[EngTrans]130121 Y-Star_Star News_'근신처분'상병 비, 첫 공식 행사
K STAR 생방송 스타뉴스 [Y-STAR] Rain's official event ('근신처분' 상병 비, 첫 공식 행사)
김태희와의 열애설 이후 탈모 보행 등의 이유로 근신처분을 받은 비가 징계처분 이후 처음으로 외부행사에 모습을 보였습니다. 지난 19일 열린 '제1회 서울시민과 함께하는 나라사랑 걷기대회'에 참석한 것인데요. 이날 비는 다소 긴장한 모습으로 카메라 앞에 섰습니다.
[현장음: 비]
충성 안녕하십니까 국방부 근무지원단 상병 정지훈입니다. 이번 행사는 45년 전 무장공비단의 침입으로 121 사태를 기억하자는 의미에서 이번 행사를 참여하게 됐고 영광스럽게 생각하고 그리고 오늘 또 최선을 다해서 많은 시민여러분들과 함께 좋은 행사를 하고 가도록 하겠습니다 충성 감사합니다.
행사 시작에 앞서 취재진 앞에 모습을 보인 비는 행사 취지에 대한 대답 외에는 극도로 말을 아끼는 모습이었는데요. 간단한 소감을 전한 뒤 빠르게 자리를 피했습니다.
그럼에도 불구하고 비의 곁에는 계속해서 모여든 취재진들로 인산인해를 이뤘는데요. 열애설과 근신처분 이후 모습을 보인 비에 대한 관심이 얼마나 대단한지 알 수 있었습니다.
이날 비는 테이프 커팅을 하고 다 함께 파이팅을 외친 후 걷기 대회에 직접 참여했는데요. 비는 예정도착시간보다 20분 앞서 1등으로 완주한 것으로 알려졌습니다.
secession 2013.01.21.
Rain who was disciplined for taking off his beret, etc. after the rumors of his romance with actress 'Kim Tae Hee', showed himself in public for the first time after his probation period by participating in 'the 1st Love Of Country Walkathon With Seoulite' held last 19th. On the day, he posed for the camera, looking rather tense.
[Rain] : "Loyalty! Hello, this is Corporal 'Jung Ji Hoon' belonging to Defense Media Agency. I've come to participate in the event that is to look back upon "1.21 Attack" which happened 45years ago when armed agents infiltrated into the country. It’s great to be here at this significant event where there are many of citizens of Seoul who are inspired to participate, and I'll do my best to do my duties today. Loyalty! Thank you,"
Rain who was very unforthcoming about what had happened in front of reporters before the event, just answered the question of the purpose of the event, but didn't say anything more. He hurriedly left after giving a brief greeting.
Nevertheless, Rain was mobbed by thousands of reporters who had been arriving, it goes to show how interested they are in Rain showing himself in pubic after his probation period after the rumors of his romance with her.
Rain took a hands on approach to participate in the event after he cut a ribbon and shouted 'fighting' together with others, and he is known to have been the first to breast the tape in the race by arriving 20 minutes ahead of schedule.
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[EngTrans]130120 Yonhap News _News Y_Rain @ Love of Country Walkathon with Seoulite
비, 징계 후 첫 외부 행사... 질문엔 '묵묵부답'
군 복무 중인 가수 비가 최근 근신 처분 이후 처음으로 공식 행사에 참석했습니다. 취재진과 팬들 수천명이 몰리면서 북새통을 이뤘는데요. 징계 후 소감을 묻는 질문엔 일체 답변을 하지 않았습니다. 이경희 기자가 보도합니다.
공무 외출을 나가 연인인 배우 김태희를 만난 사실이 드러나 징계를 받은 가수 비.
정지훈 상병이 일주일의 근신이 끝난 지 나흘 만에 공식석상에 모습을 드러냈습니다.
1968년 무장공비 침투사건을 기억하자는 군 행사.
[비 / 가수]
"45년전 무장공비단이 침입한 121사태를 기억하자는 의미에서 이번 행사게 참여하게 됐습니다. 오늘 최선을 다해 시민 여러분과 좋은 행사를 하고 가겠습니다. 충성"
행사 내내 긴장한 모습이 역력했던 정 상병은 무장공비 침투로를 따라 걷는 동안 거듭된 취재진의 질문에 묵묵부답으로 일관했습니다.
군 생활의 각오를 말해달라는 요청엔 "앞으로 열심히 하겠다"는 말만 되풀이했습니다.
[비 / 가수]
"너무 감사하게 생각하고 앞으로도 최선을 다해서, 참가에 의의를 두고 열심히 하겠습니다."
"근신 마치시고 첫 공개행사인데 소감 좀 해주세요... 소감 좀 해주세요..."
당초 정 상병의 인터뷰를 주선하겠다고 공지했던 군 당국은 행사 내내 정 상병을 둘러싼 채 취재진과의 접촉을 막았습니다.
"연예병사에 대한 특혜 논란을 의식해 조심한 것"이라고 설명했지만, 물의를 일으킨 병사를 징계가 끝나자마자 홍보에 이용한 군 당국에 대한 비판의 목소리가 나오고 있습니다. 뉴스와이 이경희입니다.
secession 2013.01.20.
Singer Rain serving in the army appeared at his first official event for the first time after his probation period. The event was crowded with thousands of reporters and fans. When reporters asked him questions on his current status after he was submitted to a disciplinary measure, he wouldn't answer any of them.
Corporal 'Jung Ji Hoon' known as Rain, who was disciplined for dating with his girlfriend and actress 'Kim Tae Hee' while off the base for official military duties, showed himself in public four days after his probation period.
This event was to look back upon an attack which happened in 1968 when armed agents infiltrated into the country.
[Rain] : "I've come to participate in the event that is to look back upon "1.21 Attack" which happened 45years ago when armed agents infiltrated into the country. With many citizens of Seoul in attendance, I'll do my best to do my duties. Loyalty"
It was plain to see Rain was nervous throughout the event, and no matter what reporters asked, he didn't say a word while walking along the areas where the armed agents infiltrated. When asked how he would serve in the army for the remainder of his military serve, he just said the same thing, "I'll try harder from now on."
[Rain] : "Thank you very much for inviting me along, and I think what is important is not the outcome of the game but participation. I'll do my best. Thank you. Loyalty!"
[A reporter] : "This is your first official event after your probation period. Please say a few words about it."
Military authorities, who originally notified reporters that there would be an interview with Corporal Jung, were keeping him, isolating him from reporters throughout the event.
Military authorities expressed, "There's a lot of controversy about what entertainment soldiers have received preferential treatment, so we are being careful about this." However, there is widespread criticism of their policy to use the solider at the center of the controversy, not long after his probation period, for publicity purposes.
emik 2013.01.22.
兵役中の歌手Rainが謹慎期間後初めて公式行事に登場した。 この行事は多数のレポーターとファンでごった返した。レポーターが懲戒処分に従った後の彼の現在の状態を聞いた時、彼は何も答えなかった。
Rainとして知られている'Jung Ji Hoon'上等兵は、軍の公式任務のため基地の外に外出中、彼のガールフレンド、女優'Kim Tae Hee'とデートしていたため罰せられたが、謹慎処分期間の4日後に公の場に姿を現した。
[Rain] : "僕は45年前、武装工作員が国に潜入してきた時に起こった"1.21 襲撃" を振り返るこの行事に参加するために来ました。出席している多くのソウル市民とともに、自分の義務を果たすために最善を尽くします。忠誠。"
行事の間中、Rainがずっと緊張していたのは一目瞭然だった、そして武装工作員が侵入したエリアを歩いている間、レポーターたちが何を聞いても、彼は一言も話さなかった。 残りの兵役期間、どのように兵役に服するのかと聞かれた時、彼は同じことを言った。"今後はもっと努力します。"
[Rain] : "私を招待くださいましてどうもありがとうございます、そして大事なのは試合の結果ではなく参加することだと思っています。最善を尽くします。ありがとうございます。忠誠!"
[A reporter] : "謹慎期間後、あなたにとってこれが最初の公式行事です。そのことについて少し話してください。"
[Channel A]13-01-19 Rain @ Love of country Walkathon with Seoulite
[mbn News]13-01-19 Rain @ Love of country Walkathon with Seoulite
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