Végtelen erőfeszítés, végtelen kitartás, végtelen szerénység. (Rain vezérelve)

Tudtam, hogy ránézésre nem tűnök valami nagy számnak, a megjelenésem sem túl vonzó, de a bensőm elég rendkívüli. Minden színpadra lépés előtt azt mondom magamnak, hogy én vagyok a legjobb, és minden előadás után ugyanúgy azt, hogy nem én vagyok. Ezért minden fellépés előtt 120 százalékosan kell felkészülnöm, hogy az előadáson 100 százalékos teljesítményt tudjak nyújtani. Ennek érdekében minden álló nap folyamatosan képzem magam. Már nagyon hosszú ideje alváshiányban szenvedek, mert ha éppen nem dolgozom, akkor vagy edzek, vagy a koreográfiákat és a dalokat próbálom. Éppen úgy, mint a filmfelvételek idején, ha valamit nem csináltam jól, képtelen vagyok aludni. Akár színészként, akár énekesként, a legjobbat kell tudnom kihozni magamból. De nem kell aggódni, hogy most nincs elegendő időm az alvásra, jut arra majd bőven a halálom után. (Rain)

Ez a fiatalság, ez az egészség... és a túlcsorduló önbizalom... az erőfeszítés, amit az oly hihetetlen előadásai sikeres megvalósításáért tett... és a tehetség, amit felmutat, ezek töltenek el spontán tisztelettel engem. Azt gondolom, hogy a történelem a fontos személyiségek között fogja jegyezni. Úgy, mint aki színészként és zenészként egyaránt sikeres lett. ...
Ami igazán meglepő Ji-hoonban, az az, hogy egyfajta düh, bosszúvágy és szomorúság, az összes efféle sötét, komor negatív motiváció az ő esetében rendkívül optimista és derűs módon ölt testet.
(Park Chan-wook rendező)

RAIN KRÓNIKA: 2009.07.16.


[July-15-2009]Singer Rain'll
hold his Asia tour, starting with Japan concert.

Singer Rain'll hold his Asia tour, starting with Japan concert.
Rain's side expressed, "Rain'll promote
his Asia tour, starting with the concert in Japan on August 29",
and "he's
had a year to prepare for this concert and is still preparing to carry through
the best stage."

Rain's concert
tour will be resumed in two years, thereby much interest of his fans who have
had a thirst for his performance is expected.

Rain's side said,
"Rain'll show a grand and large-scale performance that would fit with the title
called 'Legend of Rainism', and show what the ABC of performance is."
Continuing, "He hopes to hold his Asia tour in more countries, but the number of
the tour may be reduced due to the promotion of Ninja Assassin which will be
released on November 25."

Meanwhile, Rain'll
hold his 'Global Fan Meeting' at 'Hall of Peace' inside of Kyunghee University,
upcoming 26.

credit to Osen/Asia Economy
translation by rain bird@Rain-EU


Rain Named PR Ambassador for Korean Food

Singer Rain has been named PR ambassador for Korean food. The Ministry for
Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries appointed Rain on July 13 at the
Gwacheon Government Complex. Over the next year, Rain will appear in video
materials publicizing Korean cuisine and attend major events related to Korean

Rain said, "To me, Korean food is like a mother and my primary
instinct. While holding overseas concert tours and filming movies, I always
wished that Korean food was more competitive so that more people could enjoy it.
I'm thankful for this opportunity to publicize it." The singer added, "Chinese
and Japanese cuisines are very popular abroad compared to Korean cuisine. I want
to publicize the health benefits of Korean food so that people all over the
world can enjoy kimchi and tteokbokki."

Rain says his favorite Korean
dish is tteokbokki, which he said made a perfect snack that he used to enjoy
while at school.

The minister for Food, Agriculture, Forestry and
Fisheries expressed his appreciation to Rain for taking on his new role and said
he hopes that, with Rain's help, Korean cuisine will become as big a star as
Rain in the global arena. He also pledged active support to Rain's overseas fan
meetings by treating his fans to Korean delicacies.

The appointment
plates that were given to Rain that day were produced in the form of a roll and
ceramic pot to publicize traditional Korean culture.

A ministry official
said the ministry chose Rain as PR ambassador in a bid to nurture Korean cuisine
into a global industry and globalize its taste so that people all over the world
can enjoy it.

Source: KBS Global


Rain to Return With Asian Tour

By Han Sang-hee
Staff Reporter

Singer and actor Rain will wipe away the summer heat with his upcoming Asian tour ``Legend of Rain'' this August.

Starting in Japan, the concert will tour China and Southeast Asia, where the 27-year-old singer is popular, according to the singer's agency J.Tune Entertainment.

``(The title) shows his determination to become a legendary icon representing this period,'' the agency said through a press release.

The event has been in preparation ever since Rain's fifth album release, which was a year ago, and the singer is planning to show his multiple talents as an entertainer by participating in the overall concert planning.

``Legend of Rain'' is his first tour in two years, and the agency stressed that they are planning a grand event to not only wow Asian fans, but fans around the world as well.

An agency official added that the event was to originally to visit more countries, but was downsized due to the promotion tour for the singer's upcoming film ``Ninja Assassin.'' The movie is slated for release on Sept. 25.

Rain is planning to meet fans from regions he has never been to, and was quoted as saying that he hoped to meet as many fans possible through the concert. Organizers added that a Seoul concert will take time to confirm.

Meanwhile, Rain is holding a special fan meeting on July 26 at Kyung Hee University to meet fans prior to the concert.

http://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/news/special/2009/07/139_48539.html 주소예요~!

드디어 아시아투어를 하는건가요~~ 귀찮기도하고..어렵기도하고...해서 대충읽어봤는데
모두 보이는거와 같이 스타트가 일본이네요~ 그래도 한국팬으로서 쪼금섭섭 아주 쪼금 섭섭...ㅋㅋㅋ ㅎ_ㅎ


[July-15-2009]Ninja Assassin ranks number 4 in 'Top12 Most Anticipated Movies' by NCM  

1. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
2. The Ugly Truth
3. G.I. Joe

4. Ninja Assassin
5. Funny People
6. The Twilight Saga: New Moon
7. The Wolfman
8. Halloween 2
9. Inglorious Bastards
10. The Final Destination
11. G-Force
12. The Road


On the 29th and 30th of next month singer and actor Rain will hold concerts in Japan marking this as the first stop launching off an Asian concert tour. On the 15th, Rain’s representative company stated, “The theme that Rain will be using for this Asian tour is “Legend of Rainism” “. Preparation for this concert tour began since the time Rain started promoting his 5th album. Rain, who hasn’t had a concert for more than 2 years, will unfold a great dance level on a remarkable stage before his audience and will strive for perfection. According to his company staff, they disclosed that he reduced the touring schedule for the Asian tour in order to attend the November 25th premier of the Hollywood movie “Ninja Assassin’ in which he is featured as the leading role. In addition to this, he will be holding a fan meeting at Kyung Hee University on the 26th of this month.

Source: MyDaily // Sina Entertainment
Credit: dada@RainHK
Chi to Eng Translation: dsl99a@Rain-USA // SexyBi // sixtofive1982.com

비, 맨유팀과 자선 드림 매치 개최


[July-16-2009]World star Rain'll play a soccer game with Manchester United team for the sake of charity for unfortunate youth.

World star Rain'll play a soccer game with Manchester United team for the sake of charity for unfortunate youth.

Rain's agent J.Tune entertainment expressed through the press release on the 16th, "Rain'll have a dream match with MU team at the specially prepared ground of the terrace land on the Han River, Banpo zone, upcoming 23th."
According to J.Tune entertainment, MU team will have some of MU players and the public, while Rain team will have the young boys from 'Boy's House' of Seoul city and the boys, who dreams of becoming a soccer player in the future, in the back regions.
Before this, some press reported that 'Park Ji-Seoung', who is a MU player from Korea, would join the game, but, from the existent circumstances in the morning of the 16th, they have not yet decided which of MU team members will participate in the game.
Rain'll play the charity game and will donate his treasures, and he's become to participate in this event as Global Ambassador of Seoul city.
MU'll arrive at Korea upcoming 22th, and have a soccer game with 'FC Seoul' at 'Seoul World Cup Stadium' on the 24th.

credit to Daily Sports/Joy news
Brief translation by rain bird@Rain-EU


[July-16-2009]Rain'll offer to be a celebration of mission for his close friend Baekga.

Singer Rain and actor 'Kwon Sang-Woo' will gather togerther.

These two will offer to be a celebration of mission, for pianist and composer 'Lee Lu-Ma' and rapper and photo artist 'Baekga's joint concert (alias, For Baby's) which will be held at '925 Interstry Gallery' located in Kangnamkoo Cheongdamdong, Seoul, on the 25th from 6pm.
'Kwon Sang-Woo' is 'Lee Lu-Ma's brother-in law, 'Lee Lu-Ma's sister-in law is 'Son Tae-Youing' who is 'Kwon Sang-Woo's wife, and she'll also participate in the concert. And 'Lee Lu-Ma' and 'Baekga' have remained the closest of friends.
With Rain's participation, it is expected to be a star-studded concert.
It is a charity and exhibition concert, and all proceeds from this concert will go toward children's charities.

credit to Sports Hankook
Brief translation by rain bird


[July-16-2009]Rain'll start his Asia tour in Shanghai, China.


Rain plans to start his Asia tour, Legend of Rainism, in Hongkou Stadium of Shanghai, China, on the 22th of next month.

It is known that his Japan concert will be the first stop for his Asia tour through some news media, but he is expected to set up his tour in China a week before being held in Japan.
According to his agent J.Tune entertainment, "Rain is pushing his Asia tour concert in Asian countries, and Japan and China have been confirmed. The maximal number of Asian countries is being promoted, but his schedule is being arranged due to the promotion of Ninja Assassin which will be released on November 25."
Through this tour, Rain plans to come into the open that he's going to become a legend as a icon of the age that would meet the needs of the times.
After having prepared his Asia tour for almost a year, he's already gotten everything in readiness for his stage performance which is greatly improved, compared with it a year earlier.
Before this, Ran'll meet with his fans through the global fan meeting in 'Hall of Peace' inside of Kyunghee University located in Dongdaemoonku, Seoul, upcoming 26.

* It is not yet officially informed of the move from 'rain-jihoon.com'

credit to Sports Hankook
Brief translation by rain bird


2009.07.16 '포 베이비스' 콘서트 ★뜬다
이루마·빽가 자선전시공연에 권상우·비 등 참석 예정
가수 비와 배우 권상우가 한 자리에 모인다.

두 사람은 피아니스트 겸 작곡가 이루마와 코요태 래퍼 겸 사진작가 백성현(빽가)의 조인트 콘서트 <포 베이비스(For Baby's)>에 축하사절단으로 나선다. 권상우는 공연을 여는 이루마와 동서지간이다. 이 자리에는 권상우의 부인이자 이루마의 처제 손태영도 동석할 것으로 알려졌다. 여기에 백성현의 '절친' 비가 합류하게 돼 이번 공연은 화려한 '별들의 잔치'가 될 것으로 보인다.

25일 오후 6시부터 서울 강남구 청담동 915인터스트리갤러리에서 펼쳐지는 이번 콘서트는 버려진 아기들과 불우한 어린이들을 돕기 위해 마련된 자선전시공연이다. 평소 절친한 친분을 유지하던 이루마와 백성현이 이웃사랑을 위해 의기투합했다.

이루마는 피아노 연주를 펼친다. 백성현은 어린이와 아기 사진을 전시한다. 백성현은 이번 전시를 위해 국내를 비롯해 프랑스 영국 베트남 캄보디아 등 세계 각국을 다니며 사진을 촬영했다.
아기용 물티슈 몽드드가 주관하고 지마켓이 후원하는 이번 행사의 입장료는 무료이며 사진판매수익이나 기부함 등 행사에 관련된 모든 수익금은 전액 버려진 아기들과 불우한 어린이들에게 전달된다.


2009.07.16 비, 세계에 서울을 알리는 글로벌 홍보대사 첫 발


[프라임경제] 일본 공연 계약을 스타트로 아시아투어를 계획중인 가수 겸 연기자인 비(본명 정지훈)가 지난 달 6일 서울시 글로벌 홍보대사에 위촉된 후 첫 공식적인 행보에 나섰다.
2009년 해외 홍보에 나선 서울특별시는 2009년도 캠페인 슬로건인 'Infinitely yours, Seoul(무궁무진 서울)'의 컨셉트를 실현하고자 오는 23일 서울시 한강 반포 고수부지 특설무대에서 맨체스터 유나이티드 팀 대 서울시 글로벌 홍보대사인 비 팀의 자선 드림 매치를 개최한다.
먼저 월드선발인 맨유 팀은 글로벌 UCC 공모전을 통해 선발하고 비 팀은 서울시립 소년의 집, 축구선수를 꿈꾸는 낙도, 오지의 청소년들로 구성된다고 한다.
또한 드림 매치 행사 뿐 아니라 자선 행사도 풍성하게 열릴 예정이며,  평소 비가 착용하던 신발, 티셔츠, 액세서리 등이 자선 경매를 통해 팔리게 되며 자선행사를 통해 모아진 기금은 국내외 자선단체에 기부될 예정이다.
이 외에도 맨유 팀대 비 팀의 경기 이 외에도 이번 행사에는 선정된 국내외 청소년들이 맨유 선수들, 비와 함께하는 축구 클리닉, 드림 매치 킥오프 등 다양한 이벤트가 펼쳐진다.
비는 "서울시 글로벌 홍보대사로서 이번 자선행사에 참가하게 되어 영광으로 생각한다. 앞으로도 서울시와 함께 불우 아동들에게 꿈과 희망을 줄 수 있는 행사를 자주 가지고 싶다"며 소감을 밝혔다.
그리고 서울시 홍보대사로써 임무를 다하고 더 나아가 아시아투어를 통해 다시 한번 더 세계에 한국을 알리기 위해 비와 모든 스텝들이 최선을 다하겠다고 관계자는 전해왔다.

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