Végtelen erőfeszítés, végtelen kitartás, végtelen szerénység. (Rain vezérelve)

Tudtam, hogy ránézésre nem tűnök valami nagy számnak, a megjelenésem sem túl vonzó, de a bensőm elég rendkívüli. Minden színpadra lépés előtt azt mondom magamnak, hogy én vagyok a legjobb, és minden előadás után ugyanúgy azt, hogy nem én vagyok. Ezért minden fellépés előtt 120 százalékosan kell felkészülnöm, hogy az előadáson 100 százalékos teljesítményt tudjak nyújtani. Ennek érdekében minden álló nap folyamatosan képzem magam. Már nagyon hosszú ideje alváshiányban szenvedek, mert ha éppen nem dolgozom, akkor vagy edzek, vagy a koreográfiákat és a dalokat próbálom. Éppen úgy, mint a filmfelvételek idején, ha valamit nem csináltam jól, képtelen vagyok aludni. Akár színészként, akár énekesként, a legjobbat kell tudnom kihozni magamból. De nem kell aggódni, hogy most nincs elegendő időm az alvásra, jut arra majd bőven a halálom után. (Rain)

Ez a fiatalság, ez az egészség... és a túlcsorduló önbizalom... az erőfeszítés, amit az oly hihetetlen előadásai sikeres megvalósításáért tett... és a tehetség, amit felmutat, ezek töltenek el spontán tisztelettel engem. Azt gondolom, hogy a történelem a fontos személyiségek között fogja jegyezni. Úgy, mint aki színészként és zenészként egyaránt sikeres lett. ...
Ami igazán meglepő Ji-hoonban, az az, hogy egyfajta düh, bosszúvágy és szomorúság, az összes efféle sötét, komor negatív motiváció az ő esetében rendkívül optimista és derűs módon ölt testet.
(Park Chan-wook rendező)

RAIN KRÓNIKA: 2008.10.13.




Rain's Asia tour is scheduled for the end of the year

Rain came back through the stage which is mixed with the dance, song, stage manners and the visual.

Singer Rain (real name Jung Ji-Hoon)opened his 5th album which had been hidden in a veil of mystery for years.

He showed off the reserved strength through the stage which is mixed with five things, not only with the more matured dance,and just the remarkable singing skill, but with the more refinded stage manners, the well-knit presentation in separate conceipt each song, and the visual .

Rain, who has the 5th "Rainism" opening to go ahead, had the recording of Rain comback show "I, Rain, Dance" in MBC Drama Center's open hall, Kungkido Ilsan on the 9th at 8pm.
This special performance is to be broadcasted through MBC TV on the 17th at 10:50pm.

Starting with MBC-TV "Show! Music Core" music program recording on the 11th, he plans to quench the fan's thirst by appearing on SBS-TV "Popular song" on the 19th, Mnet-TV "M Count" on the 23th, and KBS-TV "Music Bank" on the 24th continually.

In addition, Rain's Asia tour is also scheduled for the end of the year.

credi to Sports DongAh
Translation /edited by rain bird @ rain-eu



Rain meets with the highest rating programs of the three broadcastings

Rain, who has the 5th album activity to go ahead, meets with the highest rating entertainment programs of the three broadcastings.

He attended the recording of SBS-TV entertainment program "Being Ambitious" on the 12th, MBC-TV "Knee Ascetic" on the 15th, and after that he'll contiually attend KBS-2TV "Imagination plus", "Happy Together", and SBS-TV "Familly appeared"

According to J.Tune side, "There has been not only few the interaction opportunities between him and his fans, but a thirst about the communication even to Rain. So he is thinking of service for the fans by his appearance on the entertainment TV programs as many as he can.

credit to Daily Sports
Translation/edited by rain bird @ rain-eu


비, 시청률 1위 예능 프로들과 만난다

[JES 김성의] 5집 활동을 앞둔 가수 비(26)가 방송 3사 시청률 1위 예능 프로그램과 만난다. 비는 12일 SBS TV '야심만만' 녹화에 임했다. 15일 ... 일간스포츠 2008-10-12 17:31

가수 비의 컴백쇼 '나비춤'에 궁금증 증폭

가수 비(본명 정지훈)의 컴백쇼 '나비춤'이 예고영상 공개화 함께 관심을 모으고 있다.11일 MBC '무한도전'이 방송 후 비의 컴백쇼 '나비춤'의 예고영상이 . ... 한국경제 2008-10-12 23:26


'슈퍼 퍼포머'(Super Performer)가 뜬다.

빼어난 외모와 뛰어난 가창력으로도 부족하다. 대중은 이제 눈으로도 음악을 즐기려 한다. 온몸을 전율시키는 퍼포먼스를 원하고 있다. 현란한 퍼포먼스에도 흔들리지 않는 라이브 공력을 갖춘 '슈퍼 퍼포머'가 가요계를 접수하고 있다.

비는 9일 2년 만의 컴백 쇼케이스에서 '퍼포먼스의 향연'을 보여줬다. 5집 수록곡 <레이니즘(Rainism)><온니 유><프레시 우먼>등의 무대는 각기 다른 컨셉트로 팬들의 눈을 어지럽게 했다. 이중 <레이니즘>은 비가 맘먹고 '퍼포먼스'에 방점을 찍은 곡이다. '해적'을 형상화한 군무와 비의 '지팡이 춤' 등 쉴새 없는 춤동작으로 팬들을 매료시켰다.

비는 "이번 앨범을 준비하면서 퍼포먼스에 가장 중점을 뒀다. 사람들이 따라하고 싶을 정도로 대단한 볼거리를 주고 싶었다. 국내 팬들의 눈높이도 높아져서 갈수록 퍼포먼스를 꾸미는 것이 쉽지 않다. 하지만 아티스트로 성취감은 더 높아진다"고 말했다.


Rain Finally Unveiled in Asia

Korean pop sensation Rain has officially returned to Asian fans. The 26-year-old singer was not only back home, but better than ever.
At his show, held at MBC Dreamcenter in Ilsan, Gyeonggi Province, fans from Japan, Taiwan, China and Korea who were exclusively invited waited patiently with their small fluorescent poles shaped in the letter “R” and pieces of that read “Rainism,” the title of the singer’s new album.
The lights finally dimmed and Rain appeared on stage dressed in a black suit, red tie, and a new hairstyle: short and burgundy.
“Rainism” was the first song he presented to fans, along with his trademark superb dance moves.
There was a change in style with a more sensual and sexy dance routine replacing his usual powerful and energetic movements.
Rain continued with “Love Story,” where he stood standing on a circular platform that rose about 3 meters above the stage.
“Today’s show is a bit different. (Showcases) were more like a concert and I realized I was being selfish. So this time, we’ll talk more,” he said to the shouting fans.
The next song “It’s Raining” from his third album started with one of his trademark remarks “Come on Yo!,” while his new song “Only You” graced fans with groovy soul melodies, with Rain appearing in a brown suit, matching brown leather vest and boots.
Suddenly, the LED screens around the stage displayed red rose petals flying in the wind, and a tango rhythm banged from the speakers.
Rain, who went backstage to change his outfit, reappeared, this time with a lovely female dancer dressed in a tango costume.
Dancing to the music that gradually mixed with Rain’s debut song “Bad Guy,” the couple surprised fans with their exquisite dance moves and surprised them once again when Rain finally revealed the mysterious lady.
“I wanted to present a special performance with a famous actress. Kim Sun-a here has been practicing for the past two weeks with me for the show. Wasn’t she wonderful?” said Rain.
Kim waved to the screaming fans and said that she was honored to have danced with Rain.
“I can’t believe I’m on stage. It’s a great honor to be standing here and the past two weeks have been a priceless memory,” she said.
Rain returned on stage to sing a new funky number “Fresh Woman,” dressed in a black tracksuit and big Afro wig. Catching his breath from singing and dancing, he added to his fans that he “was grateful for waiting for the past two years.”
The official showcase ended with Rain and his team of dancers leaving the stage waving to fans, but he soon reappeared and offered several encores, including “How to Avoid the Sun” and “Instead of Saying Goodbye.”
For Rain fans, Friday night might have been a dream come true as right after the showcase, there was a special program on MBC that showed the life of Rain for the past five months as an actor starring in the Hollywood film “Ninja Assassin.”
“You know what, I hate this,” Rain said between his sessions with the trainers who worked with actors for the movie “300” (2006). The show continued to show footage of the singer/actor rehearsing for the movie, preparing meals on weekends and working out between filming.
Through exclusive interviews, Rain revealed his continuous efforts and strategies in trying to make it big not only here in Asia, but also in Hollywood.
He appeared in the movie “I’m a Cyborg, But That’s Okay” by director Park Chan-wook not only because it was a great role, but also with hopes of appearing at an international film event, which he eventually did at the Berlin International Film Festival.
Discovering his soaring popularity in Southeast Asia with the drama “Full House” (2004), Rain quickly held an Asia tour and impressed Asian fans, making Hollywood wonder about the Korean singer who could also act.
He also made the list of TIME magazine’s 100 Most Influential People in the World list, appeared in the Wachowski brothers’ “Speed Racer,” signed a contract with William Morris Agency and was given the lead role in “Assassin” directed by James McTeigue (“V for Vendetta”).
“I dedicated my 20s, my passion and energy to the name` Rain.’
I always did my best and I thought if I did, it would eventually show and even if it didn’t turn out well, I wouldn’t have any regrets.
The thought of my picture being hung on the walls of a Hollywood theater kept me going,” he said during the show.
The second part of Rain’s special program titled “Me, Rain, Dance” will be aired at 10:55 p.m. Oct. 17 on MBC.
Source: Korea Times
Credit: seoulfull.wordpress.com

가수 비-하지원 ‘러브스토리’ 뮤비 전격 공개 [다음]

비, 하지원과 '러브스토리' 풀버전 오늘(13일) 공개 [네이버]
비, 하지원과 '러브스토리' 풀버전 오늘(13일) 공개 [다음]

[정보]Rain 5th Album "Love Story" M/V Version 레인아파트

'컴백' 비, 잇딴 예능 프로 출연 통해 팬들과 '소통' [다음]
'컴백' 비, 잇딴 예능 프로 출연 통해 팬들과 '소통' [네이버]


"Super Performer" strikes a blow at the popular song world.

"Super Performer" is rising.

It is short with just the eminet look and distinguished song ability.
The masses are trying to enjoy the music even with their eyes.They want the performance which give themselves the creeps."The super performance" gotten ready with the unfaltering live-attack through the elaborate performance is being received by the popular song world.
Rain showed the performance festival at his comeback show of the 9th in two years.in the 5th album made the fans' eyes be turned with the each indiviual conceipt.in these is the song that Rain marked the performance with a side dot by getting off his rear.He fascinated his fans with the continual dance actings, such like the group dancing into which is shaped the priates and his cane dancing.
Rain said, "Preparing for this album, I put emphasis on the performance. And I wanted to give the big attractions that people would love to imitate even again.It is not easy to make out the performance that people love nice things and are never satisfied with commonplace stuff. But my achievement is higher as an artist."
The popular culture reviewer Kang Myung-Seock says, "Recently the masses have their experienced eyes more than before. The mind hoping, that their star is good at his singing and even dancing, has become higher."
credit to Hankook DailyTranslation /edited by rain bird @ rain-eu















2006年4thアルバムの活動を終えてから、ハリウッドと世界を舞台に活動してきたRainは、MBC芸能局で制作し17日放送されるカムバックスペシャル番組『Rain カムバックショー-私・雨・踊り』(演出カン・ヨンソン、オ・ユンファン)で、華やかなカムバック公演を行う。Rainは9日、京畿道一山MBCドリームセンターで、5thアルバムのショーケースを開き、本格的なアルバム活動を予告した。


© Innolife & Digital YTN & Joynews24 & inews24













RAIN和李寶英在中國北京國家室內體育館舉辦的『萬寶龍』的『Star Nicolas Rieussec』落成典禮,作為韓國的代表被招待。


兩位演員在11月7日進行的『萬寶龍Star Nicolas Rieussec』的正式落成儀式,接受包括國內以及亞洲的世界各地的記者團的採訪,下午9點預計一起走紅地毯,吸引了視線。


同時,RAIN在9日下午京畿道日山的MBC DREAM CENTER舉行了國內第一次的回歸舞台,據說是很成功的COMEBACK。李寶英於9日和玄彬一起出席了被選為第13屆釜山國際電影節閉幕式的電影『我的幸福』試映會以及記者會。

翻譯 by 小曹曹 @cloudchina  


[GONEWS]비-이보영, 함께 레드카펫 밟는다

가수 비(본명 정지훈)와 배우 이보영이 ‘대한민국을 대표하는 몽블랑의 연인’으로 선정, 중국에서 함께 레드카펫을 밟는다.

비와 이보영은 중국 베이징 국립 실내 체육관에서 개최되는 ‘몽블랑’의 ‘스타 니콜라스 뤼섹 워치’ 런칭 행사에 한국 대표로 초대됐다.

이번 행사에는 세계적인 배우인 양조위와 장쯔이를 비롯, 리빙빙 등 중국 내 스타들과 기자단, 아시아 각국의 VVIP를 비롯한 세계 각국의 저명인사 등 약 3,500여 명의 게스트가 함께 할 예정이다.

두 배우는 ‘몽블랑 스타 니콜라스 뤼섹 워치’의 본격적 런칭 행사가 진행되는 11월 7일, 국내 및 아시아를 포함한 세계 각지의 기자단과 함께 인터뷰를 갖고, 오후 9시경 레드 카펫을 함께 밟을 예정이어서 눈길을 끈다.

몽블랑 측은 “비는 중국을 포함한 아시아에서 이미 한류스타로의 입지를 굳힌 배우 겸 가수이며, 지난 2008년 베이징 올림픽 폐막식에서 올림픽 주제가를 부르는 등 아시아에서의 영향력이 높다. 이보영은 중국에 방영된 ‘게임의 여왕’, ‘서동요’ 등의 드라마로 인해 인기 급 상승 중이며, 동양적이면서도 세련된 마스크를 지녀 몽블랑의 전통적 럭셔리 브랜드 이미지와 잘 어울려 두 배우를 몽블랑 행사에 초대하게 됐다”며 초청 이유를 밝혔다.

한편, 비는 지난 9일 오후 경기도 일산 MBC 드림 스튜디오에서 국내 첫 복귀 무대를 가지며 성공적인 컴백을 알렸고, 이보영은 지난 9일 현빈과 함께 출연한 영화 ‘나는 행복합니다’가 제13회 부산국제영화제 폐막작으로 선정되어 시사회 및 기자회견에 참석했다.


      Rain 5th - Love Story MV full

(A man who before the building tells Rain)

A man : Hey! remove it!


The boss - You are well reputed around here. I ask for support.Rain - Ah, yeah..The boss - He is the vice-chief Hwang and is expert in the dirty work.Rain -I'm just clean. That’s all right with me.--------------------------
(Rain and Ha Ji-Won look at each other in the shop)
'Love Story' sound flows.
Hey.This is my story.
It's true.
Oh, baby.
The word is I've wanted to talk to you.
The word that made my heart sad.
The reason we loved each other, but could not.
I could not tell you anything like fool.

Please give me a chance again.
I didn't know that.
I'm not sure if your mind is changed.
I apologized, but your look tured back on me coldly
This song is a love story that was sincere.

My story I devoted everything.
But the story is that everything went off and became the past.
I love you.I still love you.(at this moment)
My frank voice in my heart.
It means the determination that I can give you everything.

Come back to me. still love you forever.I love you.
I still love you forever.
Oh, we loved each other, can you forget it?
Love in memory.
You left me.But, the promise that you and me made.
You don't care a tinker's damn?
I heard you've said about me laughingly.
I'm brokenhearted as if I were going to be.
If I were with you just once.
I can't draw my breath.
My everything wants you.
This song is a love story that was sincere.
My story I devoted everything.
But the story is that everything went off and became the past.
I love you. I still love you.(at this moment)

My frank voice in my heart.I
t means the determination that I can give you everything.
Come back to me.
I still love you forever.
I love you.
 I still love you forever.
I'll forget with clenching my fist.
My heart is festered, I can't do anymore.
I'm brokenhearted, but I'll not see you.

Memories in you and me.
Remember only one.
I was the guy who could tolerate your everything.
Now I can do everything without you.
I'm listening this song.
This song is love story toward you.
I don't regrect that I gave you my truth.
I'll forget you from now on.
My love that is gone.I love you.
I still love you (at this moment)

My last voice toward you.
My crying that knows everything.
If you hear, please come back to me.
I love you forever.
I love you. I love only you.
Baby please come back to me.
I miss you baby.
(In the car)
Rain - This car rides very smoothly. If it had the wings, would fly.Ha - It seems to rain.
- You are saying like rain.(=You make me laugh).
           You are sentimentalizing over now out of your  character.

- A lucky woman is surely different with others.
           Oh my, I am almost dying.
           Anyway, from whom you got this car?
Ha - What?

- What is what?
           You know that we are the veterans each other, then why?
Introduce a big sister even to me.
Ha - Hey!

- Why? you mean you will?  What is your knack?

Ha - You can never get in the car like this, as long as you do like that.
Rain - What? sod it!
(Getting out the car)Rain - Hey! Hey! You think I can not buy the car like this because of no money.
I can buy too, OK? How much would it be?
           You know why I'm not buying a car like this?
           Oil prices are too expensive! Pshaw!
           With the oil that we see today, you should save money.

(When Ha is getting out of the car)
Rain - What's wrong? What are you doing?
(Ha slaps his face)
Ha- You are the same!
(A brokenhearted love story will be appeared before you on September.)
posted at benamoo
Translation by rain bird @ rain-eu


 [기사모음]가수 비, 김선아를 두번 울린 사연은?

김선아, 비의 깜짝 생일이벤트에 '눈물펑펑' [다음]

김선아, 비의 깜짝 생일이벤트에 '눈물펑펑' [네이버]
가수 비, 김선아를 두번 울린 사연은? [다음]가수 비, 김선아를 두번 울린 사연은? [싸이월드]


 비(정지훈) 김선아[사진=MBC]

[고뉴스] [동영상]비, “비같은 소리 하고 있네” 뮤비 리얼연기

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