Végtelen erőfeszítés, végtelen kitartás, végtelen szerénység. (Rain vezérelve)

Tudtam, hogy ránézésre nem tűnök valami nagy számnak, a megjelenésem sem túl vonzó, de a bensőm elég rendkívüli. Minden színpadra lépés előtt azt mondom magamnak, hogy én vagyok a legjobb, és minden előadás után ugyanúgy azt, hogy nem én vagyok. Ezért minden fellépés előtt 120 százalékosan kell felkészülnöm, hogy az előadáson 100 százalékos teljesítményt tudjak nyújtani. Ennek érdekében minden álló nap folyamatosan képzem magam. Már nagyon hosszú ideje alváshiányban szenvedek, mert ha éppen nem dolgozom, akkor vagy edzek, vagy a koreográfiákat és a dalokat próbálom. Éppen úgy, mint a filmfelvételek idején, ha valamit nem csináltam jól, képtelen vagyok aludni. Akár színészként, akár énekesként, a legjobbat kell tudnom kihozni magamból. De nem kell aggódni, hogy most nincs elegendő időm az alvásra, jut arra majd bőven a halálom után. (Rain)

Ez a fiatalság, ez az egészség... és a túlcsorduló önbizalom... az erőfeszítés, amit az oly hihetetlen előadásai sikeres megvalósításáért tett... és a tehetség, amit felmutat, ezek töltenek el spontán tisztelettel engem. Azt gondolom, hogy a történelem a fontos személyiségek között fogja jegyezni. Úgy, mint aki színészként és zenészként egyaránt sikeres lett. ...
Ami igazán meglepő Ji-hoonban, az az, hogy egyfajta düh, bosszúvágy és szomorúság, az összes efféle sötét, komor negatív motiváció az ő esetében rendkívül optimista és derűs módon ölt testet.
(Park Chan-wook rendező)

RAIN KRÓNIKA: 2009.07.26.

曉蔓 (Xiaoman)
090726 Rain's 2009 fanmeeting (fancam)

via manloverain8
090726 Fancam - Rain's Global Fan Meeting Rain Theater_Talk(中字) Part 1

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090726 Fancam - Rain's Global Fan Meeting Rain Theater_Talk(中字) Part 2

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090726 Fancam - Rain's Global Fan Meeting Rain Theater_Talk(中字) Part 3

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090726 Fancam - Rain's Global Fan Meeting Rain Theater_Talk(中字) Part 4

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090726 Fancam - Rain's Global Fan Meeting Rain Theater_Talk(中字) Part 5




[July-26-2009][Fan Acct]I talked to Rain yesterday.

Rain's sign


My younger sister and I, both of two are big fans of Rain.
The following story is my sister's.

I'm a student worker at a restaurant.
When I arrived at my work yesterday (July 25), Rain and his close friend Baegka were eating already.
I rapidly ran to him holding menus in my hand when Rain was about to pay the meal.

I : We have many kinds of desserts. would you like some dessert?Rain got it and told me.
Rain : Can you clear away these dishes? and pleases take a damp towel to me.

My hands were quivering with excitement.
Rain : You seem to be piling dishes too high carelessly. Why don't you carry in twice?Just then, I wanted to say to him, "I'm your big fan."

He removed stains when I brought him the towel.
There was a red stain on his white T shirt.

Rain : Can I order some coconut milk? It's like something that is bitten in my mouth.I : Do you mean that's like flog spawn?Rain : Oh yes! That's right. Make it two please!Baegka : I can't eat such things. (waving his hand)I : It's not real flog spawn, but edible starch.Baegka : Really? But I just want an ice cream.I : We don't sell ice cream.
Rain : Will you order the same thing as mine.( to Baegka)

At that time, Baegka seemed to harden his face.

I : Don't you remember me, Oppa(Rain)? I sang and danced your songs, Touch Ya and I'm Coming, at your fan meeting in 2007.Rain : Oh. yeah! Nice to meet you!
These two were sitting on an outdoor terrace of our resturant.
After carrying the order, I asked their autographs.
Rain : We aren't here in order to sign.(with a laugh)And then,
Rain : Just leave it here.
In fact, I also asked them singns for three other workers,
Rain : Oh my! no less than three!
I : We separately need three signs from both of you.Rain : Can you have a lie down while I sign for you.
When Rain paid with a credit card, I told hm.
I : I'm taking up dancing at my university, and I've worked hard to follow your example.
Rain : Are you majoring in dancing yet?
I : Yes, I'm a new student.
When he left, I yelled toward his back.
"Ninja Assassin, Be a big hit!!"
Rain and Baegka wrote to me their greetings in addition to signs,
"I love ***" and "Life is incomplete" each.

credit to benamoo
Brief translation by rain bird@Rain-EU


[July-26-2009]It's Raining in a year in Asia.


All-round entertainer Rain'll be holding his global fan meeting
"(2009 Rain's global Fan Meeting in Seoul-Rain Theate.)" at 'Hall of Peace' inside of Kuynghee University, on the 26th, at 3pm.

Rain's agent J.Tune entertainment expressed, "More than 3,000 home and abroad fans from Japan, China, Hong Kong, etc. will participate in the fan meeting. Every seat has been booked."

Rain's become to meet with his Asia fans for the first time in more than one year since last August.
Rain who'd had active activities with his 5th music album during the end of last year, was not able to hold the fan meeting due to the overseas works related to his clothing brand launching and his lawsuit.

He's going to show his various stages, event, and his best performances and to have a good time with his fans as much as he's become to hold the fan meeting in a year.

Meanwhile, Rain'll dash in his Asia tour entitled, "(Legend of Rainism)" in about 2years after this fan meeting, starting with Japan concert on the 29th~30th of next month.

And, Rain is expected to promote his first leading hollywood movie 'Ninja Assassin' throughout the world before its official release on November 25.

Brief translation by rain bird


아시아에 1년만에 비가 내린다 


만능엔터테이너 비(본명 정지훈)가 26일 오후 3시 경희대학교 평화의 전당에서 글로벌 팬미팅('2009 Rain's global Fan Meeting in Seoul-Rain Theate)을 갖는다.
비의 소속사인 제이튠엔터테인먼트는 이날 팬미팅에는 일본 중국 홍콩 등 국내외에서 모인 3000여명의 팬들이 참석할 예정이며 모든 좌석이 매진이라고 밝혔다.

비가 아시아팬들을 상대로 팬미팅을 갖는 건 지난해 8월 이후 1년여 만이다.
지난 연말 정규 5집 음반을 발표하고 활발한 활동을 펼쳤던 비는 그동안 의류 브랜드 런칭과 해외 콘서트 관련 소송 건 등으로 팬미팅을 열지 못했다.
1년 만의 팬미팅인 만큼 비는 아시아 팬들에게 다양한 무대와 이벤트, 그리고 최고의 퍼포먼스를 선보이며 팬들과 즐거운 시간을 보낼 예정이다.

한편 비는 이번 팬미팅을 마친 뒤 ‘레이니즘의 전설(Legend of Rainism)’이란 타이틀로 아시아 투어에 돌입한다. 다음달 29~30일 일본 공연을 시작으로 약 2년만에 아시아 각국에서 콘서트를 펼칠 예정. 또한 비는 오는 11월 25일 미국 개봉 예정인 할리우드 주연작 ‘닌자 어쌔신(Ninja Assassin)’의 개봉을 앞두고 전세계 프로모션 투어에도 참석한다.


[July-26-2009]Rain holds his global fan meeting.

Singer and actor and all-round entertainer Rain made more than 3,000 fans from Asia countries wild with enthusiasm, holding his fan meeting entitled, '2009 Rain’s global Fan Meeting in Seoul' on the 26th, with his Asia tour ahead off.
Under the host of MC 'Kim Jae-Dong', this event was progressed in the form of talks and Rain's unseen and undisclosed films's release with establishing a huge screen theater based on 'Rain Theater'.


[July-26-2009]Rain, ‘confident’ that ‘Ninja Assassin’ is the “real piece towards America.”

Singer and actor Rain made more than 3,000fans from Asia countries wild with
      Rain held his global fan meeting (Rain`s global Fan Meeting in Seoul 'Rain Theater') at 'Hall of Peace'
inside of Kyunghee University, Dongdaemoonku, Seoul, on the 26th. At this fan meeting, his Asia fans from Japan, China, Hong Kong, Thailand, Taiwan, etc. were present.
Rain met with his Asia fans for the first time in more than one year since last August. This fan meeting held under the celebrity Kim Jae-dong’s compere, was decorated with a huge screen based on 'Rain Theater'.
Rain started the event with exciting retro song 'Fresh Woman', and he greeted to his fans,"Hi, everybody! How have you been? Nice to meet you. Thank you for your coming here. I've prepared many of things for this fan meeting. I've been eager to see all of you."
With MC 'Kim Jae-Dong', Rain neatly answered various questions prepared by his fans.

Rain, “Secret to ‘
V-line’ face? Not plastic surgery but work out”

Rain received questions his fans were most curious about. Of them, was his secret
to his ‘V-line’ face. Rain answered “it isn’t surgery. I just lost some weight ” and
added “I feel that loss of weight. ”

He also made his fans laugh by saying “I’m born a natural.” He smiled and added
“back then, the make up artist told me to get treatments and massages to maintain
the skin which I had no time for, but now I have to take the advice.”

Rain, "'Ninja Assassin', a confident piece"

On ‘Ninja Assassin’, to be released world wide on November,
Rain said “this is
practically the first piece towards America.

The time has come to acknowledge the name ‘Rain’ in the American market.
I do
not wish to be humble in this piece. I trained until I pushed myself to the limits.
I want to be proud this time. I don’t know how it’ll go, but I’m honored to have a role in this sort of film.”
He also added “It’ s a good piece. It’s got nice stories and fits the Korean custom so you’ll get to like it.”

Rain, ‘confident’
that ‘Ninja Assassin’ is the “real piece towards America.”

“Ninjas not only existed in Japan, but also in Korea and China.
There’s hashing
skills only in Korea and China. I’ve trained for a year to master it” says Rain.

“The story is simple yet sad.
It’ll fit the Korean custom”
“I’ve seen the movie. I don ’t know how it’ll go, but I was honored to have a role in this sort of film.”

He added “the only pro and con of this film is that there ’s too much blood.”
On the day ‘Ninja Assassin’ trailer was released with fancy actions and CG effects
and attracted curiosity from movie fans.

Rain commented “I cried during the preview 2 weeks ago when I saw the word
Rain. I thought all my hard work paid off. It was the feeling I had when I first had an interview after my first album release.”
He continued “I’ll humbly accept this
work ’s failure. I have confidence.”

Rain, “success will be ever so close if difficulties during 20s are overcome”

Rain said “20’ s is when you have to do this and that. I want to live this way now
but stabilize afterwards to protect my family and my friends.”

His fans gave him a warm round of applause for his reply which was full of his
manly responsibility. He also touched his fans ’ heart by saying “there’s lots of hard times but if they are overcome, success will be that much closer. ”

Rain, “envied Choi of ‘Old Boy
’ and followed his clothing”

For MC Kim Jae-dong’s question whether “world star Rain is also envious of
someone” , Rain answered “I always thought Choi Min-sik was cool in the movie ‘Old Boy’.” He felt ‘envious ’ in the scene where Choi walked along in his trench coat. “He looked so cool that I bought the coat and wore it for a few days.”

Rain, “I wouldn’t be here if I was afraid of being hurt”

Rain confessed that “nothing works out when you ’re afraid to fail. If I was afraid
of falling when I earned the title of a singer, I wouldn’t be standing here.”

He added “even if I may fail, I think of it becoming closer to success. Being in
your 20 ’s is both a present and a reality. If you spend your 20 ’s wisely, your 30’s and 40 ’s will be sweet.”

For questions about his appearance Rain commented “I’m satisfied with how I look.
Actually, because I look this way there’s no limit in roles. A director once said people who look like me fit for any role.”

Rain, "Asia tour will be a stage emphasizing fantasy”

Rain shared his concept and plans for his Asia tour ‘Legend of Rainism’ starting on
August 29 th in Japan. “If the stages so far was strategical presentation through fancy performance, this stage will be focused on communication with the fans ” said Rain.
“It won’t only emphasize powerful and sexy performance, but will also have simple and yet a
fantasy-like stage.”

Rain, “Josh Hartnett
looks cool even to a man”
When asked whether he was envious of anyone, Rain answered “I saw Josh Hartnett once.
I have no idea how anyone can have such pure skin and deep eyes."

For his charming point, Rain answered his ‘body’ “that’s all I have to offer”,
making his fans laugh.
When asked if he doesn’t have any relationships, he answered “ it may look like I don’t have any relationships, but I have them from many places.”

For this, Kim Jae-dong answered "it's not the time for any relationships. It's kind of sad to hear him say such jokes." Kim also drew cheers from the fans by adding
"after all, he is in a relationship with you all isn't he?"

Rain also touched his fans’ heart by saying “I was told I was too tall before.
But I realized that nothing is born a natural. ”

After 1~2 hours of talks, Rain sang 'I Do' passionately, and 'Kim Tae-Woo' who is one of members of previous idol group 'GOD', appeared on the stage as a guest.
And then, Rain completed the event with 'Rainism' and 'My Girl'. Especially, While he sang 'My Girl', Asia fans' names were introduced through the screen, that attracted attention.
Rain said, "Now, it is the last time. Thank you very much for your coming here. I'll meet with you my Asia tour and Ninja Assassin premiere."
After this fan meeting, Rain's expected to dash forward his Asia tour entitled, ‘Legend of Rainsm', and to show his best performances for his Asia fans as much as it is resumed in two years.

credit to

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