Végtelen erőfeszítés, végtelen kitartás, végtelen szerénység. (Rain vezérelve)

Tudtam, hogy ránézésre nem tűnök valami nagy számnak, a megjelenésem sem túl vonzó, de a bensőm elég rendkívüli. Minden színpadra lépés előtt azt mondom magamnak, hogy én vagyok a legjobb, és minden előadás után ugyanúgy azt, hogy nem én vagyok. Ezért minden fellépés előtt 120 százalékosan kell felkészülnöm, hogy az előadáson 100 százalékos teljesítményt tudjak nyújtani. Ennek érdekében minden álló nap folyamatosan képzem magam. Már nagyon hosszú ideje alváshiányban szenvedek, mert ha éppen nem dolgozom, akkor vagy edzek, vagy a koreográfiákat és a dalokat próbálom. Éppen úgy, mint a filmfelvételek idején, ha valamit nem csináltam jól, képtelen vagyok aludni. Akár színészként, akár énekesként, a legjobbat kell tudnom kihozni magamból. De nem kell aggódni, hogy most nincs elegendő időm az alvásra, jut arra majd bőven a halálom után. (Rain)

Ez a fiatalság, ez az egészség... és a túlcsorduló önbizalom... az erőfeszítés, amit az oly hihetetlen előadásai sikeres megvalósításáért tett... és a tehetség, amit felmutat, ezek töltenek el spontán tisztelettel engem. Azt gondolom, hogy a történelem a fontos személyiségek között fogja jegyezni. Úgy, mint aki színészként és zenészként egyaránt sikeres lett. ...
Ami igazán meglepő Ji-hoonban, az az, hogy egyfajta düh, bosszúvágy és szomorúság, az összes efféle sötét, komor negatív motiváció az ő esetében rendkívül optimista és derűs módon ölt testet.
(Park Chan-wook rendező)

> RAIN KRÓNIKA: 2012.06.17.


[17-Jun-12][allkpop]Rain claims that all girl groups and actresses are now ‘Goddesses’ to him


‘World-Star’ Rain, who is currently in the process of completing his mandatory military service, has recently revealed his affectionate feelings for girl groups.

On June 16th, the singer / actor had an interview before the ‘K-Pop Special Concert‘, which was held at the Yeosu Expo.

When he was asked to compare the differences between before and after entering the military, Rain answered, “Well, I was able to realize that all girl groups and actresses who come on TV are ‘Goddesses’.” For those who aren’t aware, Korean soldiers serving in military have limited access to the web or electronic devices, but can watch music shows together on TV during their free time. Which is why, for obvious reasons, these male soldiers go crazy about girl groups.

Later on when he was asked, “If you were to serve in the military again, who would you bring along?“, Rain hilariously responded, “Who do you think? Of course with a woman. Do you think I would come back here with a guy? I would want to bring my friends, but if I were to really serve in the military again, I would definitely bring a female no matter what.”

In related news, the ‘K-Pop Special Concert’ at the Yeosu Expo will feature Rain, Park Hyo Shin, and KCM, who are all serving in the military, as well as Nine Muses.

Source & Image: Newsen via Nate //allkpop

비 가평온다.! 민․군 위문열차 가평행

source : http://www.itn21.com/sub_read.html?uid=6246§ion=sc16§ion

민․군이 하나되는 화합과 환희의 축제마당이 펼쳐진다.

18일 오후 7시 가평군 하면 조종생활체육공원에 위문열차가 찾아와 수도기계화보병사단 장병과 가평군민을 위한 공연을 갖는다.

전세계의 부대중 열손가락안에 드는 대한민국 최강의 부대인 수도기계화보병사단(이하 수기사)창설 63주년을 기념하고 장병들의 사기진작과 민․군화합을 도모하기위한 이번 공연은 주민누구나 관람할 수 있다.

톡톡튀는 진행으로 사랑을 받고 있는 윤성경씨와 김지훈이 진행하는 위문열차 공연에는 장병들로부터 인기몰이를 하며 군통령으로 자리매김한 김보경과 레이디제인, She's, 오로라, 헬로비너스 등이 초청가수로 출연한다.

특히 이번공연에는 국방홍보지원대원인 월드스타인 가수 비(본명 정지훈),박효신, KCM, 언터쳐블이 출연해 장병은 물론 주민들과 호흡하며 젊음과 흥겨움, 재미를 선사하며 소통의 바다들 이룬다.

대중스타들이 대거 등장하는 위문열차는 1961년 10월 처음 시작해 반세기동안 이어져 오고 있는 국군방송의 장수 공연 프로그램이다.

수기사는 국군의 모체인1여단 근간으로 구성된 전투서열 0순위 부대로 전투력은 물론 용기와 패기, 예의와 나눔이 충만한 그린 브레인들로 똘똘뭉쳐진 국민의 부대로 국민들로부터 전폭적인 신뢰를 받고 있다

한편 군(軍) 관계자는 ″민․관이 함께 관람할 수 있는 기회가 마련돼 문화욕구를 충족하고 정서를 함양시킬 수 있게 됐다″며 ″이를 기회로 민·관․군 교류의 폭을 더 넓혀 지역사회와 군(軍)발전의 시너지효과를 창출해 나가겠다″고 밝혔다. <권길행 기자 / 

secession  2012.06.18
[Brief translation]

- Rain visits Gapyeong! Consolatory Train for Gapyeong -

Consolatory Train concert will be held at Hamyun Sports Park of Gapyeong-gun at 18:00 on 18 June 2012, which features world star Rain (his real name, Jung Ji Hoon), Park Hyo Shin, KCM, Untouchable, etc.


120616 Rain & dancers @ Yeosu Expo


12-06-17 Friends FM - 질주본능_Rain DJ

Credit : ratoka

part 1


part 2


part 3


part 4


part 5


part 6


secession  2012.06.18
[English translation]

[Part 1]

[Rain] &[KCM] : Rain & KCM's 'The Desire To Speed'!

[Rain] : We are living in a flood of information.
[KCM]: In these days of technological change we all suffer from information overload.
[Rain] : So, the stress may keep building up.
[KCM]: What you need now is just rest and a lot of tender loving care.
[Rain] : Now, why don't you listen to The Desire To Speed'?

[KCM] : Today's first song was 'The Game Of Love' of Santana (feat. Michelle branch).
[Rain] : Your pronunciation is good today.

[Rain] : As the electrical system should not be overloaded by using too many machines, getting adequate rest will give you more energy.
So please take a rest from all your hard work, listening to The Desire To Speed.
Listen to my heart~~~

[Rain] & [KCM] :
Please keep it right here on FM 96.7 in Seoul, Chuncheon, Pocheon, and Cheowon, FM 101.1 in Wonju, Yeoju, and Yangpyung, FM 89.5 in Baengnyeong-do, FM 92.5 in Sokcho, Gangreung, Yangyang, and Goseong, FM 93.3 in Gangwon, Kirin, and Sangnam, FM 103.3 in Hwacheongun, FM 101.5 in Yangku and Inje, FM 100.1 in Daejeon, Gyeryong, and Nhonsan, and on FM 94.1 in Cheju-do.

[KCM] : Please send your stories and song requests to the radio station through a chargeable SMS #0967 (₩ 50) or its Twitter (@speeding967) or Smart R2 Application.

[Rain] you can visit " http://www.dema.mil.kr " and post comments on its bulletin board (별사탕게시판)

[Rain] : Or you can visit the page by putting the keyword "국방홍보” (Defense Agency for Public Information Services) in the search box. So please send your stories about the joys and sorrows of everyday living or letters to the people around you or song request to <;Rain&KCM's The Desire To Speed>.
[KCM] : Mini radios the military broadcast's logo is emblazoned on, gift certificates, vitamin sets, etc., will be provided to the participants.

[Rain] : Listener '#2745', "As we are living in a deluge of information, we need to embrace the new information age."
[KCM] : Listener '#8686', "The Desire To Speed may be an effective anti-stress medication."
[Rain] : Listener '#2745', "Mon Cher R', "Did you two successfully performed in Yeosu Expo yesterday?"
We didn't sleep even a wink the whole night.
Our bus departed from Yeosu on Saturday at 11:30 pm right after the performance and arrived in Seoul on Sunday at 5:00am.
So, I think working here is harder than being trained in the training camp.
[KCM] : We started rehearsing as soon as our bus arrived in the morning of the day before yesterday.
[Rain] : We haven't been getting sleep lately because we've been so busy.
I spent a restless night and now I have a headache, but anytime we can help, just ask.

[KCM] : Listener 'Baby Perm', "It was a great performance by both of you yesterday."
[Rain] : My ear monitor didn't work yesterday, so I had such a hard time performing to the accompaniment. The sound technicians were not responsible enough, and that's why the performance was not up to snuff to me.
[KCM] : For that same reason, it had me sweating.

[Rain] : Listener '#0232', "I arrived back late last night from Yeosu.
I was so tired that I collapsed on my bed as soon as I got home.
Now I'm taking a rest, listening to The Desire To Speed."
I emceed at 2012 Noble Militaty Family Award before leaving for Yeosu with rubbing some sunblock on my face.
Outside those hours, I had to spend most of my time on the open air, so a tanning cream was essential to protect skin from ultraviolet light.
I found out that a reporter put a false color upon the matter. His article was run in yesterday's paper, "Soldier Rain's make-up face". I was completely speechless.
I just protected me from direct sunlight by using a sunscreen.
[KCM] : I know Rain has good skin.
[Rain] : Yes, I do, but I'm not handsome.
[KCM] : You're a good-looking man.
[Rain] : The lips of my face are the most satisfactory. My lips are a maternal inheritance. I don't look like my father at all. (laughs)

[KCM] : Listener 'Soldier 'Song Tae Gon' ', "My junior soldier jas flouted the guidelines and had a vacation today, so now I'm filling in for him."
[Rain] : It can't be that he as a private soldier flouted the guidelines and had a vacation. As for soldiers, now it could get boring, but they will have to be unaware of the time as they stay in the unit.

[Rain] : Listener 'Soldier 'Kang Kyung Mook', "It's too hard to pull guard duty for 16 hours."
[KCM] : It's going to be really hard.

[KCM] : Listener 'Corporal 'Yun Sang Jin', "I'm a corporal with little time left in the army (78days). I wish the day would come soon."
[Rain] : 'Yun Sang Jin', if you get busy, you'll forget the time.
If the day of my discharge comes, I'll laugh and take the salute by KCM before leaving the army (laughs)
[KCM] : It saddens me to imagine the scene. (laughs)

[Rain] : Listener 'Corporal 'Park Jung Won', "I'm a corporal attached to the 7th Division. I'm on duty all day today. Just being all on my own all day long is hard work, too."
[Rain] : Listener 'Corporal 'Shin Kang Seop', ""I'm a corporal attached to the 33rd Division. It's been two years since my girl friend and I dated with each other. I hope we'll be happy together forever."

[Part 2]

[KCM] : Listener 'Rain's Love #4794', "Rain needs to wear very little make-up because he has good skin."
[Rain] : I just rubbed some sunblock on my back and I didn't put on my make-up.
And, I don't know how to put my makeup.
Oh, I had make up on once at a film festival because there wasn't my stylist, but I shouldn't have had made up on. (laughs) I looked different on that particular day. (laughs)

[Rain] : Listener 'Kim Han Sol', "I feel very hungry while having a stomachache."
[KCM] : Why don't you get something to eat after going to the bathroom ? (laughs)

[KCM] : Listener 'Wine', "Today is my mother's birthday. We're having a family picnic today."
[Rain]: I'd like to go camping. My friends are enjoying many outdoor activities such as camping, etc. recently. I should have started my military service a little earlier.

[KCM] : Listener 'Yu Soo Kyung', "I'll bring my father apricot liqueur made by me.
He has scarcely had the liqueur since my mother's death."
I'm sure he'll be happy.
[Rain] : Listener '#1215', "I didn't get time to listen to the show yesterday, but I'm happy to listen to it today."
I didn't get a wink of sleep last night, but I find myself awake and fully alert while hosting the show.

[KCM] : Listener '#2854', "I have a great appetite these days."
[Rain] : Listener '#1264', "I'm cleaning the refrigerator, listening to the show. Have a great weekend."
[KCM] : Listener 'Danbi', "I work off steam by listening to the show."
[Rain] : Listener 'Kim Yi Young', "I relieve stress by listening to the show."
[KCM] : Listener '#0750', "I've caught a rotten cold."
[KCM] : Listener '#1228', "Tomorrow is the first day of my new job."

[KCM]: 'The National Cemetery in Seoul' and 'Defense Agency for Public Information Services' will hold 'Radienteering Competition' on June 22 to celebrate Patriots-Veterans' Month, where participants walk on the cemetery premises while listening to the live radio broadcast for 120 minutes from 4:00-6:00pm on the day, and where PR soldiers such as Rain, KCM, etc. will participate and give a live performance.
[Rain] : You can apply through each of military FM broadcasts.
There's a 50-won charge for its service (via #0967).
And, there is a limit of two people per application, and your previous application will become invalid when you submit a duplicate application.
For more information visit us online at www.dema.mil.kr

- Talk with music reviewer 'Kim Ban Ya'-
[KCM] : We welcome to The Desire To Speed', first-time visit for Kim Ban Ya'
Please introduce yourself to us.
[Kim Ban Ya] : I work as a music director in a drama in eight parts, and I'm in charge of the music department of MBC TV & SBS TV, an independent film is being directed by me, and I teach high school students the indie music at Mapo Art Center.
[Rain] : I think she has a large income. (laughs)
[Kim Ban Ya] : It's not absolutely the case. (laughs)
[Rain] : 'Lee Dae Hwa' has had a lot of personal problems lately, and he couldn't attend the show so she has come to take his place.
[Kim Ban Ya] : I was thrilled at the prospect of seeing you two, so I couldn't sleep well last night.
[Rain] : Really? It's really nice to meet you.
[Rain] : You have a very unique name.
[Kim Ban Ya] : My first name 'Ban Ya' is derived from Buddhism's Prajñā-Paramitā.

-Girl group (f(x))'s Electric Shock-
[Rain] :Electronic music has become part of the mainstream, no longer a separate branch of modern music.


[Part 3]

[Rain] : Listener '#1144', "I think that Rain likes girl groups better than KCM does."
Who doesn't like girl groups?
[KCM] : Listener 'Kim Yi Young', "I like (f(x))'s music."
[Kim Ban Ya] : Listener 'Worris', "(f(x)) has their individuality and their own unique style of music."

-Pop band 'Hotel Rose's single 'Bubibubi' (based on sexually explicit lyrics)-
[Rain] : I was bitten by a mosquito so now I'm itchy.
Listener '#2745', "Hotel Rose' is a great band."
[KCM] : Listener 'Amy', "Thank you for introducing such a great band."
[Kim Ban Ya] : Listener '#8686', "I don't quite know what the lyrics of the song are."
Rain, do you know what they are?
[Rain] : I don't know. (laughs)

-Justin Bieber's new album Believe-
[Rain] : Justin Bieber was found by Usher, and he is without equal in the field of music. I should have made my debut as a singer a little earlier.
[KCM] : Rain, you've also carved a place for yourself in the entertainment industry, haven't you?
[Rain] : Actually, this is no time to idle around like that. (laughs)

[Rain] : Listener '#2745', "Justin Bieber's voice has broken, but he still has a really nice voice."
I hope a new idol singer like Justin Bieber will emerge even in Korea soon."
[KCM] : Listener '#2101', "Rain who is greater than Justin Bieber, has countless fans all over the world including in Mexico."
[Rain] : Oh! Bravo! (in Mexican language) (laughs)

[Kim Ban Ya] : Listener 'Newt Bi', "Justin Bieber is popular with the older ladies."
[Rain] : Justin Biebe who is from Canada, is a great singer-songwriter.
Hey, Justin Biebe, hang in there. I'll be there soon. (laughs)

- Sigur Ros's Valtari -
[Rain] : Thanks for taking time out from your busy schedule, Kim Ban Ya.
[Kim Ban Ya] :Thank you.


[Part 4]

- K vs R or R vs K-
Guest stars : [Lee Jin Ho] & [Park Kyung Wook]

[Park Kyung Wook] : I served in a unit called Typhoon attached to the 28th Division before I was transferred here. I'm glad to see 'Kim Sung Won' again
('Park Kyung Wook' and 'Kim Sung Won' are pop group Untouchable's members)

- Which do you think is the best spot for a school excursion? -
[Park Kyung Wook] : I made a school excursion to Kyungju.
[Lee Jin Ho] : I made a school excursion to Kyungju and Mt. Sorak in my middle school days and in my high school days, each.
[KCM] : Kyungju is my most memorable spot.
[Rain] : I made a school excursion to Jeju-do in my high school days. (wow!)

[Rain] : I think Jeju-do is the best spot for a school trip.
[KCM] : I think Kyungju is the best spot for a school trip.


[Part 5]

[Rain] : Of course one thing that can’t be missing in a school trip is a talent show.
[KCM] : (KCM is holding a demonstration, rapping) (laughs)
[Lee Jin Ho] : KCM has excellent rapping skills. (laughs)
[Lee Jin Ho] : I used to emcee at those talent shows at that time.
[KCM] : I usually sang during those talent shows. I was participating in after-school classes or sports activities.
[Park Kyung Wook] : I enjoyed alcohol at the spot. (laughs)
[Rain] : We performed together as a team at those talent shows.
Our team was loudly cheered by the viewers.
[Lee Jin Ho] : I was a student in an agricultural school (laughs), so we didn't have any talent show. My friends brought sickles and hoes when we made a school excursion somewhere. (laughs)

[KCM] : Listener '#2745', "Andong Hahoe folk village is the best spot for a school trip."
[Rain] : Listener 'Won Young Joo', "Recently they often make a school excursion to Jeju-do or overseas countries."
[Lee Jin Ho] : Listener 'Rain's Love', "I vote for Jeju-do"
[Park Kyung Wook] : Listener 'Type B', "'Park Kyung Wook', nice to meet you. I wonder about your nickname."
[Rain] : I've nicknamed 'Park Kyung Wook' "Killer Kyung Wook" because he doesn't talk much, but he'll start to become very mouthy someday. Then, I'll talk back to him. (laughs). And, he can be called "Gangster Park" (laughs)

[KCM] : Hear what I have to say. I danced at a talent show. (laughs)
[Rain] : (interrupting KCM) (laughs)
Do you know how to dance? (laughs)
[KCM] : I was a B-boy.
[Rain] : Oh, that's right! But, he was a B-boy who was not much of a hand at dancing. (laughs)

[Rain] : Listener '#3462', "When we went on a school field trip somewhere, we used to relieve our feelings at the amusement park."
[KCM] : Listener '#8632', "I went on a school field trip to Jeju-do."
[Lee Jin Ho] : Listener '#8608', "We went on a school field trip to Jejup-do. Jeju-do's breathtaking landscapes are hauntingly beautiful."
[Rain] : Listener 'Yellow', "I vote for Jeju-do, but recently there are many schools which go abroad for school excursions."

[KCM] : Listener '#2106', "I vote for Jeju-do. When I went on a school field trip to Jejup-do, a school boy declared his love to me in a letter."
[Rain] : At that time, I bought a big bag to load such letters in it. (laughs)

[Park Kyung Wook] :Listener '#4474', "Our school went to China for a school excursion."
[Rain] : Listener 'Choi Yi Young', "I'm a fan of Rain, but I want to vote for Kyungjoo."
[Lee Jin Ho] : Listener '#1128', " I went on a school field trip to Kyungjoo, but it wasn't an enjoyable trip. If I have a chance, I want to go to Jeju-do."
[KCM] : Listener 'Kim Yi Young', "Those who live in Kyungjoo go to Seoul or Jeju-do for school excursions."
[Rain] : Listener '#5408', "When we went to Jeju-do for a school excursion, we climbed the top of Hanla in the rain, and we ate pineapples and Hanlabong."
[KCM] : Listener '#5114, "I vote for Jeju-do."
[Rain] : Listener 'Choi Ji Su', "When we went on a school field trip to Kyungjoo, we made a camp fire at night."
[Lee Jin Ho] : Listener 'Handsome Bi', "I vote for Jeju-do."
[Rain] : Listener 'Won Young Ju', "When we went to Jeju-do for a school excursion, we did a group dance to pop group HOT's music at a talent show."
At talent shows, I used to dance.
[KCM] : I danced and even performed samulnori at the talent shows.
[Lee Jin Ho] : I heard from my acquaintance that KCM had been in tears at a camp fire on the last day of a school trip, missing his mom. (laughs)

[Rain] : When we said our prayers by candlelight when we were enlisted, I burst out crying.
I danced to pop group Cool's music, pop group DEUX's 'Free Yourself From Worry', Seo Taiji and Boys' 'Come Back Home', and to overseas pop songs at school picnics when I was in fifth grade, when I was in the first year of middle school, when I was in the third year of middle school, and when I was in high school, respectively.
[KCM] : Rain went the way of my model. (laughs)
[Rain] : Please don't intrude where you are not wanted. (laughs)


[Part 6]

[KCM] : Listener '#0232', "When I went to Kyungju for a school excursion, I dropped my glasses and broke them, so I want to vote for Jeju-do."
[KCM] : Listener '#6525', " I want to vote for Jeju-do."
[Lee Jin Ho] : Listener '#3593', "When I went to Jeju-do for a school excursion, the rape flowers were in full bloom on the island."
[Park Kyung Wook] : Listener 'Wooris', "We wanted to go to Jeju-do, but we had to go to Mt. Sorak by unilateral decision by teachers. If I have a chance to go to Jeju-do, I really want to go."

[Lee Jin Ho] : I voted for Kyungju.
[Park Kyung Wook] : I voted for Jeju-do.

- The winner is Jeju-do (Kyungju : 116 votes / Jeju-do : 154 votes) -
[Rain] : The results of this election upset everyone's expectations.
[Park Kyung Wook] : I went on a plane for the first time of my life when I was 27 years old. I got a flight to China soon after my debut as a singer at that time.
[Rain] : My family went to Jeju-do by plane in my childhood days, and when I was on the plane flying to Australia, free snacks were served onboard, which pleased me very much. But, my narrow economy seat was too uncomfortable. I couldn't stretch out my legs.
[KCM] : When I flew a plane for a city for a concert, the woman next to me asked me earnestly, pretending to know my name and face, "Are you a football player or a baseball player?" (laughs)

[Rain] : 'Lee Jin Ho' and 'Park Kyung Wook', thank you for coming today.
[Lee Jin Ho] and [Park Kyung Wook] : Thank you so much!

[KCM] : Listener '#6254', "While my son is being stationed in Afghanistan, I'm celebrating my birthday today. My days are cold without him."
[Rain] : I'd like to join the Korean troops dispatched abroad to see the rough world.
[KCM] : Me too. Shall we volunteer to do that?
[Rain] : I wonder if they allow us.

[Rain] : Listener '#2636', "My son has served in the army. I hope he'll fit in the military"
[KCM] : Listener 'Only Rain', "My old mother has made me delicious Oiji (salted cucumber pickle) again this year. Thank you, mom."
[Rain] : Listener 'Amy', "My mother and I are always texting and calling through Smart phone."

[Rain] : It's the time to say good-bye. Happy Sunday!
[KCM] : Thank you!

emik  2012.06.28
Dear 화니、thank you for the translation.
[英⇨和訳です。] * 基本的に敬語は省略しています。

[Part 1]

[Rain] &[KCM] : Rain & KCM の '疾走本能'!
[Rain] : 僕達は洪水のようにあふれる情報の中に住んでいる。
[KCM]: 今日の技術的変化で、僕達は過剰な情報に苦しんでいる。
[Rain] : だから、ストレスが溜まっているかもしれない。
[KCM]: 今、あなたに必要なのは休息と優しいケア。
[Rain] : 今、どうして'疾走本能'を聴かないの?

[KCM] : 今日の最初の曲は、Santana (feat. Michelle branch)の'The Game Of Love' 。
[Rain] : 今日は発音がいいね。
[Rain] :たくさんの機器を使い電気システムが過負荷にならないよう、適切な休息を取ることであなたはさらにエネルギーを得るでしょう。
Listen to my heart~~~ (= 心の声を聞いて)

[Rain] & [KCM] : *地域ごとの周波数の案内なので、和訳は省略します。
Please keep it right here on FM 96.7 in Seoul, Chuncheon, Pocheon, and Cheowon, FM 101.1 in Wonju, Yeoju, and Yangpyung, FM 89.5 in Baengnyeong-do, FM 92.5 in Sokcho, Gangreung

[KCM] : あなたのストーリーまたは曲のリクエストを有料SMS0967番(₩50)または、この番組のTwitter (@speeding967) 、あるいはSmartR2アプリケーションを通して送ってください。
[Rai n]: " http://www.dema.mil.kr "にアクセスして、電子掲示板 (별사탕게시판)にコメントを投稿することもできます。

[Rain] : または、 "국방홍보” (国防省広報支援隊)と検索スペースに入力してアクセスできます。日ごろの喜びと悲しみのストーリー、またはあなたの周囲の人への手紙、または曲のリクエストを<;RainとKCM の疾走本能>へ送って下さい。

[KCM] : 参加者には軍放送のロゴが入ったミニラジオ、商品券、ビタミンセットなどが贈られます。

[Rain] : リスナー '#2745', "私たちは大量の情報の中に住んでいるので、
[KCM] : リスナー '#8686', "疾走本能は、効果的な抗ストレス治療かもしれない。"

[Rain] : リスナー '#2745', "昨日は麗水万博で無事パフォーマンできましたか?"
[KCM] : 僕達は一昨日の朝、現地に着いた途端にリハーサルを始めた。
[Rain] : 最近僕達は、とても忙しくて十分に睡眠が取れていない。

[KCM] : リスナー 'Baby Perm', "昨日の二人のパフォーマンスは素晴らしかった。"
[Rain] :昨日僕のイヤホンが壊れていたので、伴奏でパフォーマンスするのが大変だった。サウンドエンジニアは責任を負うには十分ではなかった。パフォーマンスは僕の水準に達していなかったよ。
[KCM] : 同じ理由で、僕は汗をかいたよ。

[Rain] : リスナー'#0232', "昨夜遅くに麗水から戻って来た。

でも、あるレポーターがこのことを曲解していたことを知った。昨日の新聞に掲載されていた彼の記事は、"兵士Rainのメイクアップ顔" とあり、僕は全く言葉を失った。

[KCM] : Rain は肌がきれいな事知ってるよ。
[Rain] : うん、肌はきれいなんだけど、ハンサムじゃない。
[KCM] : 君はハンサムな男だよ。
[Rain] : 唇はお母さんからの影響が強い遺伝で非常に気に入ってる/申し分ない。 僕はお父さんに全く似てない。(笑い)

[KCM] : リスナー 'Soldier 'Song Tae Gon' ', "下級兵士がガイドラインを軽視し、今日休暇を取ったので、今僕が彼の代役をしている。"
[Rain] : プライベート兵士でガイドラインを軽視して休暇を取ったなんて彼はひどい。兵士として今は退屈かもしれない、でも彼らは部隊にいるのだから時間を忘れなければならない。

[Rain] : リスナー 'Soldier 'Kang Kyung Mook', "16 時間の衛兵任務をやり遂げるのはきつすぎる。."
[KCM] : それはほんとうに辛くなるよ。
[KCM] : リスナー 'Corporal 'Yun Sang Jin', "僕は除隊まであと少し(78日)の伍長です。すぐに除隊日になればいいのに。"
[Rain] : 'Yun Sang Jin', 忙しくしていれば、時間を忘れるよ。
[KCM] : 光景を想像すると僕は悲しい。(笑い)

[Rain] : リスナー'Corporal 'Park Jung Won', "僕は第7師団所属の伍長です。今日は終日当番。 1日中一人なのもつらい。"
[Rain] : リスナー 'Corporal 'Shin Kang Seop', "僕は第33師団所属の伍長です。彼女と2年付き合っています。僕達が永遠に幸せ暮らせますように。"


[Part 2]

[KCM] : リスナー 'Rain's Love #4794', "Rainは肌がきれいなので、多少の化粧は必要。"

[Rain] : 日焼け止めクリームを背中に塗っただけで化粧はしなかった。
ああ、映画祭で、一度化粧したことがあった、その時は僕のスタイリストがいなかったから。でもあの時化粧するべきじゃなかった。(笑い) その日の僕は違って見えた。(笑い)

[Rain] : リスナー 'Kim Han Sol', "お腹が痛い間、お腹がすごく空く。"
[KCM] : トイレに行った後に、どうして何も食べないの ? (笑い)

[KCM] :リスナー 'Wine', "今日はお母さんの誕生日。今日は家族でピクニックをしている。"
[Rain]: キャンピングに行きたいな。僕の友人達が最近キャンピングのようないろんなアウトドアを楽しんでいる。 もう少し早く入隊するべきだったよ。

[KCM] : リスナー 'Yu Soo Kyung', "私が作ったアプリコット・ブランデー(アプリコット・リキュール)をお父さんに運ぶつもり。
[Rain] : リスナー '#1215', "昨日は番組を聴く時間がなかった、でも今日は聴くことができてうれしい。"


[KCM] : リスナー '#2854', "最近、食欲旺盛だ。"
[Rain] : リスナー'#1264', "冷蔵庫掃除しながら、番組を聴いてます。良い週末を。"
[KCM] : リスナー 'Danbi', "番組を聴いて、ストレス解消している。"
[Rain] : リスナー 'Kim Yi Young', "番組を聴きながらストレス発散している。"
[KCM] : リスナー '#0750', "ひどい風邪をひいた。"
[KCM] : リスナー '#1228', "明日は、新しい仕事の初日。"

4:18~5:01 *以下は経過したイベント(6/22)の案内なので和訳は省略します。
[KCM]: 'The National Cemetery in Seoul' and 'Defense Agency for Public Information Services' will hold 'Radienteering Competition' on June 22 to celebrate Patriots-Veterans' Month, where participants walk on the cemetery premises while listening to the live radio broadcast for 120 minutes from 4:00-6:00pm on the day, and where PR soldiers such as Rain, KCM, etc. will participate and give a live performance.

[Rain] : You can apply through each of military FM broadcasts.
There's a 50-won charge for its service (via #0967).
And, there is a limit of two people per application, and your previous application will become invalid when you submit a duplicate application.
For more information visit us online at www.dema.mil.kr

- 音楽評論家 'Kim Ban Ya'とのトーク -
[KCM] : Kim Ban Yaに初めて疾走本能にお越し頂きました、自己紹介をどうぞ。
[Kim Ban Ya] : 私は8つのパートで、とあるドラマの音楽監督として仕事をしています。そして自分が監督するインディペンデント映画、MBC TV、 SBS TVの責任者であり、麻浦アートセンターで高校生にインディ音楽を教えています。
[Rain] : 彼女は多額の収入があると思うよ。(笑い)[Kim Ban Ya] : 必ずしも事実ではないです。(笑い)
[Rain] : 'Lee Dae Hwa' は個人的な事情により番組出演が困難なため彼の代わりにKim Ban Yaにお越しいただきました。
[Kim Ban Ya] : お二人に会えるということでワクワクして、昨夜はよく眠れませんでした。
[Rain] : 本当に? お会いできてとてもうれしいです。

[Rain] : 変わった名前ですね。
[Kim Ban Ya] : 私の 'Ban Ya'という名前は仏教の Prajñā-Paramitāから由来しています。

-女性グル―プ(f(x))の曲’Electric Shock’-
[Rain] :電子音楽は主流のひとつになったので、もはやモダン音楽の1部門ではないよね。


[Part 3]

[Rain] : リスナー '#1144', "Rainは KCM よりも女性グループが好きだと思う。.

[KCM] : リスナー 'Kim Yi Young', " (f(x))の音楽が好き。"
[Kim Ban Ya] :リスナー'Worris', "(f(x)) は個性があって、彼ら独特の音楽スタイルがある。"

-Popバンド 'Hotel Roseのシングル 'Bubibubi' (性的表現が露骨な歌詞がベース)-
[Rain] : 蚊にさされてかゆい。
リスナー '#2745', "Hotel Rose'は素晴らしいバンド。"
[KCM] : リスナー 'Amy', "こんな素晴らしいバンドを紹介してくれてありがとう。"
[Kim Ban Ya] : リスナー '#8686', "曲の歌詞が良くわからない。."
Rain, 彼らの事知っていますか?
[Rain] : 知らない。(笑い)

-Justin Bieberのニューアルバム’Believe’-

[Rain] : Justin Bieber はUsherによって見出されて, 音楽の分野において彼に比類するものがない。
[KCM] : Rain, 君も芸能界で自分の場所を作り上げた、そうだろ?
[Rain] : 実際、そういうことを言って無駄に過ごす時間はないよ。(笑い)

[Rain] :リスナー '#2745', "Justin Bieberは声変わりした、でもそれでも彼はとてもいい声をしている。"
Justin Bieber のような新しいアイドル歌手が、すぐに韓国でも現れてほしいな。"
[KCM] :リスナー'#2101', "メキシコを含む世界中に数えきれないほどのファンがいるRain はJustin Bieberよりも素晴らしい。"
[Rain] : (メキシコ語で) オー! ブラボ! (笑い)

[Kim Ban Ya] : リスナー 'Newt Bi', "Justin Bieber は 年上の女性に人気がある。
[Rain] : Justin Biebe はカナダ出身で、素晴らしいシンガーソングライターだよ。
やぁ, Justin Biebe, 頑張ってそこにいろよ。すぐに僕が行くから。(笑い)

-Sigur Rosの ’Valtari’ -
[Rain] : Kim Ban Ya、お忙しい中お越し頂きありがとう。
[Kim Ban Ya] :ありがとう。


[Part 4]

- K vs R or R vs K-
ゲスト出演者 : [Lee Jin Ho] & [Park Kyung Wook]

[Park Kyung Wook] : 僕はここに異動になる前は’台風’と呼ばれる第28師団に所属していました。再び'Kim Sung Won'に会えてうれしい。 ('Park Kyung Wook' と 'Kim Sung Won' はpop グループUntouchableのメンバー)

- 修学旅行に最高の場所はどこ? -
[Park Kyung Wook] : 僕は修学旅行に慶州へ行った。
[Lee Jin Ho] : 僕は中学校と高校の両方で修学旅行で慶州と雪岳山へ行った。
[KCM] : 僕にとって慶州は最も思い出深い場所。
[Rain] : 僕は高校の修学旅行で済州島へ行ったよ。 (ワォ!)
[Rain] :修学旅行には済州島が最高の場所だと思うよ。
[KCM] : 僕は修学旅行には慶州が最高の場所だと思うよ。
[Part 5]

[Rain] : もちろん、修学旅行で見逃せないのがタレントショ―。
[KCM] : (KCM がラップのデモをする。) (笑い)
[Lee Jin Ho] : KCM は素晴らしいラップのスキルがあるよ。(笑い)
[Lee Jin Ho] :当時 僕はそういったタレントショ―の司会をかつてやっていたよ。

[KCM] : 僕はいつもそういったショーで歌を唄っていたよ。 放課後またはスポーツ活動に参加していた。
[Park Kyung Wook] : その場所でお酒を楽しんだ。(笑い)
[Rain] : 僕達はチームとしてそういったタレントショ―で一緒にパフォーマンスしたことがあるよ。僕達のチームは観客から大きな声援を受けたよ。
[Lee Jin Ho] : 僕は農業学校の生徒だったので(笑い)、タレントショ―はなかった。どこかへの修学旅行に行く時、僕の友人達は鎌とくわを持ってきたよ。(笑い)

[KCM] : リスナー '#2745', "修学旅行には安東河回村は最高の場所。"
[Rain] :リスナー 'Won Young Joo', "最近では、修学旅行に海外や済州島へ行くことが多い。"
[Lee Jin Ho] :リスナー 'Rain's Love', "済州島に投票。"
[Park Kyung Wook] :リスナー 'Type B', "'Park Kyung Wook', はじめまして。貴方のニックネームはなにかな。"
[Rain] :僕は 'Park Kyung Wook'に "殺し屋 Kyung Wook"とニックネームをつけたよ、だって彼はあまりしゃべらないから、でもある日彼はすごくおしゃべりになる。なので、僕は彼に言い返した。(笑い) 彼を"ギャングスターPark"と呼ぶこともできる。(笑い)

[KCM] : 僕の話を聞いて。タレントショ―で僕はダンスをしたよ。(笑い)
[Rain] : (KCMの話のじゃまをする) (笑い)
どうやって踊るか知ってるの? (笑い)
[KCM] : 僕は ‘B-boy’だったんだよ。
[Rain] : オ―, そうだったね! でも彼は踊ることに余裕がなかった’B-boy’だったよ。(笑い)

[Rain] : リスナー '#3462', "学校でどこかに社会見学へ行った時、私達は遊園地で鬱憤を晴らしていた。"
[KCM] : リスナー'#8632', "学校の社会見学で済州島へ行った。
[Lee Jin Ho] :リスナー '#8608', "学校の社会見学で済州島へ行った。済州島の息をのむような景観は忘れられないほど美しい。"
[Rain] : リスナー 'Yellow', "済州島に投票、でもこのごろは,修学旅行に海外へ行く学校が多い。
[KCM] :リスナー '#2106', "済州島に投票。学校の社会見学で済州島へ行った時、一人の男子生徒が手紙で私への愛を宣言した。"
[Rain] :当時, 僕はそういう手紙を入れるために大きなかばんを買ったよ。(笑い)

[Park Kyung Wook] :リスナー '#4474', "私達の学校は修学旅行で中国へ行った。"
[Rain] :リスナー 'Choi Yi Young', "私はRainのファンだけど、慶州に投票。"

[Lee Jin Ho] :リスナー '#1128', " 学校の社会見学で慶州へ行った、でも楽しい旅行ではなかった。もし機会があるなら済州島へ行きたい。"

[KCM] :リスナー 'Kim Yi Young', "慶州に住んでいる人は修学旅行でソウルまたは済州島へ行く。"
[Rain] :リスナー '#5408', "修学旅行で済州島へ行った時、私達は雨の中、漢拏山山頂まで登り、パイナップルとオレンジ食べた。"

[KCM] :リスナー '#5114, "済州島に投票。"
[Rain] :リスナー 'Choi Ji Su', "修学旅行で慶州に行ったとき、夜キャンプファイヤーをした。"
[Lee Jin Ho] :リスナー 'Handsome Bi', "済州島に投票。"
[Rain] :リスナー 'Won Young Ju', "修学旅行で済州島へ行った時、タレントショーでPOPグループの音楽に合わせてグループダンスをした。"
[KCM] : タレントショーで僕は、踊ってサムルノリのパフォーマンスさえしたよ。
[Lee Jin Ho] : KCM が、修学旅行最後の日の夜にキャンプファイヤーでお母さんが恋しくて涙を流したと知り合いから聞いたよ。(笑い)

[Rain] : 入隊した時、ろうそくの明かりで祈りを唱えた時、僕はこらえきれずに泣いたよ。
僕は、pop グループ Coolの音楽、 popグループ DEUXの 'Free Yourself From Worry', Seo Taiji and Boysの 'Come Back Home', それと海外のpop 音楽を5年生の時の遠足で、中学1年生の時、中学3年生の時、そして高校生の時に踊ったよ。
[KCM] : Rain は僕の手本と同じ運命を歩んでいる。(笑い)
[Rain] : お願いだから、君が求められていない世界に無理に侵入しないで。(笑い)
[Part 6]

[KCM] :リスナー '#0232', "修学旅行で慶州へ行った時、メガネを落として壊したので、済州島に投票したい。"
[KCM] :リスナー '#6525', " 済州島に投票したい。"
[Lee Jin Ho] :リスナー '#3593', "修学旅行で済州島へ行った時、島は菜の花が満開だった。"
[Park Kyung Wook] : リスナー'Wooris', "済州島に行きたかったけど、先生の一方的な決定で私達は雪岳山へ行かなければならなかった。もし済州島へ行く機会があったら、

[Lee Jin Ho] : 僕は慶州に投票する。

[Park Kyung Wook] : 僕は済州島に投票する。

- 勝利は済州島 (慶州 : 116 votes / 済州島 : 154 votes) -
[Rain] : この投票結果はみんなの期待を覆した。
[Park Kyung Wook] :僕は27才の時、初めて飛行機に乗った。あの時、僕は歌手としてデビューした直後で中国行きの飛行機だった。
[Rain] :僕が子供の時、飛行機で家族と済州島へ行った、それとオーストラリア行きの飛行機機内で、無料のスナックが配られた時僕は本当にうれしかった。でもエコノミー席は居心地が悪過ぎた。僕は脚を伸ばすことができなかった。

[KCM] : コンサートである街に飛行機で向かった時、隣の席の女性が僕の顔と名前を知っているフリをして僕に真面目に聞いてきた "あなたはサッカー選手それとも野球選手?" (笑い )
[Rain] : 'Lee Jin Ho' , 'Park Kyung Wook', 今日は来てくれてありがとう。
[Lee Jin Ho] and [Park Kyung Wook] : どうもありがとう!

[KCM] :リスナー'#6254', "息子がアフガニスタンに駐留している、今日は私の誕生日。息子なしでは私の日々は寒い。"
[Rain] : 荒れた(治安の悪い)世界を見るために海外に派遣されている韓国部隊に加わりたいな。

[KCM] :僕も。僕達志願しようか?
[Rain] :僕達を許可してくれるかな。

[Rain] :リスナー '#2636', "息子が兵役中。彼が軍になじむ事を願う。"
[KCM] :リスナー 'Only Rain', "年老いたお母さんが今年もまた、きゅうりの塩漬けを作ってくれた。ありがとうお母さん。"
[Rain] :リスナー 'Amy', "私とお母さんはスマホを通していつもメールをしたり、電話をかけたりしている。"

[Rain] : さよならを言う時間だ、楽しい日曜日を!
[KCM] : ありがとう!


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