曉蔓 (Xiaoman)
081120 第29屆青龍獎頒獎_RAIN特別舞台
081120 KKK Blue Dragon Movie Award [My Lady Rain
2008.11.20 비, 김혜수에게 빚진 장미한송이를 꽃다발로 갚아
가수 비와 여배우들 황홀한 눈길! 김혜수에 꽃다발 건네며 미소 방긋
SBS Ent News - Rain in MKMF
This year of MKMF marks the 19th anniversary of the founding, which tried to provide Korea,
China, and Japan with live broadcasting at the same time.
The whole auditorium was filled with a shout by Rain's appearing on the stage.
Rain :
Every time each artist comes out, I hope you to give him or her the glad hand with a big clap and passion.
Well, we're going to begin with the 10th MKMF with Rain."
Rain's splendid stage..Finally world star Rain appeared with fixing a wire on his body.
It was the performance that had predicted the clock forward in hundred years time
just like seeing a SF movie, and it was the stage itself that marvelous imagination
and Rain's charisma looked better.
Rain proved himself worthy of the world star with the best performance
amidst fans' loud acclamations.
Source : benamoo
Brief translation by rain bird @ rain-eu
2008.11.20[Newsen]비 청룡영화제서 자작곡 ‘내 여자’최초 공개
뉴스엔 김형우 기자]
가수 비(본명 정지훈)가 청룡영화제에서 신곡을 최초 공개한다.
비는 20일 서울 여의도 KBS홀에서 개최되는 제29회 청룡영화상 시상식에서 축하 공연을 펼친다.
이날 비는 새 앨범 수록곡인 '내 여자' 무대를 방송 최초로 선보인다. '내 여자'는 비가 팬들을 위해 직접 작사 작곡한 발라드 곡이다. 비는 '내 여자' 외에도 '레이니즘'의 공연도 함께 선보일 계획이다.
비 소속사 측은 20일 "'내 여자'를 처음으로 공개한다"며 "권위있는 영화제인만큼 연습에 몰두하고 있다"고 전했다.
한편 이날 청룡영화제에는 비 외에도 동방신기와 원더걸스가 축하공연을 펼친다. 또 옥주현과 최정원도 무대에 오라 축하 퍼포먼스를 펼칠 예정이다.
2008.11.20[Newsen]Rain opens his original composition song "My Girl" for the first time
Singer Rain first plans to reveal his new song "My Girl" in CheongRyuong (Blue Dragone)Film Awards.
Rain'll do the celebrating performance in the 29th CheongRyuong (Blue Dragone) Film Awards which will be held in KBS Hall, Seoul Yeoeuido on the 20th.
This day, Rain'll sing "My Girl" in his new album, it is the ballad song that Rain directly did writing songs and composition.
Rain's agency side said, "Rain'll open "My Girl" for the first time. He is running mad after practicing as much as the authoritative film awards."
Credit to Newsen
Brirf translation by rain bird @ rain-eu
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