Végtelen erőfeszítés, végtelen kitartás, végtelen szerénység. (Rain vezérelve)

Tudtam, hogy ránézésre nem tűnök valami nagy számnak, a megjelenésem sem túl vonzó, de a bensőm elég rendkívüli. Minden színpadra lépés előtt azt mondom magamnak, hogy én vagyok a legjobb, és minden előadás után ugyanúgy azt, hogy nem én vagyok. Ezért minden fellépés előtt 120 százalékosan kell felkészülnöm, hogy az előadáson 100 százalékos teljesítményt tudjak nyújtani. Ennek érdekében minden álló nap folyamatosan képzem magam. Már nagyon hosszú ideje alváshiányban szenvedek, mert ha éppen nem dolgozom, akkor vagy edzek, vagy a koreográfiákat és a dalokat próbálom. Éppen úgy, mint a filmfelvételek idején, ha valamit nem csináltam jól, képtelen vagyok aludni. Akár színészként, akár énekesként, a legjobbat kell tudnom kihozni magamból. De nem kell aggódni, hogy most nincs elegendő időm az alvásra, jut arra majd bőven a halálom után. (Rain)

Ez a fiatalság, ez az egészség... és a túlcsorduló önbizalom... az erőfeszítés, amit az oly hihetetlen előadásai sikeres megvalósításáért tett... és a tehetség, amit felmutat, ezek töltenek el spontán tisztelettel engem. Azt gondolom, hogy a történelem a fontos személyiségek között fogja jegyezni. Úgy, mint aki színészként és zenészként egyaránt sikeres lett. ...
Ami igazán meglepő Ji-hoonban, az az, hogy egyfajta düh, bosszúvágy és szomorúság, az összes efféle sötét, komor negatív motiváció az ő esetében rendkívül optimista és derűs módon ölt testet.
(Park Chan-wook rendező)

> RAIN KRÓNIKA: 2011.10.07.

««« 2011.10.06.
2011.10.08. »»»



sunday morning >>> 2011.09.25.

19:19 (KST)

오랜만의 새벽공기 ... 좋다ㅎㅎㅎ^^자~ 여러분 이제 10월9일 영동대로에서봐영~ 여러분들을 위해 처음으로하는 길거리 콘서트입니다 ~글고 대로 막아주신 서울시 여러분 고맙습니다 ^^


19:26 (KST)

@MBLAQCD 생일 축하한다 둥아 우리 둥이 첨 봤을땐 그저 키크고 착한 고등학생이었는데 이젠 멋진 남자가 되었네 사랑한다 우리 막내 ^^ 선물은 ~~ 형이 입대 전까지 줄께 ㅎㅎ

20:56 (KST)

Replying to @jung_g_o
@MBLAQGO 알아... 막내라고 불러서 그런거야 방철용이 삐치지 말라해라

22:12 (KST)

Replying to @ginachoi87
@ginachoi87 ㅎㅎㅎ 고마워 말이라두 미국 잘 다녀와 ~

22:55 (KST)

부산 영화제 ~ 오랜만에 우리 여배우들 만났습니다^^


via ratoka at The Cloud

11-10-07 Rain with Jang Keun Suk and Friends in Busan (farewell meeting)



source : http://blog.naver.com/ddegihouse?Redirect=Log&logNo=80141946043  // DC

화려한 20대를 마무리한  ‘30세 훈련병’ 정지훈비가 10월 11일 육군으로 현역 입대한다. 10월 6일 부산국제영화제 개막식 참석, 9일 <강남 한류 페스티벌>의 피날레를 장식하는 것으로 공식 활동을 마무리한다. 2002년 스물한 살에 데뷔해 10년 동안 ‘비’에 모든 걸 바친 그는 서른 살에 ‘훈련병 정지훈’이 되어 2년간 군인으로 살아간다. 가진 것 없는 청년이 월드스타의 자리에 오르기까지 얼마나 치열한 20대를 보냈는지는 프로필 활동 사항만으로도 충분히 짐작할 수 있다.

2002년 5월 1집 <나쁜 남자>로 얼굴을 알린 그는 2003년 KBS2 <상두야 학교가자>의 타이틀롤을 맡아 성공적인 연기 신고식을 치른다. 순수 청년 상두는 2집 <태양을 피하는 방법>에서 ‘섹시남’으로 변신해 신드롬을 일으켰고, 다음 해인 2004년 드라마 <풀하우스>와 3집 을 동반 히트시키며 대한민국 정복. 2005년 <이 죽일 놈의 사랑>을 거쳐 2006년 영화 <사이보그지만 괜찮아>로 스크린에 발을 들였고, 같은 해 4집 앨범 으로 활동을 이었다. 국내에서 안정적인 궤도에 오른 스물다섯 청년은 그 자리에 머물러 있는 것을 거부했다. 

이듬해 스승 박진영으로부터 독립해 할리우드 진출을 선언. 워쇼스키의 영화 <스피드 레이서>(2008)에 출연한 데 이어, 극한의 훈련을 거친 <닌자 어쌔신>(2009)에서 신들린 액션을 자랑했다. 국내 활동에 목마른 팬들을 위해 5집 <레이니즘>(2008) 발매도 거르지 않았다. 노력에 힘입어 <타임>이 선정한 전 세계 영향력 있는 인물 100위 안에 들기도 했다. 군입대 전까지도 드라마 <도망자 플랜비>와 미니앨범 <널 붙잡을 노래>(2010), 영화 <비상: 태양 가까이> 활동에 매진하며 30대를 맞았다. 비는 2009년 개최한 글로벌 팬미팅에서 “실패를 두려워하면 아무것도 안 되는 것 같다. 상처받는 것 때문에 망설였다면 지금의 나는 없었다”는 소신을 밝힌 적이 있다. 진로를 고민하며 모니터 앞에서 시간만 죽이고 있는 젊은이들은 “20대는 선물이다. 고통 속에서 열심히 보내다보면 30대엔 강철이 될 것”이라던 그의 발언을 한번쯤 되새겨 봐도 좋을 듯. 더 멋져진 30대로 컴백할 비의 모습을 기대해본다.

뭔가 가슴이 뭉클 ㅜㅠ


[07-Oct-11][allkpop]Rain to host a final concert before his enlistment  


Global superstar Rain recently plunged his fans into despair by announcing that he’d be joining the Korean army on October 11th. He tried to soften the blow by going on a nationwide tour, as well as releasing a new single. While many expected that he’d be spending his remaining free time quietly, it seems that he has one last present to show his fans – on October 9th, Rain will be hosting a free finale concert at the Gangnam Hallyu Festival, free of charge!

“Rain, who is an ambassador for Gangnam, requested a free concert in the city to meet with his fans prior to his enlistment,” said a representative for the festival. “He has been preparing for this concert, even trying to push back his enlistment date.”

The outdoor concert is expected to draw fans from across the country as well as out-of-state, and will partially shut down a major 14-lane artery for the duration of the concert. Rain plans to awe the audience with a powerful string of performances that will cover his 10-year career.
“I’m very happy that I will get the chance to meet the fans before I enlist,” Rain said. “I was able to do many things thanks to everyone’s love, and I was genuinely happy because of it.”

Meanwhile, Rain posted a picture of the concert poster to his Twitter days before the event, saying, “It’s going to be my first streetside concert~ thanks to Seoul City for closing down the streets for me”.

Source: Twitter, Chosun via Naver //allkpop


[07-Oct-11][allkpop]Jang Hyuk, Rain, and more attend ‘Chuno’ producer’s wedding


On October 6th, stars turned out by the dozen for PD Kwak Jung Hwan‘s wedding at the tallest building in Korea, the ’63 Building’.

The PD is most famous for his hit drama, ‘Chuno‘, and he’s highly respected in the industry. Consequently, a bevy of stars arrived to attend his wedding, including Rain, Oh Ji Oh, Jang Hyuk, Han Jung Soo, Chae Jung An, Danny Ahn, and KCM.

Kwak’s pretty bride is reportedly 12 years younger than him, and is currently a piano teacher. The two met earlier this year through an acquaintance.

Congratulations to the happy couple!

Source + Image: Star News //allkpop


[Eng Trans][Rain-Jihoon]Rain's message_I let you know about my last concert.  

I let you know about my last concert.
Hi, this is 'Jung Ji Hoon' (Rain)

Before entering the army, I've come to give my last performance in front of you.

As this performance would aim to turn the festival into a special occasion before I enter the army, to let the entire world know our country's performing arts, and to give many people chances of enjoying it at a cost of nothing, I'm just filled with gratitude, not only that the performance give me a chance to repay you again for all your love over the past ten years, but also that I'm afforded the chance to make it to the best of my ability. 
I try to prepare for the day's performance with my full fervor and effort as I have to leave the stage for a while. 
I hope to get a lot of interest and love from you, and hope you to enjoy the performance more excitedly and safely as the road will be blocked during the performance. 
I'll see you on the Yeongdong Grand Boulevard at 7pm on 11 October.

English translation by rain bird.


07.Oct10.11[ENgtrans][Rain Jihoon message]BI Rain message rain-jihoon @ official site  


I let you know about my last concert.
Hi, this is ‘Jung Ji Hoon’ (Rain)
Before entering the army, I’ve come to give my last performance in front of you.

As this performance would aim to turn the festival into a special occasion before I enter the army, to let the entire world know our country’s performing arts, and to give many people chances of enjoying it at a cost of nothing, I’m just filled with gratitude, not only that the performance give me a chance to repay you again for all your love over the past ten years, but also that I’m afforded the chance to make it to the best of my ability.

I try to prepare for the day’s performance with my full fervor and effort as I have to leave the stage for a while.

I hope to get a lot of interest and love from you, and hope you to enjoy the performance more excitedly and safely as the road will be blocked during the performance.

I’ll see you on the Yeongdong Grand Boulevard at 7pm on 11 October.

English translation by rain bird.

caps by wawalalal


[07-Oct-11][Osen]Rain lived inside a military compound for seven months while shooting "Flight : Close to the Sun".


Singer and actor Rain attended a debrief meeting (conference) of his new film "Flight : Close to the Sun" held in Culture Hall inside the Shinsege Department in Busan city's Centum City on the afternoon of the 7th .

Rain who is about to enter the army upcoming October 11th, said at the meeting, "I lived inside a military compound for seven months while shooting the movie. As you may already know, my hardest thing is that they stop giving me food when I have a craving for something to eat. I couldn't eat a thing, exclusive of three meals a day at the Army camp. That was the most difficult time of the process of shooting the movie."

Continuing, "I seemed to listen to stories about life in the Army a thousand times while shooting the movie.
The actors in the film even teased me, but I'll take care of my military life. Everybody was taking great delight in teasing me in the waiting room even a little while ago, but I can truly say I feel happy.", which made people laugh.

Rain plays a fighter pilot having a gift for flying combat aircraft in the film.

Director 'Kim Dong Won' spoke of Rain's performance in the film in glowing terms by mincing words, "Jealousy over his extraordinary versatility makes me angry. he is very handsome and even a very talented actor. Whatever the work, he disgustingly does it so well."

'Flight : Close to the Sun' is about love and lives of fighter pilots betting their lives on the sky, and the cast of characters in the movie includes Rain, actress "Shin Se Kyung', actor 'Yu Joon Sang', 'Kim Sung Soo' and more, which is supposed to be quite more anticipated.

Meanwhile, 'Flight : Close to the Sun' is scheduled to be released next January.

Credit to Osen http://news.nate.com/view/20111007n21588
Photo credit as tagged
English translation by rain bird.


Fanmade - Rain wallpaper

credit Rain Fan art blog


11-10-04 [晴報] 再見了, Rain

credit : http://www.cloud-taiwan.net/index.php


[Eng Trans]11-10-07 Rain @ twitter


11-09-25 Rain Backstage @ The Best Show in Seoul

credit : cyworld // as tagged


07.Oct10.11[twitter][ENgtrans]BI Rain twitter today

credit as tagged

caps by wawalalal

source : @29rain twitter : http://twitpic.com/6w657q


[Pic]11-10-07 Rain Flight Close To The Sun Banner


11-10-07 Rain @ Korean Newspaper

source : http://twitpic.com/6wbuj9


111006 Rain singing I do @ PD wedding

credit : http://yfrog.com/h0bhcnzj


Pic]11-10-07 Rain Flight Close To The Sun Press Con
source nate naews


11-10-07 Rain with  in Busan

:  저는 지금 부산국제영화제가 열리고있는 부산에 우리 '비' 와 함께 있습니다.. 요즘 와이리 복이 터지노...이히히


(update)11-10-07 Rain CJ One Picture

11-10-07 Rain CJ One Picture

source : CJ one // cap by ratoka


07.Oct10.11[pic]BI Rain last concert 9th Oct10 banner

source : RT 청담역 사거리의 어느길..에서 봤어여 ㅋㅋㅋ   twitter 


11-10-07 Rain @ Pusan International Film Festival red carpet


[Eng Trans]11-10-07 Rain @ twitter_At the Busan Film Festival.

11-10-07 Rain @ twitter


111007 Rain with Shin Se Kyung & Lee Ha Na @ Pusan International Film Festival

source : 29rain @ twitter


[3 vid]11-10-07 Spot TV - Flight Close To The Sun press Con

11-10-07 Spot TV - Flight Close To The Sun press Con

credit : spot Tv // ratoka @ YT





07.Oct10.11[video][arirangworld]Rain, to enlist in the army!

[Showbiz Korea]

What are the hottest entertainment issues online these days?
Find out through Showbiz Korea's 'Hot Search'!

1. Rain, to enlist in the army!

2. Tablo's comeback as a solo!
3. 'Always,' sold out in 7 seconds!
4. Park Si-youn, the bride of November!
5. Sung Si-kyung, a thoughtful young man!

Special Premiere of the Movie, 'Fighting Spirit'

A special premiere was held to present the movie, 'Fighting Spirit.' Join us as we take you there right now to meet all the celebrities who came to show their support.




06.Oct10.11[video]The Last Concert of World Star Rain's National Tour [Showbiz Korea]

[Showbiz Korea]

The Last Concert of World Star Rain's National Tour-

Singer and actor, Rain, captivated countless fans all over the world during the past 10 years of his career, and needless to say, his fans were left disappointed when they heard the news of his upcoming enlistment. Rain recently held a national tour to meet all his fans before entering the army, and Showbiz Korea joined him for the last leg of the tour.

Elton John opens up new Vegas show

Heidi Klum launches new perfume

Kirsten Dunst and John Hurt in Lars von Trier psychological drama




[2 Fancam]111006 Rain singing I do @ PD wedding

 [Fancam]111006 Rain singing I do @ PD wedding

 By maggie0625 @ youku


credit : kuangkuang520bibi



06.Oct10.11[video][MIBSJ]BI Rain the best show Seoul @MIBSJ News


by amekame555


11-10-06 Made in BS Japan_Rain "The Best show" in Seoul

111006 MIBSJ

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