Végtelen erőfeszítés, végtelen kitartás, végtelen szerénység. (Rain vezérelve)

Tudtam, hogy ránézésre nem tűnök valami nagy számnak, a megjelenésem sem túl vonzó, de a bensőm elég rendkívüli. Minden színpadra lépés előtt azt mondom magamnak, hogy én vagyok a legjobb, és minden előadás után ugyanúgy azt, hogy nem én vagyok. Ezért minden fellépés előtt 120 százalékosan kell felkészülnöm, hogy az előadáson 100 százalékos teljesítményt tudjak nyújtani. Ennek érdekében minden álló nap folyamatosan képzem magam. Már nagyon hosszú ideje alváshiányban szenvedek, mert ha éppen nem dolgozom, akkor vagy edzek, vagy a koreográfiákat és a dalokat próbálom. Éppen úgy, mint a filmfelvételek idején, ha valamit nem csináltam jól, képtelen vagyok aludni. Akár színészként, akár énekesként, a legjobbat kell tudnom kihozni magamból. De nem kell aggódni, hogy most nincs elegendő időm az alvásra, jut arra majd bőven a halálom után. (Rain)

Ez a fiatalság, ez az egészség... és a túlcsorduló önbizalom... az erőfeszítés, amit az oly hihetetlen előadásai sikeres megvalósításáért tett... és a tehetség, amit felmutat, ezek töltenek el spontán tisztelettel engem. Azt gondolom, hogy a történelem a fontos személyiségek között fogja jegyezni. Úgy, mint aki színészként és zenészként egyaránt sikeres lett. ...
Ami igazán meglepő Ji-hoonban, az az, hogy egyfajta düh, bosszúvágy és szomorúság, az összes efféle sötét, komor negatív motiváció az ő esetében rendkívül optimista és derűs módon ölt testet.
(Park Chan-wook rendező)

> RAIN KRÓNIKA: 2012.05.27.






[정보] 2012.5.29(화),수도방위사령부 위문열차 취재예정 _ 정지훈일병님께 묻고 싶은 질문들 블로그에 남겨주세요


12-05-27 Speeding967 tweet


12-05-27 Rain & KCM @ Friends FM

SOURCE : http://news.nate.com/view/20120527n10030



12-05-27 Friends FM - Rain @ Consolatory Train Hip song +Talking & It's Raining (12.05.17)

Credit : ratoka



[Eng Trans]12-05-27 Friends FM - (The Desire To Speed)질주본능_Rain DJ

Credit : ratoka

part 1


part 2


part 3


part 4


part 5


part 6


secession  2012.05.29
[Part 1]

Rain & KCM's 'The Desire To Speed' !

[Rain] : United we stand and divided we fall.
[KCM] : Many hands make light work.
[Rain]&[KCM] : So, everyone, let's make this become radio's most-listened network by pulling together !

[Rain] : When a child was squashed against a fence while waiting on the subway platform with her mother a couple of years, people lifted the subway by pulling together and preserved the child from danger.
If we join forces, there would be nothing we can't do.
So, if you join forces with each other, this show can become number one in ratings. But you don't have to listen to it after I leave the army.
[KCM] : Really?
[Rain] : Ha, just kidding ! (laughter)
Please be sure to tune in to it even after I leave the army.
We'll do our best to make this show big fun.
And, pop music reviewer 'Lee Dae Hwa' and pfc 'Kim Jae Wook' are to make guest appearances in part one and part two of this show, each.

[Rain] & [KCM] :
Please keep it right here on FM 96.7 in Seoul, Chuncheon, Pocheon, and Cheowon, FM 101.1 in Wonju, Yeoju, and Yangpyung, FM 89.5 in Baengnyeong-do, FM 92.5 in Sokcho, Gangreung, Yangyang, and Goseong, FM 93.3 in Gangwon, Kirin, and Sangnam, FM 103.3 in Hwacheongun, FM 101.5 in Yangku and Inje, FM 100.1 in Daejeon, Gyeryong, and Nhonsan, and on FM 94.1 in Cheju-do.

[KCM] : Please send your stories and song requests to the radio station through a chargeable SMS #0967 (₩ 50) or its Twitter (@speeding967) or Smart R2 Application.

[Rain] you can visit " http://www.dema.mil.kr " and post comments on its bulletin board (별사탕게시판)

[Rain] : Or you can visit the page by putting the keyword "국방홍보” (Defense Agency for Public Information Services) in the search box. So please send your stories about the joys and sorrows of everyday living or letters to the people around you or song request to <;Rain&KCM's The Desire To Speed>.

[KCM] : Mini radios the military broadcast's logo is emblazoned on, gift certificates, vitamin sets, etc., will be provided to the participants.

[Rain] : I'll tease KCM after listening to a music. (laughter)

[Rain] : I was scared when the last chorus part of the song played. (laughter)
Besides, the weather is dull with rain.
[Rain] : Listener '#6025', "Let’s do so sincerely and strenuously to make this program become radio's most-listened network."

[KCM] : Listener 'Terry Yu', "You can make this program become radio's most-listened network because you two are world-famous singers."
[Rain] : Listener 'Kim Mi Young', "Is it a radio pyramid scheme?"
Yes, it is. If each of you guys attract a listener, I'll give you an opportunity to meet me, if you attract two listeners, I'll give you an opportunity to meet KCM and me, and if you attract three listeners, I'll give you an opportunity to make an album with me.
[KCM] : I think you're exaggerating too much. (laughter)
What should you do if they attract 10,000 listeners?
[Rain] : I'll make 10,000 albums, but don't you think they have to pay? (laughter)

[KCM] : Listener 񡈪', "Rain, please don't be so hard on KCM, and KCM, It's time you taught Rain a lesson."
[Rain] : Listener 'Mogshili', "I really enjoy listening to the show."
[KCM] : Listener 'One Step', "The rain has stopped. I'm happy being with you.
Soldiers also do nothing on their days off ?"
[Rain] : A soldier is no less a man than you are. We also do nothing on our days off.
[KCM] : But, we can't relax.
[Rain] : Listener 'Decorest'. "I'm in a good mood today because of The Desire To Speed."
If you send us your pictures showing you listening to the show with your friends by Twitter, a small gift will be provided for the applicants through a lottery system.
[KCM] : I'm not sure what it is, but it's definitely an lovely present.
[Rain] : Each of the hairs of KCM's nose will be provided for them. (laughter)

[Rain] ; Listener 'Lee Jin Ah', "The tax season is upon us."
We are also required by law to deduct income tax.
[KCM] : Listener 'Coco Rain'. "I hope this program will become radio's most-listened network and hollywood's celebrities will make guest appearances in this show someday."
[Rain] ; I think it's possible.
[KCM] : Can you invite them?
[Rain] ; Yes, I can, but that would be far too expensive.
[KCM] : Let's just forget we ever had that talk, okay?

[Rain] ; Listener 'SSM'. "Tomorrow is Buddha's birthday. I made a wish on a temple. I wish this program would become radio's most-listened network."
[KCM] : Thank you.
[KCM] : Listener 'Flower Rain'. "I'm now working part-time, listening to the show."
[Rain] ; Listener 'Only One'. "I want to eat kimchi pancakes on rainy days.
I'll make kimchi pancakes containing squids and eat them after the show."
I really like all kinds of foods containing squids.
[KCM] : Me too.

[KCM] : Listener '#2749'. "There is barely a cloud in the sky here in Cheju-do"
[Rain] : We are to go to Cheju-do in order to perform on June 1st, where there is a naval base.
[Rain] : Listener 'Bay Cloud'. "I'm looking out over the sea in Busan with my family. Where do you want to go?"
I want to go home.
[KCM] : I see we're thinking along the same lines!
[Rain] : I want to watch TV all day at home, drinking iced coffee.
[KCM] : I want to try my mom’s rice.
[Rain] : Go home! (laughter)


[Part 2]


-Popular music reviewer 'Lee Dae Hwa' -

[Rain] : How have you been?
[Lee Dae Hwa] : Because of the heat, I turned on the air conditioner for the first time this year.
[KCM] : I'm dying of the heat. We're wearing combat fatigues, so on especially hot days we sweat a lot more.
[Lee Dae Hwa] : Don't you wear your summer uniforms?
[Rain] : We wear summer uniforms only when we work in the office. Otherwise, we should wear combat fatigues. And, I know that soldiers in other army units only wear combat fatigues regardless of the weather

[Lee Dae Hwa] : I was enlisted in 2002, Back then, we rolled up our army jacket sleeves in the summer.
[KCM] : It's already the last Sunday of May.
[Lee Dae Hwa] : Is it that late already?
[Rain] : Please don't tell me! How time drags ! (laughter)
I wish it would be the last Sunday of June. (laughter)
After three months, I will be promoted to corporal. Please give me a big hand!
(a spatter of applause)
[KCM] : After two months, I will..
[Rain] : The next..(laughter)

'Lee Dae Hwa' introduced pop singer 'G.NA's title song ƈHOT' from her third new single album 'BLOOM',
[Rain] : I was featured as a chorus singer in her first album a couple of years ago.
She was very polite.

[Lee Dae Hwa] : Pop group 'ULALA SESSION's new album 'Beautiful Night' has been released.
Winning 'Super Star K', a national pop music competition, has made the group an overnight success in Korea.
Not long ago, Singer Psy, one of the panel of judges at the contest, boasted during a press conference, "I'll climb Mt. Cheonggye, stripping to the waist if the number of contest participants exceed 2,000,000."
[Rain] : I think Pys's trying to take his top off is a pointless task. (laughter) Besides, he hates mountaineering. (laughter)
[Lee Dae Hwa] : 'ULALA SESSION's new song 'It Has Been Spent' was composed by 'Yun Myung Seon' who was JYP's former manger.

[Lee Dae Hwa] : Pop singer 'John Mayer' is no slouch on the guitar.
He is a good singer and flirts with the girls. His 5th new alum has been released.
[Rain] : Singers are especially popular with actresses among women.
My popularity was really skyrocketing in my high-school years. (laughter)
As for popularity, I am today can't hold a candle to what I used to be. (laughter)

[Lee Dae Hwa] : It is said overseas musicians reshape the musical instruments to create the new sound of music.
[KCM] : Is it possible to transform my voice?
[Rain] : I'll renovate your voice by nailing with the hammer. (laughter)
[KCM] : What should I do if I lose my voice because of your attempt? (laughter)
[Rain] : Sorry, I will restate what I said earlier. Let's forget about the matter. (laughter) I feel great today!



[Rain] : I think that John Mayer sang much more sweetly than he has before.
I wish I would perform to guitars a couple of grandfathers play in the middle of desert while enjoying myself over my whiskey and I would also dance in the middle of my performance when I'm older. (laughter)
[KCM] : I want to revive the songs I delighted to hear and perform when I'm older.
[Rain] : It's not worth it. (laughter) You should be active as a teuroteu singer when you're older. (laughter)
[KCM] : Will I perform in the middle of desert, too?
[Rain] : When I put you to work, you will perform as a teuroteu singer on the stage installed on a 8-ton truck or in a fork lift. You need only to make a lot of dough. (laughter)
[Lee Dae Hwa] : If Rain were to a composer for KCM, he (Rain) would write the most popular and funny songs of our generation.
[Rain] : KCM needs only to make a lot of money as his self-respect won't pay the bills. (laughter)

[Lee Dae Hwa] : Singer-songwriter Sara Bareilles's new mini album 'Once Upon Another Time'. She is popular even in Korea.
She sang a song to the accompaniment of piano this time.

[Rain] : The cost of singing a song to the accompaniment of piano would be extremely low. (laughter) But, it was too much of an expense to produce my songs.
A huge effort was made to make my 'Love Story' song, but people didn't realize that. (laughter) I want to let them know about how hard I try.
So, I'd like to offer 'Lee Dae Hwa' to interview me someday.
[Lee Dae Hwa] : I think I have to talk to Rain about his music jober as a sudge,
[KCM] : Can you interview me, too?
[Lee Dae Hwa] : Please come to me after recording a duet with Rain.
[KCM] : I have decided to be active as a teuroteu singer with Rain.
[Rain] : Please don't make reckless remarks. (laughter)
[KCM] : If I get the chance, I want to show you my dancing.
[Rain] : Really? Actually, he was a B-boy.

[Rain] : Lee Dae Hwa, thank you for coming in today, and we'll see you next week.


[Part 4]

[Rain] : Shrek says, "You are already beautiful."
[KCM] : Every lover sees a thousand graces in the beloved object.

-Talk with 'Kim Jae Wook' about movies-

[Rain] : KCM, why did you carry coals to Newcastle?
[KCM] : Why? why?
[Rain] : We spent too much time singing the chorus part of the logo song.
[KCM] : Please stop it now. (laughter)
[Kim Jae Wook]: What I've been dreading has finally happened (laughter)

[Rain] : (interrupting KCM and beginning talking) (laughter)
'Kim Jae Wook', what kind of movie are you introducing today?
[Kim Jae Wook]: I'll introduce 3 animations such as The Little Mermaid, The Lion King, and Shrek.
[KCM] : I love animations.

- The Little Mermaid-

[Kim Jae Wook] : Let me recap the chronology up to the present point.
'The Little Mermaid' was released in 1989..
[Rain] : Under the sea~~(laughter)
[KCM] : Moondadassu? (a phonetic spelling of 문 닫았어? in Korean : Did you close the door? in English) (laughter)
[Kim Jae Wook] : It's based on Andersen's fairy tale.
[Rain] : KCM, did you translate "under the sea" as "is it close down?" or something?
[KCM] : No. You know what they say - When the Little Mermaid told the lobster, "Moondadassu?" (문닫았어? in Korean : 'Did you close the door?' in English)", the lobster answered, "Andadassu" (안닫았어 in Korean : 'I didn't close the door' in English)
(no response) Sorry..
[Rain] : Come on out. (I'll teach you a lesson) (laughter)
[KCM] : I apologize for having caused so much trouble. (laughter)

-The Little Mermaid-

[Kim Jae Wook] : 'The Little Mermaid' was directed by John Musker.
He directed 'Aladdin', Hercules, The Treasure Island, 'The Princess and the Frog', etc. including the Little Mermaid.

[Rain] : I was very impressed when I saw 'The Little Mermaid', 'Aladdin', and 'Beauty and The Beast'. The Walt Disney Company has never failed because they
are changing with the times. It is said 'The Little Mermaid' was highly acclaimed for both its cinematic quality and its popularity.
[Kim Jae Wook] : It also won for art direction, and sound, and for those stunning visual effects.
[Rain] : That just reminds me of a scene (in the movie)
[KCM] : You bring that up again. (laughter) (KCM thought Rain would say about the logo song for the radio show)
[Rain] : Please don't laugh!
[KCM] : (laughter)
[Rain] : Please keep your hands off me! What an ugly face. (laughter)
[Rain] : That just reminds me of a scene in the movie,
The lobster sang, "Under the sea~~" (laughter)
[KCM] : Moondadassu? (laughter)
[Kim Jae Wook] :Please try once more.
[Rain] : "Under the sea~~" (laughter)

[Kim Jae Wook] : The film's musical director was Alan Menken.
Alan Menken has also won eight Oscars for his work with films, and he has composed many songs of various genres. He has been involved mainly in Walt Disney's films such as 'Beauty and The Beast', 'Aladdin', 'Pocahontas', 'The Hunchback of Notre Dame', 'Hercules', etc.
He began finding a composer working in off-Broadway productions

[Rain] : I had to begin from the bottom of the ladder like Alan Menken.
I had worked as a dancer at a club.
[Kim Jae Wook] : What's the name of the club in Seosan district? (laughter)
[KCM] : Rain was famous as Seosan's roller Jung. (laughter)
[Rain] : KCM, please be quiet! (laughter) Please don't stare at me like that! (laughter) Please keep your hands off me! (laughter)
I need a favor from you. I’m warning you for the last time—don't touch me.
[KCM] : Sorry. (laughter)
[Rain] : Phew..miscasting! (laughter)
[KCM] : (laughter)
[Rain] : Please stop it. (laughter) Please abstain from pretending to hit yourself !
[KCM] : OK. Actually I was pretending to give myself a smack by clapping my hands.
[Rain] :Couldn't I host this show by myself?
[KCM] : You'll feel bored.

[Kim Jae Wook] :What’s the meaning of this, "under the sea"?
[KCM] : I'm not sure. (laughter) It means, "The door isn't closed."
[Rain] : It means "under the sea."
[Kim Jae Wook] : Here is the translation for the sentence. (laughter)

[Rain] : Listener '#7227', "I think that 'Kim Jae Wook' is on vacation."
[Kim Jae Wook]: I'm not on vacation.
[Rain] : He can't be here if he is on vacation. (laughter)
[Rain] : Listener 'Silver Bead', "I like The Little Mermaid best."
I don't like the Little Mermaid because she has only the upper body. (laughter)

[Rain] : Have you seen the fourth installment of Pirates of the Caribbean?
[Kim Jae Wook]&[KCM] : No, I haven't.
[Rain] : Please be sure to watch the movie if you get the chance.

- The Lion King-

[Kim Jae Wook]: The Lion King, produced by Walt Disney, was released in 1994.
It is too will known to need emphasis.
[Rain] : In the movie, the monkey chief picks up Samba..
[KCM] : It's Simba, not Samba (laughter)
[Rain] : Hahahaha..that was on purpose. (laughter)
I meant it for a joke. (laughter)
Because I saw Samba Festival on TV this morning. (laughter)
As the chief picked up Simba in the movie, my father picked me up when I was born at B children's hospital in Nogosan-dong, Shinchon. (laughter)
[Kim Jae Wook]: The film was the first animation creation of Walt Disney, and it was the biggest box-office hit in Walt Disney's history.
At award ceremonies at that time, the movie carried off nearly all the awards.

[Rain] : When I went to New York, I was going to see some plays on Broadway, but all the tickets were sold. Musicals on Broadway were so popular that the tickets were sold out.
Very famous actors and actresses did the voices of the characters in the animation.
[Kim Jae Wook] : Matthew Broderick played Simba, Jeremy Irons played Scar.
Hans Zimmer was in charge of music for this film, and he was a piano prodigy at three.
[Rain] : So was I.
[Kim Jae Wook] : I know.
[Rain] : I was greatly admired because I was a great dancer. (laughter)
[KCM] (laughter) (failing to interrupt Rain)
[Kim Jae Wook]: Rain is endowed with extraordinary gifts.

[Kim Jae Wook]; 'Hans Zimmer' ever belonged to Pop group Buggles who sang 'Video killed the radio star'.
[Rain] : Oh, I see! (screaming with excitement)
I apologize for saying in a phlegmy voice.(laughter)

[Kim Jae Wook]; 'Hans Zimmer' participated in numerous films as a music director.
[Rain] : How many films did you see where he participated as a music director?
[KCM] : One, two..
[Rain] : Please don't go at your opponents. (to KCM)
(When 'Kim Jae Wook' took Rain's in talking)
KCM must have felt a proper charlie! (laughter)
[KCM] : Please turn off my microphones for a while! Let's step outside the studio and talk.(laughter)
[Rain] : Go out alone. (laughter)
[KCM] : I can't do that.


[Part 5]

[Rain] : Listener '#2322', "You three seem to go back to when you were young because of animations."
[Kim Jae Wook] : Listener 'Lee Bo Ra', "My parents ran a video shop in my childhood, so I saw many animations."
[KCM] : Listener 'Small Eyes', "I enjoyed watching The Lion King with my father in my early days."
[Rain] : Listener 'Movie Star Rain Ahng', "I watched 3D Lion King. Simba was honored by all animals when he was born."
I was also honored by all nurses when I was born. (laughter)
[Kim Jae Wook] : Listener '#5123', "Cute Lion King is the double of Rain, and stately Shrek is the double of KCM." (laugther)
[Rain] : Samba!! He really resembles the body of Shrek.
I'll buy green underpants to KCM. (laughter)
[Kim Jae Wook] : (laughter)
[KCM] : I'll paint Rain's body brown. (laughter)
[Rain] : We should be nice and friendly to each other.


[Rain]: The next is Shrek.
[KCM] : The scriptwriter seems to be even so hateful. (laughter)
[Kim Jae Wook] :Shrek was released in 2001.
Starting with Shrek 1 and followed by Shrek 2 and 3, Shrek Forever has now been simultaneously released worldwide.
[Rain] : Shrek starring pfc 'Kang Chang Mo' (KCM) was highly acclaimed for both its cinematic quality and its popularity, (laughter)
KCM, why did you move into the holes and wallow around in mud ?
[KCM] : I like applying a pack.
[Rain]: The Shrek films have also featured famous voices by Mike Myers, Eddie Murphy, Antonio Banderas and Julie Andrews.
[Kim Jae Wook] : Mike Myers, Eddie Murphy, Cameron Diaz, and Vincent Cassel
did the voices of Shrek, Donkey, Fiona, and Cat, respectively.
[Rain] : Do you know Vincent Cassel ?
[KCM] : No, I don't.

[Rain]: It is said Shrek is an adaption of the original story.
[Kim Jae Wook] : Yes, the Shrek films are based on William Steig's 28 fairy tales in 1990.
[Rain]: He must have earned a lot of money.
[Kim Jae Wook] :The film is definitely worth a ticket.

[Rain] : KCM, do you think you'll do another Shrek?
[KCM] : I haven't made any plans yet..
[Rain] : The next is.. (laughter)
[Rain] : Listener '#2654', "Rain and KCM, if you two do voice acting in animated films, what kind of role do you want to play?
I think KCM and I will do the voices of Shrek and Simba, respectively.
[KCM] : I want to do the voice of Baby Octopus Prince in animation ‘Dooly'.
[Rain] : (interrupting KCM) (laughter)
Listener '#7865', "My sister cares for my sick father, holding down a job. Please tell her to get motivated."
It's difficult caring for a sick family member and holding down a job to pay debts.
#7865, cheer up!

[KCM] : Listener '#9272', "I live in Chuncheon. Someone is water-skiing in the pouring rain. He looks cold, but it looks fun."
[Kim Jae Wook] : Listener '#1244', "I'm making seasoned spicy chicken. How about a girl who has the right touch about cooking?"
[Rain] : My ideal woman is a woman who is good at cooking, but I also like a pretty woman... I’ll have to think about it.
[Rain] : Listener '#1805, "You two always have such a funny show."
[KCM] : Listener 'Welcome Rain', "It's been 1400 days since I dated my angelic boy friend. Everyone I know tells me, 'Are you still dating with him?' I'll date with him for the better."
[Rain] : Throughout four years they have been dating. I think it's time to end it. (laughter)
[Kim Jae Wook] : Listener 'Silver Bead', "In movie Shrek, Donkey married Dragon, and they had a winged donkey. They are big shots."

[Rain] : Unfortunately, today is Kim Jae Wook's last day of work here.
What happened to you?
[KCM] : Really?
[Rain] : Are you fed up with me?
[Kim Jae Wook] : Because I've been exhausted these days.
[KCM] : May I ask you a question?
[Kim Jae Wook] : I don't think you should ask me a question. (laughter)
[Rain] : I'll do it.
[Kim Jae Wook] : I really enjoyed working with you two, but it is regrettable that I have to part with you.
[Rain] : I deeply appreciate your assistance.
[Kim Jae Wook] : I'm worried about you.
[Rain] : There is no need to worry.
[Kim Jae Wook] : I'm worried about KCM. (laughter)
[Rain] : I've heard 'Kim Jae Wook' will host a good radio show.
[Kim Jae Wook] : I think I'll have a regular slot on a programme soon.
I really appreciate what you've done for me during my short stay.
Lastly, let me introduce Smash Mouth's All Star, the theme song of movie Shrek.


[Part 6]

[Rain] : Listener 'Lee An Seung', "I'm a corporal with little time (70 days) left in the army here in Hwacheon. I started dating with a woman last year in May, and I dated with her for around one year. I was happy dating with her when I was on vacation or when she visited me, but I often felt a deep sense of unease and couldn't help feeling sorry for her because it was quite difficult for us to meet with each other. Meanwhile, she and I had a bust-up early April this year and I just broke up with her. Still I cannot give her up. Anyway, I want to thank her for having been really patient with me via radio."
I hope he'll make her a humble apology for his misconduct as it is not easy for a woman to wait for a soldier who is limited in activity.
Hope he made peace with her by now.
[KCM] : I feel the same way, too.

[Rain] : Listener 'Terry', "I want to thank 'Kim Jae Wook' for letting us know about good films. I hope he'll make a guest appearance on this show again."
I hate it when he's here because he is more handsome than me. (laughter)

[KCM] : Listener 'Artist JW', "I look forward to meeting 'Kim Jae Wook' again."
[Rain] : Listener '#5955', "'Kim Jae Wook, I am grateful to you for your help.
Rain, please don’t feel sad because you can meet him in your barrack every day."
Now that I have parted from him, I feel better. (laughter)
And, we are living in living complex, not in barrack.
We've been living in living complex for a long time.

[Rain] : Listener 'My Love Boku', "I'm sorry to see 'Kim Jae Wook' go. I hope the show will become a popular program."
Nonsense! This show has already become a popular program, and it makes no odds to me whether he goes or stays.

[KCM] : Listener 'Kim NA Rae', "I visited Kyungbuk Palace with my mother today, so I couldn't listened to the show."
[Rain] : Please be good to your parents. You'll have to listen to the show next time.

[Rain] : Listener '#0415', "I'm baking the bread."
I really like bread, but I’m on a diet and can't eat bread.
[KCM] : Listener 'Type B', "My mother made kimchi pancakes for me, so I was so happy."
[Rain] : This food is really great. It would be perfect if the food contains squids, oysters, and mussels, and if I have some makgeolli to go with it.
[KCM] : It would be perfect if the food even contains vegetables such as water parsley, etc.

[Rain] : Listener 'Movie Star Rainy', "I've run out of coffee, so I'm drinking milk, instead."
Her nickname Movie Star Rainy is groovy, isn't it?
[KCM] : Listener '#3462', "Time goes by too quickly. I can't wait until next week."
[Rain] : We've been having very unpredictable weather lately, so I think I must release the rain.

[KCM] : Listener '#3010', "The radio show has almost reached the end. See you next week."
[Rain] : There is plenty of work to be done in our unit today.
KCM, what are your plans for today?
[KCM] : I have only to do as I am told by my seniors. (laughter)
[Rain] : We've never brought you to heel.
[KCM] : I'll do something myself.
[Rain] : Now that you've brought it up, I will ask you a favor.
Will you mind doing my laundry?
[KCM] : I am quite prepared to do it.
[Rain] : Wow! (laughter)
It was meant to be humorous, so please don't get me wrong.
Actually, I'm quite open with KCM.
All right, everyone, thank you so much for joining us here on The Desire To Speed today. (laughter)
[KCM] : Everyone, have a nice weekend!
[Rain] : See you next week!

(singer 'Sung Si Kyung's 'Good Bye, My Love')

emik  2012.06.04
Dear 화니、Thank you very much for the translation! this is more than helpfull !!

[英⇒和訳です] *基本的に敬語は省略しています。

[Part 1]

Rain & KCMの '疾走本能' !

[Rain] : 団結すれば立ち分裂すれば倒る。
[KCM] : 人手が多ければ仕事は楽しい。
[Rain]&[KCM] : だからみんな、協力してこの番組を最もリスナーの多いラジオネットワークにしよう !

[Rain] : 数年前、子供が母親と地下鉄駅のホームで待っている間に子供がフェンスに押しつぶされた時、人々が協力して電車を持ち上げ、子供を危険から守った。
[KCM] : ほんとう?
[Rain] : ハ! 冗談だよ。(笑い)
そして、POPミュージック評論家'Lee Dae Hwa' と'Kim Jae Wook'一等兵がパート1とパート2にそれぞれゲスト出演します。 
[Rain] & [KCM] : *以下は、地域ごとの周波数の案内なので、和訳は省略します。
Please keep it right here on FM 96.7 in Seoul, Chuncheon, Pocheon, and Cheowon, FM 101.1 in Wonju, Yeoju, and Yangpyung, FM 89.5 in Baengnyeong-do, FM 92.5 in Sokcho, Gangreung, Yangyang, and Goseong, FM 93.3 in Gangwon, Kirin, and Sangnam, FM 103.3 in Hwacheongun, FM 101.5 in Yangku and Inje, FM 100.1 in Daejeon, Gyeryong, and Nhonsan, and on FM 94.1 in Cheju-do.

[KCM] : あなたのストーリーまたは曲のリクエストを有料SMS0967番(₩50)または、この番組のTwitter (@speeding967) 、あるいはSmartR2アプリケーションを通して送ってください。
[Rain]: " http://www.dema.mil.kr "にアクセスして、電子掲示板 (별사탕게시판)にコメントを投稿できます。
[Rain] : または、 "국방홍보” (国防省広報支援隊)と検索スペースに入力してアクセスできます。日ごろの喜びと悲しみのストーリー、またはあなたの周囲の人への手紙、または曲のリクエストを<;RainとKCM の疾走本能>へ送って下さい。
[KCM] : 参加者には軍放送のロゴが入ったミニラジオ、商品券、ビタミンセットなどが贈られます。
[Rain] : 曲を聴いた後、KCMをからかうよ。(笑い)

[Rain] : 曲の最後のコーラスパートが流れた時、怖かったよ。 (笑い)
[Rain] : リスナー '#6025', "誠実にそして精力的に貢献して、この番組を最もリスナーの多いラジオネットワークにしましょう。"

[KCM] : リスナー 'Terry Yu', "2人は世界的に有名な歌手なのだから、この番組を最もリスナーの多いラジオネットワークにすることができます。"
[Rain] : リスナー 'Kim Mi Young', "ラジオはマルチ商法なの?"
[KCM] : 誇張しすぎてると思う。 (笑い)
もし彼らがリスナーを10,000 人呼び込んだらなにをするべき?
[Rain] : 10,000 作のアルバムを作るよ、でも彼らが払う必要ないと思わない? (笑い)
[KCM] : リスナー 񡈪', "Rain, お願いだからKCMにきつくあたらないで, そしてKCM, Rain を思い知らせる時よ。"
[Rain] : リスナー 'Mogshili', "番組を聴くことがほんとうに楽しい。"
[KCM] : リスナー 'One Step', "雨は止みました。あなた達と一緒でうれしい。休みの日、兵士もなにもやらないのですか ?"
[Rain] : 兵士だって同じ人間だよ。僕たちも休みの日はなにもやらない。
[KCM] : でも、リラックスできない。
[Rain] : リスナー 'Decorest'. "疾走本能のおかげで今日は機嫌がいい。"
[KCM] :贈り物の中身は分からないけど、素敵な贈り物であることは確かです。
[Rain] : KCMの鼻毛を送ります。 (笑い)

[Rain] ; リスナー 'Lee Jin Ah', "確定申告の季節です。"
[KCM] : リスナー 'Coco Rain'. "この番組が最もリスナーの多いラジオネットワークになり、そしていつの日かハリウッドの有名人がゲスト出演したらいいですね。"
[Rain] ; 可能だと思うよ。
[KCM] : 彼らを招待できるの?
[Rain] ; うん, 僕は出来るよ, でもそれは費用がかかりすぎ。
[KCM] : 僕達が話したことは忘れよう、OK?

[Rain] ; リスナー 'SSM'. "明日はお釈迦様の誕生日。お寺で願い事をしてきた。この番組が最もリスナーの多いラジオネットワークになりますように。"
[KCM] : ありがとう。
[KCM] : リスナー 'Flower Rain'. "今、パートタイムで働いきながら、番組を聴いてます。"
[Rain] ; リスナー 'Only One'. "雨の日はキムチチヂミが食べたい。番組の後、イカの入ったキムチチヂミを作って食べるつもり。"
[KCM] : 僕も。
[KCM] : リスナー'#2749'. "済州島は雲がほとんどない空です。"
[Rain] : 6/1にパフォーマンスするために僕達は海軍基地のある済州島に行く予定。
[Rain] : リスナー 'Bay Cloud'. "家族と釜山の海を見渡しています。何処へ行きたいですか?"
[KCM] : 僕達、同じようなこと考えてるみたい!
[Rain] : 家で一中TVを観て、アイスコーヒーが飲みたい。
[KCM] :お母さんのご飯が食べたい。
[Rain] : うちへ帰れ! (笑い)

[Part 2]


-ポピュラーミュージック評論家 'Lee Dae Hwa' -

[Rain] : どうされてましたか?
[Lee Dae Hwa] : 暑かったので、今年初めてエアコンのスイッチを入れた。
[KCM] : 暑くて死にそう。僕達は戦闘服を着ているので、特に暑い日はさらに多くの汗をかく。
[Lee Dae Hwa] : 夏服を着ないの?
[Rain] : 僕達はオフィスで働く時に夏服を着る。さもなければ、戦闘服を着ることになっている。そして他の軍部隊の兵士達は天候にかかわらず、戦闘服のみ着ることを知っている。

[Lee Dae Hwa] : 僕は2002年に入隊した, その当時, 夏になると僕達はジャケットの袖をまくり上げていた。
[KCM] : すでに、5月の最後の日曜日。
[Lee Dae Hwa] : もうそんな時期?
[Rain] : お願いだから、どれだけ時間がのろのろ進むか言わないで! (笑い)
これが6月最後の日曜日だったらよかったのに。 (笑い)
[KCM] : 2ヵ月後に、僕は..
[Rain] : 次は..(笑い)

'Lee Dae Hwa'がpop 歌手 'G.NAの3枚目のニューシングルアルバム'BLOOM' からタイトル曲 ƈHOT'を紹介。  
[Rain] : 数年前に彼女のファーストアルバムにコーラス歌手として参加したよ。

[Lee Dae Hwa] : Pop グループ 'ULALA SESSIONのニューアルバム'Beautiful Night' がリリースされた。
POP音楽オーデション番組'Super Star K',に優勝しグループは韓国で一夜にして成功した。つい最近まで、コンテストの審査員の一人だった歌手 Psyは記者会見で"もし応募者数が2,000,000人以上になったら上半身裸で清渓山を登る。"と豪語していた。
[Rain] : Pysは彼の上半身を脱ぐのは無意味なタスクということを狙っていたと思う。 (笑い)
[Lee Dae Hwa] : 'ULALA SESSIONの新曲 'It Has Been Spent' は JYPのかつての幹部'Yun Myung Seon' によって作られた。

[Lee Dae Hwa] : Pop 歌手 'John Mayer'はギターがなかなか上手。

[Rain] : 歌手は特に女性の間、女優達に人気がある。
人気に関しては、今日の僕はかつての自分の足元にも及ばない。 (笑い)

[Lee Dae Hwa] : 海外のミュージシャンは新しい楽曲を作るために楽器を作り直す/再形成すると言われている。
[KCM] : 僕の声を変換することが可能なの?
[Rain] : 金づちでくぎを打って君の声を改修するよ。(笑い)
[KCM] : 君の試みのせいで、もし僕が声を失ったらどうするの? (笑い)
[Rain] :ごめん、 僕の言ったことを言い直すよ。このことは忘れよう。(笑い) 今日は気分が最高!



[Rain] : John Mayer は以前より優しく/甘く歌っていると思う。
[KCM] :僕が年老いた時、僕が聴いたりパフォーマンスすることを楽しんだ曲を復活させたい。
[Rain] :時間の無駄。 (笑い) 年を取ったらトロット歌手として活躍しなくちゃ。(笑い)

[KCM] : 君も砂漠の真ん中で演技するの?
[Rain] : 僕が君を働かせる時、君はトロット歌手として8トントラックまたはフォークリフトにセットしたステージの上で演じるようになる。大金を作るためだけに君が必要(笑い) 。
[Lee Dae Hwa] : もしRainがKCMの作曲者だったら, 彼 (Rain)は僕達世代の最も人気のある面白い曲を書くだろうね。
[Rain] : KCM の自尊心では割が合わないので、大金を作るためだけにKCMが必要。(笑い)

[Lee Dae Hwa] : シンガーソングライター Sara Bareillesのニューミニアルバム'Once Upon Another Time'について。 彼女は韓国でもポピュラー。
[Rain] : ピアノ伴奏で歌を歌うのは極めて低コストだろうね。(笑い)
僕の'Love Story' の曲を作るために並々ならぬ努力をした、でも大衆は気づかなかった。(笑い) 僕がどれだけ一生懸命やったか彼らに知ってほしい。
だから、'Lee Dae Hwa' に提案したい、いつの日か 僕にインタビューすることを。
[Lee Dae Hwa] : Rainの音楽仲買人についてRainに話がある。

[KCM] : 僕もインタビューしてくれる?
[Lee Dae Hwa] : Rainとデュエットをレコーディングした後に来てください。
[KCM] : トロット歌手として活動する事をRainと決めたよ。
[Rain] : 無謀なこと言わないで。 (笑い)
[KCM] : もしチャンスがあったら、僕の踊りを見せたい。
[Rain] : ほんとうに? 実は、彼はB-boyだった。
[Rain] : Lee Dae Hwa, 今日はお越しいただきありがとうございます、そしてまた来週お会いしましょう。

[Part 4]

[Rain] : Shrek はいう "あなたはすでに美しい。"
[KCM] : 恋する人の全てが美しく見えてしまう。=痘痕も靨(えくぼ)
-'Kim Jae Wook' と映画について語る-

[Rain] : KCM, どうして無駄骨を折るの?
[KCM] : どうして? どうして?
[Rain] : 僕達はロゴソングのコーラスパートを歌うことに時間をかけ過ぎたよ。
[KCM] : お願いだから、やめて。 (笑い)
[Kim Jae Wook]: 恐れて続けていたことがついに起こった。(笑い)

[Rain] : (KCMを遮りそして話を始める) (笑い)
'Kim Jae Wook', どんな種類の映画を今日は紹介してくれるの?

'Kim Jae Wook', どんな種類の映画を今日は紹介してくれるの?
[Kim Jae Wook]: アニメ3 本、 リトルマーメード, ライオンキング と シュレックを紹介するよ。
[KCM] : アニメ大好き。

- リトルマーメイド-

[Kim Jae Wook] : 現在までのことを要約すると
[Rain] :Under the sea ~~(笑い)
[KCM] : Moondadassu? (韓国語문 닫았어? の発音から類推されるつづり : 英語では..あなたがドアを閉めた?) (笑い)
[Kim Jae Wook] : これはアンデルセンのおとぎ話がベースになっている。
[Rain] : KCM, " Under the sea" を "ドアは閉められた?" または何かに訳した?
[KCM] : ちがうよ、彼らはなんていうか知ってるでしょ - リトルマーメイドがロブスターに"Moondadassu?" (韓国語:문닫았어?  英語:あなたがドアを閉めた?)", と言ったときロブスターが答えた, "Andadassu" (韓国語:안닫았어  英語: '私はドアを閉めなかった' )
(返答なし) ごめん..
[Rain] : さーさー出て。 (お前に思い知らせてやる)(笑い)
[KCM] : 迷惑をかけて申し訳ない。(笑い)

[Kim Jae Wook] : リトルマーメイドはJohn Muskerが監督した。
彼は、リトルマーメイドを含む'アラジン', ヘラクレス,宝島, 'プリンセスと魔法のキス(The Princess and the Frog)などを監督した。

[Rain] : 'リトルマーメイド', 'アラジン', そして '美女と野獣を観た時とても感動した。ウォルト・ディズニー・カンパニーは時代とともに変わるので必ず成功する。'リトルマーメイド'は映画のような品質とその人気の両方で高く評価されたといわれている。
[Kim Jae Wook] : 美術、音響そして見事な視覚効果で賞も取った。
[Rain] : (映画の)シーンを思い出す。
[KCM] : またその話を持ち出した。 (笑い)(KCM はRain が番組のロゴソングの事を言うと思った)
[Rain] : 笑わないで!
[KCM] : (笑い)
[Rain] : 僕に触らないで!  なんて醜い顔なんだ。(笑い)
[Rain] : 映画の中のシーン、ロブスターが歌った"Under the sea~~" を思い出す。(笑い)
[KCM] : Moondadassu? (笑い)
[Kim Jae Wook] :もう一度やってみて。
[Rain] : "Under the sea~~" (笑い)

[Kim Jae Wook] : 映画の音楽監督はAlan Menkenだった。

彼は主にウォルト・ディズニーの映画、例えば’美女と野獣' 'アラジン' ポカホンタス', 'ノートルダムの鐘', 'ヘラクレス'などに関わっている。彼はブロードウエイプロダクションで働き作曲家を探す事を始めた。

[Rain] : 僕は Alan Menkenのように無一文から身を起こさなければならなかった。
[Kim Jae Wook] : 瑞山地区のなんていう名前のクラブ? (笑い)
[KCM] : Rain は瑞山のroller Jung で有名だった。(笑い)
[Rain] : KCM, 静かにして! (笑い) 僕のことそんなふうに見ないで! (笑い)僕に触らないで! (笑い)。君に頼みがある。最後の警告-僕に触るな。
[KCM] : ごめん(笑い)
[Rain] : はあー ミスキャスティング(誤った配役)! (笑い)
[KCM] : (笑い)
[Rain] : お願いやめて。(笑い) 自分を叩くフリは慎んで !
[KCM] : OK. 実際、自分の手を叩いて自分に平手打ちしているフリをしていた。
[Rain] :この番組、僕一人の司会で、できなかったかな?
[KCM] : 退屈になるよ。

[Kim Jae Wook] :この "Under the sea" はどういう意味?
[KCM] : 良くわからない。(笑い) "ドアは閉められていない" っていう意味だよ。
[Rain] : "Under the sea" という意味。
[Kim Jae Wook] : ほら、文章の訳だよ。(笑い)

[Rain] : リスナー'#7227', "'Kim Jae Wook' は休暇中だと思う。"
[Kim Jae Wook]: 休暇中じゃないよ。
[Rain] : もし休暇中ならば、彼はここにいてはいけない。(笑い)
[Rain] : リスナー 'Silver Bead', "リトルマーメイドが一番好き。"

[Rain] : Pirates of the Caribbeanの第4作は観た事ある?
[Kim Jae Wook]&[KCM] : 観た事ない。
[Rain] : もし、機会があったら必ず観て。

- ライオンキング-

[Kim Jae Wook]: ライオンキングはウォルト・ディズニーによってプロデュースされ、1994年にリリースされた。.
[Rain] : 映画の中で, サルのボスがサンバを持ち上げる。
[KCM] : それはシンバだよ、サンバじゃないよ。(笑い)
[Rain] : Hahahaha..わざとだよ。(笑い)

冗談のつもりだった。 (笑い)
[Kim Jae Wook]: この映画はウォルト・ディズニーの最初のアニメ製作、そしてウォルト・ディズニーの歴史上、最大のヒット作となった。

[Rain] : 僕がNew Yorkに行った時, 幾つかの芝居をブロードウェイでを観るはずだった、でもすべてのチケットは売り切れ。ブロードウェイのミュージカルはとても人気があってチケットが売り切れだった。とても有名な女優や俳優がアニメのキャラクターの声を担当したよね。
[Kim Jae Wook] : Matthew Broderick がSimbaの声, Jeremy IronsがScarの声を担当した。
3歳の時ピアノの神童だったHans Zimmer がこの映画の音楽を担当した。
[Rain] : 僕もそうだった。
[Kim Jae Wook] : 知ってるよ。
[Rain] : 僕は素晴らしいダンサーだったので 称賛された。(笑い)
[KCM] (笑い) (Rainの邪魔をすることができない)

[Kim Jae Wook]: Rain は生まれつき類稀なる特別な才能に恵まれている。
[Kim Jae Wook]; 'Hans Zimmer' はかつて 'Video killed the radio star'を歌ったPOPグループBugglesに所属していた。
[Rain] : オー, なるほど! (興奮して騒ぐ) 

[Kim Jae Wook]; 'Hans Zimmer' は音楽監督として非常に多くの映画に参加している。
[Rain] : 彼が音楽監督として参加した映画をいくつ観た?
[KCM] : 1、2本..
[Rain] : (KCMに向って)君の対戦相手に行かないで。
('Kim Jae Wook' がRainの話に引き込まれている時)
KCM はひどくばかにされたと感じているに違いない。(笑い)
[KCM] : 僕のマイクロフォンをしばらくオフにして! スタジオの外へ出て話そう。(笑い)
[Rain] : 一人で出て行け。(笑い)
[KCM] : それはできない。

[Part 5]

[Rain] : リスナー '#2322', "アニメであなた達3人は若かった時に戻っているように思える。"

[Kim Jae Wook] : リスナー 'Lee Bo Ra', "私が子供の頃、両親がビデオショップを経営していたので、たくさんのアニメを観た。"
[KCM] : リスナー 'Small Eyes', "若い時、父と一緒にライオンキングを観るのが楽しかった。"
[Rain] : リスナー 'Movie Star Rain Ahng', "3D のライオンキングを観た。シンバが生まれた時、彼はすべての動物による称賛をうけた。"
[Kim Jae Wook] : リスナー '#5123', "かわいいライオンキングはRainの生き写し, 風格のあるシュレックはKCMの生き写し。" (笑い)
[Rain] : サンバ!! 彼はほんとにシュレックの体に似ている。
[Kim Jae Wook] : (笑い)
[KCM] : 僕はRainの体を茶色に塗るよ。(笑い)
[Rain] : 僕達はお互いに優しく、フレンドリーにならないと。


[Rain]: 次はシュレック。
[KCM] : 脚本家は大嫌いな気さえする。(笑い)
[Kim Jae Wook] :シュレックは2001年にリリースされた。
シュレック 1 から始まって、 シュレック 2 、 3,と続き、 シュレックフォーエバーは全世界同時にリリースされている。

[Rain] : 'Kang Chang Mo' (KCM) 一等兵主演のシュレックは映画のような品質とその人気の両方で高く評価された。(笑い)
KCM, どうして穴に移って 泥にまみれてるの ?
[KCM] : パックをするのが好きだから。
[Rain]: 映画シュレックは Mike Myers, Eddie Murphy, Antonio Banderas そして Julie Andrewsなど有名人が声で参加した。
[Kim Jae Wook] : Mike Myers, Eddie Murphy, Cameron Diaz, そして Vincent Cassel
がシュレック, Donkey, Fiona, そして Cat, をそれぞれが担当した。
[Rain] : Vincent Cassel 知ってる?
[KCM] : 知らない。

[Rain]: It is said シュレックはオリジナルストーリーの脚色と言われている。
[Kim Jae Wook] : そう、映画シュレックは William Steigの1990年の28個のおとぎ話がベースとなっている。
[Rain]: 彼は大金を稼いだに違いない。
[Kim Jae Wook] :この映画は間違いなく価値がある。

[Rain] : KCM, 君はもう1回シュレックをやると思う?
[KCM] : 予定はまだ白紙のまま..
[Rain] : 次は.. (笑い)

[Rain] : リスナー '#2654', "Rain と KCM,もしあなた達がアニメ映画の声優をやる
[KCM] : アニメ ‘Dooly'のタコの赤ちゃん王子の声をやりたい。
[Rain] : (KCMのじゃまをする) (笑い)
リスナー '#7865', "わたしの姉/妹が仕事をしながら病気の父の面倒をみている。彼女にやる気を出すよう言ってほしい。"
#7865, 元気を出して!

[KCM] : リスナー '#9272', "私は春川に住んでいる。降りしきる雨の中、誰かがウォータースキーをしている。彼は寒そうに見える、でも楽しそう。"
[Kim Jae Wook] : リスナー '#1244', "味付けされたスパイシーチキンを作っている。
[Rain] : 理想の女性は料理が上手な人、でもかわいい人も好き... このことは考えておく。
[Rain] : リスナー '#1805, "2人はいつも楽しい番組をやってくれる。"

[KCM] : リスナー 'Welcome Rain', "天使のようなボーイフレンドと付き合い始めて1400日が過ぎた。私の知り合いみんなが私に言う, 'まだ、彼と付き合っているの?'良い方向へ向って
[Rain] :彼らは4年間に渡って付き合っている。終わらせる時だと思う。(笑い)
[Kim Jae Wook] : リスナー 'Silver Bead', "映画シュレックで, Donkey はDragonと結婚した,そして 彼らは翼のあるdonkeyを得た。彼らは重要人物。"

[Rain] : 残念ながらKim Jae Wookのここでの仕事は今日が最後。
[KCM] : 本当に?
[Rain] : 僕にうんざりした?
[Kim Jae Wook] : 最近疲れ果てているから。
[KCM] : 質問してもいい?
[Kim Jae Wook] : 僕に質問するべきではないと思う。(笑い)
[Rain] : 僕がやるよ。
[Kim Jae Wook] : 君たち2人と一緒に仕事して本当に楽しかった、でも残念だけど君たちと離れなければならない。
[Rain] :君の支援に深く感謝するよ。
[Kim Jae Wook] : 君たちのことが心配だ。
[Rain] : 心配する必要はないよ。
[Kim Jae Wook] : KCMのことが心配。(笑い)
[Rain] : 'Kim Jae Wook' が良いラジオ番組の司会をやると聞いたよ。

[Kim Jae Wook] : もうすぐ、定期的な時間枠を持つことになると思う。
最後に映画シュレックのテーマソングSmash Mouthの All Starを紹介させて。


[Part 6]

[Rain] : リスナー 'Lee An Seung', "僕は、除隊まで残りがほとんどない(70日)華川にいる伍長です。去年の5月に女性と付き合いはじめて約1年、僕が休暇中にデートしたり、彼女が僕を訪問してくれた時はうれしかった、でもお互いに会うのが難しくかったので強い不安感を度々感じて、彼女のことを気の毒に思わずにはいられなかった。一方、今年の4月初めに彼女と僕はけんかをして、彼女と別れた。いまだに彼女のことがあきらめられない。とにかく、
[KCM] : 僕も同感だよ。

[Rain] : リスナー 'Terry', "よい映画について教えてもらい'Kim Jae Wook' に感謝します。彼がこの番組に再びゲスト出演することを望みます。"

[KCM] : リスナー 'Artist JW', "また 'Kim Jae Wook'に会えることを楽しみにしてます。"
[Rain] : リスナー '#5955', "'Kim Jae Wook,あなたの手助けに感謝します。
Rain, 毎日兵舎で彼と会うことができるのだから、どうか悲しまないで。"

[Rain] : リスナー 'My Love Boku', " 'Kim Jae Wook'が去って残念です。この番組がポピュラーになることを祈ります。"
ノンセンス! この番組はすでにポピュラーになった、そして彼が去ろうが、残ろうが大差はない。

[KCM] : リスナー 'Kim NA Rae', "今日は母と一緒に景福宮を訪ねています、なので、番組を聴くことができなかった"
[Rain] : ご両親に優しくしてあげてね。次回は番組を聴くように。
[Rain] : リスナー '#0415', "パンを焼いてます。."


[KCM] : リスナー 'Type B', "母がキムチチヂミを作ってくれたので、とても幸せだった。" [Rain] : この食べ物は本当に素晴らしい。もし食べ物にイカ、牡蠣、そしてムール貝が入っていて、一緒にマッコリがあったら完璧。
[KCM] : 食べ物に野菜、例えば水パセリなどもが入っていたらパーフェクト。

[Rain] : リスナー 'Movie Star Rainy', " コーヒーを切らしてしまったので、代わりに牛乳を飲んでます。"
彼女のニックネーム Movie Star Rainy はカッコいい、そう思わない?
[KCM] : リスナー'#3462', "時間が経つのが早過ぎる。来週まで待ちきれない。."
[Rain] : 最近、天気がとても変わりやすいので、雨を解き放さなくてはと思う。

[KCM] : リスナー'#3010', "ラジオ番組はそろそろ終わり。また来週。."
[Rain] : 今日は僕達の部隊でやるべきことが山積みにある。
KCM, 今日の予定は?
[KCM] :先輩に言われたことをやるだけ。 (笑い)
[Rain] : 僕達は君を服従させたことなんて一度もないよ。
[KCM] : 自分の事をやるつもり。
[Rain] : そいうえば、頼みたいことがあるのだけど。

[KCM] : すでにやるつもりだよ。
[Rain] : ワォ! (笑い)
実は、僕は KCMにかなりオープンなんだ。
よし、みんな、今日は疾走本能に参加してくれてどうもありがとう。 ((笑い))
[KCM] : みんな、良い週末を!
[Rain] : また来週!

(歌手'Sung Si Kyungの 'Good Bye, My Love')

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