Végtelen erőfeszítés, végtelen kitartás, végtelen szerénység. (Rain vezérelve)

Tudtam, hogy ránézésre nem tűnök valami nagy számnak, a megjelenésem sem túl vonzó, de a bensőm elég rendkívüli. Minden színpadra lépés előtt azt mondom magamnak, hogy én vagyok a legjobb, és minden előadás után ugyanúgy azt, hogy nem én vagyok. Ezért minden fellépés előtt 120 százalékosan kell felkészülnöm, hogy az előadáson 100 százalékos teljesítményt tudjak nyújtani. Ennek érdekében minden álló nap folyamatosan képzem magam. Már nagyon hosszú ideje alváshiányban szenvedek, mert ha éppen nem dolgozom, akkor vagy edzek, vagy a koreográfiákat és a dalokat próbálom. Éppen úgy, mint a filmfelvételek idején, ha valamit nem csináltam jól, képtelen vagyok aludni. Akár színészként, akár énekesként, a legjobbat kell tudnom kihozni magamból. De nem kell aggódni, hogy most nincs elegendő időm az alvásra, jut arra majd bőven a halálom után. (Rain)

Ez a fiatalság, ez az egészség... és a túlcsorduló önbizalom... az erőfeszítés, amit az oly hihetetlen előadásai sikeres megvalósításáért tett... és a tehetség, amit felmutat, ezek töltenek el spontán tisztelettel engem. Azt gondolom, hogy a történelem a fontos személyiségek között fogja jegyezni. Úgy, mint aki színészként és zenészként egyaránt sikeres lett. ...
Ami igazán meglepő Ji-hoonban, az az, hogy egyfajta düh, bosszúvágy és szomorúság, az összes efféle sötét, komor negatív motiváció az ő esetében rendkívül optimista és derűs módon ölt testet.
(Park Chan-wook rendező)

> RAIN KRÓNIKA: 2011.02.12.


update [Eng trans] Rain's post and picture on Twitter on 11/02/2011

[Eng trans] Rain's post and picture on Twitter on 11/02/2011


[Fan acct] Rain 62nd Sapporo K-pop Festival on 11/02/2011

source: http://gall.dcinside.com/list.php?id=rain&no=292144&page=1&bbs=


마지막은 레인!
레인을 보는것은 처음인지라 굉장히 기대하고 있었다
작년에 삿뽀로 젭투어에 왔을때에는“의자가 없어서”안간거고~...(땀)

오늘의 객석은 9할이 비씨를 보러온것이 아닌가라고 느껴질만큼
무대에 등장했을때의 환성이 대단했다.

어디까지나 자선공연,게다가 몇곡밖에 안부르기때문에
그에게는 부족한 무대가 아닐까? 라고 생각했지만
삿뽀로에 정말로 잘 와주셨습니다

줄곧 썬글라스를 끼고있었지만 도중에 짧은시간이나마 썬글라스를 벗고
귀여운 눈을 보여주었다
너무나 멋있었지만 썬글라스를 벗은 초롱초롱한 눈망울은 포근한 느낌이 들었다

몇곡인가 부른후에 일본말로
“혼또우니 아이시떼루요~”라고 객석을 향해 말한것이 너무나 의외여서 깜짝 놀랐다

비는 삿뽀로에서 라면을 먹었나보다
웬지 쿨(Cool)하면서도 귀여운 사람이구나~라고 생각했다

노래를 부를때의 댄스는 특히 강렬한 파워로 멋있었다
그 중에서도 이름은 머르겠지만 키가 점점 작아지는 댄스(웃슴) 는 압권이었다
역시 “세계적인 비” 이군요

비는 지금 영화를 찍고있는중이며 파일롯을 연기하고 있다고 했다
또한 콘서트를 하고싶다고도 했지만 병역에 관한 언급은 없었다
입대가 얼마남지 않았다고 들었는데 내가 잘못알고 있는걸까??

무대를 뒤로하고 들어갈때는 “아리가또우 고쟈(원래는 [사]에 가까운 [자] ざ랑 じゃ의 구별이 쫌 어려워ㅋㅋㅋ)이마시따”
라며 순식간에 사라진 비

라스트의 전원집합때도 그는 나타나지않았다
또 라면을 먹으러 간 것일까?
오늘밤은 천천히 맛있는 것을 먹고 가길 바란다

비느 부분만 번역해봤어
쬐끔 어설픈 번역이지만 이해바람^*^

삿뽀로 유끼 마츠리로 검색해서 찿은 블로그에 후기가 있기에 퍼왔어
이 분은 삿뽀로에 사는 일반 한류팬인듯

 소스 →http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/mimahyun/53425230.html


[12-Feb-11][Newsen] Rain turns into a charismatic gentleman who is dressed in all black.


Rain released a new picture which presents his dancer and him together via Twitter on the afternoon of February 11th. The picture shows Rain making a boast of his hunk appeal by wearing black suit with black sunglasses.

In addition to the picture, Rain posted a comment, "Without these men...and I can at last put pictures up on Twitter."

This means that he shows his appreciation of his back dancers' help during his concert and at the same time the mere fact that 'he who was a computer illiterate can now put pictures up on Twitter himself' makes him feel glorious. 
His fans showed an enthusiastic response to the post, "You should be dressed in all black to be recognized as a real man!" "He looks cooler than any other man." " In terms of height and sexy figure, he is second to nobody."

Credit to Newsen http://news.nate.com/view/20110212n03100
Brief translation by rain bird.


(update) Rain 62nd Sapporo K-pop Festival pic

11-02-11 Rain 62nd Sapporo K-pop Festival pic

source:nate news


[12-Feb-11][Yonhap news]Rain's performance melts Sapporo's snow festival.


-Focused on Rain-

Intermittent snow storms didn't preclude the crowd from not giving K-Pop stars an enthusiastic response.

People in their 10s~50s were bubbling over with excitement and stamping their feet, holding all sort of luminous sticks in their hands to support their own favorite stars in front of 'Sapporo Art & Culture Hall' near Odori Park where the 62nd Sapporo Snow & K-Pop Festival was held last 11th.

There were rows of giant sculptures out of snow and ice in the park, but they didn't seem to attract the people's attention.

More than 2,400 audiences sang and danced to the music, waving their luminous sticks whenever Rain, Sung Si Kyung, female group 'Orange Caramel, and male group 'Tin Top' appeared on stage.

It was definitely Rain who was most widely applauded.

The audiences sprang to their feet as soon as Rainism music played in the background. When Rain was dancing to the music with his 6 dancers by performing temperate movement, roars of cheers came from the stands here and there, "'Ji Hoon' oppa (Rain), I love you!" "He is so cool !"

Rain greeted them, "This is the third time I have been here Sapporo for my concert" "I've come to willingly participate in this event even in the midst of filming because this is a clear example of helping children in Asia."

Even after the concert ended after he sang 6 songs including 'Hip Song', 'Love Song', etc, a loud sound kept buzzing across the place, "Encore!"

Gatorie (31) who is an ordinary housewife and a fan of Rain said, "Rain's music is very addictive and turns me on like crazy." "K-Pop is active and dynamic unlike J-Pop." "Hope that this kind of charity event which includes popular singers and new singers will often happen."

This event was co-hosted by Korea's Culture Industry Foundation (KOFICE) and Japan's Sapporo Tourism Asociation (NPO), and sponsored by the Minister of Culture and the Korean National Tourism Organization.

The funds raised from the performance will be donated to MDGS (Millennium Development Goals) to be used for needy children in Asia.

Brief translation by rain bird.


[12-Feb-11][allkpop]Rain discusses current feelings and future plans


After the ‘62nd Sapporo Snow-K-pop Festival’ finished on February 11th, Rain said, “Stages like today are very fun and feel precious to me.”After playing ‘Rock Paper Scissors’ with his dancers at dinnertime and downing cool beers as punishment, he said, “My heart has become very light after the New Year,“ regarding last year’s ‘company’s stock dine-and-dash’, as well as ‘gambling accusations’ and other various rumors he went through.

2011 marks his 10th year since his debut and he has also entered his thirties in Korean age.

He laid out busy future plans, saying that he wanted to give his newly thirties self some slack, but meanwhile still wanted to fight as an Asian actor in America after military duties.

Rain was also interviewed at the concert, and you can read that below!

Q. “You must have gone through a lot of suffering with many rumors last year.”

Rain: “A person always has specific hardships he/she has to go through. Only the ones who work through all that can become happy. I can endure these kinds of hardships as the plan I have inside is vast.”

Q. “This is the 10th year after your debut in 2002. What kind of challenges have you made?”

Rain: “From one to ten, they were all challenges. If the whole picture is 100, I succeeded about 70 and missed 30. My first dream was taking the #1 spot on a TV music program. Luckily, when I looked back, I had gained a lot of things. As a singer, I accomplished a grand slam in MTV Awards, and I was chosen for America’s ‘Time 100’. Also, as an actor, I’d gotten an award from American ‘MTV Movie Awards’ with my first lead in a Hollywood movie in ‘Ninja Assassin’, and another award from the Berlin International Movie Awards with the movie ‘I’m a Cyborg, but that’s OK’ that I had appeared in. If my twenties were a time I whipped myself on with no sleep, I want to give myself some breathing space in my thirties after my military duties.”

Q. “It looks like Park Jin Young’s JYP Entertainment has become the biggest stock owner of your J.Tune Entertainment, and making you allies again in a way. What’s behind this?”

Rain: “We had just kept the promise between the two of us. We sometimes had talks about achieving our individual dreams and agreeing to do something that would create synergy. I respect Jin Young hyung because of his recognizing of me, a former student of his, as a partner. It’s still hard for me to approve of MBLAQ, who I myself produce for, so there’s still a lot of things I need to learn when I look at him.”

Q. “You’re entering the army around fall.”

Rain: “Before I go into the military, I want to study. I restarted my English and Chinese studies, and I’ll learn how to play the guitar. Of course, I have some regrets. It’s because I’ll be leaving a gap after finally being able to flower in the American market after five years since I started in 2006, when I’d try in America for the first time. Right now, I have two Hollywood movie offers, and I’m sad I won’t be able to do them.”

Q. “What are your plans after getting out of the military?”

Rain: “After finishing my duties, I’m planning to throw myself into the American market. I want to really challenge as an Asian/Korean actor as I reside in America. Recently, there was news of Asian-descent group ‘Far East Movement’ recording 1st place in the Billboard charts, but the possibility of an Asian singer succeeding in America is very low. However, if there’s a famous movie producing company and distributors backing me up, I think it’s possible to try as an actor.”

Q. “What do you think about the idol groups leading the music market these days?”

Rain: “I wonder if I was ‘really an idol’ 10 years back. Haha. People who dance better than me and are hotter than me keep coming out. And people like freshness, so they’ll switch teams often. This is why I like the phrase, ‘Become a person that cannot be replaced’. I want to say to my juniors that if they want to just look back on memories in the future, to just enjoy, and if they think this is a lifelong job, to study.”

Q. “You must feel proud of the K-pop boom in Asia, as one of the pioneers of foreign advancement.”

Rain: “I think now Hallyu’s bubbles are all going out and it’s starting to make its own firm standing. It’s such a thankful and great thing to be able to compete with music in the Asian area. Now K-pop singers have to take care of themselves and keep that flow going steadily.”

Q. “You’re appearing in movie ‘Red Muffler’ (fictional name).”

Rain: “It’s a fictional scenario about a war breaking out in Korea, and I’m appearing as a cool combat plane pilot. I’m practicing riding on combat planes. We’re going into filming at the end of this month.”

Q. “If you’re to imagine a middle-aged Rain?”

Rain: “I want to dance while wearing a tuxedo on a TV program after I age a lot.”

Source: Yeonhap News via Daum //allkpop


[Fancam] 110210 Rain @ chitose airport (Sapparo)

credit : mizorain @ YT



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