Végtelen erőfeszítés, végtelen kitartás, végtelen szerénység. (Rain vezérelve)

Tudtam, hogy ránézésre nem tűnök valami nagy számnak, a megjelenésem sem túl vonzó, de a bensőm elég rendkívüli. Minden színpadra lépés előtt azt mondom magamnak, hogy én vagyok a legjobb, és minden előadás után ugyanúgy azt, hogy nem én vagyok. Ezért minden fellépés előtt 120 százalékosan kell felkészülnöm, hogy az előadáson 100 százalékos teljesítményt tudjak nyújtani. Ennek érdekében minden álló nap folyamatosan képzem magam. Már nagyon hosszú ideje alváshiányban szenvedek, mert ha éppen nem dolgozom, akkor vagy edzek, vagy a koreográfiákat és a dalokat próbálom. Éppen úgy, mint a filmfelvételek idején, ha valamit nem csináltam jól, képtelen vagyok aludni. Akár színészként, akár énekesként, a legjobbat kell tudnom kihozni magamból. De nem kell aggódni, hogy most nincs elegendő időm az alvásra, jut arra majd bőven a halálom után. (Rain)

Ez a fiatalság, ez az egészség... és a túlcsorduló önbizalom... az erőfeszítés, amit az oly hihetetlen előadásai sikeres megvalósításáért tett... és a tehetség, amit felmutat, ezek töltenek el spontán tisztelettel engem. Azt gondolom, hogy a történelem a fontos személyiségek között fogja jegyezni. Úgy, mint aki színészként és zenészként egyaránt sikeres lett. ...
Ami igazán meglepő Ji-hoonban, az az, hogy egyfajta düh, bosszúvágy és szomorúság, az összes efféle sötét, komor negatív motiváció az ő esetében rendkívül optimista és derűs módon ölt testet.
(Park Chan-wook rendező)

> RAIN KRÓNIKA: 2011.01.26.


20:04 (KST) or 11:04 (UK)

드뎌 알집에서 벗어났다 !!!! 나 이제 사진 올릴수있는 남자~ 푸하하
[I'm free from eggshells!!! I'm a guy who can upload pictures.]


20:29 (KST) or 12:29 (UK)

@j_tallman ㅋㅋ 이것두 겨우 2년만에 적응했어여 ㅠ ㅜ
[@j_tallman ㅋ I got used to this after only 2 years ㅠ ㅜ]


20:47 (KST) or 11:47 (UK)

@gori7911 형 모해요?? 이때쯤 나 보고싶어야되는데 다들~ 글고 투어를 위해서 몸 관리좀하시길~
[@gori7911 Are you hyung?? You should miss me at this point, but everyone~ Please take care of yourself for the tour.]


21:29 (KST) or 12:29 (UK)

@j_tallman  그르까!! HD 로다가


Nam yong Park @NYPark79 Jan 26, 2011 20:57

Replying to @29rain

@29rain @gori7911 그 사람들 매일매일 갖가지 주류들과 엄청난 연습하고 있다... 근대 넌 뭐하냐???

@hongshi_jabha Jan 26, 2011 21:11

Replying to @NYPark79

@NYPark79 형 오른쪽 얼굴 화상입엇어여? 왜 가리고 잇어여???ㅋㅋㅋ

21:31 (KST) or 11:31 (UK)
Replying to @hongshi_jabha

@hongshi8083 형 역시 넘 웃겨!! 병원어댜 맛난거 사들고갈게
[@hongshi8083 hyung is so funny too!! I'll buy something delicious from the hospital]


21:32 (KST) or 11:32 (UK)

Replying to @NYPark79

@NYPark79 난 충전중 ... 좀 쉽시다 10년만인데~~
[@NYPark79 I'm charging... it's been a bit easy, it's been 10 years~~]


JY Park Jan 25, 2011 21:13

Happy b-day Junho bro! Excited to know that another year of experience and maturity will make u a better man and an artist. from Jin man :)

22:12 (KST) or 13:12 (UK)

Replying to @followjyp

@followjyp 형 !! 형이 먹는 영양제 다시한번만 갈켜주세여 요즘 연습하는데 힘이 안붙어여 ㅠ
[@followjyp hyung! Please give me the nutritional supplements you take again. I've been practicing lately, but I can't get enough energy.]


@RunJungjin (Lee Jung-jin actor)
21:44 (KST)

Replying to @29rain
@29rain 놀때운동좀하쥐~~~ 니 선물은 언제찾아갈꺼냐 ㅋㅋ 일본서 와있다 http://yfrog.com/h7svuzjj http://yfrog.com/h0uc3hj



(3)Fancam - Rain @ MCM event in london on 25/01/2011

credit : stifni @ YT




11-01-25 Rain @ MCM event in london

source:MCMtweets's +ohkpop twitter

[ohkpop twitter]

- He came out of a white limo and was already at the door, but walked over towards the line to say hi. All that, despite the rain.

- My sis held on to him when he walked out and smiled. When she asked for a hug, he nodded but security told us to keep moving. ><

- Funniest thing of the event, it rained when RAIN actually came in. Ironic, isn't it? Haha.

- Were already in line to purchase the wallet when they announced there's only five minutes left to buy. So we gave up and waited for him.

- Sad to say, didn't get to have the photo/sign with him because of the queue. But we did see him upclose and personal! Updates later!

- Woohoo! Just got home from Rain's MCM Event in London. I must say, that chap knows how to please his fans. I can die happy now. :)

[MCMtweets's twitter]

- Rain is here signing away

- rain went into the crowd to greet the fans

- I can see a limousine.

- Rain is almost here

- Newsflash: Rain will be signing all #mcm merch, not just backpacks. He is very eager to meet his uk fans!!

- There is already a queue outside!

- I am at the #mcm store london and we are getting ready to welcone Rain


[Fan acct] Part 2: Rain at the MCM store, 25/01/2011

credit : SayuriLuv's @ rainlegend

ok I'm back!

so with the picture i took i was happy but not satisfied at all. I really wanted to get some pictures of him or rather meet him in person. This was a once in a lifetime opportunity. I was here, HE was here. There was no way i was just gonna go.

He went inside and apparently from people he went downstairs to where he was gonna sign the bag that people purchased. I was starting to feel abit out of my depth... along the queue i had heard that the bag cost something around £400 - £600, which i personally don't have money for. But then one of the staff from the store came out and announced that instead of buying the bag, we could buy anything from the department store and have Rain sign it. Here's me getting all excited and then i hear that the cheapest thing that we could purchase was an iPod case that cost £85! It was an ipod case.... it really hurt to hear that amount, but honestly i didn't expect any less   At once people were like... "i can't afford it." "Are they being serious?! £85??" but later on it started turning into "are you gonna get it? are you gonna buy it?!"
Seeing as it was Rain and I had a picture that wasn't sufficient enough, i took the plunge, went inside and chose a really nice iPod case. It was amazing how packed the store got and it was because of that that it took quite a while before we could get to the paydesk. But it was great to see that people would do anything to atleast see Rain. If we didn't by any merchandise from the store we wouldn't be able to see him. That was saying alot.
So, I was just about to get to the cashier point when another announcement was made to us, by the staff. She said that Rain would have to go in 20mins in order to catch his plane. We needed to hurry up and pick what we wanted and go down and see him. We could pay for our purchase after we see him. As soon as it was made, everyone started heading in the opposite direction whilst I had a moment of shock at realizing that this was the moment i was gonna meet RAIN! JUNG JI HOON!!!

I gathered willpower () and decided to head down the stairs. I met with some other fans and we negotiated that we would try and get pictures of him, even though it was proibited to take pictures and videos in the store. It was really tight, every now and then a staff would stop us but i managed to get this photo

1. kép

loooool it's a terrible picture, you can't even see his face but he's there!

The amazing part begins....

As it got to my turn, i started getting nervous and in my nervousness i started smiling uncontrollably and fiddling with my scarf. I was sooooo nervous it was unbelieveable. As he finished, it seemed like he looked my twice but i couldn't tell with those shades... ¬_¬  after it was me and i went to him and said "Hi" and he was like "Hi!" he looked GORGEOUS!!!! he was glowing so much! so much!

I gave him my Ipod case and as he was signing i said "...you know i love you, right?" and he replied "really?!" instantly, i started giggling but in my head i was thinking of all the things to say to him, you had to say THAT?! after i gave him a printed picture of him, that the store gave all of us who turned up, and he signed that. I took this opportunity to make up for my last comment and said "You were really amazing in Ninja Assassin!" then he looked at me and said "Thank You" i was SPAZZING!!!! looool and then all of a sudden he said "Give me a hug" and he got up, leaned across the table and hugged me!!!! It was one of those hugs where, you know, it's satisfying. That's the only way i can put it. His kindness really showed. His body was on point. and he chest was broad! i only just managed to have a hold of all of him.

Seeing as there was a photographer there, i asked the photograper if it was ok to take a photo with him (Rain) and the photographer nodded whilst Rain said sure. I was smiling so much! His put his arm around me and i put arm around his waist and we took 2 pictures. IT WAS EPIC!!! he said Bye and i said bye and then i walked up the stairs, back to reality, all giddy and what not.

I was so happy, i felt like crying but nothing came lol. I went to pay for my purchase and just as i was about to put my details in for the professional photos, all i hear is screaming behind me, Rain coming up the stairs and a hoard of people surrounding him. I left the cashier point and as soon as he was outside, i took out my camera in a scramble (again) and took pictures before he went off

2-5. kép

and so he left to go and board his plane. It was the best day of the year so far! and i know i won't get another opportunity like this again for a LONG TIME! im so thankful that he came and decided to pop to London. He could've gone off straight after visiting Paris but he didn't. Even if he came to London, he didn't have to hold an event but he did it. He really showed that he cared about his fans, no matter where they were. He really exceeded expectations, especially mine. After just watching him on the internet for over 2 years and only once seeing him on my TV screen, this day really turned a dream into a reality.He's such a hardworking person and my support will continue to be with him. I'm so glad i could share this with you all. 

Here are some pictures of the signed material! note: the picture got drenched in the rain... british weather.... 

6-8. kép


[26-Jan-11][allkpop]Rain Makes a Special Appearance at MCM in London


Earlier today, Rain made a special appearance at the MCM store in London England, where he shook hands with crowds of fans. If you were willing to pay enough money to purchase a leather Stark backpack where the cheapest one starts at £365, he signed autographs on your purchases which included a  photo with Rain himself.

This isn’t the first time that the singer has made a special appearance for MCM.  Last year, Rain/Bi was at the MCM store grand opening at the Lotte Department Store in Seoul.

For all those who couldn’t make it, here’s a fancam of the event!

source: allkpop


[Fan acct] Rain in MCM Event London

On the 25th of January, British fans finally had the chance to meet a Korean celebrity after a special event by MCM invited Rain for an exclusive appearance. Ohkpop (Me and my sis) were there at the event and the details of this little meet-up will be posted under the cut.

The event was scheduled at 2 o’clock, but due to Rain’s schedule he arrived at around half past two off from a white limousine. Some fans were reported to have queued at around noon just to get ahead of the line. Despite the rain and long queue, Rain initially took the chance to walk around and say hi to everyone before he got unto the main door.

A few minutes later they asked fans who are buying from the store to head inside and pick the products they wanted to be signed. Initially, the chance for a signature and photo were only exclusively for those who purchased the bags – but a few hours before the event, MCM announced that they will cater to any fan who will buy a MCM product.

Sad to say, we were not able to get our stuff signed because of the limited time they have plus the queue for purchase and to Rain itself, but they made up for it by having Rain do a short session outside the shop. My sister had the little moment of asking for a hug, but security apologize that they need to get going. Doing a little bit of fanservice despite the strict security, Rain bade the fans farewell and went back to the parked limousine.

Fans who were early got the chance to have a photo and sign with him, and will be emailed by the official photographer. Sad to say, cameras were strictly not allowed inside the room where he was.

Everyone was happy of this event, and hopefully more Korean stars would follow in this type of publicity. Short and simple, but worth it. I came to talk with some fellow fans outside, and we hoped that this would be the start of putting EUROPE on every Korean act that is having a WORLD TOUR.

Have a good vacation RAIN and feel free to come back anytime! x



[26-Jan-11][Kpoplive]Exclusive Coverage of Rain Meeting UK Fans at the MCM Store Signing

World star Rain has been in London for the past week on holiday; and just before returning home, he decided to meet his fans whilst making a guest appearance at the MCM London store!

On the 25th of January the ‘Rainism‘  was brought to the UK, as fans  started queuing for 3 hours in the rain for a chance to meet the star; at a surprise guest signing at the MCM store. Rain has been around Europe for the past few months according to sources on vacation.

He arrived in a white limo dressed in casual jeans, T-shirt  and   a exclusive MCM Jacket that is part of a collaboration with the Japanese company Phenomenon.

Bora the marketing manager for the London branch said ” he is here for a personal favour as a brand ambassador, as well as being  a close friend to the CEO, he is flying off today and  it was a last minute arrangement  and Rain thought it would be a nice way to meet his UK fans “

Rain signed various items purchased from the store as well as posing for photos and providing hugs and fans commented that “ he was so friendly and down to earth”.
Upon leaving the venue he took the chance to sign stuff for fans who were unable to purchase anything before heading off to Heathrow airport.

Check out some fancams from the event below!

Video Credit: Belanqueen, AnnhiSeobie and Hamid2493@Youtube
Photo Credit:Ataur Rahman 


[Fan acct] Rain heading his way to NYC

[Fan acct] 11-01-25 Rain @ MCM London


according to this Fan acct , Rain heading his way to NYC

At around 3:20pm, Rain left the store. He was in a rush because he had to leave the country (I think he’s heading his way to NYC?).


[Fan acct] 11-01-25 Rain @ MCM, London

I’ve calmed down a bit now, fan-girl spazzing has taken at least 8 hours to feel “back to normal” again. Now I can “calmly” write down my fan account of meeting Rain (Bi) in the London! ^_^

I found out about the Rain MCM event through SOAS Korean soc. (You guys are an absolute saviour!) on Saturday (22 Jan, 2010). 

After this, I started google-ing EVERYWHERE about news of Rain in London. Turns out he’s having a holiday tour around Europe, and has been seen in France (Paris), Switzerland. Before the MCM event, some fans in London have spotted Rain in a restaurant at Covent Gardens, and rumour has it that he was seen clubbing in Aprés.(If only I had seen him there! Clubbing with Rain…♥)

MCM event rollercoaster:

At first, we were told that Rain would be at the MCM store on Tuesday 25 January, 4pm - 6pm. However, later on (Sun), it was seen potentially cancelled due to an “unforeseen schedule clash”. (This was where I went crazy for 24 hours).  LUCKILY, the next day (Mon), we were informed that the Rain MCM event was ON (yay! :D), but the times & details had changed:

Rain would be at MCM at 2pm-3pm. BUT you had to buy a MCM backpack (worth £375 to £475) in store in order to see Rain, where he would sign the backpack. No cameras, phones & recording devices were allowed.

Seriously, how many people are going to spend £375 on a backpack!? If anything, no one should buy the bag!!! If no one buys the bag, Rain will have no autographs to sign! Then he will be like “Where are my UK fans?” and will come outside and say hello to everyone! BINGO! 

However, this later changed to buying ANY product at the MCM store.

If you wanted to meet, speak, talk, touch, to Rain, you had to buy a MCM product, and you would have to go downstairs to the basement, where he would sign it for you, talk to you, hug you, and an official photographer would also take a photo of you two together.

Only those who buy a product from MCM would be able to see Rain.

When I arrived at the MCM at around 1:30pm, the queue at this time was surprisingly SHORT!

Rain did not arrive until around 2:30ish and he came out of a white limo.

Ironically it was Raining when Rain came out of the limo. As soon as he came out, fans went MAD! (Myself included). Check out the video footage: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FId-ZYZ0nzU

Rain, your reputation proceeds you! Most celebrities would come out of the limo, and into the store. That’s not what Rain did! Not only did he start shaking & holding & touching hands with fans AS SOON as he came out of the limo, he went DOWN ALONG the queue, shaking & holding & touching other fans,  bowing & saying hello to his fans!

Seriously! What. A. Gentleman. ♥

Then, Rain went inside the store and down to the basement. Only 10 people were allowed to go inside at the time. I didn’t intend on buying anything, but HELL, who doesn’t want to be in the same building as RAIN?! So I went inside.

The cheapest product at MCM was an iPod case which was £85. Many fans didn’t intend on buying anything, but when you’re in that environment, where you KNOW Rain is DOWNSTAIRS, BELOW YOU, waiting for YOU, you get kind of desperate.

Because HELL was I sure TEMPTED! To talk to Rain face to face, to touch Rain & hug him, to take an official photograph with him… But I didn’t buy it in the end…( AFTER MUCH WILL POWER! ) Kind of regret not buying anything now… I could have bought it and sold it on eBay. DAMN. Why didn’t that come to my head at the time!?

My friends got the 100% FULL PACKAGE though. Got SIGNED merchandise, SPOKE to Rain, HUGGED & TOUCHED Rain, took a PHOTO with Rain~ ~

Some photos:

credits to: Christine Lau, Mary Hoang & Simone Nelson ^^

Apparently when Rain was signing this backpack, he laughed & said, “Wow!” - totally can imagine doing that! Reminds me of a scene from Runaway Plan B :D

My lucky lucky friend, bought 2 items and saw Rain TWICE…And HUGGED HIM 4 TIMES! ♥ ♥♥  And managed to get him to sign her jacket!

My friend was ever so kind to get my autograph from Rain by giving me her 2nd signed photograph ^^ (Thank you thank you, Mary! I owe you my life & passport! Love you! :D ♥♥)

At around 3:20pm, Rain left the store. He was in a rush because he had to leave the country (I think he’s heading his way to NYC?).

Despite being in a rush, Rain came out the store and started shaking hands with fans. And this is where he SHOOK MY HANDDDDD. *insert fan girl scream*

It was SURREAL. All the fangirls (myself included) had their hands out like going“손! 손! 손!” “Hand! Hand! Hand!”

At first I was like, “SOMEONE’S HOLDING MY HAND!” For about a second, I stupidly thought that I had grabbed another fan’s hand instead because it was so soft. But then, I noticed it was a big hand and then looked down at my hand, then looked up…and into Rain’s eyes (sunglasses). His face was facing mine, and although he was wearing sunglasses, I SWEAR TO GOD HE WAS LOOKING AT ME!

And that’s when realise I realised I was holding Rain’s hand!!! SO I SQUEEZED. LOOOOL. And then let go. LOL

It wasn’t even a handshake, he actually held my hand for like… 2-5seconds?! I’m not sure if my mind is exaggerating over the “handshake” and it was in reality, 1-2 seconds, but man, I will never forget that moment in my life!

You can just tell that Rain is just SO SWEET. When he was leaving, he was signing autographs to fans who did not buy any MCM products, which shows that it wasn’t his idea. I heard that a fan asked had asked him for a hug outside, and he said, “Sure” until the security hurried him to move on.

At the end of my fan vid, you can see that I was RIGHT BEHIND, AS IN 5CM CLOSE BEHIND, SO CLOSE, Rain. I was sooo tempted to poke him or tap him, just TOUCH him then and there. But I was too scared. Especially with security trying to move him away. DAMN, I should have acted crazier! SHOULD HAVE GIVEN HIM A BACK HUG!

UK fans are less crazy than Korean fans! There were sooo many chances where I could have JUMPED him! There was only 2/3 security guards! The staff of MCM have no idea how lucky they are, especially since half of them didn’t even KNOW who Rain is! DUDE, HE’S LIKE KOREA’S MICHAEL JACKSON!!!

I’m so happy that I got to see Rain! It’s so SURREAL.  Can’t believe it actually happened.

He’s sooo HOT! Unfortunately he didn’t take any clothes off. But his skin is so amazingly clear, and his outfit reminded me of Hyun Bin’s track suit from Secret Garden (haha)

He’s quite tall as well. Thinking about it he was probably 15cm taller than me, so he’s around about 180cm :D If only his sunglasses were OFF. 

I tried looking at his eyes by peaking through his the side of his sunglasses when he was looking at the side. Couldn’t see much, but he seemed happy to be meeting his UK fans ♥ *fan girl swoon*

Then he went inside the limo and left. But because there red light at the traffic light came on, the limo was still not moving for a while. We were all trying to do laser eyes at the black screens of the window, trying to look inside. 

Me and my friends did the “saranghae ♥” sign at the limo. I hope Rain saw that! ;)

MAN….This has been the best day of my LIFE.

Although, I did not buy anything I still managed to SEE Rain, TOUCH Rain, get a photo and videos OF HIM, and an autograph ♥


[26-Jan-11][allkpop]Which actors will fare the best in the military?


In an upcoming movie, “Comic Battle” by Director Lee Jun-Ik, there is a character who goes to the military twice.  In relation to that concept, a poll was created asking netizens to pick, “Which actor will do well in the military?”

On the portal site Nate, this poll began on January 17th and resulted in singer/actor Rain receiving 68% of the votes and ranking 1st. Following Rain was Hyunbin in 2nd, Kang Dongwon in 3rd, and Kim Namgil in 4th. 

Also, on Cine21, another poll asked netizens to pick, “Who will fit the character of NamGun’s (played by Ryu Seungryong) Cold Pyongyang Man (a play on words with “Cold City Man”) the best?”

In this poll, Hyunbin ranked 1st with 59%. Following him was Park Shinyang, Park Shihoo, and Ok Taecyeon.

Source + Picture: Newsen via Yahoo! Korea //allkpop 


[Fan acct 2] 11-01-25 Rain at MCM London

source : \http://holybnj.wordpress.com/

Talk about total madness! I didn’t get the chance to take a photo with Bi ‘Rain’, but managed to hold onto him *screams*

It feels surreal! I normally go ‘starstruck‘ but I was in a proper fangirl mode today – grabbed his wrist when I had the chance to whilst walking by his side and I don’t know what got into my mind when I asked for a hug, which I didn’t get anyway (ha ha). I could’ve just hugged him straight away without asking for Pete’s sake! But oh well, overall it was one priceless experience!

Thanks G for tagging me along! Details of the meet-up and a short video clip on oh!kpop

I apologise for the low-quality photos. Apparently, my sister, who had the camera right exactly when Rain came out of MCM, had a fail moment! The camera was on a video mode so I had to cap the good bits out of it.

Credit: Annie Ha // NCHx3seob @ twitter //AnnhiSeobie@youtube


That’s right~ Rain as in RAINISM Rain! He was at a store opening in London called MCM. Now, I’ve never been a huge fan of Rain or take much notice but an idol is still an idol, right? So of course I took the opportunity to go and see him with a bunch of friends. There’s wasn’t that many people there but I guess that’s a good thing.. But I hope he did realise that he is loved in the UK too XD

There are fancams and pictures popping up everywhere~ they’re all amazing and I got my own footage of him too~ I got to touch him LOL and my instant reaction was to just shout “OPPA!” LOOL which I can hear in many fancams OTL. Many of my friends were able to get an autograph off him when he was leaving the store which was amazing (and you’ll see it in my fancam when I upload it) because initially only people who bought merchandise from the store were able to talk, hug and receive an autograph and professional picture with him one-to-one.

He is such a kind idol! And seriously SO good looking in real life!! I feel bad saying it but I never acknowledged just HOW good looking AND TALL he was until today! This was a once in a lifetime opportunity and I’m so glad I was able to see him XD


Posted January 25, 2011 at 9:07pm in Rain Bi MCM London 

Credit: AnnhiSeobie @ youtube


[Fan Account] Rain at MCM Store in London

I arrived at the MCM store at Knightsbridge (London) at around half one, straight after I'd finished uni, and considering how last minute the announcement was, the group parked outside the entrance was fairly big. What I was surprised at was how the majority of the crowd were students - I'd gotten the impression that Rain had a mostly ajhumma fanbase, so it was nice to see that he still appealed to other generations. Most people were asian (and when I say asian I mean oriental), but there were still a few white people, more black girls and a bigger group of (south) asians. There were also a few boys there who were pretty hardcore Rain fans.

It was kinda cold and started to drizzle, but because the other fans were so easy to talk to, I didn't mind waiting so much. There were a few crazy people who kept screaming for no apparent reason, and the front of the crowd kept breaking out into chants of 'Bi, Rain, sarangheyo!' or something like that, but I'm thinking that was more for the sake of the cameraman. I don't know what network he was covering or where he was from, but since he was British maybe we’ll finally get some Rain news in the UK? Praying, praying for Rain! There was also a Korean guy at the front who kept taking pictures of the queue which I tried very hard to avoid ^_^

Rain was supposed to be at the store from 2-3, but the traffic was pretty bad and he arrived at around half two. By that time the queue had doubled and I was in the middle rather than the end. It took a while for the white limo to pull up, so even before he’d gotten a chance to get out people were screaming lol.

He was really polite, quickly walking down the line to bow and wave at everybody, and then went inside. Because everyone had rushed towards him, I didn’t get a very good view, but what I saw I definitely liked =D I wasn’t a fan of his haircut before, but in real life it looks so good on him. You know how you always get those fan accounts saying ‘he’s gorgeous, he really looks like a star, his skin’s so nice’ etc etc? I always thought they were just exaggerations by besotted fans – I mean the shots of him on that MTV Hustler page didn’t look so hot – but he genuinely *is* that good-looking in person. Even if you didn’t know who he was, you’d be like: phwoar… that dude is hawwwwwwwt. And yep, he really is that tall.

In case you’re wondering what he was wearing, he had a white t-shirt on (with some design on it – I didn’t get a close look since I was more focused on his face lol) and a black & gold jacket (the collar was gold, and the jacket was snug around his arms like always ^^). His trousers were dark and he wore shades the entire time. Did I mention he looked hot?

Anyway, they took him downstairs into the basement so we couldn’t stare at him through the window (stupid MCM people), and then a guy came out to say 10 people at a time would be allowed in. Only people who bought something would then be allowed to go downstairs to get his autograph and have a picture taken together by an official photographer – no one was allowed to take pictures of him inside the store. I heard people got other stuff signed, but that’s only because they also bought some MCM merchandise.

The cheapest product they had was an iphone case that cost around £85 (about $135) and at first everyone was like O_O ‘no way am I spending that much to meet Rain!’, but within minutes the store was crowded. Almost everyone eventually relented and bought something, usually the ipod case – the staff even had to replace some of the products in the window. The thing is, the chances of Rain coming to the UK are so slim that people are absolutely desperate to see him. I’m still surprised that he actually chose the UK as a holiday destination, even if it was only for a few days what with our permanently miserable weather, but that’s probably just because he was already in Europe. Anyway, the MCM staff were pretty smart with their marketing techniques, making a small fortune whilst also attracting attention to their tiny store >.< They must have made several thousand pounds in that single hour! Ah, the power of Rain… 

Much as I would have loved to see Rain, quite honestly I don’t have that much money to spend, and so I had to settle on waiting outside in the rain. But it was still pretty cute watching all the fans coming up the stairs with huge grins on their faces, screaming the second they stepped out the door. Even after buying merchandise, they only had a few minutes with him, but they were content with that, gushing about how he put his arm around them and how he was so nice and polite, paying close attention, asking what their names were and so on. And Rain’s autograph looked surprisingly good on the ipod covers and bags – he was using a silver pen, so it looked better than those black pen autographs he often gives.

I managed to find a spot near the window where you could see the stairs, and because of the mirrors down there I occasionally caught a glimpse of Rain’s reflection – mostly his arm, which is why I could tell you he had a HUGE shiny watch on lol, but sometimes he also bent down so I saw his face =D

At around ten past three, people started to say he would be going soon because he had to go to the airport straight after the event, and we could see his staff and agents looking anxiously out the window for the limo. There was a lady in a blue dress who looked particularly annoyed, but if the traffic was as bad as it was before I guess you can’t really blame the driver. Plus a limo must be hela hard to manoeuvre.

Because of my position by the window, I could see when things were starting to wrap up. Rain drank some water (mind you, I only saw his hand pick up the bottle and put it down almost empty, so perhaps I infer lol) the way he always does when he’s done with events and one of his staff came up the stairs. The limo also appeared a little way down the street (before it had stopped at the entrance and Rain had walked back down to greet us). I was trying unsuccessfully to make my stupid camera work, so when Rain came up at about twenty past three, I was still by the window while the quicker-thinking fangirls rushed at him.

Even though he was running late, he still stopped to shake hands and sign people’s things – which, by the way, shows that he was willing to greet all his fans, not just the ones who bought MCM stuff, it’s just that he was instructed not to. A lot of people got really close to him, and there was a lot of physical contact so I’m guessing there’ll be many happy fangirls tonight lol. I was too far back, so I got neither a handshake nor an autograph, but I suppose just seeing him in person must count for something.

The staff were a little edgy, the lady in blue saying Rain really did need to go, but because nobody wanted to let him go so easily, a bodyguard had to push in between him and the fangirls to let him escape back to the limo. It was a bit crazy, but don’t misunderstand – there was no violent shoving like that Back To The Basic fanmeet in Korea! It really was sweet of him to stay longer than he had to, and it’s a shame he had to go so soon.

I sometimes feel European clouds are neglected since they love and promote him as much as any other fan, but they rarely get the chance to see him. I mean, all my friends, family and workplace now know who Rain is (one greeting I always get from a workmate is ‘So how’s Rain?’ lol) and the amount of time I spent on the Time 100 poll, Green Planet Movie Awards, MTV Biggest Badass Award and so on whilst trying to balance uni work and a job is ridiculous. I remember voting like crazy in the World Cup Of Rock during my break-times at work, and when I was allocated desk time, I spent much of it doing the same! Rain merchandise is also non-existent here, aside from Speedracer and NA, so we have to rely on online purchases which are naturally more expensive.

Rain’s only been to England twice, the first time for the Speedracer premiere at which point I wasn’t even aware of him, and because this event was so last minute I almost missed the chance to see him here today too. Don’t get me wrong, I am so so grateful that he even showed up, especially considering he was supposed to be on holiday and had to leave the country soon after – he’s a sweetheart. And I also understand he can’t visit every country in the world – he has fans in places he’s probably never even heard of. But it would mean so much if he could hold just one fanmeeting, not even a concert, even if it was only every few years. You don’t know how jealous I am of Asian and American clouds!

Anyhu, I’ve rambled on enough, especially considering how little I saw him (okay so I did spend like half an hour staring at his hand – his fingers are really long by the way – but that hardly counts), so I’ll stop now and leave you instead with a blurry fancam of him leaving. See what I mean when I say he’s a sweetheart? I lost him around the 55 second mark.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d7MmGjOhCGA


[ 10 Fancam] 110125 Rain @ MCM event in London  

110125 Rain @ MCM event in London
Credit: xxPiriPirixx @ youtubehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zORpp7dZSVQ

Credit: Hamid2493  @ youtubehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YoFS4ikVZe4

Credit: xxPiriPirixx @ youtube

Credit: dirtyh0neycash @ youtube
Credit: xteedotessx @ youtubehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h6j1lK2UaG4
Credit: rainbowrez  @ youtube

Credit: belanqueen @ youtube
More Rain @ MCM event in London pic  

11-01-25 Rain @ MCM event in London
credit as tagged // DC // twitter //facebook


[Fancam Mix] 101231 Adieu 2010 With Rain_Hip Song

Credit: Fancam by 마리79 (b4마리) + 팬더공주 + miyu~pi + 비만관리 // Edited by 지하마녀 ch[B] // UnderworldWitch@ youtubehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3XCdUjCHqI0


[15 fancams]110125 Rain @ MCM event in London

Credit: xxPiriPirixx @ youtubehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zORpp7dZSVQ

Credit: Hamid2493  @ youtubehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YoFS4ikVZe4

Credit: nyplay @ youtubehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=22kM3FMnz04


Please do not re upload this vid 
credits : Laisue@soompi.com // stifni @ youtube





Credit: xxPiriPirixx @ youtube



Credit: dirtyh0neycash @ youtube


Credit: xteedotessx @ youtubehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h6j1lK2UaG4


Credit: rainbowrez  @ youtube1080HDhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FId-ZYZ0nzU


Credit: Shaz81 // belanqueen @ youtube 
Please do not remove without permission and credit me Shaz81.
MCM store London 25/1/11
Rain arriving for the fanmeet waiting in Limo


Credit: Annie Ha // NCHx3seob @ twitter //  AnnhiSeobie @ youtubehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T4rEE4_FUh4

Credit: belanqueen @ youtubehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=El3c8PEkem8

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H ... n_order&list=UL

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