Végtelen erőfeszítés, végtelen kitartás, végtelen szerénység. (Rain vezérelve)

Tudtam, hogy ránézésre nem tűnök valami nagy számnak, a megjelenésem sem túl vonzó, de a bensőm elég rendkívüli. Minden színpadra lépés előtt azt mondom magamnak, hogy én vagyok a legjobb, és minden előadás után ugyanúgy azt, hogy nem én vagyok. Ezért minden fellépés előtt 120 százalékosan kell felkészülnöm, hogy az előadáson 100 százalékos teljesítményt tudjak nyújtani. Ennek érdekében minden álló nap folyamatosan képzem magam. Már nagyon hosszú ideje alváshiányban szenvedek, mert ha éppen nem dolgozom, akkor vagy edzek, vagy a koreográfiákat és a dalokat próbálom. Éppen úgy, mint a filmfelvételek idején, ha valamit nem csináltam jól, képtelen vagyok aludni. Akár színészként, akár énekesként, a legjobbat kell tudnom kihozni magamból. De nem kell aggódni, hogy most nincs elegendő időm az alvásra, jut arra majd bőven a halálom után. (Rain)

Ez a fiatalság, ez az egészség... és a túlcsorduló önbizalom... az erőfeszítés, amit az oly hihetetlen előadásai sikeres megvalósításáért tett... és a tehetség, amit felmutat, ezek töltenek el spontán tisztelettel engem. Azt gondolom, hogy a történelem a fontos személyiségek között fogja jegyezni. Úgy, mint aki színészként és zenészként egyaránt sikeres lett. ...
Ami igazán meglepő Ji-hoonban, az az, hogy egyfajta düh, bosszúvágy és szomorúság, az összes efféle sötét, komor negatív motiváció az ő esetében rendkívül optimista és derűs módon ölt testet.
(Park Chan-wook rendező)

> RAIN KRÓNIKA: 2012.08.19.


☆ 축R2B ☆


지훈씨가 노력과 정열이 담긴 주연영화가 완성되어 기쁩니다.군대에 입대해 넘치는 재능을 나타내시어 특급전사, 조교도 하시고

멋진 군인으로써 활약하시는

지훈씨이시니볼 맛이 있는 영화 R2B를 세계의 사람에게 추천하고싶습니다
한사람이라도 많은 사람에게 보여 주고싶네요
멋진 지훈씨의 영화를 큰 스크린에서 볼수 있어서 정말로 기쁩니다

nao씨가 마음을 담아 지훈씨를 그려주었습니다


12-08-19 Friends FM - Rain @ Consolatory Train

Credit : Ratoka


120819 Friends FM - 위문열차 Consolatory... by ratoka


12-08-19 Friends FM - 질주본능_Rain & KCM DJ

credit : ratoka


secession  2012.08.19
[English translation]

[Rain] : Rain & KCM's 'The Desire To Speed'!

[Rain] : Love affairs come in all sizes.
He or she may fall in love with her or him even while we're hosting the show.

[KCM] : There are lots of people who are long on theory, but short on practice.
[Rain] : Theory without practice will serve for nothing. So please tune in to the radio.

[KCM]: Listener '#8596', "I'm listening to the show with my mother, eating lunch."

[Rain] : Listener 'Hi #77', "I dyed my fingernails with garden balsams in years. Garden balsams mean that my dream is about to come true in the language of flowers. I didn't have a hint of doubt in my mind about the words. Many memories of my childhood were brought back in rapid succession."
When I was a kid, I learned the truth about Santa Claus after I found a 10,000 won bill in my Christmas stocking. It turned out that my mom had done it. (laughs)

[KCM]: Listener '#7788', "My life is made difficult by my own indifferent personality."
[Rain] : Listener '#9862', "I have to go out to buy some ramen, but I don't want to go outside because it's so hot! Should I skip lunch?"
I think it requires no excuses to skip lunch.

[KCM]: Listener 'Bow', "A man was snoring like a bulldog on the bus last night, which irritated the passengers including me."

[Rain] : Listener 'Red Umbrella', "The wind blew my umbrella inside out in the middle of Kwangwhamoon street. I was so embarrassed."

[KCM]: Listener '#5411', "I thought my friend broke up with her boyfriend, but I've found they are meeting each other again."
[Rain] : Lovers' quarrels are soon mended.

[Rain] : Listener 'It's Me', "Decoding the paintings seems to be too difficult."
[KCM]: Listener '#7745', "I have severe symptoms caused by rhinitis. My nose was all cleared up soon after I sprayed saline solution into my noise."

[Rain] : Listener 'Original Rain', "My boyfriend gave me a cactus as a present, but I didn't water it, so the cactus withered and died. I can’t tell what to do."
[KCM] : You can buy a new cactus which looks exactly like the one your boyfriend bought last time.

[KCM] : Listener 'Eun Young', "I am ready for a little retail therapy."

[Rain] : Listener '#0804', "After a painstaking effort, I succeeded in losing weight, so I was able to wear a bikini bathing suit at the beach."
[KCM] : It is not easy to diet. Congrats on your success!

[KCM] : Listener 'Eun Young', "I made my family delicious sea mustard soup to celebrate my mother's birthday, (Koreans eat sea mustard soup on their birthday.) but I quite forgot to cook rice. I was really sorry." (laughs)
[Rain] : You could have used precooked dried rice, and it tastes better if you boil it in meat stock instead of water. You had a tough job cooking it.

[KCM]: Listener '#9632', "I signed up for the gym this month, but I was often absent. I think I should give up wearing a bikini." (laughs)

[Rain] : Listener 'Teuroteu Singer', "I've been dieting but I'm still as fat as ever."
[KCM] : It’s so tough to start a diet and fitness routine.
[Rain] : I don't go on a diet usually, but I start a diet, ahead of my new activity as a singer or an actor.

[Rain] : Listener 'Oh Kang', "My mom is no great shakes at cooking."
[KCM] : It is not easy to cook.

[KCM]: Listener '#3699', "I'm a new bride. I'm poor at cooking, but my husband is a good cook. There's a lid for every pot, that sounds about right."
[Rain]: Please don't suffer from stress.

[Rain] : Listener 'Choco', "I have had a nice one after dreaming of snacks. I'm really happy to have a great boyfriend."
[KCM]: I think a dream about snacks means a pregnancy, right?
[Rain] : I don't know because I've never been pregnant. (laughs)

[Rain] : Listener 'Main', "I was conned by a foxy passer-by. He deserves to burn in hell."
[KCM] : Heaven’s vengeance is slow but sure.
[Rain] : I'm sure he'll get his comeuppance.

[KCM]: Listener 'KY05', "I'd like to have a nice dream, too. I'm very lonely-I have no boyfriend."
[Rain] : My ex-girlfriends didn't really want me to be nice to my guy friends, which drove me crazy. (laughs)

[Rain] : Listener '#0605', "My friend was jobbed out of her money, too. Anyone who works the rabbit's foot, will be punished someday."
[KCM] : A wrongdoer must pay the penalty.

[KCM]: Listener 'Dark Angel', "Everyone can be susceptible to fraud. Please chalk it up to experience!"

[Rain] : Listener 'Wonder Woman', "I found the lost bag save that document. That took ten years off my life."
[KCM] : I tend to lose my wallets often.
[Rain] : I've never lost my wallets.
[KCM] : Rain is a very meticulous person and is cautious in every respect. There's a lot I can learn from him.

[KCM]: Listener 'Joa', "The noise from my neighbor is distracting."
[Rain] : I think she will have to convince the neighbor without hurting his or her feelings.

[KCM]: Listener 'Juyoung', "I'm going to Busan city by the KTX, listening to the show."
Thank you.
[Rain]: Listener '#0421', "My close friend will get married soon. Congratulations on your wedding!"
I want to extend my congratulations on her marriage.

[KCM]: Listener 'Red #0503', "I went back to visit my old school ten years after I graduated from it. The memories of that time kept popping up in my head."

[Rain]: Listener '#0814', "When I was really stressed out and drank a cup of 'Caramel Macchiato' coffee with lots of sugar in it, I felt better."
Eating sweets is good for diversion when you are depressed, but you have to know that sweet food is not good for your health.

[KCM]: Listener 'Shindol', "After climbing the mountain, I ached all over."
[Rain]: Listener 'Eyes', "Sadly, the holidays are drawing to an end."

-"Twist" segment (Digging a little into his or her past and seeing what you find.)-

[Rain] : Welcome, 'Jung Joon Yil', thank you for being with us.
[Jung Joon Yil] : I'll introduce currently disbanded 'GOD's member 'Kim Tae Woo' today. He was born on May 12, 1981, and he stands 1.90 meters and weighs 85 kilograms.
[KCM] : I'm afraid you are wrong. He weighs 95 kilograms. (laughs)
[Rain] : 85kg? It is quite out of the question.
How on earth can he be lighter than I am? (laughs)

[Jung Joon Yil] : He married a beautiful researcher 'Kim Ae Ri' last Christmas.
[KCM]&[Rain] : I couldn't attend the wedding at that time because I was being trained in the army. (laughs)
[KCM] : It wasn't until he got married that he really started to grow up. (laughs)
[Rain] : Some people never grow up. (laughs)

[Jung Joon Yil] : He made his debut as a member of GOD in 1999 with the album 'Chapter One', and debuted as a solo singer in 2006 with the album 'What I'd Like'. He is a pop-R&B and teuroteu singer. He's really an outgoing, bright, and funny man but is so obstinate. (laughs)
[KCM] : He has a very bad stubborn streak.
[Rain] : Who on earth said such a thing? (laughs) I've never seen him keeping insisting. (laughs)
[Jung Joon Yil] : I think he has his own strong ideas and principles that much.
He is also a man with beards.
[Rain] : It is unimaginable for him to have his beard shaved off because he has a baby face. (laughs)

[Jung Joon Yil] : What do you think of GOD who was the nation's top band?
[Rain] : GOD is a legend and was loved by many people.
[KCM] : I think our PD was also a big fan of GOD, right?
(The PD said no) (laughs)

[Jung Joon Yil] : 'Mother' is one of GOD's most famous pieces.
"Mother Hated Jjajangnyun", a part of the lyric from GOD, was parodied by popular comedians.
[Rain] : I was working as a member of boy group "Fan Club" at that time, but the group "Fan Club" broke up soon. (laughs)
[KCM] : I was working as a B-Boy.

[Jung Joon Yil] : GOD left many hit songs. They say 'Kim Tae Woo' is a snob. (laughs)
[KCM] : He told me, “I'm the master of seducing every woman. (laughs)

[Jung Joon Yil] : 'Kim Tae Woo's hit song 'Love Rain' received a lot of praise from the critics in 2009.
[KCM] : He has the assurance to claim that he is a good dancer. (laughs)
I doubt whether his remark is true. (laughs)
[Rain] : He is a good dancer only when drinking. (laughs)
I think dancing is not his area.

[Jung Joon Yil] : 'Kim Tae Woo's personal connections are without parallel in the music industry. (laughs). Did you happen to visit him while he was serving in the army?
[Rain] : I never did. (laughs)
[KCM] : Only once. (laughs)

[Jung Joon Yil] : Female singer 'IU' ever mentioned 'Kim Tae Woo' as her Mr. Right.
[Rain] : I‘d like to know what she really thinks. (laughs)
Maybe she has been through thick and thin with him. (laughs)
(It is said that 'Kim Tae Woo' repeatedly advised her about her singing skills during her rookie season.)

[Jung Joon Yil] : Since the baby girl arrived in four months, 'Kim Tae Woo' and his wife must have conceived before marriage. (laughs)
He was alleged to cry, bending over his baby.
[Rain] : I never saw him crying.
[KCM] : I saw him crying once. He cried when he got dumped by his girlfriend. (laughs)
[Rain] : I want my future wife to give birth to a son in hope my future son will dump his daughter. (laughs)
[KCM] : They say his daughter is the picture of him. (laughs)
[Rain] : His daughter should have been the picture of her mother. (laughs)

[Rain] : 'Kim Tae Woo' always exuberates self-confidence, and he always tries to teach me even though it has already been 10 years since I debuted. (laughs)
When he was not satisfied with my singing skills or JYP's, he used to point out the flaw immediately.(laughs)

[Jung Joon Yi] : 'Kim Tae Woo' was ever praised by elder singer 'Patty Kim'.
[Rain] :More than all, his sincerity is complimented.
He is reliable by nature and is humble in his manner.
But, he used to feel his oats only to us. (laughs)

[Jung Joon Yi] : I read an article in the newspapers, "Rain got his leave, but he didn't buy 'Kim Tae Woo' a meal."
[Rain] : That's an absolute lie. (laughs)
I never met him when I got my leave. (laughs)
He is an honorable man, but sometimes there are very few I can learn from him. (laughs)
JYP drummed good manners into all his juniors, so GOD and I thought etiquette is the most important thing - We still do.
However, his current hit song has gone to his head. (laughs)
I'm very respectful to all PR soldiers including 'Kim Tae Woo' as good friends are in deference to each other.
[KCM] : The atmosphere here is good.
[Rain] : KCM, please don't interrupt me when I'm talking. (laughs)
'Jung Joon Yil', thank you for working hard today. I hope you to tell us a more interesting story next week.
[KCM] : I hope we'll describe people's sexualities, etc. next time. (laughs)
[Rain] : Are you crazy? (laughs)
'Jung Joon Yil', see you next week!
[Jung Joon Yil] : Thank you.

[Rain] : Listener 'ATY', "My married sister living in Woolsan city, will be coming home. Our family eagerly look forward to seeing her. I'm cutting vegetables. listening the show."
[KCM] : I think this show has been winning popular acclaim and high ratings, thanks to Rain.
[Rain] : That's right. (laughs)
[Rain] : Anyway, this much is quite sure that radio audiences are up, but it is not on account of you. (laughs)

[KCM] : Listener '#6936', "I enjoyed eating some curry and rice at a restaurant."

[Rain] : Listener '#8458, "My mother-in-law living in the countryside, has sent me corns. I have a weakness for corn. I'll share those corns with my neighbors."
[KCM] : I really like corn, too.

[KCM] : Listener 'Hana Jung', "Because of back pain, I can't budge an inch."
[Rain] : I've been suffering from chronic back pain, but self-treatment is possible for it with lots of exercise. The pain has been mitigated.

[Rain] : Your success depends on how hard I try. Have a great week!
See you next week!
It was Rain until now.
[KCM] : It was KCM until now.
[Rain] & [KCM] : I love you!!

emik  2012.08.26
Dear Ratoka & 화니, Thank you for doing this.^^

[Rain] : Rain & KCMの'疾走本能'!

[Rain] : 情事/恋愛関係はさまざま。

[KCM] : 理論は十分だが実践は不十分な人はたくさんいる。
[Rain] :実践なしの理論は何の訳にも立たない。なのでラジオに周波数を合わせてね。

[KCM]:リスナー '#8596', "ランチを食べながら、お母さんと一緒に番組を聴いている。"

[Rain] :リスナー 'Hi #77', "昔、鳳仙花で爪を染めた。鳳仙花の花言葉はもうすぐ夢が叶う。

[KCM]:リスナー'#7788', "私の無関心/冷淡な性格のせいで私の人生は難しくなっている。"
[Rain] :リスナー'#9862', "ラーメンを買いに外出しなければならない、でも外へ出たくない、暑すぎるから! お昼を抜くべき?"

[KCM]:リスナー 'Bow', "昨夜、バスの中で男性がブルドックのようにいびきをかいていて、私を含む乗客をイライラさせた。"

[Rain] :リスナー 'Red Umbrella', "光化門通りの真ん中で風で傘が裏返しになった。すごく恥ずかしかった。"

[KCM]: リスナー '#5411', "友人が彼氏と別れたと思った、でも彼らが再びデートしていることを知った。"
[Rain] : 恋人同士は、けんかをしても、すぐ仲直りする。

[Rain] :リスナー 'It's Me', "絵画の解読するのは難し過ぎるように思える。"
[KCM]:リスナー '#7745', "鼻炎のせいでひどい症状がある。鼻の中に食塩水をスプレーした後、すぐに鼻がすっきり治った。"

[Rain] :リスナー 'Original Rain', "彼氏がプレゼントとしてサボテンをくれたけど、水をあげなかったのでサボテンは干からびて枯れた。彼氏に言えない、どうしよう。"
[KCM] : あなたはの彼氏が買ったのものと全く同じに見える新しいサボテンを買うことが出来るよ。

[KCM] :リスナー'Eun Young', "ちょっとしたショッピング療法(ストレスを買い物することで癒す)に行く準備ができた。"

[Rain] :リスナー '#0804', "苦心の努力の後、減量に成功したのでビーチでビキニを着ることができた。"
[KCM] :ダイエットするのは簡単な事じゃない。成功おめでとう!

[KCM] :リスナー'Eun Young', "お母さんの誕生日を祝って家族に美味しいわかめスープを作った。 (韓国人は誕生日にわかめスープを食べる。) でもご飯を炊くのをすっかり忘れた。 本当に申し訳ないと思った。" (笑い)
[Rain] : 調理済みの乾燥飯を使うことができたよ、それで 水の代わりに肉のブイヨンで炊くともっと美味しくなるよ。料理という大変な仕事をしたね。

[KCM]:リスナー '#9632', "今月、ジムに入会したけど、度々欠席している。ビキニを着るのをあきらめるべきだと思う。" (笑い)

[Rain] :リスナー 'Teuroteu Singer', "ダイエットしてるけど、まだ相変わらず太っている。"
[KCM] : ダイエットを始めることそしてフィットネスを習慣づけるのは大変なこと。
[Rain] :通常、僕はダイエットはしない、でも、歌手としてまたは俳優としての僕の新しい活動に先立って、ダイエットを始める。

[Rain] :リスナー 'Oh Kang', "お母さんの料理は平凡。"
[KCM] : 料理は簡単ではない。

[KCM]:リスナー '#3699', "新婚の妻です。私は料理が上手くないけど、夫は料理がじょうず。すべての鍋には蓋がある(誰にでもお似合いの人がいる)、まあそんなところでしょう。"

[Rain] :リスナー 'Choco', "スナック/おやつの夢を見た後、さようならしたことがある。今は素敵な彼氏がいるのですごく幸せ。"
[KCM]: スナックの夢の意味は妊娠だと思う、そうだよね?
[Rain] : 知らない、妊娠したことないから(笑い)

[Rain] :リスナー 'Main', "セクシーな通りすがりの人にだまされた。彼は地獄の炎で焼かれるべきだ。"
[KCM] : 天罰はおそいが必ず来る。
[Rain] :彼は天罰を受けると確信してるよ。

[KCM]:リスナー'KY05', "私もいい夢を見たい。すごく孤独で彼氏がいない。"
[Rain] :僕の元彼女達は僕が男友達に優しくするのをすごく嫌がった、それが僕を怒らせた(笑い)

[Rain] :リスナー '#0605', "友人もだまされて一文なしになった。悪事を働く人はいつの日か罰せられるだろう。"
[KCM] : 犯罪者は罰を受けるにちがいない。

[KCM]:リスナー 'Dark Angel', "誰でもペテンに影響を受けやすくなる。経験だと思って!"

[Rain] :リスナー 'Wonder Woman', "紛失したバックを見つけた、中には文書が入っていた。寿命が10年縮んだ。"
[KCM] : 僕は財布をよくなくす傾向がある。
[Rain] : 僕は財布をなくしたことはない。
[KCM] : Rain はとても几帳面な人ですべてにおいて注意深い。彼から学ぶことはたくさんある。

[KCM]:リスナー 'Joa', "近所からの騒音で気が散る。"
[Rain] : 彼女は近所の人の気持ちを傷つけずに、その隣人を納得させなけれなばらないと思う。

[KCM]:リスナー 'Juyoung', "番組を聴きながらKTXで釜山市に向かっている。"

[Rain]:リスナー'#0421', "親しい友人がもうすぐ結婚する。結婚おめでとう!"

[KCM]:リスナー 'Red #0503', "卒業して10年ぶりに昔の学校を訪問した。当時の思い出が次から次へと浮かび上がる。"

[Rain]:リスナー '#0814', "ストレスで本当にくたくたになった時、砂糖をたくさん入れた'Caramel Macchiato'を飲んだら、気分が良くなった。"

[KCM]:リスナー 'Shindol', "山登りをした後、体中が痛かった。"
[Rain]:リスナー 'Eyes', "悲しいことに休暇は終わりに近づいている。"

-"Twist" コーナー (彼/彼女の過去を少し探って分かること)-

[Rain] : 'Jung Joon Yil'ようこそ, ご出演ありがとうございます。
[Jung Joon Yil] : 今日は解散したバンドGODのメンバー'Kim Tae Woo'を紹介します。
[KCM] : すみませんが、間違えてますよ。彼の体重は95kg。(笑い)
[Rain] : 85kg? それはかなり問題外。
一体どうしたら彼が僕より軽くなるの? (笑い)
[Jung Joon Yil] : 彼は昨年クリスマスに美しい研究者'Kim Ae Ri'と結婚した。
[KCM]&[Rain] :当時僕は軍で訓練中だったので、結婚式に出席できなかった。(笑い)
[KCM] : 彼が大人になってきたのは結婚してから。(笑い)
[Rain] : 決して成長しない人もいる。(笑い)

[Jung Joon Yil] :彼は1999年にアルバム'Chapter One'でGODのメンバーとしてデビュー、そして2006年にアルバム 'What I'd Like'でソロシンガーとしてデビューした。彼は pop-R&B そしてとロット歌手。彼は本当に社交的で頭が良くそして面白い男性、でもすごく意固地。(笑い)
[KCM] : 彼はとても頑固な性格をしている。
[Rain] : 一体誰がそんな事を言ったの? (笑い) 僕は彼が主張し続けているのを見たことがないよ。(笑い)
[Jung Joon Yil] :彼は確固としたアイデアと原則をそれだけ持っているのだと思う。また彼はひげを生やしている男性。
[Rain] :彼がひげを剃った顔が想像できない、彼の顔はすごく童顔だから。(笑い)

[Jung Joon Yil] : 国内TOPバンドだった GODをどう思いますか?
[Rain] : GODは伝説そして多くの人たちから愛された。
[KCM] : 僕達のPDもGODの大ファンだったと思う、そうだよね?
(The PD が「No」と言った) (笑い)

[Jung Joon Yil] : 'Mother' はGODの最も有名な曲/作品のひとつ。

[Rain] :当時僕はboy group "Fan Club" のメンバーとして活動していたけど、 "Fan Club" はすぐに解散した。(笑い)
[KCM] : 僕はB-Boyとして活動していた。

[Jung Joon Yil] : GODは多くのヒット曲を残した。'Kim Tae Woo'はてんぐ/嫌なやつ/偉そうな人らしい。(笑い)
[KCM] :彼は僕に “僕はあらゆる女性を誘惑する達人“だと言った。(笑い)

[Jung Joon Yil] : 2009年、'Kim Tae Woo'のヒット曲'Love Rain' は評論家からたくさんの称賛を受けた。
[KCM] : ずうずうしくも、彼はダンスがうまいと主張している。(笑い)
[Rain] :彼はお酒を飲んだ時だけダンスがうまい。(笑い)

[Jung Joon Yil] : 音楽業界では'Kim Tae Woo'の人間関係/人脈は類がない。(笑い) 彼が兵役中に彼を訪問したことある?
[Rain] :一度も無い。(笑い)
[KCM] : 一回だけ。(笑い)

[Jung Joon Yil] : 女性歌手 'IU' はかつて'Kim Tae Woo' が理想の男性と述べたことがある。
[Rain] :彼女が本当は何を考えているのか知りたいな。(笑い)

('Kim Tae Woo'は彼女が新人の頃に彼女の歌唱力について繰り返しアドバイスしたと言われている 。)

[Jung Joon Yil] : 4ヵ月前に女の子の赤ちゃんが生まれたので 'Kim Tae Woo' と奥さんは結婚前に計画していたに違いない。(笑い)
[Rain] :彼が泣いているのを見た事がない。
[KCM] :僕は彼が泣いているのを一度見たよ。彼女に振られた時、彼は泣いていた。(笑い)
[Rain] :僕の将来の奥さんには息子を産んで欲しい、そして僕の息子が彼の娘さんを振ることを期待する。(笑い)

[KCM] : 彼の赤ちゃんは彼にそっくりらしい。(笑い)
[Rain] : 赤ちゃんは彼の奥さんにそっくりであるべきだった。(笑い)

[Rain] : 'Kim Tae Woo'はいつも自信に満ちている、そして僕はデビューして10年経つのにも関わらずいつも彼は僕に指導しようとする。(笑い)

[Jung Joon Yi] :かつて 'Kim Tae Woo'は年上の歌手に褒められた。
[Rain] :なによりも彼の誠意は称賛された。


[Jung Joon Yi] :新聞で"Rainは休暇を得たけど, 'Kim Tae Woo'に食事をごちそうしなかった。"という記事を読んだよ。
[Rain] : それは真っ赤なうそだ。(笑い)

JYP は自身の後輩全員に良い礼儀をたたき込んだので、GOD と僕はエチケットが最も重要なことだと思った-そして今でもそう思う。
僕は'Kim Tae Woo' を含むすべての広報支援隊員を良い友人として、お互いに尊敬していてとても敬意を払う。
[KCM] :ここの雰囲気はいいよね。
[Rain] : KCM, お願いだから僕が話をしている時に邪魔しないで。(笑い)
'Jung Joon Yil', 今日は頑張って頂きありがとうございました。来週もさらに面白い話をしてくれる事を期待してます。
[KCM] :次回は人々の性的関心/能力等を話すことを期待するよ。(笑い)
[Rain] : 気は確か/頭[どっか]おかしいんじゃない? (笑い)

'Jung Joon Yil', また来週!
[Jung Joon Yil] : ありがとう。

[Rain] :リスナー'ATY', "蔚山市に住んでる結婚した姉/妹が家にやって来る。家族は彼女に会うのを心待ちにしている。番組を聴きながら野菜を切っている。"
[KCM] :この番組は一般/大衆の喝采と高い視聴率を獲得していると思う、Rainのおかげで。
[Rain] : その通り。(笑い)
[Rain] :とにかくラジオ聴衆者が増えているということは確信している、でも君のおかげじゃない。(笑い)

[KCM] :リスナー '#6936', "レストランでカレーライスを楽しんだ。"

[Rain] :リスナー '#8458, "田舎/地方に住んでいる義母が、とうもろこしを送ってくれた。私はとうもろこしに目がない。近所の人たちにとうもろこしをお裾分けする。"
[KCM] :僕もとうもろこし大好き。

[KCM] :リスナー'Hana Jung', "背痛/腰痛のため、一切動くことができない。"
[Rain] : 僕は慢性的な腰痛に苦しんでいるけど、沢山運動することで自己治療が可能。痛みは緩和されてきている。
[Rain] : 成功は僕がどれだけ一生懸命頑張るかによって決まる。 良い週末を! また、来週!

[KCM] : ここまではKCM でした。
[Rain] & [KCM] : 愛しているよ!!


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