Végtelen erőfeszítés, végtelen kitartás, végtelen szerénység. (Rain vezérelve)

Tudtam, hogy ránézésre nem tűnök valami nagy számnak, a megjelenésem sem túl vonzó, de a bensőm elég rendkívüli. Minden színpadra lépés előtt azt mondom magamnak, hogy én vagyok a legjobb, és minden előadás után ugyanúgy azt, hogy nem én vagyok. Ezért minden fellépés előtt 120 százalékosan kell felkészülnöm, hogy az előadáson 100 százalékos teljesítményt tudjak nyújtani. Ennek érdekében minden álló nap folyamatosan képzem magam. Már nagyon hosszú ideje alváshiányban szenvedek, mert ha éppen nem dolgozom, akkor vagy edzek, vagy a koreográfiákat és a dalokat próbálom. Éppen úgy, mint a filmfelvételek idején, ha valamit nem csináltam jól, képtelen vagyok aludni. Akár színészként, akár énekesként, a legjobbat kell tudnom kihozni magamból. De nem kell aggódni, hogy most nincs elegendő időm az alvásra, jut arra majd bőven a halálom után. (Rain)

Ez a fiatalság, ez az egészség... és a túlcsorduló önbizalom... az erőfeszítés, amit az oly hihetetlen előadásai sikeres megvalósításáért tett... és a tehetség, amit felmutat, ezek töltenek el spontán tisztelettel engem. Azt gondolom, hogy a történelem a fontos személyiségek között fogja jegyezni. Úgy, mint aki színészként és zenészként egyaránt sikeres lett. ...
Ami igazán meglepő Ji-hoonban, az az, hogy egyfajta düh, bosszúvágy és szomorúság, az összes efféle sötét, komor negatív motiváció az ő esetében rendkívül optimista és derűs módon ölt testet.
(Park Chan-wook rendező)

> RAIN KRÓNIKA: 2012.06.16.


'R2B:리턴투베이스' 파일럿으로 변신한 월드스타 비의 모습은?  


배우 정지훈과 신세경, 유준상 주연의 영화 'R2B:리턴투베이스'(감독 김동원, 제작 주머니필름, ㈜ 빨간마후라)의 짜릿한 고공액션을 예고하는 티저포스터가 공개돼 눈길을 끌고 있다.

이번에 공개된 'R2B:리턴투베이스'의 티저포스터는 서울의 푸른 하늘과 마천루를 배경으로 도심 상공을 가로지르는 정체불명의 전투기들을 보여주며 영화에 대한 궁금증을 자극하고 있다. 이어 전투기 조종석에 파일럿으로 변신한 정지훈이 결연한 모습으로 등장해 긴장감 넘치는 하늘 위의 작전과 그로 인해 펼쳐질 고공액션에 대한 기대감을 배가시킨다.

또 영화 제목인 'R2B:리턴투베이스'의 의미에 대한 관객들의 궁금증도 커지고 있는 상황. 이는 본래 무사귀환을 뜻하는 군사용어이면서 실제 영화 속의 작전명이다

'R2B:리턴투베이스'는 대한민국 하늘을 발칵 뒤집는 비공식 작전의 긴장감과 서울 상공에서 펼쳐지는 공중전의 스펙터클을 예고하고 있다. 특히 이 작품은 정지훈과 신세경을 비롯해 유준상, 김성수, 이하나, 이종석, 정석원, 조성하, 오달수 등 화려한 캐스팅으로 눈길을 끌고 있다.

오는 8월 개봉될 예정이다.



12-06-15 expo_2012 tweet about Rain 

secession  2012.06.16
[English translation]
Rain's press conference for Yeosu Expo Pop Festival concert will be carried live on Africa TV at 3:30pm tomorrow.
Please visit the following site to watch the TV, " http://bit.ly/Jyts7O http://pic.twitter.com/T8fcRqjC " 


12-06-16 Rain @ press conference for Yeosu Expo Pop Festival concert 

source ; nate news


Rain with Soldiers 

source : http://photozou.jp/photo/show/790317/139489597


12-06-16 Rain @ Yeosu Expo Pop Festival concert

source : http://photozou.jp/photo/photo_only/790317/139520089
nate news+ DC


[3 Fancam]120616 Rain @ Yeosu Expo Pop Festival concert 

credit : yoeo010101010



credit :hhs6094



(((HQ)))12-06-16 Rain @ press conference for Yeosu Expo Pop Festival concert



secession  2012.06.17
[English translation]

[Rain] : Hi, everyone. This is pfc 'Jung Ji Hoon' attached to Defense Agency for Public Information Services. Nice to meet you.

Q ; You're about to give a great concert. What is it like to take part?
[Rain] : I embarked on a great concert tour many times before my enlistment.
But, it seems like forever since I last had such a great concert.
It's a wonderful feeling, and there are a lot of people attending the concert.
I'll do my best to give a great performance.

Q : What's your first impression of Yeosu City? And, what do you think you'll bring to this city as the nation's top star?
[Rain] : Since I'm limited in activity because I'm a soldier, my performance itself can be a good information activity, but I'll let the entire world know the loft spirit of Yeosu and Yeosu Expo after I leave the army.

Q : How have you served in the army? What's your first impression of the city and the Expo?
[Rain] : This is my first visit to this city, but I have to move at the word of command, so I hardly have time to see the city.
And, this is a beautiful city located near the sea that is visible in the distance, and the waves at the sea are so beautiful.

Q : How do you plan to give a performance today?
[Rain] : Several guest performers such as KCM, 'Park Hyo Shin', etc. including me, will attend the performance. My performance will be the grand finale of the evening's entertainments, and I'll perform 5 songs for about 30 minutes.
I hope you will find the concert interesting and entertaining.

Q : How do you plan to do a duet with 'Park Hyo Shin'?
[Rain] : I won't do a duet with him today. Each of us will show their performance in different ways. I'll perform to a live music band.

Q : What was your impression of Yeosu City? Do you have any plans to revisit the city after your discharge?
[Rain] : I'm always careful in talking because my body doesn't belong to me. (laughs)
I'll just enjoy my performance itself without worries.

Q : What's your favorite girl group?
[Rain] : Have you ever served in the army? (laughs) (The reporter : Yes)
Rain : As you know, all the girl groups are like goddness to soldiers. (laughs)

Q : Do you have any words for tourists visiting Yeosu Expo?
[Rain] : It’s an excellent place to relax and enjoy the scenery.
So, I hope you'll plan to visit this place with your family during your summer vacation.

Q : If you revisit Yeosu Expo, who would you like to come to this place with?
[Rain] : Needless to say, it will be my future girl friend. (laughs). Of course, I can revisit it with my guy friends, but I prefer to visit it with my girl friend.

emik  2012.06.18

[Rain] : みなさん, こんにちは。僕は国防省広報支援隊に所属する'Jung Ji Hoon'一等兵です。 お会いできてうれしいです。

Q ; もうすぐ、コンサートの時間ですね。参加することをどのように感じますか?
[Rain] : 入隊前に大きなコンサートツアーに何度も出掛けていました。

Q :麗水市の第一印象は? そして、国民のトップスタートして、この街に何をもたらせると思いますか?
[Rain] :僕は兵士で活動が制限されているので、僕のパフォーマンス自体がよい広報活動になりえるでしょう、でも除隊後に、麗水の高く打ちげられた精神と麗水万博のことを世界中に知らせます。

Q : どのように兵役に服していますか? この街と万博の第一印象は?

[Rain] :今回、初めてこの街を訪れました、でも、命令に従って動かなくてはならないので、街をみる時間はほとんどありません。

Q : 今日はどのようにパフォーマンスをするつもりですか?
[Rain] : KCM, 'Park Hyo Shin', など私を含む数人のゲストパフォーマーが公演に参加します。僕のパフォーマンスは今夜のショーのラスト/グランドフィナーレで、おおよそ30分、5曲を歌います。

Q : どのように'Park Hyo Shin'とデュエットをするつもりですか?
[Rain] :今日は彼とデュエットはしません。異なる方法で各自がパフォーマンスをします。僕は生バンドで歌います。

Q : 麗水市の印象は何ですか? 除隊後にこの街を再び訪れる予定はありますか?
[Rain] :僕の体は自分のものではないので、話す際にはいつも気をつけています。 (笑い) 心配せずに自分のパフォーマンス自体を楽しむだけです。

Q : あなたの好きな女性グループは?

[Rain] :あなたは兵役に服したことはありますか? (笑い)(レポータが'はい'と答える)
Rain :ご存知の通り、兵士にとってすべての女性グループは女神のようです。(笑い)

Q : 麗水万博を訪れている旅行者にかける言葉はありますか?
[Rain] :景色を楽しむ、そしてリラックスするには非常によい場所です。

Q : もし麗水万博を再度訪れるとしたら、誰と一緒に訪れたいですか?
[Rain] :言うまでもなく 、僕の未来の彼女です。(笑い) もちろん、僕の男友だちとまた来ることも出来ます、でも彼女と一緒に来るほうがいいです。

Dear 화니、thank you for the translation.


12-06-16 Friends FM - 질주본능_Rain DJ

Credit : ratoka

part 1

part 2

m name="allowFullScreen" value="true">

part 3

part 4

part 5
part 6
part 7
secession  2012.06.17
[English translation]

[Part 1]

[Rain]&[KCM] : Rain & KCM's 'The Desire To Speed'!

[Rain] : One mischief comes on the neck of another, but something can give you the strength to overcome the difficulty.
When there are a lot of difficult things facing me, first of all I sleep.
[KCM] : I have an optimistic view of life, so I easily forget about what happened.
[Rain] : Let bygones be bygones, and please have an enjoyable day, listening to 'The Desire To Speed' for two hours. (It's) nothing !

[KCM] : This song was Clazziquai's..(laughs)
[Rain] : How come you are always like that? Your pronunciation is not correct. You need to work on your pronunciation a bit more, listening to AFKN TV or watching movies.
[KCM] : Sorry, I meant it for a joke. Clazziquai's Love Mode.
[Rain] : Please study English harder.
[KCM] : I speak English I'm so nervous.
[Rain] : As a man who is ugly, you have no right to be so cheeky. (laughs)
[KCM] : Rain is so lucky to be handsome (making cynical remarks)
[Rain] : There is nothing I can say because I'm ugly, too. (laughs) Sorry.

[Rain] : As all the rough days of your life can be ancient history, it depends on how you think. I hope you'll enjoy 'The Desire To Speed' again today.

[Rain] & [KCM] :
Please keep it right here on FM 96.7 in Seoul, Chuncheon, Pocheon, and Cheowon, FM 101.1 in Wonju, Yeoju, and Yangpyung, FM 89.5 in Baengnyeong-do, FM 92.5 in Sokcho, Gangreung, Yangyang, and Goseong, FM 93.3 in Gangwon, Kirin, and Sangnam, FM 103.3 in Hwacheongun, FM 101.5 in Yangku and Inje, FM 100.1 in Daejeon, Gyeryong, and Nhonsan, and on FM 94.1 in Cheju-do.  

[KCM] : Please send your stories and song requests to the radio station through a chargeable SMS #0967 (₩ 50) or its Twitter (@speeding967) or Smart R2 Application.

[Rain] you can visit " http://www.dema.mil.kr " and post comments on its bulletin board (별사탕게시판)

[Rain] : Or you can visit the page by putting the keyword "국방홍보” (Defense Agency for Public Information Services) in the search box. So please send your stories about the joys and sorrows of everyday living or letters to the people around you or song request to <;Rain&KCM's The Desire To Speed>.
[KCM] : Mini radios the military broadcast's logo is emblazoned on, gift certificates, vitamin sets, etc., will be provided to the participants.

[KCM] : Listener 'I Am Sick and Tired of Having Iced Coffee', "I use the internet to do research for my homework. But my internet connection was unreliable all day yesterday, so I was barely able to finish my homework, and I had to use my friend's computer and go to a PC room. I later found out that the computer cord wasn't plugged into an electrical outlet."
[Rain]: I used to have the same problem. I ever wasted several hours trying to push the power button on the remote control before realizing that the TV cord wasn't plugged into an electrical outlet.
[KCM] : I tried to start my new CD player before, but it didn't work. So I thought something was wrong with the player, but I found later I didn't turn on the switch. (laughs)
[Rain]: Isn't it too obvious that you turn on the switch before starting it? 
[Rain] : Listener '#1081', "Now I've run away from home out of defiance to my mom. So I called my friends up and said I wanted to meet them, but to top it off, each of them said, 'As I am very tired, I can't go out right now.' (laughs)
I think I'll have to go home again after listening to 'The Desire To Speed'."
When I ran away from home in my boyhood days and slept over at my friend’s house, I felt slighted because my mom didn't search for me. But I found out that she already knew where I was by making a call to my friend's mom.
KCM, have you ever run away from home?
[KCM] : Of course, I..
[Rain] : (interpreting KCM) (laughs)
Listener '#4794, "Seeing a lot of well-dressed and beautiful women walking down the street on my way to a restaurant for brunch on such a fine day, I feel great."
[KCM] : When we go out of the military unit for an exercise in public relations and move onto a bus, many beautiful women are often seen walking down the street when I look out the bus window, which raises my pulse rate. How about you?
[Rain] : Me too.
[KCM] : My female commander says that flower prints are in the groove this year. (laughs)

[Rain] : When I go out of the military unit for an exercise in public relations or I have a vacation, I also often watch the world go by and I find the people of our nation seem to have remarkable senses of fashion compared to other countries' people.
[KCM] : I think the women of our nation are so beautiful.
[Rain] : They look beautiful whatever they do. (laughs)
[KCM] : Listener '#3593, "I have to be introduced to a prospective wife under my mom's pressure."
[Rain] : Why don't you try it with a light heart? Please don't feel pressured.
Despite being a fun date or simple companionship, dating with someone is as much fun as the date itself.

[Rain] : Listener '#9785, "I started to tone up one month after starting to exercise, so I'm so happy that I can wear a bikini bathing suit at the beach."
[KCM] : But, she must prove that she is trim and slender in figure.
#9785, please post your picture on the internet.
[Rain] : My six packs disappeared quite a long time ago. (laughs)
They have been transformed into one pack. (laughs)
But, I'll build up muscles again a few months before I leave the army.

[KCM] : Listener 'Kim Han Sol', "The examination is near at hand, but I feel dulled and stupid with sleep.”
[Rain] : I didn't like my school work, but I loved to read novels, biographies, etc. in my school days. (laughs)

[Rain] : Listener 'Small Eyes,' "I think one week is too short."
But, I think one week passes in a flash.
[KCM] : We're so busy we could die.

[KCM]: Listener '#5114, "My daughter have bought a musical ticket to me, using the money from her part-time job. Thank you, my daughter."
[Rain]: A properly brought-up daughter is worth ten sons as I expected.
If I marry someone, I'll have four daughters.

[Rain] : Listener 'Always', "I've been refreshed after listening to 'The Desire To Speed' "
[KCM]: I think this show is a vitamin to listeners.
[Rain] : I've hosted this show and for the first time in my life I've realized I have the stuff for becoming a DJ.
[KCM] : Rain, there is nothing you can't do.
[Rain] : But, I’m poor at dating with a woman.
[KCM] : Listener 'The Blades Of The Fan', "I've split up with my boyfriend."
[Rain] : I'm sure a new love will come her way.

[Rain] : Listener 'Kiwifruit', "They are very busy with school and studying so they have little time to play, but I plan to go on a tour with my friends."
Life can be full of hard knocks, but I think life itself is a learning process but it's the only way to live a life without regrets.
[KCM] : Life itself is hard. (laughs)
[Rain] : KCM, please stop your nonsense.

[Rain] : Listener 'Red Bean Sherbet' "I enjoyed homemade red bean sherbet."
[KCM] : Please don't eat the whole red bean sherbet yourself. Four portions of red bean sherbets, please. (laughs)
[Rain] : KCM, do you have no shame? (laughs)


[Part 2]

[Rain] : Listener 'Yi Han Na', "The springs on the mail box doors of our apartment help allow them to open and close. But, one day we found the springs didn't work and we thought it might be the work of thieves. But, we got to know the criminal was the mailman after CCTV cameras were spying on their every move.
We found out later he intentionally damaged the springs to open the mail boxes easily. We worried a lot before he told us."
KCM, why don't we work in shifts on a weekly basis?
Because of you, I unconsciously copycat your way of speaking.
[KCM] : OK. I'll host this every Saturday, and I'll host this every Sunday. (laughs)

[Rain] : Everyone, please don't forget to lock the house up when you go out.
Also, always watch out for others to avoid collisions, but KCM, you don't need to. (laughs)
[KCM] : The same applies to you. (laughs)
[Rain] : I'm so delicate and vulnerable, so the weight just falls off. (laughs)
[KCM] : Listener 'Yi Seon Ar', "When my friend who has never been out with a man, took the subway, one man spoke to her. Then, her heart plunged. He told her, "The label on your clothes is seen.", then she was so shamed and she wished that the ground would swallow her, so she jumped off at the next stop."
[Rain] : I think he had an interest in her or she had to escape in a whisk because she freaked out when she saw his face bearing a remarkable likeness to KCM's. (laughs)

[Rain] : Listener 'Kim Na Yeon', "While opening her restaurant, my mom has been wounded in the arm because she's been working too hard lately. I hope she'll get well soon."
[Rain]& [KCM] : Mother, I love you. (laughs)
[Rain] : I hope the mother and daughter will take care not to make yourselves ill, and I think she'll have to assist her mother in her work.

[Rain] : Listener 'Someone asking that her name not be used', "In my girls' high school days, I had a secret crush on my student teacher who taught mathematics.
It's been years since I graduated from the school, but I'll never forget the memory of those days as long as I live."
I had a secret crush on my class teacher when I was in fifth grade, and she was my Miss Right at that time. I guess she is still a teacher.
[KCM] : Do you happen to remember her name?
[Rain] : Sure.
[KCM] : Can you give me her name?
[Rain] : Is it necessary for me to give you her name? (laughs)
Can you give me the name of the woman next door you had such a crush on?
[KCM] : Listener 'Kim Yi Young', "My aunt and uncle moved to Busan city last week without the knowledge of their son who serves in the army. If he has a vacation, he'll make sure to give his parents a call."
When I got a vacation for the first time since I'd entered the army, I headed for my home, but I wasn't able to enter my house because it has a fingerprint recognizer, so I had to climb over the wall of the house (laughs), then security guards were called out without delay. I revealed my identity and they recognized me instantly, but it was highly regrettable for my father to treat me with indifference."
[KCM] : The unforeseen occurrence was out of your control, because you are a soldier.
[Rain] : I found many CCTVs were installed in my house and I saw myself climbing the wall via CCTVs. (laughs)
I was nearly charged with theft. (laughs)
My house has a fairly good security system, so please don't walk around the outside of my house, everyone. (laughs)
[KCM] : Soldiers, please be sure to make a call to your parents before you go home when you get a vacation.
[Rain] : 'Hyungdony and Dajoony' is my current favorite song.


[Part 3]

[Rain] : Listener 'Zarara', "I'm worried because I don't have the courage to refuse."
[KCM ] : I think she and I are very much alike in personality.
[Rain] : Whether you admit it or not, you might be one of those people who find it hard to say "No" to a request or turn down a favor from a friend or colleague.
We may need to refuse to help them.
[KCM ] : I've got a soft heart and can't say no when people ask me to do something.
[Rain] : A woman must not marry such a man like KCM to begin with because he may bring about the bankruptcy of family. (laughs)
[KCM ] : Please don't stand in my way. (laughs).. I'm not that kind of guy.
[KCM] : Listener 'Jang Yeon Hee', "My son who is in fifth grade has gone abroad to study. When I call him because I miss him, he gets ratty, saying, "I'm so busy doing my homework right now." I get upset, but keeps my anger in control."
[Rain] : It is said that psychologically mothers prefer boys over girls, and fathers prefer girls over boys. So, mothers hesitate to assent to her daughter's marriage, and at the same time fathers hesitate to assent to his daughter's marriage, but my future father-in-law, please stop worrying and set your mind at ease because I own a large number of things. Fighting!
[KCM] : I missed the timing. I should have laughed when you finished speaking.
[Rain] : I think her son is just reaching puberty. Probably she should try to understand him.

[Rain] : Listener 'Yi Jung Hee', "I started a diet a week ago, but I was so hungry that I stuffed myself at the dinner."
To create a healthy diet, you need help from the people around you, and you should do not eat much.
KCM, please be a little quiet while I'm speaking.
You appear to be annoyed.
[KCM] : I'm not angry.
[Rain] : Aw, give me a courtesy laugh.
[KCM] : Hahahahaha (laughs)
[Rain] : They say a diet can be dangerous if you overdo it.
[KCM] : So if you are on a diet, make sure you don't overdo it.


[Part 4]

[Rain] : Listener 'Earth', "While my parents go on a trip, I plan to cook and clean and keep house, and take care of my younger sister and brother, going to work."
[KCM]: Her parents must be very happy.
[Rain] : She may invite her friends to her house. (laughs)
[Rain]: Listener '#3575', "I lied awake every night because of insomnia, but I've avoided the insomnia, reading books right before I go to bed."
I fall asleep before opening the second page. (laughs)
[KCM]: I tried to read books at one time with another, but I wasn't able to concentrate on my book. (laughs) But, now I can concentrate on it.

[Rain] : Listener '#0835', "I've got three sons (elementary, middle school, and high school students), so I'm particularly busy weekends.
But, I have fun on weekends, listening to 'The Desire To Speed'."
[KCM]: Thank you.
[Rain] : I think she is in her early forties. Kids are all grown-up now.
Please don't go overboard for your boys, and listen to this show, giving yourself a little more time.
And, I hope only women will listen to this show. (laughs)
And, I don't want to co-host with KCM anymore, I want anyone else.
[KCM]: Rain, do you want a female commissioned officer?
[Rain] : I hate the way. (laughs) I want an outside guest. (laughs)

[KCM]: Listener 'Yi Soo Jung', "My eye has puffed up because of a mosquito bite. so I'm applying ice to my eye."
[Rain] : My earhole itched from a mosquito bite. (laughs)
[KCM]: I suffered a mosquito bite on my palm, feet, eyes, etc.

[Rain] : Listener '#0675', "When I went to my hometown, I was delighted to see my mother after such a long time, and she made my favorite dish 'samgyetang' for me. The love of a mother for her child."
I remember my late mother making 'stir-fried squid' for me.
How I wish I could eat her 'stir-fried squid'?
[KCM]: I'll cook it for you.
[Rain] : Please don't do that. (laughs)
Is your mother a good cook?
[KCM]: Yes, she is. My favorite food made by her is tteokbokki.
[Rain] : Why don’t you ask your mother to get it someday?
[KCM]: OK.
[Rain] : Mother, I love you. (laughs)
I'm on friendly terms with KCM. (laughs)
Since I rank above him, there is something he has to be resigned to. (laughs)
Now I hope you understand, mom. (laughs)
secession  2012.06.17

[Part 5]

- Men and women's psychologies -

[Rain] : Please introduce yourself to us, 'Kim So Jung'
[Kim So Jung] : I'm 'Kim So Jung' who is a new singer.
[Rain] &[KCM] : Nice to meet you.
[Rain] : 'Kim So Jung' from a prominent university (KAIST) made her debut through Mnet TV's 'Super Star K'.
Which one is harder between singing and studying?
[Kim So Jung] : Both are difficult things to do, both physically and psychologically.
[Rain] : How have you been doing?
[Kim So Jung] : I graduated from university this year, I rehearsed my songs, and I released my first album.
[KCM]: 'Kim So Jung', you graduated from one of the pre-eminent colleges in Korea. I think you wanted to become a singer but encountered opposition from your parents.
[Kim So Jung] : Yes, I did, but now they understand me.
[Rain] : It is nice doing things you like. What kind of singer do you want to be?
[Kim So Jung] : I want to be a singer like Rain or KCM. (laughs)
[Rain] : If we meet each other at a broadcasting station later, I'll buy you lunch.
KCM, that's how I flirt with her. (laughs)
[KCM]: You are the master of seducing women !
[Rain] : KCM, you just told me, "Hmmm, she looks familiar”, didn't you? (laughs)..Please don't make a clumsy excuse. (laughs).

- Love & Life consultations -
[KCM] : 'Kim So Jung', do you have a boy friend?
[Kim So Jung] : No, I don't.
[KCM] : Listener 'A', "My boyfriend just doesn't listen to me. It's hard to determine whether his love for me has cooled, or whether he still loves me."
[Rain] : A small matter can divide the couple.
[Kim So Jung] : I hope 'A' will try not to get hung up on her boy friend.
[Rain] : Often women or men are too emotionally attached to their boy friends or girl friends to recognize that they drift farther and farther apart from each other.

[Part 6]

[Kim So Jung] : Listener 'Lee Eun Jung', "I can't pretend to be naive around men, so I think it's hard for me to date with a man."
[Rain] : Pretending to be naive around women is a second nature to me. (laughs)
Sorry. My former girl friend told me that I condescended to every woman I met, which caused her not a little anxiety, and she brought to my attention what I had done wrong. I was shocked by what she said. She even told me, "You are a bad boy!" (laughs)
[KCM] : You are such a bad boy!
[Rain] : Just do well yourself! (laughs) Your mother is listening to this show (laughs)
[KCM] : But I think a woman or a man needs to pretend she or he is innocent when she or he has a date with someone.
[Rain] : To be romantically involved with someone, you should not miss the timing. (laughs)
[KCM] : But I think I'll do as I wish no matter what other people may think when I date with someone.
[Rain] : Everyone, you shouldn't just follow along with what everybody else does. (laughs)
[Kim So Jung] : When I'm interested in starting a romantic relationship with a man, I tend to express myself truthfully to him, and then I relax as time passes, but my affection for him doesn't fade.
[KCM] : What blood group are you?
[Kim So Jung] : My blood type is B.
[Rain] : This is a typical example of a bad woman who does quite nicely by him at first but who is backing down now. (laughs) Her ideas are quite similar to mine. (laughs) When his affection for her seems to have faded, I think she'll show her affection for him again. (laughs)
[KCM] : It seems like she puts a piece of candy into the crying child's mouth. (laughs)
[Rain] : It's not a fitting comparison! (laughs)  

[Rain] : Listener 'C', "My boy friend has entered the army recently.
My affection for him gradually is cooling down as it says out of sight, out of mind.
I don't know what to do."
There are two methods that can be used when solving this problem.
She is to reject the man as quickly as possible or she is to be responsible for him.
Of course, I saw many women who are totally devoted to their boy friends serving in the army, but if they are so stressed, it would be better to break up with their boyfriends.
Some of soldiers' girl friends send their boy friends video clips showing them (girl friends). Then their boy friends shed tears of happiness.
One day, I heard that a video clip for me arrived. I wondered who that clip was from. I found out that my senior singers such as girl groups, boy groups, actresses, actors, etc. sent me the video clip showing them. When I watched it, tears welled up in my eyes.
[KCM] : Anyway, I hope soldiers' girl friends will stop being clingy with their boy friends and give yourselves something to be busy about, and hope those couples finally go off into the sunset.
[Rain] : 'Kim So Jung', thank you very much for coming in.
How about being a regular guest on this show?
[Kim So Jung] : I really want to be a regular guest on this show.
[Rain] : You may get paid very little for this show, but you can appear on it for 12 months when I leave the army. (laughs)
I hope we can exchange warm greetings when we meet again at broadcast stations.
Thank you so much for taking time out of your busy schedule to attend our show.
[Kim So Jung] : I had a nice time. Thank you.
[KCM] : Thank you so much.

[Part 7]

[KCM] : The studio atmosphere has suddenly dimmed since she left.
[Rain] : So, there is bad smell over the length and breadth of the studio. (laughs)

[Rain]: 'The National Cemetery in Seoul' and 'Defense Agency for Public Information Services' will hold 'Radienteering Competition' on June 22 to celebrate Patriots-Veterans' Month, where participants walk on the cemetery premises while listening to the live radio broadcast for 120 minutes from 4:00-6:00pm on the day, and where PR soldiers such as Rain, KCM, etc. will participate and give a live performance.
[KCM] : You can apply through each of military FM broadcasts.
There's a 50-won charge for its service (via #0967).
And, there is a limit of two people per application, and your previous application will become invalid when you submit a duplicate application.
For more information visit us online at www.dema.mil.kr

[Rain]: Thank you. See you tomorrow.
It was good-looking 'Jung Ji Hoon' until now.
[KCM] : It was good-looking 'Kang Chang Mo' until now.  

emik  2012.06.24
[英⇒和訳です。] *基本的に敬語は省略しています。

[Part 1]

[Rain]&[KCM] : Rain と KCMの'疾走本能'!

[Rain] : 不幸は続いてやって来る/泣き面に蜂, でもそれは困難を乗り越えるための力を与えてくれる。
[KCM] : 僕は楽天的な人生観を持っているので、何があったか、いとも簡単に忘れる。
[Rain] : 過去は過去として、2時間'疾走本能' を聴いて、楽しい日を過ごしてください。何でもない。!

[KCM] :この曲は Clazziquaiの..(笑い)
[Rain] : どうしていつもそんなふうなの? 発音が正しくないよ。もう少し発音を改善する必要があるよ、AFKN TV聴くとか映画を観て。
[KCM] : ごめん。冗談のつもりだった Clazziquaiの Love Mode.
[Rain] : お願いだから、もっと頑張って英語を勉強して。
[KCM] : 英語を話すよ すごく緊張してる。
[Rain] : 醜い男として、そうやって生意気になる権利は君にない。(笑い)
[KCM] : Rain はハンサムですごくラッキーだよね。 (ひねくれた発言をする)
[Rain] : 何も言えないよ、だって僕も醜いから。(笑い) ごめん。
[Rain] : あなたの考え方次第で、辛い日々は古代の歴史になり得る。 今日もあなたが '疾走本能'を楽しめるといいな。

[Rain] & [KCM] : *以下は、地域ごとの周波数の案内なので、和訳は省略します。
Please keep it right here on FM 96.7 in Seoul, Chuncheon, Pocheon, and Cheowon, FM 101.1 in Wonju, Yeoju, and Yangpyung, FM 89.5 in Baengnyeong-do, FM 92.5 in Sokcho, Gangreung, Yangyang, and Goseong, FM 93.3 in Gangwon, Kirin, and Sangnam, FM 103.3 in Hwacheongun, FM 101.5 in Yangku and Inje, FM 100.1 in Daejeon, Gyeryong, and Nhonsan, and on FM 94.1 in Cheju-do.

[KCM] : あなたのストーリーまたは曲のリクエストを有料SMS0967番(₩50)または、この番組のTwitter (@speeding967) 、あるいはSmartR2アプリケーションを通して送ってください。

[Rain]: " http://www.dema.mil.kr "にアクセスして、電子掲示板 (별사탕게시판)にコメントを投稿することもできます。
[Rain] : または、 "국방홍보” (国防省広報支援隊)と検索スペースに入力してアクセスできます。日ごろの喜びと悲しみのストーリー、またはあなたの周囲の人への手紙、または曲のリクエストを<;RainとKCM の疾走本能>へ送って下さい。
[KCM] : 参加者には軍放送のロゴが入ったミニラジオ、商品券、ビタミンセットなどが贈られます。

[KCM] : リスナー 'アイスコーヒーを飲むのはうんざり。', "宿題でリサーチするためにインターネットを使う。でも昨日は1日中インターネット接続が不安定で、友人のPCを使ったり、ネットカフェに行きやっとの思いで宿題を終わらせた。その後、PCのコードがコンセントに差し込まれていなかったことが分かった。"
[Rain]: 僕もかつて同じことした。TVのコードがコンセントに差し込まれていないと気付くまで、リモコンでスイッチを入れようと数時間費やしたことがある。
[KCM] : 以前、新しいCDプレーヤーを使おうとしたら、動かなかったのでプレーヤーがおかしいと思った。でもあとで、スイッチを入れてなかったことに気がついた。(笑い)
[Rain]: 使う前にスイッチを入れるのは明らかなことじゃないの?  

[Rain] :リスナー'#1081', "お母さんに逆らって家出して、友人達に会いたいと電話をかけた。でも揚げ句の果て友人達それぞれが言った 'すごく疲れているので、今は出かけるのは無理。' (笑い)
KCM, 家出したことある?
[KCM] : もちろん 僕が..
[Rain] : (KCMのじゃまをする) (笑い)
リスナー '#4794, "ブランチのためにレストランへ行く途中、こんな晴れた日におしゃれに着飾った美しい女性達が通りを歩いているのをたくさん見かけたので気分がいい。"

[KCM] : 広報部で訓練のために軍隊から出てバスで移動中にバスの窓から見下ろした時、たくさんの美しい女性が通りを歩いているのをよく見かける。あれは僕の心拍数を上げる。君はどう?
[Rain] : ぼくも。
[KCM] : 僕の女性指揮官が今年は花柄プリントが最新だと言ってた。(笑い)
[Rain] : 広報部で訓練のために、または休暇で軍隊から出る時、身の回りで起こっていることをよく観察する。それと他の国に人たちに比べて、韓国の人たちはファッションに優れたセンスを持っているように見えるよ。
[KCM] :僕達の国の女性はとても美しいと思う。
[Rain] : 彼らは何をしても美しく見える。(笑い)

[KCM] :リスナー'#3593, "お母さんからのプレッシャーでこれから妻になる女性を紹介される。"
[Rain] : どうして気軽に試してみようとしないの? プレッシャーを感じないで。

[Rain] :リスナー'#9785, "運動を始めて1カ月後に鍛え始めたので、ビーチでビキニが着られるようになってすごくうれしい。"
[KCM] : でも、彼女はほっそりしていてスレンダーな体型だと証明しなくちゃ。
リスナー#9785, 君の写真のインターネットに投稿して。
[Rain] :かなり前に僕のシックスパックは姿を消したよ。(笑い)
[KCM] :リスナー 'Kim Han Sol', "試験が近づいている、でも眠くて頭の回転が悪くてばかになったような気がする。”
[Rain] : 学生の時、学業は好きじゃなかった、でも小説、伝記などを読むのは好きだった。(笑い)
[Rain] :リスナー 'Small Eyes,' "1週間は短かすぎると思う。"
[KCM] :僕達はすごく忙しくて、死んでもおかしくない。

[KCM]:リスナー '#5114, "娘がパートタイムの仕事で得たお金でミュージカルのチケットを買ってくれた。娘よ、ありがとう。"
[Rain]: ちゃんと育てられた一人の娘は、息子10人よりも価値があると予期してる。

[Rain] :リスナー 'Always', " '疾走本能'を聴いたあとさわやかな気分になれる。 "
[KCM]: この番組はリスナーにとってビタミンだと思う。
[Rain] : 人生で初めて番組の司会をして、僕はDJになるための才能/素質があることに気づいた。
[KCM] : Rain, 君ができないことはなにもないよ。
[Rain] : でも、女性とのデートに弱い/苦手/下手。

[KCM] :リスナー'The Blades Of The Fan', "彼と別れた。"
[Rain] : 新しい恋が彼女に訪れることを確信してる。
[Rain] :リスナー 'Kiwifruit', "彼らは学校と、勉強にとても忙しいので、遊ぶ時間が少ししかない、でも私は友人とツアーに行く計画がある。"
[KCM] :生きること自体、大変だよ。(笑い)
[Rain] : KCM, ノンセンスなこというのはやめて。

[Rain] :リスナー 'Red Bean Sherbet' "手作りの小豆のカキ氷を食べて美味しかった。"
[KCM] : お願いだから、4人前のカキ氷を全部一人で食べないでね。(笑い)
[Rain] : KCM, 恥を知らないの? (笑い)

[Part 2]

[Rain] :リスナー 'Yi Han Na', "ある日、自分たちのアパートの郵便受けについている蓋の開け閉めのためのスプリングが壊れていることに気づいた。そしてそれは泥棒のせいかもしれないと思った。しかしその後、スプリングを壊したのがは郵便配達人であることがCCTVにより判明した。
KCM, どうして僕達は週ごとに交代で番組をやらないのかな? だって君のせいで僕は無意識に君の話し方を真似しているから。
[KCM] : OK. 僕は毎週土曜日、そして毎週日曜日に司会をするよ。(笑い)

[Rain] : みんな, 出かける時は家の戸締りを忘れないでね。あと、衝突を避けるためにいつも周りを観察してね、でも, KCM, 君はその必要ないね。(笑い)
[KCM] :君だって必要ないよ。(笑い)
[Rain] :僕はとてもデリケートで傷つきやすいので体重が落ちたよ。(笑い)

[KCM] :リスナー 'Yi Seon Ar', "男性と出掛けたことがない友人が地下鉄に乗った時、ある男性に話しかけられた。そして彼女はどん底に落ちた、男性に "服のラベルが見えますよ"といわれたから。彼女はとても恥ずかしく、穴があったら入りたくなり、次男停車駅で飛び降りてしまった。"
[Rain] : 彼は彼女に興味があったか、彼の表情がKCMにすごく似ていて彼女は怖くなってあわてて逃げたのだと思う。(笑い)

[Rain] :リスナー'Kim Na Yeon', "友人はレストランをやっているのだが、彼女のお母さんが働き過ぎで腕を傷つけてしまった。お母さんが早く良くなりますように。"
[Rain]& [KCM] : お母さん, 愛してるよ。(笑い)
[Rain] : お母さんと娘さんは病気にならないよう気をつける事を祈るよ、そして娘さんはお母さんを助けてあげてね。

[Rain] :リスナー 'Someone asking that her name not be used', "私は高校生の時、数学の先生に密めた恋心を持っていた。
[KCM] : ひょっとして、彼女の名前覚えてる?
[Rain] : もちろん。
[KCM] : 名前を教えてくれる?
[Rain] :君に彼女の名前を教える必要がある? (笑い)
君が密かに恋心を抱いたお隣さんの名前を教えてくれる? (笑い)

[KCM] :リスナー 'Kim Yi Young', "先週、叔父さんと叔母さんが、兵役中の彼らの息子に知らせずに釜山に引っ越した。もし彼が休暇をもらったら、親に電話をかけて確認しないと。"
[KCM] : 兵士なので思いがけない出来事はコントロールできない。
[Rain] : 僕の家にはたくさんのCCTVが設置してあって、壁を登る自分の姿をCCTVで見たよ。(笑い) 危うく泥棒として逮捕されるところだった。(笑い)
[KCM] : 兵士の皆さん、休暇で家に帰る前に親に電話してね。
[Rain] : 'Hyungdony and Dajoony' は、今 僕が好きな歌。
[Part 3]
[Rain] : リスナー 'Zarara', "私は断る勇気がないので心配。"
[KCM ] :彼女と僕は性格がとてもよく似ていると思う。
[Rain] : 君が認めようが、認めないが、君は友人や同僚から頼まれると"ノー" となかなか言えない性格の一人かもしれない。
[KCM ] : 僕は情け深いので、何かをやって欲しいと頼まれると 断れない。
[Rain] : そもそも女性はKCMのような男性と結婚してはいけない。なぜならば家族に破産をもたらすかもしれないから。(笑い)
[KCM ] : 僕の邪魔をしないで。(笑い).. 僕はそういう男じゃない。

[KCM] : リスナー 'Jang Yeon Hee', "5年生の息子は海外に留学している。
息子が恋しくて電話すると、息子はプリプリして"今、宿題をやっていてすごく忙しい" と言うので私はカチンとくるが怒りを抑えている。"
[Rain] :心理学的に母親は、女の子より男の子を可愛がり、父親は女の子をより可愛がると言われている。だから、母親は娘の結婚に賛成するのをためらい、同時に父親も娘の結婚をためらうらしいけど、僕の将来のお義父さん、僕は大きな数字のものを所有しているので、
[KCM] : タイミングを逃がしたよ。君が話終えた所で笑うべきだった。
[Rain] : 彼女の息子さんは思春期に入ったのだと思う。 彼女は息子を理解するよう努力するべきかもしれない。
[Rain] : リスナー'Yi Jung Hee', "1週間前からダイエットを始めた、でも空腹だったので、夕食でお腹いっぱいにしてしまった。"
KCM, お願いだから、僕が話している最中は少し静かにして。
[KCM] : 怒ってないよ。
[Rain] : ああ、礼儀で笑ったわけ。
[KCM] : ハハハハ (笑い)
[Rain] : ダイエットのやり過ぎ、危険らしいよ。
[KCM] : だから、ダイエットする場合、やり過ぎに注意してね。


[Part 4]

[Rain] : リスナー'Earth', "両親が旅行に出掛けている間、料理、掃除をして仕事に行く妹、弟の面倒をみるつもり。"
[KCM]:彼女の両親は 幸せに違いない。
[Rain] : 彼女は友人を家に招待するのかも。(笑い)

[Rain]: リスナー '#3575', "不眠症なので毎晩目が覚めていた、でもベットに入る直前に本を読んで、不眠にならずにすんでいる。"
[KCM]: かつて本を読もうとした事があるけど、本に集中できなかった。(笑い) でも、今は本に集中できるよ。

[Rain] : リスナー '#0835', "息子が3人います (小学生、中学、そして高校生)、なので週末は特に忙しい。
[KCM]: ありがとう。
[Rain] : 彼女は40代前半だと思う。子供がみんな大きいからね。
[KCM]: Rain, 女性士官/将校がいい?
[Rain] : 嫌だ。 (笑い) 外からのゲストがいい。(笑い)

[KCM]: リスナー 'Yi Soo Jung', "蚊に刺されて目が腫れたので、目にアイスをあてている。"
[Rain] : 耳の穴を蚊に刺されて痒かった。(笑い)

[Rain] : リスナー'#0675',"実家に帰った時、久しぶりにお母さんに会って嬉しかった。お母さんが私の好物 '参鶏湯' を作ってくれた。.子供への母親の愛情"
僕の亡くなったお母さんが 'イカ炒め' を作ってくれたのを覚えているよ。お母さんのイカ炒め' が食べられたらどんなにいいだろう。
[KCM]: 僕が作ってあげるよ。
[Rain] : お願いだからやめて。(笑い)
[KCM]: うん、上手いよ。お母さんが作るトッポッキが僕の大好物。
[Rain] : 今度、お母さんに頼んでくれない?
[KCM]: OK.
[Rain] : お母さん、大好き。(笑い)


[Part 5]

- 男性と女性の心理学 -
[Rain] : 'Kim So Jung'、自己紹介をどうぞ。
[Kim So Jung] : 私は新人歌手の'Kim So Jung' です。
[Rain] &[KCM] : お会いできてうれしいです。/初めまして.
[Rain] : 'Kim So Jung'は有名な大学(KAIST) の出身でMnet TV番組'Super Star K'を通してデビューした。
[Kim So Jung] : 体力的に、心理的にどちらも大変です。
[Rain] : どうしているの?
[Kim So Jung] :今年大学を卒業し、歌のリハーサルをしてファーストアルバムをリリースしました。

[KCM]: 'Kim So Jung', あなたは韓国で有数な大学の一つを卒業している。 あなたは歌手になりたかったから、ご両親の反対にあったと僕は思う。
[Kim So Jung] : はい、しました、でも今は理科してくれてます。
[Rain] : やりたいことをやるのは素敵だよ。どういった歌手になりたいの?
[Kim So Jung] : Rain またはKCMのような.歌手になりたいです。(笑い)
[Rain] : あとで、もし他の放送局で会ったら、お昼をご馳走するよ。
KCM, これが僕の気を引き方。(笑い)
[KCM]: 君は口説きの名人だ!
[Rain] : KCM, 今僕に "うん? 彼女を知ってる気がする”って言ったじゃないか。(笑い)..下手な弁解しないでよ。(笑い)
- 愛と人生の相談 -
[KCM] : 'Kim So Jung', 彼はいるの?
[Kim So Jung] : いいえ、いません。
[KCM] : リスナー 'A', "彼が私の言うことを聞かない。 彼の気持ちが冷めたのか、まだ私を好きなのか見極めるのが難しい。"
[Rain] : 些細なことがカップルを分かつ。
[Kim So Jung] : リスナー 'A' が 彼にこだわらないようにすることを祈るよ。
[Rain] : カップルのどちらかが相手に執着して、結果お互いが徐々に遠のいてしまうことが度々あるよね。
[Part 6]
[Kim So Jung] : リスナー 'Lee Eun Jung', " 男性の前でウブなふりができないので、男性とのデートが難しいと思う。"
[Rain] : 女性の前でウブなふりをするのは、僕の第二の天性。(笑い)
ごめん、僕の前の彼女が僕に言ったんだ、僕は会った女性をみんな見下すのでそれが彼女の心配のもとになり、僕のなにが悪いのか認識させてくれたのだけど、彼女に "あなたは悪い少年!" と言われたた時、ショックだったよ。(笑い)
[KCM] : あなたはそういう悪い少年!
[Rain] :君はうまくやれよ! (笑い) 君のお母さんはこの番組を聴いているだから。(笑い)
[KCM] : でも、誰かとデートしている時、彼または彼女は純粋なフリをする必要があると思うよ。
[Rain] : 誰かとロマンティックな関係になるには、時期を逃さないで。(笑い)
[KCM] : 僕は誰かとデートしている時は、周りがどう思うかはどうでもよくて、自分のしたいことをするよ。  

[Rain] : みんな, 他のみんながやってることだからとただ同調してついていくべきじゃないからね。(笑い)
[Kim So Jung] : 私が男性とロマンティックな関係を始めたい時は、彼に正直に自分の事を示す傾向があります、そして時間とともにリラックスします。でも、彼に対する気持ちが薄れたわけではありません。
[KCM] : 血液型は?
[Kim So Jung] : B です。
[Rain] : これは悪女の典型的な例だね、最初は彼に寄っていき、後になって引き下がる。(笑い)
[KCM] :それは泣いている子供の口にキャンディを入れるようだね。(笑い)
[Rain] : それは適切な例えじゃない! (笑い)

[Rain] :リスナー 'C', "最近彼が入隊した。
[KCM] : とにかく、兵士の彼女達は彼にべったりなのをやめて自分を忙しくさせる何かを見つけてほしい。そしてそういうカップルがハッピーエンドになることを祈るよ。
[Rain] : 'Kim So Jung',今日はお越し頂きありがとう。
[Kim So Jung] : 是非お願いします。
[Rain] : 出演料はとても少ないかもしれないけど、僕が除隊する時までの12ヶ月間出演できるよ。(笑い)
[Kim So Jung] : 楽しかったです。ありがとう。
[KCM] : どうもありがとう。

[Part 7]

[KCM] : 彼女が去ってからスタジオの雰囲気が突然薄暗くなった。
[Rain] : だから、スタジオ全体に悪臭がするんだね。(笑い)
[Rain]: 'The National Cemetery in Seoul' and 'Defense Agency for Public Information Services' will hold 'Radienteering Competition' on June 22 to celebrate Patriots-Veterans' Month, where participants walk on the cemetery premises while listening to the live radio broadcast for 120 minutes from 4:00-6:00pm on the day, and where PR soldiers such as Rain, KCM, etc. will participate and give a live performance.
[KCM] : You can apply through each of military FM broadcasts.
There's a 50-won charge for its service (via #0967).
And, there is a limit of two people per application,
will become invalid when you submit a duplicate application.
For more information visit us online at www.dema.mil.kr

[Rain]: ありがとう。また明日。
以上、カッコいい'Jung Ji Hoon' でした。until now.
[KCM] : 以上、カッコいい 'Kang Chang Mo' でした。
12-06-15 Spot TV - Rain MC @ 2012 Noble Militaty Family Award  

CREDIT : SPOT TV // Ratoka

12-06-15 My Daily - News_Rain MC @ 2012 Noble Militaty Family Award

source : my daily // ratoka


12-06-12 Demaclub - Rain @ 306 Supplement Enlistment Cultural Festival

source :http://demaclub.tistory.com/830
Re-up by ratoka




12-06-15 SSTV - News_Rain MC @ 2012 Noble Militaty Family Award

source :SSTVnews



12-06-15 TV Daily - News_Rain MC @ 2012 Noble Militaty Family Award

credit : TV Daily // RATOKA


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