Végtelen erőfeszítés, végtelen kitartás, végtelen szerénység. (Rain vezérelve)

Tudtam, hogy ránézésre nem tűnök valami nagy számnak, a megjelenésem sem túl vonzó, de a bensőm elég rendkívüli. Minden színpadra lépés előtt azt mondom magamnak, hogy én vagyok a legjobb, és minden előadás után ugyanúgy azt, hogy nem én vagyok. Ezért minden fellépés előtt 120 százalékosan kell felkészülnöm, hogy az előadáson 100 százalékos teljesítményt tudjak nyújtani. Ennek érdekében minden álló nap folyamatosan képzem magam. Már nagyon hosszú ideje alváshiányban szenvedek, mert ha éppen nem dolgozom, akkor vagy edzek, vagy a koreográfiákat és a dalokat próbálom. Éppen úgy, mint a filmfelvételek idején, ha valamit nem csináltam jól, képtelen vagyok aludni. Akár színészként, akár énekesként, a legjobbat kell tudnom kihozni magamból. De nem kell aggódni, hogy most nincs elegendő időm az alvásra, jut arra majd bőven a halálom után. (Rain)

Ez a fiatalság, ez az egészség... és a túlcsorduló önbizalom... az erőfeszítés, amit az oly hihetetlen előadásai sikeres megvalósításáért tett... és a tehetség, amit felmutat, ezek töltenek el spontán tisztelettel engem. Azt gondolom, hogy a történelem a fontos személyiségek között fogja jegyezni. Úgy, mint aki színészként és zenészként egyaránt sikeres lett. ...
Ami igazán meglepő Ji-hoonban, az az, hogy egyfajta düh, bosszúvágy és szomorúság, az összes efféle sötét, komor negatív motiváció az ő esetében rendkívül optimista és derűs módon ölt testet.
(Park Chan-wook rendező)

> RAIN KRÓNIKA: 2011.09.25.

««« 2011.09.24.
2011.09.26. »»»





20:37 (KST)

10년 동안에 약120회의 콘서트를 했습니다 와주셨던 모든분들 고맙습니다 오늘 공연도 잘 마무리했습니다 사랑합니다


21:00 (KST)

Replying to @AsiaPrince_JKS
@AsiaPrince_JKS 너 빼고 놀거당~^^

21:03 (KST)

Replying to @kostyle0324
내가 넘 괴롭혔지 미안하고 고마워 마지막까지 달리자!!!!

23:02 (KST)

Replying to @jung_g_o
@MBLAQGO ㅎㅎㅎ 녹음 잘했어?

04:40 (KST)

Replying to @officialse7en
@officialse7en 러뷰^^ ~~~!

Az alábbi blogbejegyzés 2011. október 13-án íródott, és ugyan nem említi a megörökített esemény pontos idejét, de a feltöltött képek a dátumozásuk szerint ezen a napon készültek. A blog szerzője a T-ara női idolcsoport kávézójába ment és közben a Kogi Kogi (Hús Hús) nevű étteremben meglátta Raint a társaival, akik az esti fényekből ítélve a turné zárókoncertje után vacsoráztak ott. Már ha tudtak nyugodtan enni az őket az üvegportálon keresztül fotózó kisebb rohamosztagtól.

sunday morning 
heroyou89 blogja

티아라커피숍으로 유명한 커피전문점 다녀왔어요!

티아라커피숍으로 유명한 커피하우스 페이지원 들어보셨나요?

저도 몇일전에 들어봤는데

이 커피숍이 티아라커피숍으로 불려진다고 해요

그이유를 알아보니까 페이지원 커피숍은

티아라가 주주로 출자한 커피숍이라서 티아라커피숍이라고도 불리운다네요

티아라커피숍이라서 그런지 연예인이 많이온대요!

들어보니까 비나 소녀시대,샤이니 등

다양한 가수들이 온다고 하더라구요~

앞에 고기고기라는 식당이 있는데 이 곳은 소녀시대 회식장소로 유명해서

외국팬들도 많이오고 커피나 와플같은것도 맛있다고 소문이 자자하더라구요~

그래서 저도 친구랑 티아라커피숍에 다녀왔어요!

혹시나 연예인을 보지 않을까 싶어서 친구랑다녀왔어요~ 

가니까 인테리어도 너무 이쁘고 잘되있더라구요~

아근데 사람이 이날 너무 많아서

예감이 좋았어요!!!아 진짜 오늘 연예인이올라나

라는 생각으로 친구랑 기대에 부풀어서 계속 얘기를 하고 있는데

창문쪽에서 사람들이 막 몰리고 사진을 찍는거예요!!!!!!!!!!!!

올것이 왔다 하고 저희도 핸드폰 들고 불이나케

창문쪽으로 붙어서 봤는데


가수 비가..........와있는거예요

진짜 신기신기+ㅇ+

진짜 너무 잘생겼더라고요 키도 크고 완전 제이상형 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

이제 곧 군대간다던데.........아 진짜 너무 멋있어요

아직도 꿈에서 나온다는......하...

진짜 얼굴 조막만하고 키도 크고 어깨도 넓고 안기고싶더라구요

연예인이 왜 연예인인지 알거같네요

사람들이 너무 많아서 사진은 제대로찍지도 못하고


남은 사진이라고는 죄다 사람들의 뒷통수 뿐이라는......ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

그래도 매우만족!!만족!!비를 봤으니 만족합니다!!

진짜 너무 즐거웠어요~~

다음에도 기회되면 티아라커피숍 또 와야겠어요!!!



[24-Sep-11][allkpop]Rain on his upcoming enlistment, his mother, and future plans


Recently, it was announced that Rain would be joining the army on October 11th. The star held a phone interview with Sports DongA to discuss his military enlistment and personal plans.
Check out his Q&A session below:
Q. How are you feeling with enlistment ahead of you?
Rain: “Military service is an obligation for all South Korean men. I will be giving it my all during my time in the army”.
Q. How will you spend your time before your enlistment?
Rain: “Honestly, there’s a mountain of things I have to do. I don’t think I have enough time to even just organize. First, I need to finish the movie, “Emergency: Close to the Sun“. Although filming is done, there is more work to be done. There’s promotions to be scheduled, but I don’t think there’s much time. I’m also preparing a small album as a present for my fans”.
Q. There’s rumors that you will be joining the air force.
Rain: “I’ll be joining the army without any special reasons. I just want a normal military life”.
Q. What would you like to do personally?
Rain: “I will go and give my regards to my mother['s grave]“.
Q. What are your plans after your service?
Rain: “I’m receiving a number of offers from Hollywood. When I am discharged, I will negotiate with Hollywood-related projects I’ve been pushing off”.
Prior to this, Rain wrote through his homepage, “After my debut, I was able to do so many things through everyone’s love, and thanks to everyone, I was able to feel precious sweat and honor, as well as feeling true happiness.” He continued, “To all my fans, thank you for the last 10 years. I will return with a more mature attitude,” and gave his farewell.

Source: Sports Donga via Naver //allkpop


[24-Sep-11][NTN news]The first thing Rain said during his last concert in Seoul was, "I can't seem to color my hair."


Rain scheduled to enter the army upcoming October 11th, expressed his feelings during his last concert at the Gymnastics Stadium in Seoul's Olympic Park at 5:00pm on the 24th.

The prelude to his last concert before his military service was no other than World Star, and never cracked and was dynamite as if he called up his last reserves of strength..

Rain appeared on stage, livening up the mood through his opening song 'Hip Song', the powerfulness of which is very impressive, and sang three consecutive songs. After singing, his face was filled with playfulness, as usual.

He drew big rounds of applause from large audiences when he said, "I've currently toured in several cities, but you are the lowest when you scream." And, he showed great tact in dealing with them, trying to throw them the towel he wiped the sweat off his face with.

When a ballad music played in the background, he attached a meaning of his own to his last concert, saying, "Thank you all for coming to my concert.. This show is different from the old ones."

He said something very significant, "I was going to show you my dyed hair, but I can't seem to color my hair." which stimulated the tear glands of female fans. Then he changed the entire atmosphere soon, saying "Do you know why? Because my hair is so precious." 
But soon he marked the start of the real show with a smiling face, "This show will go by songs. Are you ready?.. I want you to have a wonderful time with me."

At his concert, there were lots of top stars such as actor 'Lee Bum Soo', 'Jung Seok Won' and singer MBLAQ, A Pink and more, including 'Lee Mi Kyung' who is Vice President of CJ E&M.
Before this, Rain brought a news he would enter the army via his homepage. In the message, he said, "I'm not sure which unit I would be in as an active-duty soldier, but the date for when I should enter the army, has been confirmed."

"Without quite realizing it, it’s almost ten years since I debuted..I've been loved by you and seem to have packed a lot into my life..I think I was able to be happy with honors thick upon one in all my sweat and blood." And he made resolutions, "I'll return with a more mature attitude."
Meanwhile, the next day's show will bring him to the end of his schedule. After that, he'll be on the active list, being called into 306 replacement depot in Eujungbu, Kyungki-do region, on October 11th.

Credit to NTN news http://news.nate.com/view/20110924n06370
Edaily http://starin.edaily.co.kr/news/NewsRead.edy?newsid=01252966596383400
English translation by rain bird.


[25-Sep-11][allkpop]Rain holds his final concert in Seoul before enlistment  

[25-Sep-11][allkpop]Rain holds his final concert in Seoul before enlistment


Singer/actor Rain ended his very last concert before his enlistment to the cheers of 10,000 fans.

After debuting in 2002 with “Bad Guy“, Rain raced through 10 years of singing, acting, and even producing. He was active in many different countries, and his global fame even reached Hollywood, thus earning him the title, ‘world star’. All this fame and glory will be put on hold for two years once Rain starts his mandatory military service on October 11th.
Of course, he couldn’t go without holding one last mind-blowing show, and so he went on a nation-wide tour called ‘The Best Show

On September 24th and 25th, Rain held his very last concerts in Seoul, which drew fans not only from all over Korea, but around the world as well. It’s said that fans flew in from countries like China and Japan to bid their favorite star farewell. Additionally, reporters spotted his celebrity friends in the audience, like Lee Bum SooMBLAQ, and A Pink.

Though the concert began 10 minutes, Rain was received with wild screams as the lights began to dim and lasers shot out across the stage to announce his arrival. He kicked off the show with “Hip Song“, and the energy from this performance set the pace for the rest of the night. For 2 hours and 40 minutes, Rain busted out many of his popular hits, such as ”How to Avoid the Sun” and “I Do“. The fans all sang along without hesitation, and they drew out the loudest screams they could when the star demanded, “Make some noise!”.

During the concert, Rain also talked lightheartedly about his upcoming enlistment. “I thank everyone who made it to this concert,” he said. “Today’s show is a little different from my usual shows. I originally wanted to show you my hair dyed in a different color, but I didn’t do it because my hair is precious to me!”

Eventually, all good things come to an end, and Rain concluded the night by singing “Instead of Saying Goodbye“. He promised to return to his fans in two years, and asked that they patiently wait for him.

Source + Image: Star News //allkpop


25.Sep09.11[koreaherald]BI Rain completes last concert tour before military service

Rain on Sunday finished his last nation-wide concert tour ahead of entering military service on Oct. 11.
The last set of concerts, titled “Rain the Best Show,” was held at the Gymnastics Stadium in Olympic Park, Seoul on Saturday and Sunday, each attracting more than 10,000 fans.


Prior to the Seoul concerts, the hallyu star announced on Friday that he will be placed at a military unit in Uijeongbu, Gyeonggi Province, next month, to receive basic training for his 22-month-long mandatory military service. The K-pop entertainer said he does not know where he will be placed after basic training.
Rain, whose real name is Jung Ji-hoon, is considered one of the most successful Korean celebrities both at home and abroad. The 29-year-old has released seven albums and 19 singles since his debut in 2002. He also debuted as an actor in 2003 through a local TV drama series, “Sangdoo! Let’s Go to School!” and also starred in KBS’ hit series shows “Full House” (2004) and “A Love to Kill” (2005).
After acting for his first Korean film, “I’m a Cyborg, But That’s OK” in 2006, Rain gained fame in the United States after appearing in American films “Speed Racer” (2008) and “Ninja Assassin” (2009).
Rain is scheduled to give a free street concert in southern Seoul on Oct. 9. It will be his last public appearance before joining the army.

By Claire Lee (dyc@heraldm.com)

pic source  : (Yonhap News)

source : http://www.koreaherald.com/national/Detail.jsp?newsMLId=20110925000319


24.Sep09.11[Magazine]BI Rain post at “THE KOREA TIMES” Magazine

source : http://photozou.jp/photo/show/585299/100428014


[Eng Trans]110924 Rain tweet_kekeke..

11-09-25 Rain @ twitter


11-09-24 VIPS mention Rain @ twitter

11-09-24 VIPS mention Rain @ twitter

source : vips @ twitter

<빕스가 월드스타 비의 콘서트를 후원합니다> 여기는 월드스타 정지훈씨의 대기실~! 빕스의 광고모델 정지훈씨 힘내시라고 빕스 샐러드바 케이터링 서비스를 딱!!! http://lockerz.com/s/141471437 http://lockerz.com/s/141471451

월드스타 비 콘서트장에 계시는군요~! 빕스가 월드스타 정지훈씨 콘서트 후원으로 티켓가지고 빕스 방문하시면 4인이상 방문 시 1인 샐러드바 무료 맞으며 전매장 사용 가능하세요~! RT @purplearoma: @vipsvips 기다리던오늘!!비 콘서트현장에서발견한 빕스이벤트가있더라구요^^꺄악~ 비콘서트티켓가지고가면샐러드바가1명무료라는데모든매장다가능한가요?콘서트보고친구들이랑빕스가려구요 http://t.co/ByTQLI8J http://t.co/ultxDciu
11-09-24 VIPS mention Rain @ twitter

source : vips @ twitter

<빕스가 월드스타 비의 콘서트를 후원합니다> 여기는 월드스타 정지훈씨의 대기실~! 빕스의 광고모델 정지훈씨 힘내시라고 빕스 샐러드바 케이터링 서비스를 딱!!! http://lockerz.com/s/141471437 http://lockerz.com/s/141471451

월드스타 비 콘서트장에 계시는군요~! 빕스가 월드스타 정지훈씨 콘서트 후원으로 티켓가지고 빕스 방문하시면 4인이상 방문 시 1인 샐러드바 무료 맞으며 전매장 사용 가능하세요~! RT @purplearoma: @vipsvips 기다리던오늘!!비 콘서트현장에서발견한 빕스이벤트가있더라구요^^꺄악~ 비콘서트티켓가지고가면샐러드바가1명무료라는데모든매장다가능한가요?콘서트보고친구들이랑빕스가려구요 http://t.co/ByTQLI8J http://t.co/ultxDciu


11-09-24 Rain Fanclub rice donations

source : http://blog.naver.com/lohas62/150119678575 // cap by ratoka


24.Sep09.11[naver]BI Rain THE BEST SHOW Seoul ' offers 3.61 tons of rice

가수 비 다국적팬덤, 가수 비 콘서트 'RAIN THE BEST SHOW' 응원 드리미 쌀화환 3.61톤9월 24일과 25일 서울 올림픽공원 체조경기장에서 열리는 가수 비의 콘서트에 가수 비의 다국적팬들이 콘서트 응원 드리미 쌀화환 3.61톤을 보내왔다. 가수 비 콘서트 응원 드리미 쌀화환은 공식팬카페 '구름', 비 팬카페 '비나무', DC 비갤러리와 중국 일본 홍콩 등 해외팬들이 참여했고 50여 개 총 3.61톤이 들어왔다. 드리미 쌀은 콘서트가 끝난 후 가수 비가 지정하는 결식아동 등 어려운 이웃에게 사랑의 쌀로 기부된다. 콘서트 공연장에 배달된 쌀드리미화환의 쌀은 전량 모형쌀이고, 실물쌀은 비가 지정하는 기부처에 갓도정한 쌀로 직접 전달된다. 가수 비의 국내외팬덤은 비의 드라마 제작발표회와 콘서트에 드리미 쌀화환을 지속적으로 보내와 사랑의 쌀을 기부했었다.  

 képek hiányoznak

가수 비(정지훈) 콘서트 응원 쌀드리미화환 진행 : 드리미 www.dreame.co.kr1544-8489

source :  http://blog.naver.com/lohas62/150119678575


110924 Rain The Best Show in Seoul

 credit : rainist


24.Sep09.11[pic]BI Rain The Best Show in Seoul

오늘 직찍 몇장 올립니다 :) 110924 Rain The Best Show in Seoul pic by.rainist

다들 안녕히 주무시고 낼 공연두 화이팅입니다 :) 110924 Rain The Best Show in Seoul pic by.rainist

credit : as tagged : source ; up


24.Sep09.11[twitter][ENgtrans]BI Rain twitter 24.09.2011

ENgtrans by rain bird

caps by wawalalal


[pic]110924 The Best Show Teddy Bears

credit rainstorm


[Pic]11-09-25 Rain The Best Show in Seoul

credit : twitter


[Pic] 11-09-25 Rain with alexander @ The Best Show in Seoul

source @alexander_0729 @ twitter


Took a photo w/ Rain 선배님 @29rain~ He is HUGE... I look like a puppy next to him... Rowf~♪ ⊙v⊙ TTYL! Show begins! ^-^)b

RAIN 선배님's ″The BEST SHOW″ concert!!! \(ㅠ▽ㅠ)/ His final BEST show before enlisting military service!! so excited.... [Fan mode: ON + TURBO]

Well... Never thought that I could see him today... was so sudden that I felt sooo nervous standing next to him... (=v=;) LOL~


110925 god Joon Park mention Rain @ twitter


[Pic]11-09-25 2pm Junho and Wooyoung went to Rain The Best Show concert

source : http://yfrog.com/hslhhmoj


25.Sep09.11[pic]2PM & Wooyoung at Rain The Best Show concert today


25.Sep09.11[pic]@29rain 110924/25 Rain THE BEST SHOW Seoul (GOODS)


[Pic]11-09-24 &25 Rain "The Best Show" in Seoul - Photo Set

credit as tagged//raincloudhk


1-09-25 Kim sun Ah with Rain & Dancers @ The Best Show in Seoul

[pic]11-09-25 Kim sun Ah with Rain & Dancers @ The Best Show in Seoul

From twitter


[pic]11-09-25 Rain with Dancers @ The Best Show in Seoul

credit 29rain @ twitter


25.Sep09.11[twitter]BI Rain tweet pic from "the best show Seoul" last concert

10년 동안에 약120회의 콘서트를 했습니다 와주셨던 모든분들 고맙습니다 오늘 공연도 잘 마무리했습니다 사랑합니다

source : @29rain twitter : http://twitpic.com/6qeagl


[Pic]11-09-25 Rain with Randy Noh @ The Best Show in Seoul  

source : http://yfrog.com/meu1zyj
showdirectorceo @ twiter
가장 Best Cut! 드디어 내가 커보이는거 하나 건졌다!!! ㅋㅋㅋ yfrog.com/meu1zyj


25.Sep09.11[pic]BI Rain & Randy Noh at the best show Seoul tweet by Randy Noh

가장 Best Cut! 드디어 내가 커보이는거 하나 건졌다!!! ㅋㅋㅋ http://yfrog.com/meu1zyj

közös kép

and with shoot from the last concert "the best show "Seoul 25.09.2011 T_T


마지막이 아닌 2년간 잠시 쉬는건 더 많은 발전을 위한 모두에게 충전의 시간이 되길...오늘의 무대 BEST

http://yfrog.com/klpu1jhj http://yfrog.com/mnja5xj

and : @ 120회중에 나랑 반 이상을 했구나...63회! ㅋㅋㅋ from Randy ^^

by @
Randy Noh : http://yfrog.com/meu1zyj , http://yfrog.com/klpu1jhj ,


[Pic]11-09-25 Rain with A PINK @ The Best Show in Seoul 

source :

noniboy23 @ twitter

오늘부터 10여년간 비와함께한 비공개 사진 대방출 예정~ 신구의만남부터~ 지훈아 복무중에 꼭 필요할거야 ^^



25.Sep09.11[pic]BI Rain & A PINK By Ronnie Yang 


25.Sep09.11[pic]BI Rain & SNSD By Ronnie Yang

RT 오늘부터 10여년간 비와함께한 비공개 사진 대방출 예정~ 신구의만남부터~ 지훈아 복무중에 꼭 필요할거야 ^^ http://yfrog.com/g03igwj

by @noniboy23 Ronnie Yang 
: http://yfrog.com/g03igwj

: 전반전 종료~ “@29rain: 10년 동안에 약120회의 콘서트를 했습니다 와주셨던 모든분들 고맙습니다 오

늘 공연도 잘 마무리했습니다 사랑합니다 http://twitpic.com/6qeagl” from Ronnie Yang  to @29rain 


[Pic]11-09-25 Rain The Best Show in Seoul_2

credit rainist


[Vid]11-09-25 TV Daily - Rain The Best Show in Seoul

credit : ratoka @ YT



11-09-25 MBC - Section TV_Talk about Rain

credit : ratoka



24.Sep09.11[video][10 Fancam]BI Rain The Best Show in Seoul(서울) 24.09.2011

1.태양을 피하는 방법




5.Only you

6.Hip song

7.난 또 니가 좋은거야

8.아쉬운 빈공간


10.Love story


by rainist327


24.Sep09.11[video][2 Fancam]BI Rain "the best show" Seoul by bimyman 

in my bed


only you


credit as tagged 



24.Sep09.11[video][2 Fancam]BI RAIN "THE BEST SHOW" Seoul Encore with MBLAQ 

Encore with MBLAQ


Encore - Good Bye


by amekame555



24.Sep09.11[video]BI Rain THE BEST SHOW Seoul _Hip song 



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