz in Asia as he does in
Western markets.
With the launch of his latest album, Rainism, Rain is thundering back. With Rain flooding the airwaves, the chart-topping icon is [V]’s Chosen One for the month.
In this tell-all chat, the Korean idol opens up about his new album and upcoming projects. You recently released your fifth album, Rainism. What can you tell us about it?
RAIN: Rainism was released two years after my last album, Rain’s World. On this album, I explore many different genres of music with songs like ‘Rainism,’ ‘Love Story,’ and ‘Fresh Woman.’ I hope people will enjoy it!
Why did you take so long to release this album?
For the past two years, I was shooting movies such as Ninja Assassin and Speed Racer [directed by The Matrix’s Wachowski Brothers]. So I haven't been around much since I was abroad. Now I'm going to focus on my career as a singer.
What was your main goal in making this album?
Above all, I wanted to make cheerful songs. In terms of choreography, I tried to make the performances full of fun. When you watch songs from Rainism through my music videos or my performances, you'll have a much better idea of what went into making this album. I'm sure you’ll enjoy it.
The hit single, ‘Love Story,’ has a very dramatic storyline. Can you tell us about this song?
‘Love Story’ is my personal love story. The melody is familiar and easy to listen to. It’s the kind of song that you can sing along to as well. The music video for ‘Love Story’ is a hot topic these days.
Why is that?
It’s mainly because the famous Korean actress, Ha Ji-won, who plays the leading lady, draws a lot of attention. I’m so glad that she was part of this music video. She was great to work with. The total length was originally 45 minutes. But you can see the final shorter version on CHANNEL [V] now.
We've heard that you're preparing for the Rainism Tour. Where will you be touring and what can we expect?
The title of the tour is ‘The Legend of Rainism.’ I will tour all over Asia starting with Korea next March. Then I will go to all the major Asian cities. Watch out for it in your city. It'll be great!
In Ninja Assassin, you play ‘one of the world’s deadliest assassins.’ Tell us about the film.
It was amazing working with the Wachowski Brothers again [directors of the Matrix films and Speed Racer]. You'll experience a whole new dimension of action scenes. The interesting thing about it was that we used Chinese martial arts like Kung Fu because the stunt people trained with Jet Li and Jackie Chan. You'll see a lot of cool action sequences. It’s a lot of fun and it's going to be released this summer [in July].
What are your New Year's resolutions for 2009?
In 2009, I'd like to see many new talents emerge from my company. I'm personally training some of them now. When these new artists come out, please show them your love. Ninja Assassin will also be released this year so I hope it'll be successful worldwide. If you guys enjoy the movie, spread the word! And my new album will come out in August, which is around the same time as Ninja Assassin’s release. The new album is a big project so I’m really looking forward to it.
Any last words for your Asian fans?
Hi, guys! I love you all, thank you for your support and best wishes, everyone!
Watch Rain storm his way back on the charts with the debut of his new video, Love Story. Fans can get more on their idol with the [V] special on Sunday, January 25 at 7 pm HK/SIN, 8 pm MAL.
Credit: rain-eu
[Jan-20-2009]Olive Show's "Rain's Six to Five launching show"
World star Rain's special brand launching show.Rain who sets out anew as a designer.
Rain : "I'm here today to make a new beginning as a designer, thank you for coming like this."
Rain who has his fans throughout the world, is a bona fide world star.He's continued to be transformed.And now, Rain's turned designer.
Rain was neatly dressed with white pants and vest, he brought classical nobleness into relief as much as he can through buttons and jacket in European style of the Middle Ages. His unique launching show combined fashion with concert.
Rain was neatly dressed with white pants and vest, he brought classical nobleness into relief as much as he can through buttons and jacket in European style of the Middle Ages. His unique launching show combined fashion with concert.
Rain : "I tried a natural vintage style in life"
Anyone interested in fashion area is paying attention to his going on foot.
credit to You TubeBrief translation by rain bird@rain-eu
<번역-인터뷰 부분>채널브이 [V] Countdown 차트
자신의 뛰어난 역량으로 세계를 적시고 있는 한국의 인기 스타 비.
다 문화의 아이콘이며, 2007년도 타임지 선정,
“세계에서 가장 영향력 있는 인물 중 한 사람”으로서 선정됨과 동시에,
피플지의 “가장 아름다운 인물” 중 한 사람으로 포함되었었다..
비는 서구 시장에서 만큼이나 아시아에서 열풍을 자아내게 하는 몇 안되는 아티스트들 중의 한 사람이다..
그의 최근 앨범, 레이니즘의 공개와 함께 그는 인기몰이를 다시 하고 있다..
비의 방송에서의 인기몰이와 함께, 한 달 동안 1위를 차지한 아이콘은
[V]사이트의 Chosen One이었다.(가장 많은 조회수의 뜻)
이번의 상세한 대화를 통해, 한국의 우상은 자신의 새로운 앨범과 다가 올 프로젝트에 대해
솔직하게 털어 놓았다..
Q : 비씨는 최근, 다섯 번째 앨범인 레이니즘을 공개했는데, 앨범에 대해 말해 달라.
비 : 레이니즘은 나의 마지막 앨범 Rain's World이후 2년 만에 나온 앨범이다..
이 앨범에 있는 레이니즘, 러브스토리, 후레쉬우면 등 다양한 장르를 시도해 보았다..
여러분들이 좋아하시길 바란다..
Q ; 이 앨범을 공개하기까지 왜 그리 오랜 시간이 걸렸는지?
비 : 지난 2년 동안, 닌자어새신, 스피드레이서(매트릭스의 워쇼스키 형제 감독 작품)
영화의 촬영을 하고 있었다. 그래서 외국에 있은 이후 많이 다니지를 못했다..
이제는 가수로서의 경력에 초점을 맞추려고 한다..
Q : 이 앨범 제작 때 어떤 점에 주안점을 두었는지?
비 : 무엇보다도, 밝은 노래를 만들고 싶었다..
안무에 있어서도 경쾌함으로 가득 차 있는 퍼포먼스를 만들려고 했다..
여러분들이 나의 뮤직비디오나 퍼포먼스를 통해 레이니즘을 보신다면,
이 앨범이 어떤 식으로 만들어졌는 지를 더 잘 알게 되실 것이다..
여러분들이 좋아하시리라 믿는다..
Q : 히트곡인 러브스토리는 매우 드라마틱한 줄거리를 갖고 있는데, 설명해 달라.
비: 러브스토리는 나의 개인적인 사랑 이야기로써, 듣기에 친숙하고 편한 멜로디이다..
마찬가지로 여러분께서 따라 부를 수 있는 노래이기도 하다..
러브스토리 뮤직 비디오는 요즘 화제에 올라 있다..
Q : 어떤 점에서 그런가?
비: 한국의 유명 여배우인 하지원씨가 여자 주인공역이라서
많은 관심을 불러모은 점이 중요 이유이다..
그 분이 이번 뮤직 비디오에 출연해 주신 것이 너무 기쁘고, 함께 일하는 것이 정말 좋았다..
원래 총길이는 45분 분량이지만, Chnnel V를 통해 마지막의 더 짧은 버전을 보실 수 있다..
Q :레이니즘 콘서트를 준비 중이라고 들었다..언제 콘서트를 할 것이고 우리가 기대할 수 있는 것은?
비 : 콘서트 투어의 이름은 “레이니즘의 전설”이고,
이번 3월에 한국을 시작으로 전 아시아를 대상으로 투어를 할 예정이다..
그 때 아시아의 모든 주요 도시들을 방문할 계획이다..
여러분들의 도시에서 콘서트를 보시길..정말 멋질 것이다!
Q :닌자어새신에서 비씨는 세계에서 가장 치명적인 암살자 중의 한 명을 연기하는데 영화에 대해 말해 달라.
비 :워쇼스키 형제와 다시 일하게 된 것은 너무나 놀라운 일이었다(매트릭스와 스피드레이서의 감독)
모든 면에서 새로운 차원의 액션 씬을 경험하게 되실 것이다..
재미있는 것은 스턴트맨들이 이연걸과 성룡과 연습을 했기 때문인 지, 쿵후처럼 중국 무예를 사용한다는 점이다..
여러분들이 멋진 액션 장면들을 보실 수 있을 것이다..
정말 재미있는 영화이고, 이번 여름(7월)에 개봉될 예정이다..
Q ; 2009년도 신년 각오는?
비 : 2009년에는 나의 소속 출신의 재능있는 신인들의 등장을 보고 싶다..
현재 그들 중 몇몇을 내가 직접 트레이닝하고 있다..
신인들이 나오면 사랑해 주시길 바란다..
닌자어새신은 올해 개봉 될 예정이며..세계적으로 성공했으면 하는 바람이다.
여러분들 모두가 이 영화를 즐겨 좋아하신다면, 전세계에 퍼뜨려 주시길 바란다..
또, 나의 새 앨범이 8월에 공개되는데, 닌자어새신의 개봉과 맞물려 공개된다..
이 앨범은 규모가 큰 프로젝트이기에 정말 기대하고 있다..
Q; 마지막으로 아시아 팬들에세 한 말씀한다면?
비 : 안녕하세요..여러분!
팬여러분들의 응원과 최고의 호의에 감사드립니다..
새로운 뮤직비디오 러브스토리의 등장과 함께 차트로 되돌아 온 비의 인기몰이를 지켜보십시오...
Rain is showering [V] with his talent as this month's Chosen One.
Showering his greatness upon the world is Korean pop sensation, Rain. A cross-cultural icon, Time magazine named him one of 2007’s “Most Influential People in the World” while People
magazine included him in its “Most Beautiful People” issue. Rain is one
of the few artists to generate just as much buzz in Asia as he does in
Western markets.
With the launch of his latest album, Rainism, Rain is thundering back. With Rain flooding the airwaves, the chart-topping icon is [V]’s Chosen One for the month.
In this tell-all chat, the Korean idol opens up about his new album and upcoming projects.
You recently released your fifth album, Rainism. What can you tell us about it?
RAIN: Rainism was released two years after my last album, Rain’s World. On this album, I explore many different genres of music with songs like ‘Rainism,’ ‘Love Story,’ and ‘Fresh Woman.’ I hope people will enjoy it!
Why did you take so long to release this album?
For the past two years, I was shooting movies such as Ninja Assassin and Speed Racer [directed by The Matrix’s Wachowski Brothers]. So I haven't been around much since I was abroad. Now I'm going to focus on my career as a singer.
What was your main goal in making this album?
Above all, I wanted to make cheerful songs. In terms of choreography, I tried to make the performances full of fun. When you watch songs from Rainism through my music videos or my performances, you'll have a much better idea of what went into making this album. I'm sure you’ll enjoy it.
The hit single, ‘Love Story,’ has a very dramatic storyline. Can you tell us about this song?
‘Love Story’ is my personal love story. The melody is familiar and easy to listen to. It’s the kind of song that you can sing along to as well. The music video for ‘Love Story’ is a hot topic these days.
Why is that?
It’s mainly because the famous Korean actress, Ha Ji-won, who plays the leading lady, draws a lot of attention. I’m so glad that she was part of this music video. She was great to work with. The total length was originally 45 minutes. But you can see the final shorter version on CHANNEL [V] now.
We've heard that you're preparing for the Rainism Tour. Where will you be touring and what can we expect?
The title of the tour is ‘The Legend of Rainism.’ I will tour all over Asia starting with Korea next March. Then I will go to all the major Asian cities. Watch out for it in your city. It'll be great!
In Ninja Assassin, you play ‘one of the world’s deadliest assassins.’ Tell us about the film.
It was amazing working with the Wachowski Brothers again [directors of the Matrix films and Speed Racer]. You'll experience a whole new dimension of action scenes. The interesting thing about it was that we used Chinese martial arts like Kung Fu because the stunt people trained with Jet Li and Jackie Chan. You'll see a lot of cool action sequences. It’s a lot of fun and it's going to be released this summer [in July].
What are your New Year's resolutions for 2009?
In 2009, I'd like to see many new talents emerge from my company. I'm personally training some of them now. When these new artists come out, please show them your love. Ninja Assassin will also be released this year so I hope it'll be successful worldwide. If you guys enjoy the movie, spread the word! And my new album will come out in August, which is around the same time as Ninja Assassin’s release. The new album is a big project so I’m really looking forward to it.
Any last words for your Asian fans?
Hi, guys! I love you all, thank you for your support and best wishes, everyone!
Watch Rain storm his way back on the charts with the debut of his new video, Love Story.
출처 : | 비나무 //°♤//。 | 글쓴이 : 레이니아 원글보기 |
[Jan-21-2008]Rain might appear on Cambodia TV and a great concert this Spring.
Rain is going over whether to appear at a great concert which will be held in Cambodia in the first of this year.
A famous agency in the
country and Cambodia public TV are jointly pushing Rain's great Cambodia
TV concert, if Rain'll attend it, 5~6 Korean teams are expected to go
along with him.
Rain hopes that this concert
would substantially be a way to help the needy in Cambodia, thus, the
agency and Cambodia TV broadcasting station are planning a concert,
which is actually of help to them, from various angles.
Rain's reputation as an actor from "Full House" and as a
singer who has emerged as a world star, is already well known in
(The information by Cambodia Concert Promotion Committee) *It's unclear yet*
source : benamoo/forrainBrief translation by rain bird@Rain-Eu
[Jan-21-2009]Rain gained the top ranking as a Korean Wave star who seems to be put at the top of pay scale.
source : benamoo/forrainBrief translation by rain bird@Rain-Eu
[Jan-21-2009]Rain gained the top ranking as a Korean Wave star who seems to be put at the top of pay scale.
In a poll of 13,556 netizens conducted by dcinside site,
33,2%(4,501votes) said that they selected Rain had seemed to be put at
the top of Korean Wave star's pay scale.
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