Végtelen erőfeszítés, végtelen kitartás, végtelen szerénység. (Rain vezérelve)

Tudtam, hogy ránézésre nem tűnök valami nagy számnak, a megjelenésem sem túl vonzó, de a bensőm elég rendkívüli. Minden színpadra lépés előtt azt mondom magamnak, hogy én vagyok a legjobb, és minden előadás után ugyanúgy azt, hogy nem én vagyok. Ezért minden fellépés előtt 120 százalékosan kell felkészülnöm, hogy az előadáson 100 százalékos teljesítményt tudjak nyújtani. Ennek érdekében minden álló nap folyamatosan képzem magam. Már nagyon hosszú ideje alváshiányban szenvedek, mert ha éppen nem dolgozom, akkor vagy edzek, vagy a koreográfiákat és a dalokat próbálom. Éppen úgy, mint a filmfelvételek idején, ha valamit nem csináltam jól, képtelen vagyok aludni. Akár színészként, akár énekesként, a legjobbat kell tudnom kihozni magamból. De nem kell aggódni, hogy most nincs elegendő időm az alvásra, jut arra majd bőven a halálom után. (Rain)

Ez a fiatalság, ez az egészség... és a túlcsorduló önbizalom... az erőfeszítés, amit az oly hihetetlen előadásai sikeres megvalósításáért tett... és a tehetség, amit felmutat, ezek töltenek el spontán tisztelettel engem. Azt gondolom, hogy a történelem a fontos személyiségek között fogja jegyezni. Úgy, mint aki színészként és zenészként egyaránt sikeres lett. ...
Ami igazán meglepő Ji-hoonban, az az, hogy egyfajta düh, bosszúvágy és szomorúság, az összes efféle sötét, komor negatív motiváció az ő esetében rendkívül optimista és derűs módon ölt testet.
(Park Chan-wook rendező)

RAIN KRÓNIKA: 2009.01.23.



Malaysia Astroview Magazine, Feb 2009


Korean hip-hop sensation Rain is making a splash with his charm and talent. What is it about him that makes women go weak in the knees (and men turn green?) We find out and about the storm that’s known as Rain.

He is Asia’s very own Justin Timberlake, and women know that when the word 'Rain' is mentioned, it is not so much in reference to Mother Nature as it is to Korean sensation Jeong Ji-Hoon. The sensational K-pop star has taken Asia's music scene by storm with his vocals, charm and of course, an unbelievable six-pack abs! One can hardly deny that Rain is indeed big news in the entertainment industry. Perhaps the best import! from Korea (after kim chi, of course), this 26-year-old was voted as Time magazine's top 100 most influential people in 2006. Not bad for a guy who claims to have been an introverted and shy child. Today, you can be sure of nothing but a spectacular time when you catch Rain live in concert. Extravagance comes to mind—what with the pyrotechnics, exaggerated sets, change of costumes, and the huge amount of backstage performers with the spotlight on the dream guy of many teenage girls (not to mention, some adults too!).


It is hard to believe that Rain almost didn't make it to the stardom he resides in to day. Says the singer of when he first ventured in the entertainment industry in 2000: "I remember going to auditions before my debut and I was rejected 12 times! I was told back then that the reason I was rejected was because my face was too ugly. I was even told after one audition that my singing and dancing was great but I didn’t make it because I didn’t have double eyelids." Well, double eyelids or not, his third album, "It’s Raining" which was released end 2005, sold over one million copies in Asia and topped the charts in Japan, China, Taiwan, Thailand, Indonesia and of course, his come country South Korea. His first concert, Rainy Day, held in Korea and Japan, was sold out on the first day the tickets were released. His fifth album, 'RAINISM' (released end of last year) is fast climbing the charts.

His parade doesn't end there Rain won the MTV Asia Grand Slam competition in 2004, introducing his talent all across Asia. In 2005, he was awarded the Favourite Korean Artist at the MTV Asia Awards held in Bangkok, Most Popular Asian Artist Award from Channel [V] Thailand, Best Buzz Asia Award during the MTV Video Music Awards in 2005 and Best Korean Singer awards in the MTV-CCTV Mandarin Music Honors in Beijing. As if those awards weren’t enough to validate his presence in the entertainment industry, Rain was also the first Asian to perform in the 2005 American MTV Video Music Awards in Miami, as well as the 2005 MTV Latin Video Music Awards in Mexico. Talk about star power... It is no wonder why Rain claims he doesn’t sleep for more than two hours a day when he's working. "My motto in life is to be humble and endlessly persist and strive," says Rain. "I really believe that there is nothing that can be gained without effort."

Unfortunately, his stint in the US did not generate as much star attention. Despite sold-out ticket sales in New York in 2007, several of his other US concerts were cancelled due to low-ticket sales and possible legal troubles. Despite this, Rain still left quite an impressive mark in the US music industry be recording a duet with Omarion, titled Man Up which was released in Omarion's album "21" as a bonus track. Rain also made it to People magazine's Most Beautiful People list in 2007 and topped Time's online poll for Most Influential Person (though the results did not make it to the actual magazine).

And it is not just Rain's singing and dancing that have us all enthralled with him. His role in the highly-successful drama Full House in 2004 made him an all-round entertainer. The Korean drama was rated with one of the highest viewings, with over 30 per cent for each episode. So no surprise that he picked up the Best Actor Award in the Korean KBS Acting Awards for his performance.


It seems as if Rain has done it all, and with five albums, roles in four televisions series and three movies, is there anything left for him to do? Why, Hollywood of course. Which is why the singer has made plans to release a Hollywood film and an English album all within this year. The only glitch? He doesn’t speak English. But that doesn’t seem to be a problem for the singer. "This year I am looking to make these changes and I'm also studying very hard with English, which is the hardest thing."

Judging from him fan base outside Korea, language will not be barrier. The singer is confident he will not fail his fans. "One thing I am confident is in my stage presence" says Rain. "Having a cross of both Western and Eastern cultures on stage is, I think, my strength."


Hollywood or not, even the star is shocked at his success, but it has come as a pleasant surprise of course. "I still can’t believe that I am a singer," says Rain. "Sometimes when I find my CD among those I own, I feel my heart swell. It is true happiness that there will be people somewhere who will listen and follow my dance, like I have after the dances and songs of Seotaeji and Boys and Deux when I dreamt of becoming a singer."

The star also credits his family for all his success. "My parents were initially against it but they become supportive after a while," he says. His mother, who passed away in 2000, was a huge influence in his life. "My mother was a big part of my life. The mother-son relationship between us was very strong. To this day, I regret that I wasn't once able to pick her a bouquet of flowers or buy her a meal. At that time, I vowed in front of her picture, that when I receive a major award, it would be in her honour, I am very happy that I've achieved this. In my concert, there is a song dedicated to her. I used to cry a lot when singing this song, but I am now more in control of my emotions. I think it is because of her memory that I try harder and have become more humble. And because of her I try to be a good person and not to do bad things." Successful, sweet and humble—Rain sounds almost perfect—little surprise why he is such a phenomenon in Asia.

So what does the future lie for Rain? And is there a special someone in his life? Well, his female fans will be glad to know that Rain is solely focused on his career, and relationships are not his priority at the moment (he's still available, ladies!). "I believe that if you want to gain something, you need to sacrifice something else. So if I want to enjoy hanging out with friends or having a girlfriend, it would be better for me to give up the work I am doing now because it would be really difficult to do everything well. But because I am still young, I think it is better to lay those things aside for now and concentrate on my work," says Rain.

"The path I am on now is exactly right for me. I am not just another actor or a singer from Korea. I want to be a representative of Asia and Asian people regardless of whether they are Japanese, Taiwanese, Chinese, Singaporean or Filipino. I think that the Asian culture is great. I think it is time for more Asian entertainers to emerge in the US market. I would like to be able to do this in the near future and to become a person that all of Asia can be proud of."

And when that happens, we will definitely be asking for more Rain!

Catch more of Rain in Hip Korea, a documentary on his meteoric rise to fame as seen through the prism of Korea's dynamic society and youthful pop culture. The program will cover Rain up close and personal—tracing his roots in the suburban jungle of Seoul to his inspiration amidst Korea’s thriving hip-hop culture.
HIP KOREA Discovery Channel, February 23, Monday, 8pm
Credit : Malaysia Astroview Magazine, February 2009
            Hongtha@rain-cloud/sixtifive 1982/benamoo

from: rain-eu


[Malaysia Astroview Magazine]It's Raining, Star Quality, Multi-Talented, His Lucky Star

<말레이시아 Astroview 잡지의 2009년도 2월호 기사 중에서>


비가 내리고 있다!

한국 힙합의 인기스타 비는 자신의 매력과 재능으로 세상을 놀라게 하고 있다..
그가 여성들의 무릎을 떨리게 하고 남자들에겐 질투심을 유발하게 하는 것은 그의 어떤 점 때문인가?
비라고 알려진 그 인기의 폭풍우에 대해 알아 본다..

그는 아시아의 저스틴팀블레이크이지만, 세계적인 ‘비’라고 언급될 때는 자연에서 말하는 비라기보다는,
한국의 인기스타 정지훈이라는 것을 여성들은 알고 있다..
이 한국의 인기 팝스타는 자신의 노래와 매력, 그리고 물론, 멋진 근육질과 함께
인기몰이를 함으로써 아시아의 음악 시장을 점령해 왔다..
비가 엔터테인먼트 산업에서 정말 빅 뉴스라는 것은 부정할 수가 없다..
아마도, 김치 이후 최고 한국 수입품인 이 26세 청년은, 2006년도에는 타임지의
세계에서 가장 영향력 있는 인물 100인으로 선정되었다..
내향적이고 부끄러워하는 아이였다고 주장하는 사람치고는..
오늘, 여러분이 콘서트에서 라이브하는 비를 보게 될 때,
오직 스펙타클한 시간만을 확인할 수 있다..
화려한 불빛, 과장된 세트, 무대의상의 변화,
그리고 많은 소녀들(몇몇 어른들은 말할 것도 없이)의 꿈에서 본 남자에게 비춰지는 스폿라이트와 함께,
엄청난 규모의 백스테이지의 퍼포머들 -과 더불어 마음이 풀어진다..

스타로서의 자질

비가 오늘날 그가 살고 있는 스타덤에 그것을 거의 올려놓지 못할 뻔했다는 것은 믿기 어렵다..
그가, 2002년도에 위험을 무릅쓰고 연예산업에 가수로서 데뷔했던 때를 말한다 :
“데뷔 전 오디션을 보러가서 12번 떨어졌던 것을 기억한다...
얼굴이 너무 아니기 때문에 떨어진 거라는 말을 들었다..
심지어 어느 오디션에서는 춤과 노래는 잘 하지만 쌍거풀 눈이 아니라서 안된다는 말을 듣기도 했다..”

쌍거풀이든 아니든, 2005년도에 공개된 세 번째 앨범 ‘이츠레이닝’은
아시아에서 백 만 장 이상이 판매되었고, 그의 고국 한국에서는 물론, 일본 중국,
대만, 태국, 인도네시아에서 차트 1위를 차지한다..
그의 첫 번째 콘서트인 ‘레이니데이’는 한국과 일본에서 열렸고,
티켓 발매 첫날 매진되었다..
지난해 발표된 그의 5번 째 앨범 ‘레이니즘’은 빠르게 차트 상위에 오르고 있다..

그의 퍼레이드는 거기에서 끝나지 않는다..
비는 아시아 전역에서 자신의 재능을 소개하며,
2004년도에 MTV 아시아 그랜드 슬램을 달성했다..
2005년도에는 방콕에서 열린 MTV 아시아 어워드에서
최고 한국인 아티스트상을, 태국 V채널에서 최고 인기 아시아 스타상을,
2005년 MTV 비디오 뮤직 어워드 동안에는 베스트 버즈 아시아 어워드를,
베이징에서 열린 MTV-CCTV 만다린 뮤직 오너스에선 베스트 한국인 가수상을 수상했다..

연예 산업에 자신의 존재를 확인시키는데 그런 상들만으로 충분치 않았던 듯,
비는 멕시코에서의 2005년 MTV라틴 비디오 뮤직 어워드뿐만 아니라,
미국 마이애미에서의 2005 어메리칸 MTV 비디오 뮤직 어워드에
아시아인으로는 처음으로 참석했다..(라틴어워드엔 실지론 참석안했음)

비가 일하는 동안 하루에 2시간 이상 잠을 못잔다는 것은 놀랄만한 일이 아니다..
“나의 인생의 좌우명은 끝없이 겸손하고, 끝없이 인내하고, 끝없이 노력하는 것이다”
“노력없이 얻을 수 있는 것은 아무 것도 없다는 것을 확신한다” 라고 비는 말한다..

안타깝게도 미국에서는 그의 스타성만큼 주목받지 못했다..
2007년, 뉴욕에서 콘서트 티켓이 매진되었음에도 불구하고,
미국에서의 그의 여러 콘서트들에 일어남직한 법률상의 문제들로 취소되었다..
이럼에도 불구하고 비는 미국가수 ‘오마리온’의 앨범 ‘21’의 보너스 트랙으로 공개된
Man Up 이라는 노래를 함께 듀엣으로 녹음하면서, 미국음반산업에 깊은 인상을 남겼다..
또한 비는 2007년도에 피플지의 ‘세계에서 가장 아름다운 인물’ 리스트에 올랐고,
타임지의 온라인 투표인 가장 영향력 있는 인물로서 1위를 차지했다..
(투표 결과가 실지의 타임지 선정과는 관련이 없었지만)

비가 노래와 춤만으로서만 매력적으로 다가오는 것은 아니다..
그가 출연한 2004년도 ‘풀하우스’ 드라마가 크게 성공하면서
그는 다재다능한 엔터테이너가 된다..
이 한국 드라마는 매회 30%이상을 기록하며, 높은 시청률의 드라마 중 하나로
평가된다...비가 KBS연기대상에서 베스트 연기상을 수상한 것은 당연하다..

다재다능한 재능

비는 5개의 앨범들과 네 개의 드라마 시리즈, 세 개의 영화 등..
그는 모든 걸 다 하는 것 같다..그가 할 수 있는 일이 또 무엇이 있을까?
왜 아니겠나, 물론 헐리웃이다..
그가 올해 안에 헐리웃 영화 한편과 영어 앨범을 발표할 계획이
있기 때문이다.. 한 가지 사소한 부족함이라면, 그는 영어가 서툴다..
하지만 그에겐 문제가 안될 듯 하다..
“올해는 이런 문제들을 바꿔 보려고 하고 있고, 영어 공부를 열심히 하고 있는데, 영어 공부가 가장 힘들다.”
한국 외에 그의 해외팬들의 기반을 미루어 보건데, 언어는 더 이상 장벽이 되지 않을 것이다..
“내가 자신하는 한 가지는 무대에 있을 때다...무대 위에서 동,서양을 가로지르게 하는 것이 나의 힘이다.”

행운의 스타.

헐리웃이든 아니든 간에, 비 스스로조차 자신의 성공에 놀라지만, 물론 즐거운 놀라움이다..
나는 아직도 내가 가수라는 것이 믿어지지 않는다.”
“때론 내가 갖고 있는 CD들 중에서 내 CD를 발견할 때, 가슴이 뿌듯해짐을 느낀다..
내가 가수의 꿈을 꿀 당시, ‘서태지와 아이들’과 ‘듀스’의 춤과 노래를 따라했던 것 처럼,
어디선가 내 춤(노래)를 듣고 따라할 사람들이 있으리라는 것은 정말 행복하다.."

또한 비는 자신의 모든 성공이 가족의 덕분이라고 한다...
“나의 아버지는 처음에는 반대했지만, 얼마 있다가 응원해 주셨다..”
2000년도에 돌아가신 그의 어머니는, 그의 인생에 큰 영향을 주신 분이다..
“어머니는 나의 인생의 큰 부분을 차지한다..
어머니와 나의 모자 관계는 단단했다.. 어머니께 꽃 한 다발 드리지 못하고
식사 한번 대접 못한 것이 후회된다..
그 당시 나는 어머니 영정 앞에서 큰 상을 받아 어머니께 바치겠다고 맹세했었다..
목표를 이뤄냈기에 너무 기쁘다..
나의 콘서트에서 어머니께 헌정하는 노래가 있는데, 이 노래를 부를 때
많이 울곤 했지만, 이젠 더 많이 감정 조절을 한다..
내가 더 열심히 하고 겸손해지려고 노력하는 것은 어머니에 대한 기억 때문인 듯하다.
또, 어머니 때문에서라도 좋은 사람이 되려고 노력하고 있고
나쁜 일은 하지 않으려고 한다..”

성공하고, 친절하고, 그리고 겸손한-비는 거의 완벽하게 느껴진다..
비가 왜 아시아에서 이와 같은 현상인지 별로 놀라운 게 아니다..
그렇다면 비의 미래에는 무엇이 놓여져 있나?
그의 인생에 어떤 특별한 사람이 있다면?
비가 인맥에서가 아니라 오로지 경력에 초점이 맞춰진 것을
그의 여성팬들이 안다면 기뻐할 것이다..
“무언가를 얻기를 원한다면 어떤 것을 희생할 필요가 있다고 믿는다..
내가 친구들과 어울려 다니고 여자친구를 사귄다면
지금하고 있는 힘든 일을 포기하게 되므로 나로선 더 좋다..
하지만 나는 아직 젊기 때문에 그런 것들을 제쳐두고
내 일에 전념하는 것이 더 좋다고 생각한다.”라고 비는 말한다..

“내 주장이 정확하게 옳다..(내가 있는 길이 정확하게 옳다)
나는 한국 출신의 또다른 배우나 가수가 아니다..
나는 아시아와, 일본인, 대만인, 중국인, 싱가포르인, 필리핀인이든 상관없이
아시아 사람의 대표가 되고 싶다.
아시아의 문화는 위대한 것 같다.. 더 많은 아시아의 엔터테이너들이
미국시장으로 진출할 시기라고 생각한다..
가까운 미래에 이것을 이뤄내었으면 하고, 아시아 모든 사람들의
자부심이 되는 사람이 되고 싶다.”
그런 일이 일어났을 때, 비에게 더 많은 것을 확실하게 물어보겠다..

한국의 역동적인 사회와 젊은 팝문화의 프리즘을 통해 비취진, 유성같이
떠오르는 비의 명성에 관한 다큐멘터리인 “HIP KOREA"에 더 많은 관심을 가져 주시길..
한국의 힙합 문화가 한창인 가운데, 비의 인스피레이션에 대한 뿌리를
서울 근교 생존 경쟁의 장에서 추적해 보며, 그의 가까운 일상과 사생활을 취재할 예정이다..
2월 23일 오후 8시 디스커버리 채널의 HIP KOREA.

출처 : Malaysia Astroview Magazine, February 2009 
          Hongtha@rain-cloud/sixtofive 1982



Korean hip-hop sensation Rain is making a splash with his charm and talent. What is it about him that makes women go weak in the knees (and men turn green?) We find out and about the storm that’s known as Rain.

He is Asia’s very own Justin Timberlake, and women know that when the word 'Rain' is mentioned, it is not so much in reference to Mother Nature as it is to Korean sensation Jeong Ji-Hoon. The sensational K-pop star has taken Asia's music scene by storm with his vocals, charm and of course, an unbelievable six-pack abs! One can hardly deny that Rain is indeed big news in the entertainment industry. Perhaps the best import! from Korea (after kim chi, of course), this 26-year-old was voted as Time magazine's top 100 most influential people in 2006. Not bad for a guy who claims to have been an introverted and shy child. Today, you can be sure of nothing but a spectacular time when you catch Rain live in concert. Extravagance comes to mind—what with the pyrotechnics, exaggerated sets, change of costumes, and the huge amount of backstage performers with the spotlight on the dream guy of many teenage girls (not to mention, some adults too!).


It is hard to believe that Rain almost didn't make it to the stardom he resides in to day. Says the singer of when he first ventured in the entertainment industry in 2000: "I remember going to auditions before my debut and I was rejected 12 times! I was told back then that the reason I was rejected was because my face was too ugly. I was even told after one audition that my singing and dancing was great but I didn’t make it because I didn’t have double eyelids." Well, double eyelids or not, his third album, "It’s Raining" which was released end 2005, sold over one million copies in Asia and topped the charts in Japan, China, Taiwan, Thailand, Indonesia and of course, his come country South Korea. His first concert, Rainy Day, held in Korea and Japan, was sold out on the first day the tickets were released. His fifth album, 'RAINISM' (released end of last year) is fast climbing the charts.

His parade doesn't end there Rain won the MTV Asia Grand Slam competition in 2004, introducing his talent all across Asia. In 2005, he was awarded the Favourite Korean Artist at the MTV Asia Awards held in Bangkok, Most Popular Asian Artist Award from Channel [V] Thailand, Best Buzz Asia Award during the MTV Video Music Awards in 2005 and Best Korean Singer awards in the MTV-CCTV Mandarin Music Honors in Beijing. As if those awards weren’t enough to validate his presence in the entertainment industry, Rain was also the first Asian to perform in the 2005 American MTV Video Music Awards in Miami, as well as the 2005 MTV Latin Video Music Awards in Mexico. Talk about star power... It is no wonder why Rain claims he doesn’t sleep for more than two hours a day when he's working. "My motto in life is to be humble and endlessly persist and strive," says Rain. "I really believe that there is nothing that can be gained without effort."

Unfortunately, his stint in the US did not generate as much star attention. Despite sold-out ticket sales in New York in 2007, several of his other US concerts were cancelled due to low-ticket sales and possible legal troubles. Despite this, Rain still left quite an impressive mark in the US music industry be recording a duet with Omarion, titled Man Up which was released in Omarion's album "21" as a bonus track. Rain also made it to People magazine's Most Beautiful People list in 2007 and topped Time's online poll for Most Influential Person (though the results did not make it to the actual magazine).

And it is not just Rain's singing and dancing that have us all enthralled with him. His role in the highly-successful drama Full House in 2004 made him an all-round entertainer. The Korean drama was rated with one of the highest viewings, with over 30 per cent for each episode. So no surprise that he picked up the Best Actor Award in the Korean KBS Acting Awards for his performance.


It seems as if Rain has done it all, and with five albums, roles in four televisions series and three movies, is there anything left for him to do? Why, Hollywood of course. Which is why the singer has made plans to release a Hollywood film and an English album all within this year. The only glitch? He doesn’t speak English. But that doesn’t seem to be a problem for the singer. "This year I am looking to make these changes and I'm also studying very hard with English, which is the hardest thing."

Judging from him fan base outside Korea, language will not be barrier. The singer is confident he will not fail his fans. "One thing I am confident is in my stage presence" says Rain. "Having a cross of both Western and Eastern cultures on stage is, I think, my strength."


Hollywood or not, even the star is shocked at his success, but it has come as a pleasant surprise of course. "I still can’t believe that I am a singer," says Rain. "Sometimes when I find my CD among those I own, I feel my heart swell. It is true happiness that there will be people somewhere who will listen and follow my dance, like I have after the dances and songs of Seotaeji and Boys and Deux when I dreamt of becoming a singer."

The star also credits his family for all his success. "My parents were initially against it but they become supportive after a while," he says. His mother, who passed away in 2000, was a huge influence in his life. "My mother was a big part of my life. The mother-son relationship between us was very strong. To this day, I regret that I wasn't once able to pick her a bouquet of flowers or buy her a meal. At that time, I vowed in front of her picture, that when I receive a major award, it would be in her honour, I am very happy that I've achieved this. In my concert, there is a song dedicated to her. I used to cry a lot when singing this song, but I am now more in control of my emotions. I think it is because of her memory that I try harder and have become more humble. And because of her I try to be a good person and not to do bad things." Successful, sweet and humble—Rain sounds almost perfect—little surprise why he is such a phenomenon in Asia.

So what does the future lie for Rain? And is there a special someone in his life? Well, his female fans will be glad to know that Rain is solely focused on his career, and relationships are not his priority at the moment (he's still available, ladies!). "I believe that if you want to gain something, you need to sacrifice something else. So if I want to enjoy hanging out with friends or having a girlfriend, it would be better for me to give up the work I am doing now because it would be really difficult to do everything well. But because I am still young, I think it is better to lay those things aside for now and concentrate on my work," says Rain.

"The path I am on now is exactly right for me. I am not just another actor or a singer from Korea. I want to be a representative of Asia and Asian people regardless of whether they are Japanese, Taiwanese, Chinese, Singaporean or Filipino. I think that the Asian culture is great. I think it is time for more Asian entertainers to emerge in the US market. I would like to be able to do this in the near future and to become a person that all of Asia can be proud of."

And when that happens, we will definitely be asking for more Rain!

Catch more of Rain in Hip Korea, a documentary on his meteoric rise to fame as seen through the prism of Korea's dynamic society and youthful pop culture. The program will cover Rain up close and personal—tracing his roots in the suburban jungle of Seoul to his inspiration amidst Korea’s thriving hip-hop culture.
HIP KOREA Discovery Channel, February 23, Monday, 8pm

Credit : Malaysia Astroview Magazine, February 2009
            Hongtha@rain-cloud/sixtofive 1982
출처 : 비나무 //°♤//。  |  글쓴이 : 레이니아 원글보기


[사진] 무릎팍 도사 시청률 TOP 10 게스트

황금어장 전체 시청률이 아닌, 무릎팍도사 자체 시청률입니다.

10위- 김제동- 20.3%

9위 -신현준 - 21.1%

7위- 신승훈- 21.2%

7위- 추성훈 -21.2%

6위 - 고현정 -21.3%

5위 - 최민호- 21.7%  

4위- 박세리-21.8%

3위- 문소리 -22.1%  


2위-이만기 -22.2%

1위- 비 -24.5%


2009.01.23 Rain's New Year Greeting on rain-jihoon


How are you, everybody! I am Rain..How are you, I'm Kim Kwang-Min. (Kim is Rain's close friend, appeared on Rain's "Love Story" music video,
and is attached to JTune entertainment with Rain)

Here in Australia, I came to shoot a nice CM.Happy New Year, and have a nice Lunar New Year holiday with your family.I hope you to be healthy, and to love this guy much.
Happy New Year! (Kim)

Translation by rain bird @ rain-eu


[Jan-23-2009]Rain's New Year wish, who was selected as one of "The Biggest Star9 by stoo.com"
Rain who returned with his tangible achievement last year that a role on Speed Racer had brought him north of the border, plans to get a foothold of takeoff with Ninja Assain and release his American debut album this year.
Rain who is now at the height of shooting CM with Jang Dong-Geon in Australia, sent a New Year greeting message to readers.
"Hi.. How are you everyone.. I am Rain...Happy New Year! I hope that you'll enjoy this Lunar New Year's Day holidays with family.I'm going to make many plans and try to work hard even in 2009.Please support and love me more.
And I wish you to realize your desire and to be happy and healthy this year."

credit to stoo.com
Brief translation by rain bird@Rain-Eu

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