Végtelen erőfeszítés, végtelen kitartás, végtelen szerénység. (Rain vezérelve)

Tudtam, hogy ránézésre nem tűnök valami nagy számnak, a megjelenésem sem túl vonzó, de a bensőm elég rendkívüli. Minden színpadra lépés előtt azt mondom magamnak, hogy én vagyok a legjobb, és minden előadás után ugyanúgy azt, hogy nem én vagyok. Ezért minden fellépés előtt 120 százalékosan kell felkészülnöm, hogy az előadáson 100 százalékos teljesítményt tudjak nyújtani. Ennek érdekében minden álló nap folyamatosan képzem magam. Már nagyon hosszú ideje alváshiányban szenvedek, mert ha éppen nem dolgozom, akkor vagy edzek, vagy a koreográfiákat és a dalokat próbálom. Éppen úgy, mint a filmfelvételek idején, ha valamit nem csináltam jól, képtelen vagyok aludni. Akár színészként, akár énekesként, a legjobbat kell tudnom kihozni magamból. De nem kell aggódni, hogy most nincs elegendő időm az alvásra, jut arra majd bőven a halálom után. (Rain)

Ez a fiatalság, ez az egészség... és a túlcsorduló önbizalom... az erőfeszítés, amit az oly hihetetlen előadásai sikeres megvalósításáért tett... és a tehetség, amit felmutat, ezek töltenek el spontán tisztelettel engem. Azt gondolom, hogy a történelem a fontos személyiségek között fogja jegyezni. Úgy, mint aki színészként és zenészként egyaránt sikeres lett. ...
Ami igazán meglepő Ji-hoonban, az az, hogy egyfajta düh, bosszúvágy és szomorúság, az összes efféle sötét, komor negatív motiváció az ő esetében rendkívül optimista és derűs módon ölt testet.
(Park Chan-wook rendező)

> RAIN KRÓNIKA: 2012.08.18.


12-08-18 Speeding967 tweet


[New York(USA) Newspaper]120817 중앙일보The Korea Daily_R2B: Return To Base

Credit: scorpiola


[Vid]12-08-18 DATV - Korea-enta! news_R2B: Return to Base

credit : momorumii



12-08-18 Friends FM - 질주본능_Rain & KCM DJ

Credit : ratoka


secession  2012.08.19
[English translation]


[Rain] : Rain & KCM's 'The Desire To Speed'!

[Rain] : If somebody brings you a present, it can mean that he or she is surely interested in you.
The present most desired for now I'd like to receive, is that you listen to the show. Please tune in to it again today!

[Rain] : KCM is out of the show today because of his personal schedule, so I'm so happy to be alone. With an effort I'm managing to stop myself laughing.
I wonder if he is listening to the show now, but his mother must be listening to it.
I love mother! I can do it myself.

[Rain] : Listener 'corporal 'Gil Min Jae' serving as a teaching assistant attached to the 1st Recruit Training Center in the 27th Army Division', “I've learned the importance of patience and persistence while serving as a teaching assistant in the army. I'll do my best until the due date for my discharge."
I had also served as a teaching assistant for three months from January to March.
While I was serving as a teaching assistant, the sweat was pouring down my back even though it was almost as cold as midwinter. Also, I was not getting enough sleep all the time. It is so hard to serve as a teaching assistant in the army.
Way to go, corporal 'Gil Min Jae'. Fighting!

[Rain] : Listener 'Lang Lang', "I'm very happy you're finally here! I think you feel something great is missing because KCM isn't here."
I'm better off without him, and I prefer working alone.
I wonder if he is eligible to be with me.
KCM's mother, I meant it for a joke aimed at pleasing people. (laughs)

[Rain] : Listener 'Because of You', "They say it's good to give presents each other.
"The Desire To Speed" is a great treat to me."
Thank you.

[Rain] : Listener 'Are You OK?', "We have cooler mornings and evenings now. Fall must be just around the corner. I'm afraid you can do it today."
Thanks, but I can do it on my own. I think time really goes like the wind.
I'll leave the army in months to come. Just the thought of it makes me so excited.
Hahahahahaha..I want to be out of here the soonest I can. (laughs)

[Rain] : Listener 'It's Beginning', "Your selection of music was quite good. Would you like to have a cup of coffee with sugar in, which is KCM's kind of coffee?"
Sounds good!

[Rain] : Listener '#8686', "I think the studio has a quiet atmosphere because you are alone."
I can hear it just fine the way it is. I think KCM is not very well organized because he repeatedly and unnecessarily lets out exclamations of delight during the show.

[Rain] : Listener 'Kim Han Sol', "I do not feel up to par because I've been working too hard lately."
Please get well soon!

[Rain] : Listener 'Danbi', "Because of the heat, I went to see a movie yesterday. I hope it will cool off soon."
Of course I think she would see 'R2B : Return To Base'.

[Rain] : Listener 'Simple Bi #0625', "My mother stops me from listening to 'The Desire To Speed'. I'm listening to it secretly."
I am very sorry to hear that.

[Rain] : Listener '#5535', "Today is my mother's birthday. I gave her money for her birthday present."
I found a 10,000 won bill in my Christmas stocking when I was a kid.
It turned out that my mom had done it, so the kid learned the truth about Santa Claus.

[Rain] : Listener '#8121', "I had a stomachache after eating shaved ice with syrup last night. I became ill, I'm resting at home."

[Rain] : Listener '#5896', "It has been raining intermittently for a week, so I take an umbrella with me because it is going to rain, but the rain doesn't come."
That happens sometimes.

[Rain] : Listener '#0122', "I've been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis."
Actually, Sometimes I've been aching in my joints since I was 18. You should seek professional medical help.

[Rain] : Listener 'Roger That', "Civil Defense Drill 'Eulji' will begin, beginning next Monday."
We soldiers also take part in the drill. Even in my movie (R2B), there is a scene where people take refuge in a bomb shelter when the state of emergency is declared.

-Talk about music with 'Pyo Joo Yeol'-

[Rain] : Welcome, 'Pyo Joo Yeol', thank you for being on the show.
[Pyo Joo Yeol] : Nice to meet you. This is 'Pyo Joo Yeol'.
[Rain] : This segment by you is popular and well received.
[Pyo Joo Yeol] : My family and friends are all passionately interested in this show.
I even bought radios to them for this. (laughs)
[Rain] : We have a couple of spares of the military broadcast-only radios.
If you need those radios, I can give you them.
[Pyo Joo Yeol]: Thanks for seeing to all these details.
Actually, I was in a minor accident on the way here last week.
In my hurry to leave there, I don't think I said all that here last time.
Luckily, it all worked out for me at the end.
[Rain] : You were very fortunate.

[Rain] : Let's get to the point. What kind of music do you like?
[Pyo Joo Yeol]: I like the music in the ྌs and ྖs better that the current one.
[Rain] : Me too.

-Indie band 'Motel Rose's 'Bongsuki'-
[Pyo Joo Yeol]: This band started at a club a few years ago performing mainly for underground crowds, has finally sharpened their skills enough to enter the limelight.
[Rain] : Personally, I like this kind of music.

-Indie band 'Guckkasten's 'Mirror'-
[Pyo Joo Yeol]: The word 'Guckkasten' comes from a German word meaning "Kaleidoscope".
[Rain]: I used to play with a kaleidoscope when I was younger. (laughs)
[Pyo Joo Yeol]: The band is trying to many different musical genres to live up to its name.
[Rain] : The guitar tune is very addictive.
[Pyo Joo Yeol]: My fifth-month-old daughter tried to dance to this music when I played it. (laughs)

-Actor 'Tom Cruise's 'Pour Some Sugar On Me' in movie 'Rock Of Ages' starring him-
[Pyo Joo Yeol]: This movie is based on a musical. 'Tom Cruise' played a freaky singer character called 'Stacy Jacks' in the movie. He sang 8 of the 20 songs in the movie.
[Rain] : There is anything he can't do.
[Pyo Joo Yeol] : I believe 'Tom Cruise' and Rain are related. What converted him from a charming man into a mega-star with real acting credentials was 'Top Gun'.
Just like him, I believe the role on the film (R2B) about fighter planes will cause Rain to make it bigger. Rain is also versatile man.
[Rain] : I just try to challenge to all. But, the advantages of me over 'Tom Cruise' are that I'm taller than he is, I'm younger than he is, and I outdance him. (laughs)
[Pyo Joo Yeol] : In movie Ninja Assassin starring you, you performed the action scenes in a very convincing way. In particular, I was impressed that you were standing on your hands. I think you do a better job than 'Tom Cruise' in performing action scenes.
[Rain] : I had to practice for 8 months to do it, but as long as conditions are set in performing the action scenes, everyone can do such a thing. (laughs)
[Pyo Joo Yeol]: I heard your body fat ratio was 0% at that time.
[Rain] : If such a situation had arisen, I would have died. (laughs)
The actual maximum ratio was nearly 3-4 %.

[Rain] : (After 'Tom Cruise's 'Pour Some Sugar On Me' in movie 'Rock Of Ages')
'Tom Cruise' really sings very well, despite being an actor.
[Pyo Joo Yeol]: The song is a remake of Def Leppard's 1987 original.
[Rain] : I think 'Tom Cruise's singing skills are as good as those of Def Leppard.
[Pyo Joo Yeol]: You are a good singer and actor as good as 'Tom Cruise'.
[Rain]: I think I have a very forceful personality, which is perfect for fostering the chameleon-like skills of an actor and singer.
[Pyo Joo Yeol]: You are far above 'Tom Cruise' in dancing.
[Rain] : I think most of actors are people of talents and full of passion.
I can't wait to see this movie 'Rock Of Ages'.
The fact that 'Tom Cruise' has a six pack even though he is a man about the same age as my father, is amazing.
Too much exercise can bring out such flaccid breasts KCM has (laughs), but 'Tom Cruise's body is well-balanced overall.
Maybe KCM has to have a breast reduction. (laughs)

-Mariah Carey's Triumphant-
[Pyo Joo Yeol]: Whitney Houston, Celine Dion, and Mariah Carey were representative divas in the ྖ.
Mariah Carey sold over 200 million records around the world, and her 18 songs hit number one on the Billboard charts. She could break Beatles' outstanding lifetime record of 18 songs which hit number one on the Billboard charts.
[Rain] : A special feature may be structured as a tribute to Michael Jackson or Whitney Houston or Mariah Carey on this show.
[Pyo Joo Yeol]: Sounds good.
[Rain] : It's time to wrap it up.
[Pyo Joo Yeol]: Hasn’t the time gone quickly?
[Rain] : Time flies when we are having fun. Thank you for coming in, and see you next week!
[Pyo Joo Yeol]: Thank you.

-Miss A & Mr. B-

[Rain] : Welcome, "Kim So Jung", it’s great to have you on our show.
[Kim So Jung] : Nice to meet you.
[Rain] : Now I've got her CD album as a present. I hear she personally designed the cover of the CD. I like the design of the CD.
[Kim So Jung] : Yes, I did it. My single album will be released at the end of the month.
[Rain] : Please give her your interest and support.
[Kim So Jung] : Thank you.
[Rain] : My fans meekly do as I'm told. (laughs). I believe many of them will pick her album up without hesitation. (laughs)
They even give me spending money. (laughs)
[Kim So Jung] : Really?
[Rain] : No, I'm joking (laughs).

[Rain] : It is now time for psychological testing.
If something is reflected in the mirror when you wake up in the middle of the night and go to the bathroom, what do you think it is?
1. A person whom I love is reflected in the mirror.
2. The dresser in the room is reflected in the mirror.
3. The bathtub is reflected in the mirror.
4. A stranger is reflected in the mirror.
I'll choose # 1.
[Kin So Jung] : I'll choose # 2.

[Rain] : I want to change my selection. I'll choose # 2.
1. Those who chose # 1, make a greater effort to be such wonderful persons in every way, fulfilling their own duties. So they are popular among women or men.
(their appeal index constitutes up to 95%)
I'll choose # 1 as I originally intended. (laughs)
[Kim So Jung] : Please don't be unreasonable! (laughs)
[Rain]: Please don’t give me that baloney! (laughs)

2. Those who chose # 2, can use their talents when they meet people who encourage them to unlock their hidden potential.
(their appeal index constitutes up to 50%)

3. Those who chose # 3, lack confidence in everything they do.
(their appeal index is ambiguous.)

4. Those who chose # 4, are people of industry.
(their appeal index constitutes up to 70%.)
[Rain] : Anyway, my choice is #1. (laughs)

[Rain] : I often muse about my life and my future, thinking, "I don't know when I can I leave the army", whenever I wake up in the middle of the night and go to the bathroom. (laughs)
[Kim So Jung] : But I heard you that you would love to remain here for a long time. (laughs)
[Rain] : Who says? (laughs)
[Kim So Jung] : I saw it in an article. (laughs)
[Rain] : That's not what I'm thinking. Frankly, I'm all eagerness to leave here. (laughs) Sorry. I meant it for a joke.
Actually, there are many exciting things to do in the Media Relations Team so I am never bored which I appreciate. It's just a great pity that my discharge is only 8 months away. (laughs)

-Case 1-
[Kim So Jung] : Listener 'A', "I have a boyfriend, going out for six years. Recently , he has canceled appointments with me more frequently on the pretext of having work to do. One day, my friend saw him meeting another woman to have a cup of coffee, and I was tipped off about that. I immediately phoned him and demanded to know what had happened, but he just told me, 'I just met a colleague'. Anyway, I lose patience with his lies. (To meet another woman, he canceled appointments with me on the pretext of having work to do.) Now I cannot decide whether to break up with him."
[Rain] : I think his evasion can be forgivable in the circumstances.

[Rain] : Listener 񠨈', "I think he beats around the bush."
But, she has a hunch that he dated with another woman, but she doesn't have concrete evidence. I’d like to talk about it with listener 񠨈' in person not by phone. (laughs)

[Kim So Jung] : Listener '#0547', "I think they should break up with each other because trust between people plays a very important role in our lives."
[Rain] : I think I can understand the delicate psychology of women. Because I didn't understand women at all, I seemed to get dumped by my ex-girlfriends. (laughs) Women worry too much about little things, I think.

[Rain] : Listener 'Only One', "There seems to be a distinct difference between women and men in the way they think."
I'd like to get some professional advice from KCM who is a love affair professional. (laughs)

[Kim So Jung] : Listener '#6963', "One lie leads another." (laughs)
I think he did an unforgivable thing to her.
[Rain] :Well, on second thought he deserves to get dumped by his girlfriend because he has broken his promise with her on the pretext of having work to do in order to meet another woman. He must be playing around with another woman. (laughs)

-Case 2-
[Rain] : Listener 'Yellow Shirt', "I'm a 25-year-old and lusty young man who left the army the year before last. I want to date a woman, but everything goes against me. My ex-girlfriends used to be completely out of touch with me, as time passed.
I tried to buck up to them, but they seemed to be fed up with me being too nice to them. I want to date a woman well but I don't know how."
You should not do what she wants you to do. Please don't be timid but hold your head up. But, who am I now? (Just an ordinary soldier) (laughs)
There is no need to worry because there are lots of fans around me. Hahahaha.. (laughs)

[Rain] : Listener '#8614', "It will be possible only when Rain is there." (laughs)

[Rain] : Listener 'September', "Men must show leadership."

[Kim So Jung] : Listener 'Kim Jin Hee', "There is something attractive about a man who shows leadership."

[Rain] : Listener '#0232', "I think a man should act naturally when he dates with his girlfriend."
I think a man should show an attitude of indifference toward his girlfriend who pretends to assume a defiant attitude, and he should adopt an aggressive posture on her arrogance. (laughs)

-Case 3-
[Kim So Jung] : Listener 'Nana', "I have a boy friend with whom I'm close, but we have not yet formed a relationship. I think he loves me and wants something more than the occasional, or frequent, slap and tickle. I don't want to be in a serious relationship though. By the way, he's got a new girlfriend. No wonder he's been in such a good mood. I feel sick with jealousy."
[Rain] : He is definitely superior to her. (laughs)
He seems to rouse her jealousy, and his confession to her that he has a new girlfriend, has fooled her (his original girlfriend) who is an extremely jealous and possessive woman. (laughs) She feels very betrayed by him and discovers the adrenaline rush of being jealous of the fact. (laughs)

[Kim So Jung] : I cannot quite see his real intention.
[Rain] : He seems to be fed up with his original girlfriend who has repeatedly refused his proposal. The same thing has happened to a female staff I know. The staff's ex-boyfriend proposed several times, but he was refused and married another woman who is younger than the staff. Ever since she has regretted not saying yes.
 [Rain] : I think it’s time for some straight talking. I hope listener 'Nana' will have a heart-to-heart with him. They could understand each other better after a heart-to-heart talk. Actually, my friends agreed to end their relationship as friends but continue to be a loving relationship, and the couple finally tied the knot.
I hate to say goodbye, but it's time to go. Thank you for coming in today.
See you next week.
[Kim So Jung] : See you next week. Thank you.

[Rain]: Singer 'Star's song 'I Think I' reminds me of the drama 'Full House' starring me. I'm so glad to hear about her marriage. She'll get married to singer 'Haha'.
I was astonished at the news at first, but I hope the couple will have happy lives.
She and I were in the same management company and have known each other for a long time. I believe she will be a wise mother and good wife.
He has finally found a piece of goods and come to get married.

[Rain]: Listener '#1128', "My sister has come to have a baby for the first time since she got married."
I hope she'll be fortunate in her confinement. How about calling the baby "Easy Delivery"? (laughs)

[Rain]: Listener '#5338', "Today is my birthday. Please celebrate my birthday."
Happy birthday!
[Rain]: Listener 'Flower Bora', "Today is my mother's birthday, but she won't see me until I bring over my marriage partner."
I think 'Flower Bora' is a maiden lady.

[Rain] : Listener 'It's Sunny', "The weather is sizzling hot today. My eyes were puffed up when I got up in the morning.
They say drinking cassia seed tea can help bring down swelling.

[Rain] : Listener 'It's Sunny', "My friend is undergoing anticancer treatment. I hope she'll get well soon."
Nothing is more important than health. I hope she'll be restored to health soon, too.

[Rain] : Listener 'Kissya Hiccup", "I'll go to a water park tomorrow. I think I'll have a great weekend."
The park may be crowded with people. Please don't go! (laughs)
I'm jealous of you and that's why I'm saying this.

[Rain] : Listener '#5263', "I've got a salary for the first time since I got a job last month. I'll be treating my parents to a meal this evening to please them."
What a good daughter !

[Rain] : Listener '#3462', "I'm a teacher. The summer break will end next week, but the break did help recharge my batteries."
During our school days, I was so sad and worried two weeks before I went back to school.

[Rain] : Listener '#5535', "I took money out of my income to give to my mother, but she wanted me to keep the fact in the dark from my father." (laughs)

[Rain] : Listener 'Desert', "I've stayed at home all day since I fell in the bathroom yesterday. Please blow your breath on my wound."
Ho~~ (laughs)

[Rain] : Listener '#3533', "I've been seized with air-conditioningitis. The level of immunity seems to be bound to drop when I am in my 30s."
I've always been with air-conditioningitis because of my nasty allergic rhinitis.

[Rain] : Listener '#3441', "I'm very nervous with the upcoming exam. I'd like to do well on the exam."
You will be rewarded if you work off steam. Fighting!

[Rain] : Listener 'Movie Star Rain', "I probably got the eye infection from my nephew."
I think you should go to the hospital soon.

I'll be coming with KCM tomorrow. It was Rain until now.
I love you. Bye!

emik  2012.08.23


[Rain] : Rain & KCMの'疾走本能'!

[Rain] :もし誰かがプレゼントを持ってきてくれたとしたら、間違いなくその人は貴方に興味があるという意味。

[Rain] :今日KCMは個人的スケジュールのため番組は欠席、なので僕は一人でうれしい。何とか努力して笑うのをやめるようにするよ。
お母さん愛してます! 僕は一人でできます。

[Rain] :リスナー'第27師団の第一新人兵訓練センターに所属し助教として任務している'Gil Min Jae'伍長', “陸軍で助教として任務している間、忍耐と粘り強さの重要さを学んだ。除隊日まで最善を尽くすつもり。"
僕も1月から3月まで助教として任務した。助教として任務している間、真冬のような寒さにもかかわらず、背中から汗が吹き出ていた。また、その間ずっと十分な睡眠がとれなかった。陸軍で助教として任務するのはすごくハードなこと。'Gil Min Jae'伍長、よくやった。ファイティン!

[Rain] :リスナー'Lang Lang', "あなたが番組にでてきたのでとてもうれしい! KCMがいないのでなにか大事なものが欠けている/足りないとあなたは感じていると思う。"
KCMのお母さん, 僕はみんなを喜ばせる目的で冗談のつもりです。(笑い)

[Rain] :リスナー'Because of You', "お互いにプレゼントを渡すのはいいことらしい。
Thank you very much.

[Rain] : リスナー 'Are You OK?', "今は朝晩涼しい。秋はすぐそこまで来ている。今日、貴方は出来ないのではないかと思う。"

[Rain] :リスナー'It's Beginning', "貴方の選曲はかなりいい。KCMの好みのコーヒーのように砂糖の入ったコーヒーはいかが?"

[Rain] :リスナー'#8686', "貴方が一人なのでスタジオが静かな雰囲気だと思う。"

[Rain] :リスナー'Kim Han Sol', "最近、働き過ぎていつもの調子ではない。"

[Rain] :リスナー 'Danbi', "暑かったので、昨日映画を観に行った。間もなく涼しくなる事を願う。"
もちろん、彼女は'R2B : Return To Base'を観たと思う。

[Rain] :リスナー'Simple Bi #0625', "お母さんが'疾走本能'を聴かせてくれない。なので内緒で聴いている。"

[Rain] :リスナー '#5535', "今日はお母さんの誕生日。誕生日プレゼントにお金をあげた。"
僕が子供の時、クリスマスの靴下に ₩10,000 が入っているのを見つけた。

[Rain] :リスナー '#8121', "昨夜、シロップ味のカキ氷を食べた後、お腹が痛くなった。具合が悪くなり家で休んでいる。"

[Rain] :リスナー '#5896', "1週間断続的に雨が降っている、そして雨が降るので傘を持った、でも雨が降ってこない。"

[Rain] :リスナー '#0122', "関節リウマチと診断された。"
実は、僕は18歳の時から時々、関節が痛む。あなた(リスナー '#0122')は専門の医師の診察を受けるべきだよ。

[Rain] :リスナー 'Roger That', "来週の月曜日から、市民/民間防衛訓練'乙支'が始まる。"


-'Pyo Joo Yeol'と音楽について語る-

[Rain] : 'Pyo Joo Yeol'ようこそお越しくださいました、番組にご一緒頂きありがとうございます。
[Pyo Joo Yeol] : お会いできて光栄です。僕は'Pyo Joo Yeol'です。
[Rain] :あなたのこのコーナーは人気があり非常に評判です。
[Pyo Joo Yeol] :私の家族と友人達はみんなこの番組に情熱的に興味を持っています。
[Rain] : 僕達は軍放送のみのラジオの予備を数個もっていますよ。

[Pyo Joo Yeol]: 詳細を確認してくれてありがとう。
[Rain] :とても運が良かったですね。
[Rain] :では本題に戻りましょう。 どういった音楽が好きですか?
[Pyo Joo Yeol]:現在の曲よりも80年代や90年代の方が好き。
[Rain] : 僕も。

-インディーズバンド'Motel Rose:'Bongsuki'-
[Pyo Joo Yeol]:このバンドは数年前に主に前衛的群のためにクラブで始まった、そしてついには一躍脚光を浴びるに十分なまでに彼らのスキルは磨かれた。
[Rain] : 個人的には、こういった音楽は好き。

-インディーズバンド 'Guckkasten:'Mirror'-
[Pyo Joo Yeol]: 'Guckkasten' という言葉はドイツ語で"万華鏡"と言う意味。
[Rain]:僕が若い時、万華鏡で遊んだよ。 (笑い)
[Pyo Joo Yeol]: このバンドは文字通り、たくさんの異なる音楽ジャンルに挑戦してい。
[Rain] :ギターの旋律がとても病みつきになる。

Pyo Joo Yeol]:この音楽をかけた時、僕の5カ月の娘が曲に合わせて踊ろうとした。(笑い)

-俳優 'Tom Cruise'が主演した映画 'Rock Of Ages'の 'Pour Some Sugar On Me'-
[Pyo Joo Yeol]:この映画はミュージカルがベース。'Tom Cruise'は'Stacy Jacks'と呼ばれる 変わった/異常な歌手の役を演じている。彼は映画の中の20曲中8曲を唄っている。
[Rain] : 彼ができないことは何もない。
[Pyo Joo Yeol] :僕は 'Tom Cruise' とRain は関連していると信じている。彼を魅力的な男性から本格的な演技の素質/実績で大スターに転換させたのは'Top Gun'だよ。
[Rain] : 僕はすべて挑戦しているだけ。でも僕が'Tom Cruise'よりも優れている点は、彼より背が高い、彼より若い、そして彼よりダンスがうまいこと。 (笑い)

[Pyo Joo Yeol] : あなたが主演した映画 Ninja Assassin で、あなたはアクションシーンをすごく確実に演じている。特に、手で立ち上がるシーンに感動/感心した。アクションシーンの演技ではあなたは'Tom Cruise'よりも良い仕事をする/上手にこなすと僕は思う。
[Rain] :それをやるために僕は8カ月練習しなければならなかった、でもアクションシーンを行う時、条件がセットされていればこのようなことは誰でもできる。(笑い)
[Pyo Joo Yeol]: 当時、貴方の体脂肪は0% だったと聞いた。
[Rain] :もしそのような状況になっていたら、僕は死ぬ。(笑い)
実際の最大比は大体3-4 %。

[Rain] : (映画 'Rock Of Ages'の'Tom Cruiseの 'Pour Some Sugar On Me'のあと)
俳優にも関らず'Tom Cruise'は本当に歌うのがうまい。
[Pyo Joo Yeol]:この曲はDef Leppardの1987年オリジナルをリメイクしたもの。
[Rain] : 'Tom Cruise'の歌唱力はDef Leppard と同じくらいに良いと思う。
[Pyo Joo Yeol]:あなたは 'Tom Cruise'.と同じくらい歌がうまいくて、演技も上手。
[Rain]: 僕は俳優や歌手のカメレオンのように変わりやすいスキルを育成/発展させるには完璧な強引な性格だと思う。

[Pyo Joo Yeol]: ダンスではあなたは'Tom Cruise'を上回っている。
[Rain] :ほとんどの俳優達は才能ある人たちで情熱にあふれていると僕は思う。
この映画 'Rock Of Ages'を観るのが待ちきれない。.
事実、'Tom Cruise' は僕のお父さんとほとんど同じ年にかかかわらす6パックなのは、素晴らしい。
運動をやり過ぎると KCM のようなたるんだ胸囲を生み出す(笑い)、でも'Tom Cruise'の体は全体的に均整が取れている。

-Mariah Carey:Triumphant-
[Pyo Joo Yeol]: Whitney Houston, Celine Dion, そして Mariah Carey は90年代の代表的な歌姫。
Mariah Carey は世界中に2億枚以上のレコードを売った、そして彼女の曲、18曲はビルボードチャートで1位になった。彼女はBeatlesの18曲がビルボードチャートで1位というのずば抜けた生涯記録を破ることもあり得た。
[Rain] : Michael JacksonまたはWhitney Houston またはMariah Carey に敬意を表してこの番組で特集が構成されるかもしれない。
[Pyo Joo Yeol]: いいね。
[Rain] : まとめの時間だ。
[Pyo Joo Yeol]:時が経つのが早くない?

[Rain] : 楽しい時は時間が経つのが早い。お越し頂きありがとうございました、そしてまた来週お会いしましょう!
[Pyo Joo Yeol]: ありがとう。

-Miss A & Mr. B-

[Rain] :"Kim So Jung"ようこそ, 僕達の番組にお越し頂き大変うれしいです。
[Kim So Jung] : お会いできて光栄です。
[Rain] : 今、僕の手元にはプレゼントとして彼女のCDアルバムがある。彼女が個人的にCDのカバーをデザインしたと聞いた。僕はこのCDのデザインが好き。
[Kim So Jung] : はい、私がデザインしました。シングルアルバムが今月末にリリースされます。
[Rain] :彼女への関心とサポートしてあげてね。
[Kim So Jung] :ありがとう。
[Rain] :僕のファンは従順に僕の言った通りにするから 。(笑い)多くのファンはためらうことなく彼女のアルバムを手にすると信じている。(笑い)
[Kim So Jung] : 本当に?
[Rain] :いいえ、冗談。(笑い)

[Rain] :では心理テストの時間だね。
1. 貴方が愛する人が鏡に映っていた。
2. 部屋の化粧台が鏡に映っていた。

3. 浴槽が鏡に映っていた。
4. 知らない人が鏡に映っていた。
[Kin So Jung] : 私は2番。

[Rain] : 選択を変えたい。僕は2番にする。
1番を選ぶ人は 自分の責務を果たし、あらゆる面で素晴らしい人になるために一層の努力をする人。よってこの人たちは女性または男性の間で人気がある。
[Kim So Jung] : 駄々をこねないで! (笑い)
[Rain]: そんなでたらめ言わないでよ! (笑い)


3番を選ぶ人は, 自分のやることすべてに自信が欠けている人。

[Rain] :とにかく、僕は1番を選んだ。(笑い)

[Rain] :僕はよく自分の人生と将来についてめい想する、"軍をいつ除隊できるのかわからない"と考える、いつでも夜中に目が覚めてバスルームに行った時に。(笑い)

[Kim So Jung] :でもあなたがずっとここに残りたいと言っていると聞いた。(笑い)
[Rain] : 誰が言った? (笑い)
[Kim So Jung] : 記事を見た。(笑い)
[Rain] :それは僕が考えていることじゃない。ざっくばらんに言うと僕はここを離れることを熱望している。(笑い)ごめん。冗談のつもり。
実際、広報チームではたくさんのワクワク/ドキドキすることがあるので決して飽きたことがなくて感謝している。僕の除隊日までたった8カ月なのが とても残念なこと。(笑い)

-Case 1-
[Kim So Jung] :リスナー'A', "私には6年付き合っている彼がいます。最近彼はやることがあるという名目でさらに頻繁に私との約束をキャンセルしてきた。ある日、彼が他の女性とお茶をしているのを私の友人が見かけ、そしてそのことについて密告された。
私はすぐに彼に電話して何が起こったのか知りたいと要求した、しかし彼は'同僚に会っただけ'と言った。とにかく、私は彼のウソに我慢ができなくなっている。(他の女性に会うためにやることがあるという名目で私との約束をキャンセルした。) 今、彼と別れるかどうか私は決めることができない。"

[Rain] :そういう事情ならば彼の言い逃れは許されると思う。

[Rain] :リスナー񠨈', "彼は遠回しな言い方/さぐりを入れていると思う。"
リスナー񠨈', とこのことについて電話ではなく直接に話がしたいな。(笑い)

[Kim So Jung] :リスナー'#0547', "彼らは別れるべきだと思う、なぜならば私達の人生で人との信頼関係はとても重要な役割を果たしているから。"
[Rain] : 女性の微妙な心理が理解できたと思う。僕は女性が全く理解できなかったので、元彼女達に振られたようだ。(笑い) 女性は小さなことを心配し過ぎる、と僕は思う。

[Rain] :リスナー 'Only One', "男性と女性の考え方で明確な相違があるように思える。"
僕は恋愛/情事の専門家KCMから専門的アドバイスをもらいたい。 (笑い)

[Kim So Jung] :リスナー'#6963', "一つのウソが次のウソを生む。"(笑い)

[Rain] :彼は他の女性に会うためにやることがあると言う名目で彼女との約束を破ったので彼女に振られるべきかもしれないな。彼は他の女性と浮気しているに違いない。(笑い)

-Case 2-
[Rain] :リスナー'Yellow Shirt', "僕は一昨年前に除隊した元気の良い25歳の青年です。僕は女性とデートしたい、でもすべてが僕に逆らう。僕の元彼女達は時間がたつにつれて、完全に僕から離れていった。彼女達を元気づけようとしたけど、彼女達に甘過ぎるので僕にうんざりしているようだった。女性と上手にデートがしたいけど、どうしたらいいかわからない。"
君は彼女が君にしてほしいことをするべきじゃない。臆病にならないで堂々と振る舞って。でも今の僕は誰? (ただの一般兵) (笑い)
[Rain] :リスナー'#8614', "Rainがそこにいる時だけそれは可能" (笑い)

[Rain] :リスナー 'September', "男性はリーダーシップを示さないと。"

[Kim So Jung] :リスナー 'Kim Jin Hee', "リーダーシップを示す男性には魅力的な何かがある。"

[Rain] :リスナー'#0232', "男性は女性(彼女)とデートする時は自然に振舞うべきだと思う。"

-Case 3-
[Kim So Jung] :リスナー 'Nana', "私には親しい男友達がいる、でも私達はまだ関係を築いていない。彼は私を愛していて、そして時折または頻繁なのいちゃつきよりももっと何かを求めている、私はと思う。だけれども私は真剣な関係にはなりたくない。ところで、彼に新しい彼女が出来た。なるほど彼の機嫌がいいわけだ。私は嫉妬でむかむかする/気分が悪い。"
[Rain] :間違いなく彼は彼女より優れている。(笑い)
[Kim So Jung] :彼の真意がよく見えない。
[Rain] : 彼の提案を繰り返し拒否しているもともとの彼女に彼はうんざりしているように見える。


[Rain] :正直に話す時だと思う。リスナー 'Nana'が彼と腹を割って話す事を願うよ。彼らは率直にした後、もっとお互いを理解できるかもしれない。実際、僕の友人達(カップル)が別れることに合意して友達同士になったけど、愛情のある関係を続けて、結局2人は結婚した。
[Kim So Jung] : また来週お会いしましょう。ありがとう。

[Rain]: 歌手'Star'の曲 'I Think I' は僕が主演したドラマ'Full House' を思い出させる。彼女が結婚すると聞いてすごくうれしい。彼女は歌手'Haha'と結婚する。最初そのニュースを聞いた時、驚いたけど2人が幸せになることを願う。

[Rain]:リスナー '#1128', "私の姉/妹が結婚して以来、最初の子供を産む。"
彼女が幸運な出産となることを願うよ。その赤ちゃんを"安産"と呼ぶのはどう? (笑い)

[Rain]:リスナー '#5338', "今日は私の誕生日。私の誕生日を祝って。"
[Rain]:リスナー 'Flower Bora', "今日はお母さんの誕生日、でも私が結婚相手を連れてくるまで私に会ってくれない。"
リスナー 'Flower Bora'は未婚者だと思う。

[Rain] :リスナー'It's Sunny', "今日は焼けるように暑い。朝起きた時、目が腫れていた。"

[Rain] :リスナー'It's Sunny', "私の友人が抗がん治療を受ける、彼女が早く良くなることを願う。"

[Rain] :リスナー'Kissya Hiccup", "明日ウォーターパークへ行く。良い週末になると思う。"
ウォーターパークは人で混んでいるかもしれないよ。お願い行かないで! (笑い)

[Rain] :リスナー'#5263', "就職してから初めて給料をもらった。両親を喜ばせるために今夜、彼らに食事をごちそうする。"
なんて良い娘なんだ !

[Rain] :リスナー'#3462', "教師をしています。来週で夏休みは終了するけど休みは私の英気を養う助けになった。"
[Rain] :リスナー'#5535', "自分の収入の中からお母さんに渡すためにお金を取った、でも彼女はお父さんにお金をもらったという事実を秘密にしたがった。" (笑い)

[Rain] :リスナー'Desert', "昨日お風呂場で気を失って倒れてから一日中家にいる。どうか私の傷に息をかけて。"
Ho~~ (笑い)

[Rain] :リスナー'#3533', "冷房病になった。私が30代になった時、免疫レベルは下がるにちがいない。"
[Rain] :リスナー'#3441', "来る試験にとてもナーバスになっている。良い成績を出したい。"

[Rain] :リスナー'Movie Star Rain', "甥っ子からおそらく眼の感染症をうつされた。"

愛しているよ。 さようなら!


12-08-16 Friends FM - 김재욱의주고싶은마음듣고싶은얘기_Talk about R2B: Return to Base

credit : onlyone0625



12-08-13 SBS Radio - 김창렬 올드스쿨_ Talk about R2B: Return to Bae

credit : onlyone0625



120817 Arirang TV _Showbiz Extra_ R2B Premiere (EN)

Credit: scorpiola // scorpiolabi1 @ youtube


120817 국군TV KFN _Music Town_R2B: Return To Base

Credit: scorpiola // scorpiolabi1 @ youtube

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