Végtelen erőfeszítés, végtelen kitartás, végtelen szerénység. (Rain vezérelve)

Tudtam, hogy ránézésre nem tűnök valami nagy számnak, a megjelenésem sem túl vonzó, de a bensőm elég rendkívüli. Minden színpadra lépés előtt azt mondom magamnak, hogy én vagyok a legjobb, és minden előadás után ugyanúgy azt, hogy nem én vagyok. Ezért minden fellépés előtt 120 százalékosan kell felkészülnöm, hogy az előadáson 100 százalékos teljesítményt tudjak nyújtani. Ennek érdekében minden álló nap folyamatosan képzem magam. Már nagyon hosszú ideje alváshiányban szenvedek, mert ha éppen nem dolgozom, akkor vagy edzek, vagy a koreográfiákat és a dalokat próbálom. Éppen úgy, mint a filmfelvételek idején, ha valamit nem csináltam jól, képtelen vagyok aludni. Akár színészként, akár énekesként, a legjobbat kell tudnom kihozni magamból. De nem kell aggódni, hogy most nincs elegendő időm az alvásra, jut arra majd bőven a halálom után. (Rain)

Ez a fiatalság, ez az egészség... és a túlcsorduló önbizalom... az erőfeszítés, amit az oly hihetetlen előadásai sikeres megvalósításáért tett... és a tehetség, amit felmutat, ezek töltenek el spontán tisztelettel engem. Azt gondolom, hogy a történelem a fontos személyiségek között fogja jegyezni. Úgy, mint aki színészként és zenészként egyaránt sikeres lett. ...
Ami igazán meglepő Ji-hoonban, az az, hogy egyfajta düh, bosszúvágy és szomorúság, az összes efféle sötét, komor negatív motiváció az ő esetében rendkívül optimista és derűs módon ölt testet.
(Park Chan-wook rendező)

> RAIN KRÓNIKA: 2012.06.02.


마이클 샌델 “가수 비가 돈 내고 군 면제받는다면” 청중과 논쟁


1일 오후 7시. 서울 연세대 신촌캠퍼스 노천극장에서 마이클 샌델 미국 하버드대 교수(59)의 특별강연이 열렸다. 이날 1만4000석 규모의 노천극장에는 강연 시작 한 시간 전부터 청중이 자리를 가득 메웠다. 지난달 선착순으로 배포된 무료 강연티켓(1만2000장)은 3일 만에 동이 났다.

강연장에는 고등학생, 대학생, 직장인 등 다양한 청중이 자리했다. 샌델 교수는 청중과 함께했다. 재치 있는 발언으로 폭소를 이끌어내는가 하면 곧바로 날카로운 질문을 던져 청중을 고민스럽게 만들었다. 이날 강연은 두 시간가량 진행됐다. 주제는 그의 새로운 책 제목과 같은 ‘돈으로 살 수 없는 것들’이었다.

샌델 교수는 청중에게 “여러분 사랑해요”라는 한국말로 첫인사를 했다. 그는 “오늘 철학강의는 전 세계에서 가장 많은 청중이 토론하는 철학강의이자 가장 민주적인 순간이 될 것”이라고 운을 뗐다. 이어 “오늘 논의할 주제는 전 세계가 직면한 가장 시급한 문제”라며 “지금은 ‘시장경제체제’에서 ‘시장사회’로 변했다. 과연 돈으로 모든 것을 살 수 있는 게 바람직한가라는 물음”이라고 말했다.

샌델 교수는 자신의 무료 강연티켓이 인터넷상에서 암표로 거래됐다는 이야기를 먼저 꺼냈다. 그는 가수 레이디 가가의 콘서트 티켓을 암거래로 사는 게 적절한지를 청중에게 물었다. 한 청중이 “내게 표가 있다면 자유롭게 팔 결정권이 있고, 또 공연을 보고 싶다면 표를 살 권리도 있다”고 말했다. 그러자 샌델은 “중국 베이징 외곽에 있는 병원에는 수많은 환자들이 줄지어 서 있는데 의료예약권을 암거래하는 일이 벌어진다고 한다. 어떻게 생각하느냐”고 그에게 되물었다. 이 질문을 놓고 청중 사이에 논쟁이 오갔다. 한 여고생은 “레이디 가가의 콘서트 티켓과 의료예약권은 모두 행복추구권을 보장하지 못하기 때문에 부적절하다”고 주장했다. ‘진’이라고 밝힌 대학생은 “레이디 가가 콘서트는 선택권이고, 의료예약권은 기본권이라 구분을 해야 한다”고 말했다.

청중은 취약계층의 어린 학생들에게 독서라든지 학습의 동기 부여를 위해 ‘현금’을 주는 제도를 두고도 토론을 벌였다. 샌델 교수는 “현금적 보상이랄지 인센티브를 적용하게 되면 재화들의 가치가 변질되기도 한다”며 “시장(돈)이 어떠한 영역에서 공공재에 도움이 되고, 어떠한 영역에서 중요한 가치를 밀어내는지를 생각해야 한다”고 말했다.

그리고 ‘징병제’로 논의를 이어갔다. 많은 이들에게 공연의 즐거움을 주고 있는 가수 ‘비’가 수익의 일부를 한국 정부에 내고 그 대신 군복무를 면제받을 수 있다고 하면 어떨까.

이 질문에 한 학생은 축구선수 박주영의 사례를 예로 들었다. 그는 “박주영 선수가 2년이란 시간 동안 선수로 뛰면서 국위를 선양하고, 벌어들인 수익을 나눠주는 것이 사회에 더 기여하는 길이라고 본다”고 했다. 반면 또 다른 청중은 “돈을 내고 군면제를 받는다면 의무감을 돈으로 바꾸게 된다”며 “샌델 교수가 말한 것처럼 시민으로서의 가치를 저하하는 일이 될 것”이라고 말했다.

샌델 교수는 핵심을 두 가지로 정리했다. 그는 “첫째 공공의 이익, 또 공공재라고 하는 것은 다양한 사람들의 기여에 기반을 둔다는 것”이라며 “그것은 꼭 금전적인 기준으로만 평가할 수 없다”고 말했다. 또 “두 번째는 시민으로서의 정체성, 그리고 시민으로서의 의무 등은 시장논리(경제적 효율성)에 의해 좌지우지될 수 없다”고 정리했다. 이어 “사회가 돈으로 인해서 혜택을 받는다 하더라도 비가 군대에 가는 것보다 정부에 득을 주는지는 알 수 없다”며 “비시장적인 가치인 의무를 잃을 수 있다”고 말했다.

샌델 교수는 “최근 미국뿐 아니라 한국을 포함한 모든 국가에서 돈으로 살 수 있는 것들이 많아지고 있다”며 “빈부격차도 심해지고 민주주의에 대한 패배감도 짙어지고 있다”고 했다. 그는 “여러 다양한 사회계층의 사람들이 서로 함께 살아가는 방법을 배워야만 시장사회의 위험에서 우리를 지킬 수 있다”고 말했다.

연세대 3학년 설한빛씨(22)는 “평상시에도 많이 생각해볼 수 있는 주제들이었다”면서도 “질문을 하고 답변을 하는 과정이 좋긴 했지만 그것만으로 끝난 것 같아 아쉬웠다”고 말했다. 영훈중 2학년인 권순호군(14)은 “다른 강의랑 다르게 청중과 소통하는 것 같아 듣기도 편하고 집중도 잘됐다”며 “이렇게 사람들이 서로의 의견을 말하고 들을 수 있는 자리가 많아지면 우리나라에도 긍정적일 것 같다”고 말했다.

샌델은 <정의란 무엇인가>란 책으로 2010년 이후 한국에 ‘정의’ 열풍을 불러일으켰다. 1980년 27세에 최연소 하버드대 교수가 된 샌델 교수는 29세에 자유주의 이론의 대가인 존 롤스의 정의론을 비판한 <자유주의와 정의의 한계>(1982년)를 발표하면서 세계적 명성을 얻었다.


12-06-01 Rain In Jeju Island

Rain came to the restaurant

Rain leaving After dinner


12-06-01 Consolatory Train special

Credit as tagged // DC


12-06-02 Friends FM - 질주본능_Rain DJ

Credit : raoka


part 2


part 3


part 4


part 5


part 6


secession  2012.06.03
[English translation]

[Part 1]

[Rain] &[KCM] : Rain and KCM's 'The Desire To Speed' !

[Rain]: A four-leaf clover means luck in the language of flowers.
[KCM] : A three-leaf clover is a token of happiness, and happiness is always around us, so please tune in to The Desire To Speed!

[Rain]: Do you know why a four-leaf clover has four leaves?
It needs more leaves to produce its own food or energy through a lot more processed photosynthesis as it is a shade plant. Likewise, people who are already in difficult circumstances try harder.

[Rain] & [KCM] :
Please keep it right here on FM 96.7 in Seoul, Chuncheon, Pocheon, and Cheowon, FM 101.1 in Wonju, Yeoju, and Yangpyung, FM 89.5 in Baengnyeong-do, FM 92.5 in Sokcho, Gangreung, Yangyang, and Goseong, FM 93.3 in Gangwon, Kirin, and Sangnam, FM 103.3 in Hwacheongun, FM 101.5 in Yangku and Inje, FM 100.1 in Daejeon, Gyeryong, and Nhonsan, and on FM 94.1 in Cheju-do.

[KCM] : Please send your stories and song requests to the radio station through a chargeable SMS #0967 (₩ 50) or its Twitter (@speeding967) or Smart R2 Application.

[Rain] you can visit " http://www.dema.mil.kr " and post comments on its bulletin board (별사탕게시판)

[Rain] : Or you can visit the page by putting the keyword "국방홍보” (Defense Agency for Public Information Services) in the search box. So please send your stories about the joys and sorrows of everyday living or letters to the people around you or song request to <;Rain&KCM's The Desire To Speed>.

[KCM] : Mini radios the military broadcast's logo is emblazoned on, gift certificates, vitamin sets, etc., will be provided to the participants.

[KCM] : Now that you've drunken a cup of cocoa this morning, you're so energized.
[Rain]: It's hot chocolate, not cocoa. (laughs)
Let's start a day briskly!

[Rain]: Listener '#1532', "I'm having fun with my friends, having chicken, washing down with beer."
Chicken and beer are highly caloric ; both are fattening.
But, let's eat them together. (laughs)

[KCM] : Listener 'Jung Da Bin', "I went to Vietnam and Cambodia last week.
I saw many hungry people there. So I want to help the less fortunate when I grow up.
[Rain] : There are many historical sites to see in Vietnam, Cambodia, Korea, etc.
I hope those countries will make cultural exchanges actively.
Taking more interest in the underprivileged people around us, there will be an opportunity to help the neighbors in need abroad.

[Rain] : Listener '#8614', "I'm listening to the radio show, pretending to study hard." (Rain read it as if he was rapping)
I'm good at rapping.
[KCM] : Listener 'Lee Ock Kyung', "I kept listening to Rain's music during my pregnancy, so my baby's half-closed eyes bear a remarkable likeness to Rain's.
He is just eight years of age. Now, he's determined to win his black belt in Taekwondo."
[Rain] : Most of people with no double eyelids say that they resemble me. (laughs)
You don't need sunglasses, goggles, etc. because the double eyelids stop dirt from going into your eyes— those people with no double eyelids have a lot going for you !
[KCM] : But why do you wear sunglasses?
[Rain] : I wear sunglasses so that people won't recognize me.
Women hate men with double eyelids. KCM has double eyelids. (laughs)
KCM, please don’t be put off by that. (laughs)
[KCM] : That is not so bad, considering. (I'm not in a bad mood.)
[Rain] : You look handsome when I see you close up. (laughs)

[Rain] : Listener 'Blue May', "I'm as blind as a bat, so I've come to wear glasses."
Glasses could improve your vision.
[KCM] : I guess I just prefer glasses to contact lens.

[Rain] : Listener '#3593', "I thank my sister for serving me a meal."
[KCM] : Rain, you also have a sister, right?
[Rain] : Yes. But my younger sister likes me only when I give her an allowance of pocket money. (laughs)
She is the only family member left except my father, so she is my precious one.
I hope she will get married soon and have a healthy baby.
[KCM] : I know you have a very good sister.
[Rain] : You don't have to be interested in her. (laughs)
How much do you earn each year?
[KCM] : I make 80,000 won a month.
[Rain] : Let's stop talking about it. (laughs)

[Rain] : Listener '#2566', "I love snakes (laughs). My only wish is to own a cobra or an anaconda. "
[KCM] : I hate snakes. I can't understand those who love snakes.
[Rain] : KCM, you don't have to understand them. They won't also understand you. (laughs)
I recommend you #2566 that he become a zoo keeper instead of owning those animals.

[KCM] : Listener '#9660', "My friends and I took part in a festival in the esplanade of Han River and we had a very nice time, eating chicken with beers. We cleaned up our trash before we left. But I think 'The Desire To Speed' is more interesting than the festival."
[Rain] : My personality has changed as I'm exaggerating too much, co-hosting this show. (laughs) My introverted personality has changed to extroverted one.
[KCM] : You're very extroverted by nature.
[Rain] : I was hosting the show even in my dream, so I want to show my fantastic talent as an emcee or a DJ after leaving the army.
Please call me 'MC Bi' in future.
[KCM] : OK.


[Part 2]

[Rain] : Listener 'Kim Jin Hwan', "I had my mother's hair dyed. I think she liked the style, so she started her journey in high spirits with her friends.)
(KCM read the lines awkwardly, so Rain personally set an example to him.)
[KCM] : I often have my mother's hair dyed as well, but I think she seems to be sorry to me that she trespasses me.
[Rain] : Parents don’t need to feel sorry for their children. Because their children owe their parents a lot.

[KCM] : Listener 'Hanrim', "I'm a teacher and I'll be transferred from Busan to Seoul, but I'm worried because I speak in heavy dialect."
It is really hard for those who speak in local dialects to try to use the standard language.
[KCM] : My mother still speaks with a Jeolla-do accent although she's lived in Seoul a long time.
[Rain] : 'Hanrim', you need not necessarily use the standard language.

[Rain] : Listener 'Jin Bae', "At age 21, my wife got married to me."
'Jin Bae', you are a very capable person!
Listener 'Jin Bae', "While my wife was pregnant early in her marriage, she got the blues. By the way, my father-in-law has been recently diagnosed with stomach cancer, so I'm afraid that her depression may come back.
And, I wish you a very happy birthday, my wife."
Happy birthday to her.
I hope 'Jin Bae' will take care of his wife better.
If my future wife become pregnant, I'll never leave her side, putting aside all my work. I'll be totally devoted to my future wife because she is the one I love.
KCM, you were not able to imitate those listeners because their distinguishing mannerism eluded you.
[KCM] : But, I didn't imitations.
[Rain] : Really? Sorry (speaking through the nose) (laughs)

[Rain] : Listener 'Kim Seung Suk', "I'm an university entrant. When there was a raffle after the homecoming game, my name was called, then I was so happy and made a fuss as if something big had happened, but it was not I who was the winner, but somebody. The 'Kim Sung Suk' vaguely resembled the name 'Kim Seung Suk'. Then, they broke into laughter when they saw the funny scene, and I felt my cheeks flush red."
[Rain] & [KCM] : It's a very funny story!

[KCM] : Listener 'Choi Jae Heon', "This year, I've turned 30 years old. Old age is creeping up, but I can't complain."
[Rain] : Since I was 30, it has been better for me not only to have a coffee talking about many things with my friends under the open sky than to get around town, but also to eat Samgyetang [chicken broth with ginseng] than to eat hamburgers.
[KCM] : I wish I were young again, but getting older has its compensations.
[Rain] : If I can stop the aging process, I wish I could go back to my twenties.
I'll let nothing get in my way to be young. (laughs) I'm just kidding. (laughs)
Too much is as bad as too little.


[Rain] &[KCM] : I never get tired of listening to that song.

[Rain] : Listener 'Kim Joon Hee', "I work as a counselor at a mobile carrier.
As there are no such things you can learn without tears, it's not at all easy to deal with customers. Also, there is the sheer volume of business, but I'm trying to look on the bright side."
Phone consulting is a lot of hard work.
[KCM] : It may be a hard time, but you can do it!

[KCM] : Listener 'Kon Soo Jung', "My father came over to Korea from USA on business the day before yesterday. I'm trying to be good to him while he is in Korea. Father, I love you."
[Rain] : As I love my parents where a person lives, I often say "I love you" to my father, but it’s a little awkward to say to my sister, "I love you."

[KCM] : In my case, I often say "I love you" to my father like you (Rain), but it’s a little awkward to say to my mother, "I love you."
A mother and her daughter have a great relationship, don't they?
[Rain] : But my sister is by nature a silent girl. Her answer is always simple, "Yes" or "No" (laughs), and she is almost completely devoid of charm.

[KCM ]: What blood type does your younger sister have?
[Rain] : She has A blood type like my father, while I have O blood type like my mother. But I don't think his blood type does match his personality when I see him not being fussy about little things.
I have O blood type, but I think A blood type is inherent in my original blood type. That's why I have an effervescent personality, but I'm also so uptight.
I check the names of those who offend me and remember them by making a note to that effect in the memorandum because I'm often unable to remember things momentarily, and I do them an ill turn later.

[KCM ]: I have O blood type, but I think B blood type is inherent in my original blood, so I usually forget what they said.
Anyway, I have something to tell my mom via radio. She is now listening to this radio show. "I love you, mom" (laughs)
[Rain] : KCM's Mother, I love you.
I love you, father (Rain's father), and I love you, Hana (Rain's sister).

[Rain] : Listener 'Bang Sung Joong', "It's been exactly a month since I left the army. They think those who have served in the army will have well developed muscles, but I don't have them. My girl friend even told me after I left the army, "I like a man who has a six pack. So I've tried working out, but haven't had much success with it. Please initiate me into the secrets of building strong muscles."
'Bang Sung Joong', you can have a gross body with a steady exercise.
Immoderate exercise can harm your body.
[KCM] : I think 'Bang Sung Joong' has to make it a rule to take exercise.
[Rain]: In particular, beer and chicken are highly caloric; both are fattening, so if you eat a lot of these foods, you can become very fat.
[KCM] : Ramen is also highly caloric.
[Rain] : If you put your heart into it, there's nothing you can't do.
I hope you'll pursue your aim with dogged determination.

[KCM] : Listener '#9785', "I take exercise for two hours a day, so I get to know I have a toned body figure. It's hard work but it's also a lot of fun."
[Rain] : Working hard for your health is more important than flaunting your body.

[Rain] : Listener '#6454', "I saw a soldier with nothing in his hand when my father were out yesterday. If you two are on leave, you two seem to see each other very little."
I'm always trying to get KCM only while we are on the air (laughs), but actually we're get along with each other.
[KCM] : We're really close, and he always treats me well.
[Rain] : Here, I'll tell you (#6454) a little secret.
If you find a solder holding a paper bag in his hand, he must be on leave.
If you find a private solder holding nothing in his hand, he must be a recruit who is on leave. If you find a solder whose military uniform is old and shabby, he must be a sergeant with little time left in the army. (laughs)
And, if you find a soldier whose military cap having Korea's national emblem on it, he muse be in the army reserve.

[KCM] : I wish our discharge would come soon.
[Rain] : I only have a year to go, and KCM has one year and one month to go.

[KCM] : Listener '#6665', "My boy friend (soldier) who is on leave and I hardly speak to each other these days. What should I do?"
[Rain] : Most of soldiers feel alienated and lose their confidence.
I was full of self-confidence, but now my confidence is being shaken after joining the army.
[KCM] : I disagree with what you say. I think you are always full of self-confidence.
[Rain] : I'm always full of self-confidence only while I'm with you. (laughs)
Just kidding! (laughs)
I have to be careful of my behavior and I'm limited in activity in public places because I'm a soldier, and I can't catch women's eyes.
[KCM] : Rain is always full of self-confidence in front of his juniors including me, but if he is with his senior corporal 'Park Hyo Shin', he will lose confidence.
[Rain] ; I've never done that. I have to treat him well because he gets huffy often. (laughs) When he is mad at me, he doesn't speak to me for months.
[KCM] : I also know his personality. He may listen to this radio show, so please watch your language.
[Rain] ; I hope he heard my words by now. (laughs)
I meant it for a joke.
Anyway, I hope #6665 will extend her hand in peace first and get along with her boyfriend again.

[Rain] ; Listener 'Yawning and Stretching', "While I was practicing driving in the street today, the car I drove came to tilt against the electrical fence. For my sister, no car can be more important this one. I think I should efface the scratch on the bumper by painting over it."
Painting over it would be out of the question. Her sister might get more anxious.
(laughs) 'Yawning and Stretching', you have to make a trip to the body shop real quick.


[Part 4]

[Rain] & [KCM] : We welcome to private 'Jung Joon Yil', first-time visit for this show !

[Rain] : Pop group MATE's member 'Jung Joon Yil' has appeared on it.
Nice to meet you.
[KCM] : Please introduce yourself, 'Jung Joon Yl'.
[Jung Joon Yil] : This is private 'Jung Joon Yil' attached to Defense Agency for Public Information Services. Nice to meet you.
I was enlisted on January 31 this year, and I'll leave the army next October.
[KCM] : 'Jung Joon Yil's martial spirit has been roused greatly. (laughs)
[Rain] : I also was like that in the beginning. (laughs)
At that time there was so much work to do as I could hardly believe my eyes, and I washed dirty mops diligently (laughs), but I think I'm okay now. (laughs)

[Jung Joon Yil] : I was attached to the military band before I came here.
I learned to play the saxophone there, but originally majored in piano.
[Rain] : Jung Joon Yil, can you play Czerny1 ? (laughs)
[KCM] : Jung Joon Yil, can you play Czerny3 ? (laughs)
[Rain] : KCM, please stop it ! (laughs)

[Jung Joon Yil] : And I am studying piano at the graduate school now, too.
[Rain] : 'Jung Joon Yil', please come to see me after work.
I'll receive free piano (music) lessons from you for two hours every day. (laughs)
Now 'Jung Joon Yil' is my teacher.
[KCM] : 'Jung Joon Yil' is my teacher', too. (laughs)
[Rain] : KCM, please don't follow what I did. (laughs)
KCM & I have been awfully tied up recently, so we haven't had time to meet other soldiers.

[Rain] : 'Jung Joon Yil', how long have you been in this unit ?
[Jung Joon Yil] : I've been a PR soldier for three weeks. I heard about corporal 'Park Hyo Shin' before my enlistment, and I know 'Kim Jae Wook' personally.
[Rain] : I know MATE's music. Mm..mm..it has outstanding musicality. (When it was on the tip of Rain's tongue, which made them laugh)
[Jung Joon Yil] : Thank you.

[KCM] : 'Jung Joon Yl', who treated you best when you arrived here?
[Jung Joon Yil] : Everyone is out except corporal 'Yim Joo Hwan' and me, so I'm getting along with him.
[Rain] : 'Yim Joo Hwan' always plays by the book, so his nickname is FM. (laughs)
My nickname is Roller Jung. (laughs) Please call me Roller Jung. (laughs)
[Jung Joon Yil] : All right. (laughs) I need your help.
[Rain] : There are two types of soldiers in the world.
'Jung Joon Yl', please get along with those seniors like me who are steadily nice to you, and don't get along with those seniors like KCM who is sometimes nice to you. (laughs)

[Rain] : 'Jung Joon Yil', if you want to have a six pack, please come to see me, and if you want to learn something, please come to see. (laughs)
If you are on leave, please call me.
[Jung Joon Yil]: OK. (laughs)
[KCM] : 'Jung Joon Yil', what is the most difficult thing when serving in the army?
I think it’s hard for you to wake up early in the morning.
[Jung Joon Yil]: It was extremely hard for me to get up early in the morning, but I have adapted much more since then.
[KCM] : 'Jung Joon Yil', we used to find you were sleeping when we came back to our unit. (laughs)
[Rain] : We felt awkward to wake him up because he was sleeping deeply. (laughs) By the way, 'Jung Joon Yil' has a really nice voice.
I'll co-host this show with 'Jung Joon Yil' next time.
KCM, why don't you rest? (laughs)
[KCM] : Rain, if you mean it from the bottom of your heart, you may do as you please.
[Rain] : What's up with you today? He can't take a joke. (laughs)
[KCM] : I said it just for fun.
[Rain] : KCM has turned red as a beet.
[KCM ] : Because I laughed so hard.

- 'Jung Joon Yl's song 'Please Hug Me' -

[Rain] : 'Jung Joon Yl', could you do me a favor?
Please write a song for me after leaving the army.
[Jung Joon Yl] : It is a real honour for me.
[Rain] : I like the beautiful (ballad) songs 'Jung Joon Yl' used to sing.
I asked singer 'Kim Dong Ryul' to write a song for me before, but I had no news from him at all since then. (laughs) He said later, "It is inconceivable to me that Rain will sing love songs."
That's why I wrote 'Love Story'.
'Jung Joon Yl', let's settle accounts later on. (laughs)

[KCM] : Listener 'Lee Kyung Min', "Jung Joon Yl', you've said that you have Western features. (laughs) You still have Western features even after getting your hair cut? (laughs)
[Rain]&[KCM] : He has Western features !! (laughs)
[Rain] : His face has got very tanned.
[Jung Joon Yil] : When I hosted an invisible radio program before my enlistment, I often blew smoke to get attention.
[Rain] : KCM and I should be very careful.
[KCM] : Why?
[Rain] : Since 'Jung Joon Yil' speaks in a slow and seductive tone of voice, each of us (KCM and Rain) may be laid off. (laughs)
[KCM] : As is frequently pointed out, I'll stick like glue to Rain. (laughs)
[Rain] : But I feel secure when I'm with 'Jung Joon Yl'.
[KCM] : I can make you (Rain) feel secure, too. (laughs)
My hip is pasted into my chair. (laughs)

[Rain] : Listener '#3548', "I've heard that 'Jung Joon Yil's favorite actress is Charlotte Gainsbourg. What do you like best about her?
KMC and Rain, who is your favorite singer or actor?"
[Jung Joon Yil] : Charlotte Gainsbourg is an actress from France.
[Rain] : I like actress Monica Bellucci from Italy or France.
[Jung Joon Yil] : I'm not sure if Monica Bellucci is from Italy or not, but I know she has married actor Vincent Cassel from France.
[KCM] : I don't know 'Charlotte Gainsbourg'.
[Jung Joon Yil] : I wouldn't say 'Charlotte Gainsbourg' is pretty, but she's a very attractive person.


[Part 5]

[Rain] : I've never seen a woman like 'Monica Bellucci' who is very sexy and beautiful.
[KCM] : My favorite actress is..
[Rain] : Please stop it. (laughs) Who is your favorite actress?
[KCM] : vich..vich..
[Rain] : What? (laughs)
[KCM] : She appeared in movie The Fifth Element.
[Jung Joon Yil] : Milla Jovovich ! (laughs)

[Rain] : Listener 'Texas Woman', "Jung Joon Yil, have you seen MATE's members, 'Yim Heon Yil' and 'Lee Hyun Jae' recently?"
[Jung Joon Yil] : They visited me a couple of days ago.
'Yim Heon Yil' has been a public good service member, and 'Lee Hyun Jae' has not yet joined the army.
[Rain] : When will 'Lee Hyun Jae' join the army?
[Jung Joon Yil] : He'll join the army after two or three years.
[Rain] : How old is he?
[Jung Joon Yil] : 24 years old.
[Rain] : I think he'll have plenty of time, but he had better join the army soon if there is nothing more for him to do. (laughs)
If there is someone he knows during his military service, it will be easier to live in the military.

[KCM] : Listener 'MATE Is Great', "Jung Joon Yil, which radio program do you want to host?"
[Rain] : I guess 'Jung Joon Yil' had better host a program like 'jumam' being hosted by 'Park Hyo Shin'. I think the three of us can co-host 'The Desire To Speed', but I like to exclude KCM. (laughs)
[KCM] : I will host this program for the rest of my life. (laughs)

[Rain] : Listener '#5282', "'Jung Joon Yil', who do you envy more than anything in the world?"
[Jung Joon Yil] : I wish I were in you two's shoes.
I want to be a soldier who can help others like you two.
[Rain] :As I found the job tiring at first but I soon got used to it, you can also work well. I'm sure it'll be a rewarding experience. You'll be pretty busy after a month.
[KCM] ; After the adjustment period, I'm sure you will find yourself have so much work that you don't have time to think about anything else. (laughs)

[Rain] : Listener '#7586', "Jung Joon Yil', who moved you emotionally? "
[Jung Joon Yil] : My fans who came to my concert before my enlistment.
[KCM] ; Listener '#1542' "Jung Joon Yil', who is your favorite singer?"
[Jung Joon Yil] : My favorite singer is Girls’ Generation's Tae Yeon or 2NE1's CL.
[Rain] : l also like 2NE1's CL. I like competent people such as Girls’ Generation's Tae Yeon, 2NE1's CL, 'Jung Joon Yil', etc.
I like people who display great talent in their own special domain.
By the way, KCM, why are you clenching your fist and trying to exercise?
(laughs) Do you want to pull something again? (laughs)
The reason I like KCM is that he sings better than me, he lifts more heavy weights than me, (laughs) and he wears corrective undies because his breast is very big in size. (laughs) And 'Jung Joon Yil' can play more musical instruments than I can.

[Rain] : Could you name the senior you respect most?
[Jung Joon Yil] : The late singer "Yu Jae Ha" is my biggest inspiration.

[Rain] : Listener 'Han Lim Jang', "'Jung Joon Yil' is often called 'The Next Yu Jae Ha'. Do you like it?"
[Jung Joon Yil] : It is such a honor.
[Rain] : Jung Joon Yil, you know singer 'Yu Yil Hwan' personally, right?
[Jung Joon Yil] : Yes, I do.
[Rain] : There is something mysterious, really like onions, about 'Jung Joon Yil' as if he is secretly hiding something. (laughs)
[KCM] :'Jung Joon Yil' even covers his mouth with his hand when he laughs. (laughs)
[Rain] : 'Jung Joon Yil', do you happen to enjoy reading women’s magazines?
[Jung Joon Yil] : Yes.
[Rain] : I'll give you them. (laughs)

[KCM] : Listener 'Park Bo Young', "I know 'Jung Joon Yil' appeared in 'Play', a short film. Do you have any especially memorable episodes?"
[Jung Joon Yil] : Being an actor was much more difficult than I had thought it would be.
[KCM] : I think singers are more sensitive than actors.
[Rain] : It sounds ridiculous. Singers are sensitive—but the same goes for actors.
[Rain] : The difference between singers and actors (or actresses) is that a singer uses his or her body as an instrument to express his or her feelings and emotions, and an actor or actress is like an orchestra which is a thing being created by a group of people, by teams.
[KCM] : I think I used the wrong language inadvertently.
Singers are more sensitive than non-singers, so singers can express their sentiments better than non-singers in acting.
[Rain] : Where did you get that information? You made that story up, didn't you? (laughs)
[KCM] : It's just something I heard somewhere. (laughs)
[Rain] : Don't tell lies. (laughs)
[KCM] : I'll be shot if I'm telling a lie. (laughs)
[Rain] : Why are you clenching your fists ? (laughs)
KCM seems to feel impatient to attack again. (laughs)
[KCM] : Please don't take this the wrong way. (laughs)

[Rain] : How are your members doing after your enlistment?
[Jung Joon Yil] : 'Yim Heon Yil' is recently appearing in a drama, and he's decided to go to Japan, but I hope he'll practice singing.
[KCM] : I think 'Jung Joon Yil' envies 'Yim Heon Yil's ability.
[Jung Joon Yil] : No, not at all (laughs).
[Rain] : I have a hunch that 'Jung Joon Yil' is hiding something from us. (laughs).


[Part 6]

[Rain] : I think 'Jung Joon Yil' is popular with the ladies because he has a really nice voice like singer 'Kim Dong Ryul's or pop group Nell's.
[Rain] : Listener 'Kim Ki Yeon', "Do you have an inferiority complex about your looks ?"
I thought the word was cornplex. (laughs)
[KCM] : It's Corn Frost, not cornplex. (laughs)
[Rain] : Please don't butt in while I'm speaking. (laughs)
[Kung Joon Yil] : My complex is that my muscles are weak compared to other PR soldiers.
[Rain] &[KCM] : We'll help you to build muscle mass.
[Kung Joon Yil] : I was suffering from acne and angst during my teen life.
[KCM] : Most of clothes don't fit me because my muscles are too well-developed.
[Rain] : I agree with you 100%. I'm broad with humped shoulders, so I can't find clothes that fit.
[Kung Joon Yil] : But I envy you two.
[Rain] : My only drawback is that I'm perfect.
[KCM] : Rain's only weakness is that he says such awful things. (laughs)
[Rain] : KCM really is such a witty man. I won't fire you (KCM), so please don't distress yourself about the matter.
[KCM] : Hooray! (laughs)

[Rain] : I have a complex about my looks. In my early days, I had failed numerous auditions because my eyes are too small and I am too tall. It also bothered that my noise looked a little crooked. My noise has taken a form to some degree since I underwent allergic rhinitis surgery. And, my teeth easily decays no matter how hard I brush my teet. Now I'm afraid I'm too perfect.
Do you think I say such awful things again? (laughs)
[KCM] : No, You're right. (laughs)

[Rain] : Listener '#0427', "What do you want to do after the military service?"
[Jung Joon Yil] : I want to resume my music career.
[Rain] : One of the most difficult things as a soldier is that I'm limited in activity.
[KCM] : I really want to take a trip for about 15 days after leaving the army.
[Rain] : KMC would rather emigrate to a foreign country than take a trip so long. (laughs)
[Rain] : I want to resume my acting career in USA as soon as possible.
[KCM] : You should never leave Korea. I won't let you go. (laughs)
[Rain] : I'll report you to the police. (laughs)
[KCM] : Sorry. (laughs)
[Rain] : I have a lot of acquaintances in the police. (laughs)
[KCM] : I lose. (laughs)
[Rain] : Please, do not bother me, would you? (laughs)
I will be someone great.

[Rain] : Jung Joon Yil, how was your day?
[Jung Joon Yil] : I enjoyed myself today.
[Rain] : I enjoyed your company very much, but I’m sure he (Jung Joon Yil) is keeping something back from us. (laughs)
I enjoy seeing him being a little shy with us.
Anyway, it's time to wrap it up.
'Jung Joon Yil' seems to visit us again soon, so KCM may be laid off soon. (laughs)
[KCM] : I swear I'll never leave you (Rain). (laughs)

[Rain] : It's already June! Time really goes like the wind.
[KCM] : Please give a joyous welcome to June.
[Rain] : Thank you. Bye!

emik  2012.06.10
Dear 화니, thank you for the long translation.

[英⇒和訳です。] *敬語は基本的に省略しています。

[Part 1]

[Rain] &[KCM] : Rain と KCMの '疾走本能' !

[Rain]: 四つ葉のクローバーの花言葉の意味は幸運。
[KCM] : 三つ葉のクローバーは幸福のしるし、そして幸福はいつも僕達のまわりにある、だから疾走本能に周波数を合わせて!

[Rain]: 4つ葉のクローバーはどうして葉が4枚か知ってる?

[Rain] & [KCM] : *以下は、地域ごとの周波数の案内なので、和訳は省略します。
Please keep it right here on FM 96.7 in Seoul, Chuncheon, Pocheon, and Cheowon, FM 101.1 in Wonju, Yeoju, and Yangpyung, FM 89.5 in Baengnyeong-do, FM 92.5 in Sokcho, Gangreung, Yangyang, and Goseong, FM 93.3 in Gangwon, Kirin, and Sangnam, FM 103.3 in Hwacheongun, FM 101.5 in Yangku and Inje, FM 100.1 in Daejeon, Gyeryong, and Nhonsan, and on FM 94.1
[KCM] : [KCM] : あなたのストーリーまたは曲のリクエストを有料SMS0967番(₩50)または、この番組のTwitter (@speeding967) 、あるいはSmartR2アプリケーションを通して送ってください。
[Rain]: " http://www.dema.mil.kr "にアクセスして、電子掲示板 (별사탕게시판)にコメントを投稿できます。
[Rain] : または、 "국방홍보” (国防省広報支援隊)と検索スペースに入力してアクセスできます。日ごろの喜びと悲しみのストーリー、またはあなたの周囲の人への手紙、または曲のリクエストを<;RainとKCM の疾走本能>へ送って下さい。

[KCM] : 参加者には軍放送のロゴが入ったミニラジオ、商品券、ビタミンセットなどが贈られます。

[KCM] : 今朝、君はココアを飲んだからエネルギッシュだね。
[Rain]: ココアじゃなくて、ホットチョコレートだよ。(笑い)

[Rain]: リスナー '#1532', " チキンを食べ、ビールを飲みながら友人と楽しい時間を過ごしている。"
[KCM] : リスナー 'Jung Da Bin', "先週、ベトナムとカンボジアに行った。そこでは飢えた人々をたくさん見た。だから大きくなったら、恵まれない人たちを助けたい。
[Rain] :ベトナム、カンボジア、韓国などには史跡が数多くある。これらの国々が文化交流活動するようになることを願うよ。僕達の周りの恵まれない人々への関心が高まれば、助けを必要としている海外近隣諸国を助ける機会ができると思う。

[Rain] : リスナー '#8614', "一生懸命勉強しているフリをして、番組を聴いてます。" (Rain がラップしているかのように読む)

[KCM] : リスナー 'Lee Ock Kyung', "妊娠中にRainの音楽を聴き続けていました、なので私の子供の半分閉じた目はRainの目に驚くほどそっくり。
[Rain] : 二重まぶたではないほとんどの人は、自分が僕に似ているという。(笑い)
--- 二重まぶたでない人たちはいいところがたくさんあって引く手あまたである。!
[KCM] : でも、どうしてサングラスをかけるの?
[Rain] : みんなが僕と気づかないから。
KCM, それで嫌悪感を持たないでよ。(笑い)
[KCM] : その割にはそれほど悪いことでもない。(機嫌が悪いわけではない)
[Rain] :君はハンサムだよ、近寄って見ると。(笑い)

[Rain] : リスナー 'Blue May', "全く見えないので、眼鏡をかけることになった。"
[KCM] : 僕はコンタクトレンズよりも眼鏡をかける方いいかな。

[Rain] : リスナー'#3593', "妹が食事を出してくれたので感謝。"
[KCM] : Rain, 君も妹がいるよね?
[Rain] : うん、でも僕の妹は小遣いを貰う時だけ、僕のことが好きなんだ。(笑い)
[KCM] : 君がとても良い妹を持っていることは知ってるよ。
[Rain] : 彼女に興味を持たなくていいから。(笑い)
[KCM] : 月に ₩80,000。
[Rain] : この話はやめよう。 (笑い)
[Rain] : リスナー '#2566', 僕/私はヘビが大好き (笑い)。 僕/私の唯一の望みはコブラまたはアナコンダを飼うこと。"
[KCM] : ヘビは嫌い。ヘビが好きな人たちが何を考えているのか理解に苦しむよ 。
[Rain] : KCM, 彼らを理解する必要はないよ。彼らも君を理解しないから。 (笑い)

[KCM] : リスナー '#9660', "友人と私は韓江の散歩道のお祭りに参加して、チキンを食べ、ビールを飲んで楽しい時間を過ごした。帰る前にゴミを片付けたけど、'疾走本能'はお祭りよりももっと楽しいと思う。

[Rain] : この番組の司会をしてオーバーになり過ぎるから、僕の性格が変わった。(笑い)
[KCM] :君は生まれながら、とても外交的だよ。
[Rain] : 夢の中でさえ番組の司会をしてるくらいなのだから、除隊後のMCまたDJとして僕のファンタスティックな才能を見てもらいたい。
将来は'MC Bi'と呼んでね。
[KCM] : OK.

[Part 2]

[Rain] : リスナー 'Kim Jin Hwan', "母の髪を染めてあげた。彼女は気に入ったようで、友人との旅行に意気揚々として出かけた。)
(KCM がぎこちなくコメントを読んだので、Rainが自ら彼に手本を示した。)
[KCM] : 僕もよくお母さんの髪を染めるよ。でもお母さんは僕の親切心につけ込んでいるので申訳なく思っているように見えるんだ。
[Rain] : 親は子供に申し訳ないなんて思う必要ないよ、子供は親から多大な恩恵を受けているのだから。

[KCM] : リスナー 'Hanrim', "私は教師です、そして釜山からソウルへ異動します、でも, 訛りがひどいので心配です。"
[KCM] : 僕のお母さんはソウルに長年住んでいるのに、今でも全羅道訛りで話すよ。
[Rain] :リスナー 'Hanrim', 必ずしも標準語を使う必要はないよ。
[Rain] : リスナー 'Jin Bae', "21歳の時、僕は妻と結婚した。"
'Jin Bae', 君はとても有能な人物だ。!
リスナー 'Jin Bae', "結婚してすぐに妻が妊娠した時、彼女は憂鬱になった。ところで、最近妻のお父さんが胃がんと診断されたので、妻の鬱がまた戻ってくるのではないかと恐れている。そして、妻が素晴らしい誕生日を迎えることを心から祈っています。"
'Jin Bae' が奥さんの面倒をよくみることを望みます。
KCM, リスナー達の特徴あるわざとらしさで君から上手く逃れたので、君は彼らの真似をすることが出来なかったね。
[KCM] : でも、僕は真似しなかった。
[Rain] : 本当? ごめん (鼻声で言う) (笑い)

[Rain] : リスナー 'Kim Seung Suk', "私は大学1年生。ホームカミングゲーム後のラッフルくじの時、私の名前が呼ばれ、とても嬉しかったそれで、なにか大変なことが起こったかのように大騒ぎをした、でも呼ばれたのは私ではなく、違う人だったのだ。
'Kim Sung Suk' という名前はどことなくと 'Kim Seung Suk'と似ている。そして、そのおかしな状況を見た人たちが大笑いし、私は赤面した。"
[Rain] & [KCM] : これはとても面白い話だ!

[KCM] : リスナー 'Choi Jae Heon', "今年、30 歳になった。老齢が迫ってきているが、文句は言えない。"
[Rain] : 僕は30歳になってからは、街を歩き回るよりも青空の下で友人とコーヒーを飲みながら多くの事を話すほうが良くなってきただけでなく、ハンバーガーよりもサムゲタンを食べるようになった。

[KCM] : また若くなれたらと思うけど、年を取るのはその代償だよ。
[Rain] : もし僕が老化を止める事が出来たなら、20代に戻りたい。
若くなる邪魔はさせない。(笑い) 冗談だよ。(笑い)


[Rain] &[KCM] : この曲は何度聴いても飽きないね。
[Rain] :リスナー 'Kim Joon Hee', "携帯電話会社でカウンセラーとして働いています。
[KCM] : つらい時かもしれない、でも君ならできる!

[KCM] : リスナー'Kon Soo Jung', "一昨日、私の父が仕事でアメリカから韓国にやってきた。
[Rain] : 僕は両親を愛しているので、よくお父さんに"愛してる。"というけど、妹に"愛してるよ。"と言うのは少し照れくさい。
[KCM] : 僕の場合、君みたいにお父さんによく"愛してる。"というけど、お母さんに"愛してるよ。"と言うのは少し照れくさい。
[Rain] : 僕の妹はもともと物静かな女の子。彼女の答えはいつもシンプル"イエス" か "ノー"(笑い)で、ほぼ完全に魅力がない。

[KCM ]: 妹の血液型は?
[Rain] : 妹はお父さんと同じA 型で、僕はお母さんと同じ O 型。でも、お父さんが細かいことにうるさくないのを見ると血液型が彼の性格と一致しているとは思わない。僕はO 型だけど、A 型が僕のもともとの血液型に内在していると思う。だから、僕は活気のある性格であり、神経質でもある。

[KCM ]:僕はO 型だけど、B型が僕のもともとの血液型に内在していると思う、なので人がなんて言ったかいつも忘れる。
[Rain] : KCMのお母さん、愛してるよ。
(Rainのお父さんに向かって), お父さん愛してるよ、それとHana(Rainの妹)、愛してるよ。
[Rain] :リスナー 'Bang Sung Joong', "除隊してからちょうど一カ月。兵役中の人たちはよく発達した筋肉をもつようになるだろう、でも僕にはそれがない。僕のガールフレンドが除隊後に言った、"私は6パックのある男性が好き。" だから僕は筋トレをしているけどあまり結果がでていない。強い筋肉をつけるための秘訣を手ほどきしてください。"
リスナー'Bang Sung Joong', 一定の運動で全体的に大きな体になれるよ。過度の運動は体を痛めるからね。
[KCM] :リスナー'Bang Sung Joong' は運動をするルールを作るべきだと思う。.
[Rain]: 具体的にいうと、ビールとチキンは高カロリー;どちらも太る、だからもし君がビールとチキンをたくさん食べたら、すごく太る。
[KCM] : ラーメンも高カロリーだよ。
[Rain] : もし君が情熱を傾けたら、できないことはなにもないよ。

[KCM] : リスナー '#9785', "日に2時間運動している、なので引き締まった体型になってきたことに気付いた。大変だけど、とても楽しい。"
[Rain] : 体を誇示することより健康のためにやることのほうが大事。
[Rain] : リスナー '#6454', "昨日、父と外出した時、手に何も持っていない兵士を見た。もし2人が休暇中になっても、お互いが会うのはちょっとだけのような気がする。"
僕がKCMと仲良くしようとするのは放送中の間だけ(笑い), 実は僕達は仲がいいんだ。
[KCM] : 僕達は本当に親しい仲で、彼はいつも僕に良くしてくれる。
[Rain] : では、君に(#6454)にちょっとした秘密を教えてあげよう。

[KCM] :僕達の除隊がすぐだったらいいのに。
[Rain] : 僕はあと1年だけど、KCM はあと1年と1カ月。

[KCM] : リスナー '#6665', "休暇中の私のボーイフレンド (兵士)と私は、最近ほとんどお互い話をしない。どうすればいいですか?"
[Rain] : ほとんどの兵士は疎外感を感じて、自信を失う。
[KCM] : 君の言うことには賛同できないな。君はいつも自信に満ちていると思うよ。
[Rain] :僕は自信に満ちてるよ、 君と一緒の時だけは。(笑い)

[KCM] : Rain は僕を含めた後輩達の前ではいつも自信に満ちている、でも彼(Rain)の先輩 'Park Hyo Shin'伍長と一緒の時、彼は自身を失う。
[Rain] ; そんなことないよ。僕は彼('Park Hyo Shin')によくしなければならない、だって彼はよく不機嫌になるから。(笑い)彼が僕に対して怒っているとき、何ヶ月も僕に話しかけてこなかった。
[KCM] :僕も彼の性格は知ってるよ。彼はこのラジオ番組を聴いているかもしれない、だから言葉遣いに気をつけて。
[Rain] ; 今頃はもう彼が僕の言葉を聴いたことを祈るよ。(笑い)
とにかく、 僕はリスナー #6665 が安らかに最初に手を差し出し、また彼女のボーイフレンドと仲良くなる事を祈るよ。

[Rain] ; リスナー 'Yawning and Stretching', "は、今日、道で運転の練習をしていたら、車を電気柵に傾けてしまった。私の姉/妹にとって、この車より大事な車はない。ペンキを塗ってバンパーのスクラッチを目立たなくさせなければならない。"
(笑い) 'Yawning and Stretching', 大急ぎで、自動車修理工場へ行かなくちゃ。


[Part 4]

[Rain] & [KCM] : ようこそ'Jung Joon Yil'二等兵, 初めてこの番組にお越しいただきました !

[Rain] : Pop グループ MATEのメンバー 'Jung Joon Yil' の登場。
僕は今年1月31日に入隊し, 除隊は来年の10月です。
[KCM] : 'Jung Joon Yi' lの軍人らしい精神に大いにかき立てられた。(笑い)
[Rain] :初めは僕もこうだった。(笑い)
当時、やるべき仕事がたくさんあって、自分の目が信じられなかった、そして汚れたモップを念入りに洗った。(笑い), でも今、僕は大丈夫。 (笑い)
[Jung Joon Yil] : ここに来る前は軍楽隊に所属していた。
[Rain] : Jung Joon Yil, ツェルニー1 は弾ける? (笑い)
[KCM] : Jung Joon Yil, ツェルニー3 は弾ける? (笑い)
[Rain] : KCM, やめろよ! (笑い)

[Jung Joon Yil] :そして僕は今も、大学院でピアノを勉強している。
[Rain] : 'Jung Joon Yil', 仕事の後、僕のところへ来て。
君から毎日2時間、フリーのピアノ(音楽)レッスンを受けるんだ。 (笑い)
今や'Jung Joon Yil' は僕の先生。
[KCM] : 'Jung Joon Yil' は僕の先生でもある。(笑い)
[Rain] : KCM, お願いだから、僕の言ったことについてないで(笑い)。
最近、KCM と僕は恐ろしく手いっぱいで、他の兵士達に会う時間がない。

[Rain] : 'Jung Joon Yil', この部隊に来てどのくらい?
[Jung Joon Yil] :広報支援隊員になって3週間です。入隊前に'Park Hyo Shin' 伍長について聞いてます、それと僕は'Kim Jae Wook' と個人的に知り合いです。
Rain] : MATEの音楽は知ってるよ。 う..うう..飛び抜けた音楽的才能があるよね。 (Rainが、言葉がのどまで出かかっているが思い出せなくて、彼らを笑わせた)
[Jung Joon Yil] :ありがとう。

[KCM] : 'Jung Joon Yl', 君がここに到着した時、誰が一番良くしてくれた?
[Jung Joon Yil] : 'Yim Joo Hwan' 伍長以外は、みんな外出中だったので、彼と親しい。
[Rain] : 'Yim Joo Hwan' はいつも規定通りに行うので、彼のニックネームはFM* (笑い)(*恐らく、Field Marshall:陸軍元帥という意味ではないかと思います)。
僕のニックネームはRoller Jung。(笑い) 僕の事 Roller Jung と呼んでね。 (笑い)
[Jung Joon Yil] : わかったよ。(笑い) 君の助けが必要だ。
[Rain] : 世の中には2種類の兵士がいる。
'Jung Joon Yl', お願いだから僕みたいに絶えず君に親切な先輩と仲よくなってよ。
そしてKCMみたいに時々親切な先輩とは仲良くならないで。 (laughs)

[Rain] : 'Jung Joon Yil', もしシックスパックにしたいなら僕の所へ来て、もし何かを習いたいなら、来て。(笑い)
[Jung Joon Yil]: OK. (笑い)
[KCM] : 'Jung Joon Yil', 兵役中で一番難しいことは何?
[Jung Joon Yil]: 朝早く起きることはすごく大変、でも以前よりもずっと順応してきた。
[KCM] : 'Jung Joon Yil', 僕達が部隊に返ってきた時、君が寝ているのをよく見かけたよ。(笑い)
[Rain] : 彼が熟睡しているので、僕達は起こすことに抵抗を感じたよ。(笑い) ところで、'Jung Joon Yil' はとてもいい声をしているね。
次回は 'Jung Joon Yil' と一緒にこの番組の司会をしよう。
KCM, どうして休養しないの? (笑い)
[KCM] : Rain, もし君が心の底から本気で言っているのなら、お好きなようにどうぞ。
[Rain] : 今日はどうしたの? 彼は冗談として取ることができない。 (笑い)
[KCM] : 冗談半分で言ったんだよ。
[Rain] : KCMは真っ赤だ。
[KCM ] : だって、笑い過ぎちゃって。

- 'Jung Joon Yl の曲 'Please Hug Me' が流れる-

[Rain] : 'Jung Joon Yl', 頼みたいことがあるのだけど。
[Jung Joon Yl] : それは僕にとって大変光栄なこと。
[Rain] :かつて 'Jung Joon Yl' が歌った、美しい(バラード)曲が好き。
以前、歌手 'Kim Dong Ryul'に僕に曲を書いてと頼んだけど、あれ以来彼からは全く音沙汰なし。(笑い) 彼は後で "Rain がラブソングを歌うのが僕には想像できない。" と言った。
だから、僕は'Love Story'を書いた。
'Jung Joon Yl', あとで、金額の相談をしよう。 (笑い)

[KCM] : リスナー 'Lee Kyung Min', "Jung Joon Yl', あなたは西洋的な顔立ちをしていると言っていた。(笑い) 髪が短くなっても、まだ西洋的な顔立ちをしていますか? (笑い)
[Rain]&[KCM] : 彼は西洋的な顔立ち !! (笑い)
[Rain] : 彼の顔はとても日焼けしている。
[Jung Joon Yil] : 入隊前に顔の見えないラジオ番組の司会をしていた時、注目を浴びたくて、たびたび自慢話をした/大口を叩いた。
[Rain] : KCM と僕は本当に気をつけるべきだ。
[KCM] : どうして?
[Rain] : 'Jung Joon Yil 'がゆっくりと誘惑的な口調で話すので、僕達 (KCM and Rain) は一時解雇されるかもしれない。(笑い)
[KCM] : 頻繁に指し示してるように, 僕はRainにしつこく付きまとうよ。 (笑い)
[Rain] : でも僕は 'Jung Joon Yl' と一緒の時、安心する。
[KCM] : 僕も君 (Rain) を安心させることが出来るよ。 (笑い)
僕のお尻が椅子に貼り付いた。 (笑い)

[Rain] : リスナー '#3548', " 'Jung Joon Yil の好きな女優はCharlotte Gainsbourg だと聞いた事がある。彼女のどういうところが一番好き?
そして、KMC と Rain、好きな女優または歌手は誰ですか?"
[Jung Joon Yil] : フランスの女優 Charlotte Gainsbourgが好き。
[Rain] : イタリアかフランスの女優Monica Bellucci が好き。
[Jung Joon Yil] : I'm not sure if Monica Bellucci がイタリアかフランスかは分からないけど、彼女がフランスの俳優 Vincent Cassel と結婚したことは知ってる。
[KCM] : 僕は 'Charlotte Gainsbourg' を知らない。
[Jung Joon Yil] : 'Charlotte Gainsbourg' が可愛いとは言わない、でも彼女はとても魅力的な人。


[Part 5]

[Rain] : 僕は 'Monica Bellucci' みたいにすごくセクシーで美しい女性は見た事ない。
[KCM] : 僕の好きな女優は..
[Rain] : お願いだからやめて。 (笑い) 君の好きな女優は誰?
[KCM] : vich..vich..
[Rain] : なに? (笑い)
[KCM] : 映画'The Fifth Element'に出演した人.
[Jung Joon Yil] : Milla Jovovich ! (笑い)

[Rain] : リスナー 'Texas Woman', "Jung Joon Yil, MATE のメンバー, 'Yim Heon Yil' と 'Lee Hyun Jae' に最近会いましたか?"
[Jung Joon Yil] : 数日前に彼らは僕を訪ねて来てくれた。
'Yim Heon Yil' は公共サービスメンバーをやっていて, 'Lee Hyun Jae' はまだ入隊していない。
[Rain] : 'Lee Hyun Jae' はいつ入隊するの?
[Jung Joon Yil] : 彼は2年または3年後に入隊する。
[Rain] : 彼は何歳?
[Jung Joon Yil] : 24歳。
[Rain] : 彼には十分な時間があると思うけど、彼にとってやることがないのなら、すぐに入隊したほうがいい。(笑い)

[KCM] : リスナー 'MATE Is Great', "Jung Joon Yil, どのラジオ番組の司会をやってみたいですか?"
[Rain] : 'Park Hyo Shin'が司会をしている 'jumam' のような番組の司会をしたほうがいいと思う。
僕達3人は '疾走本能'の司会が出来ると思う, でも僕はKCMを締め出したい。(笑い)
[KCM] : 残りの人生、僕はこの番組の司会をする。(笑い)

[Rain] : リスナー '#5282', "'Jung Joon Yil', あなたにとって世界で一番うらやましい人は誰ですか?"
[Jung Joon Yil] : 僕は君たち2人(Rain & KCM)にあやかりたいな。
[Rain] :疲れる仕事だと最初は思ったけどすぐに慣れたよ、だから君も上手く出来るよ。やりがいのある経験になると思うよ。1ヵ月後はかなり忙しくなるよ。
[KCM] ;調整期間後, 他に何も考える時間がないほど、やるべき仕事があることに気づくことになると思うよ。 (笑い)

[Rain] : リスナー '#7586', "Jung Joon Yil', 誰に感動しましたか? "
[Jung Joon Yil] : 僕のファン、入隊前に僕のコンサートに来てくれた。
[KCM] ; リスナー '#1542' "Jung Joon Yil', 好きな歌手は誰ですか?"
[Jung Joon Yil] : 少女時代のTae Yeon または 2NE1の CL。
[Rain] :僕も2NE1の CL 好きだよ。僕は少女時代のTae Yeon 、2NE1の CL 'Jung Joon Yil', など というような有能な/仕事が出来る人が好き。
ところで,KCM, どうしてこぶしを固く握って、運動をしようとしているの?
(笑い)また何か引っ張りたいの? (笑い)
僕が KCM を好きな理由は、彼は僕よりもうまく歌える、彼は僕よりも重いものが持ち上げられる(笑い)、そして彼は矯正下着を着る、なぜならば彼の胸囲はとても大きいから。(笑い)
そして 'Jung Joon Yil' は僕よりも数多くの楽器を弾くことが出来る。

[Rain] : 一番尊敬する先輩の名前を挙げてくれる?
[Jung Joon Yil] : 今は亡き歌手 "Yu Jae Ha" が僕の最大のインスピレーション。

[Rain] : リスナー 'Han Lim Jang', "'Jung Joon Yil' あなたはたびたび '次の Yu Jae Ha'と呼ばれています。どう思いますか?"
[Jung Joon Yil] : それは光栄なこと。
[Rain] : Jung Joon Yil, 君は 歌手'Yu Yil Hwan'と個人的に知り合いだよね?
[Jung Joon Yil] : はい、そうです。
[Rain] : 'Jung Joon Yil' についてミステリアスなことがあるんだよね、玉葱を剥いたら新鮮な層が次々と出くるように、彼は何かを隠しているようだ。(笑い)
[KCM] :'Jung Joon Yil' は笑う時、手で口を覆うし。(笑い)
[Rain] : 'Jung Joon Yil', ひょっとして君は女性誌を読むのが楽しいの?
[Jung Joon Yil] : はい。
[Rain] :全部あげるよ。(笑い)

[KCM] : リスナー 'Park Bo Young', "I know 'Jung Joon Yil' は短編映画 'Play' に出演しましたよね。特に記憶に残るエピソードはありますか?"
[Jung Joon Yil] : 俳優になるのは自分が想像していたものよりもっとずっと難しいものだった。
[KCM] : 俳優より歌手のほうが感受性が高いと思うよ。
[Rain] : それはおかしいよ。歌手は感受性が高い-でも俳優も同様だよ。
[Rain] : 歌手と俳優/女優の違いはこうだよ、歌手は手段として自分の体を使って気持ちや感情を表現する、そして俳優/女優は集団、チームによって作り上げられるオーケストラのようなもの。
[KCM] : 僕は何気なしに、間違った言葉を使ったと思う。
[Rain] : どこから、その情報を仕入れてきたの? でっち上げた、そうだろ?(笑い)
[KCM] : なんかどこかで聞いた。(笑い)
[Rain] : 嘘をいわない。(笑い)
[KCM] : もし嘘を言っていたら、僕は撃たれるね。(笑い)
[Rain] : どうして、こぶしを固く握りしめてるの? (笑い)
KCM は、我慢できずにまた攻撃してくると思うよ。(笑い)
[KCM] : お願いだから、変な意味に取らないでよ。(笑い)

[Rain] : 君(Jung Joon Yin)が入隊してからのグループのメンバーはどうしているの?
[Jung Joon Yil] : 'Yim Heon Yil' は最近ドラマ出演して、日本に行くことを決めたけど、僕は彼が歌の練習をしてくれることを祈ってる。

[KCM] : 'Jung Joon Yil' は 'Yim Heon Yil'の才能が羨ましいんだと思う。
[Jung Joon Yil] : ううん、全然。(笑い)
[Rain] : 'Jung Joon Yil' は何か僕達に隠しているような気がするんだよね。(笑い)

[Part 6]


[Rain] : 'Jung Joon Yil' は、歌手Kim Dong Ryul また pop グループのNell のようにとてもいい声をしているから、女性に人気があると思う。

[Rain] : リスナー 'Kim Ki Yeon', "あなたの外見についてコンプレックスはありますか?"
[KCM] : コーンフロスティ、コンプレックスじゃないよ。(笑い)
[Rain] : お願いだから僕が話している時、口を挟まないで。(笑い)
[Kung Joon Yil] : 僕のコンプレックスは、他の兵士と比べると自分の筋肉が弱いこと。
[Rain] &[KCM] : 筋肉を増やすために僕達が手伝うよ。
[Kung Joon Yil] :10代の時、ニキビと十代の不安に悩まされた。
[KCM] : ほとんどの服は僕に合わない、なぜならば筋肉がよく発達しすぎたから。
[Rain] : 100%、君と同じ意見だよ。 広くて猫背だから、フィットする服を見つける事ができない。
[Kung Joon Yil] : でも、君達2人が羨ましい。
[Rain] : 僕の唯一の欠点は、僕が完璧な事。
[KCM] : Rain の唯一の欠点は、こういう不愉快なことを言うこと。
[Rain] : KCMは本当にウィット 富んだ男。僕は君を (KCM)首にしないから, 問題につてくよくよしないでよ。
[KCM] : やったあ! (笑い)

[Rain] : 僕は外見でコンプレックスがあるよ。若い時、目が小さすぎる事と背が大きすぎることで数多くのオーディションに落ちた。鼻が少しゆがんでいたことも悩みだった。鼻はアレルギー性鼻炎の手術を受けてからある程度は形が取れてきた。 それと、どれだけ一生懸命に歯を磨いても虫歯になりやすかった。今は、自分が完璧すぎて申し訳ない。

[KCM] : ううん、君は正しい(笑い)

[Rain] : リスナー '#0427', "除隊後は何をしたいですか?"
[Jung Joon Yil] : 音楽活動を再開したい。
[Rain] : 兵士として最も難しいことの一つが、活動を制限されている事。
[KCM] : 僕は除隊後に15日くらいの旅行をしたいな。
[Rain] : KMC は長期間の旅行へ行くより、外国に移住した方が良いと思う。(笑い)
[Rain] : 僕は出来るだけ早くアメリカでの俳優活動を再開したい。
[KCM] : 君は決して韓国を離れるべきじゃないよ。僕が行かせない(笑い)
[Rain] : 警察に通報するよ。(笑い)
[KCM] : ごめん。(笑い)
[Rain] : 僕は警察にたくさん知り合いがいる。(笑い)
[KCM] : 僕の負けだ。(笑い)
[Rain] : お願いだから、僕の邪魔をしないで、もうしないね?(笑い)

[Rain] : Jung Joon Yil, 今日はどうだった?
[Jung Joon Yil] : 今日は本当に楽しかった。
[Rain] : ご一緒できて/出演してくれて本当に楽しかった、でも彼が(Jung Joon Yil) 僕達に何かを隠しているのは確かだ。(笑い)
'Jung Joon Yil' はまたすぐ出演すると思う、だからKCM は一時解雇になるかもしれない。(笑い)
[KCM] : 僕は君(Rain)から離れないことを誓うよ(笑い)
[Rain] : もう、6月! 時間は風のように過ぎ去る。
[KCM] : 喜びに満ちた6月にようこそ。
[Rain] : ありがとう。 さようなら!
120601 KBS_9 News_Rain & K-Pop Stars appear in textbooks in Thailand  

Credit: rainmaker // onlyone @ vimeo



120601 MBC - news 한류스타 외국교과서 속속 등장

credit  sherryrain1

120601 M - news 한류스타 외국교과서 속속 등장

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