Végtelen erőfeszítés, végtelen kitartás, végtelen szerénység. (Rain vezérelve)

Tudtam, hogy ránézésre nem tűnök valami nagy számnak, a megjelenésem sem túl vonzó, de a bensőm elég rendkívüli. Minden színpadra lépés előtt azt mondom magamnak, hogy én vagyok a legjobb, és minden előadás után ugyanúgy azt, hogy nem én vagyok. Ezért minden fellépés előtt 120 százalékosan kell felkészülnöm, hogy az előadáson 100 százalékos teljesítményt tudjak nyújtani. Ennek érdekében minden álló nap folyamatosan képzem magam. Már nagyon hosszú ideje alváshiányban szenvedek, mert ha éppen nem dolgozom, akkor vagy edzek, vagy a koreográfiákat és a dalokat próbálom. Éppen úgy, mint a filmfelvételek idején, ha valamit nem csináltam jól, képtelen vagyok aludni. Akár színészként, akár énekesként, a legjobbat kell tudnom kihozni magamból. De nem kell aggódni, hogy most nincs elegendő időm az alvásra, jut arra majd bőven a halálom után. (Rain)

Ez a fiatalság, ez az egészség... és a túlcsorduló önbizalom... az erőfeszítés, amit az oly hihetetlen előadásai sikeres megvalósításáért tett... és a tehetség, amit felmutat, ezek töltenek el spontán tisztelettel engem. Azt gondolom, hogy a történelem a fontos személyiségek között fogja jegyezni. Úgy, mint aki színészként és zenészként egyaránt sikeres lett. ...
Ami igazán meglepő Ji-hoonban, az az, hogy egyfajta düh, bosszúvágy és szomorúság, az összes efféle sötét, komor negatív motiváció az ő esetében rendkívül optimista és derűs módon ölt testet.
(Park Chan-wook rendező)

RAIN KRÓNIKA: 2009.02.13.




02.12.09 [IBTimes] US$500,000–Rain “This Is Reward For My Movie”


When world star singer Rain appeared in the Hollywood movie “Ninja Assassin”, his receiving of US$500,000 was
part of the reward amount which he will receive based on the results of his performance. On Feb 12th, Rain’s management company J.Tune Entertainment indicated that when Rain signed the contract for “Ninja Assassin” last
March, Rain received US$500,000 at signing.

They went on to say that Rain had completed the film shoot the first half of last year while the second half of the
year was the shooting for Rain’s childhood role; for this the performing expense was at 8.3 million (Korean Won)
and they expressed the standpoint of whether or not this 8.3 million won for Rain was a worthy value.
J.Tune Entertainment also said that 8.3 million won was actually received by Lee Joon, J.Tune’s new trainee/actor who plays Rain’s childhood role.

J.Tune Entertainment indicated that compared to other Hollywood stars, Rain’s receiving amount of US$500,000 is
not a very great deal, but is similar to that of a new person making a debut in Hollywood. However, compared to the aspect of money, having a good opportunity like this is even more significant.
Meanwhile, “Ninja Assassin”–in which Rain plays the lead role Raizo–is estimated to hit the screens in the US and other places this summer.

Source: IB Times
Kor to Chi Translation: 小曹曹 from cloudchina
Credit: karman1668@RainHK
Eng Translation: dsl99a@Rain-USA & SexyBi
Posted at: Sixtofive1982


2009.02.12[IBTimes]50만달러, 비 “이것이 제 영화 출연료에요”
50만달러가 비가 출연한 영화 '닌자어쌔신'의 실제 출연료로 알려졌다.

월드스타인 가수 비(27, 본명 정지훈)가 할리우드영화 '닌자 어쌔신'에서 출연료 50만 달러(한화 약 7억 원)와 흥행실적에 따라 러닝 개런티를 받기로 했다고 알려졌다.

12일 비의 소속사인 제이튠엔터테인먼트는 "비가 지난해 3월 '닌자 암살자' 출연계약을 맺고 비는 50만 달러의 계약금을 받았다"라고 밝혔다.

이는 "비는 지난해 상반기에 영화 촬영을 마쳤으며 지난해 하반기에는 비의 아역 촬영을 진행해 이에 대한 출연료가 830만 원이었다"라며 비의 출연료가 830만 원이라고 잘못 알려져 네티즌이 '헐값 출연료'가 아니냐며 논란이 일어난 데 대한 입장을 드러낸 것.

또한 "830만 원은 비의 아역으로 출연한 제이튠의 신인 연기자 이준의 출연료로 벌어들인 수익이다"라고 덧붙여 설명했다.

제이튠은 "비가 받은 출연료 50만 달러는 할리우드 스타들에 비해 많은 액수는 아니지만 비는 할리우드에 처음 데뷔하는 신인이나 다름없어 금전적인 측면보다 좋은 기회를 잡는데 의의를 뒀다"고 말했다.

한편, 영화 '닌자 어쌔신'은 비가 남자 주인공인 라이조 역을 맡아 올 여름 미국 등에서 개봉할 예정이다. (사진='닌자어쌔신' 훈련동영상캡처)
source: IBTimes


[Feb-13-2009]Rain, fashion brand "Six To Five" store-1 opening.

Singer Rain will be opening the first store of "Six To Five", fashion brand launched by himself, in Cheongjoo on the 13th.

J.Tune Creative expressed on the 13th, "Starting with Cheongjoo on the 13th, we've gotten everything in readiness for the grand opening of the large department stores' main & branch in the country, the main of Sinsege Department Store on the 20th, the main and 3 branches of Lotte Department Store on the 27th, including the main shops in the whole country, Jeonjoo on the 18th, Daegu on the 19th, and etc.
Continuing, they said, "Rain who has participated in its planning & design and acted as a model & designer, plans to have opportunities to get close to consumers through visiting each department store and the main shop.
Meanwhile, on-line "Six To Five"(www.6to5.co.kr) which was already opened through the teaser, will officially be opened on the 25th.2009 S/S season goods and Rain Bear T shirts which were jointly made with Teddy Bear, are due to be limitedly sold.

credit to Asia economy
Brief translation by rain bird@Rain-EU

http://gonews.freechal.com/Tv/main.asp  영상댓글 다는곳

장동건·비, 이번에는 '비비디바비디부' 주문 외운다 네이버  세계일보

비, 패션브랜드 식스투파이브 1호 매장 오픈 네이버   아시아경제
 비, 패션브랜드 식스투파이브 1호 매장 오픈 다음
'의류브랜드 오픈' 비, 매장에서 팬들 만난다네이버    마이데일리
 '의류브랜드 오픈' 비, 매장에서 팬들 만난다 다음
비, `식스투파이브` 오프라인 매장 전국 오픈 매일경제  

  비 패션 감각 베일 벗는다, '식스투파이브' 매장 오픈 다음  조이뉴스24
비 패션 감각 베일 벗는다, '식스투파이브' 매장 오픈 네이버
비 패션브랜드 식스투파이브, 13일 첫매장 개업 스포츠동아


Feb-13-2009]The commercial film to introduce dreams of Jang & Rain

The commercial film to introduce dreams of Jang Dong-Geon & Rain, is the talk of the town.
Recently, T (www.tworld.co.kr), mobile communication brand, showed the second "Bibidibabidibu"
campaign of the content that Jang & Rain wish their dreams come true.

Jang part of this is the content that he receives the best acting prize in an international film festival,
Rain part is the content that he is awarded the best singer prize and is recognized as a distinguished

Meanwhile, there is an after-talk that the two directly sang this "Bibidibabidibu, according to T" song with their sweet voices.

Wish my dream come true - Bibidibabidibu

Rain part

Jang & Rain part

* The words of Jang & Rain have no meaning like an incatation.
The language which they are speaking is not Korean language, and is a made-up language.

source : benamoo/sports joseon
Brief translation by rain bird@Rain-Eu


Ninja Assassin: 48th Top Preview on Comingsoon.net

Source: Comingsoon.net Click Here
Credit: Sixtofive1982

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