Végtelen erőfeszítés, végtelen kitartás, végtelen szerénység. (Rain vezérelve)

Tudtam, hogy ránézésre nem tűnök valami nagy számnak, a megjelenésem sem túl vonzó, de a bensőm elég rendkívüli. Minden színpadra lépés előtt azt mondom magamnak, hogy én vagyok a legjobb, és minden előadás után ugyanúgy azt, hogy nem én vagyok. Ezért minden fellépés előtt 120 százalékosan kell felkészülnöm, hogy az előadáson 100 százalékos teljesítményt tudjak nyújtani. Ennek érdekében minden álló nap folyamatosan képzem magam. Már nagyon hosszú ideje alváshiányban szenvedek, mert ha éppen nem dolgozom, akkor vagy edzek, vagy a koreográfiákat és a dalokat próbálom. Éppen úgy, mint a filmfelvételek idején, ha valamit nem csináltam jól, képtelen vagyok aludni. Akár színészként, akár énekesként, a legjobbat kell tudnom kihozni magamból. De nem kell aggódni, hogy most nincs elegendő időm az alvásra, jut arra majd bőven a halálom után. (Rain)

Ez a fiatalság, ez az egészség... és a túlcsorduló önbizalom... az erőfeszítés, amit az oly hihetetlen előadásai sikeres megvalósításáért tett... és a tehetség, amit felmutat, ezek töltenek el spontán tisztelettel engem. Azt gondolom, hogy a történelem a fontos személyiségek között fogja jegyezni. Úgy, mint aki színészként és zenészként egyaránt sikeres lett. ...
Ami igazán meglepő Ji-hoonban, az az, hogy egyfajta düh, bosszúvágy és szomorúság, az összes efféle sötét, komor negatív motiváció az ő esetében rendkívül optimista és derűs módon ölt testet.
(Park Chan-wook rendező)

RAIN KRÓNIKA: 2009.06.03.



2009.06.02[notice from rain-jihoon]Rain's departure schedule for Hong Kong 6to5 fashion concert on June 6.
Hello, this is Cloud master.

We notify Rain's official departure schedule related to leaving the country for Hong Kong 6to5 fashion concert on June
[Departure schedule]
The date of departure : June5 (Friday), 2009.
The time to leave Incheon Airport : 8:50am (The flight: CX 415)
The time to arrive at Hong Kong : 11:35am (local time)
Your much concern and love would be appreciated.
Thank you.
credit to
Brief translation by rain bird 


2009.06 Rain's interview from Men Uno Magazine.
user posted image

MU: What are your working plans as of lately?

R: As of lately the most important thing that I'm doing is the promotion of "Six to Five" fashion brand which I'm a designer and model for. We will be holding fashion concerts on June 6th in HK and June 27th in Macau. I'm really looking forward to them.

MU: Why do you want to engage in fashion business? Are you directly involved in everything including designing?

R: I've always been interested in fashion trends and designing, so I just want to share my feelings about fashion for others to enjoy. During the "Six to Five" designing process, I can't say that I'm thoroughly involved as a designer, but during that process I will bring into play my own perspective, and will continue to give my opinions on designs.

MU: Where does the brand "Six to Five" stand? Who are its target customers?

R: I believe that young people who enjoy fashion will like our fashion brand. "Six to Five" combines both traditional and relaxing styles while at the same time stressing practicality with a simple and relaxing feeling to them.

MU: What is the origin to the name "Six to Five"?

R: Humans have 5 senses. We hope to exceed the 5 senses to pursue an even higher 6th sense. "Six to Five" contains emotional and cultural significance, and it uses the logo of a rocket to express the extreme emotion of transcending through space; challenging the meaning of the future.

MU: What are your plans for the development of your brand in the fashion market?

R: We have a lot of interesting plans, for example incorporating famous artist Paul Klee's art designs into our clothes, as well as opening a museum with our well-loved teddy bears, etc. We will be continuing to release more styles, hope that everyone will like them.

**(skipping the next few paragraphs, the writer describes Rain's past. It's honestly very long for me to translate, and it is mostly stuff that we already know about him. ^__^)**

MU: What is the difference between the real you and the one who is on stage?

R: The one on stage is one of the best singers who can make fans scream and cheer for him. In real life I'm constantly doubting myself, thinking back to the very beginning and the very real Jung Ji-hoon. I'm constantly training myself; my self-satisfaction derives from overcoming my own biggest obstacle.

MU: You're getting famous very quickly, what kind of effect does this have on you?

R: I think that compared to others I have a little more of certain kinds of experiences. Even though I have a quite a definite popularity right now, I don't think that this is the end of my success. As a singer and actor, in order to give a better sound to my fans, and better acting for my audience, I've sacrificed a lot of things. But while sacrificing all these things, I've in turn been able to give a more well-rounded appearance on stage, and through this I've also gotten to know more people, and for this I feel very blessed.

MU: What kind of character would you like to experiment with for future movies or drama series?

R: Since I was young, I had always wanted to be in a male role in a heroic kung fu movie. Now that I'm in Hollywood I can finally fulfill that dream.  "Ninja Assassin" which will be released worldwide is just that kind of movie. In order to achieve the final results of the requirements of the movie, I had to train myself real hard and had to learn kung fu stunts. I hope everyone will enjoy my first Hollywood production.

MU: What kind of plans do you have for your own performing career?

R: I'm always thinking about which step I’d take next, I don't know until when I'll keep singing, I think that I'll just let more fans enjoy my music; I'll just give it all I've got for them to hear me sing.

Source & Credit: Uno Men Magazine // RainHK

Chi to Eng Translation: dsl99a@Rain-USA // SexyBi // sixtofive1982.com
한솥밥 비+이다해, 홍콩패션쇼 선다 “현지 반응 뜨거워” 
뉴스엔 배선영 기자]

월드스타 비(본명 정지훈)가 오는 6월 6일 홍콩에서 패션 콘서트를 개최한다.

5월 30일자(현지시각) 중화권 언론에 따르면 이번 콘서트에 홍콩팬들 뿐만 아니라 홍콩 근교 광저우 팬들의 반응도 뜨겁다.

이에 홍콩 주최측은 광저우 팬들을 위한 마케팅 전략에 열을 올리고 있다.

또 이 언론은 "비의 이번 홍콩 패션 콘서트는 비 본인이 디자이너와 전속 모델로 참여한 의류 브랜드 '식스투파이브(SIX TO FIVE)'의 2009 F/W시즌 패션쇼와 콘서트가 결합된 형태로 꾸며진다"고 전하며 "이에 팬들의 눈과 귀를 동시에 만족시켜줄 새로운 형식의 콘서트가 될 수 있을 것"이라고 설명했다.

이어 이 언론은 "이 초대형 호화 콘서트에는 20여명의 다양한 국적의 모델들이 캣워크를 선보이게 될 것"이라며 "이들 모델들에는 한국 배우 이다해가 포함돼 있어 더욱 기대를 모으고 있다"고 덧붙였다.

한편 지난 2월 비의 소속사 제이튠 엔터테인먼트에 합류한 탤런트 이다해는 '식스투파이브' 홍콩 패션쇼의 여자 메인 모델로 서게 되면서 소속사 식구인 비와 첫 공식 활동을 시작하게 된다.

이다해는 이와 관련,“한솥밥 식구인 비의 패션쇼
무대에 함께 서게 돼 기쁘다”며 “‘식스투파이브’가 아시아에서도 사랑받는 브랜드가 되길 진심으로 바란다”고 소감을 밝혔다.

배선영 sypova@newsen.com



[번역][MEN'S UNO]Men's Uno 잡지의 '비 인터뷰 기사' 

[June-03-2009]Rain's interview from Men's Uno Magzine. 


UM: What are your working plans as of lately?

R: As of lately the most important thing that I’m doing is the promotion of “Six to Five” fashion brand which I’m a designer and model for. We will be holding fashion concerts on June 6th in HK and June 27th in Macau. I’m really looking forward to them.
UM: Why do you want to engage in fashion business? Are you directly involved in everything including designing?

R: I’ve always been interested in fashion trends and designing, so I just want to share my feelings about fashion for others to enjoy. During the “Six to Five” designing process, I can’t say that I’m thoroughly involved as a designer, but during that process I will bring into play my own perspective, and will continue to give my opinions on designs.
UM: Where does the brand “Six to Five” stand? Who are its target customers?

R: I believe that young people who enjoy fashion will like our fashion brand. “Six to Five” combines both traditional and relaxing styles while at the same time stressing practicality with a simple and relaxing feeling to them.
UM: What is the origin to the name “Six to Five”?

R: Humans have 5 senses. We hope to exceed the 5 senses to pursue an even higher ‘6th sense’. “Six to Five” contains emotional and cultural significance, and it uses the logo of a rocket to express the extreme emotion of transcending through space; challenging the meaning of the future. UM: What are your plans for the development of your brand in the fashion market?

R: We have a lot of interesting plans, for example incorporating famous artist Paul Klee’s art designs into our clothes, as well as opening a museum with our well-loved teddy bears, etc. We will be continuing to release more styles, hope that everyone will like them.
UM: What is the difference between the real you and the one who is on stage?

R: The one on stage is one of the best singers who can make fans scream and cheer for him. In real life I’m constantly doubting myself, thinking back to the very beginning and the very real Jung Ji-hoon. I’m constantly training myself; my self-satisfaction derives from overcoming my own biggest obstacle.
UM: You’re getting famous very quickly, what kind of effect does this have on you?

R: I think that compared to others I have a little more of certain kinds of experiences. Even though I have a quite a definite popularity right now, I don’t think that this is the end of my success. As a singer and actor, in order to give a better sound to my fans, and better acting for my audience, I’ve sacrificed a lot of things. But while sacrificing all these things, I’ve in turn been able to give a more well-rounded appearance on stage, and through this I’ve also gotten to know more people, and for this I feel very blessed.
UM: What kind of character would you like to experiment with for future movies or drama series?

R: Since I was young, I had always wanted to be in a male role in a heroic kung fu movie. Now that I’m in Hollywood I can finally fulfill that dream. “Ninja Assassin”—which will be released worldwide—is just that kind of movie. In order to achieve the final results of the requirements of the movie, I had to train myself real hard and had to learn kung fu stunts. I hope everyone will enjoy my first Hollywood production. UM: What kind of plans do you have for your own performing career?

R: I’m always thinking about which step I’d take next, I don’t know until when I’ll keep singing, I think that I’ll just let more fans enjoy my music; I’ll just give it all I’ve got for them to hear me sing.

Source & Credit: Uno Men Magazine // RainHK
Chi to Eng Translation: dsl99a@Rain-USA // SexyBi // sixtofive1982.com

[Men's Uno] 비 인터뷰 기사.

1.최근 어떤 일을 계획하고 있나요?

-최근에 가장 중요한 일이라면 내가 디자이너와 모델로서 일하고 있는
패션 브랜드 6to5의 프로모션에 관한 일이에요..
우리는 6월6일과 6월27일 각각 홍콩과 마카오에서 패션 콘서트 일정을
갖고 있으며, 정말 기대하고 있습니다..

2.패션 사업에 종사하고픈 이유라면? 그리고, 디자인을 포함해 모든 일에 직접 관여하고 있는지?

-나는 패션 트렌드와 디자인에 대해 늘 관심을 가져 왔어요..
그래서 다른분들이 즐길만한 패션에 대해 저의 느낌을 공유하고 싶을 따름이구요..
6to5가 디자인되는 동안, 내가 디자이너로서 전적으로 참여한다고 할 수는 없지만,
그 과정에 있어, 디자인에 대한 저의 견해를 제시하고 끊임없이 의견을 내놓습니다..

3.6to5 브랜드는 어디에 기준을 두고 있나요?

-젊은 사람들이 우리의 패션 브랜드를 좋아하리라 생각돼요..
6to5는 실용성을 강조하면서, 전통적이고도 편안한 스타일과 단순하면서도 편안한 느낌을
겸하고 있습니다..

4.6to5의 이름은 어떻게 시작되었나요?

-사람에게는 5개의 감각이 있어요..
우리는 5감을 넘어 훨씬 더 높은 6감을 지향하길 바라고 있어요..
6to5는 감성과 문화적인 상징을 내포하고 있으며, 공간을 초월하는 극도의 감성을
표현하고자 로켓 모양의 로고를 사용하고 있습니다.
다시 말하자면, 미래에 의의를 두고 도전한다는 뜻이죠..

3.패션시장에서 브랜드 개발을 위해 어떤 계획을 갖고 있나요?

-우리에겐 흥미로운 계획들이 많이 있는데,
예를 들면, 친근한 이미지의 테디베어와 함께 기념관을 오픈하는 것 이외에도,
유명 아티스트 Paul klee의 작품을 우리의 옷들에 구체화시키는 것 등이죠..
계속적으로 더 많은 스타일을 공개할 예정이며, 모든 분들이 좋아해 주시길 바랍니다.

5.실제의 자신과 무대 위의 자신과는 어떤 차이가 있나요?

-무대 위에서는, 팬들을 열광케 하는 최고의 가수 중의 한 명이고,
실제 생활에선, 처음 시작했을 때와 진짜 정지훈으로 되돌아 가 생각하면서
자신에 대해 끊임없이 의문을 갖고 있어요..
나 자신의 최대 걸림돌들을 극복하는 데에서 나의 자기만족이 얻어집니다..

6.당신은 엄청난 속도로 유명해지고 있는데, 어떤 영향이 당신에게 작용하고 있는 건가요?

-내 생각엔, 내가 다른 사람들에 비해 특정한 경험이 조금 더 많은 것 같아요..
지금 당장 인기가 확연히 많다고 하더라도 이것이 성공의 끝은 아니라는 생각이 들어요..
나는, 나의 음악 팬들과 영화팬들에게 좀 더 좋은 음악과 연기를 들려 주고 보여 주기 위해
가수와 배우로서 많은 것을 몸 바쳐 왔습니다..
하지만 이런 희생이 따르는 사이에, 무대 위에서 더욱 능숙하게 되었고,
이를 통해 더 많은 팬들을 얻었으며, 이 점에서 나는 정말 행복함을 느끼고 있어요.. 

7.앞으로 영화와 드라마에서 어떤 캐릭터에 도전해 보고 싶은가요?

-어려서부터 항상 영웅적인 쿵푸영화에서 주인공이 되고 싶었는데,
 이제 나는 그 꿈을 이룰 수 있는 헐리웃에 있는 거구요..
전세계에 개봉되는 닌자어쌔신이 바로 그 영화이죠..
이 영화가 요구하는 궁극적인 결과를 이뤄내기 위해 나 자신 혹독한 훈련을 해야 했고, 쿵푸 연기를 익혀야 했어요..
모든 분들이 나의 첫 헐리웃 영화를 좋아하기를 바랍니다..

8. 가수로서 앞으로 어떤 계획을 하고 있나요?

-나는 항상 다음 번에 어떤 일을 할 것인가를 생각해요..
언제까지 노래를 계속 부를 지는 모르겠지만, 그저 더 많은 팬들이 나의 음악을 즐기게 하도록 할 것 같아요..
즉, 팬들이 나의 노래를 들을 수 있도록 그저 혼신을 다 하리라는 것이죠..

Source & Credit: Uno Men Magazine // RainHK//myjungjihoon.com
중국어 -> 영어: dsl99a@Rain-USA // SexyBi // sixtofive1982.com

영어->한국어: Rainia.

출처 : 비나무 //°♤//。  원문보기 글쓴이 : 레이니아

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