Végtelen erőfeszítés, végtelen kitartás, végtelen szerénység. (Rain vezérelve)

Tudtam, hogy ránézésre nem tűnök valami nagy számnak, a megjelenésem sem túl vonzó, de a bensőm elég rendkívüli. Minden színpadra lépés előtt azt mondom magamnak, hogy én vagyok a legjobb, és minden előadás után ugyanúgy azt, hogy nem én vagyok. Ezért minden fellépés előtt 120 százalékosan kell felkészülnöm, hogy az előadáson 100 százalékos teljesítményt tudjak nyújtani. Ennek érdekében minden álló nap folyamatosan képzem magam. Már nagyon hosszú ideje alváshiányban szenvedek, mert ha éppen nem dolgozom, akkor vagy edzek, vagy a koreográfiákat és a dalokat próbálom. Éppen úgy, mint a filmfelvételek idején, ha valamit nem csináltam jól, képtelen vagyok aludni. Akár színészként, akár énekesként, a legjobbat kell tudnom kihozni magamból. De nem kell aggódni, hogy most nincs elegendő időm az alvásra, jut arra majd bőven a halálom után. (Rain)

Ez a fiatalság, ez az egészség... és a túlcsorduló önbizalom... az erőfeszítés, amit az oly hihetetlen előadásai sikeres megvalósításáért tett... és a tehetség, amit felmutat, ezek töltenek el spontán tisztelettel engem. Azt gondolom, hogy a történelem a fontos személyiségek között fogja jegyezni. Úgy, mint aki színészként és zenészként egyaránt sikeres lett. ...
Ami igazán meglepő Ji-hoonban, az az, hogy egyfajta düh, bosszúvágy és szomorúság, az összes efféle sötét, komor negatív motiváció az ő esetében rendkívül optimista és derűs módon ölt testet.
(Park Chan-wook rendező)

> RAIN KRÓNIKA: 2012.05.19.


12-05-17 Rain @ Consolatory Train

credit : dema.mil.kr


[Eng Trans]12-05-19 Friends FM - 질주본능_Rain DJ

Credit : ratoka


secession  2012.05.20
[English translation]


[Rain] &[KCM] : Rain and KCM's "The Desire to Speed"!

[Rain] : As Kant explains that, "Take a rest after your hard work is worth every penny.", we should work hard on weekdays if we want to find a real pleasure on the weekend.
[KCM] : That's right! Oh, I've just remembered a really nice wise saying by someone.
[Rain] : Let's stop talking about it. (laughter)

[KCM] : Strength of mind results from workout, not from relaxation.
[Rain] : Why is everything always associated with workout?
Anyway, it's good to exercise while listening to the radio music, isnt' it?

[Rain] : (After Rain corrected KCM's wrong pronunciation after the song)
I think KCM always associates everything with exercise.
[KCM] : Those are UK's writer Alexander pope's words, not mine.
[Rain] : What he said isn't entirely wrong. Because we can keep healthy and relieve the stress by exercising.
[KCM] : Totally! I think there is nothing like exercising while listening to good music in order to relieve the stress caused by working.

[Rain] : KCM, your pronunciation is not correct today of all days.
Do you happen to get drunk?
[KCM] : My mind is apt to wander when weekend comes.
[Rain] : But you look like a tramp (laughter). You need a shave.
[KCM] : You're just like me (laughter)
[Rain] : But, I did my hair this morning.
[KCM] : Really?

[Rain] & [KCM] :
Please keep it right here on FM 96.7 in Seoul, Chuncheon, Pocheon, and Cheowon, FM 101.1 in Wonju, Yeoju, and Yangpyung, FM 89.5 in Baengnyeong-do, FM 92.5 in Sokcho, Gangreung, Yangyang, and Goseong, FM 93.3 in Gangwon, Kirin, and Sangnam, FM 103.3 in Hwacheongun, FM 101.5 in Yangku and Inje, FM 100.1 in Daejeon, Gyeryong, and Nhonsan, and on FM 94.1 in Cheju-do.

[KCM] : Please send your stories and song requests to the radio station through a chargeable SMS #0967 (₩ 50) or its Twitter (@speeding967) or Smart R2 Application.

[Rain]: Although 'The Desire To Speed's home page is yet far from perfect, you can visit " http://www.dema.mil.kr " and post comments on its bulletin board (별사탕게시판)

[KCM] : Or you can visit the page by putting the keyword "국방홍보” (Defense Agency for Public Information Services) in the search box. So please send your stories about the joys and sorrows of everyday living or letters to the people around you or song request to <;Rain&KCM's The Desire To Speed>.

[KCM] : Mini radios the military broadcast's logo is emblazoned on, gift certificates, vitamin sets, etc., will be provided to the participants.
[Rain] : I'll check out the home page address, http://www.dema.mil.kr

[Rain] : Listener "Danbi"s comment, "I'm exercising listening to the show, which helps to reach and go beyond my goal."
[KCM] : Listener "Type B"s comment, "You two should have taken rests on the weekend. Anyway, you're really something!"
[Rain]: We should work, but we don't have any place to go except the army base.
[KCM] : We should host 'The Desire To Speed' every weekend.

[Rain] : KCM, how have you been for the past week?
[KCM] : I've been good.
[Rain] : You're no fun to be around. (laughter) ( perhaps due to KCM's too short reply)

[KCM] : Listener "Type B"s comment, "My friends and I enjoy singing the song of
pop group Cool in Karaoke."
[Rain] : I used to go there (Noraebangs = Karaoke) often in my junior high school days. In particular, I loved to sing Cool's songs again and again at that time.
Please sing their song for me now. (to KCM)

[KCM] : Can I sing another?
[Rain] : (taking the words out of KCM's mouth) The next story is listener 'Baby Perm's comment (laughter), "It's a perfect day for an outing. Where would you go?"
[KCM] : I think any place will be fine.
[Rain] : Except for the army base.

[Rain] :There is a small hill inside our army base, and it's an ideal place for a walk and it commands a fine view.
[KCM]: But, I often have a lot of mixed emotions at the top of the hill. (because I must be confined to the army base)
[Rain] : (taking the words out of KCM's mouth) The next story is listener '#2332's comment, "Now I can't make an appointment every weekend because of you two who are the bulky brothers. Shall we run on the Autobahn again today?"
[Rain] : Excuse me, but could I say something here?
I am a damned sight slimmer than KCM is. He is a blimp of fat, while my figure is in good shape.
[KCM]: Surely he is a blimp of fat as well as I am.
[Rain] : Please introduce the next story?

[KCM]: Listener "Newt B"s comment, "I'm listening to the show through Smart phone's Application, but perhaps since I'm in an area with bad radio reception, your voice is indistinct. I'm on an outing with my family. My nephew (baby) is asking me to play with her, acting charming."
[Rain] : How cute she is! (the baby)
I love to go camping in the mountains and by the sea.
[KCM] : So do I.
Didn't we go to Jinhae the day before yesterday where we visited the army base to give a morale-boosting concert ? (The city is located near the sea.)
I wanted to throw something, looking out to sea. (he was a shot-putter in his junior high school days.)

[Rain] : Let's move on to the next. (taking the words out of KCM's mouth)
Listener "#9785"s comment, "My nephews are 4 and 7 years old. How do you prefer to be called, 'oppa' or 'sir'?"
I should be greatly indebted if they would call me oppa.
[KCM] : Sir (Samchun) would be better by far to call you oppa.
[Rain] : As I grow old, quite a number of people call me 'sir' when I go to restaurants, so I'm put off by that.

[KCM] : We usually call him 'sir' when someone do something wrong in the amy base, right?
[Rain] : Please stop jabbering away and get on with your work. (laughter)

[Rain] : Listener "#3011"s comment, "My son spilled milk on the floor that I got my dander up. I'm sorry to have lost my temper with him. I became restive because my listening to the show was interrupted."
I'm sure that his mother likes me, so I think he’ll understand.
She may be a young mother. I love you~ hihi.

[KCM] : Listener "My Love Boku"s comment, "Listening to the show for the first time, I feel slightly nervous."
[Rain] : That's the third time this week we've co-hosted this show.
[KCM] : Please just let your hair down and have a good time.

[KCM] : Listener "#5011"s comment, "Today is my husband's birthday, and we're a weekend couple. I'm busy listening to the show, so I can't even serve him a lunch.
I should be very grateful to you if my happy birthday to him will be broadcasted."
[Rain] : KCM, please sing "Happy Birthday" to him.
[KCM] : Happy Birthday to you~~
[Rain] : Too short.
[KCM] : This is good enough.

[Rain] : Listener "Mongshili"s comment, "Now I'm enjoying the nice weather at Haeundae Beach in Busan, listening to the show."
I went to Haeundae Beach in Busan during my vacation a couple of days ago.
As there is Busan Woman, one of my songs, the people of Busan are really good.
[KCM] : Looking out to sea..
[Rain] : The next is.. (laughter)... Listener "Haenim"s comment, "It's so good to listen to the show."
[KCM] & [Rain] : Me too.
[KCM] : Listener "Love Stick B"s comment, "Now I have something to look forward to for the weekend."
[Rain] : I'm also really happy to be with you (listeners) today.
[KCM] : (He started to giggle)
[Rain] : Why are you laughing? (to KCM)[KCM] : Because..
[Rain] : The next.. (laughter)

[KCM] : We’ve had a busy week, touring the whole country.
[Rain] : We went to Jinhae the day before yesterday and met many dashing naval cadets. Our schedule is really hectic this month, so there is so much work to do.
[KCM]&[Rain]: When we received guerrilla training recently, KCM skinned the back of his feet and Rain hurt his knee. (laughter)
[Rain] : I think it's hard to dance any more.

[KCM] : The next segment is "Show me your mind"!
[Rain] : Please say formally! (laughter) Why are you destroying the atmosphere?
[KCM] : Because the female scriptwriter looks very different with the new hairstyle.
[Rain] : Please don't say that. She asked us not to say such a thing, right?
[KCM] : She looks a lot younger.
[Rain] : I just love her. (laughter)
[KCM] : I love her, too.
[Rain] : I love both of them (scriptwriter &PD)
[KCM] : So do I.
[Rain] : There is something attractive about them although they are seemingly blunt.
[KCM] : They are chic, that's what I like about them.
[Rain] : They are full of charm. (laughter)


[Part 2]

-Replies to listeners' comments-

[Rain] : Listener "Choi Hee Jin"s comment, "I turned in my resignation a couple of days ago to challenge myself."
A new job could open up whole new vistas for her. Fighting!
[KCM] : Please cheer up.
[Rain] : I think she can live a content life as well as KCM can.
[KCM] : She has to do what she loves.

[KCM] : Listener "Lee Keum Soo"s comment, "I tend a vegetable garden, so I've grown vegetables such as tomatoes, sweet potatoes, and lettuce on my farms (The lot covers 100 pyung). I'm so happy to grow my own vegetables, which can be very comforting as well as the radio show can be."
[Rain]: She is saying that the lot covers 100 pyung.
[KCM] : My mother is tending a vegetable garden in a small way, and she is very happy to do so.
[Rain]: KCM has gained both wealth and honor. (laughter)
[KCM] : The lot covers just 2 pyung.

[Rain]: My father has got a green thumb and always enjoyed gardening himself, but whenever I went home, I found that he turned over the soil and changed the shape of the garden in the short term. (laughter), and it had been changed to such an extent that I no longer recognized my house (laughter)
[KCM] : Rain has the air of the rich as expected.

[Rain] : Listener "Hwang Seon Ae"s comment, "I become a speed merchant whenever I drive my car. I want to break the habit."
It's not safe for a car to run fast. In roads such as expressways, it is easy for people to lose their sense of speed and to end up going over the speed limit.
"Hwang Seon Ae", if you have a desire to speed, please go to the game room.
(laugher) or take exercise like KCM.
[KCM] : There are a lot of arcade games at the game room.
[Rain] : The next song is..(laughter)

[Rain]: Listener "Lee Bo Ram"s comment, "My hobby is raising a heart-shaped flower called 'Love Orchid'. I'm mesmerized by its charm."
It's the first. I've never heard of that. I really want to have one.

[KCM] : Listener "Han Sang A"s comment, "I lived in a semi-basement, but I just moved to a new house where sunlight comes in all day through the skylight.
I've got up very early in the morning and jogged, and taken three meals a day since then. I'm happy with my unusual living arrangements.
Are you two getting adjusted to the new radio show? "
[Rain]: I can imagine how she would feel. My room was half underground so it got damp every rainy season, and that place didn't get very much sun, which made me feel painfully alive.
Did you know that your body produces vitamin D or E if you enjoy the sunshine?
[KCM] : It's definitely vitamin D.
[Rain]: Are you sure it's vitamin D?
[KCM] : It sure is. Hooray!
[Rain] : My self-respect has been wounded. (laughter)

[Rain] : It is said that Vitamin D can help improve your vision.
[KCM] : It is also considered a pick-me-up.
[Rain]: Anyway, congratulations on moving to your new house.

(When asked if the two got adjusted to the new show)
[Rain] : It's so good for me to communicate with fans on the show and to meet the staffs weekends. but I wish KCM were not here. (laughter)
[KCM] : Rain uses apt expressions well, using irony....
[Rain] : (KCM barely started speaking when Rain interrupted him)
The next is..(laughter)
[KCM] : (KCM nearly died with laughing)

[Rain] : Listener "Won Young Ju"s comment, "KCM, please speak in an assured voice. Rain, please don't talk on and on without pausing for breath."
I hope not, but I should talk much as a DJ. Sorry (laughter)
It is said I speak so fast that they can't follow me.
[KCM] : Don't worry. You're doing just fine.



[Rain]; I'll read very slowly (laughter).
Listener "Ha Ji Min"s comment, (she is a high school senior), "I'm doing my best to prepare for the college entrance exams like every other senior student.
I had a dream which was up to dick, but I felt pressure to meet people's expectations, so my goal has newly been set. It is to be a stewardess.
I think it isn't easy to achieve a target, but as Rain's efforts, patience, and modesty have made what he is now, I will strive for my dreams like him, with best efforts and modesty."
Am I doing it right? I'll do as I wish no matter what other people may think. (throwing his voice)
[KCM] : I'm afraid that you (Rain) were very slow of speech that I felt sleepy.
Senior students suffer a great deal of stress due to the competitive college prep environment.
[Rain] : It is not easy to blaze a trail of a field, but his or her place in the field will be secure for a long time.
[KCM] : I agree with that.
[Rain] : If "Ha Ji Min" realizes her dream and becomes a stewardess, and if I get on the airplane where the crew including her is boarding after I leave the army, then I wish she would reveal her identity to me. It will be very touching.

[KCM] : Listener "Han Mi Lahn"s comment, "I left my new umbrella in the bus. Recently I am forgetful. Such trifles occasionally ruffle my temper."
[Rain] ; It was the same with me. Talking on the phone holding the cellphone to my ear, I often found myself looking for it.
[KCM] : I've been there myself, but Rain seems to get dementia.
[Rain] ; Please don't say it to me even in joke, and just take an exercise.
(laughter). "Han Mi Lahn", please don't get down on yourself. Someone could come into a huge windfall. (laughter)

[Rain] : Listener "Son Su Won"s comment, "I had a nice stereo in my early days, so I enjoyed listening to the radio. But now the tools of the digital age give us a way to easily get, share, and act acting on information in new ways.
The music echoing from the radio show stir memories of a simpler time."
[KCM] : I feel really bad for what she said.
[Rain] : She didn't send her story to make you (KCM) feel better. (laughter)

[Rain] : Let's try a version of old-fashioned DJ. Hello~ This is DJ "Jung"~
[KCM] : This is DJ "Kang"~
[Rain]: What was the nickname for me last time?
[KCM] : It was "Roller Jung"
[Rain]: I knew something about roller-skating in my early days. I was popular among girls who were older than I.
[KCM] : Were you good at roller-skating at that time?
[Rain]: The next is.. (laughter)

[Rain]: The next song is Bruno Mars' song. I have met him once before.
He is a great fellow.

[Rain]: Listener "Blue"s comment, "The characteristics of Rain and KCM can be described as Vivace and Adagio, respectively, in terms of the pace of speaking."
I like to just hear your voices."
I think she is familiar with music theory.

[KCM] : Listener "#5535"s comment, "I'm on a diet. Do you happen to know the keys to losing weight?"
[KCM] : But, it's not easy.
[KCM] : We're dieting, too.
[Rain] : It's OK to eat something 4 hours before going to bed, but you should not eat too much. Have some water with some vitamin tablets and coffee when you exercise, and have some coffee with half a diet pill called Fat Burn and half a multi-vitamin in order to burn fat. It is said that a molecule in coffee can help to burn fat.
[KCM] : Caffeine that coffee has in it may help the diet of people.
[Rain] : They say there is another molecule that is not caffeine.
Please don't get on your high horses!
[KCM] : Sorry. Anyway, Rain is quite a character. Unlike me, he suppresses the urge to eat something.
[Rain] : The next is..(laughter). Sorry (laughter).

[Rain] : Listener "#8686"s comment, "It sure is a nice today, and I am so happy to listen to the show."
[KCM] : Listener "#2101"s comment, "When I took a comprehensive medical test at a hospital, I found that my body needs vitamin D."
[Rain] : She needs to get a tan.
[KCM] : She needs to sun herself.
[Rain] : I've smeared myself with coke and slept (by the swimming pool) once before. I was seriously stung by bees, but I was able to bear the pain because luckily I'm not allergic to bees.
[KCM] : Really?

[KCM] : Listener "#3462"s comment, "I'll listen to the show again after cooking for my son who is a middle-school boy."
[Rain] : I don't think she needs to do everything for her son. Now, he has to do something himself. I've cooked for myself since I was in fifth grade.
[KCM] : So have I, but I think he needs his mother's help in many ways.
[Rain] : If so, listener 3462 will do better to listen to the show, cooking for her son.

[Rain] : Listener "Baby Cloud"s comment, "I'm taking an aptitude test now, but I' listening to the show without my teacher knowing."
[KCM] &[Rain] : We also took an aptitude test when we were enlisted.

[Rain] : Listener "Na Jin"s comment, "I'm living in communion with nature because it is an area of outstanding natural beauty.”
But, I love the hustle and bustle of city life.
[KCM] : I like the country better than the city.
[Rain]; Really? You'd rather go to the front lines near the border where there is the 5th Division. (laugher)
[KCM] : No, thanks. (laughter)

[KCM] : Listener "#0467"s comment, "As drinking a moderate amount of wine every day is good for you, my family enjoy drinking wine. My mother even bought me a wine salad.
[Rain] : It's a wine cellar, not a wine salad (laughter)
In fact, it's hard to make out the letters because they're tiny, but KCM is a presbyopic person (laughter).
[KCM] : My eyesight is poor. I'm blind as a bat.

[Rain] : Listener "#5863"s comment, "Now my life pattern has shifted due to the show. You two always have such a funny show."
[KCM] : We'll do our best.
[Rain] : I think we'll have to change the title to "The Desire To Speed by Tom and Jerry".
[KCM] : Should I act as Jerry?
[Rain] : Of course. Such Jerry who has muscular body or is a blimp of fat or is a bad guy (laughter)

[Rain] : We've co-hosted the show since last time.
Once again I want to take this opportunity to apologize for causing KCM's trouble by interrupting him.
[KCM] : No need to apologize. I'm so happy to have a friend like you.
[Rain] : Well, can I treat you much more badly?
[KCM] : You shouldn't because my mother is listening to the show. (laughter)
When she visits me, she may ask me to get you in here.
[Rain] : My father called me and asked me to treat you much more badly (laughter)
[KCM] : She may ask me to drag you out of here (laughter)
[Rain] : So funny! (laughter)


[Part 4]


-Pfc 'Lee Jin Ho' (gagman) and pfc 'Lee Sung Won' made guest appearances on the show-

[Rain] : 'Lee Jin Ho' is ranked higher than us.
[All] : Wow!
[Rain] : We need to keep the noise level down.
[Lee Jin Ho] : The two of Rain and KCM seem to click really well.
KCM is quite strong-minded, but he seems to get completely helpless before Rain.
[KCM] : Rain is extremely obstinate. (laughter)
[Rain] : KCM has barely started speaking when I interrupts him. (laughter)
[Kim Sung Won] : The atmosphere in the studio is very fun and enjoyable.
And, now the other member has joined me (Pop group 'Untouchable' is comprised of two members, 'Kim Sung Won' and 'Park Kyung Wook'), so we're very jittery before the performance.
[KCM] : Finally, 'Half-touchable' has turned into 'Untouchable'. (laughter)
[Lee Jin Ho] : I saw them giving an electrifying performance, capturing audiences. (laughter)

[Rain] : The subject this week is about showing their own speciality, just like those students appearing onstage singing and dancing before the whole school when they go on school trips.
Rain teams up with 'Lee Jin Ho', and KCM teams up with 'Kim Sung Won'.
R (Rain and 'Lee Jin Ho') vs K (KCM and 'Kim Sung Won').
As usual, the winner will be decided by listeners' votes.
Listeners can vote by posting comments in its message board.

[Rain] : I'm certain that we (Rain and 'Lee Jin Ho') will this match because I do believe 'Lee Jin Ho' has an advantage. (pfc 'Lee Jin Ho' is a gagman)
[Lee Jin Ho]: KCM also has talent to speak of.


[Part 5]

[Rain]: Please ensure fairness when you vote.
To vote, be sure to log on to the site.

[KCM] ; Let's do rock, paper, scissors to see who will start first.
[Rain] : I'll start first cause I lost the toss. (laughter)
You know that animation 'Super Board', right? (laughter)
I'll copy the voice of Jerpalgye (pig) which is one of the most unique characters in the animation (laughter)
"Sonyu (girl), why did you do that?" (laughter)

[All] : Can you please repeat that?
[Rain] : I hope you understand I'm new at this here.
"Sonyu (girl), why did you do that?" (laughter)

[Rain] : Please vote for me! (laughter)

[KCM] : I'll copy the voice of baby octopus-shaped aliens which are the characters in animation ‘Dooly' (laughter)
When the aliens fell to the earth and found a cigarette case, one said to the other as, "Prince, the case says 'dynamite watch' ", Then the other (prince) said, "You're absolutely right!" (laughter)
Please vote for me! (laughter)

[Lee Jin Ho] : It's a scene out of a drama called "The Age of Wild Men"
"Duwhani (the hero in the drama) is coming over here!" (laughter)

[Kim Sung Won] : I'll copy the voice of singer 'Tiger JK'
[Rain] : But, you should not copy the same thing over and over again.
[KCM] : You are welcome to try it.
[Kim Sung Won] : I'll try..
"I'm wandering, drawing a sword ! " (laughter)
[Rain] : Please stop it. (laughter)

[KCM] : I'll copy the voice of Honey who is the heroine in animation "Run, Honey!" (laughter) "Mom, I'll run." (laughter)
[Rain] : Fans knew that we used to imitate those characters. (laughter)

[Lee Jin Ho] : I'll copy the voice of 'Pak Hyo Shin'
"Forgive me, I was so foolish.. wo wo wo wo." (laughter)

- An imaginary scene -
[Rain] : (Rain sings the first line of 'It's Raining')
"When I return to the stage.."
[Lee Jin Ho] : "Go and be miserable ! "

-Repeating the imaginary scene-
[Rain] : (Rain sings the first line of 'It's Raining')
"When I return to the stage and the light flashes on me.."
[Lee Jin Ho] : "Go and be miserable ! You're not ready to appear on stage!"

[Rain] : It's too obvious that we win the game.

[KCM] : I'll copy the voice of Jordan (the villain) who is one of the characters in animation 'Power Range'
When a robot said, "Ayayaya, Jordan!", the villain shout, "I'll kill Power Range!"
[Rain] : He is only practising such things at his home. (laughter)
[KCM] : Can I do one more thing?
I'll copy the voice of Samzang Monk who is one of the characters in animation
'Super Board'
" Okonga ( Sonokong or Goku)"

[Rain] : Please visit " http://www.dema.mil.kr " to vote.
[KCM]: (to Rain) Can you introduce the next song during the vote?
[Rain] : Please try it yourself. (laughter)

[Part 6]

[Rain] : 'Lee Jin Ho' will have one last go at it before we release the result.
[Lee Jin Ho] : I'll imitate pop group GOD's song 'To Mother'
"Mother hated jajangmyun (black bean-paste noodles), she ate up Jjambbong before he could say knife. Mother hated jajangmyun, but she ate up Jjambbong-bab (Jjambbong with rice) before he could say knife because she didn't like flour-based food. She liked only Jjambbong-bab."
[Rain] : We're sure of victory in the match.

[Rain] : "When I return to the stage~~"
[Lee Jin Ho] : "Go and be miserable ! "
-Listeners' comments -
[Rain] : Finally, our team has made a clean sweep at the championship games.

[Rain] : "When I return to the stage~~"
[Lee Jin Ho] : "Go and be miserable ! You're not ready to appear on stage!"

[Rain] : How do you feel?
[Lee Jin Ho] : The atmosphere in this studio is great, and I feel the smell of spring at this show.
[Rain] : The penalty for those who lose the game is to do something next week.
[KCM] : We're anxious to hear your ideas.
[Rain] : Please stop interrupting me while I'm talking.
[KCM] : OK. (laughter)
[Rain] : 'Lee Jin Ho' and 'Kim Sung Won', thank you so much for joining us here on the show today.

[Rain] &[KCM] : Small gifts will be provided for listeners, 'Han Ji Min', 'Jan Sang A', and 'Sin Su Min'.

[Rain] : Listener "Baby Cloud"s comment, "I'm keeping laughing. By the way, it's been 8 years since the song 'It's Raining' was released."
[KCM ] : I never get tired of listening to that song.

[KCM] : Listener "#0232"s comment, "It's an awkward hour to have lunch. Should I have lunch after the show. or before the show?"
[Rain] : Please just eat, listening to it. (laughter)

[Rain] : Listener "#0914"s comment, "Chang Mo oppa (KCM), Bi oppa (Rain) is taking care of you?"
[Rain] &[KCM] : Sure.

[KCM] : Listener "Kim Han Sol"s comment, "Today is my parents' wedding anniversary."
[Rain] &[KCM] : Congratulations !

[Rain] : Listener "Movie Star Rain"s comment, "I've gone on a diet, but I keep craving for something to eat at midnight."
I hope she will successfully lose weight.

[KCM] : Listener "#1907"s comment, "I'm moving from Uijeongbu to Icheon. I wish to live well there."
Hope you'll make many good memories.

[Rain] : Listener "Flower Bora"s comment, "I hope you enjoyed your meal."
We have not had lunch yet. I feel hungry.
[KCM] : We'll eat after the show.

[KCM] : Listener "#2106"s comment, "I'm still single, but thankfully my parents don't push me to marry someone."

[Rain] : KCM, did you have a good week?
[KCM] : I spent my days busy as a hen with one chicken.
[Rain] : I guess it's time to bid you adieu.
What do you want to do if weather permits?
[KCM] : There are so many things I want to do. I want to stroll in a park with my friends.
[Rain] : I want to smear myself with suntan oil or coke (laughter) and sleep by the swimming pool.
[KCM] : Do you want to get stung by bees again?

[Rain] : Listener "#8686"s comment, "You two have lovely voices. My body seems to be falling to the voices."
[Rain] : Please be falling to them.
[KCM] : Please be falling to them.
[Rain] : Well, that's it for today.
[KCM] : Well, that's it for today.
[Rain] : I love you.

emik  2012.05.25
Dear 화니、Thank you for the long detailed translation.^^

[英⇒和訳です]  *基本的に敬語は省略しています。


[Rain] &[KCM] : Rain と KCM の "疾走本能"!

[Rain] : Kant が説明したように "一生懸命働いたあとに取る休息はそれに見合った価値がある." のだから もし僕達が本当に楽しい週末を見出したいのならば、平日に一生懸命働くべきだね。
[KCM] :その通り! オー, 誰かが言ってた本当にいい格言/名言ちょうど思い出したよ。
[Rain] : この話をするのはやめよう。 (笑い)

[KCM] : リラクゼーションではなく、トレーニングに由来する精神の強さ。
[Rain] : どうして、すべてがいつもトレーニングに関連するの?

[Rain] : (曲のあと、RainはKCMの間違った発音を訂正した後)
[KCM] : これらは、英国の詩人アレキサンダー・ポープの言葉で、僕の言葉ではない。
[Rain] : 彼が言ったことはあながち間違っていない。 なぜならば運動によって僕達は健康を保つこと、ストレスを解消できるからね。

KCM] : 本当に! 仕事によって引き起こされるストレスを解消するために良い音楽を聴きながら運動するに限る。

[Rain] : KCM,  君の発音は事もあろうに今日に限って間違ってる。
[KCM] : 週末がいつ来るのかなって気持ちがふらふらしてる。
[Rain] : でも、放浪者のように見えるよ (笑い)。ひげを剃らないと。
[KCM] : 君だって僕みたいだよ (笑い)。
[Rain] : でも、僕は今朝、髪形を整えてきたよ。
[KCM] : 本当?

[Rain] & [KCM] : *以下は、地域ごとの周波数の案内なので、和訳は省略します。
Please keep it right here on FM 96.7 in Seoul, Chuncheon, Pocheon, and Cheowon, FM 101.1 in Wonju, Yeoju, and Yangpyung, FM 89.5 in Baengnyeong-do, FM 92.5 in Sokcho, Gangreung, Yangyang, and Goseong, FM 93.3 in Gangwon, Kirin, and Sangnam, FM 103.3 in Hwacheongun, FM 101.5 in Yangku and Inje, FM 100.1 in Daejeon, Gyeryong, and Nhonsan, and on FM 94.1 in Cheju-do.

[KCM] : あなたのストーリーまたは曲のリクエストを有料SMS0967番(₩50)または、この番組のTwitter (@speeding967) 、あるいはSmartR2アプリケーションを通して送ってください。
[Rain]: "疾走本能"ホームページは完璧からは程遠いものですが、 " http://www.dema.mil.kr "にアクセスして、電子掲示板 (별사탕게시판)にコメントを投稿できます。
[KCM] : または、 "국방홍보” (国防省広報支援隊)と検索スペースに入力してアクセスできます。日ごろの喜びと悲しみのストーリー、またはあなたの周囲の人への手紙、または曲のリクエストを<;RainとKCM の疾走本能>へ送って下さい。
[KCM] : 参加者には軍放送のロゴが入っているミニラジオ、商品券、ビタミンセットなどが贈られます。
[Rain] : ホームページアドレス http://www.dema.mil.kr をチェックする/調べるよ。

[Rain] : リスナー "Danbi"のコメント, "私/僕は番組を聴いて運動しています、それは自分のゴールを達成しそれを超える手助けになっています。"
[KCM] : リスナー"Type B"のコメント, "あなた方2人は週末に休みを取るべきでした。とにかく、あなた達はただものではありません!。"

[Rain]: 僕達は働くべきだ、でも陸軍基地へ行く以外に行くところがない。
[KCM] : 僕達は毎週末 '疾走本能'"の司会をやるべきだ。

[Rain] : KCM, ここ1週間 どうしてた?
[KCM] : よかったよ。
[Rain] : 君と一緒にいて楽しくない。 (笑い) ( おそらく、KCMの短すぎる返事のせいで)

[KCM] : リスナー "Type B"のコメント, "私/僕は友人とPOPグループCoolの曲をカラオケで歌う事を楽しんでいます。"
[Rain] : 中学生時代によくカラオケ (Noraebangs ) に行った。当時は特に、Cool の曲を何回も何回も歌った。  (KCMに向かって)彼らの曲を唄ってほしいな。
[KCM] : 僕が他を歌っていいかな?
[Rain] : (KCMの言おうとすることを先に言う) 次のストーリーはリスナー 'Baby Perm' のコメント (笑い), "出掛ける/外出には最高の日です。何処へ行きたいですか?"
[KCM] :どこでもいい。
[Rain] : 陸軍基地を除けば。

[Rain] :陸軍基地内に小さな丘があって、散歩には理想的な場所で素晴らしい眺めが眺望できる。
[KCM]: でも、僕はよく、丘の頂上で複雑な気持ちになる。(自分が陸軍基地の範囲内に留まらなくてはならないから)

[Rain] : (KCMの言おうとすることを先に言う) 次のストーリーはリスナー 番号2332のコメント, "分厚い/大きい兄弟のあなた方2人のせいで今は毎週末、約束することが出来ない。 今日、私たちは再びアウトバーンで走りましょうか?"
[Rain] : すみません, でも ここでちょっと言ってもいいかな? 僕はKCM よりもすごく痩せている。彼は脂肪の巨漢、同時に僕の体型は様になっている。
[KCM]: 彼は確かに僕と同じように脂肪の巨漢だ。
[Rain] : 次のストーリーを紹介してくれる?

[KCM]: リスナー "Newt B"のコメント, "スマホのアプリを通して番組を聴いています、でもおそらく私のエリアの受信が悪くて、あなた方の声がはっきりしない。私は家族と外出中。甥 っ子(赤ちゃん)が遊ぼうと言ってきて、行動がチャーミング”
[Rain] : なんてかわいい子 (赤ちゃん) なんだ!
[KCM] : 僕もそうだよ。
士気高揚/促進コンサートをした一昨日、 (町が海の近くに位置している)鎮海市に行かなかった?
[Rain] : 次に行こう (KCMの言おうとすることを先に言う)

リスナー番号 "9785"のコメント, "私の甥(?)は4歳と7歳。 'oppa' あるいは 'sir'とどちらで呼ばれたい?"
[KCM] : 君をoppa と呼ぶより Sir (Samchun=未婚の叔父) のほうが断然いい。
[Rain] : 僕が年をとる/大人になると、レストランへ行けば多くの人たちは僕を 'sir' と呼ぶので、それにはうんざりする。

[KCM] : 陸軍基地では誰かが間違った事をした時、僕達はその人を通常 'sir' と呼ぶ、だよね?
[Rain] : ぺちゃくちゃしゃべり続けるのはやめて仕事に取り組んでよ。 (笑い)

[Rain] : リスナー番号 "3011"のコメント, "私の息子が牛乳を床にこぼしたので、私を怒らせた。彼にカッとなって怒ってしまいごめんなさい。番組を聴く事を中断されたので、イライラしてしまった。"

[KCM] : リスナー "My Love Boku"のコメント, "初めて番組を聴いています、少し緊張してます。"
[Rain] : 僕らがこの番組の司会をするのは今週で3回目。

[KCM] : どうかくつろいで、すてきな時間を過ごしてください。

[KCM] : リスナー番号 "5011"のコメント, "今日は私の夫の誕生日、そして私たちは週末のカップル。私は番組を聴くのが忙しい、なのでランチを出すことさえもできない。
[Rain] : KCM, "Happy Birthday" を彼に唄ってあげて。
[KCM] : Happy Birthday to you~~
[Rain] : 短すぎるよ。
[KCM] : これで十分だよ。

[Rain] リスナー"Mongshili"のコメント, "私は今、釜山の海雲台ビーチで、番組を聞きながら、いい天気を楽しんでいます。"
[KCM] : 海を見ている..
[Rain] : 次は.. (笑い)... リスナー "Haenim"のコメント, "番組を聴くのは最高。"
[KCM] & [Rain] : 僕も。
[KCM] : リスナー "Love Stick B"のコメント, "今、週末に楽しみにしてるあることがあります。"
[Rain] : 僕も今日、君(リスナー)と一緒にいられて本当にうれしいよ。
[KCM] : (彼はクスクス笑い始めた)

[Rain] : どうして笑ってるの?
[KCM] : だって..
[Rain] : 次は.. (笑い)

[KCM] : 僕達は全国を回って忙しい一週間だった。
[Rain] : 一昨日、僕達は鎮海市へ行ってたくさんの威勢の良い、海軍士訓練生に会った。今月の僕達のスケジュールはほんとうに忙しいので、やる仕事がたくさんある。
[KCM]&[Rain]: つい先日、ゲリラ兵の訓練を受けた時、KCMは足の裏の皮を剥がした、そしてRain はひざを痛めた。 (笑い)
[Rain] : これ以上/もはやダンスをするのは難しいと思う。

[KCM] : 次の一コマは "あなたの気持ちを見せて"!
[Rain] : 正式に言ってよ! (笑い) どうして雰囲気をぶち壊すの?
[KCM] :だって、女性脚本家が新しい髪型で見た目がずいぶん違うから。
[Rain] :それを言わないで。彼女はその事を言わないように僕達に頼んだだろ?(笑い)
[KCM] :彼女は若く見える。
[Rain] :僕は彼女が好きなだけ。 (笑い)
[KCM] :僕も彼女が好き。
[Rain] :僕は2人とも好き。(脚本家&PD)
[KCM] :僕も。
[Rain] :彼達/彼女達は一見したところ無愛想だけど、なにか魅力がある。
[KCM] :彼達/彼女達はシック、それが僕が好きな彼達/彼女達のいいところ。

[Rain] :彼達/彼女達は魅力にあふれている。 (笑い)


[Part 2]


[Rain] :リスナー "Choi Hee Jin"のコメント, "自分に挑戦するために数日前に辞表を出した。"
新しい仕事は彼女に新しい展望を開くかもしれない。 ファイティング!
[KCM] :元気をだして。
[Rain] :彼女は満足する人生を送ることができるよ、KCMと同じように。
[KCM] :彼女は好きなことをやること。

[KCM] : リスナー "Lee Keum Soo"のコメント, "私は自分の農場で菜園の手入れしていて、トマト、サツマイモ、レタスなどを育てている (用地は100坪 を占める)。 自分の野菜が育つことがとてもうれしくて、これはラジオ番組を聴いているのと同じくらい気分が安らぐ/励みになる。"
[KCM] :僕のお母さんはこじんまりと菜園の手入れをしていて、彼女は手入れすることを喜んでいる。
[Rain]: KCM は健康と名誉を得ているね (笑い)。
[KCM] : 用地はたったの2坪。

[Rain]: 僕のお父さんは草木の栽培が上手で、いつもガーデニングを楽しんでいる、でもいつ僕が家に行っても土を耕していて、短期間で庭の形が変わる。(笑い)、それで もはや僕が自分の家だと認識できないほど変わってしまったよ(笑い)。
[KCM] : 予想通り、Rain は金持ちの雰囲気をもってる。

[Rain] : リスナー "Hwang Seon Ae"のコメント, "車を運転するとスピード狂になります。この癖を直したい。"
"Hwang Seon Ae" もしスピードへの欲望があるなら、娯楽室へ行く(笑い) またはKCMのように運動をしてください。
[KCM] : 娯楽室にはたくさんのゲームセンターがある。
[Rain] : 次は..(笑い)

[Rain]: リスナー"Lee Bo Ram"のコメント, "私の趣味はハートの形をした'Love Orchid'という名前の花を育てること。 この花の魅力に魅了されている。"

[KCM] : リスナー"Han Sang A"のコメント, "私は半地下室に住んでいた、でも天窓を通して一日中日の入る、新居に引っ越した。
以降、朝早く起きて、ジョギングをして、日に3食、食べている。 普通ではない生活リズムがうれしい。  お二人は新番組に慣れてきましたか? "
[Rain]: 彼女がどう感じるか想像できるよ。僕の部屋は半分地下だったので、梅雨時はいつも湿っていた、それでその場所には陽がたくさんは当たらず、自分が痛々しく生きているように感じさせられた。 日光浴をするとビタミンDかEが体内で生成されるって知ってた?
[KCM] : それは、間違いなくビタミンDだよ。
[Rain]: 間違いない?ビタミンD?
[KCM] :間違いない. やったあー!
[Rain] :僕の自尊心が傷つけられた。 (笑い)

[Rain] : ビタミンDは視力の改善にも役立つと言われている。
[KCM] : 強壮剤とも見なされている。
[Rain]: とにかく、新居への引っ越しおめでとう。

[Rain] : 番組でファンとコミュニケーションがとれるし、スタッフに週末に会えるので僕にとってはいいこと、でもKCMがここにいなければなあ(笑い)。

[KCM] : Rain は適切な表現をうまく使う、皮肉も使って....
[Rain] : (KCMがかろうじて話し始めた時、RainがKCMの話を遮った)
[KCM] : (KCMは死にそうになるほど笑っている)

[Rain] : リスナー"Won Young Ju"のコメント, "KCM, どうか自信に満ちた声で話してください。Rain, どうかしゃべり続けないで、息をつかずにしゃべり続けないで。"
[KCM] : 心配しないで。上手くやっているよ。



[Rain]; ゆっくり読むよ(笑い)。
リスナー "Ha Ji Min"のコメント, (彼女は高校の上級生)。 "他生徒と同様、大学の入学試験の準備に最善を尽くしている。
僕、ちゃんとできてる?  他の誰かがどう思うか関係なく、自分の思った通りにやるよ。 (声をはっきりと出している)
[KCM] :悪いけど、君(Rain)がとてもゆっくり話すから眠くなってきた。.
[Rain] : 道を切り開くのは簡単じゃない、でも、彼/彼女の環境/場所は長い間保証されるだろう。
[KCM] : 同感だね。

[Rain] : もし"Ha Ji Min"が自分の夢を実現してスチュワーデスになって、そして除隊後に僕が乗った飛行機に彼女が乗務員として搭乗していて、僕に身元を明らかにしてくれたなら、とても感動するなあ。

[KCM] : リスナー"Han Mi Lahn"のコメント, "新しい傘をバスに忘れてしまった。最近は忘れっぽい。時々起こるこんな ささいなことで自分の機嫌を損ねる"
[Rain] ; 僕も同じだ。携帯を耳にはさんで電話で話しながら、携帯を探している自分に気づくことがよくある。
[KCM] : そうなったことあるよ、でもRainは認知症になったみたいだ。
[Rain] ; 冗談でも言わないでよ、いいから運動して(笑い)。
"Han Mi Lahn", どうか自分を責めないで。誰かが思いがけない幸運を得たかも。(笑い) 

[Rain] : リスナー "Son Su Won"のコメント, "若い頃、素敵なラジオを持っていて、ラジオを聴くのを楽しんだ。でも今はデジタル時代のツールが簡単に入手、シェアする方法を与えてくれる、そして新しい方式で情報に従って動く。ラジオ番組から聞こえる音楽は、よりシンプルだった時の記憶を呼び覚ます。”
[KCM] : 彼女が言ったことに申し訳なく思う。

[Rain] : 彼女は君 (KCM) の気分を良くするためにストーリーを送ったわけじゃないよ (笑い)。

[Rain] : 昔ながらのDJバージョンを試してみようよ こんちには、~こちらDJ "Jung"~ 。
[KCM] : こちらはDJ "Kang"~
[Rain]: 前回つけた僕のニックネームはなんだっけ?
[KCM] : "Roller Jung"だよ。
[KCM] :当時、ローラースケートが上手だったの?
[Rain]: 次は.. (笑い)

[Rain]: 次の曲はBruno Marsの曲。彼に一度会ったことがある。

[Rain]: リスナー "Blue"のコメント, "Rain と KCM のキャラクターはそれぞれの話すスピードの観点からVivace とAdagio ということが出来る。"
[KCM] リスナー番号 "5535のコメント, "私はダイエット中。誰か、体重を減らすカギを知っていますか?"
[KCM] : でも、簡単じゃない。
[KCM] : 僕らもダイエット中。

[Rain] : 寝る4時間前までなら食べてもOK、でも食べ過ぎたらだめ。運動した時、水とビタミンやコーヒーを飲む、そして脂肪を燃焼するために脂肪燃焼と呼ばれる痩せ薬半分とコーヒー、そしてマルチビタミン半分を取る。コーヒーの中の分子が脂肪を燃焼するといわれている。
[KCM] : コーヒーに含まれているカフェインがダイエットに効果があるかもしれない。
[Rain] : 彼らはカフェインではない他の分子があるといってる。
[KCM] : ごめん。とにかく, Rainはなかなか面白い/かなり変わった人。 僕と違って、彼はなにか食べたいという衝動を制御する。
[Rain] : 次は..(笑い)。 ごめん (笑い)。

[Rain] : リスナー番号 "8686"のコメント, "確かに今日は素敵な日、そして番組を聴くことが本当に幸せ。."
[KCM] : リスナー番号 "2101"のコメント, "病院で包括的医学検査を受けた時、僕の体はビタミンDが必要と分かった。"
[Rain] : 彼女は日焼けが必要。
[KCM] : 彼女は日に当たることが必要。

[Rain] : 以前(スイミングプールの脇で) コーラまみれになって寝たことがある。 蜂にひどく刺された、でも蜂アレルギーではなかったので、痛みに耐えることができた。
[KCM] : 本当?

[KCM] : リスナー番号 "3462"のコメント, "中学生の息子のために料理をしてから番組をまた聴きます。"
[Rain] :息子のために彼女がすべてをやる必要はないと思う、今、彼は自分でやらなきゃならない。
[KCM] : 僕もだよ、でも彼は何かと母親の助けが必要だと思うよ。
[Rain] : もしそうなら、リスナー 3462 は息子に料理するより番組を聴く方がいい。

[Rain] : リスナー "Baby Cloud"のコメント, "私は今、適性検査を受けています、でも先生に知られずに番組を聴いています。"
[KCM] &[Rain] : 僕たちも入隊する時、適正検査を受けたよ。

[Rain] : リスナー "Na Jin"のコメント, "私は卓越した美しい自然があるエリアにいるので自然と一体になり生活している。”
[KCM] : 僕は都会よりも田舎のほうが好きだな。

[Rain]; 本当に? 第5師団のある国境付近最前線に行きたいんだね。 (笑い)
[KCM] : 結構です (笑い)。

[KCM] : Listener "#0467"s comment, "毎日適量のワインを飲むのは良いことで、私の家族はワインを飲む事を楽しんでいる。母はワインサラダまで買ってきた。
[Rain] : それはワインセラー、ワインサラダじゃないよ (笑い)。
実のところ、文字が小さいので判読は難しい、でもKCM は老眼 (笑い)。
[KCM] : 視力が弱い。ぜんぜん目が見えない。

[Rain] : リスナー番号 #5863"のコメント, "わたしの生活パターンは番組のせいで変化した。二人はいつもとても面白い番組をやっている。
[KCM] : 僕達は最善を尽くすよ。
[Rain] : 僕達は番組タイトルを"トムとジェリーの疾走本能"に変更しなくてはならないと思う。
[KCM] : 僕はJerryとして振る舞うべき?
[Rain] : もちろん。 Jerry は筋肉のついた体をもつ、または脂肪の巨漢または悪い男だよ。 (笑い)

[Rain] : 僕達は前回から番組を共同司会している。今一度、KCMを中断させて KCMが問題を起こしたことをこの機会を借りて謝罪します。 

[KCM] : 謝る必要はないよ。君のような友人がいて本当に幸せだよ。
[Rain] : なるほど、君をもっとひどく扱ってもいいの?
[KCM] : 僕のお母さんがこの番組を聴いているのだから やるべきじゃないよ(笑い)。
[Rain] : 僕のお父さんが電話してきて、君をもっとひどく扱うよう言った。 (笑い)
[KCM] : 彼女が君をここから引きずり出すよう言うかも知れない。(笑い)
[Rain] : それは面白い! (笑い)

[Part 4]


- 'Lee Jin Ho' 一等兵(ギャグが得意なお笑い芸人) と 'Lee Sung Won'一等兵が番組にゲスト出演した。-

[Rain] : 'Lee Jin Ho' は僕達よりも階級が上。
[All] : ワォ!
[Rain] : 僕達は声のボリュームを下げていないと。
[Lee Jin Ho] : Rain と KCM はとても打ち解けているように見えるよ。
KCM はかなり気が強い、でもRainの前では なすすべがないように見える。
[KCM] : Rain 非常に頑固/分からず屋。(笑い)
[Rain] : 僕が彼の話に口を挟んだ時、彼はなんとか話し始めるのがやっと。(笑い)

[Kim Sung Won] : スタジオの雰囲気はとても楽しくて、面白そう。
そして今、僕のメンバーが来た(POPグループ 'Untouchable' は'Kim Sung Won' と 'Park Kyung Wook'の2人で構成されている)、僕達はパフォーマンスの前はとても神経質になる。
[KCM] : ついに, '半分touchable'が 'Untouchable'になった。 (笑い)
[Lee Jin Ho] : 観客を捕えている彼らの電撃的なパフォーマンス/演奏を見たよ。(笑い)

[Rain] : 今週のテーマは生徒が遠足/修学旅行に行く時、学校全体の前でステージに現れて、歌ったり踊ったりすることと同様に彼ら自身の得意な事を見せることについて。
Rain は 'Lee Jin Ho'とチームになり, KCM は'Kim Sung Won'と組んだ。
R (Rain & 'Lee Jin Ho') vs K (KCM & 'Kim Sung Won').

[Rain] : 'Lee Jin Ho' (ギャグが得意なお笑い芸人)が有利だと信じているので、この勝負は僕ら (Rain &Lee Jin Ho)が勝つよ。
[Lee Jin Ho]: KCM も話す才能があるよ。


[Part 5]

[Rain]: 公平性を持って投票してね。

[KCM] ; 誰から始めるか、じゃんけんで決めよう。
[Rain] : 負けたから僕が最初にやるね。(笑い)
アニメ の 'Super Board' 知ってるよね? (笑い)
アニメ の中で最もユニークなキャラクターのひとつ Jerpalgye (pig) の声の真似(笑い)。
"Sonyu (girl), どうしてそれをやったの?" (笑い)

[All] : もう一回やってくれる?
[Rain] :これは僕にとって初めてだってこと理解してほしいな。
"Sonyu (girl), どうしてそれをやったの?" (笑い)

[Rain] : どうか僕に投票してね! (笑い)

[KCM] :アニメ ‘Dooly' のキャラクターでタコの赤ちゃんの形をしたエイリアンの声の真似(笑い)。
エイリアンが地球に落ちた時、タバコケースを見つけ、一人がもう一人に言った"王子様、ケースに'ダイナマイト時計'と書いてあります"、その時、王子様が言った"まったくその通り!" (笑い)

[Lee Jin Ho] : "The Age of Wild Men"という名前のドラマの一場面。
"Duwhani (ドラマの主人公) がこっちにやってくる!" (笑い)

[Kim Sung Won] : 歌手 'Tiger JK'の声の真似。
[Rain] : でも、同じ事を何度も繰り返して真似するべきじゃないよ。
[KCM] : どうぞ、やってみて。
[Kim Sung Won] : やるよ..
"僕はさまよい、刀を引き抜く ! " (笑い)
[Rain] : お願いだから、やめて. (笑い)

[KCM] : アニメ "Run, Honey!"のヒロインHoney の声の真似。 (笑い)
"お母さん、僕は走るよ。" (笑い)
[Rain] : ファンは僕達がかつてこういうキャラクターの物まねしていた事を知った。 (笑い)

[Lee Jin Ho] : 'Pak Hyo Shin' の声の真似。
"僕を許して、僕が大ばかだった.. wo wo wo wo." (笑い)

- 想像上/空想のシーン-
[Rain] : ('It's Raining' の出だしを唄う)
"♪また舞台に上がり~♪ ."
[Lee Jin Ho] : "上がって、不幸/惨めになれ ! "(笑い)

[Rain] : ( 'It's Raining' の出だしを唄う)
"♪また舞台に上がり 照明が僕を照らしたなら~♪ .."
[Lee Jin Ho] : "上がって、不幸/惨めになれ ! 君はまだステージに上がる準備が出来てないよ。!"(笑い)

[Rain] : 僕達が勝負に勝つことはあまりにも明らかだ。

[KCM] : アニメ ‘Power Range' のキャラクターの一人 Jordan (悪人)の声の真似。
"アヤヤヤ, Jordan!" とロボットが言った時, Jordanが叫んだ, "Power Range を殺す!"(笑い)
[Rain] : 彼は家でそういうことだけを練習してるね。(笑い)
[KCM] : もうひとつやっていい?
アニメ 'Super Board'のキャラクター’Samzang Monk’ の声の真似。
" Okonga ( 孫悟空 or 悟空)" (笑い)

[Rain] : " http://www.dema.mil.kr "にアクセスして投票してください。.
[KCM]: (Rainに向かって) 投票してもらっている間に次の曲を紹介してくれる?
[Rain] : 自分でやって。(笑い)

[Part 6]

[Rain] : 結果を発表する前に 'Lee Jin Ho' が最後に一つやるよ。

[Lee Jin Ho] : POP グループ GODの曲 'To Mother' の物まね。 *和訳は省略します。
"Mother hated jajangmyun (black bean-paste noodles), she ate up Jjambbong before he could say knife. Mother hated jajangmyun, but she ate up Jjambbong-bab (Jjambbong with rice) before he could say knife because she didn't like flour-based food. She liked only Jjambbong-bab."
[Rain] : 僕達の勝利を確信してる。

[Rain] : "♪また舞台に上がり~♪~~"
[Lee Jin Ho] : "上がって、不幸/惨めになれ ! "
-リスナーのコメント -
[Rain] : 最終的に、僕達のチームが圧勝したね。

[Rain] : "♪また舞台に上がり~♪~~"
[Lee Jin Ho] : "上がって、不幸/惨めになれ ! 君はまだステージに上がる準備が出来てないよ。!"

[Rain] : どう?
[Lee Jin Ho] : スタジオの雰囲気は最高、そして春の香りを感じるよ。
[Rain] : 勝負に負けた人たちは罰として来週何かやってもらうからね。
[KCM] : 君のアイデアを是非、聞きたい。
[Rain] : 僕が話している時に、口を挟まないでよ。
[KCM] : OK. (笑い)

[Rain] : 'Lee Jin Ho' と 'Kim Sung Won', 今日は番組に参加してくれてどうもありがとう。

[Rain] &[KCM] : リスナーHan Ji Min', 'Jan Sang A', そして'Sin Su Minに、心ばかりの贈り物が用意されています。

[Rain] : リスナー "Baby Cloud"のコメント, "笑い続けてます。ところで、'It's Raining'がリリースされてから8年経つのですね。
[KCM ] : この曲は何度聞いても飽きないね。 

[KCM] : リスナー番号 "0232"のコメント, "昼食をとるには不都合な時間。番組の始まる前、それとも終わったあと、私はどちらに昼食を取るべき?"
[Rain] : 食べて、聴いて。(笑い)

[Rain] : リスナー番号"0914"のコメント, "Chang Mo oppa (KCM), Bi oppa (Rain) は貴方の面倒をみてますか?"
[Rain] &[KCM] : もちろん。

[KCM] : リスナー "Kim Han Sol"のコメント, "今日は私の両親の結婚記念日。”
[Rain] &[KCM] : おめでとう !

[Rain] : リスナー "Movie Star Rain"のコメント, "私はダイエット中です、でも夜中に何かを食べたくなります。"

[KCM] : リスナー番号"1907"のコメント, "議政府市から利川市へ引っ越します。健康的に暮らせるといいな。"

[Rain] : リスナー "Flower Bora"のコメント, "お二人が楽しい食事を取れますように。"
[KCM] : 僕達は番組の後に食べるんだ。

[KCM] : リスナー番号 "2106"のコメント, "私はまだ独身、でもありがたいことに両親は結婚を強要しない。"

[Rain] : KCM, 良い一週間だった?
[KCM] : 世話焼きのように忙しく日々過ごしたよ。
[Rain] : お別れを告げる時が来たようだね。
[KCM] : したいことはたくさんある。友だちと公園を散歩したいな。
[Rain] : 僕は日焼けオイルまたはコーラ(笑い)にまみれてプールサイドで寝たいな。
[KCM] : また、蜂に刺されたいの?

[Rain] : リスナー番号 "8686"のコメント, "お二人は素晴らしい声をしていますね。私の体はその声に落ちていくみたい。"
[Rain] : どうぞ、落ちてください。
[KCM] : どうぞ、落ちてください。

[Rain] : さて、今日はこれで終わりです。
[KCM] : さて、今日はこれで終わりです。
[Rain] : 愛してるよ。


12-05-17 Mnet JP - E news_Talk About Rain

credit : momorumii


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