Végtelen erőfeszítés, végtelen kitartás, végtelen szerénység. (Rain vezérelve)

Tudtam, hogy ránézésre nem tűnök valami nagy számnak, a megjelenésem sem túl vonzó, de a bensőm elég rendkívüli. Minden színpadra lépés előtt azt mondom magamnak, hogy én vagyok a legjobb, és minden előadás után ugyanúgy azt, hogy nem én vagyok. Ezért minden fellépés előtt 120 százalékosan kell felkészülnöm, hogy az előadáson 100 százalékos teljesítményt tudjak nyújtani. Ennek érdekében minden álló nap folyamatosan képzem magam. Már nagyon hosszú ideje alváshiányban szenvedek, mert ha éppen nem dolgozom, akkor vagy edzek, vagy a koreográfiákat és a dalokat próbálom. Éppen úgy, mint a filmfelvételek idején, ha valamit nem csináltam jól, képtelen vagyok aludni. Akár színészként, akár énekesként, a legjobbat kell tudnom kihozni magamból. De nem kell aggódni, hogy most nincs elegendő időm az alvásra, jut arra majd bőven a halálom után. (Rain)

Ez a fiatalság, ez az egészség... és a túlcsorduló önbizalom... az erőfeszítés, amit az oly hihetetlen előadásai sikeres megvalósításáért tett... és a tehetség, amit felmutat, ezek töltenek el spontán tisztelettel engem. Azt gondolom, hogy a történelem a fontos személyiségek között fogja jegyezni. Úgy, mint aki színészként és zenészként egyaránt sikeres lett. ...
Ami igazán meglepő Ji-hoonban, az az, hogy egyfajta düh, bosszúvágy és szomorúság, az összes efféle sötét, komor negatív motiváció az ő esetében rendkívül optimista és derűs módon ölt testet.
(Park Chan-wook rendező)

RAIN KRÓNIKA: 2009.08.15.


월드스타 비, 액션 간지남 “라르고 역에 딱이야!”

2009년 8월, 대한민국에 ‘라르고’ 스타일의 폭풍이 분다! 잘생긴 외모! 모든 액션을 대역 없이 소화해낼 정도의 체력, 세계 5위의 대그룹 후계자로서의 귀족스러움과 다국어 구사의 지성미까지. 액션 간지남 ‘라르고’가 한국 대표로 ‘라르고’역에 어울리는 배우를 네티즌들에게 물었다 


 그 결과, 월드스타 비(본명 정지훈)가 95%의 압도적인 지지율로 1위를 차지, ‘닌자 어쌔신’ 영상 공개 후, 배우 정지훈의 새로운 모습을 기대하는 네티즌들의 기대를 입증했다.

8월 3일(월)부터 8월 10일(월)까지 영화사이트 씨네서울(www.cineseoul.com)에서 진행된, “액션 스릴러 ‘라르고 윈치’에서 스타일리시 액션 간지남 '라르고 윈치'에 가장 잘 어울리는 남자배우는?”이라는 설문에서 월드스타 ‘비(본명_정지훈)’가 95%라는 과반수를 훨씬 뛰어넘는 지지율로 1위를 차지해 네티즌들 사이에서 화제와 열띤 논쟁을 모았다.

이는 올 하반기 ‘닌자 어쌔신’의 국내 개봉을 앞두고 인터넷에 공개된 ‘닌자 어쌔신’ 예고편에서 근육질의 몸매와 뛰어난 전투 실력을 갖춘 암살자로 변신한 모습을 선보인 후라 더욱 주목할 만한 결과인 것.


 이번 설문은 대한민국 대표 ‘라르고’ 최고의 액션 간지남을 뽑는 것인 만큼 막강한 후보들 가운데 순위 쟁탈전이 기대되었다. 결과적으로 각기 다른 매력의 대표 완소 배우들 중 남성미와 더불어 평소 패셔너블한 스타일로 ‘소간지’라 불리우는 한류스타 소지섭(3%)이 2위, 올 하반기 개봉 예정인 ‘전우치’로 스크린에 복귀하는 꽃미남 강동원(1%)과 1박 2일의 허당 이미지와 드라마 ‘찬란한 유산’에서의 까칠하면서도 매력적인 재벌 후계자의 새로운 이미지로 인기 상승중인 이승기(1%)가 공동 3위를 차지했다.

‘라르고 윈치’의 ‘라르고’ 역에는 불어권 최고의 남성상으로 평가 받으며 첫 선을 보임과 동시에 프랑스거리를 온통 자신의 사진으로 도배, 전세계적으로 이목을 모으고 있는 매력적인 프랑스 신인배우 토머 시슬리가 다면적인 매력을 선보인다. 잘생긴 외모와 섹시함은 물론, 영어와 불어, 크로아티어와 세르비아어까지 다국어 구사는 물론, 오토바이, 자동차, 보트헬기액션, 더욱이 모든 액션을 대역 없이 소화한 그야말로 완벽한 액션히어로의 자격을 갖춘 배우다.

액션 그 이상의 스토리와 반전을 감춘 채 세계 영화팬을 설레게 할 단 한편의 통쾌한 액션 스릴러 시리즈 ‘라르고 윈치’는 8월 20일 한국 개봉을 앞두고 있다.


꺄~~~역시 지훈오빠>_< 


유재석 ‘내 인생을 변화시켜 줄 것 같은 사람’ 1위 뽑혀


 '역시 1인자는 유재석이었다.'

웅진 씽크빅이 '오렌지 비치' 출간을 기념해 ‘내 인생을 변화시켜 줄 것 같은 사람은?’이라는 설문조사를 실시한 결과 62%가 국민 MC 유재석을 뽑았다.

7월 7일부터 한 달간 포털사이트 네이트 판에서 실시한 설문조사에서 유재석은 신라 전략가 미실, 사람을 끌어 당기는 힘이 강한 선덕여왕, 최고의 노력가 가수 비(정지훈), 마음의 평안을 안겨 줄 것 같은 국민 엄마 배우 김혜자를 제치고 당당히 1위에 올랐다.

선덕여왕, 배우 김혜자, 가수 비가 각각 12%로 공동 2위에 뽑힌 반면, 신라 당대의 전략가 이지만 주변사람을 이용하여 명예를 얻은 미실은 0%의 불명예를 안게 됐다.

웅진씽크빅 관계자는 “세계적 불황으로 모두가 불안한 이 때 2인자 조차도 빛나게 해주는 유재석 같은 인물이 인생의 터닝포인트의 행운을 가져다 줄 것 같은 인물로 뽑혔다”고 밝혔다.

[뉴스엔 엔터테인먼트부]

기사제보 및 보도자료 newsen@newsen.com

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비 아시아투어 준비 '이상무'


(도쿄=연합뉴스) 이태문 통신원 = 가수 비(본명 정지훈)가 2년여 만에 여는 아시아 투어의 준비가 순조롭게 진행 중이다.

비는 이미 지난 10일 아시아 투어 '2009 레전드 오브 레이니즘'의 홈페이지((www.rainism.com)를 개설, 공연 소식 등을 전하고 있으며 29-30일 이틀간 일본 사이타마 슈퍼아레나에서 첫 무대를 꾸밀 계획이다.

일본 공연에는 한국과 동남아시아 등 5백여명의 팬이 원정 응원을 올 예정으로, 티켓 판매는 16일부터 시작된다.

이와 관련, 비는 "지금까지와는 전혀 다른 것을 보여주고 싶다"며 "콘서트의 콘셉트는 현대적이며, 세세한 부분까지 관객들과 호흡할 수 있도록 연출하고 있다"고 팬들에게 메시지를 전했다.

가수 비 측은 준비 중인 콘서트 내용과 관련, "마이클 잭슨의 히트곡, 기타 연주 등 예전 콘서트에서는 볼 수 없던 다양한 시도를 하고 있다"며 "그러나 현단계는 리허설로, 콘서트에서 선보일지는 최종 결정되지 않았다"고 소개했다.



[Aug-15-209]Rain's preparations for his Asia Tour are going smoothly.


Rain's preparations for his Asia Tour are going smoothly.

Rain's been informing his fans of the concert news, etc. through Rainism homepage (www.rainism.com) which already opened last 10th, and is going to make his first stage at Saitama Super Arena, Japan, on August 29, 30.
More than 500 Korea and South-East Asia fans will visit to see his concert, and the ticket sale will start from the 16th.

In this connection, Rain said, "I want to show a whole new concert you've never seen ever. This concert will be based on a modern and detailed concept to sympathize with my fans especially."

A person from J.Tune entertainment expressed in relation to the concert, "Rain's going to do various tryouts such as singing Michael Jackson's hit songs or playing the guitar, etc, but since he is just rehearsing at this stage of the game, nothing has been decided yet whether such performances will be shown or not."

Brief translattion by rain bird


[Aug-14-2009][Fan Acct] I've
been to Incheon Airport to see Rain off.

My son and I got up early in the
morning to see Rain off at Incheon Airport.

After quite a while, Rain's car was
seen and he got out of the car soon.
As you saw from some videos, he was
wearing shorts and a T shirt.

He probably could not hear my son
because he was listening to music by earphone.
When Rain didn't remark my son wave
to him, his manager tapped him on the shoulder and gave signs of what we were

Rain waved his hand to us, and
smoothed down my son's hair after crossing at the crosswalk.
And then, he also greeted some fans
who were with us, with smile.

I don't know if he's had difficulty
in preparing his Asia Tour, but I thought he slimmed down a little.
He seemed to be a good mood today of
all days, we all felt good in sympathy.

credit to benamoo
Brief translation by rain @Rain-Eu


[Aug-15-2009]O'live TV - Rain on Trip - Description of Jeong Ji-Hoon’s travel.

Rain : Hi. I will be accompanied with travels with nature.

-Description of Jeong Ji-Hoon’s travel-

Departing from Incheon international airport, passing through Geneva international airport after going through Frankfurt, spent 3 hours in local bus, and then arrived to ‘Peisey Vallandry of Alps’ after 21 hours journey.
5 appearances of Jeong Ji-Hoon throughout the travel.

1.Sink into the morning : Sound of Morning.

Started the morning with fresh air that excited heart and enjoy the clouds that were dancing. ..

Rain : This is alps of France. It’s a resort in boundary between France and Switzerland with a great weather.. I can feel gentle sunshine here. It’s morning right now and the sunrise usually begin bit early. Thus I came outside to feel the fresh morning breeze. This is my first time being in French Alps region and I have this feeling that I will make a good remembrance of it. The weather is pretty chilly and the sky looks very clear without much cloud.

A scenery of a peaceful village without traffic jams and surging crowd.

Rain : I’m still jet-lagged. I guess my body naturally adapt into jet-lag since I go to overseas a lot. But when I feel I’m tired then I’m awfully tired.
The first impression of it is humongous, and it looks like a picture by looking over the mountain range. Otherwise, I had an impression of it as a mountainscape.

Alps mountain that had perpetual snow even during summer. A scenery of a plain with bunch of wild flowers.

Rain : The Village was very clean and it had these scenes that I could see through movies. It was my first time that I spent 5-6 days with nature, it might be little boring, I might ponder bit, and it might be fun.

The first trip I ever came into natures. Calmness I found among pause. Beginning of an exciting and unfamiliar journey.

Rain : There were not Asians here and it seemed like travelers were little amazed by seeing Asian. They say snow piles up on the ground for several meters during winter at this place and people may play winter sports such as skiing and snowboard here. It would be nice as well even if I came here during winter.

Summer and winter, romanticism of Alps that keeps two seasons.

Rain: If someone wants to enjoy these romanticism and solitude, then it would be ideal to come to this French alps region. He or she would ponder and would enjoy romanticism.)

This is how the morning begun.

2.Traveling was tasty : Soul Foods.

Foods that keeps that country’s culture, memory of travel that stimulated sense of taste.

Rain : I enjoy the moment when I share tasty foods with nice people when I’m in overseas. I like sharing foods with people that I like when I’m in Korea as well.) Pleasure of foods by sharing them with nice people.

Rain : Since I’m a gourmet who’s looking for tasty foods, I wasn’t like this before but I ate lot of tasty foods with director Mr. Park Chan-Wook while I was making the movie “I’m a cyborg but that’s OK”. Ever since that I developed a hobby as I search for tasty foods and that’s why I search for tasty foods like now when I’m in new places.

Exploration of food in traveling became as habit.

Rain : I usually eat food by setting it as healthy food diet and I like fruits.

He once been on eating only chicken breast and vegetables while he was making a movie, and because of that he has expectations for foods in this country. He had extraordinary joy of looking at cultures by food.

Rain : I been to numerous countries through travels and by making movies, and I have this feeling that foods were most important among them. I like tasting foods that I never had before but I miss Korean foods when I’m in overseas..

Rain : Since I have a habit for eating Korean foods for decades, I’m having a hard time for changing my appetite. I started missing Korean foods already. Wherever I went, this was the hardest thing that I experienced. I like Korean foods the most.

Rain : I will have hot and salty foods when I go back to Korea. I started remembering people that I like as I went outside where I could feel nice air and scenery as well as thoughts it would be a happiness to have a pleasant meal with them.

I have a wish to make a promise to have a meal with people that I like in this scenery.

3.Enjoy with relaxation : Sweet Break.

Delightful of impromptu of Jazz whether it’s from musical instrument or not.
Music and relaxations.What’s between my works and relaxations. Things that are always with me.Music Relaxation with music which is the sweetest thing on earth.

Rain : I usually listen to music or watch movies when I take relaxation. I listen to relaxing music such as classics and jazz lately. I sometimes listen to quite music when I’m under extreme stress.

Relaxation is fair for everyone but there are difference for how to enjoy it and happiness of feeling it. I find meanings of relaxation through traveling and music.

Rain : Music helps me much when I study and controlling my emotions when I’m acting. Music might be the most important thing in life for people including me.

Plain with light wind. A cup of espresso and jazz.

Rain : I never tried this yet but it might be a good relaxation by drinking a cup of espresso and listening jazz at a great scenery with feeling fresh breeze after my film making is done.

Lie on a cold bed and sense that blue feeling. .Relaxation means abundance more than any expectation of that moments or demands - Rajneesh .

4.Leave remembrance: Dreamy Camera.

Scenery of Alps that can’t be remembered by my eyes, I take out my camera and press the shutter and then I remember.

Rain : Pictures helps for sharing remembrance or think about it. Since I take lot of pictures for my works, I usually don’t like taking pictures. But I recall my memories when I accidentally find pictures that I unexpected.

When I encounter images that I never expected or found remembrance of traveling, then I realize the preciousness of pictures and cameras.

Rain : I once had a hobby as collecting cameras. It was a hobby that could be a lavish. They were expensive. And therefore I sold some cameras for cheap prices since I wasn’t a professional photographer, and I was just obsessed with taking pictures. And all I have right now is a nice digital camera.

Record of a picture.

Rain : I sometimes dispose pictures when there are secrets that I want to hide.
I guess pictures are the greatest medium for sharing remembrance.

Photographing that records remembrance, and camera collection that was a lavish for myself. Snapping camera that became a friend of mine is a magic box which takes a wide scenery into a small viewfinder.

5.And a new beginning : New Start

Singer, actor, model, producer and designer

Rain : Making a clothing brand as an actor, singer and a designer is an easy job, but on the other hand it’s a big challenge. But it’s very fun.

I like challenge into news things that others find as something hard.

Rain : Since I’m not making a new and big business, I wish others would support it.

My dream ever since my debut was to be selected as number 1 singer, but I want to do more things since I’m still young.

Rain :Among the progress that I make as an actor Ji-Hoon Jeong, I guess this movie Ninja Assassin did a good role for translation period.

Movie Ninja assassin was a great chance to advertise actor Rain to Hollywood.

Rain : I wonder about the result but I guess there will be a result as much as how much effort I spent for it. I’m counting on it and I guess my fans will love it.

My equivalent desire for music and acting and my life sometimes goes into a direction that I don’t want but it is just a progress for my development.

Rain : As a man, Ji-Hoon Jeong wants more comfortable things and sometimes he doesn’t want to work.
His wishes as he could do things that people around his age usually do. If he could have a comfortable life as a man Jeong Ji-Hoon, then he could just feel comfort with facing these sceneries, but he still loves the life that’s given to him.

Rain : I might be bit old as a dance singer. I wonders how long I can continue this but I'll try my best to show the best performance to my fans by maintaining myself well.

A new beginning as a musician, I plan a new and more profound form of myself. Since that’s what I dreamed from my youth period.

Rain : Making a clothing brand as an actor, singer and designer, I wish relentless support and love from my fans.

credit to Benamoo
Brief translation by rain bird


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