Végtelen erőfeszítés, végtelen kitartás, végtelen szerénység. (Rain vezérelve)

Tudtam, hogy ránézésre nem tűnök valami nagy számnak, a megjelenésem sem túl vonzó, de a bensőm elég rendkívüli. Minden színpadra lépés előtt azt mondom magamnak, hogy én vagyok a legjobb, és minden előadás után ugyanúgy azt, hogy nem én vagyok. Ezért minden fellépés előtt 120 százalékosan kell felkészülnöm, hogy az előadáson 100 százalékos teljesítményt tudjak nyújtani. Ennek érdekében minden álló nap folyamatosan képzem magam. Már nagyon hosszú ideje alváshiányban szenvedek, mert ha éppen nem dolgozom, akkor vagy edzek, vagy a koreográfiákat és a dalokat próbálom. Éppen úgy, mint a filmfelvételek idején, ha valamit nem csináltam jól, képtelen vagyok aludni. Akár színészként, akár énekesként, a legjobbat kell tudnom kihozni magamból. De nem kell aggódni, hogy most nincs elegendő időm az alvásra, jut arra majd bőven a halálom után. (Rain)

Ez a fiatalság, ez az egészség... és a túlcsorduló önbizalom... az erőfeszítés, amit az oly hihetetlen előadásai sikeres megvalósításáért tett... és a tehetség, amit felmutat, ezek töltenek el spontán tisztelettel engem. Azt gondolom, hogy a történelem a fontos személyiségek között fogja jegyezni. Úgy, mint aki színészként és zenészként egyaránt sikeres lett. ...
Ami igazán meglepő Ji-hoonban, az az, hogy egyfajta düh, bosszúvágy és szomorúság, az összes efféle sötét, komor negatív motiváció az ő esetében rendkívül optimista és derűs módon ölt testet.
(Park Chan-wook rendező)

RAIN KRÓNIKA: 2009.07.30.

via manloverain8
090730 Star News_Rain's Global Fan Meeting Rain Theater(中字)

via manloverain8
090730 Star News_Rain's Global Fan Meeting Rain Theater(EN)


[July-30-2009]Rain shot Seoul's tourist attractions on the 29th.

Rain shot an advertisement film to promote the city of Seoul, such as its tourist attractions including the Cheongggye stream's night view, etc, on the 29th.He introduces them driving himself, and this AD film will be aired around the world through CNN.

Rain is getting down to work as a representative of Seoul.The Seoul interested expressed, "The substance of the AD film is that Rain introduces Seoul's tourist attractions such as Diving Bridge over the Han River, the Cheongggye stream's night view, etc."

Continuing, "This concept will be based on the contents of that since Rain makes the tour of all the area of Seoul with driving himself, a lot of beautiful night views, etc, will be put in the film."

This is not the first case for him to appear in the AD for Seoul.Rain met with his overseas fans through documentary channel 'Discovery's 'Hip-Hop Korea' during the last two, in January and February, 2009, introducing Seoul's dramatic variation.
Then, Seoul had an effect worth around 4.3 billion won (around $35,000,000) due to Rain's appearance. Seoul which obtained sweet results, entrusted Goodwill Ambassador of Seoul to Rain on the 25 of last month and made him represent, over shoes and over boots.

Seoul will not only make Rain's features appeared in its overseas promotion in the future, it's also planning to run a booth for the promotion of Seoul at Rain's Asia tour which will start with Japan next month.

Meanwhile, Rain finished his global fan meeting with more than 4,000 home and abroad fans with a great success last 26th.It is said he's currently at the height of preparation for his Asia tour entitled "Regend of Rainism" which will start with Tokyo, Japan, on the 29th of next month.

credit to Sporta Hankook http://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=sec&sid1=106&oid=038&aid=0002021954
Brief translation by rain bird


'서울의 얼굴' 서울을 찍다


가수 겸 배우 비가 '서울의 얼굴'로 본격적인 활동을 시작한다.

비는 29일 서울 전역을 돌며 관광명소를 담는
홍보 영상에 출연한다. 이 영상은 세계적인 보도채널 CNN을 통해 전 세계에 방영될 계획이다. 한 관계자는 "잠수교와 청계천 등을 비롯해 서울의 명소를 비가 소개하는 구성이다. 비가 운전을 하면서 서울 도심을 누비는 컨셉트라 아름다운 야경이 담길 예정이다"고 말했다.

비가 서울을 알린 것은 이번이 처음은 아니다. 그는
다큐멘터리채널 디스커버리 '힙 코리아'를 통해 지난 1,2월 두 차례에 걸쳐 서울의 역동적인 변화를 소개하며 해외 팬들과 만났다.

비가 등장하는 이
프로그램으로 서울시가 얻은 홍보효과는 430억원. 달콤한 홍보효과를 맛본 서울시는 지난달 25일 비를 아예 글로벌홍보대사로 위촉해 홍보 전면에 내세웠다. 서울시는 향후 해외 프로모션에 비의 모습을 등장시키는가 하면 내달 일본에서 시작되는 비의 아시아 투어홍보부스를 운영할 계획을 세우고 있다.

비는 26일 해외 팬 4,000여 명과 '글로벌 팬미팅'을 성황리에 마쳤다. 그는 내달 29일 일본 도쿄에서 시작하는 아시아 투어 '레전드 오브 레이니즘' 준비 중이다.



[July-30-2009] SBS ENT News - Rain was with his fans from the world last Sunday.

Rain who has attracted the world, had a good time with his fans from all over the world
after a long interval.

Last 26th, there were a lot of overseas fans on the scene of his global fan meeting.. the U.S.A. Japan, and China fans interviews. Japan and China fans said "Way to go!"

Rain's splendid performance started with a shout of his fans from all over the world.

Rain received questions his fans were most curious about. Of them, was his charming point,
Rain answered his
body "that
s all I have to offer", making his fans laugh.
When asked if he doesn
t have any relationships,
he answered "it may look like I don
t have any relationships,
but I have them from many places."

For this, Kim Jae-dong answered "it's not the time for any relationships.
It's kind of sad to hear him say such jokes." Kim also drew cheers from the fans by adding
"after all, he is in a relationship with you all isn't he?"

"What he said was merely nonsense. He said that mean mischief,
and he just expressed how he loves his fans in that way to beat around the bush.>-

This article
is quoted from Sports Word news : http://www.sportsworldi.com/Articles/EntCulture/Article.asp?aid=20090727001771&subctg1=10&subctg2=00

-Rain interview-
Q : What do your fans mean to you?Rain : Spending my 20's, I was tense, or excited, or feel at home, when I was with them.
It seems so.
Q : What was the most difficult experience to you during Ninja Assassin shoothing?Rain : It was difficult for me to pronounce words natively and perfectly,
that's why I used a way to practice it carrying a record with me.
Rain is just about to leap into the world over the country.
Please give him a warm, rousing of applause of him.


[July-30-2009]As many as 7 blogs related to Rain within the top ten.


There are as many as 7 blogs related to Rain within the top ten on the list of the site that decides the ranking among Japan's blogs as to Korean Wave Stars.

Brief translation by rain bird


[July-30-2009][Non-Fan Acct]Saw Rain shooting last night.

When I went to 'the Cheonggye Stream' in order to take some pictures yesterday (July29),
I heard that Rain was shooting a film to promote the city of Seoul right there.
('The Cheonggye Stream' is just near Gwanghwamun where Rain was shooting)Everyone there were so excited to hear that, and our group was standing at the very last,.
When Rain got in his car (van) during his shooting, every onlooker in front closely got near to the fore of his van and saw him by all means.
After all, they yelled like this, "He is so cool ! "

Brief translation by rain bird@Rain-Eu



[July-30-2009] [Fan Review] Comic-Con Special Advance Screening of Ninja AssassinIt is 11 pm on the first full day of Comic-Con and I am being swiped with a metal detector, ordered to turn my phone off and handed a Ninja Assassin headband. A great question, as I am sure many are wondering, is how was I able to see this awesome screening?

I first sited a WB advertisement in the Comic-Con Events Guide. Under Thursday at 11 pm is said “Warner Bros. Special Advance Screening - To Be Announced”. The first step was even noticing this one entry in WB’s full page advertisement.

Thursday afternoon I hit the always packed to the brim Exhibit Hall Floor. I braved the long path through the masses to the WB booth. My plan was to ask about he screening at the booth hoping they had the information.

As I walked up to the WB booth an announcement was made stating they were handing out passes to the screening right now and the movie would be Ninja Assassin. I immediately made my way to the line for the WB booth. Yes, there was a freaking line, but not even to pick up the passes.

All these people were scanning their Comic-Con badges, for what reason I do not really know or care. Once it was my turn at the booth I asked about the pass for the screening and of course this lovely girl had no clue where the passes were.

Literally, as I am standing there asking about the passes another announcement comes over the speaker stating only a few passes were remaining. Luckily the girl with the mic and in the know came over to the booth right as she was making the announcement. I was able to snag one of the last passes they handed out.

Arriving early is also a key factor for going to any screening. I have been to a few screening where I was only a few people away from making it in. Of course WB probably gives out 25 to 50 extra passes because they figure some people will now show. I arrived at 10:20 pm and was able to make my way through the metal detector and into the screening of Ninja Assassin a full three months before its November 25th release date.

The Director James McTeigue was at the screening and introduced the movie.I will say James seems like a really cool guy, someone you could just go up and talk to, not that I did. James gained my attention after directing the spectacular V for Vendetta. After such a stunning directorial debut I am very interested in all his projects.

I actually saw the panel for Ninja Assassin last year at Comic-Con which first sparked my interest in this flick. The main character Raizo is played by Rain. I only knew of Rain after he appeared at Comic-Con last year and pretty much every girl in the room flipped out. Rain is a South Korean pop singer, dancer, model, actor, CEO and designer.

This multi-talented powerhouse has quite a following in the US, he actually sold out his first US concert in 2006 at Madison Square Garden immediately and had to add another day which also sold out! Raizo is one of the most deadly assassins in the world and his introduction, in which he takes out of whole room of foes, immediately shows off his skills.

Not only does he take out these adversaries, but they are all killed in a very specific disturbing way. Such as chopping off limbs, decapitation and various other spectacularly gruesome deaths which result from wielding various ninja weapons. We are told Raizo’s back story through flashbacks to his childhood when he was taken off the street by a secret society and trained to be a killer in what I will refer to as ninja school.

The Ozunu Clan, the secret society, runs this school and turns children into trained killers. The flashbacks dive into the harsh teaching techniques of The Ozunu Clan and focus on a friendship with a fellow student. We are frequently brought back to present time focusing on a scar or something particularity related to the flashback story which was a great transition technique.

Slowly we are piecing the character together. Naomie Harris plays Europol agent Mika Coretti who stumbles upon a money trail linking several political murders to an underground network of untraceable assassins from the Far East.

Most will be familiar with Naomie’s excellent performance in Pirates of the Caribbean trilogy as Tia Dalma. Defying the orders of her superior, Ryan Maslow who is played by Ben Miles, Mika digs into top secret agency files to learn the truth behind the murders.

The story moves at a very quick pace which works well with ninja assassins at the center of the movie. The main characters Raizo and Mika are played very well by Rain and Naomie . The supporting cast including Ben Miles compliant the main characters perfectly. The story kept me interested all the way through with only a few slow spots.

I must say there is one thing that bothered me about the ninja fights. The ninjas moved so fast it looked like their legs were not even moving at times. This bothered me quite a bit. To me this effect just seemed a bit over the top. However, the fight scenes are so well done it more then makes up for this odd effect. In the end Ninja Assassin lives up to its name and provides an awesome movie experience!

Be sure to check out Ninja Assassin when it hits theaters on November 25th.


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