Végtelen erőfeszítés, végtelen kitartás, végtelen szerénység. (Rain vezérelve)

Tudtam, hogy ránézésre nem tűnök valami nagy számnak, a megjelenésem sem túl vonzó, de a bensőm elég rendkívüli. Minden színpadra lépés előtt azt mondom magamnak, hogy én vagyok a legjobb, és minden előadás után ugyanúgy azt, hogy nem én vagyok. Ezért minden fellépés előtt 120 százalékosan kell felkészülnöm, hogy az előadáson 100 százalékos teljesítményt tudjak nyújtani. Ennek érdekében minden álló nap folyamatosan képzem magam. Már nagyon hosszú ideje alváshiányban szenvedek, mert ha éppen nem dolgozom, akkor vagy edzek, vagy a koreográfiákat és a dalokat próbálom. Éppen úgy, mint a filmfelvételek idején, ha valamit nem csináltam jól, képtelen vagyok aludni. Akár színészként, akár énekesként, a legjobbat kell tudnom kihozni magamból. De nem kell aggódni, hogy most nincs elegendő időm az alvásra, jut arra majd bőven a halálom után. (Rain)

Ez a fiatalság, ez az egészség... és a túlcsorduló önbizalom... az erőfeszítés, amit az oly hihetetlen előadásai sikeres megvalósításáért tett... és a tehetség, amit felmutat, ezek töltenek el spontán tisztelettel engem. Azt gondolom, hogy a történelem a fontos személyiségek között fogja jegyezni. Úgy, mint aki színészként és zenészként egyaránt sikeres lett. ...
Ami igazán meglepő Ji-hoonban, az az, hogy egyfajta düh, bosszúvágy és szomorúság, az összes efféle sötét, komor negatív motiváció az ő esetében rendkívül optimista és derűs módon ölt testet.
(Park Chan-wook rendező)

> RAIN KRÓNIKA: 2011.01.05.


[05-Jan-11][allkpop]Who are the most expensive CF stars?


On January 5th, TV Report released the data results they’ve compiled from various advertisement and model contracting companies in order to find the most expensive celebrity figures of 2011.

The data they’ve published were updated as of January 2011, and consists of appearance and contract fees paid to singers for year-long contracts.

So who are the most expensive CF stars?

According to the results, Rain and Big Bang were classified under ‘Special A Class’ in the industry, and are both worth $1 million to $1.5 million USD.

2PM, SNSD, Lee Hyori, and 2NE1 were placed in the $800,000 to $900,000 USD sector, while BoA followed at $700,000 to $800,000 USD.

Lee Seung Gi, Kim Hyun Joong, Jay Park, Super Junior, JYJ, Son Dambi, and the Wonder Girls placed at $500,000 to $600,000 USD.
2AM, CNBLUE, KARA, 4minute, MBLAQ, and After School (excluding UEE) are worth a minimum of $400,000 USD.  After School’s UEE exceeds that amount.

IU, FT Island, Seo In Young, and SECRET were revealed to have been in discussion for $200,000 to $300,000 USD.
Of course, the true worth of a star cannot be determined by numbers, but the numbers give better insight into the commercial aspect of the stars.

Source + Photos: TV Report via Daum //allkpop


[Eng trans]What Rain said after he bowed to fans at the very end in the 2nd concert.

- During his 2010 with Rain' on December 31st, 2010 -


Actually, I think today is the best day of my life.

First of all... all I have done is work, but this year has probably made me realize the things I didn't know about the real world.

Particularly, 'In Soony', my big senior, has graced the occasion with her presence today.

Thank 'In Soony', a much loved and highly respected singer, so much for taking time out of her busy schedule to attend my show, in particular on the last day of the year 2010.

And..many of you here today..

I love you!

vid credit DC // RE-up ratoka @ youtube
English translation by rain bird.


[pic]10-12-31 Rain-Adieu 2010 concert


너무 이쁘당
홍선수 딸이랑 같이 찍었던데
역시 여기서 물씬 느껴지는 비느의 딸사랑
딸바보 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

+ 이건 콘썰짤에 적혀있던 글
콘서트 시작 10분전.
넘 정신 없을까봐, 우린 사실 분장실을 갈려고 하지 않았다.
매니저분이 아니라구, 보고가시라구 했다구 안내해준 대기실.
넘 긴장 되고 정신없을ten데. 화리를 보자마자, 오락~~끌어 안아올리며, "우리 !화리 왔구나!!"를 기여이, 해주신..화리의 비오빠.

+이건 짜장면집에서 ㅋㅋ
이번 겨울 서울 생활은, 너의 배려로,넘 맛난거 많이 먹고, 재미있었어.
화리가 짜장면 먹겠다고 하자, 구여히,,, 맛난 짜장면 집까지 직접 찾아가 사주신 멋찐 비오빠~~
화린 좋겠당.
몸이 열개라도 모자랄 시기에, 우리에게 따뜻하구 큰 배려...

source : http://gall.dcinside.com/list.php?id=rain&no=288759&page=1&bbs=


[Fan Account] 10-12-31 Adieu 2010 with Rain

This is a very personal impression and I just want to share it with all those who, like me, are concerned with the
recent news.  I hope this account will give you strength, as I feel our prince has given me so much strength in his 5 hours performance.  Thank you for the various fan cams which helped me to re-capture the details, re-live the
magical moments and feelings again and again. Photos credit was as tagged.  I apologize if I miss out any credits as I could not find out the sources.

Song list and run down:

I am coming
Touch ya
Not a single day (1st show our prince took off his white shirt and tie.  2nd show he had his shirt and tie on)
How to avoid the sun (Our prince put on a fur collared leather jacket)
Only you
I like you again

(Camera followed our prince to his changing room)
I do
My girl
Love is
With you (Our prince had his black, long furry vest on)
Fresh woman
Hip song
Don’t stop
Love story

Love song
It’s raining

Encore songs: (Short video speech by our prince)
Bad guy
Instead of saying goodbye

There were two interval dances with laser effects, but I could not remember when they appeared.

Black, shiny, leather like jacket with white shirt and black tie, but with camouflage pants and boots. Rebellious,

challenging, our prince filled me with expectations as he stood on the stage.   And his soft, fluffy gold hair! (Too
bad he had to appear at the JYPE Nation concert which revealed his new hair style, otherwise the impact would
have been even greater!)  He was tall and lean, his  jaw lines even more angular and masculine but the fluffy hair gave him such a child like look.  The sensation I had with our prince throughout the show was that he seemed to
be charged with millions watts of energy and he spared none, discharging himself totally, passionately into his
songs and his dances.  He had re-choreographed some dances, he created a very cool and sensational “One”.
His dances were wild, erotic and powerful.  His vocal was rich and strong.  Once he was on stage, he was the
best and he was truly the King of the Stage. His intensity electrified the whole floor.  There were many photos
capturing these qualities. I had chosen a few but they could never describe properly the sensation 

1-5. kép

What killed me most however were his innocent, cute and lovely smiles.  They were so genuinely happy and
sincere smiles that they melted my heart.  He was full of emotion as he sang “Not A Single Day”, “Love Song” or
other ballads, but every now and then he would give us his sweet, charming and sometimes mischievous
grins.  He could be 29, he could be 40, but time could never take away the beauty of a child deep in him.  Here are a few: 

6-10. kép

I had to say something about our prince’s hair style.  He himself seemed quite conscious about it, deliberately or
otherwise.  He often used both hands to fluff it, and asked many times if we liked his hairdo.  I liked it
tremendously.  To me, it’s the hair of the Lion King, and it’s the hair of Cupid Angel.  And our prince was so
naturally BOTH.  You loved the masculine king in him and you loved even more the innocent angel in him.  As
he strode back and forth the stage with his soft, fluffy hair bouncing along (I nicknamed it puppy hair), he seemed such a kid to me  - a confident, happy kid walking proudly in front of his family members, enjoying their applause because he had done so well to deserve their praise.  Yes, I liked your hair, prince! 

11-14. kép

After “I Like You Again” the camera followed our prince back stage.  Here I couldn’t help smiling again seeing our prince being changed, like a 3 year old.  He put out his hand as a grey tee was pulled over him.  He then told the camera man he had to change his pants and pulled the camera away.  When he came back to the stage the whole floor laughed.  Our prince, noting that, challenged us that it was great fashion (my interpretation), and he made his point loud and clear!  

15-18. kép

Our prince read a letter.  It was from a man asking help to declare love to his girl friend, so our prince invited the couple to get on stage.  As usual, the couple had to kiss each other whenever our prince sang the words “I Do”.   It was quite clear that the two women were fascinated by our prince.  In the second show, our prince playfully tried to stick his face between the couple as he sang the words “I Do”, and he got quickly kissed by the woman on his cheek.  Who wouldn’t take this opportunity of their lives to do so?  Our prince was slightly embarrassed and he mumbled something to the man.  He spoke quite a lot during the shows (compared to other concerts, too bad I couldn’t understand much), and he often sent us screaming and laughing with his cute and lovable gestures. 

19-22. kép

There were a lot of fan cams on “My Girl”, especially on the second show.   I had such mixed feelings as I watched and I cried.  It was sweet, it was warm and touching, but I also felt slightly sad, especially when our prince asked, albeit jokingly, if it was OK that he got married.

How blessed could you feel when you had our prince as your dance instructor? He taught us some moves and invited us as his chorus for “With You”.   I was hypnotized, following him as he said “right, left, right 2 times..”  My eyes were too glued to our prince I could hardly differentiate which was my right and which was my left hand, and I kept hitting my neighbor.  There were many interactions between prince and fans.  He covered all areas of the stage to let as many of us as possible to have a good view of him.  He even stood on the edges on the second level to let fans touch his hands.  He asked fans on the second and third levels to leave their seats, but bowing and asking “mothers” and seniors to remain seated.  He checked our age groups again, beaming with joy to see so many young fans and bowing respectfully calling the more mature fans “mothers”.  Fan service? I didn’t feel that way.  He had always treated us as his family.  We are a wild gang, Santoki!

23-24. kép

I watched “Love Story” live many times, and it never failed to touch me deeply.   But I had a new sensation this time.  Towards the end of the song our prince was surrounded by white smoke with air blowing.   Sounded like “Familiar Face”?  No, it gave me a totally different feeling and image.  He raised one hand, his fluffy air all blown up, he was like an angel rising to the sky, even though he was disappearing down the stage.  It was so symbolic and it was poetry to me. 

25-26. kép

Another symbolic image to me was when our prince finished singing his passionate, signature rain pouring scene “Nan”.  He stood with his back towards us, we were watching him, he turned and a leather jacket hung down slowly from the ceiling.  It was right in the centre of the stage, the same leather jacket that our prince wore when he performed at the Asia Games Closing Ceremony.   He put it on and performed “Rainism”.  I felt so proud, I felt the pride and I felt the meaning.  I felt it even more when he took it off and performed “It’s Raining”.  I felt it, dear Prince.  You are not the hungry, starving tiger anymore.  You have already transformed yourself to a beautiful, magnificent King of the stage, but you maintained your purest heart of an angel deep within.  You will rise above all those who try to bring you down, and you will triumph at the end. 

27-29. kép     


I could feel our prince was satisfied with his shows, and for a demanding person like him this meant he must have put in more than 120% effort.   I enjoyed watching him feeling good and proud, and I smiled looking at these photos again.  I felt great and proud of our prince too.   

30-32. kép

Baegka appeared at the end of the second show and performed “Instead of Saying Goodbye” together with our prince.  Great show, great friends, great audience, and our prince did not want the party to end.  He bowed a couple of times, but afterwards he pushed his dancers to perform again.  He was clearly quite surprised when the music stopped.  He turned back to check and saw the big screen showing messages from fans all over the world.  He gestured everyone to sit down on the stage and watched quietly.  This was probably the only part of the show not planned by him, and it brought out the greatest personality and beauty of our prince.  After watching the clip, he gave the humblest, highest, most respectful bows to the four sides of his fans.  No words could describe how touched I was at that moment and tears ran down my cheeks uncontrollably.  Again, dear prince, I felt it all, and I am truly grateful for all you do for your fans.  You have brought so much happiness into our lives so please allow me to pay the highest tribute to you too, in my heart.

33-34. kép  

Bidding adieu to 2010 and ushering in 2011 together with our prince had very special meaning to him and to us fans.  I could understand how our prince looks forward to saying goodbye to his 29, and welcoming his 30.   Dear Jihoon, thank you for giving us such wonderful times.  We all grow a year older, and hopefully wiser.  And I know, because you have told us, that you will rise above all difficulties or uncertainties.  Your clouds will be with you, always!

Our prince telling us he was anxiously waiting for 2011:

35-38. kép


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