13-05-28 [Cube Entertainment Notice] About Rain
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안녕하세요. 홍승성입니다
저의 오랜 동반자와의 두 번째 시작을 앞둔 지금,언제나 모든 시작을 함께 해주시는 여러분께 감사의 인사를 전합니다.건강과 봄햇살처럼 따스한 사랑이 가득한 봄이기를 기원합니다. 저에게 있어 봄이라는 계절이 주는 특별함은 따뜻한 기억이고,주체할 수 없는 설렘이며 도전입니다.
특히,2002년 5월은 어느덧 아시아를 넘어 세계적인 월드스타가 되기까지의 첫 걸음이 된 비의 데뷔무대가 있었던 때로 저에게는 생각만으로도 흥분을 감출 수 없는 봄의 기억입니다.그 이후로 여러 해의 반짝이는 봄이 지났습니다.
그 동안 서로에게 든든한 버팀목으로,때로는 따끔한 충고를 아끼지 않는 조력자이자 친구로 지내오며 점점 발전해가는 서로의 모습에 행복해 했습니다.그리고2013년의 봄,새로운 출발선 앞에 비와홍승성,함께 서 있습니다.
처음 비를 무대에 올려 세우며 오늘날의 그를 예감했던 그 때와는 또 다른 차원의 서포트로 세계무대 속의 비,Rain, 그리고 정지훈을 또 한번 우뚝 서게 하리라는 자신감의 근원입니다. 아티스트가스스로에게 가장 혹독하고 냉정한 잣대를 들이대고,현실에 안주하지 않는 비의 천성은 지난 세월그를 지켜 봐 온 제작자이자 친구로서 늘 감탄을 마지 않았던 부분입니다.
가수이자 배우,프로듀서로 그간 수 많은‘최초’의 수식어에 이름을 올렸던 비,한계를 모르는 비의저력은 그의 세계적인 엔터테이너 인생 제2의 서막이 열리는 지금 이 순간부터,다시금 확인하실 수있을 것입니다.
11여년 전,10대의 끝자락에서 타오르는 눈빛의 소년을 만났습니다.누구보다 열정적이고 지독할만치 열심히 할 줄 밖에 모르는 그에게서 언젠가 세상을 울릴 호랑이의 거친 포효가 들리는 듯했습니다.그 호랑이는 이제30대가 되어 치열한 야생의 들판에서도 왕좌를 굳건하게 지킬 수 있게 되었습니다.
비를 캐스팅하고 트레이닝 시켰던 저와 비는 지난 날의 화려했던 역사 속의 페이지는 과감하게뜯어내고 또 다른 미래를 내다보고자 합니다. 비는 그를 향한 여러 제의들에도 불구하고 초심으로돌아가 다시 시작하자는 굳은 의지로 저와 어느 때보다 뜨거운 심장으로 손을 마주 잡으려 합니다.
그러한 의미에서 많은 제의들을 뒤로 한 채 의리로써 보답해준 비에게 고마움을 전하는 바입니다.또한 연습생 시절부터 항상 10년 뒤까지 내다보며 오늘에 열정을 쏟아 부었던 친구,비의 동반자로서의 하루하루를 준비하려 합니다.
더불어 그 동안 비에게 쏟아 주신 끊임없는 사랑과 성원에 보답할 수 있도록 걸음마다 사회에 유산을 남기는 아름다운 행보를 약속합니다.앞으로도 전심으로 진심을 다하는,당신의 동반자가 되겠습니다.험한 길도 마다 않고 같이 걸어주심에 늘 감사 드립니다.
[Eng Trans]13-05-28 [Cube Entertainment Notice] From Cube: Greetings. I’m Hong SeungSong
Hello. I’m Hong SeungSong.
Now, prior to a second embark of a long companion of mine, I’m here to deliver my thankful greetings to those who always welcome each and everyone’s start of the journey. Just like health and the the spring sunshine, I wish for a spring filled with warm loves. To me, the spring season gives me special warm memories, uncontrollable excitements and electricity.
In particular, Rain who held his debut stage on someday in May 2002, and even becoming a global star beyond just an Asia star, had given me a memory so exciting that I can never hide. After that, I had spent many shiny Springs.
During this period, we have became walking sticks to each other, sometimes not forgetting advises, slowly developing as friends, and have made each other happy. And in Spring of 2013, Rain and Hong SeungSong have once again stood together before the new starting line.
At first, while coaching Rain to stand on stage, I had premonitions that today would come. A different Rain, and bringing Jung JiHoon to stand taller, gaining his source of self confidence. Artists themselves keep the harshest and cold yardstick close to them. At some times, I admire Rain’s nature that does not settle at reality, and looked after him as a producer as well as a friend.
Rain who was tagged the many ‘firsts’ – singer, actor and producer during this time, and the strength of Rain who knows no boundaries, will be unfolding the second phase starting from now, and to once again prove himself.
About 11 years ago, I’ve met a teenager with a gaze that is filled with flames. He’s more passionate than anyone else. He, who had worked diligently without knowing the harshness and darkness of the outside world, has roared the world like a tiger. That tiger has now turned 30 years old, and is still holding the throne despite the fierce wildlife.
Rain and I, who had cast and trained Rain, will be ripping off the glamorous pages of history, and look forward to a new and different future. Despite various proposals about Rain,we are determined to start off with the original intentions again. With a committed heart, we shall walked hand in hand.
In other sense, I would like to express my grateful heart to Rain for repaying me by joining forces together. Like his trainee era and even 10 years later, my friend, Rain whom is filled with passion, and as his companion, we will prepare for more days in the future.
In addition, in order to repay Rain who gave his non-stop love and support, we promise to bring him a beautiful legacy with every steps taken. In the future too, I, sincerest of all sincerity, hope to be your companion for a long time. I’m always thankful for you who walk with me even for every steep steps.
Source: Cube Entertainment Official Website
[28-May-13][enewsworld]Rain to Sign Exclusive Contract with Cube Entertainment
Rain will be signing an exclusive contract with Cube Entertainment with his release from the army.
Hong Seung Seong, head of Cube Entertainment, made the announcement through the agency′s official webpage on May 28 in a long text that started with the words, "Hello. This is Hong Seung Seong."
He continued, "May holds memories of a spring I can′t forget, as it was when Rain, who later went on to become a global star, had his debut performance in 2002. We were happy as friends and supporters of each other, as we continued to support each other and at times give each other sharp advice."
Hong Seung Seong was the one who first cast and trained Rain in his early career.
"Now, in this spring of 2013, Rain and Hong Seung Seong again stand together at this new starting line," he said. "You′ll be able to see the second phase of Rain′s life unfold before your eyes, following his many feats as a singer, actor and producer."
He then finished, "We will rip out the shining pages of the past and look toward a new future. We will hold onto each other′s hands with passionate hearts and a deeper determination to go back to our original mindsets."
Rain entered the army on October 11, 2011. He has been serving as a PR agent in the Defense Media Agency. He will be released from his duties on July 10.
Photo credit: Kim Byung Kwan
Source: enewsworld
[28-May-13][allkpop]Rain signs on with Cube Entertainment for his return
Rain is teaming up with Cube Entertainment for his return to mark a brand new start after his military service.
It's been reported that the multi-talented entertainer has signed with the agency thanks to his friendship with the CEO.
Cube Entertainment's CEO Hong Seung Sung shared the exciting news on the agency's official homepage revealing, "We have been of strong support for each other, and didn't hesitate to give each other advice, becoming supportive friends to one another. We were happy to see each other growing and becoming successful. And coming this spring 2013, Rain and Hong Seung Sung will embark on a new journey together."
Hong Seung Sung and Rain have known each other for the past ten years since Rain's days under JYP Entertainment. Now Rain and Hong Seung Sung will reunite under the label of Cube this time as the singer kicks off new activities with his discharge from the military coming up in July!
Source : allkpop
[28-May-13][gokpop]Rain Signs with CUBE Entertainment
CUBE Entertainment which houses popular idols like BEAST, 4Minute, G.NA and many more, is now ready to rock the entertainment industry even more with their newest member, none other than world star Rain.
CUBE Entertainment's president, Hong Seung Song officially announced that the world star has signed with their label. The two had a deep past when Hong Seung Song was a former partner of JYP Entertainment and played a big part in Rain's journey on becoming a top idol that Rain even calls him "Father".
After their separation with JYP Entertainment, president Hong started his own company Cube Entertainment in 2008. Since then, every idol from the company received significant amount of attention and success. It is even speculated if CUBE Entertainment is now ready to step up and take a part in the role of the 'Big Three' entertainment companies.
A representative from the industry spoke, “The talk about Rain and Cube Entertainment has been awhile, it was something within expectation” and, “Cube Entertainment obviously have a powerful line up as good as the Big 3″, he said.
Source : gokpop
[28-May-13][Soompi]Rain Joins Beast and 4Minute, Signs With Cube Entertainment
Rain, who is currently serving in the military, has joined Cube Entertainment and will be labelmates with Beast, 4Minute, G.NA among others. He has a special tie with the agency’s founder and CEO Hong Seung Sung, who was the president of JYP Entertainment during Rain’s early years in the entertainment industry. Industry insiders view Rain’s decision to join Cube Entertainment as a big sign of loyalty.
On May 28, CEO Hong Seung Sung wrote a long message on the company’s official website updating fans and the public about Rain’s addition to the company. “2013’s spring, Rain and Hong Seung Sung are standing here before a new start. Even though Rain had a lot of offers, he decided to join us [our agency] because he wants to go back to his roots and he is more passionate than ever.”
The CEO continued, “I remember May 2002, where we got to see world star Rain’s debut stage and I can’t hide the excitement just thinking about that spring. Afterwards, many beautiful springs have come to pass.”
He went on, “He’s a singer, actor and producer and have set a lot of records as ‘the first.’ You’ll be able to witness the beginning of Rain’s second wave now, who doesn’t know limits and have shown his potential by becoming a world star entertainer.”
In closing, Hong Seung Sung wrote, “With that thought, I want to thank Rain for his loyalty despite receiving many offers from other places. Also, during his trainee years, he constantly aimed for ten years ahead, which resulted in today’s passionate Rain. I’m preparing every single day like a partner and friend. I promise that I will return your never ending love and support for Rain and make sure the company leaves a beautiful legacy. I will wholeheartedly and sincerely do my best as his partner. I will not avoid risky paths, but will be thankful that we can do this together.”
Meanwhile, Rain will be discharged from active duty on July 10.
Source : soompi
Rain a Cube Entertainmenttel szerződik (2013.05.28.)
A mai napon igazi bombahír robbant a sajtóban: napvilágra került, hogy Rain miként folytatja pályafutását a közelgő leszerelését követően. Már korábban sejteni lehetett, hogy nem építi újra a cégbirodalmát, hanem saját aktív karrierjére összpontosít, tehermentesítve magát a megterhelő cégvezetői kötelezettségek alól. Ez jó hír, mert a korábbi mérlegelések során még azt is felvetette, hogy esetleg harminc éves kora után csak producerként működne tovább, de erről szerencsére idejekorán letett. Azt is olvastuk, hogy a legnagyobb mogulok küzdenek azért, hogy megkaparintsák magunknak, mert versenyistállóiknak behozhatatlan előnyt jelentene Rain csatlakozása. És most megtudtuk Rain döntését: a CUBE Entertainment lett a befutó vállalat.
A döntés valószínűleg már korábban megszületett, és bár még a CUBE nem tartozik a koreai szórakoztatóipart uraló nagy hármasba, mégis a választás minden ízében Rainre vall. Rainre, aki soha nem felejti el, hogy kinek mit köszönhetett, és igyekszik viszonozni is azt, Rainre, aki soha nem választja a kényelmes, kitaposott utakat.
Rain pályakezdésének első éveiben a CUBE mostani CEO-ja, Hong Seung Song volt a JYP Entertainment egyik vezetője, és így Rain castingolója és képzője, akinek nagy szerepe volt Rain későbbi sikerességében. Hong Seung Song 2008-ban megalapította saját cégét, és mindkettejük elmondása szerint az elmúlt időszakban is szoros baráti kapcsolatot ápoltak egymással. Rain gyakorta csak "apának" szólította Hongot, ezzel is kifejezve tiszteletét és bizalmát iránta.
Hong is tudatában van annak, hogy cége mekkora nyereséget könyvelhet el Rain szerződtetésével, de ami ennél sokkal fontosabb az, ami a nyilatkozat hangneméből árad. Ez pedig két egymást kölcsönösen nagyra tartó emberre utal, akiknek munkakapcsolata reményteli a jövőre nézve.
Kívánjuk, hogy további szeretetteljes, sikeres közös munkálkodás elé nézzenek, és Rain karrierje ebben a gyümölcsöző együttműködésben tudjon kiteljesedni!
Hong Seung Song mai közleménye a CUBE Entertainment honlapján:
Üdvözletem. Hong Seung Song vagyok.
Most, mielőtt másodjára csatlakozna hozzám egy régi társam, én vagyok itt, hogy hálásan köszöntsem mindazokat, akik mindig szívesen üdvözölnek mindent és mindenkit az indulásakor. Éppúgy mint egészséget és tavaszi napsütést, kívánok meleg szeretettel teli tavaszt. Számomra a tavaszi évszak különlegesen meleg emlékeket idéz, kontrollálhatatlan izgalmakkal és felvillanyozódással.
Különösen Rainnek, aki ezekben a napokban tartotta debütálását 2002. májusában, az egyre inkább globális sztárrá, és nemcsak ázsiai csillaggá válása adott nekem olyan emlékeket, melyek izgalmát soha nem tudom leplezni. Ezek után sok fényes tavaszt éltem meg.
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