Végtelen erőfeszítés, végtelen kitartás, végtelen szerénység. (Rain vezérelve)

Tudtam, hogy ránézésre nem tűnök valami nagy számnak, a megjelenésem sem túl vonzó, de a bensőm elég rendkívüli. Minden színpadra lépés előtt azt mondom magamnak, hogy én vagyok a legjobb, és minden előadás után ugyanúgy azt, hogy nem én vagyok. Ezért minden fellépés előtt 120 százalékosan kell felkészülnöm, hogy az előadáson 100 százalékos teljesítményt tudjak nyújtani. Ennek érdekében minden álló nap folyamatosan képzem magam. Már nagyon hosszú ideje alváshiányban szenvedek, mert ha éppen nem dolgozom, akkor vagy edzek, vagy a koreográfiákat és a dalokat próbálom. Éppen úgy, mint a filmfelvételek idején, ha valamit nem csináltam jól, képtelen vagyok aludni. Akár színészként, akár énekesként, a legjobbat kell tudnom kihozni magamból. De nem kell aggódni, hogy most nincs elegendő időm az alvásra, jut arra majd bőven a halálom után. (Rain)

Ez a fiatalság, ez az egészség... és a túlcsorduló önbizalom... az erőfeszítés, amit az oly hihetetlen előadásai sikeres megvalósításáért tett... és a tehetség, amit felmutat, ezek töltenek el spontán tisztelettel engem. Azt gondolom, hogy a történelem a fontos személyiségek között fogja jegyezni. Úgy, mint aki színészként és zenészként egyaránt sikeres lett. ...
Ami igazán meglepő Ji-hoonban, az az, hogy egyfajta düh, bosszúvágy és szomorúság, az összes efféle sötét, komor negatív motiváció az ő esetében rendkívül optimista és derűs módon ölt testet.
(Park Chan-wook rendező)

RAIN KRÓNIKA: 2008.11.14.


via manloverain8
(1080P) Rain 081114 Music Bank_Rainism

비 노래 도중 반주 뚝! SBS 처사에 뿔났다
팬들, 제작진에 공개사과 요구 가수 비의 팬들이 뿔났다. 비의 팬들은 12일 서울 등촌동 SBS 공개홀에서 있었던 물 환경대상> 제작...
한국일보 | 11.13 21:52
한국일보 김성환기자


“비를 자르다니…” 팬들 뿔났다
ㆍ생방송 마지막 무대중 엔딩자막 뜨고 광고…항의전화 폭주가수 비의 일부 무대가 생방송 도중 잘려나가 팬들의 분노가 폭발했다. 해당 방송사 SBS는 13일 ... 스포츠칸 2008-11-13 22:15
[ 강수진기자]


[기사모음] 신승훈 "비는 노력을 많이 하는 가수다"


2년 만에 돌아온 '발라드 황제' 신승훈이 생각하는 후배들은 어떨까?

이영자, 김창렬이 진행하는 케이블 채널 tvN의 현상토크쇼 '택시'한 신승훈은 변함없는 입담으로 후배 가수들에 대한 생각을 털어놨다.

신승훈은 월드스타가 된 후배가수 비에 대해 "오래 갈 것 같은 후배"라며 "비는 참 노력하는 가수인 것 같다. '내가 저 나이 때 저 정도까지 했었나?' 싶을 정도로 열심히 하는 친구"라며 칭찬했다.

아이돌 그룹에 대한 질문은 받은 신승훈은  "동방신기나 빅뱅, 비와 같은 실력파 가수들의 눈을 보면 총기가 살아있고, 의지력이 강한 것 같다"며 "동방신기, 빅뱅과는 같은 미용실에 다니는 동기로 우리는 쌩얼(?)로 인사하는 사이"라고 친분을 과시하기도 했다.

신승훈 "비는 노력을 많이 하는 가수다"
'국민가수' 신승훈이 '월드스타' 비에 대해 칭찬을 아끼지 않았다.신승훈은 13일 밤 12시에 방송되는 tvN '택시' 녹화에 출연해 즐거운 토크시간을 가졌다. ... 매일경제 2008-11-13 16:26

'비 제자' 뜬다

스포츠한국 김성환기자

비 팬들 뿔났다! 노래 중 반주 뚝! SBS “실수 죄송” 공식 사과
[뉴스엔 이재환 기자] 가수 비(본명 정지훈) 팬들이 SBS를 성토하고 나섰다. 비는 12일 오후 서울 등촌동 SBS 공개홀에서 생방...
뉴스엔 | 11.14 08:04


Catching up with "Rainism dance" is all the fashion-The hot wind which covers with the internet.

Rainism dance composition is heating the internet hot.
Rain's 5th title song "Rainism" took the top ranking, and the response from the crowd has been really impressive.
It is the talk of the town that netizens, who make UCC with Rainism dance composition and fancy themselves to the second Rain, are increasing in numbers.
Rainism dance composition, which has emphasized sexy Rain through the dance actions to be hit his palm & fist face to face, and to be swept & come down his head, has been talked about, that is making even the public follow the fashion.
There has been uploaded several videos, like "The reserves Rainism", "Schoolgirls Rainism", and "Trio role Rainism", even a day on the potal site, Daum(http://tvpot.daum.net/audition/rainism/)’ , where the event is now under way.
Netizens, who have indulged in Rain's attraction, make UCC in living and also upload on the mini hompage of Cyworld , that is giving pleasure to many other netizens.
Rain is expected to become a topic of conversation through the following song about the middle of November.

credi to DailyEconomy
Translation by rain bird @ rain-eu


2008.11.13 Rain, if love appears? will not disclose!

Recently Rain had interviewed with Daily Economy 'start day' and he expressed, "The more you get famous the more sincere you have to be, artists are audiences' love therefore shouldn't hide the truth. But on the love side is very hard to disclose the truth because have to consider my love's standpoint, for me it does not matter to reveal it."

When asked if he fell in love, what type of boyfriend does he wants to be? Rain said he wants to become a boyfriend with a lot of charm. He continued, "I don't mind her economic condition because I have ability. The wedding could be arranged like the Hollywood stars." Rain expressed he is a person with love above all.

Source: Mydaily / Sina
English Translation by Rain-America.com


2008.11.12[Eng trans]Mnet Wide Ent News-Beijing "Monblanc Watch Launching show"

Q : Please tell me how visiting China struck you?Rain : I've visited China in nearly two months since the Beijing Olympic Games.
It's fun visiting as expected and thank you for rejoicing to see me.
Q : What business made you visit China?Rain: There is a big event which the celebrities including me, Yang Jo-Wi, and Lee Bo-Young will attend, I came to China combining the event with the publicity of my Asia special album.

Q : Is this the first encounter with Yang Jo-Wi?Rain : I've met with him twice, and I like his sober eyes.
I hope to become an actor who has sober eyes like him.
Yang Jo-Wi : I've seen Rain several times.  He is a star of many abilities.
                     He seems to be active, and he is a fellow who is worthy of the name, world star.
Rain who appeared casually.When he came out, he was subjected to camera flashes and competition in coverage was at its most intense.Proud Rain who exchanged greetings with his fluent English and took rank with the world celebrities.
Rain : It's getting colder. Please be careful not to be catch and take good care of your health

source : benamoo
Brief translation by rain bird @ rain-eu


[스타뉴스] 가요팬들, 방송사 잘못된 행태 "가만 안둬"

가요팬들, 방송사 잘못된 행태 "가만 안 

비, 후속곡 '온리유' 돌입, 춤+노래 완결판 노린다
[아시아경제신문 이혜린 기자]5집 타이틀곡 '레이니즘'으로 인기몰이 중인 가수 비가 오는 21일 KBS '뮤직뱅.. [아시아경제 2008.11.14 13:55]


2008.11.14 Rain rehearsed for 6 hours, for MKMF performance.
A staff, who had directly witnessed the scene of Rain's MKMF rehearsal, allegedly said that the stage setting was so grand and it took Rain 6 hours to rehearse.
*MKMF performance is to expected to be broadcasted on Mnet TV, on November 15th from 7 until 11pm.

source : benamoo
Brief translation by rain bird @ rain-eu


Rain's fans were filled with anger at SBS...

2008.11.14 Rain's fans were filled with anger at SBS TV's cutting out Rain's stage before it was finished.
Rainism by fancam (performance for celebrating "Water Environment Prize")
Rainism broadcasted by SBS TV

Advertisements were broadcasted with the ending subtitles on his last live stage,
pressure of a lot of angry protest.
Rain's fans were filled with anger that his partial stage were cut out,
SBS concerned told the circumstances of the case and had to post the words of apology
on their homepage.
Charge arose from Rain's stage, as he appeared on the stage as an ending singer.
It was not long before ending subtiltes and sponsor logos came out since he started to sing,
after there was even a limit of the interlude to be broadcated ,
it was connected to the advertisement at once.
Rain's fans demanded an apology with a lot of flak,
and there were lots of congestions of telephone protest to SBS.
Especially, according to eyewitness testimonies who watched the situation directly,
a fan mentioned, "His music was suddenly cut out even on the scene
regardless of the TV broadcasting, Rain absurdly had to stand on the stage
with his back dancers who were dancing for some time." This mention poured oil in the fire.

Controvery continued to swirl around the situation, the producers in charge posted the words entitled
"We apologize in connection with the live broadcasting" on their homepage on the 13th afternoon.
The producers made clear, "Some 20seconds were overrun its allotted time,
so something like 20seconds of Rain's Rainism were not broadcasted throughout the progress.
And as concerned the spot where the accident took place,
eventhough the stage in the opening hall should have been kept on going on
regardless of TV broadcasting, the finish of the ending part music didn't go well."
They apologized for their fault.

credit to HankookDaily/benamoo
Translation by rain bird @ rain-eu

비 팬들 뿔났다! 노래 중 반주 뚝! SBS “실수 죄송” 공식 사과
[뉴스엔 이재환 기자] 가수 비(본명 정지훈) 팬들이 SBS를 성토하고 나섰다. 비는 12일 오후 서울 등촌동 SBS 공개홀에서 생방...
뉴스엔 | 11.14 08:04


[기사모음] 신승훈 "비는 노력을 많이 하는 가수다"


2년 만에 돌아온 '발라드 황제' 신승훈이 생각하는 후배들은 어떨까?

이영자, 김창렬이 진행하는 케이블 채널 tvN의 현상토크쇼 '택시'한 신승훈은 변함없는 입담으로 후배 가수들에 대한 생각을 털어놨다.

신승훈은 월드스타가 된 후배가수 비에 대해 "오래 갈 것 같은 후배"라며 "비는 참 노력하는 가수인 것 같다. '내가 저 나이 때 저 정도까지 했었나?' 싶을 정도로 열심히 하는 친구"라며 칭찬했다.

아이돌 그룹에 대한 질문은 받은 신승훈은  "동방신기나 빅뱅, 비와 같은 실력파 가수들의 눈을 보면 총기가 살아있고, 의지력이 강한 것 같다"며 "동방신기, 빅뱅과는 같은 미용실에 다니는 동기로 우리는 쌩얼(?)로 인사하는 사이"라고 친분을 과시하기도 했다.

신승훈 "비는 노력을 많이 하는 가수다"
'국민가수' 신승훈이 '월드스타' 비에 대해 칭찬을 아끼지 않았다.신승훈은 13일 밤 12시에 방송되는 tvN '택시' 녹화에 출연해 즐거운 토크시간을 가졌다. ... 매일경제 2008-11-13 16:26

“비를 자르다니…” 팬들 뿔났다
ㆍ생방송 마지막 무대중 엔딩자막 뜨고 광고…항의전화 폭주가수 비의 일부 무대가 생방송 도중 잘려나가 팬들의 분노가 폭발했다. 해당 방송사 SBS는 13일 ... 스포츠칸 2008-11-13 22:15
강수진 기자

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