廣告身價10億韓元 Rain榮登廣告天王
rain News- Incheon South Korea to attend the celebration ceremony
제이튠엔터, SKT와 가수 `비` 광고계약 |
제이튠엔터테인먼트는 SK텔레콤과 가수 `비`(정지훈)의 광고모델 계약을 4억4000만원에 체결했다고 21일 공시했다.
이번 계약규모는 지난해 매출액 대비 12.5%에 해당하는 것이다. 계약기간은 초상권을 처음 사용한 지난달 5일부터 6개월간이며 특별한 사유가 없을 시 동일한 조건으로 6개월간 연장하는 것을 원칙으로 한다고 회사 측은 설명했다. [정나래 기자] [ⓒ 매일경제 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지] |
나의 로맨틱 가이드’ 네티즌 47%, 비와 피서지에서 사랑하고 싶다
본격적인 여름 휴가철을 맞이해 수 많은 인파가 피서지로 몰릴 것으로 예상되는 가운데 낯선 곳에서 시작된짜릿한 사랑을 그린 영화 <나의 로맨틱 가이드>(수입/배급: ㈜성원아이컴)가 ‘영화 속 주인공처럼 피서지에서 만나면 사랑에 빠질 것 같은 남자’를 선정하는 온라인 설문을 실시해 눈길을 끌고 있다. 섹시한 몸매의 월드 스타 ‘비’, 47%의 지지율로 압도적 1위 지난 7월 13일부터 20일까지 온라인 사이트 네이트에서 진행된 이번 설문에서 섹시한 몸매와 사랑스러운 미소를 간직한 월드 스타 ‘비’가 47%의 압도적인 지지율로 ‘영화 <나의 로맨틱 가이드>처럼 피서지에서 만나면 사랑에 빠질 것 같은 남자’ 1위에 뽑혔다. 최근 할리우드 진출로 국내 활동이 뜸한 ‘비’이지만 국내 팬들의 관심이 얼마나 뜨거운지 확인할 수 있는 것. 설문에 참여한 네티즌들은 ‘’역시 바닷가에서는 비’ (김보경), ‘비는 그냥 피서지에서 만나기만 해도 좋을 듯’(장희숙) 등의 댓글을 통해 여름 피서지에 가장 어울릴만한 남자 ‘비’에 대한 절대적인 지지를 표했다. 1위를 차지한 ‘비’의 뒤를 이어 드라마 ‘찬란한 유산’으로 최근 누나들의 로망으로 떠오르고 있는 가수 겸 연기자 ‘이승기’가 29% 지지를 얻으며 2위에 올랐다. ‘이승기’는 비록 2위를 차지했지만 “어디하나 빠지는 데가 없는 승기~!에구~귀엽기까지..”(박인옥) “이승기 너무좋아요~”(박은영) 등 많은 누나 팬들의 절대적 지지를 얻으며 ‘대세’임을 다시 한번 입증했다. 3위로는 드라마 ‘내조의 여왕’에서 전국에 ‘태봉씨’ 신드롬을 일으켰던 배우 ‘윤상현’과 드라마 ‘친구’로 다시 한번 매력을 발산하고 있는 ‘현빈’이 각각 12%를 차지하며 공동 3위에 이름을 올렸다. ‘윤상현’을 지지하는 네티즌들은 “난 다정한 남자가..조아”(노영혜)라며 윤상현의 부드러운 매력 때문에 그를 만나고 싶어한다는 뜻을 밝히기도 했다. 한편 워낙 막강한 후보들로 채워진 터라 쉽게 결정을 내리지 못한 네티즌들은 “모두 다 좋아서 누굴 선택해야 할지 모르겠다” “이렇게 멋진 남자들 중에서 누굴 선택해야 할지 난감하다”며 선택하기 쉽지 않은 결정에 원망의 뜻을 내 비치기도 했다. 한 네티즌은 “태봉씨와 피서지에서 로맨틱 코미디를..아줌마!아줌마!/정지훈과 함께 태양을 피해 장마 기간을/이승기와 1박2일 복불복 게임을 하며 재밌는 여행을/현빈과 함께 조용하고도 시원한 여행을?!”(김다희)이라며 모든 후보들을 한꺼번에 선택하는 법을 알려주기도 했다. 올 8월, 극장가를 지중해 빛 사랑으로 물들일 로맨틱 베케이션 무비 영화처럼 낯선 곳에서 만난다면 사랑에 빠질 것 같은 국내 스타를 묻는 이색 설문으로 다시 한번 화제를 모으고 있는 영화 <나의 로맨틱 가이드>는 누구나 한번쯤 꿈꿔봤음직한 로맨틱한 피서지 러브 스토리로 관객들의 공감을 형성하고 있다. 올 여름 이색적인 휴가를 꿈꾼다면, 혹은 색다른 사랑을 기대한다면 8월 영화 <나의 로맨틱 가이드>를 기대해 봐도 좋을 것§ion=section5 |
섹시한 몸매 "비"와 낯선 곳에서 사랑하고 싶어... | |
전선옥 기자
| |
낯선 곳에서 시작된짜릿한 사랑을 그린 영화 <나의 로맨틱 가이드>가 ‘영화 속 주인공처럼 피서지에서 만나면 사랑에 빠질 것 같은 남자’를 선정하는 온라인 설문을 실시해 눈길을 끌고 있다. 지난 7월 13일부터 20일까지 온라인 사이트 네이트에서 진행된 이번 설문에서 섹시한 몸매와 사랑스러운 미소를 간직한 월드 스타 ‘비’가 47%의 압도적인 지지율로 ‘영화 <나의 로맨틱 가이드>처럼 피서지에서 만나면 사랑에 빠질 것 같은 남자’ 1위에 뽑혔다. 최근 할리우드 진출로 국내 활동이 뜸한 ‘비’이지만 국내 팬들의 관심이 얼마나 뜨거운지 확인할 수 있는 것. 설문에 참여한 네티즌들은 ‘’역시 바닷가에서는 비’ (김보경), ‘비는 그냥 피서지에서 만나기만 해도 좋을 듯’(장희숙) 등의 댓글을 통해 여름 피서지에 가장 어울릴만한 남자 ‘비’에 대한 절대적인 지지를 표했다. 1위를 차지한 ‘비’의 뒤를 이어 드라마 ‘찬란한 유산’으로 최근 누나들의 로망으로 떠오르고 있는 가수 겸 연기자 ‘이승기’가 29% 지지를 얻으며 2위에 올랐다. ‘이승기’는 비록 2위를 차지했지만 “어디하나 빠지는 데가 없는 승기~!에구~귀엽기까지..”(박인옥) “이승기 너무좋아요~”(박은영) 등 많은 누나 팬들의 절대적 지지를 얻으며 ‘대세’임을 다시 한번 입증했다. 3위로는 드라마 ‘내조의 여왕’에서 전국에 ‘태봉씨’ 신드롬을 일으켰던 배우 ‘윤상현’과 드라마 ‘친구’로 다시 한번 매력을 발산하고 있는 ‘현빈’이 각각 12%를 차지하며 공동 3위에 이름을 올렸다. ‘윤상현’을 지지하는 네티즌들은 “난 다정한 남자가..조아”(노영혜)라며 윤상현의 부드러운 매력 때문에 그를 만나고 싶어한다는 뜻을 밝히기도 했다. 한편 워낙 막강한 후보들로 채워진 터라 쉽게 결정을 내리지 못한 네티즌들은 “모두 다 좋아서 누굴 선택해야 할지 모르겠다” “이렇게 멋진 남자들 중에서 누굴 선택해야 할지 난감하다”며 선택하기 쉽지 않은 결정에 원망의 뜻을 내 비치기도 했다. 한 네티즌은 “태봉씨와 피서지에서 로맨틱 코미디를..아줌마!아줌마!/정지훈과 함께 태양을 피해 장마 기간을/이승기와 1박2일 복불복 게임을 하며 재밌는 여행을/현빈과 함께 조용하고도 시원한 여행을?!”(김다희)이라며 모든 후보들을 한꺼번에 선택하는 법을 알려주기도 했다. 영화처럼 낯선 곳에서 만난다면 사랑에 빠질 것 같은 국내 스타를 묻는 이색 설문으로 다시 한번 화제를 모으고 있는 영화 <나의 로맨틱 가이드>는 누구나 한번쯤 꿈꿔봤음직한 로맨틱한 피서지 러브 스토리로 관객들의 공감을 형성하고 있다. |
DATE: JULY 23 – 26, 2009
When Warner Bros. announced their Comic-Con schedule, the first film I looked for was “Ninja Assassin”. After all, the film arrives in theaters November 25th, so it’s a perfect movie to promote at the convention. Also, as a big fan of “V for Vendetta” (which was the last pairing of the Wachowski Brothers and director James McTeigue), “Ninja Assassin” is on my must see list. So when it wasn’t on the list of films being promoted, I was a bit concerned.
But thanks to an extremely reliable source, I can report the reason they weren’t promoting the film during their panel is because they are showing the entire film at Comic-Con. And the best part for all of you, it’s open to the public! Want to know how to go, it’s after the jump:
According to my source, the screening day and time is still being determined. They told me they’re hearing Thursday night. But while the exact info is still being figured out, I can tell you how to get tickets for the free screening.
What you need to do is go to the Warner Brothers booth on Thursday as they’re going to be giving away a limited amount of tickets. Then you’ll need to get to the theater early as it’s going to be first come first served. Meaning, even if you get tickets at the booth, you’re going to want to be at the theater early as they’re giving away more tickets than seats. It’s how they make sure the theater is full.
If you’re a fan of the Wachowski Brothers and director James McTeigue, this is a great way to see the film for free and you’d be part of the first audience getting to see it.
As someone who knows how the movie studios do business, if they’re showing the film this early, it means Warner Bros. is extremely confident in the project.
Finally, if you’re going to be at Comic-Con Wednesday for preview night and want to go to a free screening, Warner Bros. is doing one for “Orphan” the same way. They’re giving away tickets at the WB booth when the convention opens and then it’s open seating at the theater. Since nothing goes on Wednesday night, this could be a great way to spend the evening.
If I get any more info about the screenings, I’ll post an update.
낯선 곳에서 비와 사랑에 빠진다?
낯선 곳에서 시작된 짜릿한 사랑을 그린 영화 '나의 로맨틱 가이드' 가 영화와 같은 상황을 가정하여 진행한 ‘영화 속 주인공처럼 피서지에서 만나면 사랑에 빠질 것 같은 남자’폴 이벤트에서 월드스타 비가 1위를 거머쥐었다.
지난 13일부터 20일까지 네이트에서 진행한 설문에서 47%의 압도적인 지지율을 얻은 것.
'비' 를 뽑은 네티즌들은 섹시한 몸매와 사랑스러운 미소를 그의 가장 큰 매력으로 꼽았다.
특히 네티즌들은 "역시 바닷가에서는 비" 라며 "비는 그냥 피서지에서 만나기만 해도 좋을 것 같다" 고 전했다. 여름에 어울리는 가장 '핫' 한 연예인으로 절대적인 지지를 보낸 것.
비의 뒤를 이어 2위는 29%의 지지를 얻으며 드라마 '찬란한 유산' 과 '1박 2일'로 '시청률 70%의 남자' 로 등극한 이승기가 차지했다.
이승기는 비록 2위를 차지했지만 수많은 누나 팬들의 절대적인 지지를 얻으며 '누나들의 로망' 임을 다시 한번 입증했다.
3위로는 전국에 '태봉씨' 신드롬을 일으킨 '윤상현'과 드라마 '친구' 로 다시 한번 매력을 발산하고 있는 '현빈' 이 각각 12%를 차지하며 공동 3위에 이름을 올렸다.
한편 폴 이벤트를 진행해 화제가 된 영화 '나의 로맨틱 가이드' 는 누구나 한번쯤 꿈 꿔 봤을 만한 낯선 곳에서의 러브스토리로 '사랑에 빠져있는', '사랑에 빠지고픈' 영화 팬들에게 큰 기대를 주고 있다.
8월, 색다른 사랑을 기대한다면 영화 '나의 로맨틱 가이드' 를 만나보자.
한경닷컴 bnt뉴스 김하나 기자
[July-21-2009]J.Tune announced on the 21th Rain made an AD contract with SKT.
Rain's agent J.Tune entertainment announced on the 21th that Rain made an AD contract with SKT, one of the leading mobile phone companies in the country, and 4.4 hundred million won(about 360,000$) as a model charge was paid to Rain by the company.
The size of the charge accounts for 12.5% of the sales on the same time last year, the contract holds good for six months from the 5th of last month when the right of likeness of Rain was used for the first time, and the term of the contract will be prolonged for six months by the same conditions, unless there is any particular reason.
credit to Daily Economy
Brie ftranslation by rain bird@rain-eu
비, 피서지서 사랑하고 싶은 남자배우 1위
가수 겸 배우 비가 피서지에서 사랑하고 싶은 남자배우 1위에 뽑혔다.
비는 영화 '나의 로맨틱 가이드' 개봉을 맞아 '영화 속 주인공처럼 피서지에서 만나면 사랑에 빠질 것 같은 남자'라는 설문조사를 지난 13일부터 20일까지 포털인터넷 사이트 네이트에서 실시한 결과, 총 응답자 418명 가운데 47%의 지지를 얻어 1위에 올랐다.비는 조사결과 "그냥 피서지에서 만나기만 해도 좋을 듯" ,"역시 바닷가에서는 비" 등의 뜨거운 반응을 얻으며 1위를 차지했다.
비에 이어 SBS '찬란한 유산'으로 인기몰이 중인 이승기가 29%의 지지를 얻으며 2위에 올랐다. 3위는 MBC '내조의 여왕'에서 전국에 '태봉씨' 신드롬을 일으킨 배우 윤상현과 MBC '친구'로 매력을 발산중인 현빈이 각각 12%의 지지로 공동 3위에 이름을 올렸다.
[NEWSEN reporter 윤현진 @July 19, 2009]
……International star, Park Ji-Sung (South Korea professional footballer who plays English club Manchester United, he is also the captain of South Korea national team) and Rain will show on the special stage together on the 23rd at 3:00 pm on Han River Banpo zone. Both of them will be invited to attend a youth charity match which is organized by Seoul city, they will participate a 3-hours mini soccer game and some other events.
Mini match will be run by 10 overseas and 10 Korean young boys, Park Ji-Sung and Rain will take part as coach for international team and national team individually.
On 24th, 3 Manchester United team players will join Park Ji-Sung on the match at Seoul World Cup Stadium. On that day, if you go to Han River, you will see those superstars and Rain in person, whom used to see on TV.
There will have charity auction, items such as signed T-shirt by Park Ji-Sung and other Manchester United players, soccer ball, collection and even Rain’s daily used shoes, T-shirts and accessories etc.
Income raises from auction will be donated to charity.
Rain participates in this event, Cloud 2nd will donate 5,000,000 won on behalf of “Overseas Fans”. About this idea, please kindly express your opinions?
Fans will participate this event through donation, it should be a meaningful event for Rain’s fans.
Thank you !
[July-21-2009]Rain is to hold a fan meeting on a large scale in a
Rain'll meet
with his more than 4,000 fans who will gather throughout Asia, at his fan
meeting entitled '2009 Rain's Global Fan Meeting in Seoul' which will be held at
'Hall of Peace' inside of Kyunghee University, on the 26th, at 3pm.
This will be the
biggest one in his fan meeting history in the country, and applications for
participation in the fan meeting are alleged to be pouring in from many fans
throughout Asia, China, Hong Kong, Japan, Malaysia, and so on.
biggest one in his fan meeting history in the country, and applications for
participation in the fan meeting are alleged to be pouring in from many fans
throughout Asia, China, Hong Kong, Japan, Malaysia, and so on.
Contrary to his
existing fan meetings, this is expected to strengthen fans' solidarity with his
various activities at the second half of this year ahead off.
existing fan meetings, this is expected to strengthen fans' solidarity with his
various activities at the second half of this year ahead off.
The event
officials emphasized as, "Rain'll spend much time in communicating with his fans
except the performance part at his global fan meeting which will be held on July
26." and "Rain'll progress the fan meeting on the
basis of his present situation and what to expect in the future."
officials emphasized as, "Rain'll spend much time in communicating with his fans
except the performance part at his global fan meeting which will be held on July
26." and "Rain'll progress the fan meeting on the
basis of his present situation and what to expect in the future."
Especially, Rain's
directly going to tell the fans how his Asia tour which will begin from August,
and his first leading film Ninja Assassin to be released on November 25, struck
directly going to tell the fans how his Asia tour which will begin from August,
and his first leading film Ninja Assassin to be released on November 25, struck
Most importantly,
we know that this lineup of the fan meeting is due to his fans' insistence. And
as in previous years, MC 'Kim Jae-Dong' will host the fan meeting, and he has
been selected as the very man for the event because he can make Rain have a
heart-to-heart talk with his fans.
we know that this lineup of the fan meeting is due to his fans' insistence. And
as in previous years, MC 'Kim Jae-Dong' will host the fan meeting, and he has
been selected as the very man for the event because he can make Rain have a
heart-to-heart talk with his fans.
An official from
J.Tune camp said, "We're carefully getting everything in readiness in respect of
the size and the contents of the event as well as his fans' expectations are
high for the event as compared with other years, therefore a plan is being
prepared for his fans to be able to talk with Rain without any
credit to Sports Hankook
translation by rain bird@Rain-EU
J.Tune camp said, "We're carefully getting everything in readiness in respect of
the size and the contents of the event as well as his fans' expectations are
high for the event as compared with other years, therefore a plan is being
prepared for his fans to be able to talk with Rain without any
credit to Sports Hankook
translation by rain bird@Rain-EU
[July-21-2009]If someone falls in
love with Rain in a strange place?
like the circumstances of movie 'My Romantic Guide'?>
love with Rain in a strange place?
like the circumstances of movie 'My Romantic Guide'?>
In a recent poll on the assumption that
somebody experiences an exciting love in a strange place like the circumstances
of move 'My Romantic Guide', from the 13th to the 20th, by, 47% said
that they selected Rain as the very man for such a love if they meet someone and
fall in love with him or her at a summer resort like the situation of the
Rain overwhelmingly won 47% of the poll and took the first
ranking, and the netizens who selected Rain, said that they were attracted by
Rain's biggest appeal caused by the sexy figure and sweet
Meanwhile, 'Lee Seung-Ki', 'Yun Sang-Hyun', and 'Hyun Bin' were
second, third and fourth.
credit to Korea Economy
translation by rain bird@Rain-EU
ranking, and the netizens who selected Rain, said that they were attracted by
Rain's biggest appeal caused by the sexy figure and sweet
Meanwhile, 'Lee Seung-Ki', 'Yun Sang-Hyun', and 'Hyun Bin' were
second, third and fourth.
credit to Korea Economy
translation by rain bird@Rain-EU
[07-21] Warner Bros is Showing NINJA ASSASSIN at Comic-ConWhen Warner Bros. announced their Comic-Con schedule, the first film I looked for was “Ninja Assassin”. After all, the film arrives in theaters November 25th, so it’s a perfect movie to promote at the convention. Also, as a big fan of “V for Vendetta” (which was the last pairing of the Wachowski Brothers and director James McTeigue), “Ninja Assassin” is on my must see list. So when it wasn’t on the list of films being promoted, I was a bit concerned.
But thanks to an extremely reliable source, I can report the reason they weren’t promoting the film during their panel is because they are showing the entire film at Comic-Con. And the best part for all of you, it’s open to the public! Want to know how to go, it’s after the jump:
According to my source, the screening day and time is still being determined. They told me they’re hearing Thursday night. But while the exact info is still being figured out, I can tell you how to get tickets for the free screening.
What you need to do is go to the Warner Brothers booth on Thursday as they’re going to be giving away a limited amount of tickets. Then you’ll need to get to the theater early as it’s going to be first come first served. Meaning, even if you get tickets at the booth, you’re going to want to be at the theater
early as they’re giving away more tickets than seats. It’s how they make sure the theater is full.
If you’re a fan of the Wachowski Brothers and director James McTeigue, this is a great way to see the film for free and you’d be part of the first audience getting to see it.
As someone who knows how the movie studios do business, if they’re showing the film this early, it means Warner Bros. is extremely confident in the project.
Finally, if you’re going to be at Comic-Con Wednesday for preview night and want to go to a free screening, Warner Bros. is doing one for “Orphan” the same way. They’re giving away tickets at the WB booth when the convention opens and then it’s open seating at the theater. Since nothing goes on Wednesday night, this could be a great way to spend the evening.
If I get any more info about the screenings, I’ll post an update.
as posted at rain-eu
[July-21-2009] Why Warner thinks it has a hit in Ninja AssassinRemember we said the Wachowski brothers and James McTeigue's Ninja Assassin would be a must-see at Comic-Con this year?
Remember when it didn't appear on the official schedule, causing us to say it's probably going to be a surprise screening?
Well, we were right: We have confirmed a report (on that Warner Brothers will screen Ninja Assassin on Thursday night about 11 p.m.
The best part: It's open to you! If you hit the Warner Brothers booth on Thursday, you can score tickets for the screening. A ticket doesn't guarantee a seat, so go early!
We'll reveal that we've actually seen Ninja Assassin, and while we can't give you a review yet, we can say we see why Warner is choosing to unveil it to the public in a sneak preview months before its Nov. 25 release date. It's freaking awesome, and producer Joel Silver knows it and Warner knows it and they want to build buzz for it.
They'd have to be confident about the film: You don't screen a genre-busting movie at the biggest gathering of in-the-know genre fans unless you know you've got the goods.
We'll say this much about it: Ninja Assassin smartly honors the traditions of the martial-arts film with an original story that feels as ancient as ninjutsu itself, but with a modern sensibility that tweaks the genre's conventions in new and surprising ways. The film takes the idea of the ninja, which had devolved into a self-parody, and made it potent and frightening again.
And the movie showcases a relatively unknown but charismatic new star, South Korea's Rain, who will certainly make a mark not only in martial-arts films, but also likely in mainstream cinema, if Ninja Assassin is a hit as everyone hopes. (You saw him briefly in the Wachowskis' Speed Racer.)
Check it out and let us know what you think!
By Patrick Lee
as posted at: rain-eu
BiGrrr 2009.07.22
Wow! Critique is right on target! Warner Bros has got to
be super confident to unveil NA at ComicCon where purist
genre fans who are v v picky will jam the net with their
impressions. Having full confidence in Bi, hope the rest
of the cast and storyline will support his talent & skills.
Getting in to see NA @ ComicCon will not be an easy feat.
While the tix are free to view NA, tix to get into ComicCon
have been sold out for months...average cost on eBay is aprox
$100 for one day...Aja aja, Bi...can't wait to hear/see the
rave reviews for YOU! and NA...(+_+)
be super confident to unveil NA at ComicCon where purist
genre fans who are v v picky will jam the net with their
impressions. Having full confidence in Bi, hope the rest
of the cast and storyline will support his talent & skills.
Getting in to see NA @ ComicCon will not be an easy feat.
While the tix are free to view NA, tix to get into ComicCon
have been sold out for months...average cost on eBay is aprox
$100 for one day...Aja aja, Bi...can't wait to hear/see the
rave reviews for YOU! and NA...(+_+)
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