[팬후기 - Fan Acct] 'Trip of Rain's Footprints'_01: Gwangju
[팬후기] [Acct]'Trip of Rain's Footprints'_01: Gwangju
(비님의 발자취 여행_01:광주)
Credit to Scorpiola /common/board/content.asp?ref=1853&board_id=b_08042315352775&page=1&search_what=&keyword=
Time flies~ Rain has already been serving in the army for 100 days which means I have already been
home for more than 3 months from Korea. It seems like I have to start writing my travel notes otherwise
I wouldn't remember all the little things that happened during those days.
Since there was something that I had to deal with in Hong Kong and I was planning to join Rain's concert tour starting from the concert in Gwangju all the way until Oct 5th, the day after he enlisted to the army(the rumor in those days was saying that he'd enlist to the army on Oct 4th), then I would go back to Hong Kong to stay for another week before going home.
Therefore, I asked to take a full 5 weeks off from my job. Two and a half weeks for Hong Kong and two
and a half weeks for Korea, what a perfect plan I had. However, when I was in Korea in the beginning of October, Rain suddenly announced that he postponed his enlistment date for a week to Oct 11th, also
there would be a production press conference in Busan for his upcoming movie 'Flight: Close to the
Sun' on Oct 7th and he would be performing for Gangnam K-wave Festival (A.K.A. Rain's 'Last of the Best
Concert') on Oct 9th. Oh man, what should I do? Then, I decided to change my return flight to Hong Kong
and to stay in Korea for another week until Oct 12th, the day after he enlisted. That's why, I stayed in
Korea for almost 4 weeks but I didn't waste any time. Gwangju, Daejeon, Seoul, Busan, Gyeongju,
Incheon, Chungcheongnam-do, Gangwon-do, Gyeonggi-do, each of my day in Korea was spending on
places related to Rain. The places I visited each day were either places Rain had been to or places
he's going to show up. Because of that, the title I give for this trip's travel notes is 'Trip of Rain's
Footprints', which is shortened from the whole title: 'Trip of Searching for Rain's Footprints'
Alright, back to the topic, 'Trip of Rain's Footprints'_01 -> Gwangju
At the night of Sept 16th, I took a midnight flight from Hong Kong to Seoul with 3 Chingu (means 'friends' in
Korean). Everytime when I was on a flight to Korea, I would like to search over programs and songs in
the TV monitor for my seat to see if there's any 'Rain' was travelling with me. On this flight, I found BTTB,
여기 게시물의 사진들을 편집하지 말아주시면 감사하겠습니다~
시간은 흐르고 있다..비님이 입대한지 벌써 100일이 지났고 이는 내가 한국에서 집으로 돌아온 지 3개월이나
지났다는 것을 의미하기도 한다..
나의 여행기를 쓰기 시작해야만 한다는 것과 같다. 그렇지 않다면 그동안에 일어났던 아주 사소한 것들을
기억해내지 못할 듯하다..
나는 홍콩에서 처리해야만 할 어떤 일이 있는 상황에서, 비님이 입대한 다음날인 (그 당시 비님이 10월 4일에
입대한다는 소문이 있었다) 10월5일까지 광주콘서트를 시작으로 그의 콘서트 투어에 참석할 예정이었기 때문에,
공연 따라잡기가 끝난 후 홍콩에서 일주일 더 있다가 집으로 돌아 갈 계획이었다..
그런 이유로 해서 나는 총 5주 동안의 휴가를 신청했었다. 홍콩과 한국에서 각각 2주 반 씩이면 완벽한 계획이
아닐까..하지만 내가 10월초에 한국에 도착하자 갑자기 비님의 군입대 일정이 일주일 늦춰졌다는 발표가 있었고,
10월 7일에는 앞으로 개봉될 영화 “비상:태양가까이”의 부산 기자회견이 열릴 예정인데가, 10월 9일에는 강남
한류 페스티발의 일환인 일명 “Last of the Best Concert"가 코앞에 놓여있었다
아, 어쩌란 말인가? 그때 나는 홍콩으로 행선지를 바꾸고, 그의 군입대 다음날인 10월 12일까지 일주일 더
한국에서 머물기로 결정했다..그 결과 한국에서 거의 4주 동안 있었지만 조금의 시간도 낭비하지 않았다..
한국에서의 머무는 동안 매일매일 광주, 대전, 서울, 경주, 인천, 충청남도, 강원도, 경기도 등, 비님과 관련된
장소들에서 시간을 보냈다..내가 매일 방문한 장소들은 비님이 방문한 적이 있거나 앞으로 방문할 장소들이었다..
그런 이유로 “비님의 발자취 여행” 이라는 글 제목이 붙여진 것인데 이는 “비님의 발자취를 찾는 여행”의
주제로 돌아가서 “비님의 발자취 여행_01->광주
9월 16일 밤 나는 친구 3명과 함께 홍콩출발 서울행 심야 비행기에 탑승했다..
나는 한국행 비행에 탑승할 때마다, 여행하는 동안 나와 함께 할 비님과 관련된 뭔가가 있는지 TV모니터의
프로그램과 노래들을 찾고 싶어 한다..이번 비행기에서 Back To The Basic 앨범을 찾아내어서 기분이 너무
The dinner menus for flight to Seoul were usually chicken and Bibimbab. No matter if I was travelling from
USA or from Hong Kong, these were the two choices I could pick from, nothing new.
서울행 비행기내 저녁식사 메뉴는 보통 치킨과 비빔밥이었다..미국출발이든 홍콩출발이든 내가 선택할 수 있는
메뉴는 새로운 것이 없이 이 두 가지였다..
This was my first time taking a flight from Hong Kong to Seoul. I was either had to have my meal or had
to fill out paper for customs in every one to two hours, so I definitely had no time to get some sleep.
Do you believe that this 6 hours flight to Seoul was much less comfortable than the 15 hours flight that I
usually take to Seoul from USA? It's unbelievable, right? When we arrived at Incheon Airport at around
5am, I was so tired and sleepy. Luckily, our Rain was welcoming us at the airport that made me awake
from sleepy.
홍콩출발 서울행 비행기 탑승은 이번이 내게 처음이었다..매번 한두 시간 내에 밥을 먹거나 문서에 기입해야만
했기 때문에 정말이지 잠 잘 시간이 전혀 없었다..미국출발 서울행의 15시간 비행시간보다 이번 홍콩출발
서울행의 6시간 비행시간이 훨씬 더 편치 못했다는 사실을 믿어 주실래나? 믿기 어려운 사실임이 틀림없다..
새벽 5시에 인천공항에 도착했을 때 나는 정말 피곤하고 몹시도 졸음이 왔다..운좋게도 공항 내 비님의 모습이
우리를 환영하고 있어서 이로 인해 잠에서 깨어나게 되었다..
We took airport bus directly to Seoul National University of Education Station which was the meeting point
for the coach to Gwangju organized by Korean Clouds. We arrived there at around 7:30am. Most of the
stores were not opened yet because it was too early in the morning. After searching around, we finally
found a bakery to have our breakfast and we stayed there to wait for the coach and other Clouds to
arrive. After we got on the coach, Korean CloudS gave each or us an sandwich and a little box of milk.
I didn't have them because I had just eaten but I appriciated a lot for Korean Clouds' thoughtfulness.
The coach departed around 20 minutes later than scheduled because someone came late. Driving from
Seoul to Gwangju needed to take around 4 hours, no need to eat and no need to fill out forms, gosh~
I finally got time to have some sleep. I didn't know how long I fell into sleep, the coach stopped at a
resting point by the highway. After I went to ladies' room and got some snacks to eat, I went back to the
coach to have my second round of sleep. Then the coach sent us directly to the entrance of Yeomju
Multipurpose Gymnasium, the venue for Rain's Gwangju concert.
우리는 서울교대역으로 가는 직행 공항버스에 몸을 실었는데 그곳은 한국구름들이 마련해준 광주행 버스를 타게
될 만남의 장소였다..우리는 오전 7시 30분에 그곳에 도착했다. 너무 이른 아침시간이라 대부분의 상가들이 아직
문을 열지 않은 상태였다..
주변을 살펴보다보다가 우리가 아침을 먹을 수 있는 제과점을 마침내 찾아냈고 그곳 제과점에서 머물며 광주행
버스와 다른 구름들이 도착하기를 기다렸다..우리가 버스에 올라탄 후 한국 구름들이 우리들에게 샌드위치와
작은 상자의 우유를 건넸다..나는 방금 식사를 했기 때문에 받지 않았지만 신경 써주신 한국구름들에게 진심으로
감사함을 표했다..
어떤 사람이 늦게 도착하는 바람에 이 버스는 예정된 시간보다 20분쯤 후에 출발했다..
서울에서 광주까지는 약 4시간이 소요되었기 때문에 먹거나 문서를 작성할 필요가 없었다.
휴~ 마침내 나는 잠을 좀 청할 시간을 갖게 된 셈이었다..
얼마나 오랫동안 잠에 빠져있었는지도 모르는 사이에 어느덧 버스는 고속도로 옆 어느 휴게소에 멈춰 섰다..
나는 여자 화장실에 갔다가 간식거리를 좀 산 후, 버스로 돌아와 두 번째 잠에 빠져들었다..그 후 버스는 곧장
비님의 광주콘서트 장소인 염주 종합 실내체육관 입구에 도착했다..
concert's souvenirs was supposed to be started already as per the schedule in Cloud Notice, but when
we arrived there, they were still setting up the booth for it. So, Chingu A and I decided to take all of our
luggage to the guest house we reserved to do the check-in first and Chingu B & C to wait at the venue
for buying concert souvenirs for all of us. When Chingu A & I returned to the venue, B & C were already
done with shopping souvenirs. The weather was hot and the sun was up high in the sky, so then we met
with some other Clouds we knew and went to a restaurant around the venue to avoid the sun.
염주 종합 실내체육관에 도착한 시간은 오후 2시였다.. 구름공지 스케줄대로라면 ‘더 베스트 쇼’의 기념품 판매는
이미 시작되었어야 하나, 우리가 그곳에 도착했을 때 판매대 설치가 아직도 진행 중이었다...
그래서 친구A와 나는 예약한 호텔에 우리들 짐 모두를 먼저 갖다놓고 체크인하기로 하고, 친구B와 C는 콘서트
기념품 판매대에서 기다리기로 결정했다..
친구A와 내가 콘서트 장소로 돌아와 보니 B와 C는 벌써 기념품 쇼핑 중이었다..날씨는 덥고 태양은 하늘 높이 떠
올라 있었다..그래서 그때 우리는 안면이 있는 다른 구름들과 만나 콘서트 장소 근처 어느 식당에 들어가 태양을
The restaurant we picked serving western food like pastas and burgers. The waiter who served our
table also spoke little English and he was so thoughtful enough to bring us the only one English menu
they had in the restaurant, thanks and we appriciated. We ordered different kinds of food individually and
all of us happened to say the food we ordered was so delicious in favor. The food was good and even
the little things like napkins holder and small plates on the table were cute too. Nice~
우리가 들어간 그 식당은 파스타와 햄버거같이 서양식 음식을 전문으로 하는 곳이었다..
우리를 서빙한 웨이터는 역시나 영어를 거의 하지 못했으나 그 식당의 유일한 영어메뉴 한 부를 우리에게 가져다
줄 정도로 무척이나 사려 깊었다..우리는 그의 친절에 감사했다..
우리는 각각 다른 종류의 음식을 주문했고 우리 모두의 입에서 주문한 음식들이 정말 맛있다는 말이 쏟아지는
일이 벌어졌다..음식은 정말 맛있고 테이블 위의 냅킨받이와 작은 접시들처럼 작은 물건들조차 너무 귀여워서
기분 좋았다~
I read a news article few days before going to Korea said that due to the weather was too hot, the
demand for electricity exceeded the power supply capability of the network caused power outages in
many regions in Korea. Who would know that when we were enjoying our delicious meals, the
restaurant's power suddenly went out. We were so worried not for the restaurant but for Rain's concert
that would start in the next few hours. We were like: "oh please, please don't let what happened at
Taipei Arena to be happened again tonight!!) (FYI: the power in Taipei Arena suddenly went out in the
middle of Rain's Rainy Day concert in 2006). We were a little bit relieved when the power came back after
10 minutes but then the power went out again after few minutes. Although we knew there should be back
up power at the concert venue but still... please, no blackout at least for tonight~
나는 한국에 오기 전 며칠 전 신문 기사를 읽었는데, 너무 더운 날씨로 인해 전국의 전기 공급 능력을 초과하는
전기 수요는 한국 내 여러 지역들에 정전사태를 일으켰다는 내용이었다..
우리가 맛있는 음식을 먹고 있을 때 식당의 전기가 갑자기 정전이 될 줄을 짐작이나 했을까? 식당 때문만이
아니라 몇 시간 후면 시작될 비님의 콘서트 때문에 우리는 정말 걱정을 했다..
우리는 마치도 이런 기분이었다 : “제발 지난 타이페이 아레나에서 일어났던 일이 오늘밤에 또다시 일어나지 않기
를 바랍니다!! (지난 2006년 타이페이 아레나에서의 비님의 레이니데이 콘서트 도중 갑자기 정전이 된 일이 있었다)
정전된 지 10분 후에 전기가 다시 들어와 조금 안심하기는 했으나 몇 분 후 다시 정전이 되었다.. 콘서트장에 예비
동력이 공급이 틀림없이 준비되어 있음을 알고는 있었지만 여전히..제발 적어도 오늘밤만큼은 정전이 없기를 바랬
More and more people arrived when we got back to the venue after eating. Then we started doing our
job, searching around to check for Rain's leaving exit and direction after the concert. Once we
confirmed our after concert getaway 'Plan B', we started lining up for entering the venue.
우리가 식사 후 공연장으로 돌아왔을 때 점점 더 많은 사람들이 도착했다..
그 때 우리는 비님이 공연 후 떠나는 출구와 방향을 점검하기 위해 근처를 찾아다니면서 우리의 할 일을
시작했다..일단 우리의 ‘공연 후 빠져나가기 “Plan B” 프로젝트’를 점검하면 공연장에 들어가기 위해 줄서기
시작하는 식이었다..
expect a lot of having good seats. Suprisingly, when we found our seats, we were on the second row
facing the center of the stage. Not as standing, there was nothing blocking in front of us. We could see
the whole stage from the back LED to front of the extended stage and from top to bottom clearly. What a
perfect spot for photo taking and video recording. The only thing I wanted to complain was the whole row
of seats were attached and the floor was not fixed concrete floor because the section of our seats was
something like flexible seating system, when they don't need it, they can put the whole seation of seating
into garage, so the floor moved when someone in the same row was walking or moving. Therefore, while
video recording, even myself didn't move a lot but the video I recorded was shaking a lot because the
whole floor of the row moved when someone on the same row moved, too bad~
우리는 이번 공연에서 구름팬석을 확보했는데 그 수가 뒤쪽으로 조금밖에 되지 않았다..
그래서 우리는 좋은 자리의 확보를 많이 기대하지 않았다...그런데 놀랍게도 우리의 자리를 찾다보니 무대 중앙을
바라보는 두 번째 줄이었다..스탠딩과 달리 우리 앞쪽으로 가로막는 것이 아무 것도 없었다..
우리는 뒤쪽 LED부터 펼쳐져있는 무대 앞까지, 위부터 아래까지 무대 전체를 깔끔하게 볼 수 있었다..
그야말로 사진찍기와 비디오 촬영하기에 정말 완벽한 지점이었다..
단 한 가지 아쉬웠던 점은 전 좌석 줄이 연결되어있다는 것과, 우리 좌석이 있는 구역이 유동적으로 움직일 수
있는 것처럼 되어 있어서 바닥이 콘크리트로 고정되어 있지 않았다는 점이다..이런 좌석 시스템이 필요치 않다
싶으면 사람들은 전 좌석 구역을 무시하게 되고 이러다보니 같은 줄의 한사람이 걷거나 움직이면 전체가 움직였던
그래서 영상 촬영 동안 나는 많이 움직이지 않았어도 같은 줄 한사람이 움직이면 전체 줄이 움직이게 되니
촬영되는 비디오는 많이 흔들리고 있어서 너무 힘들었다~
about the details of the concert, just pick out some points those I think are interesting with some fancams
and photos I took. I felt Rain's condition wasn't that well in the beginning of the concert. He seemed tired
and his voice was a bit hoarse, but then his condition was getting much much better after few songs.
When he sang "Only You", he unexpectedly said "Sarang hea Yo~ (I Love You~)" in the middle of the
song and felt embarrassed right afterward. He couldn't help laughing and so did we~ His facial
expression was so... ...cute~
P.S. I didn't mean to share my fancam to the public by the time I recorded it, so I had never stopped
myself from singing and screaming with him and it's impossible to keep myself quite at his concert.
Please excuse my voice if you think it's disturbing.
여러분들이 이미 많은 영상들을 접했으리라 생각된다..그래서 나는 공연의 상세한 부분은 생략하려 하며, 내가
촬영한 영상&사진과 함께 재미있게 생각되는 부분만을 찝어내려고 한다..공연 시작부분에서 비님의 컨디션이
그리 좋지 않았던 것으로 느껴졌지만, 노래 몇 개를 부른 후 그의 상태는 점점 더 아주 많이 좋아지고 있었다..
그가 “온리유”를 부를 때 예상치않게 노래 중간 부분에서 사랑해요!(아이러브유) 한 후 조금 있다가
쑥스러워했다..그는 웃음을 참지 못했고 그래서 우리도 웃었다~ 그의 얼굴 표정이 정말 귀여웠다~
덧붙이자면, 촬영 당시 나의 팬캠을 다른사람들과 공유할 생각이 없었기 때문에 나는 그와 함께 노래부르기와
소리지르기를 계속했다..그의 공연장에서 조용하게 있다는 것은 불가능한 일이다..따라서 영상에 나오는
나의 목소리가 방해된다면 죄송하다..
The below clip is when he sang '알면서(I Know)' and '광주여자(Gwangju Woman)'. If Rain didn't mention
it, I wouldn't know the temperature in Gwangju of that day was hot as 33°C. See, that's why we had to
stay in a restaurant to avoid the sun. I love the song 'I Know' a lot. It reminds me the scenes in drama
'Sangdoo, let's go to school'. This was the first time I heard him singing it live in the concert I attended.
I was touched and wanted to cry when I saw his facial expressions during the song with his voice plus
the scenes of the drama I had in my memories. Then when Rain sang '광주여자(Gwangju Woman)'.
He found there was a mid-aged man sitting on the right side (our left side) of the stage giving him no
response. Rain tried his best to act silly and cute, was trying to get some responses from that man
but that man was just sitting there no matter what Rain did. After he finished up the song, our 'unhappy'
kid walked back to that man and asked that man why giving him no response but just sitting there.
LOL~ He's so cute~
아래영상은 그가 '알면서'와 '광주여자'를 부를 때의 장면이다..
만일 비님이 언급하지 않았다면 광주의 날씨가 33도였다는 것을 몰랐을 것이다..
그래서 우리는 어느 식당에서 머물며 태양을 피해야만 했다..
나는 ‘알면서’노래를 정말 사랑한다..
이 노래는 드라마 ‘상두야 학교가자’의 장면들을 생각나게 한다..내가 참석했던 콘서트 역사상 라이브로 이 노래를
들어보기는 처음이었다..나의 기억 속 드라마의 장면들이 오버랩되는 것과 더불어 그의 목소리가 담긴 노래가
진행되는 동안 그의 얼굴 표정을 바라보니 감동이 밀려오면서 울고 싶어졌다..
그 후 그가 광주여자를 부르면서 무대 오른쪽 (우리의 왼쪽)에 앉아있는 중년의 남자 한 분을 찾아냈다..
비님은 그 남자분에서 어떤 반응을 이끌어내고자 재미나고 귀여운 짓을 하며 최선을 다했으나 비님이 뭘 하든
그 분은 그저 앉아만 있을 뿐이었다..노래를 끝마친 후, 우리의 ‘실망한’ 꼬마아이 (비님)는 그 남자분을 향해 돌아
걸어가서 왜 아무런 반응을 하지 않은 채 앉아만 있냐고 물었다..
너무 웃겼다~ 비님은 정말 귀엽다~
After he sang '널 붙잡을 노래(Love Song)', there was a little funny scene of Rain. There was something
like hair went into his mouth from the mic on his headset, then he took it off and used a towel to clean it.
While he was cleaning it, he was trying to explain a bit about the headset mic he's using, suddenly there
was a female's voice from his left side saying "I know that!". Rain's facial expression immediately acted
awful like saying "What?" and he faced to that side and asked "Who is it?" Then he raised the left side of
his red suit up a bit, turning his butt to that lady and asked her: "This, what about this?" "You know what is
this?" "You know what is this?" "What's this?" "What's this?" LOL~ He was trying to beat her like that
‘널붙잡을 노래’를 부른 후 비님의 약간 재미있는 장면이 있었다..
그의 헤드셋 마이크으로부터 그의 입으로 머리카락 같은 것이 끼어 있었다..그러자 그는 그것을 제거한 후
수건으로 깨끗이 닦아냈다..그가 닦아내는 동안 자신이 사용하는 헤드셋 마이크에 대해 설명을 좀 하려고 할 때
갑자기 “나 그것 알아요!” 라는 어떤 여자 분의 목소리가 그의 왼쪽으로부터 들려왔다..
비님의 얼굴이, “뭐야?”라고 말하고 있는 듯, 그 즉시 기가 막히다는 표정을 지었다.
그는 소리가 나는 쪽을 바라보며 “누구세요?”라고 물었다..그때 그는 자신의 엉덩이를 그 여자분쪽으로 돌린채
자신의 빨간색 수트의 왼쪽을 약간 들어올리곤 그녀에게 물었다 :
“이거 어디에 쓰는 건지 알아요?” “이게 뭔지 알아요?” “이게 뭔지 알아요?” “이게 뭐에요?” “이게 뭐에요?” 너무
웃겼다~그는 이처럼 그녀를 이겨먹으려고 했다..
After that, he talked about himself and life seriously, then he started singing 'My Way' and the LED on the
stage started showing a video made of photos of Rain from when he was a baby to recent. Since my
spot was perfect enough to video record the whole stage with both Rain the whole LED on the back,
so I wouldn't miss the chance to keep this precious video for myself. Listening to 'My Way' with this
video, so touching~
그 후, 그는 자기 자신과 인생에 대해 진지하게 이야기했다..그런 후 그는 ‘마이웨이’를 부르기 시작했으며
무대 위 LED 스크린은 그의 아기 때부터 최근까지의 사진이 담긴 영상들을 보여주기 시작했다..비님과 뒤쪽
LED전체 스크린은 물론 무대 전체를 영상에 담을 수 있을 정도로 나의 자리는 아주 완벽한 곳이었기에
나는 나 자신을 위한 이같은 소중한 영상을 간직할 기회를 놓치지 않게 되었다..
이 영상과 함께 ‘마이웨이’를 들으니 정말 감동스럽다~
There are so many things about the concert I want to share but I afraid if I bring all of them out, I have to
use a month to finish writing this account, so I would like to stop here and share some photos instead
함께 공유하고픈 콘서트에 대한 많은 것들이 있지만 그것들 모두를 전달할 수 있을지 모르겠다..
이 후기를 끝내려면 한 달이 필요하다..그래서 일단 여기서 글을 마치고 대신 사진들을 여러분들과 공유하려
was out of batteries so I have nothing to show you about this.
After Rain left, because the guest thouse we stayed was not far from the venue. It's just 30 minutes away
by walk and just needed to walk straight along on the main road in front of the venue. We checked to see
if there's any restaurant was still opened when we were walking back to the guest house. We finally
found and walked into a Korean restaurant. We didn't know the restaurant served pork and pig organs
only until we went over the menu at the table, but it's OK for us.
After dinner, we went to a convenience store for our dessert, ice-cream, then we walked back to the
guest house to sleep. We had Rain, had food, had dessert, and had time and place to sleep, what a
perfect day in Gwangju~
The coach to Daejeon organized by Korean Clouds would depart at the hotel they stayed at 10am, so we
woke up early and left our guest house to their hotel after breakfast at around 9am. It was too early and
not too many people showed up when we arrived at the hotel, so Chingu A, B and I left our luggage at
the lobby and walked around in the area to see if there's any convenience store that we could get
something to drink. After we bought our drinks, we found a place called 'Gwangju Bridge'.
Since we stayed in Gwangju for a day only so we definitely had no time to visit attractions of Gwangju
other than Yeomju Multipurpose Gymnasium. Gwangju Bridge, as per its name, it should be found in
Gwangju only, so it should be one of the attractions in Gwangju we thought. Therefore, we stopped by
there and took some photos to proof we've been to Gwangju. The river under Gwangju Bridge looked like
청계천(Cheong gye cheon) in Seoul some how. I wondered if this river would have colorful lighting at
night as 청계천(Cheong gye cheon)?
공연후, 우리는 우리의 ‘Plan B' 프로젝트를 가동시켰다..우리는 무대 뒤 출구로 가서 그를 배웅했다..
나의 카메라의 배터리가 다 나가버려서 여러분에게 이 장면에 대한 것을 보여줄 것이 아무 것도 없다..
비님이 떠난 후, 우리가 머물고 있는 호텔이 공연장에서 멀지 않았기 때문에
걸어서 30분 동안만 연장 앞에서 큰길을 따라 곧장 걷기만 하면 되었다...
우리는 호텔에 되돌아가면서 아직도 문을 열고 있는 식당이 없나 살펴보았다..
마침내 어느 한국 식당을 발견하여 그곳으로 걸어 들어갔다..
돼지고기와 돼지 내장을 전문으로 하는 식당인 줄은 테이블 위의 메뉴판을 검토하고 나서야 알게 되었지만
우리는 괜찮았다..
저녁 식사 후, 우리는 우리의 디저트, 아이스크림를 사러 어느 편의점에 갔다..
그런 후 호텔로 돌아와 잠자리에 들었다..
우리는 비님과 함께 있었고 음식을 먹었고 디저트를 먹었고 그리고 잠잘 시간과 장소를 가졌다..
광주에서의 완벽한 하루가 아니었을까~
한국구름들이 마련한 대전행 버스는 이들 구름들이 도착한 오전 10시에 호텔에서 출발할 예정이어서
우리는 일찍 일어나 오전 9시쯤에 아침을 먹은 후 우리가 머물던 호텔을 출발하여 그쪽 호텔로 향하게 되었다..
우리가 도착했을 때 너무 이른 시간이라 그렇게 많은 사람들이 나와 있지 않았다..그래서 친구A, B와 나는
우리 짐을 로비에 놔두고 음료수를 사기 위해 근처에 편의점이 없는지 알아보기 위해 공연장 근처를 걸어 다녔다..
음료수를 구입한 후 우리는 ‘광주대교’라는 장소를 찾았다..
겨우 하루만 광주에서 머물렀기 때문에 염주 종합 실내체육관 이외에는 볼만한 곳을 방문한 시간적 여유가
없었다. 이름 말 맞다나 광주대교는 광주에서만 발견되어야함이 당연하기에 우리가 생각했던 광주의 볼만한 곳들
중 하나이어야 한다..그래서 우리는 그곳에서 걸음을 멈춘 채 광주에 왔다 갔다는 증거를 남기기 위해 사진 몇 점
을 찍었다..
어찌되었든, 광주대교 아래 강물은 서울의 청계천처럼 보였다..이곳 강이 청계천처럼 밤에 오색찬란한 빛을 낼 것
인지 궁금했다...
After taking some photos at Gwangju Bridge, we walked back to the hotel and got on the coach for
Daejeon. Korean Clouds were so thoughtful again to ask if any of us wanted sandwiches for breakfast,
I was full so I didn't take anything, thanks anyway. Besides of that, another Korean Cloud onni
(means 'older sister' in Korean) brought a big roll of Gwangju posters onto the coach and gave them
away to each of us. "Oh~ good to see this handsome guy in the morning, today should be a lucky day!"
Then this coach of Clouds departed as per scheduled, leaving Gwangju to Daejeon to continue
searching for Rain's footprints~
'Trip of Rain's Footprints'_01: Gwangju ~Ended~
광주대교에서 사진 몇 장을 찍은 후 우리는 호텔로 돌아가 대전행 버스에 몸을 실었다..
한국구름들은 또다시 사려깊게도 우리들 중 누구라도 아침식사로 샌드위치를 먹고 싶은 사람은 없는지 물어봤다..
나는 배가 불러 아무 것도 먹지 않았지만 어쨌든 감사드린다..
그 외에도 또 다른 구름 언니는 둥글게 말려있는 광주콘서트 포스터들을 버스로 갖고 와서 하나씩 나눠주었다..
“아침에 잘 생긴 남자를 보니 기분이 너무 좋다, 오늘은 좋은 일이 있음에 틀림없다!” 그런 후 비님의 발자취들을
계속 찾고자 광주에서 대전을 향해 구름들의 버스는 스케줄대로 출발했다~
‘비님의 발자취를 따라가는 여행’_01: 광주 ~ 끝
Translation by 화니
secession 2012.01.30[Eng.trans](110917 Rain 'The Best Show' concert in 광주Gwangju_Talk after Love Song)
Why is a hair here?
It's too long.
Just a moment.
Is it interesting?
Whenever I put on a concert, I think an average of 3 to 4 mikes are replaced.
It's called a headset.
(Someone) : I know that.
Who is it?
You know what is this?
You don't know what is, right?
You must be a fan of Seven (a singer)
[Eng Trans]Rain in the military
Rain in the military
가뭄에 단비?? ㅋ
이틀된 따끈한 비느의 사진이랍니다..
딸아이 선배가 제대하면서 함께찍은 사진이라메 펫북에 올린것을
엄마보라며 보내줬네요..
엊그제 제대할때라니까 비느의 가장 최근사진 같아요..
딸 선배의 인권을 위해 과감히 잘랐읍니다..
묻지도 따지지도 않고 올리는데 괜찮으려나??ㄷㄷㄷ
비고픔이 조금이나마 해소가 되실거 같아 올립니다..^^
이틀된 따끈한 비느의 사진이랍니다..
딸아이 선배가 제대하면서 함께찍은 사진이라메 펫북에 올린것을
엄마보라며 보내줬네요..
엊그제 제대할때라니까 비느의 가장 최근사진 같아요..
딸 선배의 인권을 위해 과감히 잘랐읍니다..
묻지도 따지지도 않고 올리는데 괜찮으려나??ㄷㄷㄷ
비고픔이 조금이나마 해소가 되실거 같아 올립니다..^^
Is it like a welcome rain which brings an end to the long drought?
This is Rain's photo taken two days ago.
Before leaving the army, my daughter's senior posed for a photo with Rain, and the senior put the
photo that presents himself and Rain together on Face Book.
The part of the image showing the senior was edited and cut off to protect his privacy right.
From what the senior left the army a couple of days ago, I conclude it is Rain's latest photo.
English translation by 화니
Rain Leave boot camp
cr : DC
Rain Leave boot camp
cr : DC
[HQ] 120130 Rain @ Y-star News (8 min)
Video download link
Rain was spotted returning to his unit after his vacation.
Reporter : Are you doing well?
Rain : Yes, thanks.
Because of the remoteness of the area where Rain serves, not many people came here
and there was no prominent building nearby.
The only restaurant in front of his unit was filled with breaths of his fans.
We waited for him in front of the unit, fighting against cold not to miss him because
we didn't know when he would return to his unit.
We waited for him for a long time but he didn't show.
A Carnival van supposed to belong to him finally appeared in time for returning
to his unit (6:00pm)
The van tinted windows to be excessive like a car of a world star.
Rain finally got out of his van.
He was perfectly dressed in military uniform from head to toe.
He was covering more than half his face with a black mask.
It was his leg injury that was the most worrisome, so we asked his condition first.
Reporter : Are you doing well?
Rain : Yes, thanks.
Reporter : We heard you were hurt. How serious is your injury?
Rain : (The condition of my health is) excellent.
He hurried on his way as if he didn't want to be recognized by the mass in a situation
where he serves.
He saluted a sentry at the entrance and he said he was poised for a return.
He was an imposing figure.
He even turned to look at us while walking along the long road.
We were so overwhelmed by his looks even if he wasn't on stage under the glamorous
Rain is serving in the military after stopping making television appearances.
EngTranslation by 화니
[Eng Trans]120130 Ystar News_Rain returning to his unit after his vacation
source : DC //re-uplod by ratoka
secession 2012.01.30
Rain was spotted returning to his unit after his vacation.
Reporter : Are you doing well?
Rain : Yes, thanks.
Because of the remoteness of the area where Rain serves, not many people came here and there was no prominent building nearby.
The only restaurant in front of his unit was filled with breaths of his fans.
We waited for him in front of the unit, fighting against cold not to miss him because we didn't know when he would return to his unit.
We waited for him for a long time but he didn't show.
A Carnival van supposed to belong to him finally appeared in time for returning to his unit (6:00pm)
The van tinted windows to be excessive like a car of a world star.
Rain finally got out of his van.
He was perfectly dressed in military uniform from head to toe.
He was covering more than half his face with a black mask.
It was his leg injury that was the most worrisome, so we asked his condition first.
Reporter : Are you doing well?
Rain : Yes, thanks.
Reporter : We heard you were hurt. How serious is your injury?
Rain : (The condition of my health is) excellent.
He hurried on his way as if he didn't want to be recognized by the mass in a situation where he serves.
He saluted a sentry at the entrance and he said he was poised for a return.
He was an imposing figure.
He even turned to look at us while walking along the long road.
We were so overwhelmed by his looks even if he wasn't on stage under the glamorous lights.
Rain is serving in the military after stopping making television appearances.
Rain was spotted returning to his unit after his vacation.
Reporter : Are you doing well?
Rain : Yes, thanks.
Because of the remoteness of the area where Rain serves, not many people came here
and there was no prominent building nearby.
The only restaurant in front of his unit was filled with breaths of his fans.
We waited for him in front of the unit, fighting against cold not to miss him because
we didn't know when he would return to his unit.
We waited for him for a long time but he didn't show.
A Carnival van supposed to belong to him finally appeared in time for returning
to his unit (6:00pm)
The van tinted windows to be excessive like a car of a world star.
Rain finally got out of his van.
He was perfectly dressed in military uniform from head to toe.
He was covering more than half his face with a black mask.
It was his leg injury that was the most worrisome, so we asked his condition first.
Reporter : Are you doing well?
Rain : Yes, thanks.
Reporter : We heard you were hurt. How serious is your injury?
Rain : (The condition of my health is) excellent.
He hurried on his way as if he didn't want to be recognized by the mass in a situation
where he serves.
He saluted a sentry at the entrance and he said he was poised for a return.
He was an imposing figure.
He even turned to look at us while walking along the long road.
We were so overwhelmed by his looks even if he wasn't on stage under the glamorous
Rain is serving in the military after stopping making television appearances.
EngTranslation by 화니
[Eng Trans]120130 Ystar News_Rain returning to his unit after his vacation
source : DC //re-uplod by ratoka
secession 2012.01.30
Rain was spotted returning to his unit after his vacation.
Reporter : Are you doing well?
Rain : Yes, thanks.
Because of the remoteness of the area where Rain serves, not many people came here and there was no prominent building nearby.
The only restaurant in front of his unit was filled with breaths of his fans.
We waited for him in front of the unit, fighting against cold not to miss him because we didn't know when he would return to his unit.
We waited for him for a long time but he didn't show.
A Carnival van supposed to belong to him finally appeared in time for returning to his unit (6:00pm)
The van tinted windows to be excessive like a car of a world star.
Rain finally got out of his van.
He was perfectly dressed in military uniform from head to toe.
He was covering more than half his face with a black mask.
It was his leg injury that was the most worrisome, so we asked his condition first.
Reporter : Are you doing well?
Rain : Yes, thanks.
Reporter : We heard you were hurt. How serious is your injury?
Rain : (The condition of my health is) excellent.
He hurried on his way as if he didn't want to be recognized by the mass in a situation where he serves.
He saluted a sentry at the entrance and he said he was poised for a return.
He was an imposing figure.
He even turned to look at us while walking along the long road.
We were so overwhelmed by his looks even if he wasn't on stage under the glamorous lights.
Rain is serving in the military after stopping making television appearances.
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