請願信進展情況 Progress of Letter of Petition
2。傳真到國防部3個部門。但是請朋友們試了一整天,到今天早上為止, 仍然發不出去。每次收到的訊息是“通訊錯誤,請重新再試或與收件人聯絡。。”
3。在國防部網頁“聯繫我們”內找到郵箱地址。昨日把信件發到該郵箱。但今早收到 hotmail 信息,說該郵件發送延誤。暫時不知道能否發出。 就算發出也不知道會不會跌入國防部詐騙郵件中。
I have collected over 500 names from 23 countries/regions for the petition letter. The plan is to send out the letter yesterday (Friday 29 June).
1. There is a section called "civilian complaint/request" at the homepage of the Defense Agency website, but it has been blocked.
2. I asked various friends to help fax the letter to the 3 departments. They tried all day yesterday until this morning without success. They just got the message "there was a communication error, please try again or contact your recipient to make sure their fax machine is ready to receive.."
3. From Defense Agency "Contact Us" I found an email address: The letter was sent yesterday but this morning there is message from hotmail saying "delivery has been delayed". Not sure if it will finally reach the Defense Agency, and even if it does, whether it will fall into their spam list.
4. One number seemed to get through when trying to fax via the internet, but there is no verification.
As such, I will courier the letter to the Defense Agency and am verifying the address and names of the recipients. Will also email a copy of the letter to the Cloud Executive as requested.
Will let you know if there is further update.
secession 2012.06.30
-탄원서 진행상황-
저는 탄원서 작성을 위해 23국 /지역 의 500명으로부터 서명을 모았으며
어제 날짜로 (6월 29일 금요일) 이 탄원서를 발송할 예정이었습니다..
1. 그런데. 국방홍보원 홈페이지에 “민간인 항의 및 요청”이라는 항목이 있으나 현재 닫혀진 상태입니다..
2. 그래서 3군데 담당부서에 팩스로 이 탄원서를 보내려고 여러 친구들의 도움을 받았으나 어제 하루종일부터 오늘 아침까지 전혀 먹통이었습니다..
“통신 오류가 발생했으니 다시 시도하거나 수취인에게 연락하여 팩스기계가 작업할 준비가 되었는지 확인하세요” 라는 메시지만 받았을 뿐이랍니다..
3. 홍보지원대의 “연락주십시오.”라는 항목에서 라는 이메일 주소를 발견했습니다..탄원서는 어제 발송되었으나 오늘 아침에 “발송이 지연됨” 이라는 내용의 핫메일 메시지가 뜨더군요..홍보지원대에 탄원서가 도착했는지조차 확실하지 않습니다..
또한 도착했더라도 스팸메일로 분류될 지도 모르겠습니다..
4. 구름회원 한명이 인터넷을 통해 팩스를 보낸 것 같은데 수신 확인 조회가 전혀 되지 않고 있습니다..
이런 상황이라, 저는 탄원서를 택배회사를 통해 홍보지원대에 보낼 계획이며
이에 따라 수신인들의 주소와 이름을 확인하고 있는 중입니다..
또한 요청 받은 대로 구름 운영자에게도 청원서 복사본을 이메일로 보낼 예정입니다..
추가 소식이 있으면 여러분들께 알려드리겠습니다..
[추신] : 홍보지원대 내에서 청원서를 받을 수신인들의 주소와 이름을 알고 있는 한국구름들이 우리에게 알려주시면 이를 토대로 택배회사를 통해 청원서를 보낼 수 있는데요, 혹시 아시는 분 계신가요? 도움을 주시면 정말 감사하겠습니다..
[Noticia Cloud] Los partidarios de R2B están siendo reclutados.
La atmósfera del lugar de rain-cloud parece ser un poco pesado debido a la causa de lo que le ha sucedido recientemente a Rain.
Pero mientras tanto, los partidarios de R2B están siendo reclutados.
R2B (Cine "R2B: volver a la base", protagonizada por Rain) los partidarios están siendo reclutados en el facebook oficial de R2B, en su página oficial y en Max Movie.
Si quieres ser voluntario activo para promover la película, es mejor que te des prisa. Partidarios de R2B contarán con diversos beneficios, tales como entradas de cortesía para la película, etc.
Fuente: Rain-Clouds
Crédito: memo-rain
Traducido al español: Sandara@Rain-Spain
[Noticia] Rain rinde homenaje con sus compañeros soldados en el Cementerio Nacional de Seúl
El 25 de Junio, en el programa 'Good Morning' de la SBS organizado por Park Eun Kyung, Kim Hwan y Jo Hyung Gi, emitieron el evento militar que tuvo lugar el día 22, cuando Rain y sus compañeros "soldados de entretenimiento" visitaron el Cementerio Nacional de Seúl.
En este día, el soldados de primera clase y que pronto será corporal, Jung Ji Hoon (Rain), el soldado Park Hyo Shin, y el soldado Lim Joo Han celebraron una conferencia abierta en el Cementerio Nacional de Seúl, antes de proceder a presentar sus respetos a los patriotas muertos y héroes nacionales de Corea del Sur.
Como el DJ de la Red de las Fuerzas de Corea (KFN), Rain llevó a la transmisión en vivo del programa de radio de KFN en el cementerio Nacional de Seúl. Se dice que, sin un error, el cantante fue capaz de llevar a cabo por expertos de los honores, mostrando sus capacidades como un soldado de entretenimiento.
Los aficionados que vieron la emisión, comentaron: "Después de ir al ejército, Rain se ha convertido aún más impresionante", "Rain ha ganado la confianza [del ejército]" y "Es bueno verlo después de tanto tiempo."
Fuente: Naver
Traducido al inglés: Allkpop
Traducido al español: Sandara@Rain-Spain
[Noticia] Las estrellas de k-pop que están haciendo su servicio militar, actuaran para los fans, en
Las estrellas de k-pop que están haciendo su servicio militar, actuaran para los fans, en la expo
de Yeosu el 16 de Junio.
Cantantes como Rain, Park Hyo-shin y KCM, actuaran en el concierto especial de k-pop, dirigido por K-Force Media.
El show comenzara a las 8:30 pm y durara hasta las 10 pm en la expo 2012 de Yeosu este próximo sábado.
La estrella mundial Rain y Park, apodado por las fans "el rey de las baladas", compartirá escenario
com el grupo de chicas Nine Muses, las cuales también actuaran.
multitud. La expo se prepara para albergar a unas 20.000 personas. Un espectáculo de fuegos artificiales iluminara el cielo al final de la noche, después de que todos los artistas terminen sus actuaciones.
"La actuación de k-pop marcara el comienzo del festival de k-pop de la expo", dijo un representante. La expo esta planeando una cadena de actuaciones de k-pop, con grupos de idols, cantantes y bandas a lo largo de los meses de verano, desde Junio hasta Agosto.
Aquellos que no puedan asistir a este evento en persona, podrán disfrutar de las actuaciones en sus hogares
a través de la televisión, en la K-TV, SkyLife CH533, CATV y IPTV.
Traducción en Español: Neith@RainSpain
[HQ+Eng Trans]120630 SBS_접속 무비월드Online Movie World_R2B: Return To Base
Credit: scorpiolabi1 @ youtube
[Rain (Bi)비 TV][Eng Trans]120630 Online Movie World_R2B: 리턴투베이스 (R2B:
secession 2012.07.01
[English translation]
Korea's finest are gearing up for the summer film rush.
Rain : It is a film about a volatile situation that happens in the sky.
Shin Se Kyun : Because it is a big budget film.
All of a sudden, unidentified combat planes appear over Seoul's Yeouido
Yu Joon Sang : This kind of movie has never been filmed in our country.
Rain : that happens in the sky.
Shin Se Kyung : Because it is a big budget film.
Lee Ha Na : This was a very charming film.
Jung Suk Won : Filming the movie was very interesting.
Now fighter pilots' covert operations begin to try to stop the war.
Rain : The character I play in the movie whose natural curiosity and flying stress which is a stroke of genius, even lead him to try to do a thrilling flying.
Rain plays a character called "Jung Tae Hoon" attached to the 21st Fighter Wing, who is a disorderly and natural fighter pilot who excels at making a flight.
Shin Se Kyung : I play a character called "Yu Se Young" attached to the 21st Fighter Wing, who is a fighter plane mechanic who really wants to fly in the sky.
Yu Joon Sang : I play a character called "Lee Cheol Hee" who perfectly completes our mission acting as the leader of the 21st Falcon Fighter Wing.
"Kim Sung Soo" plays a character called "Park Dae Seo" who carries out his duty to the fullest as the leader the 21st Eagle Fighter Wing.
"Lee Ha Na" plays a character called "O Yu Jin" who is an outstanding woman fighter pilot attached to the 21st Fighter Wing.
But, they had to receive a special training with high level of difficulty to be fighter pilots.
Shin Se Kyung : It was pretty hard.
Jung Suk Won : It was really hard to be trained. I was so stressed out.
Kim Sung Soo : Just the thought of it is scaring me stiff.
Rain : The training was so hard within an inch of fainting.
Shin Se Kyung : Director, you've caused us a lot of trouble.
All : I hate you director!
Yu Joon Sang : We encouraged and relied on each other during the tough times we had making it.
Kim Sung Soo : The film set was always joyous and celebratory.
Shin Se Kyung & Kim Sung Soo : Please give us your interest and support.
It was "R2B : Return To Base" which is an aerial blockbuster action film, one of the most anticipated movies of the 2012 summer.
12-06-30 Friends FM - 질주본능_Rain DJ
Credit ratoka
secession 2012.07.01
[English translation]
[Rain] &[KCM] : [Rain]&[KCM]'s "The Desire To Speed"!
[Rain] : If it rains, you'll tread gingerly on the tips of their toes not to slip on the wet road, or you'll walk with care to keep your clothes dry.
[KCM] : If it rains, you'll become more susceptible to smells, including the aroma of coffee, a pervasive smell of damp, etc.
[Rain] : As your feelings depend in no small measures on the weather of the day, the human body is closely related to the changes in nature.
[KCM] : When I watch the rain outside, I miss somebody.
[Rain] : If there is no one you can miss, why don't you enjoy your sense of freedom while listening to "The Desire To Speed" on a rainy Saturday?
Music cue! (laughs)
[Rain] : It was Brown Eyed Soul's 'With Coffee' I delighted to hear when I was going into my sophomore year in senior high school.
More than ten years have already passed since then.
By the way, the longest drouth ended in rain, so every one breathed a sigh of relief.
[KCM] : News media characterize the drought as "the worst drought in 104 years."
[Rain] : Because of a long drought, the faucet in my yard dried up.
My family uses underground water to water the flowers.
The water supply was ever cut off for a moment.
[KCM] : It is said the long drought exposed the cracked floor of almost all the reservoirs.
[Rain] & [KCM] :
Please keep it right here on FM 96.7 in Seoul, Chuncheon, Pocheon, and Cheowon, FM 101.1 in Wonju, Yeoju, and Yangpyung, FM 89.5 in Baengnyeong-do, FM 92.5 in Sokcho, Gangreung, Yangyang, and Goseong, FM 93.3 in Gangwon, Kirin, and Sangnam, FM 103.3 in Hwacheongun, FM 101.5 in Yangku and Inje, FM 100.1 in Daejeon, Gyeryong, and Nhonsan, and on FM 94.1 in Cheju-do.
[KCM] : Please send your stories and song requests to the radio station through a chargeable SMS #0967 (₩ 50) or its Twitter (@speeding967) or Smart R2 Application.
[Rain] you can visit " " and post comments on its bulletin board (별사탕게시판)
[Rain] : Or you can visit the page by putting the keyword "국방홍보” (Defense Agency for Public Information Services) in the search box. So please send your stories about the joys and sorrows of everyday living or letters to the people around you or song request to <;Rain&KCM's The Desire To Speed>.
[KCM] : Mini radios the military broadcast's logo is emblazoned on, gift certificates, vitamin sets, etc., will be provided to the participants.
[KCM] : Listener '#6854', "The PD's selection of music was quite good!"
[Rain] : Listener 'Terry Woo', "I want to drink a cup of coffee."
I had to drink 6 cups of Americano coffee this morning because there was no food to eat. (laughs) I feel very hungry now. My fans may bring me plenty of food on this account. I should have watched my mouth.
[Rain] : Listener 'Only One', "My face was puffy because I'd had ramen the night before. When I pressed my temples with my fingers as Rain told me last time, the swelling went down. It is real nice of you to show me the method."
You shouldn't have eaten ramen late at night.
Anyway, congratulations on your success.
[KCM] : Listener 'Blue', "It is a good thing it has rained."
[Rain] : Listener '#0232', "As cars pass, it can spatter me with mud and so I wear shorts."
When I worked with my rain booths on in late March, the odor from my feet was enough to knock me out. (laughs)
[Rain] : Listener 'Only One', "I feel like having kimchi pancakes on rainy days."
[KCM] : Suddenly I want to eat Kimchi.
[KCM] : Listener 'Terry Woo', "I'm looking forward to dinner this evening. I'll eat makgeolli and pajeon."
[Rain] : I think wine tastes really good with cheese.
[KCM] : I think makgeolli tastes really good with pajeon.
[Rain] : I said it just for fun.
[Rain] : Listener 'Kim Jong In', "I have a boyfriend who is a corporal, going out for 5 years. I'll visit him tomorrow, and this is my first visit since he entered the army."
[KCM] : She'd better meet him more often.
[KCM ] : Listener 'Bulging Eyebrows'. "My old 2gPhone inherited from my elder sister radio has broken."
[Rain] : Listener 'Lee Keum Soon', "I digged potatoes before it started to rain. I'll be listening to the radio, eating steamed potatoes."
Eating sweat potatoes is better than eating potatoes to help you losing weights.
But, the secret to good health is proper amounts.
[KCM ] : Listener '#2749'. "Since the rainy season has come in earnest, the laundry doesn't dry quickly today because of the wet weather."
[Rain] : We should have a lot of rain, though.
[Rain] : Listener 'Kam Yi Na'. "My leg is in a cast, so the hot weather is uncomfortable."
It smells foul, too. (laughs)
[Rain] : Listener 'R2B'. "My mother blended various fruit and the rind of an oriental melon for me." (laughs)
[KCM ] : Listener '#7066'. "My brother will be promoted to the rank of corporal next month."
Congratulations! Rain'll also be promoted to corporal two months afterward.
[Rain] : That's right. Time seems to go by so quickly.
[Rain] : Listener '#5535'. "My vacation has been planned for months.
Should I go out to sea or mountains?"
I recommend you to go swimming in the sea.
All of a sudden, I feel an impulse to go to the ocean.
[KCM ] : Listener ƎRain'. "My friend has gone to Singapore for a tour."
Have you ever been to Singapore?
[Rain] : Yes, I have. It is a good place to live in, but they have the laws rigorously and impartially enforced. So you are forbidden to smoke and chew gum in specific regions. When I stayed at a hotel (Marina Bay Sands) during my concert in the country couple of years ago, the hotel owner gave my staffs and me dispensation to have unlimited access to the swimming pool for a day.
[Rain] : Listener 'Woori'. "I’m going to be changing jobs in July. I know I'll have a hard time getting used to the new environment, but I'll try to do my best."
She should adapt herself quickly to her new job in order to survive.
[Rain] : Listener 'Nabi', "I live in Tokyo. I had a cramp in the leg, having a nightmare last night. My leg still hurts."
[KCM] : Listener 'Beagle', "It's been raining and now it's turned cool, which makes me feel better, but I have to go to private institutes to study at 2:00:pm."
[Rain] : Listener '#7156', "I pinched my finger in the wing of the fan and broke it. So my finger is in a cast."
With the proper treatment, you're going to be well.
By the way, I got so many goods and foods from my fans as my birthday gifts a few days ago. I shared those foods with other soldiers, and thank for the nice presents.
[KCM] : We really enjoyed the meal. Thank you so much.
[Rain] : 'An unknown listener', "I work in the service industry, so I'm always under a lot of stress at work. How do you relieve stress? "
[KCM] : I used to get rid of stress by catching the fish.
[Rain]: But, there is nothing like a love affair to relive stress.
I usually work out shoutingly to reduce stress. (laughs)
[KCM] : You should have seen Rain working out shoutingly. (laughs)
[KCM] : Listener 'Kim An', "I quit my job and found a new job. I'm really happy in my new job."
[Rain] : I think life has unfolded for her in ways that she absolutely loves.
[KCM]: Congratulations on meeting with good results.
[Rain] : The next song is "Beautiful Day" by "Urban Zakata".
It's a particular favourite of mine.
[Rain] : 'An unknown listener', "My brother likes to watch horror movies when it thunders during the rainy season."
[KCM] : Do you like horror movies, Rain?
[Rain] : Yes, I do, but I try not to watch the scenes because the images from the horror movie are in my head with me, and I stop my ears.
[KCM] : I don't like those movies.
[Rain] : Listener '#7554', "I'm a woman who loves fishing."
[KCM] : Let's get together sometime to go fishing.
[KCM] : Listener 'Newt Rain', "I concentrate on something to relieve stress, but doing a love affair with someone is tiring."
[Rain] : Please don’t deny yourself the thrill of butterflies every now and again.
[Rain] : Listener '#6054', "I listen to the music with the volume up to the max to relieve stress."
[KCM] : I think dancing to the music with the volume up to the max is a great way to relieve stress, too.
[Rain] : KCM, please just sing songs. (laughs)
[KCM] : OK!
[KCM] : Listener 'Wild Traby', "I put my hands over my ears and closed my eyes while watching a horror movie and so was unaware of its contents."
[Rain] : I haven't watched those movies since I had a nightmare. (laughs)
[Rain] : Listener '#0625', "I hate horror movies because the images from those movies I saw are still in my head."
[Rain] : Listener 'Ang', "I work on a call-in help desk, and there are many interesting episodes while I'm working."
[KCM] : Listener 'Jang Eun Young', "I strained my back while taking a shower last week. My doctor told me, 'You don't get enough exercise'
Now I’m having treatment for my back problem, and I'll start exercising if I'm cured."
[Rain] : To stay in shape, she should work out regularly.
[KCM]: She needs to exercise moderately.
[Rain] : Listener '#3864', "You two seem to get along really well like old couples who share joys and sorrows of life."
I think she has made reckless remarks.
[KCM]: I think so, too.
[Rain] : Listener 'R2B', "You should lift something heavy with your knees bent not to hurt your back, but in this case, you may break wind." (laughs)
My new movie "R2B : Return To Base", an aerial action blockbuster, will be released on 9 August.
[KCM] : I've seen the preview for that movie. I can’t wait to see the movie.
[Rain] :I hope many of you to look forward to it, and thank you for sending your stories and song request to the radio station via its bulletin board or Twitter.
-"Mr. A & Miss B" segment-
[Rain] : It's good to see you again, 'Kim So Jung".
[KCM] : How have you been doing?
[Kim So Juing] : I have been doing great.
[KCM] : It is raining out in many days. and how do you feel today?
[Kim So Juing] : I feel great.
[Rain] : Do you talk with your friends about your love affair?
[Kim So Juing] : I tend to offer counselling for them, instead of getting a counselling.
[Rain] : As I expected, she seems to be a woman with a certain healthy ruthlessness.
[Kim So Juing] : I think Rain knows well who I am. (laughs)
[Rain] : [Listener 'B'], "For the first time in my life, I've got a good girl friend.
She is a very nice and friendly woman, but she always and unquestioningly follows my opinions, which often makes me feel uneasy. I don't know her true intention although I love her in the depth of my heart. Her birthday is coming up soon. What should I bring her for her birthday?"
I think he needs to understand her mind in advance, and it's important he should give a gift from the heart in a timely fashion.
[Kim So Jung] : I think women should be honest about their feelings.
[Rain] : How can women possibly ask their boyfriends to buy gifts for them? (laughs)
[KCM] : Their abilities to be persuasive without being offensive are needed. (laughs)
[Kim So Jung] : First, men should find out their girlfriends' preference for goods.
For women, a heartfelt gift is the best gift of all.
[KCM] : However, a costly gift could be effective in stealing her heart. (laugh)
[Rain] : Sometimes it is necessary for a man to give an expensive gift to his girlfriend, and that’s the clean thing for him to do.
I used to get my former girlfriend all the goods she wanted.
[KCM] : Really?
[Rain] : Isn't every man in the world thinking the same thing? (laughs)
I meant it for a joke.
[Rain] : Listener '#3021', "They'll probably get so many different gifts. I'll bet they would prefer cash."
[KCM] : But, I think they could feel awkward about the situation.
[Rain] : Cash can be more effective than a gift. (laughs)
[KCM] : Listener 'Jin Eun Ju', "Since I've never had a boyfriend, I cannot agree with you on this point."
[Rain] : An old memory suddenly returned to me.
I changed a check for 500,000 won to 500 one-thousand won and gave the cash to my close guy friend for his birthday in order to encourage him to start again when he was having a hard time. Then, he was impressed with my kindness according to him, and he hasn't spent any money at all and has kept the money in the safe since then.
[KCM] : Singer 'Kim Tae Woo' insincerely gave me 500,000 won for my birthday gift. I think his manner was not a circumstance to that of Rain (laughs)
[Rain] : It just wasn't your day, KCM. (laughs)
'Kim Tae Woo' is made that way. (laughs) He always has a strong sense of his own importance. Whether he had no place else to go because he had no girlfriend, he bought my 20 colleagues and me many loaves of bread on Christmas Day in my trainee days. Of course I deeply appreciate his kindness, but the bread was a gift as a whole, not an individual gift only for me. However, he has given a lot of self credit for giving that bread of the day as if I'm only included in that case.
Moreover, he has never given me any gift since then. (laughs)
[KCM] : 'Kim Tae Woo' talks as if he has made Rain the top star to succeed as a singer and actor.
[Rain] : He also bragged that he had devoted a day to visiting me at that time, but his visit ended in 20 minutes. (laughs)
But, I've returned the favour afterward, the price of which could come close to that of a house. I'm sure he's always been appreciative of that. (laughs)
I don't mean what I say. He is definitely like the person I'm indebted to.
[Rain] : Listener '#0232', "I recommend that those who have never been in a relationship receive couples counseling."
[KCM] : The problem between a man and a woman, is not a matter for a third party to intervene in.
[Kim So Jung] : Listener 'Soul Mate', "I'm trying to only show my good sides to my boyfriend, which exhausts me."
[Rain] : She should not pretend to be naive around him. She needs to talk to him a lot and dash at him, which can appeal to him. I've had a similar experience, too.
When my former girlfriend was all over me in my high school days and showered me with gifts such as perfumes, deodorant, shoes, clothes, etc., I rather kept away from her, but when I was beginning to obsess with her and showered her with gifts (laughs), she deserted me and went to date with another man. Just thinking of it still makes me sad.
[KCM] : I think it is so exciting for the female staffs to listen to the story of Rain.
Their ears have pricked up. (laughs)
[Rain] : Listener '#0232', "My girlfriend‘s boyfriend seems to be a little too much interested in me."
My girlfriend liked to hang around with her girlfriend and me in my high school days, so there was a possibility of sharing a fair bit of romantic chemistry between her girlfriend and me. I had to bring my girlfriend up to date on what was happening, and my girlfriend and I met with just the two of us later and we grew ever closer. Nevertheless, her girlfriend contacted me but I didn't show any particular response.
[KCM] : Did you tell your girlfriend the truth?
[Rain] : No, I didn't. (laughs) I was anxious not to be misunderstood.
[KCM] : My former girlfriend, her girlfriend, and I had a chance to chat over the bowl. While my girlfriend went to the restroom, her girlfriend asked me to kiss her on the cheek.
[Rain] : I can't believe that's true. (laughs)
[Kim So Jung] : Her girlfriend might act in collusion with your girlfriend.
[KCM] : I urged my girlfriend to break with her girlfriend. (laughs)
[Rain]: Her girlfriend might not really mean it.
[KCM] : She spoke with total sincerity.
[Kim So Jung] : I think her girlfriend confessed her heart disguised in drink.
[Rain] : Anyway, I recommend [Listener 'B'] to express his love to his girlfriend with a gift from the heart or a love letter as a woman's mind is moved by the meanest gifts.
[Kim So Jung] : [Listener 'A'], "I held communion with a man who is two years younger than me, but I didn't have any feelings for him. By the way, he joined the army, and now I've had an appointment with another man who is quite nice.
One day, he left the army and visited me and gave a bouquet to me at my graduation exhibition. My heart did a complete somersault when I saw him although I already have a fiance. After that, he dated with me and declared his love for me.
I can't sleep—my mind is whirling from all that has happened."
[Rain] : She is faced with a difficult choice, but she has to make up her mind soon.
[Kim So Jung] : I would choose my fiance, if I were in her shoes.
If I break up with my fiance, I think I'll regret it.
[KCM] : I would also choose my fiancee.
[Rain] : The same applies to me.
[KCM] : I think everyone has an enduring memory of their first love.
[Rain] : Unknown to his future wife, KCM will surely have an affair. (laughs)
[KCM] : I will love my future wife and her only. (laughs)
[Rain] : You'll be lucky if you love her only. (laughs)
[KCM]: [Listener 'C'], "I'm in love with my girlfriend to the nth degree, but both of us are college students, and I don’t get enough allowance lately.
My responsibility to always pay on dates put me under a lot of stress. What is your policy for paying on dates?”
[Rain] : I think his girlfriend has a poor sense.
She should have been sensitive to his feelings, and she sometimes needs to pay for the cost of dating. That can be etiquette.
[Kim So Jung] : My experience was quite the opposite.
[KCM] : Actually, it is awkward for a man to talk with his girlfriend about money matters.
[Rain] : Anyway, I think it's natural a man should pay on dates, but sometimes it is necessary for a woman to pay by being considerate of his feelings.
Thank you for coming today, Kim So Jung.
We'll see you next week.
emik 2012.07.08
Dear 화니, thank you for the translation.
[Rain] &[KCM] : [Rain]&[KCM]の "疾走本能"!
[Rain] : もし雨が降ったら、あなたは濡れた道路で転ばないようにすごく用心深く歩く、または服が濡れないように気をつけて歩く。
[KCM] : もし雨が降ったら、あなたはコーヒーの香りを含む匂いに敏感になる。
[Rain] : あなたの気持ちが少なからずその日の天気に依存しているように、人間の体は自然の変化に密接にかかわっている。
[KCM] :僕は屋外の雨を見つめていると、誰かが恋しくなる。
[Rain] : もしあなたが誰も恋しくないなら、この雨の土曜日、どうして"疾走本能"を聴いて自由な感覚を満喫しないの?
音楽スタート! (笑い)
[Rain] : 今流れた曲は Eyed Soul の'With Coffee'で、僕が高校1年生になる時、喜んで聴いていたよ。あれから10年以上がすでに経っている。
[KCM] : 報道機関はこの干ばつを"104年ぶりの最悪の干ばつ"と見なしている。
[Rain] : 長期の干ばつだったので、僕の畑の蛇口が干上がった。
[KCM] : 長期の干ばつでほとんど全部の貯水池がヒビが入った床をむき出しにしたと言われている。
[Rain] & [KCM] : *以下は地域ごとの周波数の案内なので和訳は省略します。
Please keep it right here on FM 96.7 in Seoul, Chuncheon, Pocheon, and Cheowon, FM 101.1 in Wonju, Yeoju, and Yangpyung, FM 89.5 in Baengnyeong-do, FM 92.5 in Sokcho, Gangreung, Yangyang, and Goseong, FM 93.3 in Gangwon, Kirin, and Sangnam, FM 103.3 in Hwacheongun, FM 101.5 in Yangku and Inje, FM 100.1 in Daejeon, Gyeryong, and Nhonsan, and on FM 94.1 in Cheju-do.
[KCM] : あなたのストーリーまたは曲のリクエストを有料SMS0967番(₩50)または、この番組のTwitter (@speeding967) 、あるいはSmartR2アプリケーションを通して送ってください。
[Rain] " "にアクセスして、電子掲示板 (별사탕게시판)にコメントを投稿することもできます。
[Rain] : または、 "국방홍보” (国防省広報支援隊)と検索スペースに入力してアクセスできます。日ごろの喜びと悲しみのストーリー、またはあなたの周囲の人への手紙、または曲のリクエストを<;RainとKCM の疾走本能>へ送って下さい。
[KCM] : 参加者には軍放送のロゴが入ったミニラジオ、商品券、ビタミンセットなどが贈られます。
[KCM] : リスナー'#6854', " PDの選曲がかなりいい!"
[Rain] :リスナー 'Terry Woo', "コーヒーが飲みたい。"
[Rain] :リスナー 'Only One', "前の晩、ラーメンを食べたので顔がむくんでいた。でも前回、Rainが教えてくれたようにこめかみを押したら、腫れが引いた。方法を教えてくれてありがとう。"
[KCM] :リスナー 'Blue', "雨が降ってよかった。"
[Rain] :リスナー '#0232', "車が通り過ぎながら私に泥を跳ねかけたので半ズボンをはいている。"
[Rain] :リスナー 'Only One', "雨に日はキムチチヂミが食べたくなる。"
[KCM] : なんか急にキムチが食べたくなった。
[KCM] :リスナー 'Terry Woo', "今夜の夕食が楽しみ。パジョンを食べてマッコリを飲むつもり。"
[Rain] :チーズと一緒だとワインは本当に美味しいと思う。
[KCM] : パジョンと一緒だとマッコリは本当に美味しいと思う。
[Rain] : 面白半分に言っただけ。
[Rain] :リスナー 'Kim Jong In', "私は5年付き合っている彼がいて、彼は伍長。明日彼を訪問する、彼が入隊して以来初めての訪問。"
[KCM] : j彼女はもっと頻繁に彼に会ったほうがいいよ。
[KCM ] :リスナー 'Bulging Eyebrows'. "姉から譲り受けた 古い2G/Phone ラジオが壊れた。"
[Rain] :リスナー 'Lee Keum Soon', "雨が降り出す前にジャガイモを掘り出した。蒸かしたジャガイモを食べながらラジオを聴いている。"
[KCM ] :リスナー '#2749'. "本格的に梅雨になってから、洗濯物がすぐに乾かない。"
[Rain] : だけれども、雨がたくさん降らないと。
[Rain] :リスナー 'Kam Yi Na'. "脚にギプスをしているので、暑いと不快。"
[Rain] :リスナー'R2B'. "母がさまざまな果物とマクワウリの皮を混ぜ合わせてくれた。" (笑い)
[KCM ] :リスナー '#7066'. "来月、私の兄/弟が伍長に昇格する。"
おめでとう! Rainも2ヵ月後に伍長に昇格するよ。
[Rain] : そのとおり。時が経つのがすごく早いように思える。
[Rain] : リスナー '#5535'. "休暇の計画を何ヶ月もしている。私は海それとも山、どちらへ行くべき?"
[KCM ] :リスナー ƎRain'. "友人がツアーのためにシンガポールへ出掛けた。"
[Rain] : うん、あるよ。住むにはいい所だよ、でも法律が厳しく公平に施行されている。
だから特定地域では喫煙やガムを食べることが禁止されている。数年前、僕のコンサートでホテル (Marina Bay Sands) に泊まった時、ホテルオーナーが僕とスタッフに、1日スイミングプールを制限なく利用できるよう免除してくれた。
[Rain] :リスナー 'Woori'. "7月に転職する。新しい環境に慣れるのが大変なのは分かっている、でもベストを尽くすつもり。"
[Rain] :リスナー 'Nabi', "東京に住んでいる。昨夜、脚がけいれんし、怖い夢を見た。脚がまだ痛い。"
[KCM] :リスナー 'Beagle', "雨が降っている、そして涼しくなったので気持ちいい、でも勉強のため2:00:pmに私立大学に行かなくてはならない。"
[Rain] : リスナー '#7156', "指を扇風機の羽根ではさみ折ってしまったので、指にギプスをしている。"
[KCM] : ご馳走さまでした。どうもありがとう。
[Rain] : 'An unknown listener', "サービス業で働いているので、仕事でいつもたくさんのストレスを抱えている。2人はどうやってストレスを発散していますか? "
[KCM] : 以前は釣りをしてストレス解消していた。
[Rain]: でも、ストレス発散には恋愛が最高だよ。
[KCM] : みんなはRain が叫ぶように運動をするのを見るべきだったよ。(笑い)
[KCM] :リスナー 'Kim An', "以前の仕事をやめて新しい仕事を見つけた。新しい仕事に本当に満足している。"
[Rain] : 彼女のやりたいように彼女の人生は展開していると思う。
[Rain] : 次の曲は "Urban Zakata"の"Beautiful Day" 。
[Rain] : 'An unknown listener', "兄/弟は、梅雨時期の雷が鳴っている時に、ホラー映画を観るのが好き。"
[KCM] : ホラー映画好き, Rain?
[Rain] :うん、好きだよ、でもホラー映画からのイメージが頭に残るからシーンは見ないようにしている、そして聴くのをやめる。
[KCM] : 僕はそういった映画は好きじゃない。
[Rain] :リスナー '#7554', "私は釣りが好きな女性です。"
[KCM] : いつか一緒に釣りに行こう。
[KCM] : リスナー 'Newt Rain', "私はストレス発散するために何かに専念する、でも誰かと恋愛するのは疲れる。"
[Rain] : 胸騒ぎ/ドキドキのスリルを自分で拒絶しないで。
[Rain] :リスナー'#6054', "私はストレス発散のために音量を最大にして音楽を聴く。"
[KCM] :音量を最大にして音楽に合わせて踊ることもストレス発散には素晴らしい方法だと思う。
[Rain] : KCM, お願いだから歌だけ歌って。(笑い)
[KCM] : OK!
[KCM] :リスナー 'Wild Traby', "ホラー映画を観ながら耳を手で覆い、
[Rain] :僕は 怖い夢を見てから、こういった映画は観てないよ。(笑い)
[Rain] :リスナー '#0625', "自分が見たホラー映画のシーンがいまだに頭に残っているのでこういった映画は嫌い。"
[Rain] :リスナー'Ang', "コールセンター/ヘルプデスクで働いている、そして勤務中の興味深いエピソードがたくさんある。"
[KCM] :リスナー 'Jang Eun Young', " 先週シャワーを浴びながら背中を痛めた。医者に '運動不足ですね。'といわれた。今、背中の治療を受けている、そして治ったら運動を始めるつもり。"
[Rain] : 体型を維持するには定期的に運動をするべきだよ。
[KCM]: 彼女は適度に運動する必要があるね。
[Rain] :リスナー '#3864', "2人は人生の喜びや悲しみを分かち合う老夫婦のように本当に仲がいいように思える。"
[KCM]: 僕もそう思う。
[Rain] :リスナー 'R2B', "背中を痛めないためにはひざを曲げて重い物を持ち上げるべき、でもこの体勢をするとおならがでるかも。" (笑い)
僕の新しい映画空中アクションブロックバスター "R2B : Return To Base", が8月9日に公開される。
[KCM] : 映画のプレビューを見たよ。早く映画が観たいよ。
[Rain] :たくさんの人が楽しみにしてくれているといいな、それと番組の電子掲示板やTwitterを通してたくさんのストーリーと曲のリクエストをありがとう。
-"A氏とB嬢" 区分-
[Rain] : 'Kim So Jung" またお会いできてうれしいです。
[KCM] : どうされていましたか?
[Kim So Juing] :順調にやっていました。
[KCM] : 何日も雨が続いているけど、気分はどう?
[Kim So Juing] : 気分は最高。
[Rain] :友人と恋愛について話をしますか?
[Kim So Juing] :相談する代わりに相談にのる傾向があります。
[Rain] : 僕が予想したように、彼女は明白で健全な無慈悲をもつ女性のようだ。
[Kim So Juing] : Rainは私という人物をよく知っているように思える。(笑い)
[Rain] : [リスナー 'B'], "人生で初めていい彼女ができた。彼女はとても素敵でフレンドリーな女性、でも彼女はいつでも疑いをもたずに僕の意見に従うので、僕は気が気でなくなる。彼女のことは心の底から愛してるが、彼女の本音がわからない。もうすぐ彼女の誕生日。彼女に何を用意するべき?"
[Kim So Jung] : 女性は自分の感情に正直であるべきだと思う。
[Rain] : 女性は自分の彼に贈り物を買ってほしいと聞く事ができるの? (笑い)
[KCM] : 不快ではない説得能力が女性には必要だね。(笑い)
[Kim So Jung] : まず男性は、自分の彼女がどんな品物が好きなのかを知るべき。 女性には、心からの贈り物が一番のプレゼント。
[KCM] : しかしながら、彼女のハートを盗むには高価な贈り物が効果的。(笑い)
[Rain] : 時々、自分の彼女に高級な贈り物を贈るのことは必須、それは彼女への義理としてやること。
[KCM] : 本当に?
[Rain] : 世界中の男性は同じ事を考えているんじゃないの? (笑い)
[Rain] :リスナー '#3021', "彼女達は色々な贈り物をもらっているだろう。現金のほうがいいでは?"
[KCM] :でも, 彼女達は抵抗を感じるかもしれない。
[Rain] : 現金は贈り物より効果的になることがある。(笑い)
[KCM] :リスナー 'Jin Eun Ju', "彼が出来たことがないので、貴方達の意見には賛同できない。"
[Rain] : 不意に、昔の事を思い出した。
僕の親しい男友達が苦労している時、彼への誕生日プレゼントとして彼を励ますために小切手金額:₩500,000 を₩1000紙幣500枚に換金して彼に渡したんだ。彼によると彼は僕の思いやりに感動して僕の渡したお金は一切使わず、いまでも金庫に保管している。
[KCM] : 歌手 'Kim Tae Woo' が僕の誕生日に偽善的に₩500,000 をくれたけど、彼の行動はRainとは比較にならないと思う。(笑い)
[Rain] : ついてなかっただけだよ、KCM。(笑い)
'Kim Tae Woo' はそういうたちなんだよ。(笑い) 彼はいつでも強い自尊心もっている。僕が訓練生の時、クリスマスに彼には彼女がいなくて、いくところがあろうがなかろうが、僕の同僚と僕にたくさんのパンを買ってくれた。もちろん、彼の思いやりには深く感謝している、でもパンはメンバー全体への贈り物で個人的に僕だけにくれたものではなかった。しかしながら彼は、あの日のパンはまるで僕だけに与えたかのように彼自身の誇りにしている。
[KCM] : 'Kim Tae Woo' はあたかも彼がRainを歌手として、そして俳優としてトップスターに成功させたかのように話すよね。
[Rain] : 当時、彼は僕を訪問するために一日を費やしたと誇示したけど、彼の訪問は20分で終わった。(笑い)
[Rain] :リスナー '#0232', "一度も恋愛関係になったことがない人はカップルカウンセリングを受ける事を勧める。"
[KCM] : 男女間の問題は介入する第三者の問題ではない。
[Kim So Jung] :リスナー 'Soul Mate', "彼女に自分の良い面だけを見せようとしてるけど疲れる。"
[Rain] : 彼女は彼の周りで素朴なふりをするべきじゃない。彼女は彼とたくさん話して彼に向かっていく必要がある、それで彼の興味をそそることができる。僕も似たような経験があるよ。
[KCM] : 女性スタッフにとって Rainの話を聞くのはとてもワクワクすることだと思うよ。
[Rain] :リスナー'#0232', "私の女友達の彼は私に興味を持ち過ぎる。"
[KCM] : 元彼女に本当の事を話したの?
[Rain] : ううん。(笑い) 誤解されることが心配だった。
[KCM] :僕の元彼女、彼女の女友達と僕はお酒を飲みながらおしゃべり/雑談する機会があった。僕の元彼女がトイレに行ってる間、彼女の女友達がほほにキスしてほしいと僕に聞いてきた。
[Rain] : 信じられない。(笑い)
[Kim So Jung] : 彼女の女友達は貴方の彼女とぐるだったのかも。
[KCM] : 僕は彼女に女友達と絶交するよう強く勧めたよ。(笑い)
[Rain]: 彼女の女友達は本心ではなかったのかも。
[KCM] : 彼女は完全に真面目に話していた。
[Kim So Jung] :彼女の女友達は酒に酔って隠していた思いを告白したのだと思う。
[Rain] : とにかく、 最も意味のある贈り物に女性は感動するので[リスナー 'B'] には彼の気持ちを心からの贈り物またはラブレターと一緒に彼女に表すことを勧めるよ。
[Kim So Jung] : [リスナー'A'], "自分より2歳年下の男性と霊的に親交があった、でも彼に特別な感情はなかった。ところで、彼が入隊した、今は他の男性と約束があり、彼ははかなり素敵。
[Rain] : 彼女は難しい選択に直面している、でもすぐに決心しなければならない。
[Kim So Jung] :もし私が彼女の立場なら婚約者を選ぶ。
[KCM] :僕も婚約者を選ぶ。
[Rain] :僕も同じだよ。
[KCM] : 誰でも初恋の忘れられない思い出があると思う。
[Rain] :KCMの奥さんになる人、KCMは間違いなく浮気をするよ。(笑い)
[KCM] : 僕は僕の妻になる人、彼女だけを愛するよ。(笑い)
[Rain] : 君が彼女だけを愛せたら、君はラッキーだ。
[KCM]: [リスナー 'C'], "僕は彼女と大恋愛中、でもお互い大学生、そして最近は十分な小遣いがもらえない。
[Rain] :彼の彼女は判断力/良識に乏しいと思う。
[Kim So Jung] : 私の経験はかなり逆。
[KCM] : 実際、男性にとってお金の問題を彼女に話すのはきまりが悪い。
[Rain] : とにかく, 男性がデート代を払うのが自然だけど、彼の気持ちを配慮して時々は女性が払うことも必要だと思う。
Kim So Jung、今日は来てくれてありがとう
[HD]12-06-30 SBS - Online! Movie World_R2B: Return to Base
12-06-30 SBS - Online! Movie World_R2B: Return to Base
HD Version // credit : DC // RATOKA @ YT
Credit : Ratoka
or here
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