Végtelen erőfeszítés, végtelen kitartás, végtelen szerénység. (Rain vezérelve)

Tudtam, hogy ránézésre nem tűnök valami nagy számnak, a megjelenésem sem túl vonzó, de a bensőm elég rendkívüli. Minden színpadra lépés előtt azt mondom magamnak, hogy én vagyok a legjobb, és minden előadás után ugyanúgy azt, hogy nem én vagyok. Ezért minden fellépés előtt 120 százalékosan kell felkészülnöm, hogy az előadáson 100 százalékos teljesítményt tudjak nyújtani. Ennek érdekében minden álló nap folyamatosan képzem magam. Már nagyon hosszú ideje alváshiányban szenvedek, mert ha éppen nem dolgozom, akkor vagy edzek, vagy a koreográfiákat és a dalokat próbálom. Éppen úgy, mint a filmfelvételek idején, ha valamit nem csináltam jól, képtelen vagyok aludni. Akár színészként, akár énekesként, a legjobbat kell tudnom kihozni magamból. De nem kell aggódni, hogy most nincs elegendő időm az alvásra, jut arra majd bőven a halálom után. (Rain)

Ez a fiatalság, ez az egészség... és a túlcsorduló önbizalom... az erőfeszítés, amit az oly hihetetlen előadásai sikeres megvalósításáért tett... és a tehetség, amit felmutat, ezek töltenek el spontán tisztelettel engem. Azt gondolom, hogy a történelem a fontos személyiségek között fogja jegyezni. Úgy, mint aki színészként és zenészként egyaránt sikeres lett. ...
Ami igazán meglepő Ji-hoonban, az az, hogy egyfajta düh, bosszúvágy és szomorúság, az összes efféle sötét, komor negatív motiváció az ő esetében rendkívül optimista és derűs módon ölt testet.
(Park Chan-wook rendező)

> RAIN KRÓNIKA: 2012.04.11.


[11-Apr-12][enewsworld]Rain Appointed Honorary Ambassador of Military


Rain has been appointed this year′s military ambassador.

The singer, who currently serves as a PR agent for the Defense Media Agency (DEMA), attended the ceremony held at the Military Manpower Administration (MMA) on April 10 to receive his appointment plaque from the director of the MMA.

Director Kim asked Rain, as the newly-appointed ambassador, to "let the youth know that they should be proud and honored to be serving their military duties."

The ambassador role was previously taken up by Lee Dong Gun and Seo Ji Seok. "I will probably play a small role, but I′ll work hard to let people know about the changed conscription administration and have those who served their duties be more looked up to and honored in society," said Rain.

Rain began his promotions as the ambassador at the ceremony with a speech for the draftees who were there for their physical examinations and talked about his own experiences in the military.

Rain will be promoting the military by modeling for MMA and attending the military cultural festival during his year of service.

The singer enlisted in October 2011 and was transferred to DEMA mid-March.

Photo credit: DEMA′s official blog
Translation Credit : Erika Kim
source : enewsworld




@rainacloud twitter

[주맘 봄개편 코너 변경 안내] 수 간발의 차이 (With. 정지훈, 강창모) 주제를 놓고 벌이는 사연 배틀!, 다음 주 주제는 '군대 이야기'입니다~ 자세한 내용은 코너 게시판 공지를 참고해주세요.

secession  2012.04.11
[English translation]

-Rain'll appear on the program on 18 April 2012 - (8:00pm~10:00pm)

[Check out Friends FM (Park Hyo Shin's 주고싶은 마음 듣고싶은 얘기)'s new Spring lineup] 'Jung Ji Hoon' (Rain) will go head-to-head with 'Kang Chang Mo', talking about the topic, "Military Story". For further information, please refer to a notice on the bulletin board.

[Source] : http://www.dema.mil.kr/web/home/story?skin_type=S&menu_seq=1895&&pseq=0
[Credit] : http://twitter.com/#!/rainacloud



[Fan Acct][Eng.trans] Saw Rain yesterday (on April 10th, 2012)  

[Fan Acct][Eng.trans] Saw Rain yesterday (on April 10th, 2012)

병무청에 일하는 친한언니가 비느 병무청 홍보대사되서
위촉식 하러 온다고 자랑함ㅠ
고거 볼수 있냐고 물어보니깐 외부인들 참석 못하는 행사라길래 맘접고 있었는데,
월요일 라됴가 넘 잼나는거임ㅠㅠ
홍보대상 행사 9시부터 11시 반까지라길래,
비느 행사끝나고 나와서 차타는거 볼수 있을까 싶어서 갔음!!
나 비느랑 인사도하고 편지도 주고 악수도 함ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
아침 스케줄이라 피곤해 보였는데 완전 다정자상함ㅠㅠ
안녕하세요 인사하며서 편지랑 캔디 드렸는데 고맙다고
아이컨텍 했음ㅠ
악수도 해주심ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
건물에서 나와서 건물 현관서 기념 사진 촬영하고
은회색스타렉스타고 관계자분 3명하고 가셨음.
비느 오늘 피부에서 광나고 완전 멋진거다ㅠㅠ
병무청 직원 언니는 위촉식장도 들어갔는데,
다들 비보고 멋지다고 난리 난리났다고ㅋㅋ
청장도 키도 크고 잘생기고 어깨도 떡 벌어지고 같이 걸어오는데
위풍 당당하고 진짜 멋진 군인이라고 막 칭찬하고 했다고 하드라ㅋㅋ
홍보대사 은근 유명 연예인 병사들이 많이 했는데 어제가 가장 핫했다고ㅋㅋ
어제 바로 후기 쓰려고 했는데 바빠서 이제야 씀.
참. 편지에, 팬들 소포 보내고 싶어서 발 동동했었는데 보내지 말라고 해서 참고있었다고
라됴로 봉인해제 당해서 앞으로 소포가 하늘에서 비처럼 내릴테니깐 마음에 준비 해두시라고 썼다.

- It happened on April 10th, 2012. -

My acquaintance, with whom I am close, boasted that she could see Rain at the Military
Manpower Administration (MMA), where he was to be appointed as a honorary
ambassador for MMA, and where she works.

I was extremely disappointed to hear that event is off-limits to the general public, but the
radio program featuring him the day before was a lot of fun, which made me miss him
so much. ㅠㅠ

However, I was so excited with the thought of seeing him even after the event that was to
run from 9:00am till 11:00am.

I finally met Rain. When I handed him a letter and some candies, he shook hands with me
and even caught my eye.ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

Since his schedule started off with an early morning, he looked tired, but he was kind and

He went out of the building and posed for a commemorative picture, and then he climbed
into a sliver Starex van with his party (three) and left.

He looked so gorgeous today as his skin was shining with health..ㅠㅠ
According to my acquaintance allowed to enter the event, there was a scene of
commotion in that area, with the appearance of Rain..keke..

The head of MMA walked in with Rain who is tall and quite good-looking and who has
broad shoulders, is alleged to have said to them, "Rain is definitely an awesome and
commanding soldier."

As the other hot days can't be half as hot as yesterday, Rain has had few equals and
probably no superior in creating a sensation..keke..

My letter to him reads as follows, "We were restraining ourselves from sending you
packages because you asked us not to send too many gifts to you, but you'll probably
get so many different gifts as if it rains without a break, so please psych yourself up for

English translation by 화니


Friends FM mention rain  

앞으로 주맘의 코너는 이렇게 진행될 예정입니다~

월 철세의 투애니 원 (With. 김주철, 김세아)
2000년대 가요 차트들 만나볼 거예요, 1위부터 10위까지의 노래들 외에도
변두리에서 반짝 반짝 빛났던 보석같은 노래들 함께 들어보아요~

화 괜찮은 컬렉션 (With. 김재욱, 캐스커)
주제에 걸맞는 영화 한 편과, 또.. 추천 곡들!! 소개해주실 거구요

수 간발의 차이 (With. 정지훈, 강창모)

주제를 놓고 벌이는 사연 배틀!, 다음 주 주제는 '군대 이야기'입니다~ 자세한 내용은

코너 게시판 공지를 참고해주세요
목 (With. 임주환, 이진호, 신고은)
잘난 척 하고 싶어서 입이 근질 근질 하신 분들!!, 내 자랑, 친구 자랑, 옷 자랑, 성적 자랑 등등!!
각종 '척', '자랑' 사연들 환영합니다~ 진짜 같은 뻥(?), 뻥 같은 진짜(?)..도 괜찮아요
(외모자랑 하실 분들은 사진 첨부해주세요.. 쿄디제이 '사진 좋아하는 거 아시죠?)
허세.... 몰래 부리지 마세요, 주맘에 공개하세요....
4월 12일 목요일에 첫 선 보일 거구요. 자랑 사연들 많이 많이 보내주세요~

금 뮤직 바리스타
한 주일의 마무리는 오붓하게!!
여러분의 신청곡으로만 채워갈 건데요.. 신청곡만 척- 보내주시면 재미 없겠죠?
좌우명, 명대사, 책구절, 명언, 노래 가사 한 구절 등등.... 각종 멋지고 좋은 말들.. 신청곡과 함께
버무려서 보내주세요~
숙련된 쿄디제이가, 달콤하게 소개해주실 겁니다~

* 더 궁금한 점 있으신 분들은 주맘 전용 이메일로 문의해주세요~
청취자 여러분의 불꽃 튀는 참여!! 부탁드립니다 :)

source : http://dema.mil.kr/web/home/story?skin_type=S&menu_seq=1895&&pseq=0
secession  2012.04.11-Rain part-

수 간발의 차이 (With. 정지훈, 강창모)
주제를 놓고 벌이는 사연 배틀!, 다음 주 주제는 '군대 이야기'입니다~ 자세한 내용은 코너 게시판 공지를 참고해주세요

[English translation]

Friends FM (Park Hyo Shin's 주고싶은 마음 듣고싶은 얘기)'s [Wednesday (April 18th) corner entitled "By A Close Call"]
: 'Jung Ji Hoon' (Rain) and 'Kang Chang Mo' will fight a conversational battle, talking about the topic, "Military Story". For further information, please refer to a notice on the bulletin board.


[Important Info] Rain won't appear on Friends FM (Park Hyo Shin's 주고
은 마음 듣고싶은 얘기) today (April 11th)

제 19대 총선이 치뤄지는 4월 11일에는~

코너 없이! 여러분들의 사연과 신청곡 소개해드리는 시간 갖겠습니다~

주맘 고정 대타 DJ.. 차가운 군대남자 김재욱 일병께서 진행해주실 거니깐요,

참여를 희망하시는 분들은 4월 10일 오전까지 사연과 신청곡 많이 보내주세요~

(사전 녹음 방송으로 진행됩니다^^)

-Brief summary-

Rain'll appear on Friends FM (Park Hyo Shin's 주고싶은 마음 듣고싶은 얘기)
every Wednesday, beginning next Wednesday (April 18th) because a general election is
being held today (April 11th)
Thus, Rain won't appear on it today (April 11th)

Brief summary by 화니


[Eng Trans]12-04-11 General picture

credit : hana cyworld

우리 장군이가.....이렇게 변신했어요♡

밤비같아 잇힝 +_+

털이 너무  엉켜서 빗질해줄때 너무 아파했던 장군이

이젠 빗질해줄 털이 없구나..


secession  2012.04.11

Our Januny (General) has changed like this. ♡
He looks like Bambi..Oh..+_+

Since his hair got tangled easily, he was in terrible pain whenever I combed his hair. But now there isn't any of his hairs I can brush..kekekekekekekekekeke.


Rain @ Sepang , Malaysia last year


Rain Anchor Beer billboard


12-04-10 Rain appointed as Military Ambassador

source : http://blog.daum.net/mma9090/


12-04-10 mma9090 - Rain appointed as Military Ambassador_Rain's Interview

credit :blog.daum.net/mma9090 // cap by ratoka

part 1


part 2


secession 2012.04.12

[English translation]

[Interview 1 (4' 28" video)]


Rain : As South Korean soldiers' face to the world, I'll do my best to fulfill my role as the honorary ambassador.

Contrary to popular belief, you can learn many things from the military service.

I'm sure it'll be a rewarding experience, and I'll do everything I'm obligated to do. Thank you. Loyalty!


MC : Please give a warm round of applause for pfc "Jung Ji Hoon" (Rain)


-Time to communicate with Rain's juniors-


MC : Entertainers tend to add it on when they say about their heights.

You are very tall. So, how tall are you?

Rain : 185cm


MC : "Jung Ji Hoon' stood 183cm tall when he had a physical examination for draft about 12 years ago. Do you remember what your weight was at that time?

Rain : I can't remember.

MC : If you know the answer, raise your hand.

Person A : 78kg

Rain : I think he has got the right answer.

MC : A small gift will be provided for him.

MC : It's a gift that his mother will really like.

3:13 ~3:35

- Q &A time -

Rain : After leaving the military, I'll return to work as a singer, as a dancer, and as an actor. I think I can let my activities run bigger and wilder than ever before then, and I think it'll be a lot of fun, so my expectations are higher than ever before.


Rain : From the standpoint of those who haven't served yet in the military, I guess hard tack(건빵) can’t be truly felt. But I'm sure you'll really like to have some hard tacks when you are enlisted and trained someday.


Rain ; During vacation, I tried eating my favorite food many times.

secession 2012.04.12

[Interview 2 (4' 33" video)]


Q : How do you feel about being a honorary ambassador for the Military Manpower Administration (MMA)?

Rain: It's a great honor, and I'll work hard as a honorary ambassador for MMA.


Q : Where did you have a physical examination for draft?

Rain : I did it here.

Q : How old were you when you had an examination at that time?

Rain : At the age of 19.

0: 49~1:09

Q : I think this place reminds you of old memories again.

Rain ; I've been here for the first time in nearly 12 years. When I first went to

this place, it all felt very alien to me, but now I've been serving in the military, therefore it looks familiar.


Q : Doesn't an image of your old form come to you?

Rain : Being here reminds me of my old form, and I am filled with emotions as I think about the past.


Q : What would you like to say to those who are here for a physical examination for draft?

Rain ; Please feel free to join the military, and enjoy the military service.


Q : What kind of activities will you do in the year ahead?

Rain ; I hope to make a great impression on people with information activities.

Q ; What would you like to say to your friends who are entertainers who are about to join the military?
Rain : It is due to them to be required to serve in the military, so I hope them to enjoy the military service.

Q : What advice would you give to your soldier mates who have broken up with their girlfriends since they joined the military?
Rain : Frankly, out of sight seems to be out of mind. They've had a hard time after breaking up with their girlfriends, so it would be better for the people (who are about to join the army) to enter the armed services when they have no girl friends.

Q ; What advice did the people around you give to you before your military service?
Rain ; Unlike the past, current soldiers are not rigorously controlled and the military service encourages much more flexible than before. If you have any doubts, make sure for yourself.

Q : What would you like to talk to those who are to join the army?
Rain ; If they adapt themselves to their environment, there will be a day when things will open up for them.


120410 [V] - 韓國娛樂速遞_培養偶像的投資報酬率(Rain Edit)

credit : icomewithrain @ youtube

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q ... e=player_embedded#!


12-04-10 MTV - News_Talk about Rain & MBLAQ

CREDIT :  IcomewithRain
120411 SBS_ Morning Wide_Rain is thinking to have double eyelid surgery when he's a little older  

120411 SBS_Morning Wide_Rain is thinking to have double eyelid surgery when he's a little older

 비 "쌍커풀 수술, 조금 더 나이 들면 할 것"

youtube blocked the vid, so I put youku only

Credit: Edited by scorpiola // scorpiola @ youku



12-04-11 KBS - News_Rain appointed as Military Ambassador

credit : KBS // CAP BY RATOKA



12-04-10 KBS - Rain appointed as Military Ambassador

Source : KBS // Cap by ratoka


10.04.12[SBS]BI Rain Thinking of Getting Plastic Surgery?

see the video here >>> http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xq1cj8_10-04-12-sbs-bi-rain-thinking-of-getting-plastic-surgery_news


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