Summary on the various news and fan accounts about the 19 January 2013 Walkathon Event
Source from DC, twitter etc. and various news reports. Many thanks to those who contributed.
The massive news that churned out had been pleasantly positive. It seemed the witch hunt monger media failed to impair our prince.
The news said as DEMA announced very late (a day prior to the event) that our prince will participate in the event, citizens who missed the walkathon quota rumbled with discontent as they lined up to watch the ribbon cutting ceremony. A man who applied early gazed around the swarm of people and told the reporter that he did not know our prince was coming. One Japanese female tourist said she was planning a tour to the nearby palace. When the guide told her it’s possible to see our prince, she quickly dashed over, her face beamed with excitement as she talked. Many fans holding boards with cheering messages also caught people’s attention.
Dozens of media agencies couldn’t relax even for one moment as they wanted to cover every single move of our prince.
The media probably expected our prince to look haggard, drained. Instead, he stood tall and dignified, and they were surprised. Perhaps that’s why the adjective “bright” came up in numerous reports.
This news said our prince’s face was somewhat gaunt, but he looked bright as he smiled to reporters and citizens. He himself was crowded by people and could hardly walk, but he was more concerned about those around him and kept cautioning them to be careful. It was warm and touching.
We are not biased about the beauty and the dignity of our prince^^. Here were some of the headlines:
Bi’s Killing Smiles
Our prince has much more than just good looks. When he saw a reporter almost falling, he intuitively offered his hand.
A fan who watched the ribbon cutting ceremony had a similar experience. She was almost tripped by a reporter who tossed his case trying to follow our prince. Our prince kept reminding people to be careful, cautioning them there was a pillar behind etc.
The fan said when our prince was suddenly so close to her, her mind was totally blank. Seeing our much slimmed down prince, she called out instinctively “Obba, fighting”. Our prince responded with a smile and said, “yes, thank you”. The fan said she’s the one who should thank our prince.
And that’s basically what all the fans felt – they were truly grateful to our prince. Our worries, our agony somehow got “healed” seeing his graceful composure (which some reporters described as nervousness.) He tried his best to comfort his clouds, to acknowledge them, and to show his appreciation.
Another fan wrote that whenever fans cheered our prince, he looked at them and said thank you. She was behind our prince, but as he thanked her he even turned to shake hands with her. She felt it was not a handshake, but a signal between our prince and his cloud. It all happened so suddenly she couldn’t remember much, except the eyes of our prince as he looked at her. She couldn’t help thinking that our prince must be going through a hard time, (just like we did), but he did not show it at all. He walked in big strides. He was very warm and nice to the citizens. Seeing these, the fan gained much strength and felt very blessed.
It was no surprise therefore when we saw our prince wearing the watch the clouds gave him as a gift when we sent him off to the army. The signal and the communication without words.
A fan was able to participate in the walkathon. She wrote that as our prince walked up the slope and was spotted by people who were exercising there, they flocked over to see him, complimenting incessantly at the same time. Those citizens who walked together with our prince also cheered him. The reaction of the public somehow had this “healing” effect to her, who originally was only planning to show her support.
And perhaps the most wonderful thing and the best healing came from the account of a high school student.
News reported that our prince was the first one to reach the finishing line. Despite the fact that the walkathon was delayed by an hour or so, our prince reached the final destination 20 minutes ahead of the estimated arrival time. The staff confirmed that our prince was the first, and said his excellent attitude brought a successful ending to the event.
However a high school student said she was actually slightly ahead of our prince. Unfortunately when all the media flocked over she was being washed away (probably that’s why our prince took her first place^^)
But the student had much more to compensate for this first place. She said our prince talked to her, asked her which year she’s studying, and gave her lots of encouragement. She was very impressed with the humane nature of our prince. It’s not just with her. She wrote that when our prince was walking up the slope, he greeted the passersby and some lucky ones even got hugs.
At the very end of her account, this student wrote: whether he is a soldier, or a civilian, Rain is the most admirable person in our country. Thank you, Rain and I have become your fan.
I hope this summary will also have some healing effect to all of you who care to read, and hope it will ease some of your worry, anxiety over the past 2-3 weeks.
And my biiggest thanks to our prince, for being who you always are! We are proud of you!
bengy82 2013.01.23
Romanian translation
Rain participa la Walkathon-ul Dragoste de Tara-2013.01.19
Sumar despre variatele noutati si conturi ale fanilor despre ziua de 19 Ianuarie 2013 la evenimentul Walkathon.
Surse din DC,twitter si variate rapoarte din media.Multe multumiri celor care au contribuit.
Multimea de noutati care au urmat evenimentului au fost placut pozitive.Se pare ca "vanatoarea de vrajitoare"a esuat in a ne deteriora Printul.
Stirile au spus ca DEMA a anuntat foarte tarziu (cu o zi inainte de eveniment)ca Printul nostru va participa,cetatenii care au ratat cota d ela Walkathon erau nemultumiti cand s-au asezat in linie pentru a viziona ceremonia de taiere a panglicii.Un individ care a privit multimea de oameni a spus unui reporter ca nu a stiut ca Printul nostru va veni.O turista japoneza a spus ca planuise un tur la un palat aproape.Cand ghidul i-a spus ca este posibil de a-l vedea pe Printul nostru,ea s-a repezit catre locatie si chipul ei radia de fericire in timp ce vorbea.Multi fani care tineau panouri cu mesaje de bucurie,de asemenea au atras atentia oamenilor.
Multimile de agentii media nu s-au putut relaxa nici macar pentru un moment,pentru ca ei vroiau sa prinda fiecare miscare a Printului nostru.
Media probabil se astepta ca Printul nostru sa arate palid.Dar in schimb el s-a prezentat inalt si demn si media a fost surprinsa.Poate de aceea adjectivul "luminos" a fost folosit in numeroase rapoarte.
O stire a spus ca chipul Printului nostru era oarecum slab,dar el arata luminos cand zambea reporterilor si cetatenilor.El insusi a fost aglomerat de oameni,abia putand merge,dar el era mai mult ingrijorat pentru cei din jurul lui si ii atentioan mereu sa aibe grija.A fost dragut si emotionant.
Noi nu suntem subiectivi despre frumusetea si demnitatea Printului nostru.Aici sunt cateva titluri:
"Frumusetea sculpturata a lui Rain,iubita de Kim Tae Hee"
"Zambetele ucigatoare ale lui Rain"
"Zambetele ucigatoare ale lui Rain"
"Rain-chipul demnitatii Armatei Coreene"
"Omul lui Kim Tae Hee-Rain-foarte frumos"
"Rain-chipul frumos care acorda loc"
"Rain-salut impresionant militar,participand la Walkathon-ul Dragostei de Tara"
Printul nostru are mult mai multe decat frumusete.Cand a vazut un reporter aproape cazand,el ia oferit mana intuitiv.
Un fan care a privit ceremonia de taiere a panglicii a avut o experienta similara.Ea a fost aproape daramata de un reporter care si-a aruncat geanta incarcand sa-l urmeze pe Printul nostru.Printul nostru continua sa aminteasca oamenilor sa fie sa fie atenti,atentionandu-i ca se afla un stalp in spate,etc.Un fan a spus ca in momentul cand Printul nostru s-a apropiat de e a,mintea ei s-a golit instantaneu.Vazandu-l pe Printul nostru slabut,ea a strigat instinctiv "Oppa,fighting!!!"[fiecare Nor stie ce inseamna :)],Printul nostru a raspuns cu un zambet si spunand "Da,multumesc".Fanul a spus ca ea este cea care ar trebui sa-i multumeasca Printului nostru.
Si asta este cam ceea ce toti fanii au simtit:ei erau foarte recunoscatori Printului nostru.Toate grijile noastre,agoniile noastre s-au vindecat cumva la vederea prezentei lui gratioase (unii reporteri au descris ca nervozitate).El a incercat din puteri pentru a-si alina Norii,a-i recunoaste,si a le arata aprecierea sa.
Un alt fan a scris ca intotdeauna cand fanii il ovationau pe Printul nostru,el se uita la ei si le spunea "Multumesc".Ea era in spatele Printului nostru ,iar in timp ce-i multumea,el s-a intors la ea pentru a-i strange mana.Ea a simtit nu ca o strangere de maini,ci mai mult:un semnal intre Printul nostru si Norul lui.Totul s-a petrecut asa de repede,ca ea nu si-a adus aminte mult,in afara de ochii Printului privind-o.Ea su s-a putut abtine in a nu se gandi la faptul ca el trece prin momente grele (ca si noi),dar nu a facut vizibil acest lucru.El a mers cu pasi mari.A fost foarte calduros si dragut cu cetatenii.Vazand toate acestea,fanul a capatat multa putere si s-a simtit binecuvantat.
Nu a fost nici o surpriza cand l-am vazut pe Printul nostru purtand ceasul care Norii i l-au daruit precum cadou cand l-am trimis in armata.Semnalul si comunicarea fara cuvinte (poza cu Rain purtand ceasul)
Un fan a putut sa participe la Walkathon.Ea a scris ca Printul nostru a urcat o panta si a fost zarit de oamenii care faceau exercitii acolo,ei grabindu-se sa-l vada,complimentandu-l in acelasi timp.Acei cetateni care au mers impreuna cu Printul nostru l-au ovationat si ei.Reactia publicului a avut un oarecum efect "vindecator" asupra ei,care la randul ei avea de gand sa-i arate suportul.
Si probabil cel mai minunat lucru si cea mai mare vindecare au venit din scrisele unui elev de liceu.
Stirile au anuntat ca Printul nostru a fost primul care a trecut linia de sosire.In ciuda faptului ca Walkathon-ul a avut o intarziere de aproximativ o ora,Perintul nostru a ajuns la destinatia finala cu 20 de minute mai devreme de timpul prezis initial.Echipa a confirmat ca Printul nostru a fost primul si s-a spus ca atitudinea sa excelenta a adus un final plin de succes al evenimentului.
Totusi o eleva de liceu a spus ca ea a fost un pic mai inaintea Printului nostru.Din pacate,cand media s-a strans,ea a fost acoperita de multime(de aceea probabil Printul nostru a ocupat primul loc ^^).Dar eleva a avut mult mai multe compensatii pentru acest prim loc.Ea a spus ca Printul nostru a vorbit cu ea, a intrebat-o in ce an de studiu se afla si i-a dat mult curaj.Ea a fost foarte impresionata de natura umana a Printului nostru.Si nu numai ea.Ea a scris ca Printul nostru a urcat o panta si a intampinat trecatorii si unii norocosi au primit imbratisari.Si ea a facut cateva poze cu Printul nostru (poze la The Cloud cu fata persoanei ascunsa).
La sfarsitul contului ei,aceasta eleva a scris:"Chiar daca e soldat sau civil,Rain este cea mai admirabila persoana din tara noastra.Multumesc,Rain,am devenit fanul tau."
Sper ca acest sumar va avea un efect vindecator tuturor voua care doresc sa-l citeasca si sper ca va mai scadea un pic din grijile voastre din ultimele 2-3 saptamani.
Si cele mai mari multumiri sunt pentru Printul nostru,pentru ca esti intotdeauna tu insuti!Noi suntem mandri de tine!
translation by bengy
emik 2013.01.24
2013年1月19日、ウォークソンイベントについての さまざまなニュースとファンの記事の要約。
これら情報はDC,twitter等、そしてさまざまなニュースリポートからのものです。 情報を提供してくれた方々に感謝します。
このニュースはDEMAがこの行事にRainが参加すると発表したのがとても遅かったとして、リボンカットセレモニーを見るために人々が並んだようにウォーカソンの割り当てを逃した市民が不満そうに騒いだ と言った。 早くに参加を申し込んでいた男性は大勢の人々を見回し、Rainが来る事を知らなかった とリポーターに話した。日本人の女性旅行者は隣接する宮殿の見学を予定していた。ガイドからRainを見ることができると言われた時、すぐに走っていった、彼女はそう話しながら興奮して顔を輝かせていた。励ましのメッセージとともにボードを持っていた多くのファンもまた人々の注目を集めた。
このニュースは、Rainの顔はいくらかやつれた、しかし彼がリポーター達や市民に微笑んだ時、輝いて見えた と言った。彼自身、人々であふれかえった中にいた、そしてほとんど歩けなかった、しかし彼は自分のことより周りの人のことを気にかけて彼らに気をつけて と言い続けていた。
“Kim Tee Heeも愛するBiの彫刻されたような美しさ”
Bi, “堂々とした/威厳のある韓国軍の顔”
Kim Tae Hee の彼, Bi “とてもハンサム”
Bi, “道を譲りながら美しい顔”
Bi, “国を愛するウォークソンに参加、印象的な軍隊式敬礼”
リボンカットセレモニーを見ていたファンも似たような体験をした。彼女はRainの後を追いかけようとしたリポーターにつまずきそうになった。Rainは繰り返し人々に 気をつけて、後ろに柱がある などと警告していた。
このファンは、「突然Rainが近くに来た時、頭が真っ白になった。すっきりしたRainを見て、無意識に“オッパ、ファイティング”と大声で叫んだ。Rainは笑顔で答えて“はい、ありがとう” と言った。お礼を言うのはこちらのはずです」と言った。
別のファンは次のように書いている、「ファンがRainに励ましの声を掛けるたびに、Rainはファンを見て ありがとう と言った。私はRainの後ろにいた、でもRainは握手するために振り返ってくれた。でもあれは握手とは思えなかった、でもそれはRainと彼の雲との間のシグナルだった。 それは突然起こったことなので、Rainと目があったこと以外、あまり覚えていない。私はRainが大変な思いをしたに違いないと思わずにはいられなかった、でもRainはそんな素振りを全く見せなかった。大またで歩いていた。Rain はとても友好的/心が温かく、市民に親切だった。」
ニュースではRainが最初にゴール地点に到着したとレポートしていた。しかし、実のところウォークソンは1時間ほど予定より遅れていたにもかかわらず、Rainは予定到着時間よりも20分早く最終到着地に着いていた。 関係者はRainが最初に着いたと発表、そして彼の素晴らしい態度/姿勢によってイベントは成功として終わらせることができた と言った。
しかしながら、ある高校生は「私はRainよりもちょっと先だった」と言った。 不幸にもマスコミが群がった時、彼女は押し出されてしまった。(おそらく、なのでRainが1番になったのでしょう)
しかし、この学生は順位よりもはるかにたくさんの埋め合わせを得た。彼女は「Rainに話しかけられて学年を聞かれ、たくさん励ましてもらった」と言った。彼女はRainの人間性にとても感銘を受けた。 そして彼女だけではない。 「Rainは坂道を上がっている時、通行人に挨拶をして運がいい人はハグしてもらっていた」と彼女は言った。
この学生は記事の最後に、「Rainが軍人であろうとなかろうと、または市民であろうとなかろうと、彼はこの国で最も尊敬する人。Rain、ありがとう そして私はあなたのファンになりました。」と書いていた。
Heart888 2013.01.29
They have a saying here in Hawaii....if you do not have anything nice to say...keep it to yourself...and know that it is non of our business....I am glad I was not here when the chaos began and I assume it too has this is not the first time where "fandom" has made up stories and bent it out of shape~~~~ it is always best to not give the ""XXXXX" any power or take it soooo seriously...Rain is a master of taking care of his greatest challenges coming out of it as " a super shining star"~~~~He is in charge of his way and has been able to rise above the chaos of "fandom". It is just tooooo bad~~that fans are also toooo shortsighted and makes a lot of "worries" that affects others. Goes to show you the power of the printed word...especially when it is not truth.
As usual it is always good to hear the first hand account of what experiences fans had ...with this group of beautiful and charming photos...Thank you as usual , Huhuhu, when ever you share something like this it makes me feel as if I was there with you~~~~this is a lovely article~~~
As usual it is always good to hear the first hand account of what experiences fans had ...with this group of beautiful and charming photos...Thank you as usual , Huhuhu, when ever you share something like this it makes me feel as if I was there with you~~~~this is a lovely article~~~
13-01-19 Rain @ Love Of Country Walkathon With Seoulite
13-01-19 Channel A - News_Talk about Rain
credit : onlyonr0625
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