2013.07.09 비의 전역을 기다리는 여인들, 국방부 앞에서 밤샐 태세
[쿠키 사회] 장마철에 비를 간절히 기다리는 여인들이 있다. 9일 오후 서울 용산의 국방부 서문앞에는 12명의 중년여성들이 등장했다. 이들은 모두 일본 필리핀 대만 미국에서 온 외국인이었다. 손에는 한글로 “비의 제2막을 함께 하고 싶습니다”라고 적힌 종이가 들려 있었다.
내일 오전 전역할 연예사병 정지훈, 가수 비를 기다리는 팬들이었다. 일본 센다이에서 왔다는 미치코 이케다씨는 “나이는 묻지 말아달라”며 비의 전역을 보려고 전날 한국에왔다고 말했다. 그녀는 “오늘 아침부터 여기서 기다리고 있다”며 “비는 너무 너무 멋진 가수이고 노래도 좋고 특히 무대매너도 좋고 춤도 아주 좋아한다고 .TV 등에서 비에 대해 나쁜 이야기들을 하는 것을 믿지 않는다”고 말했다. 전역후 새롭게 시작하는 무대에서 더 많은 활동을 보여주길 바란다고 응원의 메시지를 덧붙였다.
오사카에서 친구와 함께 왔다는 또 다른 팬은 이름을 밝히지 않으면서 한국말로 “비가 많이 많이 활동하면 좋겠다”며 “많이 많이”를 강조했다.
한국은 장마철이다. 비가 전역하기 전에 진짜 비가 먼저 찾아오면 어떡하나? 기자의 걱정을 눈치챈 듯 팬들은 주섬 주섬 비옷과 우산을 꺼내 보였다. 밤이 되면 더 많은 팬들이 와서 빗속에 비를 기다릴 것 같다.
전역을 앞두고 말년 휴가를 반납했을 정도로 곤욕을 치른 정지훈 병장이지만, 다시 비로 돌아오는 순간은 전세계 팬들의 성원 속에서 행복하게 시작될 것 같다. 국민일보 쿠키뉴스 최현수 군사전문기자
[10-Jul-2013][Kuki]Women staying up all night waiting for Rain's discharge.
In the rainy season, there were 12 middle-aged women from Japan, the Philippines, Taiwan, USA, etc. who were waiting impatiently for the discharge of Rain with a day left in the army, in front of the west gate of the Defense Ministry building located in Seoul's Yongsan-gu on the morning of the 9th. Each of them was holding a placard saying "비의 제2막을 함께 하고 싶습니다" in Korean in her hand. ("We want to be with you who come back with a new second act" in English)
'Michico Eeketa' from Japan said, "Please don't ask me age. I arrived one day early before the discharge. I've been waiting here for him since this morning. Rain is really cool and is an excellent singer who has great stage manners.
I really like his singing and dancing. I don't believe the bad articles about him in the newspapers, TV reports, etc.".
She added a supportive message of hope for his more furious activity than ever.
A fan from Japan's Osaka accompanied by her friend, said in Korean without giving her name, "Hopefully Rain'll lead an active life as an entertainer."
Rain has gone through some trouble because of a recent severe controversy even by deciding to abandon his vacation provided near the end of his term. but his worldwide fans seem to be still very supportive.
Credit to Kuki News
English translation by 화니
[brief] Everyone. Rain is back. (7/10)
(Source credit: eNewsWorld / Cap: Cloud USA)
[10-Jul-2013][SportsSeoul]Rain gives a short greeting at the discharge scene, "I'll do my best".
Singer Rain (his real name, Jung Ji- Hoon, aged 31) has made it through his 24-month military service.
Rain discharged from the Defense Media Agency which is part of the Defense Ministry on the morning of the 10th, came to the salute, saying "Loyalty! Army sergeant 'Jung Ji-Hoon' has been ordered to be discharged from the army on July 10th. Loyalty!"
Following, after a short greeting, "Thank you so much for coming here, and I'll always work hard under the conviction that 'Do the best'", he was welcomed enthusiastically by approximately 700 cheering fans from home and abroad and got into a car arranged for him and drove off, not answering any further questions.
The discharge scene was overcrowded with more than 700 fans from Korea, Japan, China, Taiwan, Turkey, Europe, USA, etc. and more than 100 reporters from Japan, China, Taiwan, etc. Also, police were brought in for the safety of people at the scene, which attracted attention.
Rain had been served in the service support troop, part of the Defense Ministry, since he was transferred to the troop last March after he was enlisted into the army in October 2011.
Credit to SportsSeoul :
English translation by 화니
[10-Jul-2013][Star]Rain gives a 20 second-long, concise, and clear greeting at the discharge scene.
The site of the discharge was packed with masses of fans and reporters who had been waiting for him since early in the morning.
Singer Rain (aged 31, his real name is Jung Ji-Hoon) was discharged from the army on the 10th. He has been roiled by controversy since the actual status of the management of entertainment soldiers caused a stir, but his popularity and position as a "top star" have still been the same.
Completing 21months of active military service, Rain was discharged from the Defense Media Agency located in Seoul's Yongsan-gu at around 8am this morning.
More than 800 fans from home and abroad and more than 200 reporters gathered in the discharge site to see Rain being discharged from the army. And, police were even called to prevent possible accidents.
Particularly, it was a situation where there was an extreme amount of focus on what Rain would say as there was a recent controversy over the poor management of entertainment soldiers. After dashingly stepping out, he came to the salute in front of crowds of reporters, saying in a loud voice, "Loyalty!"
They could tell from his face that he was standing clearly with a stiff expression on his face, but he briefly greeted them soon after, "Thank you for coming here, and I'll always push myself to do my best." He got into the car that was waiting for him after making the statement. It was a discharge celebration which lasted only about 20 seconds.
There weren't any press interviews or celebration events. However, he asked the driver to pull over for a while and again appeared to his cheering fans on the scene to greet them. Some of his fans welcomed him warmly by holding placards saying '비의 제2막을 함께 하겠습니다' in their hands. ("We want to be with you who come back with a new second act" in English)
Meanwhile, actress 'Kim Tae-Hee' who is openly considered as Rain's lover, didn't attend the discharge because of her busy schedules.
Rain who completed the short discharge, plans to spend time with his family for the time being after visiting his mother's grave at Byukje Memorial Park. He visited his mother's grave on 10 October 2011, one day before his enlistment.
Rain and 'Hong Seung-Seong', the representative of Cube Entertainment representing him, will discuss his future plans after he has some quality time with his family.
During a phone call with Star News this day, an official from the company said, "Instead of beginning working right now with a renewed mind, he needs to consider various proposals, and to throw his future plans into shape."
Meanwhile, Rain was enlisted at 306 Supplement located in Uijeongbu City on 11 October 2011 and underwent basic military training for 5 weeks, and then he served as an assistant instructor at the 5th Division. In March last year, he had a change of assignment into an entertainment soldier by being transferred to the service support troop in the Defense Media Agency, part of the Defense Ministry.
Recently, SBS TV's June 25 current affairs TV show's in-depth coverage of entertainment soldiers neglecting their duties out of control, shocked a lot of people.
The Defense Ministry made an announcement at a regular briefing last 5th, "Rain'll be discharged from the army as previously arranged, and any disciplinary action won't be taken against him."
Credit to Star News
English translation by 화니
[10-Jul-13][enewsworld]Rain Goes to See His Mother′s Grave After His Release
Right after his release, Rain went to see not his lover or his other family members, but his mother.
The singer was released from the Defense Media Agency on July 10, concluding his military services.
He briefly greeted the 100 press members and 700 fans who had been waiting for him, then left the scene just two minutes later.
It seems he only made a brief appearance in order to lie low amidst the recent controversies surrounding his former unit and PR agents.
He said, "I was ordered a discharge on July 10, 2013. Thank you for coming. I′ll do my best to work hard."
He then left in a car his agency had provided for him.
A rep from Rain′s agency told enews, "Right after his release, he plans to visit his mother′s grave at the Byeokje Memorial Park in Gyeonggi-do Goyang-si. For the next few days he will spend time with his family."
Rain also went to see his mother a day before his enlistment in 2011.
The Ministry of National Defense has revealed it will conclude its audit on the PR unit within the week, and impose strict punishments.
Photo credit: Kim Byung Kwan
Source : enewsworld
[10-Jul-13][enewsworld]Rain Gets Discharged From the Army
Everyone, Rain is back.
After serving 21 months of his mandatory army services, Rain was discharged on the morning of July 10 from the Defense Media Agency, located in Yonsan-gu.
He was greeted by large crowds of fans, who have been waiting since the early hours of the morning despite the dreary weather.
Rain enlisted on October 11, 2011 and became a PR agent in March of 2012.
Photo Credit: Kim Byung Man
Source : enewsworld
'전역' 비, 도망치듯?.. '현장의 룰' 깬 리포터가 문제다
[아시아경제 이금준 기자]전역식을 마친 비의 뒷모습을 두고 말이 많다. 일부 매체는 '도망치듯'이라는 자극적인 표현으로 그를 깎아내렸다. 하지만 현장은 그럴 수밖에 없는 분위기였다.
비는 10일 오전 서울 용산 국방부 앞에서 팬들 앞에 전역 신고를 마쳤다. 그는 힘찬 목소리로 "충성. 병장 정지훈은 2013년 7월 10일부로 전역을 명받았습니다. 이에 신고합니다. 충성"라고 말했다.
일각에서는 비가 모습을 드러내지 않을 것이라는 예상도 내놨지만 그는 당당히 취재진 앞에 섰다. 그리고 "많은 분들이 와 주셔서 감사드린다. 앞으로 더욱 열심히 하는 모습을 보여드리도록 하겠다"라고 굳은 각오를 내비쳤다.
문제는 그 뒤에 발생했다. 포토라인을 지키기로 했던 당초의 약속과는 달리 한 연예 프로그램 리포터가 비를 '급습'했던 것. 비 측과 국방부 관계자들은 물론, 취재진 역시 당황한 표정을 숨길 수 없었다.
현장 진행 요원들은 갑작스런 리포터의 돌발 행동을 막아섰고 비 역시 준비된 차량에 급히 몸을 실었다. 이것이 '도망치듯 현장을 빠져나갔다'는 표현의 전말이었다.
과도한 취재 열기는 '화'를 부른다. 때문에 취재진 사이에서도 암묵적인 룰이 존재한다. 연예인이기 이전에 그들 역시 존중 받아야 할 사람이다. 한 리포터의 과욕은 이날 현장에 모인 모든 이들의 눈살을 찌푸리게 만들었다.
해당 사건이 벌어지기 전까지 비의 모습은 비겁함과는 거리가 멀었다. 그는 다부진 눈빛과 절도 있는 경례, 힘찬 각오로 다소 불편할 수 있는 '연예 병사' 논란에 '정면 돌파'를 시도했다.
한편, 이날 전역식 현장에는 약 1000여 명의 취재진과 팬들이 몰려 비의 식지 않은 인기를 실감케 했다. 특히 팬들은 비의 차량이 시야에서 사라질 때까지 뜨거운 환호를 지르며 그의 전역을 반겼다.
전역식을 마친 비는 어머니의 산소로 발걸음을 옮겼다. 최근 큐브엔터테인먼트와 계약을 맺은 그는 잠시 휴식을 취한 뒤 향후 활동 계획에 대해 신중히 생각할 시간을 가질 예정이다.
이금준 기자 music@
사진 정준영 기자 jjy@
< ⓒ아시아경제 & 스투닷컴(이 만드는 온오프라인 연예뉴스
[brief][images] Rain's official Army discharge in our local Atlanta news. (7/10)
The news about Rain being out of the military is practically in every city and small town paper in the U.S.A. I even found it here in our biggest newspaper, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. Well, all right. :)
-- Stephe ^@@^
[10-Jul-2013][Star]The first thing Rain did after his discharge was to visit his mother's grave.
World star Rain visiting his mother's grave inside a Memorial Park in Kyungki-do's Paju city immediately after his discharge on the 10th.
"Mother, your son is here..."
The first thing Rain did immediately after finishing the 21 months of mandatory military duty on the morning of the 10th, was to visit his mother's grave. Many people expected that he would meet his lover 'Kim Tae-Hee', but it was nothing like anyone had expected.
Rain was discharged from the Defense Media Agency located in Seoul's Yongsan-gu at around 8am this day where the scene was full of more than 800 fans and more than 200 reporters waiting for him to see his discharge.
Rain went off after leaving a statement as, "Army sergeant 'Jung Ji-Hoon' has been ordered to be discharged from the army on July 10th. Thank you for coming today. I'll try harder from now on. I always appreciate the support of me, and I'll never stop giving my best effort."
It took only 20 seconds to get into a car arranged for him after leaving the brief statement. He looked stiff without a smile, without waving even at his screaming fans.
It is simply that Rain must have gone through a lot of distress these days as it is a situation where the poor management of entertainment soldiers is at the heart of a controversy.
According to one of his associates he was accompanied by to the grave inside a memorial park in Kyungki-do's Paju city, the first thing he did was to bow deeply to his late mother.
World star Rain visiting his mother's grave inside a Memorial Park in Kyungki-do's Paju city immediately after his discharge on the 10th.
Following, "And then, Rain was standing in silent homage around the grave for about 15~20 minutes, keeping telling himself as if he prayed for her."
Rain is known to be extremely devoted to his mother. He was often seen crying when reminiscing about his late mother even after being a world star, as well as when he was a rookie, through media outlets.
His mother suffered from diabetes, but she died without receiving adequate treatment in 2000 because his family was too poor. He often made a frank confession of this fact .
Since he knows this is when interest in on him locally and abroad, there's no time like the present. Perhaps he expressed his willingness to reestablish his resolve by reminiscing about his memories of her.
"Mother, your son is here, and, my fans, Rain is here."
Singer Rain who has left the army on the 10th with an honorable discharge.
Credit to Star News
English translation by 화니
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